The Kinetic In You

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 698
  • Pages: 2
THE KINETIC IN YOU Strictly Motivational

By: Uche Onyekwelu CCE

It is most pertinent to know that the most efficient body that functions correctly often is at your command. Do you know who this body is? It is you. You have what it takes to move steps higher. Just take a look at this: humans are made up of over 12 billion brain cells marvellously working. They were naturally endowed by God, and have been rated the highest precision organ in existence. Scientists have noted that the brain is capable of several trillion associations of thoughts, but yet they cannot conclusively arrive at the amazing way by which thoughts move to and fro the human cells. Therefore, one does not need dual brains before he can accomplish. Even the use of about one-tenth of one’s brain triggers actions of improvements. So the ball is in your court; why not hit the target and shake the net. You have the ability. It’s in you. Yes, you may have some modes of determinisms, but they are mere ephemerals than intricate. I put these questions to you- Do you have psychological determinism, physical determinism, speech determinism? Do you always have the feelings of inferiority? Do you always have the sense of having been sidetracked or unrecognised or unimportant, or not qualified for this outing? The solution is at your beck and call. You have what it takes. The fact that you sometimes feel so inadequate and inferior is a proof that you are a superior human being; for fools and imbeciles cannot feel the way you do. We have the qualities but the problem is that we allow them to be latent. Heatup your qualities just like the Bunsen burner heats up solutions in a chemical reaction. How actually? By taking up self-challenges in particular spheres you lag; though peacemilly. With this formula, Success is assured. Yes, I tell you that you have enough atomic energy in your body to destroy the whole of the State where you live. That is to say that you have enough challenge energy to destroy the whole of your determinisms. True or false? I think true. So move it up. You see, sometimes you can be a very poor judge of yourself, probably rating yourself incorrectly, either too high (thereby moving into self-extollement) or too low (thereby moving into lack of self-confidence). Which is better?

On the one hand, those who rate themselves too high are likely to be less brilliant or less than average. On the other hand, those who rate themselves too low are those who possess almost every great quality you can think of except self-confidence. On which party are you? I suggest you take a middle party that neither rate themselves too high or too low, but believe in their abilities, and in confidence will improve in some necessary angles. Remember that it takes real intelligence to think you are not as smart as you should be. Even when Socrates was asked why he was considered the wisest man in Greece, he replied-“it is because I know that I know nothing”. You may have known something, but there is a “thing” you have not known- that is the “nothing”. From this “nothing”, you can strive to know “something” so that your effort of knowing “something” will reduce the number of “nothing” in you. Don’t you think so? It’s up to you. But what I know is that you are abled, and that sense of alienation and inferiority complex is like a fungus that absorbs healthy living matter. Don’t allow it to steal away your fabulous dynamic personality. You are a special made of God, furnished with gifts. Thus Shakespeare said- “what a piece of work is man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a gold”. I know that it takes courage to build up self-confidence that the years and the odds of the past have crippled. But the courage lies right there in you. Push it hard and move it up. Uche Onyekwelu CCE 9 January, 2009. th

…Moving Unto Success.

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