The Knock Of The Door

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  • Words: 9,432
  • Pages: 35
.……………………………By yusuf From. here we begun with a story, it's about my life, about my wishes, about my dreams, you can say it's about everything you want to know it. We can't forget the day when we looking for the other side from our life, our future and our destiny. It's a good times…I write this from day to day, but I trust that before I come to the end of it, I may be able to say that the light shines, at last, through our clouds. We are held here with no clear means of making our escape, and bitterly we chafe against it. Yet, I can well imagine that the day may come when we may be glad that we were kept, against our will, to see something more of the wonders of this singular place, and of the creatures who inhabit it…

.Chapter 1: The Soldier SATURDAY morning was come, and all the winter world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life and leafs started to grow up. There was a song in every heart; and if the heart was young, the music issued at the lips. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air. London suburb, beyond the city and above it, was green with vegetation and it lay just far enough away to seem a Delectable Land, dreamy, reposeful, and inviting. On the 24th december 1517, RYAN was born in a poor family contain the father (Max), the mother (Mary) and his sister (Emilie) 3 years old .London (England) in this period was had two class, the rich and the poor, Ryan's family was from the poor, Max was a woodcutter and Mary work in the palace just like a cleaner. Ryan grew and grew up amid poor to prevent him from completing his study to a higher level, simply four years of study, so that only his father could not pay for the study, which led to deny Ryan, and after that Ryan has worked with his father in the forest. They are like friends go together and come together and speaking on the road, in the evening they returned exhausted and taking their dinner then sleep to get ready for another day. As for Emily and her mother, Mary they was a long talk with them about conditions and employment and... .. .. Women's talk. WELL, ninteen years run along, and it was well until the autumn of the nineteenth year now

until Ryan have 19 and his sister 22 years, in this time we started our story….. In 1 may 1536 at 8:00 am, Ryan wake up from his sleeping , his father is in the forest for job , his mother is in the palace exactely like the last days in her life and his sister is in the town for bringing some water from the well, Ryan heard the knock of the door; he wash his face quickly and he gone to open the door but after that happen he heard the voice of the horses then he said who's there , they said we are the guards of the king, Ryan open quickly , there is 5 from the guards, one of them spoke and said is you Ryan ? He said yes i am, the guard said come with us, Ryan surprised and said why ? I didn't anything wrong, the guard said i know but you must come with us, you passed 19 years so from now you are a soldier you must be a soldier, you must carry the weapon for saving your kingdom, you are a man that rule is signed yesterday by the king, all who have 19 year to 40 must be a soldiers. In this time Ryan gone with the king's guardes and they not left to him any chance to enter again to the house, they took him to the garden of the palace with all whose have the legal age of army. The king signed that rule because of the enemies of the kingdom which become more than the friends.In the garden there are hundreads conscripts……after some minutes a guard spoke aloud and said "everybody quiet the king is coming" Silence immediately fell on the garden, some seconds the king appear with his son (greek) 24 years and his daughter (Julia) 18 years. After, the king started speaking to the hundreeds conscripts. Ryan was in the first range and he was looking to Julia (the king's daughter) when everybody looked at the king. Julia was so beautiful. In this time julia saw that someone is looking to her (he was Ryan) and she said to herself that he is so nice (the truth is yes, Ryan was so so nice, with a blond hair and blue eyes and he was slim, full of fun and intelligence and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger…) and she still looking to him when he still looking to her untill the king has finished talking. After that, the king was gone with (Greek and Julia). Ryan kept the picture of Julia in his mind because he can't forget her, he loved her from the first look (Ryan finally fell in love with the king's daughter Julia, he was his first love) … Over the years the own of ENGLAND KINGDOM was hereditary … The Tudor (England's king) period began with an effort to reform and to protect the England crown, in a time when the enemies become more than the friends, when the relationship has broken down, when the expansion was the best solution to showing your …force and to scare your enemies In this time Ryan become a soldier, but his only wish is to see Julia, without knowing that between him and her is a far road, far dream and far wishes… Because Ryan was a simple soldier work far of palace. (But there is an road which can make Ryan see Julia, it's to

become within guards of the king. But to reach there, he must work … Ryan was knowing that, from here he was the favorite soldier to .)the colonel London (ENGLAND). In 1 juin 1536 inside the base army. 4 km far of the city At 6:00 am The colonel hit the bell, it's time of exercises. Ryan wake up quickly like the other soldiers, the sun started to rise so high when he wash his face very quick then he eat his fastfood, after, he carry his weapon then he gone for exercises with his soldiers friends…His mother (Mary) was gone to the palace with Emilie (sister of Ryan) because today is the first day of Emilie for job, she become a couturiere (she was choiced within 4 girls for couture for the princesses of palace) she was lucky with her beauty which make her choiced. His father (Max) gone to the forest for wood. In the evening Ryan return from his exercises to the base, he was a dificult day like the last everydays in the base, but today is a different day because tomorrow and the day after and after is a holiday, it's the first after one month of excercises (Ryan was happy, he missed his mother, his father and more his sister which love him more) Ryan was thinking to take some stuff with him to the house (gifts). London (ENGLAND). In 2 juin 1536 inside the base army. At 8:00 am Ryan become ready to return to his house, he took his stuff (his cloths), then he gone to London city. Before he gone to the house he gone for buying some gifts then he took the way to the house, he arrived in a good mood, very happy, he knock the door (knock knock) no one answer, he knock again, no one, then he remember that his mother is in the palace, his father is in the forest, but his sister where is she? (He dont know that his sister has now a job in the palace) he knock the door of the neighbours (the door opened, .)she was old women her name is camelia Ryan Hello grandmother camelia )In a reality, she isn't her grandmother( Camelia Oh! That's you Ryan, enter Ryan Ah no thank you, but i want to ask you about my sister Camelia Oh! Ryan, come on, enter then i'll tell you Ryan

)Ryan enter to the house( Thank you grandmother Camelia Your sister is in the palace for job Ryan )Surprised( .?… What..! When Camelia )Speaking with a smile( Your sister become a couturiere in the palace, she was choiced within 4 girls, yesterday was the first day Ryan )Happy( Oh, that's good. . Good Camelia Tell me Ryan? How you find the army Ryan .Sometimes good, but sometimes… (Sigh)…very dificult Camelia Don't worry. Ahh you'll stay with me until evening, the time of lunch is near and i cooked meat. You absolutely hungry Ryan ?Why not… when they'll return Camelia At 19:00 pm Ryan )Ryan bring a gift and he give it to camelia( It's for you grandmother Camelia Ohhh! Thank you very much and god protect you, thannnnnnnnnnk you After Ryan has finished his lunch with camelia, he took a siesta because of travel. Some hours after Ryan wake up (it was been close on to 19:00 pm) and he heard the voice of keys (it's his mother and his sister they returned from work). Ryan was looking from a hole in the door of camelia, then he stay until his father's

coming (nearly 10 min of waiting), after that, he took his stuff to his ... house, he knock the door Voice )His sister( Who's knocking Ryan )He changed his voice( The guard of the king )Then he hide( Emilie )She opened the door( )Surprised. She looked right and left. But no one( Mary )She was in the kitchen. She heard the knock( ?Who's there emilie Emilie No one mum, maybe someone want to amuse )She wont to enter to the house( Ryan )He catch her, then he closed her eyes and her mouth( ?Ha ha ha …who i am )He left her mouth( Emilie (Wonderment and her eyes filling up with tears.( Ohhh! That's you Ryan (They embraced each other)... i missed you my brother Ryan )I missed you too. (The tears started to fall )They still embraced each other( Mary ?Who's there emilie Ryan )Ryan and emilie enter to the house( .…It's me mum Mary She embreced him and she start to cry, she fell into his arms)( Ohhh! My dear…. (She crying)…. I missed you Ryan

)Ryan can't stand her mother's tears( I am here mum… your son is here mum Mary ?How are you dear... are you fine Ryan I am fine mum Max He was in the housetop, then he descend when he heard the voice( )of Ryan Ohhh! My son how are you… i missed you )He embraced him( Ryan I missed you too dad. I missed you all Max How are you hero Ryan Fine, very good Max Come on Ryan, let's sit to talk Mary No max, let him relax he's tired Ryan Don't worry mum, i am fine )Ryan sit( Mary I said no Ryan, go to your bed, i know you are tired…. Your room still like you left her and i'll call for dinner Emilie I'll bring to you some hot tea Max Ok Ryan, see you in the dinner, i want you to tell me all about what you saw in the army Ryan Ok dad. (He start walking to his room then he stop) ahhh, this gifts is for you

Mary .Ohhh! Ryan! Why you wearied yourself like that Ryan No problem mum, it's a simple things Max )Speaking with smile( That's my son, he become a man Mary Yeah Max, our son become a soldier to protect us Ryan )Smile( Ahh Emilie i want to talk to you Emilie Ok Ryan i'll bring the tea then i'll come Ryan keep walking to his room, Mary was gone to the kitchen for finish cooking, Max return to housetop and Emilie was bringing tea, …then she gone to ryan Emilie )Knock the door( Ryan Enter Emilie Emilie )Smile( And this is the tea Ryan Thank you very much, tell me how you find the job in the palace Emilie That's my second day, it was good… i like it, but the important is the place where i work…. (Sigh with pleasure)… it's like a dream, it's a magical place where the doors are gold, the windows have a magical look, the roof is ornamental, the walls like glass and the menies are everywhere, a row of orange and lemon trees and jasmines, planted in the garden, stood on the fairly wide terrace these trees gave the house a most delightful view, words alone can't describe… it's really the palace… Ryan So, it's the paradise's life Emilie

Maybe sort of that. So ryan? i feel that something is dominate your thinking, tell me i am listening to you Ryan Nothing just iam tired, you know the difficult of army and i have just three days for holiday Emilie ?Did you have friends Ryan )His eyes are sometimes closing and sometimes opening( … !Yeah After seconds, Ryan was sleeped, he slept most all day, Emilie ?Ryan. Ryan. Are you sleeping )She covered him( Goodnight… (Then she left him Ernest dropped asleep) .After two hours. It's time to dinner Mary Emilie? Call your brother for dinner Emilie Ok mum She gone to call him, but he found him still sleeping, then she gone to .informe her mother Emilie Mum… he still sleeping Mary Ok, let him, he's tired After minutes, Mary, Max and Emilie are finished eating then they gone to sleep. In the morning Ryan woke up early and gone to walk outside, then he gone back. He found her mother, his father and his …sister in the breakfast table, he sat with them Ryan Goodmorning )They said : goodmorning Ryan(

Max ?Where you were Ryan Ryan To walk Max I am going to work, see you evening son )Then he gone( Ryan )Ok dad, see you evening( Mary Emilie? Let's go Emilie Yes mum, i am ready Ryan So i'll stay alone until evening Emilie )Smile( You can read, i have some books or you can walk Ryan Yeah why not, ohh! Maybe i can come with you until the palace Emilie Great idea Mary Yes, good idea, let's go sons Then they gone. Ryan was in the middle, emilie and her mother catch his hands and they leaned him. They walk and speaking, Ryan was tells them about the army… Immediately, and according to custom, the ramparts of street henry VIII were covered with spectators; it is always an event at London for the king to get out from the chateau, especially when this king like Tudor come with their sons (greek and jolia). This event has been maked, decided and celebrated by the people, and belongs to an king and leader of the city... Ryan, her mother and his sister was pushing the thousands spectatorsuntil they reach to the first range to seeing the king. Ryan was wearing the army cloth. One of the king's guards .allude Ryan then he ask him The king's guard

(Speak aloud because of spectators voices) ?Are you a soldier Ryan (Speak aloud) Yes I am The king's guard So, come here, push this area for the king pass… quickly Ryan obed the king's guard. Ryan with activity and vigilant eye watched every motion of the king's coming. Suddenly an old woman was fell into the street because of crowded, Ryan wanted to help her but when he left his place he saw that the rope which posed between the spectators and the street was cutted, then he going back quickly to his place, the king's convoy become near. A guard saw that the place of Ryan was losing the control, he descend from his horse then he gone for restructuring the spectators… The king's guard (Speaking aloud) what's your name? Ryan …Ryan, sir The king's guard ?why you left your place Ryan …I... I wont to help the old women, sir The king's guard This is the last time to do that Ryan …Ok sir Ryan sat in his place until the king has passed, he wont to see behind him but he can't, all hands applause, all people pushing each other to see the king's coming. After that and after all spectators has dispersed, Ryan has continued the way with his mother and his sister to the palace, then he gone back and he spent most his time to reading and walking, until his mother, father and sister was back in the evening. Ryan spent his two day rest to him from the holiday with his family, until the time to going back to the army was arrived. He took his stuff with his mother's bless, his father's advices and his …sister's love… He gone with activity

The colonel, smiling, he saw that Ryan is coming, he followed him with his eyes until he saw him disappear in the midst of the throng of soldiers. The colonel was so proud of him he done all his exercises with effort, with love to his job and he still. The colonel turn round him, he found Ryan behind him apparently awaiting orders with …some soldiers

.Chapter 2: The Palace's Life We will leave Ryan and tells about the palace's life. The Tudor period was a dramatic period of England; he played important roles to transforming England from a comparatively weak European backwater into a powerful state that in the coming centuries would dominate much of the world. The period saw London and all of England was rapidly rising in importance amongst Europe's commercial centres, its many small industries were booming, especially weaving. Trade expanded beyond Western Europe to Russia, the Levant, the Americas to more place in the world. The …period saw the end of the wars. It was expected period But now that can't prevent the change of the things. In the Tudor's life we found his wife (Diana), Greek, Julia and Ibraham, his mother (Elizabith), then his brother (Henry) with his wife (Sarah) and sons (Jonathan, Rose and Bryan), and his other brother (adam) with his wife (katherin) and his sons (Izabell, William and Eric), and his sister (Alicia) with his husband (George) and his sons (Anna, Kate, Mary …and Michael) some descendants of Bryan, Michael and Mary The palace's rules provide that the sons must marry from the palace like son and his cousin for the own not be outside of palace... The .sons take their study in the palace

One day, Adam wanted to marry his son William to Julia, then he gone to Tudor for tell him that, Tudor was so busy with his infinity .meeting Adam )Knocking the door of Tudor's office( Tudor !..Come in Adam )Entered( ?How are you my brother Tudor (He was very nervous) Hello, what you want, I am so busy today Adam )Can't speak( I... I just want to see you Tudor )He don't gave him time or any reply( Adam )He get out from the Tudor's office then he gone( In the evening, on the dinner table when everyone is present, wiliam More than looking at julia all while eating, then she glanced him looking to her, she finished his dinner quickly then she gone, Wiliam was finished his dinner quickly too and he followed her, until she .reached to the door of her room then He grabbed her hand William )Wonderment( ?Why you running from me Julia I don't William What you named that, everytime I wont to speak with you you escape from me, I don't know why, julia you know that I love you, I can't live without you, you are my heart, my life, my eyes, I love you don't you understand that …. (Speak aloud) … I….. L… O…. V…. E .…. You Julia

(She don't gave him an opportunity, she leaved his hand then entred to her room and she closed the door) William Please Julia open the door, talk to me….please, tell me anything don't be silent Julia don't answered him, he still wait her answer until everybody come, tudor, diana, adam katherin and all of them was coming to see what's wrong , what's happened, why wiliam is screaming and crying in front of the door of julia. She was in her room crying and scaring and telling to herself, oh my god, why that's happen to me, .why I can't be happy just if a minute in my life Tudor ?What's happened William, why you are crying Adam ?Tell me son what happened William don't want to speak he is torn inside. They took him to his room; in the largest of his room there were pictures on the walls, he started to strike them, he was so angry. Diana knocking the door of Julia... Diana Julia, what's wrong, open the door my dear Tudor Open the door jolia Diana Please tell us anything… Julia … Julia Julia )Crying( Don't worry mum, I am fine Diana ?Why you're crying dear? Is anything happened to you Julia Nothing mum it's just a reminiscences, don't worry about me, I need be alone sometime and I'll be fine Tudor )Wont to speak( ?.…Why William is cr Diana )She stoped him and allude him to be quiet(

Shhhhh…. (Speak with low voice)... Let's go, let her alone .After some more minutes William has going back to her William ).He knocked the door( It's me julia Julia )Shut himself up in her own chamber) Who? William …William Julia ?What you want William I want to see you Julia ?Is what you done not enough to you William I didn't anything wrong, i just told you how i love you Julia Please wiliam i seem you like my brother, no more, i don't love you …i don't feel anything to you, please try to understand me William ?Is there another person in your life Julia )She wanted to get rid from him( Yes there is William )Wonderment( I don't think that's a person in your life, in the palace there's no one but if that person is from outside i advice to forget him, you know )the palace's rules… (Then he gone Julia )He heard him walking( William? William?.... are you here? I don't want you to understand wrong… William Diana

)She heard Julia speaking alone( ?Julia? Are you okey Julia ?Ahh mum, is there someone outside Diana ?No dear, should be someone JuLia No mum, i just…. (Crying and she opened the door then she hold … )her mother Diana Why you craying honey? Tell me what's wrong? Come on honey let's …enter then tells to me They entred to to the room. In this time Greek was in the palace's garden for walking before he go to sleep then he met Kate. She was big than him with 4 years and the best cousin to him, everyone love her in the palace, she understand everyone. She is the fiancee of Jonathan and near they'll marry…they are walking in the garden …with a refreshing weather and beside a little pool Kate I wonder how many miles you’ve walking by this time? Greek (Smile) Maybe one… two… maybe fourtheen metres Kate (Smile) How was your day crown prince? Greek You know… little free time and more meeting Kate That's good Greek Yeah sometimes! Ahh when will be your wedding? Kate It's near…. Greek That's good (smile)... so, is you'll invite me?

Kate Ohh let me guess…. (Smile) … maybe …. Ok you are invited Jonathan appeared and he gone to join with Kate and Greek… Jonathan Hello love… hello crown prince Kate Hey love Greek Hey Jonathan I am not assuring about the relation between Julia and William… Greek Maybe there wasn't originally any relation between them... I think she don't love him… Kate Yeah perhaps you're right, but if that happened even she refuse him, Tudor can't let that happen. We all know the palace's rules… (Sigh) … I wish that pass fine... Tudor in this time was reading some documents, the door of his office was knocked, it's his duke, he brings to him dangerous information. This information is about a disputable land between England and Norway. This land exist in the northen Ireland. His half under the England and other under Norway control, she is an important land for controling the Atlantique Ocean. There is an interieur struggle or a cold war about this land. Now the Norwegian army are going to the northen Ireland. Tudor when he heard the news he rallied all his ministers for a pressing meeting to discuss this problem... The recommendations of the meeting assured that the England must send more reinforcements to the north irelandian for the repulsion to prevent them from entering the England side. That fact which makes the relation between those countries has broken. The war became near, more conversations more negotiations until they reached to a deal entred them in an armistice stretch to three month… In this three month Tudor must equip his army for if something happen and they must be in the utmost preparation,

for that he order the colonel with the formation of the conscripts in a short time... Two days later, in the evening after the dinner Ibraham the small prince, the writer, is in his room for reading, he love the life, he love writing and reading, he aged 12, after some moments his door was knocked, she was his cousin izabell, she aged 11, they love each other, she always come to him in this late time for reading or or writing and sometimes playing because they haven't the time for that in the day, because of studying… Ibraham Hey come on! Let me show you something Izabell What...? Ibraham (He showed her a picture which painted by him) That's me and you in a green land…. far of people without noise… when I grow up I'll marying you... Izabell (Sigh) Really?! Ibraham Yeah Izabell (Wonderment) I love you… ahh... me too I have something for you, it's a necklace, you can keep it Ibraham Thank you They still looking to each other until they heard the steps of Diana trend toward Ibraham's room, they surprised, what they can do, and then, Ibraham pushed Izabell under the bed and he switch off the light then he done like he's sleeping. Diana opened the door and she saw his son sleeped then she gone. Ibraham and Izabell started laughing…. In the morning, Rose the sister of Jonathan gone to the palace's couturieres for bringing her dress… Rose Hello girls Couturieres (They inclined to her) Hello princesse

Rose How is my dress? Are you finished him? Couturieres Yes princesse, we finished him The chief of couturieres bring to her the dress... Rose (Happy and wonderment) Ohhh that's great dress, thank you couturieres, who maked him? The chief couturieres It's Emilie, princesse Rose Who's Emilie? Emilie (She spoke humbly) It's me princesse… Rose Thank you Emilie, you're really a good couturiere Emilie put her head down, the princesse gone with her dress then she met Kate... Kate Hello rose Rose Hello Kate Kate I was looking for you, where you were? Rose I was at the couturieres, I brought my dress Kate Show me …. (She showed her) ohh that's very beautiful Rose You like it? Kate

Yes, that better than the last time. Which one of the couturieres made it for you? Rose Her name is Emilie Kate Those couturieres is best than the last. I'll ask her to make to me the wedding's wear; let's go I want you for something… They went. Julia was in her room then she gone for walking, she remember Ryan, the young which was looking to her, his picture can't separate her, she saw a guard from the king's guards, then she gone to him … Julia Hello, I want to ask you about the times of conscripts? The king's guard (He inclined to her from his horse) I don't know princesse, but if you want I can ask for you Julia No…no… thank you (she gone then she back to him)... maybe I want you to find to me a soldier … (she describes him to the guard)… he has a blond hair, medium stature, he is slim something, that's all… I want you to see him and tell it to me, but don't tell that to anyone, just between us, okey? The king's guard Ok princesse, I'll …. The king's guard was gone to the base, he entered then he started to search for Ryan, looking right and left until he found him after a long time, then he returned to Julia. She was in her room watching from her window-bay the garden, and then she saw the guard and she come to him. After that he tell her that he saw him in the base. Julia Now, I want you to ask about his name and his life. Greek appeared and saw jolia with the guard of the king, jolia saw him too and she said to the guard: now go! Greek came to her. Greek Hey Julia Julia Hey Greek

Greek What you were doing with the guard? Julia I just asked him about…..mmm… Eric Greek But he don't know, his job is just in the palace Julia Yeah, he told that to me Greek Ok mother wants you Julia went to her mother and Greek to his study. In the evening before the time of dinner, Kate and Julia was walking and speaking, they saw Elizabith their grandmother, and then they sat in the garden beside her… Kate and Julia Hey grandmother Elizabith Hey sweets Kate What are you doing here alone grandmother? Elizabith This place remember me with your grandfather Julia Tells us about him Elizabith Oh! It's a long story, before fourtheen years…. (She tells them)… Tudor and his brother Henry, or the director of the royal library has guests from the scotich land, there are big merchants, they ate and drank and refreshed themselves, and one of the guests said, "Honorable friends! Why are we just eating and drinking? That's no good; let us tell tales!" "Alright! Let's!" all the guests shouted, "Who shall begin?" One guest tried but didn't know how, another was no better, and a third's memory had lapsed from the wine. What to do? Henry )Chimed in and said(

There is a new cook in the kitchen who has been to many foreign lands and seen many marvelous things. He's a master at telling tales! )Henry sent for the cook.( Entertain my guests! The cook What shall I tell a fairy tale or a true story? The guests Tell us a true story! … )Everyone agreed( The cook But with one condition: if anyone interrupts me, they'll get hit on the forehead with my ladle!" The cook began to tell the story it was a tragic love story, everybody like it, no one interrupts him... In this time we left Julia and Kate with their grandmother, she finished her story, after that izabell and ibraham appeared, they catch each other, they are approach them directly… Kate )Smile( Look there at them, your brother found his other half Julia )Smile( Yeah, that's good Ibraham and Izabell )They reached( Hey, everybody Elizabith How are you dears? Ibraham Fine grandmother Izabell Me too. Julia )Smile( Why you are together Ibraham It's my future wife Everybody started to laugh; izabell put his head down, she was shame. Kate

Is that true Izabell? Don't be shame. Elizabith Let her Kate. She was so shame. Come here Izabell sit beside me… Ibraham Tell us a story grandmother? Kate and Julia Yeah, tell us. Elizabith Alright! … In a certain land, there lived a widowed… )She begun to tell( One of the maidservants calls them for the dinner. Elizabith Ok dears, I'll continue her after the dinner. The day after in the morning, Eric woke up tired from his sleeping but that didn't prevent him from his first day of job, because today Eric is the chief of staff, he is in 27, but he showed to the king that he deserve this top drawer assiduously, he took his breakfast, he was pretty, then he took the way to the army's base…

Chapter 3: The Story of a Try Murder. The king actually had always a guards to protect him, they risk of themselves for him. The duties of the Chief of Staff vary greatly from one time to another. However, Iric is responsible for overseeing the actions of the government of the king staff, managing the king's schedule, and deciding who is allowed to meet with the king and more than that, is to choice who protect the king. Because of these duties, the Chief of Staff has at various times been the right hand of …the king, in his decisions Eric now has took his job seriously, with his knowing with the situation of the job and his dangerous, any small fault in his decisions can make the situation more complicated.. Eric is a big challenge in front, so that the numbers of soldiers qualified to the second phase are very few, that of the rest of recruits quickly before the end of the truce. In the military drills are usually long and cumbersome, but this period came at a special time. Royal Armed Forces needs to be the largest number of soldiers trained and qualified to be fully prepared for any emergency... In this time Eric was in the base, he

asked his vice the names of the best conscripts until now. It was a few names between her Ryan. Eric )Looking to the list( ?It's a few names between the hundreds The vice Yes sir Eric ?Bring to me those soldiers The vice Ok sir …After some minutes, they came, they was less than hundred Eric Goodmorning Soldiers …Goodmorning sir Eric ?How you found the army Soldiers Good sir Eric I am so proud of you, of your efforts, you know now that we are in a armistice with the norwegiens, so now we'll take you to the next phase which have period of two month of exercise before the armistice has finished. Who will be best they'll be from the royal …army. So, take this phase seriously and do all efforts of you This phase, it’s the diffuclt in army because who succes will be from the royal army, so it's a grand degree. Ryan now has a chance in this two month for be closer from the palace. A guard from the king's guards from the base was approaching at full speed, he came …to Eric The king's guard Good morning sir Eric Hey. The king's guard

The king sent me to you for telling to you that he'll out from the palace to Thame tomorrow morning, and he ask you to go with him with some soldiers which you choice them… Eric Ok, tell him that I'll be there before morning with some soldiers Thame is a small city near of London; she is preaparing for a royal visit from the king Tudor and his son Greek in a bright and sunny day. They are going there for the inaugural of the big church outside London; it's a big religion monument, so the coming of the king is very impotant. Like those travels which the king gets out of London, there is a stepped-up security measures from the departure to the the evening Eric rallied some soldiers from the new conscripts and some from the best who has a experience, nearly fifty soldier. There was Ryan between them. He sent his trusty vice for securing the road which the king will take it, then he gone to London. One night has elapsed, in the morning of Monday in 11 juin 1536 at six o'clock the king with the crown-prince his son Greek are waked the sun was up so high, they took their various breakfast, they wear their royal cloth, then they rode into the chariot. They out from the palace to Thame, there was a hundreds spectators waiting them over the roadsides, they applause, raise their hands, and the soldiers over whole hog. Ryan was in the out of London to Thame. The king's convoy started to move, and the hands of the king and Greek still in the air giving the expression of love, until they out from London. The guards in their horses surround the king's chariot with a vigilant eyes looking down, up, left and right. The half of the road now has gone and the second too. They reached to Thame, the small city with her modest people, they received the convoy's reached with all love they have. It's one o'clock afternoon the king's and the prince crown were descend from the chariot to the church, there was many of priests. They entered into the church, it was a magical monument, big, decored with the pictures of jesus and mary and some texts of the bible, then they watched all her sections and they listened to a lesson by the high priest. After that they gone for a picnic into the small city… The king It's a beautiful city? Isn't? Greek Yes dad, so beautiful, her weather bespoke with calmness and comfort. The king It's my favourite city after London, your grandfather lived most of his life here, the idea of building this church it was of him in the begining of his reign but some conditions prevented him, and now his idea became truth… god blessed him. Greek )Was looking right and left( Her people are very nice, look to them dad, the happyness fell their faces with our coming. The king Yeah son, i can see that, this city had a history with the kings, all of them are loved it, and me too and i think that this city will attracting you someday.

Greek Yeah dad, i think i started love her The king started to laugh and Greek too, and then they finished their picnic. Now, it's three o'clock, the time for going back to London…they got ready, a row of soldiers surround them in every side then they started walking between hundreds spectators, farewell their king and their crown-prince to another time.. they got ready, the guards surround them at every sides with a vigilant eyes then they started moving between the applause of hundreds spectators of this small city, her people are farewell the king and the crown prince to another time, they left thame the small city to london the city of the kings. The pageant moving, the time has passed quickly and London started to appear in horizon, the sun started to disappear behind the highest mountains. Until they reached to the entrance of London, the people started to rally on roadsides; Ryan was in the right side of king's pageant. After some seconds a dreadful thing has happened to the convoy. Three young men aged between twenty to twenty five jumped into the street and came closer from the king's pageant without eyes noticed them. Then they separate. One of the guards who was behind the chariot of the king glanced them and screamed aloud to the other guards "hey look here be careful". Eric was in his horse in front of the king he heard the guard then he jumped quickly from his horse to the street to the chariot and saying aloud "protect the king's chariooooootttt". One of the three ran to a guard in his horse then he stab him until he kill him he wanted to obtrude to the king's chariot, but Eric pulled his sword then he killed him. the second obtruded the chariot from the other side which Eric didn't be existed and stab the king from his shin and wanted to stab greek which was beside his father but greek was vigilant he stab him first in his right eye then he pushed him to outside the chariot. The king slumped across his son who gasped: "dad don't die. Stay alive, stay alive dad". Eric came quickly to this side, then he catched the second murderer and he order the soldiers to take him, he was still in life. The third assassins assumed that the king is dead then he started running. The sun was gone, the darkness is everywhere. Two guards ensued him, he was running at his full speed to the forest which he came from her with the two others, this forest is beside the road, he quickly traversed the road then he kept running between trees, Ryan and his friend Mike at full speed two ensued him, there was a mess and screams everywhere between the spectators, the two guards lost the third one between the bushed trees after that they separate everyone gone to an road Ryan and Mike was behind the third one directly... the third young was looked behind him and he saw that someone follow him, he tried to shade them between trees but every time he looked behind him he saw that Ryan and Mike still behind him, the king was transported to the palace quickly for treating. all was scared about what happened, the rejoicing of the spectators was transformed to an sorrow and scare and worrying about the king's health, the king is in life or not, and what happened to crown prince, no one know, because in the time when the guard was screamed, all was scared all was running to save themselves, some of them thought that's a attack from some enemies, and some thought that the norwegian's army started one of the three youngs is killed by Eric, the other one is between life and death because of Greek's stab, and the third one is still escaped. They transported the king to the palace, Eric was carried him, from the chariot to his room then he sent for doctors. everyone worried, his wife was screaming, and catching Tudor which fainted and spoke to Greek "what's happened Greek tell me what happened to your father" but no answer he was so angry for what happened, and spoke again eric "what happened Eric, i said what happened" Greek get back his

courage and said "someone wanted to kill us" Diana was so angry and worried and she asked again " how that happened...what...when..tell me how that happened"greek "i don't know"... every one in the palace heard Diana's screaming and came to seeing what's matter Julia came then she saw his father dropped at the treatment bed then she asked aloud " what happened to him .. someone tells me" then the doctors demanded with emptying the room, everyone was in trauma, Greek took his mother and his sister and everyone in the room, kate, Jonathan, Wiliam, Bryan, Anna, Alicia Mary and the grandmother Elizabith which started crying she other about her son to another room for explain what happened to them, Eric gone to seeing the situation in outside, what about the second one which he catched him and what about the third one which escaped. The two guards still in the forest for searching about the third escaped, but no result, one of them gone back to the palace, and then he met Eric. Eric Did you catched him? The guard )He was scare from Eric which was so angry( No sir …hhhh… he disappeared between trees sir Eric )Scream( What you said? He disappeared, where you were when he disappeared, I don't care to any cause I don't want to see you until you bring him to me alive, you understand me… alive… go go go. The guard gone quickly and he met in the way the other guard going back to the palace. The first guard Where are you going? The second guard To the palace The first guard Don't do that, Eric is so angry.Let's go for search Then Eric gone for seeing the second young man, he was in treatment too, Eric entered, and he found the doctor still with him... Eric How is he now? Can i speak with him? The doctor Now, i don't think that sir... He is not good, his damage was so dangerous, and he is still between life and death…. Eric Ok doctor, do your effort to save him, we need him alive; it's our hope to know the truth of what happened…

The doctor Okey sir i'll…. The second murderer started to scream with pain the doctor came to him quickly and Eric is beside him, but he still screaming until he died, he lost most of his blood because of stab... Eric put his head down and sigh with angry. Then he rally most of guards then he sent them for searching on the escaped. It is seven past half pm, after some minutes Eric still inside the palace waiting the searching result, until Ryan and Mike came with the third one, they catched him with all his bravery and they brought him to Eric.mike was more speaking. Mike We catched him sir, when we saw him escape we followed him until we catched him in the end of forest, it was a long distance Ryan )Speaking with low voice( Shhh mike, speak with more respect it's the prince. Mike )Speaking aloud( Why. Is that not respecting then we done a great job we must take a medal for that and we become guards. Yes that's what I want to become guard... Eric What's your name? Mike Mike Ryan Ryan Eric From now you are from the guards of the king….. )He called the chief of guards( took them, they became from the guards…. The third one was something tired, eric catched him and he took him to an empty room, just eric and the chief of king's guards and the third young man, as ryan and mike they are so happy with the new job, mike catched ryan's hands and he started jumping with pleasure and sing: If i should die, think only this of me That there are some wishes came true Now i am the king's guard. That's forever England I never scare, i never hide, and that's really the guard A pulse in the internal mind no less Because of my new job that's what i wanted I am the king's guard under an English heaven…

Greek was tells them any thing happened because of their more questions. The king after some minutes woke from his fainted, the doctors fixed his wound, one of them got out from the room, and all was waiting. The doctor )He inclined to them( Don't worry about him, sometime and he'll be fine, just he need some comfort. Diana So, he'll be fine, just like he was before? The doctor Yes, princess, we bandaged his wound, he's not dangerous Julia )She interrupted him( Is we can see him now? The doctor No, but i'll let you see him, but please try to change the subject and you are beside him, just two or three minutes please. Greek Ok doctor, and thank you very much. The doctors got out from the room, and his family entered to him, and Greek gone with the doctors to the door of palace, then he asked them. Greek Please, is my dad fine? The chief of doctors Don't be scare sir, he is fine, he need just some comfort, and please don"t stay with him a long time. Greek Ok doctor, thank you one more time Diana catched his husband's hand, and jolia the other one, and everybody surround him and asking him about his health. Tudor Where is Greek, is he fine? Diana He is fine don't worry, he gone with the doctors to the door, so how are you? Are you fine? Are you feeling something? Tudor

Don't worry about me, i am very good, my wound is not dangerous, you heard the doctors. Julia )With a smile( I missed you dad, are you fine? Tudor )With a smile( Yes my daughter, i am very very very fine everyone started to ask him, kate, jonathan, wiliam, mary, bryan, anna, alicia his sister and his mother elizabith which started to crying between his arms and started to kiss him, some seconds after, greek came to the room and he entered, he catched his father's hand and he kissed her. Greek Are you fine dad? Tudor Yes son I am fine, where is Eric, is he fine? Greek Yes dad he's fine. I'll go to see him Greek gone to search about Eric, he found some guards, and then he asked them about Eric. They told him where is he, then he gone to him, Eric was with the chief of king's guards interrogate the third young man, he entered to the room then he close the door. Greek wanted to strike him but Eric catched him. Eric alludes to the chief of king's guard to take the young man to the prison until they see what can they do to him, they finished the interrogation with him. The chief called some guards then they took him. Greek and Eric were in the room speaking. Greek What happened Eric? Eric It's a big problem Greek……. )Sigh(…. How i can explain that? He confused that the Norwegian which they sent them to kill the king, and they gave to them much money to do that……. )Looking from the window of room( … what we can do Greek? Tell me? Greek Ohhh! Shut …. )He strike the table( I knew that, I knew that they have a hand in that… )Sigh with angry( … what we can do now? How can we say that to my father? Eric The Norwegians make them into the war Greek

The war become near of us in the morning of the next day, the king woke up with activity, he's better now, he sent for eric, greek and the chief of king's guards, then he asked them about what happened, then they said to him all things, for that he sent for his ministers for a meeting to discuss about the try murder. It was along meeting, it was very important meeting. Because the Norwegian kingdom breached the armistice with this try murder. They wanted to kill the Tudor's king to make them busy with his death to control the north Ireland with themselves alone. Because the king's Tudor wasn't a forgiver about his kingdom matters. So the Norwegian kingdom when he saw that the three young men can't kill him and he heard that the king still alive, she sent solidarity letter to Tudor to make them assume that the Norwegians haven't a hand in that. Every minister in the meeting said his opinion, of them who said that we must stop the Norwegians's arrogance with war, and some said that we can't enter in a war in this time. The king doesn't say anything, because they not reached to one decision. Everybody has a decision which different at the other. He can't entering his kingdom to a grand war like this and especially with norwegians, when there are a great kingdom. Now the best way to the solution is to thinking seriously about it. The England kingdom now must show his force and send an alarm to her enemies. some ministers suggested an opinion with sending more reinforcing to north ireland contain more war's ships, some agreed and others disagreed, the meeting started to burning, the voices started to rise, the table started to striking. Eric suggested to developing the England's relations with other countries to creating an alliance can make us a great force. Greek disagreed with him and he said that we must start now to suggest that to the European before the armistice's finish. The king agreed and the ministers too. The king started to send his ministers, everyone to a country. France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium...and more.

Chapter 4: The First Mission. We left Ryan and his friend Mike very happy with their new job; they became guards from the king's guard. In Wednesday 13 juin 1536, in a bright day, NOW when Morning, clad in her robe of saffron, had begun to suffuse light over the earth, Ryan woke up from his sleeping, he was in the barrack of the king's guards, she is beside the palace. He found his friend Mike still in sleep, then he woke him, they took their small breakfast, then they wore the guards's cloth, and then the chief of the king's guards sent them to their first mission. It was a something difficult to them, this mission is for assay them if they can become from the guards or not. He sent them for deliver a letter to the colonel of south England, exactly far of London with 67 km to the south. so this mission can take some time, they has their horses, so maybe can take two or three day to reach and same to go back, with a difficult road with mountains and a small passages and a hot atmosphere, they must take some entractes in this long road, and sleeping in the side between the trees, and they must be careful to themselves, so it's a real assay to them. Ryan and Mike started their travel to south, they rode on their horses, they took their food and drink then they gone. But they were not alone, there was a third guard with them named Philias, he other this is his first mission, they started to got far of London, the first km, the second… until they reached to a grand field full of trees in the tenth km, they took their way between this field, after some minutes they glanced a house inside the field, he was a grand house like palace surrounded by trees, they come closer from the house there was two girls so beautiful talking to each other beside the house. They saw them then they came. The first girl )Smile( Hey guards Mike

Hey Philias Hey girls Ryan )Speaking with low voice( Let's go guys we have a mission to do Mike came closer to the girl then he started speak to her, Philias came closer too to the second girl then started to speak with her. Mike and Philias like each other, they speaking more without ashamed. Mike is the friend of Ryan since babyhood, he's his neighbour, and they grew up in the same city. Philias is the new friend of Ryan and mioke since this morning. He was entered in the army before Ryan, he succes in the guards's exercises. After that the two girls invited them to the house. They entered, some seconds the father of the two girls came he named James; he was behind the house in a small garden. He entered and he welcomed them, they stood to him for respect, they presented themselves to him then they sat and they started talking. James is a grand merchant in london, everybody know him, he has two girls and his wife is dead since six years ago, they live in the house just those three and some servants, James is so busy with his trade but his two girls sat usually in the housem sometimes they going to london for picnic or something else. They sat sometimes then they gone to continue their road to south. They started to sing, Mike is so happy he fell in love with a girl of a grand merchant and she loved him too, her name is Reachel, and philias was sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy, he was asking his self the entire road "is she love me?" Her name is Ursula. Ryan, Mike and Philias traversed the half of road, the night started to hide the sun's rays with his shadow, they stopped in the side of road in a grand forest………………………………to be continue.

And to what happened

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