The liability Management Theory By: Prabhat
emerged in the year 1960. This is one of the important liquidity management theory. Says that there is no need to follow old liquidity norms like maintaining liquid assets , liquid investments etc.
Praposes many alternatives Certificate of deposits Is a negotiable instrument. Maturity date. Limitations Interest rates. Commercial banks compete with each other for it.
Borrowing from other banks Short term Sensitive to market condition Limitation Every bank mostly faces shortage
Borrowing from the central bank Available in the form of discounting and day to day and seasonal liquidity needs. Limitations Costlier Restrictions
Raising of capital funds By issue of shares Depends on public response , dividend and growth rate. using profit
Potentiality of liability management theory in India Inter bank participation certificate 1.with risk sharing 2.without risk sharing RBI may not be a dependable source. Raising capital funds is not easy.
Conclusion This theory makes a limited contribution.
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