The Limitless Power Of God

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”The Limitless Power of God” (Ephesians 3 : 20-21 1

Introduction: Paul prayed that they might comprehend the incomprehensible love of Christ. He now, in a doxology, extols the almighty power of God in being able to do for us what we cannot. In doing s o , we intersect with the topic we began last Lord’s Day: ”The Knowledge of God.” Our God is a limitless Being who reveals Himself by way of His attributes, His infinite perfections. Because God is limitless, there is no end to the many facets of His nature. But the particular one that is highlighted in this evening’s text is the omnipotence of God. And what I want you to see this evening is, The power of God is infinitely beyond even our most lofty imag ina t i ons.


There is Nothing Which O u r God Cannot Do. [Now to the One who is able to do above all things infinitely morel.


God’s Power is Without Limit. 1. All of God’s attributes are

a. b.

measureless. ”God is a Spirit infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth” [S.C. #4). Because He is, so are all His attributes.

2. There is no limit to what He can do. a. Because His attributes are infinite, so is His power.


Man, (il (iil (iiil

by way of contrast, has very limited power Over his thoughts and a few muscles. We need means to effect anything. We are limited by outward circumstances.


But nothing is too difficult for God <Jer. 32:17>. (il He can do whatever He intends immediately. (iil He is not limited by outward circumstances because they are conditioned on His will .


Can He make a rock so big that even He can’t lift it? (il Supposed to reduce God’s power to nonsense. (iil But He has sovereignty over all He creates.

d. e.

This is called the absolute power of God. It is most powerfully displayed in His work of creation. (il Calling into being that which did not exist. (iil He then gave it order, structure, purpose. (iiil He continually upholds it. (ivl And moves it along by His almighty power. (vl This is true of our vast infinite universe.

B. He Is Able to do Anything Consistent with His Nature. 1. There are no limits to His power. 2. Yet there are things which God cannot do.


a. God cannot lie ; ( 1 Sam. 15:29; Heb. 6:18). b. He cannot sin. C. He cannot change <James 1:17>. d. He cannot deny Himself <2 Tim. 2:13>. e. He cannot be tempted with evil [James 1:13l. f. He cannot die. g. He cannot be created. h. He cannot be defeated. 3.

However, these are not weaknesses, but strengths. a. It is not weakness to be unable to do wrong. b. To lie, sin, change, be tempted, or die ia a weakness. c. But God is perfect. d. He is limited only by His own perfections. (i 1 Holiness, righteousness, truth, mercy, justice. (iil All His attributes are His perfection. e.

4. God a. b. c. d. e.

This is absolute omnipotence [Bavinck 244). is not impotent as the idols. Paul says idols are nothing. They are unable to do anything to help. Our God is the Almighty God. He is unlimited in all His attributes. He is unlimited in His power.

5. Because T h e r e i s Nothing Which Our God C a n n o t D o ,


T h e r e i s Nothing W e C a n A s k Or T h i n k T h a t H e C a n n o t P e r f o r m . (Who is able to do above all things infinitely more than what we ask or think).


He 1. 2. 3.

I s A b l e t o Answer any P r a y e r .

Paul extols this attribute because of his former prayer. God is able to impart an understanding of the limitless love. Nothing we ask of God is too difficult for Him. a. When you pray, realize that He is boundless. b. Never doubt of His ability to answer. c. Rather, consider if it is according to His will. (il All you need to know to glorify Him is revealed. (iil If it is according to His will, He hears. d. Are you seeking employment? (il Believe that God can and will provide. (iil It is His will. e. Are you desiring greater holiness of life? (il Believe that God is able to bring it about (iil It is His will. f. Are you seeking to raise your children in c. holiness? (il God is able to grant you the wisdom to do so. (iil Whatever w e ask according t o H i s w i l l , H e hears and i s able t o p e r f o r m i t ! (iiil If it’s not His will, He will not hear [implied).


B. He Is Able to Do More Than Anything We Imagine. 1. We can conceive of greater things. a. The imagination can conceive of vast things. b. We can abstract, and amplify. 2. Yet, God is able to do infinitely more. a. We are limited creatures. (il Everything we possess is limited. (iil Physical, mental, and emotional.


Even our loftiest thoughts are limited by our finitude

c. We cannot even conceive of what God is able to do. (il We cannot think unlimited thoughts. (a) Think of endless time. (bl Think of endless space. (cl The mind goes so far, then blanks out. (iil

But we by faith know that God is able to do more.


Paul reminds us that His power is that which is at work in us. (According to the power which is working in us). a. God raised us by His power. b. He saved us by His power. c. He keeps us by His power. d. We will be transformed into Christ’s image by His power. e. That almighty power is already at work in us.


So There is Nothing Which Our God Cannot Do, and There is Nothing We Can Ask Or Think That He Cannot Perform.

There is No Amount of Glory Which He is Not Worthy Of. [To Him be all glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus unto all eternity).



The Church Ought to Bring Glory to Him. 1. He chose His own in eternity. 2. By His limitless power He caused us to be born again. 3 . He empowered us to reflect His glory. a. Glorify: either to praise or cause His glory to be seen. b. God is perfectly blessed in Himself. c. He does not need us to ascribe glory to Him. d. He’s neither happier if we do nor miserable if we don’t. e. He commands that we glorify Him because it is fitting. f. He is the only One who actually is worthy of praise.


It Does In Or Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. 1. Christ is the Head of the Church. 2. It is through Christ that the church glorifies God. a. She is cleansed by His blood. b. She is made acceptable to God in Christ. c. Through His med. work she is kept blameless ti1 that day.


And Lastly, He Says It Will Be So For All Eternity. 1. Paul stacks up terms to describe the endless ages. a. Unto the generations; all the generations.


b. All the generations of the age. c. Unto all the generations of the age of the ages. d. Namely, unto limitless time. 2. Because God is an infinitely perfect being, it is fitting. 3.

The Church will do this. a. Because He will sustain us by His immeasurable power. b. For the purpose of praising Him and reflecting His glory.

Conclusion: 1. The power of God is beyond measure. 2. Because it is s o , He is able to answer any of our prayers. 3 . Paul says we can’t even imagine what He is able to do. 4. His power is just one of His infinite attributes. a. He has revealed only a few attributes. b. But He is infinitely more than this. c. And all of His attributes are perfections. d. Because of this, He is worthy of all our praise and worship. 5. And by His power, He will sustain you throughout all eternity. 6. In order that you might show forth His glory. 7. May you by your life, reflect it even now. Amen.

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