The Manager Baggage Services BBIA- Islamabad SUBJECT:LOST BAGGAGE CLAIM EX SU 334 /07/ TK 1414/ PK 762/ 1003-09 HVA-SVO-IST-ISB.
Dear Sir. Undersigned received your office letter with reference no. PHS/ISB/FL/057/56369/O9/1006, of dated Oct: 26, 2009. In your letter the acceptance of approval amount has been mentioned, which is not accepted by applicant. It is reminded for your kind information that the undersigned agreed to receive US $ 400. (US DOLLAR FOUR HUNDRED ONLY),as a first installment of total lost of baggage. He was asked by your staff that remaining installment would be paid in last and second one turn. Considering all these terms and conditions I, undersigned agreed to sign on paper for getting first installment. It is regret to say that I am being cheated by you. I am not agree to get US $ 400/= as full & final installment. Therefore it is humbly requested to get keen interest to solve my problem. Sincerely Yours Date: 29/10/2009
Copy to:1. Federal Ombudsman Islamabad
Muhammad Ilyas Channa Bright Future Public School Kandhkot.