The Lords Sabbath

  • November 2019
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The Lord’s Sabbaths #1


Were the Lord’s Sabbaths kept after the Cross?

The closing words of Malachi are a prophecy regarding the work that should be done preparatory to the first and the second advent of Christ. This prophecy is introduced with the admonition, "Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. {SW, March 21, 1905 par. 1}) Nothing frightens me more than to see the spirit of variance manifested by our brethren. We are on dangerous ground when we cannot meet together like Christians, and courteously examine controverted points. I feel like fleeing from the place lest I receive the mold of those who cannot candidly investigate the doctrines of the Bible. Those who cannot impartially examine the evidences of a position that differs from theirs, are not fit to teach in any department of God's cause. {RH, February 18, 1890 par. 13}) We must not for a moment think that there is no more light, no more truth, to be given us. We are in danger of becoming careless, by our indifference losing the sanctifying power of truth, and composing ourselves with the thought, "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing." [REV. 3:17.] While we must hold fast to the truths which we have already received, we must not look with suspicion upon any new light that God may send. {GW 310} The student of the Bible should be taught to approach it in the spirit of a learner. We are to search its pages, not for proof to sustain our opinions, but in order to know what God says. [Ed 189].

6. Did the apostles and early Jewish and Gentile Christians keep the Lord’s Sabbaths after the Cross? A. 7th day Sabbath – Acts 13:42, 44, Acts 17:2, Acts 18:4, Hebrews 4:4, 9-11 B. Annual Sabbaths – Luke 24:49, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 15:2 (Story of Redemption page 304-305), Act 18:21 (Acts of the Apostles page 269), Acts 20:6 (Acts of the Apostles page 389), Acts 20:16, 1 Cor 5:7,8, 1 Cor 16:8 (Acts of the Apostles 291) Shocking Truth: Paul did not bind himself nor his converts to the ceremonies and customs of the Jews, with their varied forms, types, and sacrifices; for he recognized that the perfect and final offering had been made in the death of the Son of God. {3SP 411} Paul kept the Feast Days but not the ceremonies and sacrifices. Shocking Truth: At these yearly assemblies the hearts of old and young would be encouraged in the service of God, while the association of the people from the different quarters of the land would strengthen the ties that bound them to God and to one another. Well would it be for the people of God at the present time to have a Feast of Tabernacles--a joyous commemoration of the blessings of God to them. As the children of Israel celebrated the deliverance that God had wrought for their fathers, and His miraculous preservation of them during their journeyings from Egypt, so should we gratefully call to mind the various ways He has devised for bringing us out from the world, and from the darkness of error, into the precious light of His grace and truth. {PP 540.6} Shocking Truth: “To the law* and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20, Mathew 5:17-20). (* Law: Strong’s Hebrew word #8451—Torah including statutes, judgments and commandments.) Awesome Texts: PP Chap 52 (The Annual Feasts), 2T Chap 69 (Convocations) and MH Chap 21 (Hygiene Among the Israelites—Rejoicing)

***All Bible quotes in this Bible Study are from the King James Version (KJV).

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The Lord’s Sabbaths

Did Jesus keep all of the Lord’s Sabbaths? 4. Since Jesus is our example in all things, we need to ask did He keep the Lord’s Sabbaths? A. 7th day Sabbath examples – Mark 1:21, Mark 6:2, Luke 4:16, Luke 4:31, Luke 13:10, etc. B. Annual Sabbaths examples – Tabernacles - John 7:37, Passover - Luke 2:4142, John 2:23, John 7:8, 14 5. Did Jesus observe the ceremonial system of worship and sacrifices? A. Although Jesus was a Jew He did not have to offer sacrifices nor offerings because he had no sin. 1. Christ passed through all the experiences of His childhood, youth, and manhood without the observance of ceremonial temple worship. {BEcho, October 31, 1898 par. 7} B. Are the Lord’s Sabbaths a part of the ceremonial system of worship or a part of the moral law? 1. Jesus never observed the ceremonial system of worship but he did in fact keep the Lord’s Sabbaths. So Jesus as our example did not observe the ceremonial temple worship. The Lord’s Sabbaths by His example are not a part of the ceremonial system of worship just because they were performed on the Lord’s Sabbaths. The Lord’s Sabbaths are a part of the moral law and are to be a time of rejoicing not something that is against us needing to be taken out of the way. (MH Chap 20). Shocking truth: Sacrifices were performed on the 7th day Sabbath but it was not abolished nor were the annual Sabbaths abolished by the apostles and early church because the ceremonies and sacrifices where done away with. See Shock & Awe Bible Study #3 – Mark of the Beast to see who in history abolished the Sabbaths of the Lord. (Numbers 28:9,10)

1. What are the Sabbaths of the Lord? The Sabbaths of the Lord are to be a day of rest (no work), holy convocation (gathering), Feasts of the Lord. (Lev 23:2) A. Weekly Sabbath – 7th day of the week - Saturday, 4th Commandment, there are 52 a year. Strong’s #4521 Greek/#7676 Hebrew (Exo 20: 8-11, Lev 23:3) B. Annual Sabbaths – 7 days a year, Passover/Unleaven Bread (2), Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles (2), Statutes/Judgements, Strong’s #1859 Greek/ 4150 Hebrew. (Exo 23:14-16, Lev 23:4-44) C. Sabbath Year – Every 7th year, Land to lay dormant, the 6th year crops will yield 3 times normal amount. (Lev 25:4) Shocking Truth: We are to become familiar with the Levitical law in all its bearings; for it contains rules that must be obeyed; it contains the instruction that if studied will enable us to understand better the rule of faith and practice that we are to follow in our dealings with one another. No soul has any excuse for being in darkness. Those who receive Christ by faith will receive also power to become the sons of God (Letter 3, 1905). {1BC 1110.4} Shocking Truth: Precepts Given to Guard Decalogue.--In consequence of continual transgression, the moral law was repeated in awful grandeur from Sinai. Christ gave to Moses religious precepts which were to govern everyday life. These statutes were explicitly given to guard the ten commandments. They were not shadowy types to pass away with the death of Christ. They were to be binding upon men in every age as long as time should last. These commands were enforced by the power of the moral law, and they clearly and definitely explained that law {RH, May 6, 1875 par. 10}{1BC 1104.6}) Shocking Truth: The 7th day Sabbath is a Feast Day. If you nail the Feast days to the cross you nail the 7th day Sabbath to the cross. (Lev 23:2,3) Awesome Texts: Deut 16:10-13, Deut 5:1, Deut 6:1, Deut 8:11, 1 Kings 2:3, 1 Kings 6:12, 1 Kings 8:58

Shocking Truth: In consequence of continual transgression, the moral law was repeated in awful grandeur from Sinai. Christ gave to Moses religious precepts which were to govern everyday life. These statutes were explicitly given to guard the ten commandments. They were not shadowy types to pass away with the death of Christ. They were to be binding upon men in every age as long as time should last. These commands were enforced by the power of the moral law, and they clearly and definitely explained that law. {RH, May 6, 1875 par. 10}{1BC 1104.6}

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Nailed to the Cross?

Weekly or Annual Sabbath?

2. Weren’t the Lord’s Sabbaths nailed to the Cross? (Col 2:142:14-17)

3. Doesn’t “Sabbath days” in Col 2:16 refer to the 7 annual Sabbaths?

A. In Col 2:14 Paul says that “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;” . 1. God’s Law is perfect, righteous and a great reward - Statutes, Judgments and Commandments are not against us but are to be a delight (Ps 19:711). 2. The ordinances that were against us were punishments for transgressing God’s law. The transgression of the law is sin (1 John 3:4). The wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23). The ceremonies, sacrifices and oblations were added because of sin and nailed to the cross because Jesus is the final sacrifice (Dan 9:27, Heb 9:28, Heb 10:10-12). No where are the Lord’s Sabbaths mentioned as being done away. 3. Sacred Obligation of the Sabbath and Feast days … all for the Good of Israel. (PP 311-312) The weekly and annual Sabbaths are not against us but are good for us. B. In Col 2:162:16-17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday (Strongs #1859), or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days (Strongs#4521): Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. 1. We need to consider this in context Paul just said in Col 2:13 “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;” We have been forgiven of our sins and trespasses let no man therefore judge you but the body of Christ which is the true church according to the righteous standard which is the Word of God, not the traditions of man (Col 2:8, 22). 2. Jesus did not come to abolish the law, which is righteous and Holy, but to blot out the transgression of the law which is our sin. A. If you owe a debt to a credit card company and someone pays your debt for you is the credit card company abolished or the debt blotted out from your account? B. If you get a speeding ticket and someone pays your fine does that abolish the law? Or your debt?

A. Sabbath days — note that the word days is italicized and was added during translation. 1. Strong’s Greek word #4521 is defined as the weekly Sabbath and never refers to the annual Sabbath. (Matt 12:8, Matt12:12, Mark 2:27, Luke 6:9, Acts 17:2, etc.) B. Holy Day also found in Col 2:16. 1. In every instance that the Strong’s Greek word #1859 is used it always refers to the annual Sabbaths or feast days. (Luke 22:1, John 7:8, John 7:37, John 12:12, Acts 18:21, etc.) C. Was Paul needlessly repeating himself? 1. If Sabbath days was referring to the annual Sabbaths Paul would be needlessly repeating himself in the same sentence “ annual Sabbaths, new Moons and annual Sabbaths”. This is neither logical nor consistent with the Greek Lexicon. D. It was common to group the 3 divisions of time together annual Sabbaths (feasts), new Moons and weekly Sabbath. (1 Chron 23:31, 2 Chron 2:4, Eze 45:17, Hosea 2:11) Shocking Truth: The minds of the people, blinded and debased by slavery and heathenism, were not prepared to appreciate fully the far-reaching principles of God's ten precepts. That the obligations of the Decalogue might be more fully understood and enforced, additional precepts were given, illustrating and applying the principles of the Ten Commandments. These laws were called judgments, both because they were framed in infinite wisdom and equity and because the magistrates were to give judgment according to them. Unlike the Ten Commandments, they were delivered privately to Moses, who was to communicate them to the people. {PP 310.1})

Shocking Truth: I saw that God had children who do not see and keep the Sabbath. They have not rejected the light upon it. And at the commencement of the time of trouble, we were filled with the Holy Ghost as we went forth and proclaimed the Sabbath more fully. This enraged the churches and nominal Adventists, as they could not refute the Sabbath truth. And at this time God's chosen all saw clearly that we had the truth, and they came out and endured the persecution with us. {EW 33}) Page 4

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