The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Apr. 29, 2005

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Volume 3, Issue 27

Dental Soldiers hone tactical skills Page 21






The Morning Calm Weekly is

Busan Aquarium offers fishy fun


Page 16


Guilty Akbar could face death penalty

On the Move


A 2nd Infantry Division Soldier prepares equipment for the 50th Engineer Company’s move to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. The unit expects to depart the peninsula for the United States in the middle of May. For related story, See Page 5.

Yellow Dust brings health, safety issues 18th Medical Command YONGSAN -- Did you notice the brownish tinge to the air recently? It is what the Koreans call “HwangSa,” meaning “Yellow Dust,” from the deserts of China, Mongolia and Manchuria. This seasonal phenomenon occurs intermittently throughout the spring and is usually seen in the dry spring months when meteorological conditions allow the sand picked up from deserts thousands of miles to the west and north of Korea to settle on the Korean peninsula. It typically rises to a height of 3 to 5 km before blowing eastward at some 30 meters per second, crossing the West (Yellow) Sea and arriving in Korea a few days later. Unfortunately, the Yellow Dust brings many problems with it. It can create

April 29, 2005

visibility problems for pilots, hinder the operation of precision machines and impair the growth of agricultural products. For humans, the small dust particles in the 1- to 10-micron size can cause respiratory and eye problems. Lt. Col. Hee-Choon S. Lee, preventative medicine consultant, 18th Medical Command, said the dust is especially dangerous to individuals with existing respiratory problems. “The effect (of the Yellow Dust) is to trigger attacks of asthma and worsen (a person’s) respiratory status,” Lee said. “New research suggesting that those without asthma may actually develop asthma when exposed to particulate pollution such as in the Yellow dust phenomenon.” To help prevent these problems, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

issued guidelines for outdoor activity levels based on measured levels of dust particles in the air. According to the EPA, people with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at the highest risk, but everybody should try to minimize their exposure to this dust phenomenon as the concentration level increases. As the dust concentration level climbs above 200, people with heart or lung disease, older adults and children should try to avoid outdoor physical activity, and everyone else should try to avoid prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion. Levels above 300 are a greater health concern, and those most at risk should remain indoors and keep their activity levels low, while others should try to avoid all unnecessary outdoor activity. Lee also suggested taking steps to

See DUST DUST,, Page 4

Army News Service F O RT B R A G G, N . C . – S g t . H a s a n A k b a r, t h e f o r m e r 1 0 1 s t Airborne Division Soldier accused of the March 23, 2003, grenade attack on three tents in Kuwait, was found guilty April 21. A court-martial panel of nine officers and six noncommissioned officers deliberated for 2 and a half hours before returning the verdict by a unanimous vote: guilty of two specifications of premeditated murder and three specifications of attempted premeditated murder. Akbar now faces three possible sentences: life in prison, life in prison without the possibility of parole, or death. Akbar was convicted of a grenade attack on three tents in Camp Pennsylvania, Kuwait, that took the lives of Capt. Christopher Seifert and Maj. Gregory Stone. Fourteen others were wounded from the 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Ky., in the night grenade attack during the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Maj. Richard Patterson, public a ff a i r s o ff i c e r f o r Ta s k F o r c e Bragg, said that although T h u r s d a y ’s u n a n i m o u s v e r d i c t means Akbar is eligible for the death penalty, the court must make other unanimous findings for that penalty to be imposed. Patterson said the court must find unanimously that the Army has proved aggravating circumstances, and make a second finding that the aggravating circumstances outweigh any mitigating factor raised by the defense. The sentencing phase was set to begin at 9 a.m. April 25. ( E d i t o r ’s n o t e : I n f o r m a t i o n p ro v i d e d b y Ta s k F o rc e B r a g g Public Affairs.)



April 29, 2005

MP Blotter The following entries were excerpted from the past several weeks military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not determine the guilt or innocence of any person. ! Military police were notified of an assault consummated by battery. Preliminary investigation revealed that two Soldiers were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical, when the first Soldier struck the second Soldier in the face with a closed fist. The first Soldier was apprehended and transported to the MP station where he was administered a series of field sobriety tests, which he failed. The two Soldiers were transported to a local medical facility where the first Soldier was administered a command-directed blood alcohol test, with results pending. The second Soldier was treated and transported to a local hospital and treated for a broken ankle and released. The first Soldier was then transported back to the MP station, where he was released to his unit. He was later advised of his legal rights, which he waived, rendering a sworn statement attesting to the incident. This is an alcohol-related incident. Investigation continues by MPI. ! Military police were notified of an aggravated assault. Investigation disclosed that a Soldier and an unknown subject were involved in a verbal altercation, which turned physical, when the unknown subject repeatedly struck the Soldier in the face with an open fist. The Soldier was transported to a local medical facility for treatment of head injuries and altered mental status, and then MEDAVACed to a local hospital for further evaluation. The Soldier is currently being treated for injuries including lacerations to the back of his head, swelling to the left side of his face, and small hematoma to the back of the head and left temple. Investigation continues by MPI. ! Investigation by military police revealed that person(s) unknown by means unknown removed five U.S. dollars from a Soldier’s wallet, which was left unsecured and unattended in a locker at the post gym. Unknown person(s) then fled the scene in an unknown direction. The Soldier stated that this is the second time that this has happened. He stated that he only put five dollars in his wallet this time to see if it would happen again. The Soldier rendered a written sworn statement attesting to the above incident. A search of the area by The MPs for subject(s) and or witness met with negative results.

This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMA-Korea Region, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 12,500 SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-3355 Fax: DSN 738-3356 E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly

War on Terror 10 years old? By Gary Sheftick Army News Service

ARLINGTON, Va. – Ten years ago today, my old friend survived the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. Clark Peterson was the only surviving member of his office. A total of 168 people died in the attack on the Murrah Federal Building, including seven members of the U.S. Army Oklahoma City Recruiting Battalion. Clark was a member of the Advertising and Public Affairs Office of the OKC Recruiting Battalion. He was talking with the A&PA Chief, John Moss, minutes before the explosion. His supervisor’s desk was at the front of the building, near windows facing the street, and Clark was sitting there discussing a project. Just moments before the explosion, Clark said he stood up and walked to his own desk at the rear of the office. That move saved his life, according to Clark. As he sat down, Clark turned on his computer. At first, he thought that he was being shocked by an electrical short in the computer. But it was the shock wave from a bomb instead that sent him reeling through the air. Timothy McVeigh had just detonated a homemade bomb next to the building in a truck filled with thousands of pounds of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel. Clark woke up on a pile of rubble a couple of floors below where his office had been. He was injured, but said at the time that the psychological trauma was worse than the physical. Whenever he closed his eyes to sleep, he said that he saw terror. John Moss died in the explosion, along with the battalion’s newspaper editor, Peggy Holland, and the office secretary, Karen Carr. In 1998, upon recommendation of the Recruiting Command, the Army’s Civilian Journalist of the Year Award

Ambassador thanks USFK troops

form U.S. Forces Korea . I have been to Osan Air Base, Kunsan Air Base, Chinhae and the DMZ, and also participated in the Ulchi-Focus Lens exercise. What is evident in each of my visits is not only a strong foundation of patriotism toward the United States and pride in their jobs, but also a dedication to the US-ROK alliance that makes this the strongest partnership I have seen anywhere. Please convey my appreciation to every member of USFK for helping preserve peace and stability here in the Republic of Korea.

(The following is a letter from Christopher R. Hill, outgoing ambassador to the Republic of Korea, to Gen. Leon J . LaPorte, commander, U.S. Forces Korea.) Gen. LaPorte, As I leave my post as ambassador to the Republic of Korea to take up my new position in Washington as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, I wanted to thank you and the incredible USFK team for the work you do in support of this alliance. Since my arrival last August, I have

Installation Management Dir ector/P ublisher Director/P ector/Publisher Public Affairs Officer Editor

Area I

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer Staff Writer

Area II

was named in honor of Moss and Holland. Every year the best Army civilian journalist receives the Moss-Holland Award. Today several survivors of the Oklahoma City terrorist attack joined about 1,600 others — including former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Dick Cheney — at a memorial built on the site of the federal building. All bowed their heads for 168 seconds of silence beginning at 9:02 a.m., the time of the explosion April 19, 1995. For many of those who survived the tragedy, and even for many involved in the recovery operations, the memories of that day are still too painful to discuss. It was the worst terrorist attack in America at the time. Some even trace the beginning of the nation’s War on Terror to the attack in Oklahoma City. But it could also be said that the enemy there was from within. McVeigh was a former Soldier who reportedly was retaliating for an incident exactly two years earlier in Waco, Texas, when a number of Branch Dividians went up in flames during a siege by government agents. Others claim the first terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center Feb. 26, 1993 began America’s War on Terror. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker has said that the War on Terror actually began with the Iran Hostage Crisis in November 1979. He participated in a mission that attempted rescue of the hostages. Perhaps the chief of staff’s vision makes the most sense when it comes to the roots of the War on Terror. In the hostage crisis, we were pitted against foreign terrorists, from nearly the same part of the world where we face them today. In any case, it’s clear that the beginnings of the War on Terror date back much further than Sept. 11, 2001. It just took that tragic attack to unite us to fight back in force.

Letters to the Editor

Christopher R. Hill visited with many of the outstanding Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who

Morning Calm

Published by IMA-Korea Region

The Morning Calm Weekly

Commander Public Affairs Officer Staff Writer Staff Writer

Col. Jeffery T. Christiansen Margaret Banish-Donaldson David McNally Spc. Stephanie Pearson Col. Timothy K. McNulty Alex Harrington Pfc. Seo Ki Chul Cpl. Park Yung-kwi

Christopher R. Hill Assistant Secretary of State East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Printed by Oriental Press

Printed by Oriental Press, a Agency-Korea Region private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under Brig. Gen. H.T. Landwermeyer Jr. exclusive written contract with John A. Nowell the Contracting CommandKorea. The civilian printer is Staff Sgt. Mark Porter responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of Area III advertising in this publication, Commander Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr. including inserts or supplements, Public Affairs Officer Susan Barkley does not constitute endorsement CI Officer Steve Davis by the U.S. Army or Oriental Staff Writer Roger Edwards Press of the products or services advertised. Area IV Everything advertised in this Commander Col. Donald J. Hendrix publication shall be made Public Affairs Officer Kevin Jackson CI Officer Galen Putnam available for purchase, use or Staff writer Cpl. Oh Dong-keun patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,

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April 29, 2005

3 News 8th PERSCOM transformation enhances personnel service

The Morning Calm Weekly

AFN-K Survey American Forces Korea-Network is conducting an online survey now t h r o u g h M a y 1 5 . T h e s u r v e y, designed to provide viewers and listeners the best in programming, is available to all authorized Status of Forces personnel — including DOD civilians, contractors and their families throughout South Korea. According to Douglas Griffin, broadcasting director for AFN Korea, “The survey, which contains 58 questions, serves as a primary instrument used by AFN-K in helping us better gauge the interests of our varied listening and viewing audience.” He added, “While a number of the questions address preferences in music and viewing habits, we want to emphasize that our primary mission is that of providing both accurate and immediate command information.” The survey can be accessed online a t w w w. a f n k o r e a . n e t , a n d o n average takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Results of the AFN-K survey are expected to be available by late summer, with programming changes anticipated by early fall. Seoul Schools Re-registration Re-registration for all currently registered students returning to school and all new kindergarten students will be May 17-20. Registration for students kindergarten through grade 12 will be at Hannam Chapel Annex May 17. Students with last name beginning with A-L may register from 8 a.m. until noon. Students with names starting with M-Z register noon to 3 p.m. Re-registration and registration will be at the Seoul Americna High School gymnasium May 18-20. May 18, students with names beginning with A-F may come from 8 a.m. to noon; G-L, noon -3 p.m. May 19 students with names beginning with M-R may register 8 a.m. to noon; S-Z, noon -3 p.m. May 20 registration is open to all students who have not yet registered. OES Starlight Ball Far East District #21, Oklahoma Jurisdiction, PHA will celebrate the second annual Order fo the Eastern Star Starlight Ball May 7. The event will begin at 6 p.m. at the Naija Ballroom, Dragon Hill Lodge. Attire for the event is formal. For information on the event, contact the appropriate area coordinator. In Area I, call Lisa Brown at 010-58474088; Area II, (Yongsan) Candy Johnson, 011-9164-3862 (Osan) Leslie Chism, 010-7213-9875; Area III, Linda Rollocks, 010-8695-8064; and Area IV, Chris Fullard, 010-3141-1837.

8th PERSCOM Public Affairs Army, 8th PERSCOM will continue to YONGSAN – Human Resource provide world class personnel services Transformation is coming to Korea when support with Soldiers who are trained Col. Michael J. Harris, commander, 8th in their warrior tasks and drills, and who Personnel Command, and Command Sgt. are ready to fight tonight, up to the day of Maj. Carlos Martinez-Rivera “... 8th PERSCOM will continue officially case 8th PERSCOM’s colors in an to provide world class Personnel Inactivation Ceremony Services Support with Soldiers who scheduled for June 15 on are trained in their warrior tasks Yongsan’s “Knight Field.” Any unit inactivation brings and drills ...” with it change. In the case of — Col. Michael J. Harris 8th PERSCOM’s inactivation commander, 8th PERSCOM and merger with Eighth Army G1, however, change brings with it exciting opportunities. Eighth its lateral transfer and the casing of its PERSCOM’s transformation will be colors,” said Harris. “There will be an governed by three important factors: The overlap time with the merging commands Army and 8th U.S. Army will remain taking over PERSCOM missions. And committed to “Taking Care of its People” there will not be a gap or interruption in with the merging of G1 and AG personnel; service to the Soldiers we support or their Human Resources support on the commanders, from a readiness Peninsula will improve; and 8th perspective. All Postal and Personnel PERSCOM and the G1/AG will missions will continue.” implement several new personnel service The 8th PERSCOM consists of a support initiatives on peninsula, or directorate staff, two personnel services enablers, that will capitalize on the latest battalions and a headquarters company, information technology. These enablers for a total of about 700 Soldiers. The will allow EUSA to offer human resource directorate staff will merge with 8th U.S. services unlike anything available across Army G1 to form a consolidated G1/ the Department of Defense. AG. This merger aligns with emerging These factors will turn PERSCOM’s Army Doctrine and is part of an inactivation into a smooth incremental process that paves the way transformation—a merger that blends for the Transformation of all PERSCOM PERSCOM’s missions and personnel into units and their eventual realignment a continuous flow of service without under a Human Resource Services interruptions to the customer or the US- Center. ROK Partnership Alliance. To enhance HR resources on the “With the Transformation of the peninsula, the personnel services

battalions, which provide postal and personnel service for all Soldiers, civilians and family members in the Republic of Korea, will realign under the 19th Theater Support Command, with the EUSA G1/ AG providing technical oversight and control of theater HR assets. Some of the new enablers will be implemented before 8th PERSCOM’s inactivation, and they will continue after the unit’s transformation. These initiatives include the introduction of a new Turbo PCS Web site, installation of self-service personnel manifest kiosks at Incheon Airport and Osan Air Base, distribution of Self Service Human Resource CDs, and implementation of a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week Human Resources Call Center (24/7 HR Call Center). The new Turbo PCS Web site has been implemented to assist Soldiers in Korea who are changing duty stations somewhere outside of Korea. Every Soldier in Korea has to have a Levy briefing before receiving orders to his or her next duty assignment. Turbo PCS automates the levy briefing and Soldiers’ requests for PCS orders. Soldiers must be on assignment instructions to access the new site. Once a Soldier is on AI, all he or she needs to do is log into the Turbo PCS site using his or her Army Knowledge Online user identification and password. The 24/7 HR Call center and interactive Web site will offer services unlike anything available across DOD


Model United Nations SAHS students practice diplomacy at far East conference Chelsea Ricketson Seoul American High School

YAKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — “Decorum, delegates,” ordered the chair of the council. Model United Nations’ delegates are familiar with this command; an order for them to maintain composure and be quiet in formal session. The Far East MUN conference, organized by Yokota High School and Kinnick High School, was held here from March 28 to April 1. High school students from Korea, Japan and Guam gathered in Yokota to represent their assigned country and debate about issues in selected committees: Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and Non-Government Organizations. Delegations from different countries convened for three consecutive days to discuss selected issues in hope of an eventual resolution in the form of a written document, called a Resolution. The resolution outlined measures member states were urged to follow in order to resolve the issue at hand. All the delegations’ cooperation and effort are required in order to follow through the lengthy process. “We would be stuck in council for nearly seven hours, discussing and debating on the same issue, sometimes coming to no resolve,” said junior Aimee Miles, Seoul American High School. “But it is important to understand


Several SAHS students pose for a photo during their trip to Yokota Air base, Japan, for the Far East Model United Nations conference March 28 thru April 1. that the United Nations doesn’t create resolutions in a matter of minutes. This process takes active participation from every member nation.” MUN sessions may seem drawn-out and wearisome to

See MUN MUN, Page 4


April 29, 2005

The Morning Calm Weekly

DUST keep the dust out of homes and offices and to clean off the dust when coming in from outside. “Washing exposed areas with soap and water after coming in from the outside is also recommended,” he said. The Korea Meteorological Administration issues an information notice at dust level concentrations above 200, a watch at concentrations

MUN some people, however, in-depth discussions are essential, not only to develop a simple conclusion but rather a firm and compromising solution. “The sessions could be pretty tedious when not a whole lot was going on, but once the debates got going, I became more engaged in it,” said senior Michael Semple, Osan American High School. Although MUN delegates surely practice their speech and writing skills, there are other skills, experiences and enjoyment derived from MUN. “In MUN, you learn how to be a diplomat — the art of softening your speech with euphemisms and decorating it with formal pretense, so you can say something completely offensive, like, ‘Your country is barbaric and ruthlessly slaughters innocent people’ into something far more acceptable, like, ‘This country currently struggles with human rights abuses,’” said Miles. “Diplomacy is a useful skill, especially when you grow up. MUN

from Page 1 above 300 and a warning at concentrations above 500. To minimize the adverse effects of “Yellow Dust,” observe the EPA cautionary statements, wash exposed parts of the body such as the hands and face with soap and water after coming in from the outside, and seek medical attention promptly if you experience adverse health effects.

from Page 3 also teaches you patience and cultivates cultural awareness.” All delegations performing in session are expected to participate a c t i v e l y, b u t t h e S A H S M U N program has a reputation for going beyond expectations. At the January 2003 Far East MUN conference held at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan, representatives from the United Nations Association of the United States of America were impressed with the SAHS delegates’ performance in session and invited the SAHS team to an international conference held later that year in New York City. The SAHS MUN team attended the international MUN conference later in May 2003, and placed first out of 90 schools. SAHS won the Secretary-General’s award, which was the highest award given to any single school. The Far East MUN conference will be held at the Yongsan Garrison. (Editor’s Note: Chelsea Ricketson is editor of the SAHS Wingspan.)

“In MUN, you learn how to be a diplomat -- the art of softening your speech ... Diplomacy is a useful skill, especially when you grow up” — Aimee Miles, Seoul American High School. Model U.N. delegate

PERSCOM today. The PERSCOM Web site will seamlessly realign under the newly formed G1/AG. Soldiers will be able to access the 24/7 HR Call Center any time of day for information. Self-service personnel manifest kiosks are coming to Incheon International Airport and Osan Air Base. These kiosks will enable newlyarrived US military personnel — whether Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines — to swipe their military identification cards and register their arrivals in Korea with their respective branches’ personnel database. The kiosks will store a digital photo of each newly-arrived servicemember, facilitating enrollment in BIDS. When US Army personnel swipe their ID cards, the kiosks will also display each Soldier’s projected assignment in Korea via the Soldier Management System. The Adjutant General Corps community in the Republic of Korea

from Page 3 has a proud history of tailoring its services to meet the needs of the supported population. Postal and personnel services have been provided for Soldiers, civilians and family members stationed here ever since North and South Korea signed the peace treaty consummating an Armistice to officially suspend hostilities in 1953. Now, after 25 years of service, 8th PERSCOM will case its colors and leave its mark in history as it transforms to enhance EUSA and the DOD Human Resources. For information about 8th P E R S C O M ’s transformation mission, Web site change, postal support or personnel services, contact Sgt. 1st Class Patricia J o h n s o n , S 1 / S 5 P u b l i c A ff a i r s Office, at 724-8826 or 724-3732, or visit online at, or http:/ /


April 29, 2005

Page 5

Camp LaGuardia Soldiers load railcars Engineers prepare to depart By Spc. Stephanie Pearson By Spc. Chris Stephens

Area I Public Affairs

2nd Infantry Division Public Affairs

CAMP CASEY — Soldiers from Camp LaGuardia have been preparing for their mission for months. The task – get their equipment loaded onto railcars for movement to Busan, then to the states. “All equipment is being prepared to go to Fort Leonard Wood,” said Capt. David Stewart, 50th Engineer Company commander. The bridge company is in the last stages of their movement to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in the middle of May. To get the equipment to Busan, engineers had to load and secure each piece of equipment onto railcars; however, the task was not an easy one for the Soldiers. “There’s a lot of work that has to get done,” said Staff Sgt. Keelin Scott, section leader. “We have to ensure everything is secured on the railcars and that all movements are done in a safe manner.” To secure the equipment to the railcars, the Soldiers used chains and shackles. Soldiers also placed chop blocks under each tire of the vehicles to prevent any kind of movement. “The Soldiers are very focused on safety,” Stewart said. “They take pride in their equipment and how it is loaded.” To boost morale and help make the workday go faster, the Soldiers held impromptu competitions between three sections of railcar loaders to see who could get theirs loaded in the quickest and safest manner. “It’s a way for us to have a little fun while out

See Railcars Railcars, Page 8


A 2nd Infantry Division Soldier prepares equipment for the 50th Engineer Company’s move to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

CAMP LAGUARDIA — Area I and 2nd Infantry Division leaders met April 6 to discuss the issues surrounding the upcoming move of the 50th Engineer Company from Camp LaGuardia to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. “We’re here to identify the standard for which 2ID will vacate Camp LaGuardia,” said Brig. Gen. Charles A. Anderson, assistant division commander for support. Anderson said they set the standard with the previous base closures in Korea, and coined the phrase “clean, functional and empty.” “That means that someone can move in and occupy the base without hesitation or concern of something not being right,” he explained. “The biggest challenge we face is ensuring that the standard is well understood.” Anderson said the Engineer Brigade Commander, Col. Rock Donahue and his team have, “established a process that ensures the standard is the same in every facility we “I don’t expect anything to be vacate.” Anderson and too difficult to overcome in Donahue walked our timeline.” —Capt. David Stewart through the camp, entering every building to inspect it and identify what needs to be done. The 2nd Inf. Div. plans to host a departure ceremony sometime in May. “U.S. Army Garrison, Camp Red Cloud, is responsible for all the real property, service activities

See LaGuardia LaGuardia, Page 8

CRC partners with local college By Spc. Stephanie Pearson

Shinheung College officials, Dr. Kang Shinkyung, founder, and Dr. Kim Pyong-ho, president, UIJEONGBU — Garrison officials strengthened expressed appreciation for the partnership. “It is an honor to have this meeting to promote a relationship with a local Korean school April 19 with friendship between two great institutions,” Park said a formal agreement. at the signing. “It is also expected that we will have Camp Red Cloud Garrison Commander Lt. Col. a beautiful relationship between Korea and America, William Huber signed a memorandum of agreement as well as CRC and Shinheung.” with officials from Shinheung College. Huber agreed, saying, “The agreement we are “This establishes ground rules for mutual aid or signing today is an important support,” Huber explained. symbol of the friendship “We are here to preserve Shinheung College is a between the United States and large, private institution in peace and encourage Korea.” Uijeongbu. The campus is The agreement renewed a friendship.” comprised of schools for four-year partnership between students from kindergarten — Lt. Col. William Huber the two institutions. Garrison through college, and includes signed the first such agreement with Shinheung the Indianhead International Children’s School. “There are two colleges in the Uijeongbu Enclave,” College in April 2001. “The importance of the U.S. here is not as Huber said. “Area I and the 2nd Infantry Division apparent to the younger generations,” Huber said. partner with Kyungmin College, and we support “I think signing this document will show students Shinheung.” we are here to preserve peace and encourage Huber said the partnership is “in the spirit of the friendship.” Good Neighbor Program,” an 8th U.S. Army initiative. Agreements like these are effective only for the The agreement establishes that the college and term of the garrison commander who signs it; Huber garrison will meet when they can, and invite each is the third commander to enter into the agreement. other to special functions and holiday celebrations. “This is a great opportunity to go forward and “We’ll improve relations by inviting members to maintain our strong alliance,” he said. social functions, and they will reciprocate,” Huber said. Area I Public Affairs

A provision also allows American Soldiers to teach English language skills as volunteers at the school.

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The Shinheung College campus, nestled in downtown Uijeongbu, contains schools for students from kindergarten through college.

Area I

April 29, 2005 6

The Morning Calm Weekly

Communities celebrate volunteer week Black-Market Hotline The Black-Market Hotline number has changed to 738-5118. The number is monitored by an investigator during normal duty hours and switched to a recorder after hours. If an observation requires urgent attention, call the military police at 730-4417. Asian-Pacific Heritage Celebration The Camp Casey USO will host an Asian-Pacific Heritage Celebration 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. May 7 at the USO offices. There will be Asian food sampling, ethnic music and dance, and door prizes. Ordnance Corps Association Ball The Ordnance Corps Association will hold its first ball May 26 at the Osan Officer’s Club. Cost is $25 per person. Dress is formal attire for civilians and dress blues for military. Fashion Show Better Opportunities for Single and unaccompanied Soldiers is hosting a casual and sportswear, business attire, and evening formal fashion show 7 p.m. Saturday at the Camp Red Cloud Community Activity Center. Family Readiness Group Kickoff The 2nd Infantry Division is hosting a Family Readiness Group Kickoff event 2 – 3 p.m. Wednesday at Camp Casey’s Hanson Field House. Army Community Service officials encourage family members to get involved in their sponsor’s FRG. Upcoming Concerts „Rock bands Quiet Riot and Skid Row will perform outdoor concerts 7 p.m. May 14 at Camp Casey and 5 p.m. May 15 at Camp Stanley. „Country music acts Mark Wills and Jolie Edwards will perform 7 p.m. May 20 at Camp Casey and 7 p.m. May 25 at Camp Stanley. Concerts on Camp Casey will be behind Primo’s Club, and concerts on Camp Stanley will be in the parking lot behind the commissary. Volunteer Ceremony The quarterly Volunteer Awards Ceremony will be held 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. May 17 at Camp Red Cloud’s Mitchell’s Club. For information, call 732-7277.

By David McNally Area I Public Affairs

CAMP STANLEY — Warrior Country officials celebrated National Volunteer Week April 20-22 with luncheons at camps Casey, Red Cloud and Stanley. “It is always great to get a group of people together and to be able to say thank you for everything you do for us,” said Col. Ross Ridge, 2nd Infantry Division, Division Artillery commander and Camp Stanley senior tactical commander. About 40 volunteers and community leaders gathered April 21 at the Pear Blossom Cottage for a luncheon. Ridge said he truly appreciates what the volunteers do for the community, adding, “We can’t accomplish half the things we need to do in the Camp Stanley community without your help.” “I thought it went wonderful,” said Jay Kelker, a retired first sergeant who works at Camp Stanley and volunteers to coordinate the newcomer’s orientation. “It’s great that all the commands know about us and recognize us.” Kelker said volunteering is what his Army family has always done. “The Pear Blossom Cottage really did a great job with this luncheon,” Kelker said. “By doing things like this, it give us a sense of community.” E-mail [email protected]

Warriors take children under wings By Pfc. Giancarlo Casem 2nd Infantry Public Affairs

CAMP CASEY — Warrior Division Soldiers took a fun approach at establishing strong friendships between the United States and Republic of Korea April 8 with an organizational day. As part of their day, the 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment ‘Manchus’ invited children from a local orphanage to take part in the festivities. “It is really good to just bring them out and have fun with them,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Todd Wentland, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment senior noncommissioned officer. The organization day was beneficial for everyone involved, he said. Unaccompanied Soldiers benefited from the interaction with children because they were reminded of what they fight for, Wentland said. “It reminds them of their own kids or little brothers and sisters that they

are missing,” he said. “It is important for them to be reminded of why they are here.” One of the major highlights of the day was the kimchee donation. The Manchus organized the acquisition of over a thousand heads of cabbage. Soldiers and volunteers from the Sarang Hwe community group spent the whole day preparing kimchee to be donated. The Soldiers and children had fun as they slid down slides and wrestled each other inside an inflatable bounce house. “It is a lot of fun,” said Spc. Justin Allred, Company E, Task Force 2-9. “We are really enjoying ourselves.” This was Allred’s first organizational day with any unit. “My old unit never had anything like this; it is a really good thing,” Allred said. The Soldiers threw frisbees and played catch with the children. They also had an opportunity to watch a traditional Korean dance performed by

Job Fair Army Community Service and the Army Career Alumni Program are sponsoring a job fair from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. May 18 at Camp Casey’s Primo’s Club. Advanced Technology Systems, Exchange New Car Sales, General Dynamics, Lucas Group, Vinnell Corporation, Wackenhut and the Calumet Group will be represented. Hot Stuff Pizza Delivers Camp Red Cloud’s Hot Stuff Pizza, located inside the CRC Lanes Bowling Center, now provides food delivery services to camps Red Cloud and Jackson. For orders, call 732-6458 or 7329008 between 11:30 a.m. and 10 p.m.


Jay Kelker, a volunteer, serves himself a plate of food at the Camp Stanley Pear Blossom Cottage volunteer luncheon April 21.

A Warrior Division Soldier wrestles with a child from My Home Orphanage inside an inflatable bounce house April 8 .

the Han Eo Ul dance team from nearby Chung Bo Industrial High School in Dongducheon. After the dancers’ performance, children from the orphanage sang and danced for the Manchus. The Soldiers gave the children a very affectionate ovation after their performance. The Soldiers cordially welcomed the opportunity to share their time with the orphanage. “It feels good to provide for them and show them a good time,” said Pfc. Scott Stein, A Co., Task Force 2-9. “It is also really important for Korean citizens to see us with the children. It gives us a better understanding to live with them and understand them.” The Manchu Soldiers invited Soldiers from their partner unit, the Republic of Korea Army 107th Mechanized Infantry Battalion, for a friendly soccer game. Wentland said it was important for the Soldiers of both countries to be able to come together in an environment other than a training exercise. “Normally, they would only see each other in a training environment,” Wentland said. “It is good for them to see each other in a different way. It is important that they see us not just as a coalition partner, but as friends.” Wentland said that it is important for other people to see that his Soldiers genuinely care for people. “Inviting the orphanage to the Manchus’ organization day is just one of the many events the unit holds for the children,” Wentland said. “We take them out on trips and we have some Soldiers go and teach them English,” he said. E-mail [email protected]

Area I 7 Soyosan offers challenging trails April 29, 2005

The Morning Calm Weekly

By David McNally Area I Public Affairs



Two miles from the Camp Casey main gate visitors to Soyosan National Park pass under a unique mountain-shaped gate.

oyosan National Park offers Warrior Country hikers and nature lovers a place to explore. The park, a little more than 2 miles from the Camp Casey main gate, has a variety of trails leading to craggy mountain peaks, picturesque waterfalls and ancient Korean cultural sites. After paying a small entrance fee, hikers walk about a mile up a paved road. The first stop is a picnic area near the foot of a 25-foot waterfall. It is the last place on the trail without going up stairs. It is also the start of challenging trails, which take adventurers through the peaks and valleys of Soyo Mountain. Chajaeam is a Buddhist temple to the left of the trail after the first waterfall. It was founded in A.D. 660.

Historical markers tell the story of the temple in English and Korean. “This mountain is like a little Kumgang Mountain,” said Chajaeam Head Monk Do-am. “Even though it is not as big, it has everything.” North Korea’s Kumgang Mountain is regarded by many as the most scenic peak on the Korean peninsula. “Soyosan has many little waterfalls,” Do-am said. “Like Kumgang, it also has scenic ravines, caverns and rocky cliffs.” Do-am said many Americans from the nearby Camp Casey Enclave hike through Soyosan National Park. “There are different hiking trails which take anywhere from one and a half to 4 hours to complete,” he explained. “That’s why this is a favorite hiking place for both Koreans and foreigners.” “Each hiking course has beautiful scenery,” said Park Sang-ho, Chajaeam business manager. “There are no problems for Americans to visit here.” E-mail [email protected]

Head Monk Do-am greets visitors to Chajae Temple, a must-see stop on the trail.

A traditional Korean gate arches over the pathway toward the Soyosan hiking trails. Along the road there are restaurants and snack shops.

Jagged peaks, steep climbs and magnificent vistas are the rewards for a hike through Soyosan National Park .

A scenic waterfall cascades into a clear pool of mountain water.

29, 2005 8 April 6

LaGuardia and support facilities on the installation,” said Lt. Col. William Huber, U.S. Army Garrison, Camp Red Cloud commander. “Departing units will remove all tactical equipment and turn in all installation property. Anything the unit is unable to take or turn in becomes ours to dispose of in the proper manner.” Capt. David Stewart, 50th Engineer Company, said walk-throughs are a standard part of the departure process and this one was very successful. “It’s always a best-case scenario when you can get all the parties together to identify what their responsibilities are, in terms of the work that still needs to be done to vacate the camp,” he said. Stewart explained about their

Area AreaII

The The Morning Morning Calm Calm Weekly Weekly

from Page 5 primary duty to pool resources together. “We have to clean all the installation facilities and sterilize buildings, barracks and the camp grounds,” he said. He said he is confident his troops will finish their part in time. “I don’t expect anything to be too difficult to overcome in our timeline,” he said. “We’ve got a lot to do on the camp, but we’ve got motivated Soldiers to get the job done.” Anderson said he will conduct a second walk-through after the unit departs. “We do it to ensure the standards we achieve are second to none,” he said. E-mail [email protected]



Rows of 50th Engineer Company vehicles stand ready to move out. The unit will formally depart Camp LaGuardia sometime in May. The camp is located in the center of Uijeongbu.


Chris Bradford, club manager (right), briefs Brig. Gen. Charles A. Anderson, 2nd Infantry Division assistant division commander for support at Camp LaGuardia April 6.

Railcars here,” said Pfc. Neil Coon. “It helped with our teamwork and made the day more enjoyable.” To get ready for the rail-loading operation, the engineers went through thorough rehearsals of what they would do. “We wanted everyone to know what they had to do when we had to do it for real,” Stewart said. “We didn’t want to have to waste any time re-teaching them on what

from Page 5 tasks had to be accomplished for us to do the job.” When asked what the best part about the job is, Scott said it was seeing the train roll off with their equipment. “Once the train rolls out, we know the task was accomplished to standard,” he said. “And that makes everyone happy.” E-mail [email protected]


Page 9

April 29, 2005

Listening to Korean students help customers bridge cultural gap Good Neighbor Program embodies the spirit of ‘Volunteerism’ with ICE By Chief Warrant Officer Teddy C. Datuin

By Col. Timothy K. McNulty

1st Signal Brigade

Commander, Area II Support Activity

YONGSAN — “Any person that volunteers to help other people out is doing so because they find joy in helping others,” said Spc. Erik McCulley, multi-media specialist with Korea Regional Office Visual Center, 1st Signal Brigade. McCulley is referring to Korean university students who volunteer their time to help with Michael Lee’s Saturday Tour Program. “To them … helping Americans learn about their culture brings them joy,” he said. Since last year, more than 30 Korean students, like Park Eun-ju, a junior at Kookmin University, have dedicated their personal time to volunteer in the program. “I like to volunteer and I have been enjoying it,” said Park, who has been a volunteer for more than a year with the Saturday Tour Program and Korean language class. “I learned a lot about American culture and made a lot of good American friends.” Graduate students Kim Yee-kyoung and Yun Jeong-hee, decided together to volunteer to learn about American culture and improve their English speaking skills. “I want to learn the American culture and improve my spoken

YONGSAN — Over the years, I have learned as a Soldier and leader that the U.S. Army takes care of its own. In Area II, we continually do our best to improve the quality of life for you, our customers – military, civilian and contractor personnel, and your families. Because getting feedback from you is important, I have taken steps to reinvigorate and redesign one tool that we use to get feedback from you – the Interactive Customer Evaluation system, or ICE. This userfriendly, webbased customer comment card system replaces McNulty the traditional customer comment card. You can access ICE either through one of the many terminals located throughout Area II, including the Defense Commissary Agency, Army and Air Force Exchange Services, Collier Gym, and 121 General Hospital. Additionally, you can access ICE at our new Area II Web site through your computer at work or home (http:// Here’s what has changed. The list of service providers has been updated to include our directors and senior managers to ensure that when you send an ICE comment, it is handled directly by someone who is in the position to take corrective action and get back to you with an answer quickly. Individual service providers are also modifying the questions on the Web site in order to better understand what’s important to you and how well we have delivered the service. In turn, we will closely monitor trends in customer feedback to determine activities that are highly valued by customers. However, I need your help in a few areas. When you receive a service that makes you happy, send us a comment. We do a lot of good things in Area II, but never hear back from our customers. Positive and negative feedback is important to us. Got a good idea and don’t know how to get it to me? Send it through ICE. When you receive a service that could use some improvement, we need to know specifically what needs to improve and how we can contact you to get more information. Our biggest constraint in making changes is the lack of specific information – customers

See ICE ICE, Page 11

language tutoring, cooperative humanitarian and conservation projects, adopt-a-school programs, orphanage sponsorship, and participation in local Korean-American Friendship associations. “Our Good Neighbor programs across the peninsula will strengthen our Republic of Korea - United St a t e s Alliance through comprehensive programs that actively engage the local community, government, media, business, university, school and military in order to provide public understanding and appreciation of “Our Good Neighbor Programs our mission on the peninsula,” said across the peninsula will strengthen LaPorte. The common our Republic of Korea - United States r e a son why Alliance through comprehensive Korean university programs...” students volunteer — Gen. Leon LaPorte for the American U.S. Forces Korea commander community in Yongsan is their desire to better Statistics of the U.S. Department of understand the American culture and Labor, more than 64 million Americans to share their culture, said Lee, the volunteered at least once in Fiscal Year lead coordinator of the Saturday 2004; representing nearly 29 percent Tour Program. For information on the Korean of 16-year-olds and older. In 2003, Gen. Leon LaPorte, language class and the Saturday Tour commander, U.S. Forces Korea, Program, call Michael Lee at 738-7999 implemented the Good Neighbor or email [email protected]. Program to engage in various volunteer endeavors like English E-mail [email protected] English,” said Yun, a student at Kookmin University. “For me … I have a good chance to meet American friends and the chance to understand American culture, such as the American language and lifestyle,” said Kim. “And I think more Korean university students and more Americans should join the Saturday Tour Program.” Spirit of Volunteerism The spirit of volunteerism is an ageold act embodied by all nations from around the world, especially in America. According to the Bureau of Labor

Come Out & Play!




Above: Students of Michelle Short’s age 3-5 dance group, Sky’s Unlimited, perform Swan Lake in front of parents and friends at the 23rd annual Community Fun Fair, April 23. The event also included performances by the 6-9 age group, a solo performance by Candice Johnson, 11, a magician and the blues band “Bluefrog.” Left: Tommy Song, “the best magician in Yongsan,” flourishes two scarves as part of his incredible act.

29, 2005 10 April

Area II

The Morning Calm Weekly

Celebrate Law Day on May 1, 2005: PART III Korean Festival The ROK Ministry of Culture and Tourism will host a Korean festival at the H-208 Helipad Site, located immediately east of Gate 17 Sunday. The festival will be from 1 -6 p.m. There will be performances by tae kwon do experts, Korean dancers and Korean pop singers, and childrens activities. Parking is not available at Gate 17, so attendees are encouraged to walk. The Ministry of Culture takes ownership of the helipad Sunday, in preparation of transforming the site in to the grand entrance for the new National Mesuem of Korea. Area II Web site For information about Area II, log on to Area II Internship Program The Area II Commander’s Internship Program is looking for college students to attain practical and professional experience and organizations to take part in the program to provide opportunities to the students. For information, call 738-7355. AFCEA Scholarship The Armed Forces Communications and Electrnoic association is offering scholarships to unmaried children of active-duty Resrve, National Guard and retired military personnel. Applicants must be under the age of 23 and must be enrolled or planning to enroll full time in the fall of 2005 in an undergraduate program of study in the area of communications, enringeering or sciences, leading to a bachelors degree at an accredited college or university. Applicants must also submit a 500word essay. All documents must be mailed to: Carolyn Cooper HHC, 1st Signal Brigade Unit 15271 Box 195 Apo AP 96205-5271 For information, call Cooper at 0103132-3466

of the jury’s role. He told them that they “are to see with their own eyes … and to make use of their own consciences … in judging … their fellow subjects.” He said they should acquit Zenger if they found Capt. Joon K. Hong that the statements he printed were not YONGSAN — Law Day is an annual false.The jury did acquit him. Gouverneur event hosted by the American Bar Morris, one of the Founders, later wrote Association, and it is held every May 1. “The trial of Zenger was the germ of The purpose of Law Day is to educate American freedom, the morning star of the public about our legal heritage and how … liberty.” the rule of law makes is possible for Juries as a Focus of Controversy democracy to exist. This week, we will In response to cases like this, the discuss how juries helped win America’s British set up special courts that did not independence. After reading the article use juries. This became one of the major below, imagine the kind of changes you complaints of the colonists against the could make by serving on a jury panel. British as America moved toward And remember to mark your calendar for revolution. The Declaration of the upcoming May 7 Law Day 5K race at Independence castigates the British king Collier Gym starting at 9:30 a.m. “for depriving us in many cases, of the Juries Helped Win America’s benefits of trial by jury.” The commitment Independence of the colonists to trial by jury guaranteed Juries were at the forefront of the that it would be an important feature of American colonists’ struggle for the new republic. independence. Some local juries refused Juries in the Constitution to convict people who violated unpopular To prevent oppression by the British laws. government, the founders made trial by The Zenger Trial jury one of our great constitutional In 1735, the English authorities guarantees. Trial by jury in both civil and charged a New York newspaper printer, criminal cases is explicitly granted by the John Peter Zenger, with publishing articles Sixth and Seventh Amendments to the critical of the government. The judge, who U.S. Constitution and is also guaranteed was sympathetic to the king, told the jury by every state constitution. In the words that under English law the very fact of of Thomas Jefferson, “trial by jury [is] printing the critical articles was enough the only anchor yet imagined by man by to convict the printer. It didn’t matter if which a government can be held to the they were true or false. Zenger’s lawyer, principles of its constitution.” Andrew Hamilton, had a different view Focus Questions In colonial America, the jury gained its reputation as a “bulwark of liberty” for standing up to laws imposed by the Crown. The colonists had no voice in making these laws, so the jury was their main chance to be heard. But now we do elect the legislators who make the law. Do you think the jury still plays an important role as the protector of our liberties? Why or why not? 2005 Law Day Proclamation Whereas, Law Day is a C P The Staff Judge Advocate, Colonel McCallum signs celebration of our great heritage of liberty, justice, and equality 2005 Law Day Proclamation.

keepin’ it legal


NEO Exercise The Courageous Channel NEO exercise will be conducted through Sunday in Area II. All military, emergency essential DoD civilian family members, nonessential DoD civilians, invited contractors and technical representatives are required to participate. Evacuation control centers at Collier Field House and Hannam Village Chapel will be in operation from 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. today, and 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday. For information, call 738-3291 or 738-3429.

under law; Whereas, one of the principles we fought for in the Revolutionary War was the right to trial by jury. The Declaration of Independence pointed out that George III had deprived Americans, “in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury”; Whereas, a jury of one’s peers is a cornerstone of American democracy. Along with voting, it’s one of the main ways people take part in the public life of this nation; Whereas, trial by jury is guaranteed in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Amendments; Whereas, jurors decide whether defendants are guilty or not guilty, liable or not liable; Whereas, the decisions that jurors make affect millions of lives everyday and have a profound impact on our economy and our society. By entrusting jurors from the community to decide legal cases — some of them involving millions of dollars or life and death issues — we reinforce our belief that everyday people can make the right decision, that we are an open, democratic government; and Whereas, few activities in our civic life provide such a direct contact with our democracy as does jury service; Now, therefore, as we celebrate Law Day 2005, we acknowledge the central role of juries in American life, and we recognize the importance of educating our fellow citizens about the rewards and benefits of jury service. NOW THEREFORE, I, Colonel Daniel F. McCallum, of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Corps. of United Nations Command/United States Forces Korea, do hereby proclaim Sunday, May 1, 2005, as Law Day. I urge the citizens, schools, businesses, and media of Yongsan, Korea to use this occasion to dedicate ourselves to preserve and strengthen the jury system. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1 day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand and five, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the two hundred and twenty-ninth.


Area II Honors Heroic KNPs

Community Health Fair Commander, Area II Support Activity, and 18th Medical Command will host a Community Health Fair 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday in the 121st General Hospital front parking lot. There will be booths providing health information along with entertainment, food and prizes.

For information, call 737-7426.


E-mail [email protected]

Col. Timothy K. McNulty, Area II Support Activity commander, honors two Korean National Policemen, Cpl. Kim, Bo-Hyun and Pfc. Kim, Hoon April 21, for their efforts to save an American Soldier. The two KNPs extricated a USFK family member from danger following an automobile accident near Gate 37 March 17.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area II

April 29, 2005


Aviation unit bids farewell to K ATUSAs KA By Pfc. Seo Ki Chul Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN — During a ceremony April 20, the 1-52nd Aviation Regiment bid farewell to the Korean Augmentation to the United States Army Soldiers before the American unit redeployed to Fort Wainwright, Alaska, in support of the U.S. Army’s transformation process. “Our [KATUSA] Soldiers made a very good unit,” said 17th Aviation Brigade Commander Col. David Abramowitz. “Our unit departing will very well learn how much the KATUSA Soldier meant to this unit when they get to Alask and they don’t have them anymore.”

The redeployment necessitated the redistribution of the battalion’s 42 assigned KATUSA Soldiers across the peninsula. Those KATUSA Soldiers who have time remaining on their commitments will transition from K16 to other units within Eighth U.S. Army officials said. “ I h a v e b e e n w i t h t h e 1 - 5 2 n d Av i a t i o n Regiment for more than a year since joining the U.S. Army,” said KATUSA Soldier, Cpl. Kim Hyun Geun. “It’s a pity that I should be separated from my KATUSA Soldiers.” E-mail [email protected]


KATUSA Soldiers are awarded a medal by Lt. Col. Fred V. Manzo Jr.,commander, 1-52nd Aviation Regiment, for their dedication to the unit.


from Page 9

tell us they are unhappy, but don’t provide enough specific information for my managers to make improvements. Leaving your name and contact information will help us improve service to you, as well as for

others. Further, we have found that many ICE terminals located throughout Area II installations are not being used, and the cost of maintaining them outweighs the benefit. But before I remove one, I need to know if that terminal is important to a large number of customers. So I need your help. If one of the following

terminals we have listed in the table is important to you, please send us a comment. You can access the Area II Community Web page at , and then type “Area II” into the search engine. Click on “Area II” and then click the link titled, “Site Suggestions, Questions and Comments” at the bottom of the page and type in the name and location of the terminal you think is important and how often you use this terminal. I will make sure we review all input before we make our final decision of removing any of the selected terminals in the table. To encourage your participation and get your ideas for improvement, during the month of May the Directorate of Morale, Welfare and Recreation is sponsoring a

drawing. To be eligible for the drawing, you need to submit a recommendation for improvement along with your contact information through ICE. Recommendations without contact information will be disqualified. The prizes are three $25 gift certificates. Again, I encourage every military, civilian, contractor and family member to take an active role in improving the delivery of our programs. ICE is a great way to let us know how we are doing and giving us suggestions for improvement. Our commitment is to continually improve quality of life for you in Area II and Yongsan, and to make this “The Assignment of Choice in Korea.” E-mail [email protected]

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April 29, 2005


Community Events, Classes and Meetings The 1st KSC Performance KSC performance club will host “A Streetcar Named Desire” 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday at Balboni Theater to foster good neighbor-toneighbor relations between USFK and KSC. For information, call 7234736. Home School Conference IDEA, The home schooling and correspondence program of the International Foundation, will host a “Home School Conference” 1 - 5 p.m. May 7 at the South Post Chapel, Room 201. For information, call 0108671-6561 or e-mail [email protected].

Area II

The Morning Calm Weekly

Community News 6th Annual Playaz Ball CSC Productions will host the Sixth Annual Playaz Ball 8 p.m. - 3 a.m. May 13 at Main Post Club. For information, call 010-3149-2360 or 010-8671-4619.

are 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday and Saturday and 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday. For information, call 795-7675.

Good Neighbor English Camp The U.S. Forces Korea Good Neighbor program hosts an English Camp May 17 – 21 in Yongsan to help immerse Korean youth into an English language family environment. For information, call 723-6085.

3rd World Ceramic Biennale The Third World Ceramic Biennale will be held with the theme of “Ceramics: The Vehicle of Culture” for 58 days through June 19 in Icheon, Yeoju and Gwangju. For information, call 031-631-6504.

3rd PCS Garage Sale The Third Annual PCS garrage sale will be 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. May 21 beside the point upper parking garage. For information, call 738-2222.

6th Annual Hwaseong Piety Marathon Hwaseong City Hall and KoreanAmerican Partnership Association will host the Sixth Annual Hwaseong Peity Marathon. U.S. Forces Korea personnel are invited to participate at 8:30 a.m. May 8 at Suwon University Stadium. Bus transportation is available for all participants. The Bus departs Osan Officers Club at 7:30 a.m. For information, call 011-745-2989.

12-Week Weight Management Yo n g s a n We i g h t S u p p o r t G r o u p hosts a 12-week weight management program. All participants can learn how to burn fat, shrink fat cells, and lose weight. For information, call 0108671-7461 or e-mail [email protected].

The Thrift shop looks for volunteers The Secondhand Rose Thrift Shop is looking for volunteers. The opening times

Exhibitions and Festivals

Korean Traditional Music and Dance Classes for Foreigners Classes of Korean traditional music and dance for foreigners will be every Saturday through June 4 at the National Center for Korean

Traditional Performing Arts. For information, call 580-3054 or log on to Seoul Selection’s Movie Screening The Seoul Selection’s movie screening will be held every Saturday in Seoul Selection bookshop. For infomation, call 734-9564 or log on to www.

Religious activities Spirit Warrior 2005 Spirit Warrior 2005, “A Warrior’s Truth” will be Friday - Saturday at South Post Chapel. Free food and lodging is available for attendees traveling to Area II. For information, call 738-4043/723-8716 or email [email protected]. Habitat for Humanity Yongsan South Post Chapel is looking for a caring and hard-working individual to take over as a coordinator for its Habitat for Humanity-Korea program to build several apartments in Chuncheon for needy families. For information, call 725-4408 or 010-3132-9825. Submitting to TMCW To submit items to Area II Community News, send all pertinent information to [email protected].

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The Morning Calm Weekly

April 29, 2005


Runners go distance at Boston Marathon in Iraq By Master Sgt. Lek Mateo Army News Service

TALLIL, Iraq -- Hundreds of runners traded their combat boots for running shoes to compete in the inaugural Iraq / Boston Marathon held at the large air base here April 20. The event was held in conjunction with the prestigious Boston Marathon that normally has thousands of runners competing in the grueling 26.2-mile race. A loud crack of the starting gun signaled the start of the race in Iraq for the small mass of runners. As colossal U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules cargo aircraft roared overhead during takeoff, runners slowly meandered through the course located within the confines of razor-sharp triple-strand concertina wire and heavily armed guard towers protecting the base. The route took the runners by one of Iraq’s archaeological treasures, the Ziggurat of Ur, a 4,000-year-old Sumerian temple that rises approximately 50 feet above the desert floor of the Euphrates Valley. Capt. Rodney T. Freeman, of York, Maine, and an artillery officer of the New Hampshire Army National Guard’s 197th Field Artillery Brigade, is responsible for overseeing the Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs for the military and civilian personnel


Sgt. Luis A. Soto of the 89th Transportation Company based at Fort Eustis, Va., finished in three hours and three seconds, taking first place in Iraq’s Boston Marathon. stationed at the base. Freeman said he coordinated the event with the Boston Athletic Association as a way to give all the servicemembers a small taste of home and to take their mind away from the combat zone. “I contacted the BAA about the idea of running our marathon at the same time that the 109th Annual Boston Marathon

is taking place back at home,” Freeman said. “They were very supportive of the idea and that is how this event got started.” Freeman added that the BAA and the Outdoor Life Network, which incorporated footage of the Iraq Marathon with their television broadcast back in the United States, went “above

and beyond” in making the event complete by providing official Boston Marathon medals, certificates and Tshirts for the participants. “It is phenomenal to see the overwhelming show of support by the people back at home for our servicemen and women to include the multitude of volunteers here at the base who help make this event a reality.” Freeman said. Although the race was noncompetitive, all of the runners gave their personal best to test their will and endurance against time and distance. Army Sgt. Luis A. Soto, of Morovis, Puerto Rico, and a Soldier of the 89th Transportation Company based in Fort Eustis, Va., finished in three hours and three seconds, taking first place in the race. Soto , who will return home in a few weeks, said for him it was a very special accomplishment because he not only ran the Boston Marathon but also did it in Iraq. “Every runner, no matter what distance they run, always looks to run a full marathon to see what they are made of,” Sota said. “Now I can say that I am a runner after having completed a full marathon on my own and that is something that I will always remember.” (Editor’s note: Master Sgt. Lek Mateo serves with the 56th Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, Texas Army National Guard.)

April 29, 2005


The Morning Calm Weekly

April 29 - May 5

Alone in the Dark R

Hide and Seek

Because of Winn-Dixie PG

Coach Carter

Hitch PG-13 Sahara PG-13 Beauty Shop PG-13


Cursed PG-13

Cursed PG-13

The Pacifier PG

No Show

Hitch PG-13

The Pacifier

Beauty Shop

Beauty Shop



Alone in the Dark R

No Show

No Show

Man of the House PG-13

Sahara PG-13

Sahara PG-13

Hitch PG-13

Hitch PG-13





No Show

No Show

No Show

No Show

Sahara PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

Cursed PG-13

Cursed PG-13

Hitch PG-13


Sahara PG-13

The Pacifier

The Pacifier



Man of the House PG-13

No Show

Miss Congeniality 2



Constantine -Based on the DC-Vertigo comic book “Hellblazer,” Renegade occultist John Constantine has literally been to hell and back. He teams up with skeptical policewoman Angela Dodson to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister. Their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles.

White Noise

Sahara PG-13

Hitch PG-13


Assault on Precinct 13 R Miss Congeniality 2

Amityville Horror In 1974, police discovered the entire DeFeo family, all slaughtered as they slept calmly in their beds. Ronald DeFeo confessed to murdering his parents and four siblings, and claimed it was the “voices” that told him to do it. One year later, George and Kathy Lutz move their family into the house, thinking it was going to be their dream home. The Lutz family only lasted 28 days in their home after they were terrorized by a demonic force that drove them away. Based on the true story.

Sahara PG-13


Beauty Shop -- Gina Norris is a long way from the Barbershop - she’s moved to Atlanta so her gifted daughter can attend a prestigious music school and made a name for herself at a posh salon. But when her egotistical boss takes credit for her work, she leaves the salon to open a shop of her own. Gina buys a rundown salon and inherits a motley group of headstrong stylists, a colorful clientele, and a sexy piano-playing electrician. It’s a rocky road to fulfilling her dreams, but you can’t keep a good woman down.

The Wedding Date Kat Ellis’s worst nightmare is about to come true. Not only is her younger, halfsister, Amy, getting married before her, but to add insult to injury, the groom’s best man is Kat’s ex-fiancée, Jeffrey. Unable to bear the thought of attending alone, she hires an escort to play her boyfriend. Her rented date, fits the bill perfectly. He’s handsome, intelligent, well spoken, and a perfect gentleman. The plan? Make Kat’s ex sorry that he ever left her.

No Show

The Wedding Date PG


Amityville Horror R

Amityville Horror R

Amityville Horror R

Sahara PG-13

Hitch PG-13

Assault on Precinct 13 R


Because of WinnDixie -- A 10-year-old girl, abandoned by her mother when she was three, moves to a small town in Florida wirh her father, a preacher. She also adopts a stray dog whom she names after the local supermarket where she finds him. With her goofy pooch by her side, she meets an eclectic group of townspeople, and rekindles an almost lost relationship with her father.

Sahara PG-13

Cursed -- Ellie and her brother Jimmy are on their way home when they get into a car accident. While trying to help the other driver out of an overturned vehicle, the other driver is attacked by what Jimmy swears was a “huge manlike wolf.” Both siblings end up scratched and possibly bitten by the creature. When they begin noticing strange physical effects and behavior, including both of them suddenly becoming more assertive socially, they begin to wonder if a werewolf has bitten them.

No Show

No Show

No Show



Cursed PG-13

Cursed PG-13

The Pacifier

The Pacifier



Cursed PG-13

No Show

Amityville Horror R

Alone in the Dark R

Man of the House PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

No Show

Amityville Horror R

The Pacifier

Amityville Horror R

Amityville Horror R

Amityville Horror R

Cursed PG-13

Cursed PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

Because of Winn-Dixie PG

Because of WinnDixie PG

Because of WinnDixie PG

Hitch PG-13

Hitch PG-13

Elektra PG-13

Elektra PG-13

Because of Winn-Dixie PG

Because of WinnDixie PG

Because of WinnDixie PG

Man of the House PG-13

Man of the House PG-13

Cursed PG-13

Cursed PG-13




April 29, 2005

The Morning Calm Weekly

HMS Bounty: a real reality series By Chaplain (Lt. Col.) O. Wayne Boyd

in a different way. The alcohol created fighting and abuse until the April 28, 215 years ago, Fletcher Christian, women rebelled, leaving McCoy and another dead. master’s mate of the British ship HMS Bounty, led a This left only two men, Smith and Ned Young, along mutiny against the acting captain, Lieutenant Bligh. with the women and children. They quickly Theories abound as to who was most guilty. Possibly, destroyed the still and finally the community began the rest of the story will shed some light, or not. to flourish. Capt. Bligh was an extremely gifted naval officer After Young’s death in 1800, Smith, alias John and, despite being thrown onto a very small vessel Adams, became the leader, minister and educator of with 18 men after the mutiny, he was able to navigate the island. He incorporated regular worship services 3,500 miles of rough ocean to safety (12 survived the and instilled religious values to this second generation, voyage). Bligh was later appointed governor of New which included Fletcher Christian’s son, Thursday South Wales only to be ousted once again for cruelty. October Christian. The colonists imprisoned him and Humanity left sent him back to England. Despite the alone will almost “One man’s discovery of the Word always produce two mutinies and numerous of God prevented the complete s e l f i s h n e s s , accusations of his cruel leadership, he was promoted to Vice Admiral. which leads to annihilation of all parties.” Hmmm … disastrous Christian assumed command of outcomes — the Bounty along with 24 crew members. They sailed here illustrated by Bligh’s cruelty and the to a safe haven via Tahiti to hide from the wrath of mutineers’ actions. England and Bligh. Fifteen of the 24 decided to stay at One man’s discovery of the Word of God Tahiti. Nine sailors, along with six Polynesian men prevented the complete annihilation of all parties. and 12 Polynesian women, sailed to Pitcairn Island, a Jesus Christ’s summary of the law (to love God very small and desolate location. completely and to love your neighbor as yourself), Despite the semblance of democracy that Christian when correctly applied always produces a more set up, havoc ruled when jealousy and greed led to the desirable product. murders of all of the Polynesian men and all but four Pitcairn Island still exists today and the inhabitants of the sailors. are all descendents from this original group of Two “spiritual” forces then entered the lives of the mutineers. remaining survivors: a still and a Bible. Alexander Smith The inhabitants choose to have few conveniences was transformed as he found and read a copy of the and live much like their ancestors did 215 years ago. Bible. William McCoy built a still and enlightened himself Christianity still flourishes there. 8th PERSCOM


Area II Worship Services Catholic Mass


Jewish Protestant Services Contemporary


10 a.m.

Sunday Sunday Sunday

10 a.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m.


8 a.m. Memorial Chapel 9:30 a.m. 121 Hospital Chapel 9:30 a.m. Hannam Village Chapel (Korean) 10 a.m. South Post Chapel 10:30 a.m. K-16 Community

Episcopal United Pentecostal Church of Christ Church International Collective

8 a.m. South Post Chapel 11:30 a.m. Memorial Chapel Tuesday 12:05 p.m. 121 Hospital Chapel 7 p.m. South Post Chapel Mon.-Wed., Thurs.-Fri. 12:05p.m. Memorial Chapel Saturday 5 p.m. Memorial Chapel Friday 6 p.m. South Post Chapel Multipurpose Training Facility Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel

Chapel 11 a.m. noon

Collective Korean KCFA

Hannam Village Chapel South Post Chapel (Gospel) Sunday 1 p.m. Camp Colbern Chapel 6 p.m. South Post Chapel Tuesday 6 p.m. Camp Colbern Chapel Thursday 6:30 p.m. Memorial Chapel 2nd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel 3rd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Vincent Burns [email protected] or DSN 725-2955 Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David Colwell [email protected] or DSN 738-4043

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April 29, 2005


The Morning Calm Weekly


A pair of grey nurse sharks circles the shark tank at the Busan Aquarium. The aquarium houses 30 sharks from eight different species, and offers visitors a chance to enter the water with the animals. At Right: Deadly pirhanas circle their latest victim as part of the freshwater fish exhibit. The small carnivores aren’t the only predators on display at he Busan Aquarium, as visitors may also see electric eels, color-changing poisonous jellyfish and a giant pacific octopus.

Busan Aquarium offers ‘fishy’ family fun By Sgt. Jimmy Norris 19th Theater Support Command Public Affairs

BUSAN -- Many Soldiers may believe the most dangerous animals they’ll encounter while stationed in Korea are the mosquitoes. But the skeleton greeting visitors from the bottom of a piranha tank in Busan tells a different story. While the skeleton may be artificial, the piranhas, along with a sign warning visitors to keep their hands out of the water are very real. And piranhas are just one of the many underwater attractions awaiting tourists at the Busan Aquarium. Located adjacent to Busan’s Hyundae Beach, the aquarium is home to more than 250 species and features the largest grey nurse shark and penguin colonies in Korea. Its two floors feature 50 tanks, containing a variety of marine animals housed in about 3,500 tons of water. The main portion of the aquarium is divided into two floors, with the tour starting on the upper floor. The first (upper) floor features a variety of freshwater fish, Korean small-clawed otters and black-footed penguins. The first floor is also where visitors can get their first view of one of the aquariums’ more impressive displays, a two-story (22-foot) coral reef display filled with colorful tropical fish and corals. The lower floor features some of the more frightening displays. Here’s where a visitor can get a glimpse of electric eels, color-changing poisonous jellyfish and a giant pacific octopus. Also on the second floor is the aquariums main attraction – the shark tank. Here 30 sharks from eight different species swim peacefully with giant sea turtles and stingrays. Those who feel the glass on the shark tank provides too much of a barrier can take a dip with these predators of the deep for prices ranging from 55,000 to 75,000 won, depending on the experience of the diver. As a safety measure to keep visitors from

being bitten, divers are instructed not to play with the animals or other people while in the water, to keep their hands on their stomach to avoid the chance of having their limbs mistaken for prey, and not to exhale while the sharks swim overhead. Visitors who don’t feel daring enough for a shark dive, but still want a closer view of the animals, can take a glass bottom boat ride over the tank for 5,000 won. There are also temporary and seasonal displays at the aquarium. Currently a frog exhibit, featuring 80 frogs from 12 different species, is on display on the upper floor of the aquarium. In the near future, the aquarium staff will add more sharks and ocean sunfish to their collection. The aquarium is open year round – from 10 a.m.

to 8 p.m. weekdays, and 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekends and holidays. From July 17 to August 24, the aquarium will be open from 9 a.m. until midnight. Admission is 14,500 won for adults, 12,000 won for students ages 14 to 19 and senior citizens, and 9,500 for children ages four to 13. Children under four receive free admission. Special rates are available for groups larger than 20 people. The Busan Aquarium accepts most credit cards and there is an ATM available in the adjacent food court. Whether visitors are in the mood for an adrenaline filled shark-diving adventure, or just a pleasant afternoon with their families, the Busan Aquarium provides some unique opportunities for tourists looking for something different to do during their time in Korea.

Aquarist in charge of otters and penguins, Ji-Yoon, talks to aquarium visitors while feeding the Korean small-clawed otters.

April 29, 2005


Warrior Post-Level Softball Tournament Warrior sports will host a post-level men’s softball tournament Saturday and Sunday at Camp Red Cloud Field. This event is open to men’s post-level teams from Warrior Division men’s post level softball league play. For information, call 732-6276/6927. TAE JANG JUM Setting Park Tour The TAE JANG KUM setting park tour will be Saturday. The bus will leave at 9 a.m. from the Camp Red Cloud Community Activity Center. For information, contact the local community activity center or recreation center. BOSS fashion show The CRC Better Opportunities for Single and unaccompanied Soldiers fashion show will be held at the Camp Red Cloud Community Activity Center, Uijeongbu Enclave, starting at 7 p.m. Saturday. The categories are casual/sportswear, business attire and evening/formal wear. Judging criteria are stage presence, originality of attire, accessory coordination and audience response. Prizes awarded to the top two winners in all three categories, plus the critics choice. For information, call 732-6246.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Quiet Riot joins fellow metal band Skid Row for a tour of Korea May 12-15. The bands will perform at military installations across the peninsula.

Quiet Riot, Skid Row tour Korea Korea Region MWR

YONGSAN – Two trend-setting rock ‘n’ roll bands touring Korea will surely delight all retired “headbangers” that remember the advent of heavy metal. Quiet Riot and Skid Row both hit stardom in the 80s and remained legends ever since. Quiet Riot’s first hit success was in 1983 with the smash hit, Metal Health. The band was distinguished for having the highest debut metal band album. Quiet Riot toured America as a support act for bands such as ZZ Top, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath before stepping in to

the spotlight themselves. Composed of vocalist Kevin DuBrow, drummer Frankie Banali, bassist Chuck Wright and guitarist Alex Grossi, Quiet Riot has regrouped and released their first official live CD “Quiet Riot Live & Rare” in January 2005. Skid Row was one of the last hairmetal bands to hit mainstream before grunge took over in the early 90s. They found enormous fame and fortune with their hit releases of “18 & Life” and “Youth Gone Wild.” Skid Row’s vocalist left a lasting impression for his fierce, overheated delivery. After some time off,

Fine arts exhibit program enriches young participants

Red Cross Classes The American Red Cross is offering a variety of classes in May. Upcoming classes include first aid and adult, child and infant CPR. To sign up on Yongsan Garrison, go to the American Red Cross office located upstairs in the Moyer Community Services Center. Payment must be made at the time of signup. For information, call 738-3760.

Pacificwide Slowpitch Softball Tournament

The Community Recreation Division, DMWR, Area II Support Activity, Yongsan, Korea will host the Pacificwide Men’s and Women’s Slowpitch Softball Tournament, 2730 May 2005. This tournament is open to active duty military, DOD, DAC personnel and dependents who are 19 years of age or older and not in high school. An entry fee of $200 is required payable to MWR, Area II Support Activity no later than 15 May. Registration will be limited to the first 32 men’s teams and the first 16 women’s teams. Billeting will be provided by the host command at no cost with priority given to out of country teams. For information, contact the Tournament Director, Bennie L. Jackson at Yongsan at 738-8608 or [email protected].

Skid Row reformed with new singer Johnny Solinger and toured as the opening band for KISS’s Farewell Tour. MWR is dedicated to bringing quality entertainment to the military in Korea. All performances are open to ID cardholders and are free of charge. For information, contact your local MWR Entertainment Office or 723-3749. Tour dates for Korea are as follows: May 12 - Camp Walker May 13 - Yongsan Garrison May 14 - Camp Casey May 15 - Camp Stanley

Locked down


Army Sgt. Oscar Wood (top), a 2004 Olympian, locks down on Senior Airman Johnny Gunn in the 66-kilogram/145.5-pound freestyle division of the 2005 Armed Forces Wrestling Championships. All-Army wrestlers won 38 of 42 individual matches and captured the Greco-Roman and freestyle team titles in the 2005 Armed Forces Wrestling Championships March 31 and April 1 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center. All told, the Soldiers won 10 gold and four silver medals. In round-robin team competition, the All-Army Greco-Roman squad defeated Navy, 22-0; Air Force, 21-7; and the Marine Corps, 19-7. In freestyle, Army prevailed 21-4 over Air Force; 26-3 over Navy; and 20-5 against the Marines.

MWR Public Affairs OSAN AIR BASE -- Fine Arts Exhibit Program offers opportunities for students as individuals and as small groups to be exposed to a broad range of arts education activities and continually to develop new skills and talents, express themselves, and to expand individual creativity. It is a wonderful program that helps to uphold the importance of the arts in the army community. The year-round program encourages artistic expression among Club members through drawing, painting, print making, collage, mixed media and sculpture according to age classifications (9 or younger, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18) displayed at local and regional exhibits. Artwork selected through a national competition is displayed at Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s national headquarters and at special events around the country for the ensuing year. All participants will receive a certificate of merit. One hundred and eighty-three pieces of artwork were submitted to the local exhibits across Korea and fifty one pieces selected from local exhibits were forwarded to the regional exhibit at Osan Air Base March 11-13, 2005. Korea had eleven first place winners (Yongsan 4, Hialeah 3, and Osan 4), ten second place winners (Walker 6, Hialeah 3, and Humphreys 1) and nine third place winners (Yongsan 2, Walker 1, Hialeah 1, Humphreys 2, and Osan 3), a total of 30 pieces of artwork. The first place winners’ artwork was forwarded to the national level. First place winners included: Alana Hutchinson/ 8; Hana Noguchi, age 11; Dominic Maluski, 12; Angela Vandersys, 14; Seung Min Lee, 15; Khalia Threlkeld, 14; Kyra Toffex, 16; Aaron Quincey,16; Olivia Davidson, 16; and Sandra Yoshikana,16.

Page 21

April 29, 2005

Patients are greeted by Staff Sgt. Dalmida Cooper as they arrive for treatment at the 618th Dental Company field site near Camp Humphreys. Spc. Daniel Yaws delivers dental records to the treatment tent.




Cpt. Ken Jo, center, works on Chief Warrant Officer 2 Eric Johnston.

Dental Soldiers hone tactical skills 618th Dental Company conducts field training near Camp Humphreys

operations NCO for the 618th Dental Company. Gasper said the field training exercise began with an alert that prompted 130 Soldiers, including 27 dental officers, to convoy from as far away as Camp Casey, Yongsan, Daegu and Busan to the Camp Humphreys training area. “An advance party arrived on Sunday and began setting up,” said Gasper. They established a secure perimeter, a tactical operations center, three dental clinic tents, a patient holding tent and support areas that included a motor pool, a mobile kitchen trailer, sleeping tents and other service and support areas. The three treatment tents were staffed by dental personnel from the company’s area platoons: Northern (camps Casey, Stanley and Red Cloud), South (camps Carroll, Walker, Hialeah, Humphreys and Long) and Treatment (Yongsan). Each tent had a handheld X-ray unit, sink, sterilizer and several treatment stations comprised of a dental chair and light and an air compressor-powered field dental kit. Patients arrived at a holding tent, where their records were screened. They were then escorted to one of the treatment tents, where teams of dental assistants, hygienists and dentists

eased them into chairs for exams, cleaning, fillings or other dental services. Col. Joe Potoky, deputy commander of the 618th Dental Company (Area Support), said field dental clinics use the same steam autoclave sterilization process on instruments as they do in fixed clinics. “Everything we do here in the field is to the same standard as back at post,” he said. While patients were treated, 618th generator and motor pool mechanics stood by to perform any required maintenance on the 10 generators that powered the field dental complex or to fix any of the unit’s 28 vehicles. “We had one generator go down, but we had power back in 15 minutes,” said Sgt. Corey Ballard, one of the generator mechanics. After two full days of tending to patients, the unit turned its attention to learning Soldier skills, focusing heavily on response to nuclear, biological and chemical threats. Gasper said the field training exercise is a prelude to a “Commander’s Challenge” in May during which units will be timed on deployment and set-up of their field dental clinics.

Pfc. Shewonna Waters, from Yongsan’s Carius Dental Clinic, teaches how to treat a nerve agent casualty. Her class was one of many nuclear, biological and chemical, and other common task training classes held during the exercise, that focused on patient care and unit survivability.

Col. Kang Dong-ju, chief of the Republic of Korea Army Dental Corps, visits with Col. Bill Bachand, commander of the 618th Theater Dental Command. Kang and several of his staff officers showed Bachand and other members of the 618th Dental Company (Area Support) one of 40 mobile dental clinics the Republic of Korea Army uses to treat ROK Army soldiers. Kang said the Republic of Korea Army also uses American-style tent clinics to provide dental service in off-road areas not accessible to mobile clinics.

By Steve Davis Area III Public Affairs

Spc. Iman Malone prepares Command Sgt. Maj. Ricardo Alcantara for treatment during the 618th Dental Company field training exercise. Alcantara is command sergeant major for the 18th Medical Command.

Sgt. Corey Ballard repairs a generator used to provide electricity during the field training exercise.

Spc. William Mullen, a light wheeled vehicle mechanic with the 618th Dental Company, works on a Humvee in the field motor pool. Mullen said he likes the unit so much that he will train to become an Army Reserve dental assistant when he leaves the Army in a few months.

CAMP HUMPHREYS — Still numb from an injection of local anesthesia, Sgt. 1st Class Alfred C. Kirk Jr. waited for a ride after getting a tooth filled in a tent near Camp Humphreys. One of nearly 90 patients treated in the field during the 618th Dental Company (Area Support) field training exercise April 17-22, Kirk said he had never been treated in a field dental clinic in his 18 years in the Army. “I was curious what it would be like, so I agreed to get a tooth filled out here,” he said. “Everything worked out fine.” Kirk and other dental patients from Camp Humphreys said receiving treatment in the woods was pretty much the same as in a fixed clinic, except for generator noise and the obvious “environmental” change to an olive-drab tent with camouflage netting. The Camp Humphreys Dental Clinic scheduled all of the patients and provided round-trip van transportation to the field site, said Sgt. 1st Class Crystal Gasper,

April 29, 2004 22

Area III

The Morning Calm Weekly

‘Quality of Life’ dominates town hall meeting NEO Information U.S. Forces Korea will conduct Courageous Channel 2005-1, a semi-annual Noncombatant Evacuation Operation, through S a t u r d a y. P a r t i c i p a t i o n i s mandatory for all Area III noncombatants, who may process at an Evacuation Control Center at Camp Humphreys or Camp Eagle. Camp Humphreys ECC hours are: Thursday: Noon-6 p.m. Friday: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-Noon Bus transportation to the Camp Humphreys ECC will be available at the CPX Gate (wash rack area across from the gate) and at the post exchange parking lot. Camp Eagle ECC hours are: Thursday: Noon-5 p.m. Noncombatants should report to the Eagles Nest Club for processing. Bus transportation will be available from Camp Long. For information, call 753-6143 or 753-6583. Area III Central Issue Facility Customer Service Point WILL BE CLOSED Tuesday through May 6 for a 100-percent Physical Inventory. For information, call 753-5807. Area III Interactive Customer Service Community members can rate Camp Humphreys, Long or Eagle services and facilities at the Interactive Customer Service Web site at Simply go to the Web site, click “Pacific” and then the camp you wish to evaluate. For information, call 753-8847. Multi-Culture Seminar Army Community Services will sponsor a seminar by the U.S. Embassy staff 1-4 p.m. May 18, that will cover what Soldiers need to know about getting married to a non-U.S. citizen, having a child overseas, filing petitions, applying for visas, getting a green card, becoming a U.S. citizen and Status of Forces Agreement status stamp information. Interpreters will be at the seminar, and all interested persons are encouraged to attend. The event will be held at Camp Humphreys Community Activity Center, Bldg. 110. Pre-registration is required no later than Thursday. For information and registration contact Bill Spearman, Relocation Readiness coordinator at 7538804 or 8401, or online at [email protected].

By Susan Barkley Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS — Krispy Kreme doughnuts, dental care, installation shuttle buses and taxis were some of the issues discussed April 19 during the quarterly town hall meeting hosted by Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr., Area III commander. Quality of life issues dominated the discussion. Taliento began the meeting with an overview of the future of Area III and Camp Humphreys followed by a review of issues raised at the last town hall. Solutions for many issues have been implemented and include extending shuttle bus hours to better accommodate early morning physical training and the curfew hours; opening the post gym at 5 a.m. on duty days, and many more. New issues raised by community members fell into four main categories: medical and dental care; transportation; child care; and leisure activities. Diana Juergens, family member,

expressed concern regarding the shortage of dental care for family members. Taliento acknowledged the problem and said a possible solution may be a referral to the DanKook University Hospital Dental Clinic. Shanon Robinson, another family member, said she has been seen at that clinic and was pleased with the care. She said there is even a van for transportation from Camp Humphreys. The commander said he recently toured the DKUH facilities and was very favorably impressed. Charice DeGuzman stated that her baby received inpatient care at DKUH and she was very pleased with the care. Transportation issues centered around taxi problems and requests to change the installation shuttle bus route. Rick Slawson, installation transportation officer, advised that a bus stop will be placed near the commissary. Army and Air Force Exchange Service is still working the

taxi issues. The interim child development center is still under construction and there is not a firm opening date. Dave Watson, director of Community Activities, said they are working on hiring staff and anticipate opening this summer. Leisure activities was high on the list for several people who had questions about opening the outdoor swimming pool at Zoeckler Station, women’s softball and laser tag. There was no shortage of support for opening the Zoeckler Station pool or of volunteers to staff it. One young man, age 11, put in a plug for the younger set when he requested laser tag be looked into. He said, “You have to be 18 to play paintball, but laser tag would be fun for both Soldiers and kids.” Taliento promised to continue to work on unresolved issues from the last town hall and add the new issues to the list. He will report on progress at the next town hall scheduled for July 19.

Town Hall Project Status Three months ago • PX needs automatic doors • More ATMs • Library hours need to be extended • Bus and taxi schedules do not accommodate very early physical training or curfew hours • Need for a covered bus stop at Zoeckler Station • Assistance is needed to contact landlords for repairs off post Where we are now • Automatic PX doors installed • Three new ATMs at the pedes-

trian gate and one in the PX • Will conduct survey on library hours • Bus schedule extended one hour earlier on duty days and one hour later on the weekend • A covered shelter has been moved to the Zoeckler Station bus stop • Housing Chief meeting with realtors pursuing solutions to off post housing issues The way ahead • Two gates for contractor vehicles are in the works • Senior enlisted barracks, building S-256, under renovation (to be best

in Korea when it opens in September) • Camp Humphreys to have largest barracks in the Army • Plan to renovate Beacon Hill Park with Korean theme • Ground breakings planned for three fitness centers, aquatic park and shopette • Humphreys American Elementary School will have six portable class-rooms for next school year. • Two barracks and a one-story building being converted into a school campus.

Heather Didier named Area III Volunter of Year

Area III Public Affairs expanding to 50 this year. She has CAMP HUMPHREYS — Heather also trained seven new leaders to Didier was named Area III Volunteer help keep the program going. “Girl Scout leaders have to undergo of the Year for 2005 in an April 29 a training program in outdoor skills Camp Humphreys ceremony. before they can take girls Didier has logged out camping and doing more than 500 volunteer things in the field,” said hours during the last 12 Didier. months. She spent the Didier and her majority of her time husband, Capt. Hannon coaching youth Didier, will be returning swimming and as a Girl to the United States in Scout leader and Girl August, where both will Scout leader trainer. enroll in graduate school “I started out at Louisiana State coaching about 30 kids University. on the swim team,” said Vo l u n t e e r s have D i d i e r, “teaching dedicated 5,465 hours diving, flip turns and Heather Didier valued at $66,488 to other techniques. I’ve been involved in Scouting Area III, from October 2003 to since I was a little girl that was a September 2004. The following awards were also natural thing for me to get into too.” S i n c e h e r a r r i v a l a t C a m p announced during the ceremony: Outstanding Youth Volunteer Humphreys two years ago, Didier January - March 2005 has been the leader for two Girl Mary Juergens Scout troops, starting with 14 girls,

Volunteer of the Quarter January – March 2005 Suwon – Chantia McCray-Hogan (Suwon – October – December Jessica Ridenour) Camps Long and Eagle Michael Carnley Camp Humphreys – Susan Davis Community Achievement April 2004 – March 2005 Heather Didier Army Community Service R. Cynthia Jacobs Moon Jong-chul David Hennies Military Outstanding Volunteers Charles Clark, Mack Dyer, Phillip Coe, Shirley Link, Dathan Duplichen, Paul George, David Hennies, Lawerence Blackwell, Richard Winchester, Yolanda Rancher, William Smith. Outstanding Unit Achievement April 2004 – March 2005 527th MI – More than 66 volunteers dedicating in excess of 1,200 hours to the community.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area III

April 29, 2005

Members concerned with Quality of Life issues


Camp Humphreys hosts single Soldier forum By Roger Edwards Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS — Camp Humphreys hosted the 15th Annual Installation Management Agency Korea Region Office Better Opportunities for Single and unaccompanied Soldiers Forum April 19-22. The event drew more than 70 Soldiers, program leaders and advisors from throughout the peninsula. “We’re here to talk about how BOSS can help improve life for the single and unaccompanied Soldier in Korea,” said Staff Sgt. Javois Bernadette, 8th U.S. Army BOSS r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . “ We ’ l l d i s c u s s everything from how to put on a better recreational event, to how to pay for it, to ‘Quality of Life’ for the Soldier in the barracks.” BOSS supports the overall quality of life for single and unaccompanied Soldiers. It supports the chain of command by identifying issues and concerns and providing recommendations for improvement. The program encourages and assists single Soldiers in identifying and planning recreational and leisure activities. It also provides opportunities for single Soldiers to participate in and contribute to their communities. The topics and events during the

four-day forum included sports and games, a “Best Event” competition, funding projects and events at the local level, Soldier issues, recreation and entertainment programs, and planning events. Although attendees were kept busy, they had time for fun as well. This included an afternoon trip to the Korean Folk Village, a living museum exhibiting the traditional culture of the Yi Dynasty. “It’s been a good event,” said Sgt.

Irvin Simpkins, 102nd Military Intelligence representing camps Essayons, Sears and Kyle. “Our program has been dormant for a while. We’re reviving it now and something like this just helps get it off to a good start. Spc. Nicole Brooks of Camp Casey agreed. “What we’re doing here will make a difference with how we approach Soldiers issues,” she said. “The forum has been very informative. It’s increased my


Eighth U.S. Army and Department of the Army staffers judge Camp Stanley’s BOSS display during the Forum. Judges are (left to right) Staff Sgt. Bernadette Javois, EUSA BOSS representative; Marlon Martin, USA Command Family Support; and Robert Lattanzi, KORO BOSS Program manager. With its final combined score from the display and the multimedia presentation, Camp Humphreys won “Best Installation.” Camp Walker/Henry was runner up.

awareness of what BOSS can do, and it has been fun.” “Our goal has been to have each person finish the four days with new knowledge and ideas to take back,” said Robert Lattanzi, KORO BOSS Program manager. “We want each person to be able to put to use what they’ve learned here and create a better program than what they’ve had.” The four-day forum was also an opportunity to award people for their BOSS efforts. Awards presented were: Outstanding BOSS Soldier Area I: Spc. Lauren Brack Area II: Pfc. Danielle Colson Area III: Spc. Christopher Mastromarino Area IV: Spc. Brandon Hildreth Best event under 750 population 1st place: Camp Hialeah Runner up: Camp Long/Eagle Best event over 750 population 1st place: Camp Essayons/Kyle/ Sears Runner up: Camp Humphreys Best Installation Competition 1st Place: Camp Humphreys Runner up: Camp Walker/Henry Outstanding Military Advisor Master Sgt. Pedro Saldana, Area I Outstanding MWR Advisor James Hogrebe, Area III

Did you change the date on Pg. 24?

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Page 25

April 29, 2005

SMA Preston drops in on Daegu, Carroll By Cpl. Hwang Kyoo-won 19th Theater Support Command Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY – Five months after his first visit to Korea as the Army’s top enlisted Soldier, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, accompanied by his wife, Karen Preston, and Command Sgt. Maj. of the U.S. Army Reserve Michele Jones, stopped in Area IV Monday to meet with Soldiers during his foray to the peninsula, which began April 21 and ended Wednesday. He held a town hall meeting with Daegu-area Soldiers at the Camp Henry Theater Monday where he discussed some of the primary concerns on Soldiers’ minds. One concern brought up by the Soldiers in attendance was the new Army Combat Uniform. As he pointed out the many benefits of the new uniform, Preston explained how the color and the pattern of the new uniform is ideal in desert, urban and wooded areas. Another hot topic was Army transformation and how important it is. “I want you to remember ‘predictability’ and ‘stability’ because that’s what the Army transformation is going to bring to Soldiers and families,” Preston said. “We want to get to at least a


Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston talks to a Soldier from the 6th Ordnance Battalion following a reenlistment ceremony. one-to-two rotation – meaning that if you spend one year deployed, then you’ll spend at least two years at home station.” While Preston was meeting with

Soldiers, his wife had a chance to tour Daegu’s installations and facilities to see how Soldiers in Korea live. “It was hard to find any differences

between the Army stations in the U.S. and Area IV,” Karen said. “It was nice to see the good living conditions in Area IV.” After the Daegu town hall meeting, Preston traveled to Camp Carroll where he met with Soldiers from the 307th Signal Battalion, who briefed him on their mission and some of their hightech equipment. Some Soldiers appeared a bit nervous when briefing the sergeant major of the Army, but were proud to have the opportunity. “I was excited because not everyone gets to meet the sergeant major of the Army,” said Spc. Terry Glass, 307th Sig. Bn. “It was my second time meeting him, so I must say I’m pretty lucky.” Preston made an additional stop to visit the 20th Area Support Group and the 6th Ordnance Battalion, where he had the opportunity to reenlist a Soldier. For Pfc. Jessica Trevithick, 6th Ord. Bn., it was quite a unique experience to have her reenlistment ceremony in front of the sergeant major of the Army. “This may be a career highlight for me,” she said. “It’s a big deal for the enlisted Soldiers to meet the sergeant major of the Army, and by meeting him, I got a clearer meaning on leadership.”

Area IV volunteers recognized for selfless service By Galen Putnam Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP WALKER – Volunteers often work behind the scenes while bettering their communities. To ensure those unsung heroes receive the credit they deserve, volunteers from throughout Area IV were recognized, and the Area’s top volunteers were announced, at three Area IV volunteer recognition ceremonies. Previously known as the Army Installation Volunteer Program, the Army’s volunteer program is celebrating its first year as the Army Volunteer Corps. In a change from tradition, the Daegu Enclave and Area IV overall awards were presented jointly at the Daegu and Area IV Outstanding Volunteer Ceremony April 22 at the Evergreen Community Club on Camp Walker. This year’s Area IV volunteers of the year are: Civilian – Michaela Cannon, who volunteers in a variety of capacities, primarily with Taegu American School; Korean National – Kim Kang-hee, who contributes her time to Occupational Health Service at Camp Carroll; Soldier – Spc. Brandon Hildreth, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Area IV Support Activity, Camp Henry, who is active with the Better Opportunities for Single and unaccompanied Soldiers Program; Youth – Justin Sprague, who logged 170 volunteer hours with the Camp Hialeah Child and Youth Services this year. The Area IV nominees consisted of category winners from Camps Hialeah, Carroll and the Daegu Enclave. “If you talk to a counselor, if you talk to a preacher, anywhere, they will tell you everyone has a gift.

Finding it, and employing it in our community is just awesome. It just makes all the difference in the world,” said Col. Donald J. Hendrix, Area IV Support Activity commander. “Volunteers are very special people. They hold a special place in my heart. As you look around, I know that the same thing is happening to you as you think ‘wow, there are lots of great people here.’ ” The nearly 1,000 registered volunteers from Area IV logged 55,922 volunteer hours over the past year. Volunteer hours are tabulated annually based on a year that runs from April 1 – March 31. This year’s events were timed to coincide with National Volunteer Week, which was celebrated April 17-23. “This is to recognize those individuals who

continually give back to the community,” said Cyndi Bisacre, Daegu Army volunteer coordinator, who put together the Daegu event. “We have a huge population within the community that does nothing but give back so it is important that we recognize those people,” Daegu Enclave volunteers were also recognized at the dinner. Kim Hye-ri, who spends two days a week at the Camp Walker Library, was named Korean National Volunteer of the Year. The Youth Volunteer of the Year is Whitney Dalton who was recognized for her efforts on behalf of the Multicultural Gospel Service at Soldier Memorial Chapel on Camp Walker. Daegu’s other winners were Cannon and Hildreth. Top volunteers from each organization within the Daegu Enclave were also honored for their efforts. Things started off with the Camp Carroll Volunteer Awards Luncheon April 15 at the Community Activities Center, where three top winners were saluted. The Military Volunteer of the Year is Spc. Catherine Keating, 332nd Biological Integrated Detection System Detachment, president of the Camp Carroll BOSS Program who logged 660 volunteer hours over the past year. Donald L. Wilson was selected as the Civilian Volunteer of the Year for his work at the Area IV Support Activity Information Management Office at Camp Carroll. Kim was the third winner. There was no youth winner selected, because Camp Carroll has an extremely limited number of family members locally. Camp Carroll volunteers logged 12,024 hours this year,

See Volunteers olunteers, Page 26

April 29, 2005


Area IV

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area IV NEO Exercise ECC Hours Area IV Evacuation Control Center operating hours for the remainder of the Courageous Channel NEO exercise are: 5 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday at Taegu American School on Camp George. For information, contact your NEO warden. College Fair Volunteers Needed The Senior Girl Scouts will host a college fair 9 – 11 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m. May 26 at Taegu American School. College alumni are needed to represent their schools. If interested, send an e-mail to [email protected] including your name, school and the school’s location. Deadline is Saturday. For information, call Brittany Weigle at 764-4085. Starlight Ball The Far East District #21 of Oklahoma Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliated is hosting the Order of the Eastern Star Starlight Ball 7 p.m. May 7 in Naja Ballroom of the Dragon Hill Lodge on Yongsan Garrison. For information, call Chris Fullard at 010-8695-8064.

Girls Scouts march in the parade preceding the Month of the Military Child celebration at Camp Walker’s Kelly Field Saturday.




Kids celebrate Month of the Military Child By Galen Putnam Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP WALKER – Kids from throughout the Daegu community gathered at Camp Walker’s Kelly Field Saturday for a day of fun and festivities in recognition of Month of the Military Child. The day started off with a parade from the Hilltop Club to Kelly Field featuring scout troops, little leaguers and children representing a number of other

organizations. Col. Donald J. Hendrix, Area IV Support Activity commander, got things rolling at the opening ceremony. “This is a great day. It is great to see so many happy young people gathered together here today. In fact, you might even get to see the Yankees talking to the Red Sox for a change,” he said referring to the annual Little League season opener. The event featured a variety of activities, games and contests including the ever-

popular mud pie eating contest, a scavenger hunt, arts and crafts and more. Entertainment included hula dancers, a tae kwon do demonstration and a picnic lunch. One of the big thrills of the day was when a whirlwind tore two canopies from their moorings and sent them aloft, spinning higher than the Kelly Field lights for several seconds. Several adults secured the canopies when they landed. Nobody was injured in the incident.

Heavy Metal Concert Area IV MWR presents Quiet Riot and Skid Row in concert 7 p.m. May 12 at Kelly Field on Camp Walker. For information, call Luis Rios at 768-7418. TAS Re-Registration Taegu American School reregistration will take place 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. May 16–19 at the school’s main entrance. Re-registration for students with last names A – D will be May 16; E – K, May 17; L – Q, May 18 and May 19 for R – Z. Reregistration for families at Camp Carroll will be 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. May 20 at Camp Carroll Army Community Service, Building S264. For information, call Karin Puffenberger at 768-9501. ACAP Job Fair The Army Career and Alumni Program is hosting a job fair noon – 3 p.m. May 19 at the Evergreen Community Club on Camp Walker. The job fair is open to any adult who has access to the post. Participants should dress appropriately for job interviews and bring sufficient number of copies of their resume. For registration, visit and for information, call Camp Henry Army Career and Alumni Program at 768-7571.

Tae kwon do instructor Master Song In-sun fields kicks from student Mariel Keene who is a fifth-grader at Taegu American School.

Volunteers Camp Carroll volunteers logged 12,024 hours this year, which represents an increase of 2,214 over last year. “Last year we had 67 registered volunteers and this year we have 113 so we are very happy about that,” said Sandra Jackson, Camp Carroll Army Community Service Program Coordinator. “We were also very happy with the Soldier participation we had this year. We had 15 Soldiers who contributed more than 100 volunteer hours, two of whom contributed more than 500 hours.” Camp Hialeah, a small community that depends on the boost provided by volunteers, held its recognition event April

Athletes-in-training test their skills by running through a series of tires. from Page 25

21 at the Pusan Pub. Camp Hialeah volunteers racked-up 10,141 volunteer hours over the past year. Camp Hialeah’s volunteers of the year are: Civilian – Sondra Ludwig, who was recognized for her assistance to the Hialeah Women’s Club; Soldier – Spc. Andrew Martinovich, 4th Quartermaster Detachment; Youth – Justin Sprague; and Local National – Park A-young, all of whom devoted their time to helping out at the Camp Hialeah Child and Youth Services. “Pusan is a small community with a great corps of volunteers. They help us out all over post, come from all walks of life and possess many beneficial skills,” said Lt. Col. Jeffery K. Ludwig,

Camp Hialeah garrison commander. “Every time I see a volunteer I realize how honored I am to have people who make my job easier and really do inspire the rest of us to look inside ourselves and ask what we can do to help each other.” If you are interested in volunteering, contact your Army volunteer coordinator. In Daegu, call Cyndi Bisacre at 768-8126. At Camp Hialeah, contact ACS at 763-3571. At Camp Carroll, call ACS at 765-7900. For information on the Army Volunteer Corps, visit the Army Community Service Web site at:

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area IV

April 29, 2005


Environmental Division, Nam-gu district stress recycling By Cpl. Oh Dong-keun Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP WALKER – In response to the Korean government’s recent enforcement of more stringent laws on waste disposal primarily affecting Area IV off-post residents, the Area IV Environmental Division, in a joint effort with Daegu’s Nam-gu district, presented an informational recycling exhibit at the Camp Walker Post Exchange in conjunction with its Earth Day events April 22. The purpose of the exhibit was to inform and educate the community regarding the proper on- and off-post recycling procedures. “The transition of the Soldiers that brings new people in the community every year (or) two years requires us to periodically re-educate the community members on the requirements of recycling both on and off post,” said Robert J. Chartier, environmental chief, Area IV Directorate of Public Works. According to Choe Kyong-ae, Environmental Division environmental engineer, the idea of recycling, and knowing how to do it correctly, is important not only because it helps the environment and saves money, but also because noncompliance may result in penalties, especially off post. “On-post, (a penalty) only may be getting a ticket from the military police, but off-post, a penalty for illegal dumping is at least 100,000 won,” Choe said. “So it’s good for the Soldiers and other community members who live off-post to know how the local government does recycling.” Nam-gu recommends residents do a few things to make the recycling process easier beginning with separating recyclable materials from non-recyclable items. Recyclable materials include paper, glass, tin cans, metal, plastic and clothing. Then, separating the recyclable materials further by category and placing them in designated color-coded recycling bins located in and around residential areas including apartment complexes. For disposal of non-recyclable materials excluding food


Choe Kyong-ae, environmental engineer, Area IV Directorate of Public Works, hands a recycling information flyer to a customer at the recycling exhibit at the Camp Walker Main Exchange April 22. waste, use the specially marked green plastic bags for household waste available for purchase at local supermarkets. The bags come in several different sizes and must be disposed of between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. on weekdays. Food waste must be separated from all other household waste and placed in designated food waste bins. “It is very important to completely separate food waste from other recyclable and non-recyclable waste,” said Choi Jong-hwan, Nam-gu Environmental Management Division director. “Also, I would like to stress thorough separation between recyclable and non-recyclable materials, and the use of designated plastic bag for disposal, because using any other type of bag would constitute illegal dumping and be subject to fine.” On-post recycling and waste disposal procedures are similar to off post, other than the special off-post disposal bags. TheArea IV Environmental Division and Housing Office have established many recycling bin and food waste collection

points throughout camps Walker, Henry and George. In addition, recyclable waste must be placed in the appropriate color bins. Paper items should be placed in green bins, glass items in red bins, aluminum and metal items in yellow bins, and plastic items should be placed in blue bins. “Recycling helps to preserve and better our environment. Army (personnel have) just as much to do with this as any citizen of the world,” said Col. Donald J. Hendrix, commander, Area IV Support Activity, when he paid a visit to the display. “(Recycling) is important in the Army because we live and we work on the same land today that we did in the past and that we will in the future. If we don’t take care of it now, it won’t be available to us in the future. So (by recycling), we are taking care of our future.” Hendrix also mentioned the benefits of working with the local agency to get the important information out to the community. “I think it’s a marvelous opportunity for us to come together with Nam-gu and address this important issue,” Hendrix said. “When you bring the talents and experiences from both organizations together, it brings synergy to the project.” Choi agreed and shared the blueprint of future plans. “Environmental issues are not local issues anymore. They are worldwide issues,” he said. “Korea and the U.S. share and face the same problems regarding the environment. So I plan on setting up a network between us and Area IV to share information and work together towards promoting (a) better environment.” “I hope today’s event fosters a better relationship between our military community and the Nam-gu community,” Chartier said. “There were some misunderstandings about the local requirements and this will help us to be better neighbors in the community.” For information about on- and off-post recycling and waste disposal, call Chartier at 768-8730 or the housing office at 768-6974.

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April 29, 2005


Area IV

The Morning Calm Weekly

168th Med. Bn. teaches Carroll firefighters CPR techniques By Cpl. Oh Dong-keun Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP CARROLL – It is obvious that firefighters combat flame but their other skills, though equally important, are lesser known. Camp Carroll firefighters received specialized training recently not to put out fires, but to improve their ability to save lives. Firefighters from the Camp Carroll Fire Station received emergency medical technician training with an emphasis on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation April 14 – 15 at the Camp Carroll Education Center. The training for the 24 firefighters was provided by 168th Medical Battalion Soldiers and staffers including 1st Lt. Justina Mateen, physician’s assistant, Camp Carroll clinic, and Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Briscoe, treatment platoon sergeant, Company D, Camp Carroll, who were assisted by Spc. Daniel Farias, Company D, Camp Carroll, and Heo Cheong-nam, nurse, Camp Carroll clinic. All four are EMT certified. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the single greatest cause of death in the United States. Every year, more than 480,000 adult Americans die of heart attacks or complications from heart attacks. About half of those deaths could be prevented by implementing a series of immediate actions called the “Chain of Survival.” The Chain of Survival is a four-step process of providing treatment to victims of sudden cardiac arrest. “(The firefighters) are usually the first responders on the scene (of a cardiac arrest),” Mateen said. “They must know how to perform the first steps of


Kim Ki-chul, a firefighter at the Camp Carroll Fire Station, performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a training mannequin as Im Moo-kwang, assistant fire chief, Camp Carroll Fire Station, and Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Briscoe, treatment platoon sergeant, Company D, 168th Medical Battalion, look on during training for Camp Carroll firefighters April 14. resuscitating the victim to increase the chance of the victim’s survival. Without the Chain of Survival, most victims will die if they are having a cardiac arrest or a heart attack.” According to Pak Hae-chun, chief, Camp Carroll Fire Station, all firefighters stationed at Camp Carroll are CPR certified. “This training serves as a refresher to our personnel,” Pak said. “We are required to retrain our certified personnel every two years. So this is a good opportunity to refresh their memory and learn the improvements that have been made to the manual. Plus, they get to learn some new things

such as defibrillation and how to use an (automated external defibrillator).” Defibrillation is a process in which an electronic device gives an electric shock to the heart. It stimulates a heart in a cardiac arrest into resuming normal function. In recent years, small portable defibrillators called automated external defibrillators have become widely available. “AEDs have become very popular in the states the past couple of years,” Mateen said. “Now most offices and other workplaces in the states have an AED on site. Even at Camp Carroll, some of the shops have an AED even if they don’t have medically trained personnel. It is very important piece of equipment because it saves lives.” The firefighters were glad to have a chance to brush up on their skills and were eager to learn about the new equipment. They also appreciated the time and effort the instructors put in to make the training successful. “What we learned at the training will come in very handy when one of us happens to be the first one on the scene of an emergency,” said Im Moo-kwang, assistant fire chief, Camp Carroll Fire Station. “The combination of verbal instruction and hands-on training prepared us quite well for those life-and-death situations when immediate action is needed. It was also interesting to learn how to use an AED. I think it’s very easy to use and will be able to save a lot of lives.” “I truly appreciate the support we received from the Camp Carroll clinic for this training,” Pak said. “Today’s training helped the firefighters to excel at what they do by being better prepared for different situations they may face in the future.”

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April 29, 2005


Korean Language

The Morning Calm Weekly

Learn Korean Easily “Nahl-see-gah chahm jo-suem-nee-dah.” “The weather is very nice.” Language Instructor

Minsook Kwon

Word of the week

‘ yah-weh ’ The phrase of the week

“Let’s go outskirt.”

. Yah-weh-ro gahp-see-dah. some place

- (to)

Conversation of the week Joo-mahl-eh (yahk-sohk) ee-sue-seh-yo?


Yah-weh-ro nah-gahl-ggah-yo?


Oe-dee-gah jo-uel-ggah-yo?


Let’s go

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