The Legend Of La Patasola.docx

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  • Words: 1,259
  • Pages: 4

Narrator: In the streets of old Colombia, a long time ago….. you can still hear this legend that tells the story of a beautiful woman, punished by death for a crime that she followed to do. This is the legend of the Patasola. Husband: Good Morning, my beautiful wife. How are you today? Did you sleep well? Patasola: Good morning, honey yes! I slept well. I am going to prepare your breakfast and then I will go to the river to wash the clothes. Husband: Ok great! I will leave you, then. The master is going to give us a lot of work today. Patasola: Well, have a good day, honey. I love you. Husband: I love you too. Narrator: This couple lived happily in a hut, in the lands of a wealthy master. As the husband left the house, she headed to the riverbank, in a lonely place to wash and sing. While she was doing her chores, she felt someone approaching. Master: Hello there, beautiful lady. What are you doing here so alone? Patasola: oh! Hello, sir,good morning. I’m… I am just washing the clothes. Master: Mmmmm, I see… such a pity that you are alone here, isn’t it? It is very dangerous in these lands of mine. Patasola: oh! It is not problem. I… I was just leaving, sir. It is getting late, and … ehm… I should start cooking lunch. Master: don’t worry, my lady. I can take you in my cart. ( master approaching closer to the lady). Patasola: Thanks, but no thanks, sir. I can go on my own. My huband is waiting for me. Master: We both know that’s a lie. And besides, who will know about this? (master kisses strongly the woman). Narrator: And so they went. The woman and her master kissed and lost themselves in it. As a worker was passing, he witnessed what these people were doing, and ran directly to tell his friend. Coward: Believe me, man, I saw your wife with the master. Husband: that is impossible!!!! She was washing our clothes. Why would she cheat on me? Coward: I do not know Mateo. I just tell you what I saw. Narrator: So Mateo left his house, worried and with a doubt upon his wife. When he entered the house and greeted her, she was different. Husband: Darling, How was your day?

Patasola: Good. Nothing interesting. Narrator: the next day. Mateo decided to follow his wife to see if she was being cheated. Once he left the house, he hid behind some bushes, waiting to see her loved Giuliana. The surprise was big when Mateo saw his master entering the house. He was driven crazy. Husband: If she thinks she is foolish with me. She’s totally wrong. Narrator: Driven by madness and anger, Mateo went to the fields and got his ax. He entered the house, just in the middle of the infidelity. First, he cut his master’s head off. Once clean cut. He fell on one side. Giuliana screamed and tried to ran away, but the ax fell in one of her legs. Agonizing and in a pool full of blood she died. It is said that Roberto was sent to prison, and when he came out of prison, he returned to the house and burnt it down. And with the Patasola, people say she lives in the forest, with one leg and her arms to move around it. She kills all men who are too jealous, drunk or is destroying the forest. She appears as a daydream woman with a beautiful face and body, and those who are captivated by her, she shows her true self, killing of a horrible pain.

THE LEGEND OF THE COVERED LADY Narrator: This terrifying story begins in a party in the ancient Guayaquil. Everyone was enjoying the event, people were dancing and drinking, women were showing off their grace and elegance men were seeking for a lady. The night seemed to be perfect until…. (couples start dancing during a couple of minutes) Erick: This is a real party! Amazing. I will drink the entire night! Ammy: Brother, brother stop drinking like that! Please, please! I do not want you to die due to this addiction. I cannot stand looking at you without control, destroying your life. Please, I love you so much. Erick: You do not know anything about life. This is life…. This is what makes me feel happy. Shut up and leave alone! Ammy: Ok brother just wait for me. Erick: I don’t care, just disappear from my sight. Narrator: Erick continues drinking in the party and dancing alone. A few minutes later a woman appears. She was a beautiful woman, of seductive and elegant walking, surrounded by a sweet aroma that left to the step and covered in the face by a veil that, in spite of the enigma that represented, let find out great beauty and youth after the silky one’s fabrics……. No man could resist, they were all hypnotized by the intense attraction that this woman exerted. Some men look at the stunning lady and want to go after her, but their wives stop them. ( people dancing leave the scenario just Erick follows her) Only one of the men follows her, like hypnotized. Erick: What is your name? Ma. Alejandra: I am your dream come true. Narrator: The covered lady walks away, leaving him more interested than before. Erick: Wait, wait. Don’t go, let me see your pretty face. Narrator: the woman seemed to invite her pursuer to follow her with slight turns of the head and fleeting glances, as well as a youthful laugh. Such was the state of infatuation of the men who followed her, who did not seem to realize that nobody else could see her, and even people who crossed paths with her seems to ignored her. Finally, after much walking the lady stopped and said to the gentleman.

Ma. Alejandra: You will be mine forever. Narrator: The veil was removed and for a second or two, the face of the woman showed a dazzling Greek beauty, which means delicate features, fresh and rosy skin, eyes of captivating beauty, and lips of ardent sensuality. But, after the brief vision, the shadows darkened that face and the hand of death fell on it, as if in an accelerated decomposition, replacing the beauty and youth with a hideous skull emanating an intolerably nauseating stench.. then the man was paralyzed by the fright, everything trembling and with the forehead and the hands bathed by drops of a cold sweat like the death. ( people enter the salon and start dancing) Sofia : the drunk man is finally gone. Mateo: We can continue dancing ! Ammy: Erick, Erick.. brother! Have you seen my brother? Help please, he was here! He was drinking without control…. Caleb: I saw him.. he was following a gorgeous lady in black in the party then they went out. Mateo: Yes, He is right I saw her wearing a black dress and a veil. Ma. Andrea and Sofia : You are crazy guys !!!!! We did not see any woman in black. Caleb: I am afraid that she could be the lady that is mention in the legend. Ammy: No, that is impossible….. Mateo : LOOK !! ( Ammy runs and see her brother dead on the floor) Ammy : Noooooooooooooooo, brother.. why this happened to you! My dear brother, I cannot live without you. Nooooo brother don’t leave me alone! ( cry)

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