The Mirrors

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,322
  • Pages: 11
The Mirrors by Maggie Higareda

In a spring morning of the year 2007, the light and ruffling of a city awaited for her. She could hear the wind chiming in her window. The air felt fresh running inside her room, not at all like the sunny-hot day that appeared to be in the outside city. Here it was, another day equally monotonous to the others, she thought. She was a girl who’s live meant school and responsibilities. It was as if she had a robotic life programmed to only please others, leaving out pleasing herself. What is love? She asked herself many times before, of course she loved her family but that was not what she meant. She meant real love, what does it feel to love and be loved by a real man? She had read about it in books and movies, but had never understood that love is the most precious gift a person can have. That love is what keeps us alive, and poor Lily has never loved a man before. Lily grabbed her tote bag and ventured to the outside world. She loved walking to school, being only eight blocks away from her apartment. This was the best thing about her life. She was fascinated by the lives of other people. Lily observed them in the shops and streets, laughing, talking, and sometimes screaming at each other. These people were so full of emotion, something that Lily lacked. So there she goes, like every day, watching and imagining herself in their situations. What Lily did not know, was that her life would change from this day on. As she was passing by Central Park, a man caught her eye. She whirled her copper-colored hair around, trying to see this man again. Her breath got caught somewhere inside her throat. Visible by the large opened windows, this man was sitting in a coffee shop, alone. He was reading a book and as he sensed the intense gaze of Lily, he turned and faced her. Lily blushed scarlet red, something that had never happened to her before; though it was easily apparent due to her transparent skin. The man in the coffee shop acknowledged this and smiled at her. Lily stopped dead in her tracks. Heat rushing through her veins, “it’s him” she said in a low voice careful enough for him not to hear. His blue eyes never leaving her and now everything clicked inside her head. This was the man Lily idolatrized. The only man she wished she could have. Yes, his golden hair and pale skin, Lily loved watching this man act. She had seen all of his movies fantasizing if could be him, the one who would love her. And here he was, in her reach, closer than she could ever imagine. She understood that this was the one opportunity, the last one she would have to meet him. So repressing her cowardice, Lily ventured to the coffee shop. She turned

right and headed to his table. As she stopped in front of him, he suddenly turned his head up and stared deeply into her eyes. “Hello,” she said. “Would you mind giving me an autograph?” she asked with a shaky voice. He smiled at her, a smile so breath-taking that Lily almost lost her balance. The cameras did not do him justice. He was more handsome in real life than in those movies where he already looked perfect. He stood up, worried that she would faint and directed her towards the chair in front of him. Lily felt electric shocks through her body when the tall, handsome man touched her shoulder to direct her to the chair. But composed herself rapidly; though her blushed cheeks gave her away. “Hello, um...” “Lilian,” she told him. “My name is Lilian Ferrer.” “Well, Hello Lilian, I am Alexander Cromwell.” “Yes I know who you are.” She retorted, and smiled. He laughed. Lily asked again, “so could I have an autograph Alexander? She plead. “Call me Alex, and yes, tell me where you want it.” Lilian turned pink again while she imagined the double meaning to his question. Anywhere on her body, she would love to say. But of course that was a comment buried deep inside her mind. She cleared her inner thoughts and reached for her note book inside her tote bag, with trembling hands. She passed him the note book which had a picture of him in the cover and passed him the marker. Lily felt another spasm traveling through her body as he reached and touched her hand to grab the marker. She could not help it; this man affected her in every possible way. Her body and mind had a deep attraction towards him. But of course every fan would feel like this if they had Alex in front of them. She thought. How stupid of me to think he would ever be inclined to me. She brought herself back to reality. “Here Lilian, anything else I could do for you?” He asked. “Thank you, and yes, call me Lily please.” She said. “Lily” he said. A very sweet name, he thought. This girl has something very attractive. Could it be her red, long, sensual hair? Her deep green eyes? I must stop thinking this. He battled deep inside his mind trying

to convince himself that she was a plain, normal woman. Is she a woman or is she still a girl? Stop! He screamed himself again. But his body said completely the opposite. How could have I insinuated her twice, of my intentions. He wanted to “autograph” her body. Also, he wanted to “help” her, assist her in every possible way. Realizing that both were staring into each other, they came back from their reveries. “I suppose I am taking your time. Thank you very much for the autograph.” Lily stood up and Alexander did the same in response. Alexander did not want her to leave. I want a few more minutes with you he thought. “Oh no, I absolutely enjoyed conversing with you. Do you have to go now?” He asked. Lily could not believe her ears, is he asking me to stay? She thought. “I’m sorry?” She asked, trying to convince herself that she had just imagined his sexy voice asking her to stay. “Would you stay? I would like to have a longer conversation with you” he said with the accent Lily so much loved. Yes, Alex asked me to stay, she realized. Lilian accepted his invitation, her insides beaming with satisfaction. “So Lily, you live here in New York?” he asked. “Yes, in fact, I live five blocks from here.” How very convenient, I would love to accompany you home and get to know each other better. Alexander fantasized. “And where were you heading to?” He asked. “I was walking to my university.” Good, she is an adult, everything changes now. He mused. “Will it affect you if you fail to attend for one day?” He asked “Not really,” Lily answered, her cheeks coloring at the thought of being with him for one whole day. “So, tell me more about you.” He said. “I don’t think my life will be interesting for you to hear.” She said. But she was wrong, every little detail of her interested Alexander. The more, the better, he thought.

“But do tell me.” He responded. “Well, I am twenty years old. I rent an apartment and attend Fordham University. My family lives in Washington State. I moved here three years ago and I don’t have much friends. I enjoy being alone. I love reading books and I don’t have a boyfriend.” She said, regretting the “boyfriend” detail. She would not like him to see her as an-urgently-needing-a-boyfriend type of girl. She grimaced. Marvelous, no strings attached. He smiled. “And what about you?” Lily asked him. “I am in New York to shoot my new movie. I have been very stressed, so decided to come to this coffee shop and relax. I am from London and I am twenty-two years old. I enjoy reading too. I do not have a girlfriend either.” He smiled wickedly at her, as if to let her know his intentions. “But maybe you already know most of what I’ve told you due to the paparazzi and the internet.” He finalized. “Yes but it’s hard to believe you don’t have a girlfriend.” She spoke. “Let’s just say I haven’t found the right one.” He smiled at her. I like this girl very much, but a relationship would never work. I am constantly travelling around the world, and for long periods of time. Not to mention I would put her in the spotlight, and I would never forgive myself for dragging her into this. Alexander felt a pang of anger run through his body. He wanted this girl very much, but would never have her. And so, they spent their day talking about things they liked. They talked about the important things in their lives, about music, books, hobbies and food, things that would make them know each other better. It was getting dark outside, he knew it was time to leave and felt pain in his stomach at the thought of not seeing her again. They both stood up and shook hands. Both felt the electricity as their hands touched. It was at this moment that Alexander understood something. He had the perfect solution to all this. Of course, I will have you. I will stay with you every night for the rest of my life and will give you anything you desire. You will be mine, and will always be mine. He mused. He felt confident now, and with the realization that he would very soon see her, he said goodbye and left Lily. Lily felt stupid and heartbroken at the same time. She had assumed that maybe they had become friends and that they would see each other often. But he had simply said goodbye as if they had only spent five minutes talking to each other, rather than hours and hours.

What was the point in asking me personal things if we would never see each other again? Why didn’t he ask for my cell phone number? How stupid of me to think that I had a chance. She thought on the way home. Lilian felt out of place in her apartment. Her dream had ended so suddenly and now she was trapped again in her apartment with her boring unchanging life. The days passed and Lily still had Alexander’s face in her mind. She could not think of anything else but his perfect face, and his sexy voice. She kept revisiting her encounter with the man. The classes were becoming annoying, so she missed school. She had realized she felt lifeless, with no desire at all.

************* There was a knock at her door, she woke up and headed to the door. There was nobody outside except for a big brown box leaned on the wall. It was taller than her fivefeet-four-inches, wide in depth and a thin width. On the corner of the box, her name was handwritten in black. “So it belongs to me. How weird it doesn’t even have my address on it.” She spoke out loud. Though the box seemed to be heavy, it surprised her how light it was. She took it inside and plopped it on her king-sized bed. She opened the box. It’s a mirror. She scratched her head. Who would send me a mirror? She mused. She carefully examined the mirror. It was very beautiful, it had a silver frame, and beautiful patterns painted at the edges of the glass. The patterns looked like they had a meaning. But of course Lily would never have a way to find out their meaning. She had never seen anything like them before, the patterns looked deeply enthralling and weird at the same time. This mirror seemed to be valuable, an antique. She walked around her room, trying to decide where to hang it. She hanged it on the wall in front of her bed. It was the only place it fitted properly.

************* Lily was in her closet getting ready to take a bath. She was undressing and loosening her hair when she heard a noise in the room. After covering herself, she went outside of the closet and searched in the bedroom and bathroom. There was nothing unusual. I must have imagined it. She thought as she got into the shower. After taking her bath, Lily decided to visit her bed earlier than usual. As she fell as sleep, she began to hear a man’s voice calling her. “Lily” he whispered. “Lily I’ve missed you deeply.” She could hear the voice in her ear. “Wake up my love; I’ve come to see you.” Lily woke up, startled, her heart beating excitedly.

“It was only a dream, just a dream that will never be real.” She whispered to herself. She turned her bedside lamp on. Lily was covered with the quilt her mom had given her when she was sixteen. Weird, she thought. I don’t remember getting up to grab the quilt. I guess I was walking asleep. But the voice, I do remember hearing a voice in my dream. It was him. I would give anything to have him here, in my room. He is the only man that has touched my heart. The only man I fantasize touching and kissing me. The only man I can think of, losing my virginity with. It all sounds ridiculous. The worst of all is that I fell in love with Alex in that one day. I am a fool for loving someone who will never give a damn about me. Alexander Cromwell will never come back to me, he was gone forever. Tears came down her cheeks, poor Lily was suffering and there was nothing to alleviate her pain.

**************** It will be tonight. I will tell her that I’ve been visiting her at night through this magical mirror that has been in my family since the beginnings of time. She will finally know that it was not a dream; it was me who covered her body with that quilt. But how could I tell her this? I could not wake her up from her sleep and tell her the truth. “Yeah, umm Lily, Its Alex, don’t panic. I’ve been here for the past two weeks. I’ve been watching you sleep, oh and when you shower too.” This is wrong, I can’t do this anymore. She has to know. How would she react if I told her that I’ve seen her luscious body many times already? If I told her that I’ve wanted to jump out of the mirror and take her, make her mine every time I see her walking naked in her room.? What if she breaks the mirror because she is afraid of me? I cannot stand this pain anymore. This girl is driving me crazy. I am completely infatuated with her, she has to be mine. Lily must belong to me. The night arrived and Alexander got ready for his night adventure. He walked towards a mirror that looked exactly the same, as the one Lily had in her room. He stood there gazing at the mirror, watching her brushing her hair in front of him. He could see all of her room, her plump white bed behind her. Lily was completely unaware that she was being observed. After all, she was in her private room, dressed only with her favorite black lingerie. Alex almost jumped out of the mirror to seize her and make love to her. But composed himself and waited for the appropriate moment to appear. She sat on the bed, thinking deeply. Her head turned away from the mirror,

This is the right moment. He thought and started tracing the patterns on the mirror with his finger. Saying words in another dialect, soon enough the mirror changed from a solid glass, to a watery phase making it possible to step into it. This mirror was a portal. It transported Alexander from his room, to Lily’s room in less than one second. He stood there, petrified. He did not know if it was safe to advance towards her. He decided he would approach her very slowly, and he did. He reached for her and touched her shoulder. Lily jumped and squealed as she turned and saw who had touched her. She could not believe her eyes. I was Alexander, in her room, and she was almost naked. He was holding the quilt that was on top of her bed, offering it to her. Lily jerked it from his hand covered and herself immediately. “How did you get in here?” she screamed, moving back as far as it was possible from him. Her back found the wall. “Please, don’t be scared. I came to tell you how much I love you. I want to be with you always!” He whispered “Excuse me? You came here and broke into my apartment at night to tell me that you love me? Are you a maniac?” “Please, it’s not like that, I had no option. Let me explain to you. He plead. “No! Get out of my apartment, now!” she screamed. Lily was trembling with fear. “Calm down, please calm down.” He moved towards her trying to make her listen. “Stay away from me, stay away! Don’t touch me!” she screamed, as she struggled with him to free herself. The quilt had fallen to the floor and she was trying to push Alex away with her hands. Alex was trying to hug her, and seized her hands. He could feel her body moving against him, her breasts brushing his chest. She had no escape. She was trapped between his body and the wall. Alexander seized her chin and kissed her full on the mouth. Lily did not open her mouth, she could only feel his ragged breath against her face and she could resist no longer. Even if this man had broken into her apartment, it had been the man she desired the most. It was the man she loved with all her heart. And so she stopped struggling and tangled her arms around his neck. Lily’s body was against Alex now. This pleased him, he knew Lily had forgiven him and now he could finally make love to her. He reached for her waist and Lily jerked

at his movement. He massaged her waist, tracing patterns with his fingers like he had done with the mirror. She gasped. His hand moved to her back to unbuckle her bra. Lily froze suddenly. “What’s wrong?” he whispered against her lips. “I have never done this before.” She responded. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.” He said and pushed away from her. Her arms tightened around his neck. “But I do want you to make love to me.” She responded. That was all Alex needed to hear. His inflamed member seemed to rejoice inside his pants. Having her permission, he returned to the unfinished business and unbuckled her bra. It fell to the floor. There in front of him where the most delicate, mouthwatering breasts he had ever seen. They were perfectly round inviting him to cup one with his hand. Her skin is so soft, he thought. He massaged her breasts. Lily could not describe with words how good it felt to have him touching her. She was breathless and something inside her womanhood was pleading for attention. “I feel so wet” she whispered. What Lily said aroused Alex to the point of pain. He groaned and scooped her into his arms. He plopped her on her bed and positioned himself on top of her. “You will have to teach me how to do this.” She said with a tone of coquetry which excited him to no end. “Tell me first what you would want me to do.” He proposed. “I want your lips and fingers to travel all of my body.” She responded. “Your wish is my command,” he teased. And so she felt her body tense and rejoice at his touch. But everything else became dull when his mouth found her nether region. She squirmed at first, but the physical pleasure he was eliciting on her left her unable to move. “Oh my God, this feels so good Alex,” she moaned. “Do you want me to keep on?” he asked. “Yes please, please do!” Her abdomen trembling with the pleasure she felt.

He laughed and continued his mastered technique of performing oral sex until Lily exploded, and moaned. Her back arched and her eyes went blank. Not being able to tolerate his state of arousal, Alex informed Lily what would happen next. “Now, I will penetrate you. Do you still want to do this?” he asked. “Yes Alex, I want to know how it feels to be yours.” She assured. “But it will hurt you.” He replied. “I know, but don’t stop yourself because of this. After what you have made me feel, it is time for you to feel the same.” “Did I mention before, that I love you? He said. “Yes, and you might like to know that I love you too, with all my heart.” She blushed, saying it out loud was more intimidating. “You bewitched me that day I met you in the coffee shop.” He admitted. “And I was crazy for you even before I met you. You seemed to be a dream that would never come true.” She whispered. Alexander stood up and undressed himself completely. Lily gasped when she saw his member aroused and directed towards her. It was large in size, and thick. She now realized the full meaning of what he had told her. Yes, it would hurt her, but she was delirious to have him inside of her. Lily wanted Alex’s pale member inside her woman portal. His body was cut with muscle, something Lily would caress as soon as he came to her. Finally he positioned himself against her for the second time and opened her legs to let him in. He looked at her deeply in the eyes, and penetrated her with extreme care. Lily screamed and her back arched, her breasts touching his chest. She screamed out in pain, tears coming out of her eyes. “I can’t do this Lily. I refuse to hurt you,” He said. “No,” Lily moaned. “Don’t stop please. It hurts, yes, but this is a pain I can endure. This is a pain that brings me satisfaction at the same time. Do you understand what I mean?” she retorted. “Lily, are you a masochist?” he laughed. “Well I do not know that, but I believe the pain will eventually disappear.” She whispered.

“Okay. Thank you my love.” He kissed her on the mouth and began moving his body again, against hers. Their lips never parted. Lily felt the stinging pain, but was somewhat relieved with Alexander’s kisses; his tongue moving, searching for her throat. Her portal was wet with her corporal fluids. She was aroused to no end. Alex kept this rhythmical movement; saturating and unsaturating her defiled vagina. His breath coming out in broken gasps, whispering her name in her ear. “Lily. Lily you are so small. He breathed out. You are so tight and luscious, he wanted to say, but preferred using the word small instead. “Do you mean I cannot satisfy you?” she asked disappointed. “Quite the opposite my dear, your vagina is so delicious.” He could not stop himself from saying it. Lily laughed, shocked with the use of his words. The pain was easing now. She could feel a tickling inside of her. Alexander increased his tempo, making Lily moan repeatedly. She was beginning to feel a pleasure so intense, that made her dizzy. Every part of her body was tickling. “Alex, this feels so glorious.” She moaned with great difficulty. She could not find the right words to describe it, and with her brain so numb it was harder to think and speak. Alexander’s breathing also increased, he was panting loud. They both reached the climax. They reached ecstasy, and finally they both released a charge of corporal fluids. Alex was panting uncontrollably, and Lily was moaning unmelodiously. They stood still, gazing at each other; appreciating their bodies. “Lily, you will always belong to me. I will never let you go.” He whispered to her. “Good, because I don’t want you to leave me, ever.” She responded. “I had been waiting for this moment ever since I met you in that coffee shop. I fantasized having you in my room, making love to me. And here I am, beside you, completely yours.” “I have to tell you something.” He said. “I’ve been watching you every night for the past two weeks, through this mirror.” He pointed at the mirror in front of them. “What do you mean?” She asked, confused. “This mirror that you have here is a portal. It connects to the mirror I have in my room. They have been in my family’s possession for many generations. My father showed me how they worked, but I had never found a use for them. Not until I met you.” He said.

“Then you will have to show me how to use them, so that I can visit your room every time I want.” She laughed So they talked and made love many times, until the light of dawn peeked into the window. The mirror remained as their medium of transportation. They spent every night together sometimes in Lily’s room, sometimes in Alexander’s room. Safe from the eye of the paparazzi, both with their normal daylight lives, while at night they both ventured to the deep regions of their love.

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