The Laws

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
Written Laws & Their Failure Im sure by now that most of us already know that the (10 commandments) only serve The rich & famous- but do absolutely (nothing) for the poor and starving… It was the apostle Paul that mentioned that; “where there is no law”…there is no condemnation. Yet since the times prior to the first civilization- the rich have always served the (richest) and the “poorest” have always served the (poor & middleclass) and this equation has never changed since The first dawning of day light. The bottomline never changing in favor of the poor and Starving. Laws were only invented for (people) who could “financially” afford to keep them and for all the poor folks who could not afford to keep them due to starvationThe poor in question was sent to prison or executed & even limbs were severed to Teach “the poor” in question a lesson, which only forced the poor to break the laws Again by another route…”including murder” but not limited thereunto…

Because Of; The increase of lawlessness- more laws were implemented on top of (subsections) to Help narrow down “legal terms” to explain to the poor, starving & deprived why they Must be sent to prison or why they are being executed. As anyone can see- these new Laws again only help the rich & civilized to remain; (CIVIL)- but, still do nothing for the Poor, starved & deprived… so, what is the answer to this age old problem since the Poor & starving have (nothing) to loose by breaking the laws except to be placed on a Prison ground or (death row) only to be taken care of by “tax dollars” till the day of Their release or execution… so, in the end- the written law’s once again only show to serve (the rich), (the civil) & “the middle class” and once more show no relief for the poor, the deprived and the starving… The only answer then is “EXECUTION” for even a (minor) offence such as “speeding”, JayWalking, shop-lifting, ect because shop-lifters who are prosecuted can NEVER find honest work due to their police records. If the lawbreaker is under 9 yrs Of age & caught (stealing) then the “parent” of the child should pay the price and if The child is 9 years of age- then the child should pay the price unless the child is; (retarded)- then the child should become a ward of the state since the parent has no time to watch the child in question. Does all this sound harsh to you…? Because there are 3ed world countries which follow after such harsh rules- which, once again only prove that “written laws” do nothing for the poor & starving Written Laws were put in place to help establish a (democracy)…but that same Democracy made no room for the poor & starving who were since then born during the Establishing of those (written laws). Dept of Human services & every branch of charity

Organization have been strapped for funds since (PRIOR) to the 9-1-1 attack on the World Trade Center bombing… so, whats the answer for the poor and starving? What should we do with them? The poorest churches have already givin up & folded under because of the “poor & starving” out-numbering the churches own resources… Jesus may very well (save) but Jesus will not preserve the poor & starving…! Lets face it; Even Kings & Queens (eventually) die as will we all one day & even Jesus said; No flesh & blood has ever seen the kingdom of God- besides, if the kingdom is within you, how can you even enter it since (YOU) yourself surround it…?! This can only mean that (the kingdom) is just a “metaphor”…much like the word; (GOD) As of this year of 2006- our population’s outweighs our supply & demand for food & Outweighs the “ability” to distribute it to that population on demand and (eventually) any scale will break if constantly abused… This does not take a rocket scientist to figure out and (eventually) Marshall law shall be implimented- but in that day, not even the rich or famous will be protected by (written) laws and when the smoke & fire finally clear; “he who has all the gold will win”…however, he may very well find himself alone & with (no one) to rule over & (no one) to share with him his shallow victory…”but” just remember; The last one alive gets to clean up the mess…! I suppose, in that day- he shall call himself; (Adam) or perhaps; (Alpha) which is just a (metaphor) meaning; “ Beginning” & since the word; Genesis only means; genitals… I would think he would prefere the name; Adam… (Wouldn’t you…?)

By; Chaplain, Lonnie Craig. United Faith Ministries. 310 W. Bell FtWthTx 76140 In the mid 1980s- the poor & homeless were only in 3ed world countries- but now, they are also found in our backyards & every year those numbers double & by 2010 the numbers will be so high that the U.S. economy will collaps & force our population into a police state which will mean; (world-wide) marshall law. I don’t know about you- but I really don’t want to be here when all of that takes place- because in that day; “written laws” will protect no one, from the richest on down to the poorest.ALWAYS demand (simple) answers

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