The Last Two Pieces Of Gyproc

  • July 2020
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Perhaps the last two, and the most sensitive pieces of this great big puzzle, are the Sexual Aspect and the Youth Aspect and the Waco Aspect. I shall try to explain them in their entirety, as Uncle Sam explained them to me. i will try to stick with "his" order and combine it with "my style". It was a gradual process because like yourself, it was not easy for me to first accept. But as Uncle Sam got me to see the lite, I realized what he was trying to say. That instead of being "harmful", it was actually the opposite, extremely beneficial. The most important thing was it was the "truth", and it started to make total common sense. if you recall from my earlier reads, this topic of the Spaceship and the Rocket, (or the Birds and the Bees) was delivered to me against a backdrop of death and suicide. of course, this choice of life made it much easier for me to accept. this process started on September the twelth, ironically a day after September the eleventh 2006. the JW connection was not communicated to me untill the summer of 2008. The first thing Uncle Sam did was sk me this question. this method of asking me a question, when i did not know the answer was important as a teaching tool because it made you think. it sat in the back of my head, and after a little while, it was not hard to figure out the answers. Here was the question: Why, in any human society are prostitutes, sometimes in groups, loyal to a single pimp? Why do models all look like toothpics with big baggs under their eyes?...bountiful amount of stuff here in this paper... In any society, there is prostitution. it is a raw portrait of basic human behavior and sex, drugs, and alcohol is not hidden away from view. but it is also interesting to note, that sex and drugs, which go hand in hand ie: human orgasm under the influence, is something which is kept out of public perception. after all, this is where the term, sex, drugs and rock and roll came from. you just have to add some romantic music. now it can be argued that this is because it does not conform to what we call "human civil decency". but then why do the "Stars" do it? and why is every "Star" that does do it, wrapped up in public humiliation and embarassment? At the time (early 2007) the first thing that was explained to me, to explain to you- via, was that "sex needed to be brought back out to the kitchen table". it is true. we live in a society where religion and government has made us believe that "streaking" is a crime, that sex, or basic human reproduction is a sin for which we will either "go blind" or burn in hell for. we are ashamed of our own bodies. But in actual fact, the human is perhaps the most sexual creature on this planet. our eveolution, and survival of the fittest, and natural selection all depended on our ability to reproduce. most people will admit to the fact that a good romp in the hay would be prefferable to a big mac. in fact, a human being is happiest and most productive after we have had an orgasm. and if your under the age of 14? you are left in the closet. Does it really matter? or does it feel any less pleasurable because of our age? But a sad fact is: 75% of women cannot have an orgasm. and 90% of men, who think about sex every two minutes (average) of their entire lives will go through their entire lives, and die, never having experienced a single sexual fantasy. Why is

this? Sex is the single most sought after, and pleasurable experience for the human being. hands down, ask anybody, and if they were to answer privately, they would say so too. and if not, they are lying. we were hardwired for "love" from the time we started to form in our mothers womb to the time we die. babie boys get erections and pee in your face. they can be seen on the ultrasound. girls discover the banister very early in life and children start to masterbate at the age of four. mothers had babies at twelve years old just in the last century. the reason for all the disfunction and self esteem problems is simple. we do not use the plumbing that god gave us. and if we ever do, we do not use it properly. because manmade poleatics and religion has attached so much trash to it that it is only used effectively only for advertising and lining the pockets of the big corporations. we were not born with a rulebook around our necks. we talk to our children "once" in their lives about it, the school shows them how to put on a rubber, and they are thrown out to the clubs when they get old enough to drink. The Best for Your Own. Because i was a father of a daughter, one of the first questions posed to me was what i'll call the "Shotgun Syndrome Question". why would i, as a loving father, who always wants the best for their child, deny them to a lifetime of sexual dysfunction and chastity? Is not the orgasm the single most pleasurable experience of the human existence? and is not "Lust", this spontaneouse and rare experience, something that we can only dream about? did i, as a young bar cruising young man not calculatingly try to lure every attractive female into the same situation that i now am denying my own? most people will never even get the opportunity for a lustful experience in their lifetime, yet as loving fathers, we will go out of our way to make sure that this does not happen for our offspring. this makes no common sense at all. Human Bi 101. The "Girls Gone Wild" years are nothing but a biological spike in the female which tells them it is time to reproduce. it is interesting to note that the founder of "Girls Gone Wild" is currently serving a long jail sentence, and that WarOn Jeffs is serving a 20 year sentence well publicized by the Waco Jako FBI...more on this later. As we evolved, and i am not so sure it was from monkeys exactly (it could have been an earlier type of separate human species) we gained knowledge and became smarter. the richer members of society always ruled and controlled the less educated masses. so theories were put forth and amidst the confusion, two basic reasons about our begginings came into being. Evolution vs Creationism. but you can be sure that we are at least some kind of cousin to the ape, based soley on the simularities. and really peoples, all life is somehow related, as life did start out as simple cellular organisms that evolved in time to the complex creatures we are today. you just have to look at deep sea vents, and the 30 year life cycles around them. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how the apple pie got there. The ruling class has never had a problem with lying to the masses to maintain control and the victor of war and the ruling class have always wrote the history books. after all, all you can ever do to verify the truth is to believe the books. Because going back in time to verify the account is impossible. hence, the Kings and Queens of Europe knew this fact and have been using it to this very day. As man evolved from whatever we were, we were limited in mobility. as recently as 1983, i personally flew large native families into the northern wilderness to hunt

and fish for the winter. as we sat around the fire, we did not go out and get marriage certificates and have separate bedrooms for the chilren. it can be reasonabally assumed that sex was next to eating and hunting. it is in this enviroment that we evolved intellect, till we discovered peyote, which caused us to write on the cave walls. It is safe to assume that the first sexual aid (besides the middle finger at first base) was the limbs. and that the babys pliable fingers kept the family unit bound in love and intamacy. pajamas were probably not yet invented. Question: Why do the chinese have a 5000 character alphabet, generally make the honor roll, have two wives (that we know about), made frequent trips to Afghanistan and the Casino? The first "Lie" that was that incest produced defect. you will notice that the great Rennisaunce man only happened in the 16 and 1700's. the fact is that "klose genetics" produces geniouse and talent and it is inherent. Isac Newton was a product of incest, as was Beetoven. we all know how the "Royalty" kept the lines pure. but they tainted it publicly with deafness, genetic sicknesses, and mongloidism and made sure it went into the history books as such. Why? to maintain strict controll over who was to be intelligent and talented. put two piano players together and they will produce a better piano player. it is obviouse in Hollywood. and it is those royal offspring who hold all the best paying jobs at the cycolotron discovering quirks... True/False Pedofillia, or bycicle pedoling is as much instinctive as it is criminal. addiction is as instinctive as it is...self control...bush and obama are puppets on a string... The African custom of elongating the neck and lips came from sexual customs, as well as bound feet, lipstick, pearl necklaces and nylon stockings. Bound feet were the duty of the #1 wife, not so that she could not run away.

Sex around the Campfire why do we look for mate that is simular to our parent? limb sex and all the BC severed feet why a chinese beheading at virginia tech univerity Kent? site of blood for women is less because of their period marrige institute created by the vaticans alter boy priests pole mentality is instinctive to the human mating ritual as is oral sex the best for your own crowd watching, notice all the conservative, black and grey (love has gone cold as Mathew chapter 24 predicts , seniors wear brite red mothers wear maternal purple and are only one step away... breasfeeding their sons... maternal instinct love sells and binds subliminal birth control monkeys knows best schoolteachers and Jail Human Pa Pa Lo Ma Viruse teen and childrens Men a ja cock L Aids Cull only at 25 million, a drop in the bucket from what BB really wants Sars Kozy Puttin it to you...

subliminal homo male vs female women is instinctivly lesbian, therefore TV degenerouse, steve and chris, more tolerant of gays, this is because of "denning" (who is famously attached to that name?) and multiple mates to the male as in ape groups OJ's sublime message royal incest chinese drug war & intelLect genetic mixing produces beauty and healthiness whites have strenght, asians intellect, spanish are hardy and healthy, blacks have rythm lipstick and sox all in the name:, Call Irak Hussien Obama GI Joe Binden, La La football- porno at the greycup... Helen Calldicott, Terry TrustCott, Driver, Neel, Olson, Hughs, esnips for more...Curt Cocain, John Lemming jelousey is subliminally supported by BB, media (Kim Nowak) US Military is responsible for 90% of the diseases for population control and profit. the 1,2,3 bases mating calls wild and crazy hormonal reason why is the us developing the hydrogen nutron bomb? and spending trillions onthe military? why all the meteors and cmets I ran away from Tay ran.... US creating terroists, bombing weddings in Afiganistan BB's talent and anti aging dna carrot if you can see the lite everyone knows sex sells oil and heroin is worthless thats why they burn it all... mountain climbing, marathon running, mans curiosity is all fuelled by sex, drugs, rock and roll. disorganizing purpose bb destoyed our sexuality biological reason for the g spot accessible anally in both sexes why therfore i dont know hollywood is as fake as all star wrestling and its characters are as a result of gentic breeding and dna tecHnology the bible was created by the intellectual guiniouse to facillitate an organized cull of the planet when the needed time came. big brother has destroyed our sexuality on purpose, primarily to keep the population from ballooning big brother has created and industrialized the medical industry by purposly poisoning us and is in the throes of industrializing and financiallizing the "human masterbation instinct" we are creatures of habit, be it coffee or peyote the earth has grown, slowly expanding thats why you have to dig 3 miles down for was once the surface...water canopy much hotter allowing dinosaurs, great flood when the canopy condensed forcing them to gather at high spots (drumheller alberta) creativity is enhanced by drugs drugs in moderation are no more harmfull than perscription drugs

media convince you of otherise all sex under 14 is always, always called "abuse" no matter what..... teens at Nexopia, almost all gay and pedo tendencies because of natural human instinct, between childr en is as natural as your private games you played as a... anorexia is caused by conflict biological hormonal instincts and no sex, low self esteem as a result... the us govnment is currently bombarding us subliminally via the mass media to deprogram our natural sexual instincts with high profile... Armageddon will come and bible prophesy will be fulfilled prior to the end but it will be done with technology and artificial means, because there is no God, there is not a bearded man who sits in the clouds God was created as a method of controlling the uneducated masses brain uses 100% myth created...antichrist will appear... UFO's belgian...half human half highly secure dna facilities rite here in Vancouver for 322 million doll...obesity and childhood diabetes only in the last 25 years...conspiracies are real iron is for what happens to a couch potato, look at the la bel we are being fed, practically everything we eat and touch is fortified doesnt take much to tip a mother in favor of producing a male, because natural ratio is 10 to one Man created God, not God created man because man is both God and the Devil Friday the 13th was reinfoced subliminally with a Dash 8 crash intentially but Big Brother has their DNA banked for future ressurection, as with all the World Trade tower...notice the news specifically mentions that the debri will be combed for dna...ect take intelligent productive people and no dumpster divers live out their lives naturally, let them enjoy lotteries... The 4 simutaneouse earthquakes reinforce the number four...actually underground is IN DOE KNEES eee! ahh! secondary population cull, sars and HN5 created for the asian...blah blah blah ..all the proof is at esnips, guided to me by the powers that be so that i could write this info for you to read...gods being fair, not like Hitler perfection is creating the perfect body via breeding no different than dog breeding of goldfish breeding which is old, old,....

sun will dissapear as described...lite reflective strips blasted into space...earths small disk far away enough there is a plan in place to save the human race from extinction, and it is the same evil forces at play The mistakes in spelling, the incomplete sentences, the disorganization and

messiness is intentional on my part. to get the full st.ory and the proof in the pudding, see Esnips One and Two...and classmates F&Steve Ozama Future is the moon, mars and is the Children

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