The Many Dimensions of the Software Process By Sebastián Tyrrell
The software process is a becoming a big issue for companies that produce software. As a consequence, the software process is becoming more and more important for permanent employees, long-term practitioners, and short-term consultant in the software industry. A process may be defined as a method of doing or producing something. Extending this to the specific case of software, we can say that a software process is a method of developing or producing software. This simple definition shows us nothing new. After all, all software has been developed using some method. "Try it and see" is a perfectly valid process. However, as highly trained consultants we would be more likely to refer to it as a heuristic approach. We can also see that a process is nothing without the something that gets developed - in our case the software itself - that the process produces. Again, this is nothing new. Every process produces something. Two extremes, and a whole spectrum of views between them, characterize most professionals' view of the process. One extreme represents the `hero tendency'. This view says concentration on the process achieves nothing more than adding bureaucratic overhead. It gets in the way of the real work, which is programming. The second says that process is all. So long as you have and follow a good process the software will almost write itself. This guide will attempt to steer a balanced course through these troubled waters, identifying where, when, and how a greater emphasis on process issues may be of greater help, and maybe more important, where they would not. The importance of process In the past, such processes, no matter how professionally executed, have been highly dependent on the individual developer. This can lead to three key problems.
First, such software is very difficult to maintain. Imagine our software developer has fallen under a bus, and somebody else must take over the partially completed work. Quite possibly there is extensive documentation explaining the state of the work in progress. Maybe there is even a plan, with individual tasks mapped out and those that have been completed neatly marked - or maybe the plan only exists in the developer's head. In any case, a replacement employee will probably end up starting from scratch, because however good the previous work, the replacement has no clue of where to start. The process may be superb, but it is an ad-hoc process, not a defined process. Second, it is very difficult to accurately gauge the quality of the finished product according to any independent assessment. If we have two developers each working according to their own processes, defining their own tests along the way, we have no objective method of comparing their work either with each other, or, more important, with a customers' quality criteria. Third, there is a huge overhead involved as each individual works out their own way of doing things in isolation. To avoid this we must find some way of learning from the experiences of others who have already trodden the same road. So it is important for each organization to define the process for a project. At its most basic, this means simply to write it down. Writing it down specifies the various items that must be produced and the order in which they should be produced: from plans to requirements to documentation to the finished source code. It says where they should be kept, and how they should be checked, and what to do with them when the project is over. It may not be much of a process. One that says that all products are to be kept in a shoe box under the stairs, be checked by weighing the shoe box to see if it is over a certain minimum weight and to burn the shoe box the minute the check is received is unlikely to win any awards. However, once you have written it down, it is a defined process. The purpose of process What do we want our process to achieve? We can identify certain key goals in this respect. Effectiveness. Not to be confused with efficiency. An effective process must help us produce the right product. It doesn't matter how elegant and well-written the software, nor how quickly we have produced it. If it isn't what the customer wanted, or required, it's no good. The process should therefore help us determine what the customer needs, produce what the customer needs, and, crucially, verify that what we have produced is what the customer needs. Maintainability. However good the programmer, things will still go wrong with the software. Requirements often change between versions. In any case, we may want to reuse elements of the software in other products. None of this is made any easier if, when a problem is discovered, everybody stands around scratching their heads saying "Oh dear, the person that wrote this left the company last week" or worse, "Does anybody know who wrote this code?" One of the goals of a good process is to expose the designers' and programmers' thought processes in such a way that their intention is clear. Then we can quickly and easily find and remedy faults or work out where to make changes. Predictability. Any new product development needs to be planned, and those plans are used as the basis for allocating resources: both time and people. It is important to predict accurately how long it will take to develop the product. That means estimating accurately how long it will take to produce each part of it - including the software. A good process will help us do this. The process helps lay out the steps of development. Furthermore, consistency of process allows us to learn from the designs of other projects.
Repeatability. If a process is discovered to work, it should be replicated in future projects. Ad-hoc processes are rarely replicable unless the same team is working on the new project. Even with the same team, it is difficult to keep things exactly the same. A closely related issue, is that of process re-use. It is a huge waste and overhead for each project to produce a process from scratch. It is much faster and easier to adapt an existing process. Quality. Quality in this case may be defined as the product's fitness for its purpose. One goal of a defined process is to enable software engineers to ensure a high quality product. The process should provide a clear link between a customer's desires and a developer's product. Improvement. No one would expect their process to reach perfection and need no further improvement itself. Even if we were as good as we could be now, both development environments and requested products are changing so quickly that our processes will always be running to catch up. A goal of our defined process must then be to identify and prototype possibilities for improvement in the process itself. Tracking. A defined process should allow the management, developers, and customer to follow the status of a project. Tracking is the flip side of predictability. It keeps track of how good our predictions are, and hence how to improve them. These seven process goals are very close relatives of the McCall quality factors ([8]) which categorize and describe the attributes that determine how the quality of the software produced. Does it make sense that the goals we set for our process are similar to the goals we have for our software? Of course! A process is software too, albeit software that is intended to be `run' on human beings rather than machines! It has already been hinted that all this is too much for a single project to do. It is essential that the organization provide a set of guidelines to the projects to allow them to develop their process quickly and easily and with the minimum of overhead. These guidelines, a form of meta-process, consist of a set of detailed instructions of what activities must be performed and what documents should be produced by each project. These instructions are generally known as the Quality system. Quality Now we all know, more or less, about Quality systems. Somehow the initial capital `Q' changes the meaning utterly. It is every engineer's nightmare. On our first day in a new job we find our supervisor is away or doesn't know what to do with us. So we are handed a mountain of wastepaper and told to familiarize ourselves with `the Quality system'. Such Quality systems are often far removed from the goals I have set out for a process. All too often they appear to be nothing more than an endless list of documents to be produced in the knowledge that they will never be read; written long after they might have had any use; in order to satisfy the auditor, who in turn is not interested in the content of the document but only its existence. This gives rise to the quality dilemma, stated in the following theorem: it is possible for a Quality system to adhere completely to any given quality standard and yet for that Quality system to make it impossible to achieve a quality process. (I will describe this from here on, in a fit of hubris, as Tyrrell's Quality theorem). So is the entire notion of a quality system flawed? Not at all. It is possible, and some organizations do achieve, a quality process that really helps them to produce quality software. Much excellent work is going in to the development of new quality models that can act as road maps to developing a better quality system. The Software Engineering Institute's Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is principal among them.
The meaning of quality The key goal of these models is to establish and maintain a link between the quality of the process and the quality of the product - our software - that comes out of that process. But in order to establish such a link we must know what we mean by quality or even Quality. The word has many meanings, and this has helped sow confusion in the minds of both developers and managers. Earlier on, I defined quality as simply 'fitness for purpose'. Such a definition might surprise those of you who have not looked in detail at processes or quality systems. It is based on the British Standard Institute's definition (below). Quality:
1. `The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need.' (British Standards Institute [2]).
2. "We must define quality as `conformance to requirements.' Requirements must be clearly
stated so that they cannot be misunderstood. Measurements are then taken continually to determine conformance to those requirements. The non-conformance detected is the absence of quality" [4]. `1. Degree of excellence, relative nature or kind of character 2. Faculty, skill, accomplishment, characteristic trait, mental or moral attribute' [12].
Now for many of us, the BSI and Crosby definitions are counter-intuitive. Life might be a great deal easier if we had conformance systems - for intuitively the BSI definition could perhaps better be applied to the word conformance! Crosby in particular explicitly rejects the notion of quality as `degree of excellence' because of the difficulty of measuring such a nebulous concept. Yet Crosby's own definition has serious gaps. Wesselius and Ververs [13] provide an excellent example. The example comes from the US's ballistic missile warning systems. These regularly gave false indications of incoming attacks, and would be triggered by various, mainly natural, events. One was a flock of geese, and another a moonrise. By Crosby's definition there was no quality problem with the system. How come? Because the model didn't include a moonrise. Therefore, the system remained completely conformant to its specifications, and hence its quality was unaffected! Intuitively this is simply wrong. Few of us, especially given the nature of the application, would agree that this system was flawless! There has to be a subjective element to quality, even if it is reasonable to maximize the objective element. More concretely in this case we must identify that there is a quality problem with the requirements statement itself. This requires that our quality model be able to reflect the existence of such problems, for example, by taking measures of perceived quality, such as the use of questionnaires to measure customer satisfaction. Such methods can begin to measure the `yes, its what I asked for but it still doesn't feel right' type response that indicates a possible requirements specification problem. A number of sources have looked at different ways of making sense of what we should mean by quality. Most of these take a multi-dimensional view, with conformance at one end and transcendental or aesthetic quality at the other. For example, Garvin [5] lists eight dimensions of quality:
1. Performance quality. Expresses whether the product's primary features conform to 2. 3. 4.
specification. In software terms we would often regard this as the product fulfilling its functional specification. Feature quality. Does it provide additional features over and above its functional specification? Reliability. A measure of how often (in terms of number of uses, or in terms of time) the product will fail. This will be measured in terms of the mean time between failures (MTBF). Conformance. A measure of the extent to which the originally delivered product lives up to its specification. This could be measured for example as a defect rate (possibly number of faulty units per 1000 shipped units, or more likely in the case of software the number of faults per 1000 lines of code in the delivered product) or a service call-out rate. Durability. How long will an average product last before failing irreparably? Again in software terms this has a slightly different meaning, in that the mechanisms by which software wears out is rather different from, for example, a car or a light-bulb. Software wears out, in large part, because it becomes too expensive and risky to change further. This happens when nobody fully understands the impact of a change on the overall code. (A good description of `the aging software plant' may be found in [9]). Cynics might say that, on that definition, most software is worn out before it's delivered. Other cynics would say that many consultants keep their high-paying jobs purely on the basis that, as the only person in an organization to understand their own software, that software automatically `wears out' as soon as they leave! Serviceability. Serviceability is a measure of the quality and ease of repair. It is astonishing how often it is that the component in which everybody has the most confidence is the first to fail - a principle summed up by the author Douglas Adams: "The difference between something that can go wrong and something that can't possibly go wrong is that when something that can't possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair" [1]. Aesthetics. A highly subjective measure. How does it look? How does it feel to use? What are your subconscious opinions of it? This is also a measure with an interesting variation over time. Consider your reactions when you see a ten-year old car. It looks square, box-like, and unattractive. Yet, ten years ago, had you looked at the same car, it would have looked smart, aerodynamic and an example of great design. We may like to think that we don't change, but clearly we do! Of course, give that car another twenty years and you will look at it and say `oh that's a classic design!'. I wonder if we will say the same about our software. Perception. This is another subjective measure, and one that it could be argued really shouldn't affect the product's quality at all. It refers of course to the perceived quality of the provider, but in terms of gaining an acceptance of the product it is key. How many of us would regard a Skoda as desirable a car as a Volkswagen? Very few, yet they are made by the same company. This is key to a wider issue: the reputation of the provider.
More specifically to software, McCall's software quality factors ([8]) define eleven dimensions of quality under three categories: product operations (encompassing correctness, reliability, efficiency, usability, and integrity - this last referring to the control of access by unauthorized persons), product revision (maintainability, flexibility, and testability) and product transition (portability, reusability, and interoperability). The primary area that McCall's factors do not address are the subjective ones of perception and aesthetics - possibly he felt they were impossible to measure or possibly the idea in 1977 that software could have an aesthetic quality would have been considered outlandish! But nowadays most professionals would agree that such judgments are possible, and indeed are made every day. All of us will recognize that products do not score equally on all of these dimensions. It is arguable that there is no reason why they should, as they are appealing to different sectors of the
market with different needs. To take an example with which we will all be familiar; many consumer software companies concentrate on features (performance quality and feature quality in the above descriptions) to the detriment of reliability, conformance, and serviceability. The danger for such companies is that this does damage their reputation over the longer term. The subjective measure of aesthetic quality suffers and their customers are very likely to desert them as soon as an acceptable alternative comes on the market. Process and product quality So which is the `right' definition of quality? Well, as it happens, it is all of them. But traditional quality systems, based on ISO9000, clearly focus on conformance to a defined process. Why is this? You may argue that this is a flawed measure of quality, bearing little relationship to the quality of the end product. Well, if you argue that, you would be wrong. Understandably so, because there is (see Tyrrell's quality theorem above) no guarantee that process quality (or process conformance) will produce a product of the required quality. Such process conformance was never intended to give such a guarantee anyway. Your ISO9000 auditors don't know how good your product is, that isn't their area of expertise. They know about process, and can measure your conformance to your defined process and measure your process itself against the standards, but it is the people in your own industry that must judge your product. The guarantee it does provide is the inverse of this. Process conformance is a necessary (but not sufficient) pre-requisite to the consistent production of a high-quality product. The challenge for the developers of the software meta-processes - those guides that say what the process should contain - is to strengthen the link between the process conformance and the product quality. A key factor in this is psychological. The aim of the process should be "to facilitate the engineer doing the job well rather than to prevent them from doing it badly" [11]. This implies that the process must be easy to use correctly, and certainly easier to use correctly than badly or not at all. It implies that the engineers will want to use the process: in the jargon of the trade that they will buy-in to the process. It implies that there must be some feedback from the user of the process as to how to improve the process, leading to the virtuous circle that is the Holy Grail of process engineers: Continuous Process Improvement or CPI. This in turn implies that the organization provide the structures that encourage the user to provide such feedback, for without such structures the grumbles, complaints and great ideas discussed round the coffee machine will be quickly forgotten - at least until the next time someone's work is affected. Perhaps most of all it implies that the process should not be seen as a bureaucratic overhead of documents and figures that can be left until after the real work is finished, but as an integral part of the real work itself. In the past, software quality has embraced only a limited number of the dimensions that truly constitute software quality. Focusing only on the process is limiting; it is only by including all the facets of software quality that a better evaluation of the quality of software can be obtained. The keys to better software are not simply to be found in process quality but rather in a closer link between process quality and product quality and in the active commitment to that goal of the people involved. In order to establish, maintain, and strengthen that link we must measure our product - our software - against all the relevant factors: those that relate to the specification of the product, those related to the development and maintenance of the product, and those related to our and our colleagues' subjective views of the product as well as those that relate to process conformance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineering RS Pressman
Chapter 2 - The Process Overview • • • • • •
The roadmap to building high quality software products is software process. Software processes are adapted to meet the needs of software engineers and managers as they undertake the development of a software product. A software process provides a framework for managing activities that can very easily get out of control. Different projects require different software processes. The software engineer's work products (programs, documentation, data) are produced as consequences of the activities defined by the software process. The best indicators of how well a software process has worked are the quality, timeliness, and long-term viability of the resulting software product.
Software Engineering •
Software engineering encompasses a process, management techniques, technical methods, and the use of tools.
Generic Software Engineering Phases • • •
Definition phase - focuses on what (information engineering, software project planning, requirements analysis). Development phase - focuses on how (software design, code generation, software testing). Support phase - focuses on change (corrective maintenance, adaptive maintenance, perfective maintenance, preventative maintenance).
Software Engineering Umbrella Activities • • • • • • • •
Software project tracking and control Formal technical reviews Software quality assurance Software configuration management Document preparation and production Reusability management Measurement Risk management
Common Process Framework • • • •
Software engineering work tasks Project milestones Work products Quality assurance points
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) • • • • •
Level 1: Initial (ad hoc software processes) Level 2: Repeatable (able to repeat earlier successes) Level 3: Defined (management and engineering processes documented, standardized, and integrated into organization-wide software process) Level 4; Managed (software process and products are quantitatively understood and controlled using detailed measures) Level 5: Optimizing (continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback from the process and testing innovative ideas)
Software Process Models • • • • • • • • • •
Linear Sequential Model (old fashioned but reasonable approach when requirements are well understood) Prototyping Model (good first step when customer has a legitimate need, but is clueless about the details, developer needs to resist pressure to extend a rough prototype into a production product) Rapid Application and Development (RAD) Model (makes heavy use of reusable software components with an extremely short development cycle) Incremental Model (delivers software in small but usable pieces, each piece builds on pieces already delivered) Spiral Model (couples iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the linear sequential model) Win-Win Spiral Model (eliciting software requirements defined through negotiation between customer and developer, where each party attempts to balance technical and business constraints) Concurrent Development Model (similar to spiral model often used in development of client/server applications) Component-Based Development (spiral model variation in which applications are built from prepackaged software components called classes) Formal Methods Model (rigorous mathematical notation used to specify, design, and verify computer-based systems) Fourth Generation (4GT) Techniques (software tool is used to generate the source code for a software system from a high level specification representation)
Chapter 3 - Project Management Concepts Overview • • • • • •
Project management involves the planning, monitoring, and control of people, process, and events that occur during software development. Everyone manages, but the scope of each person's management activities varies according his or her role in the project. Software needs to be managed because it is a complex undertaking with a long duration time. Managers must focus on the fours P's to be successful (people, product, process, and project). A project plan is a document that defines the four P's in such a way as to ensure a cost effective, high quality software product. The only way to be sure that a project plan worked correctly is by observing that a high quality product was delivered on time and under budget.
Management Spectrum • • • •
People (recruiting, selection, performance management, training, compensation, career development, organization, work design, team/culture development) Product (product objectives, scope, alternative solutions, constraint tradeoffs) Process (framework activities populated with tasks, milestones, work products, and QA points) Project (planning, monitoring, controlling)
People • • •
Players (senior managers, technical managers, practitioners, customers, end-users) Team leadership model (motivation, organization, skills) Characteristics of effective project managers (problem solving, managerial identity, achievement, influence and team building)
Software Team Organization • • •
Democratic decentralized (rotating task coordinators and group consensus) Controlled decentralized (permanent leader, group problem solving, subgroup implementation of solutions) Controlled centralized (top level problem solving and internal coordination managed by team leader)
Factors Affecting Team Organization • • • • • • •
Difficulty of problem to be solved Size of resulting program Team lifetime Degree to which problem can be modularized Required quality and reliability of the system to be built Rigidity of the delivery date Degree of communication required for the project
Coordination and Communication Issues • • • • •
Formal, impersonal approaches (e.g. documents, milestones, memos) Formal interpersonal approaches (e.g. review meetings, inspections) Informal interpersonal approaches (e.g. information meetings, problem solving) Electronic communication (e.g. e-mail, bulletin boards, video conferencing) Interpersonal network (e.g. informal discussion with people other than project team members)
The Product • •
Software scope (context, information objectives, function, performance) Problem decomposition (partitioning or problem elaboration - focus is on functionality to be delivered and the process used to deliver it)
The Process • • • • • •
Process model chosen must be appropriate for the: customers and developers, characteristics of the product, and project development environment Project planning begins with melding the product and the process Each function to be engineered must pass though the set of framework activities defined for a software organization Work tasks may vary but the common process framework (CPF) is invariant (project size does not change the CPF) The job of the software engineer is to estimate the resources required to move each function though the framework activities to produce each work product Project decomposition begins when the project manager tries to determine how to accomplish each CPF activity
The Project • • •
Start on the right foot Maintain momentum Track progress
• •
Make smart decisions Conduct a postmortem analysis
W5HH Principle • • • • • •
Why is the system being developed? What will be done by when? Who is responsible for a function? Where are they organizationally located? How will the job be done technically and managerially? How much of each resource is needed?
Critical Practices • • • • • •
Formal risk management Empirical cost and schedule estimation Metric-based project management Earned value tracking Defect tracking against quality targets People-aware program management
Chapter 4 - Software Process and Project Metrics Overview •
Software process and project metrics are quantitative measures that enable software engineers to gain insight into the efficiency of the software process and the projects conducted using the process framework. In software project management, we are primarily concerned with productivity and quality metrics. The four reasons for measuring software processes, products, and resources (to characterize, to evaluate, to predict, and to improve).
Measures, Metrics, and Indicators • • •
Measure - provides a quantitative indication of the size of some product or process attribute Measurement - is the act of obtaining a measure Metric - is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, component, or process possesses a given attribute
Process and Project Indicators
• •
Metrics should be collected so that process and product indicators can be ascertained Process indicators enable software project managers to: assess project status, track potential risks, detect problem area early, adjust workflow or tasks, and evaluate team ability to control product quality
Process Metrics • • • •
Private process metrics (e.g. defect rates by individual or module) are known only to the individual or team concerned. Public process metrics enable organizations to make strategic changes to improve the software process. Metrics should not be used to evaluate the performance of individuals. Statistical software process improvement helps and organization to discover where they are strong and where are week.
Project Metrics • •
Software project metrics are used by the software team to adapt project workflow and technical activities. Project metrics are used to avoid development schedule delays, to mitigate potential risks, and to assess product quality on an on-going basis. Every project should measure its inputs (resources), outputs (deliverables), and results (effectiveness of deliverables).
Software Measurement • • •
Direct measures of software engineering process include cost and effort. Direct measures of the product include lines of code (LOC), execution speed, memory size, defects per reporting time period. Indirect measures examine the quality of the software product itself (e.g. functionality, complexity, efficiency, reliability, maintainability).
Size-Oriented Metrics •
Derived by normalizing (dividing) any direct measure (e.g. defects or human effort) associated with the product or project by LOC.
Size oriented metrics are widely used but their validity and applicability is widely debated.
Function-Oriented Metrics •
• •
Function points are computed from direct measures of the information domain of a business software application and assessment of its complexity. Once computed function points are used like LOC to normalize measures for software productivity, quality, and other attributes. Feature points and 3D function points provide a means of extending the function point concept to allow its use with real-time and other engineering applications. The relationship of LOC and function points depends on the language used to implement the software.
Software Quality Metrics • •
Factors assessing software quality come from three distinct points of view (product operation, product revision, product modification). Software quality factors requiring measures include correctness (defects per KLOC), maintainability (mean time to change), integrity (threat and security), and usability (easy to learn, easy to use, productivity increase, user attitude). Defect removal efficiency (DRE) is a measure of the filtering ability of the quality assurance and control activities as they are applied through out the process framework.
Integrating Metrics with Software Process • • • •
Many software developers do not collect measures. Without measurement it is impossible to determine whether a process is improving or not. Baseline metrics data should be collected from a large, representative sampling of past software projects. Getting this historic project data is very difficult, if the previous developers did not collect data in an on-going manner.
Statistical Process Control • • •
It is important to determine whether the metrics collected are statistically valid and not the result of noise in the data. Control charts provide a means for determining whether changes in the metrics data are meaningful or not. Zone rules identify conditions that indicate out of control processes (expressed as distance from mean in standard deviation units).
Metrics for Small Organizations • • •
Most software organizations have fewer than 20 software engineers. Best advice is to choose simple metrics that provide value to the organization and don’t require a lot of effort to collect. Even small groups can expect a significant return on the investment required to collect metrics, if this activity leads to process improvement.
Establishing a Software Metrics Program • • • • • • • • • •
Identify business goal Identify what you want to know Identify subgoals Identify subgoal entities and attributes Formalize measurement goals Identify quantifiable questions and indicators related to subgoals Identify data elements needed to be collected to construct the indicators Define measures to be used and create operational definitions for them Identify actions needed to implement the measures Prepare a plan to implement the measures