The Kid

  • November 2019
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PEARL ACADEMY Anjali Apartment Near Sapna Hall Makarpura road Vadodara-390 009 Cell:-9825283326 9426765811

THE KID __________________________________________________________________________________


Describe the first appearance of the kid The little boy whose name was Jackie Coogan was an infant of four. He had an engaging personality. He danced with amusing steps. He waved the audience and ran off. On getting the uproar of the audience of “once more” he charmed the audience with a different dance. Q-2)

What idea struck the writer about the tramp and the kid? The writer imagined the tramp, a window mender and the little kid going around the streets breaking windows. The tramp would come and mend the windows. The charm of the tramp living together would create all sorts of adventures . Q-3) Why does the author think of himself as an idiot? The author considers himself as an idiot because he thought that even though he had the first chance to see amusing child Jackie Coogan it did not strike him to select him for his film and he had allowed Arbuckle to sign up that wonder child. Q-4)

“Babies are the best actors in movies. “ Why? A baby can create a riot of laughter by its every simple natural action. All the children have genius in some form or other. If you make a baby sit in a bath tub and give soap to the baby, what the baby does in the bath tub will make every one burst to the laughter. Thus, it can create great humor in a movie. Q-5)

How did Jackie’s father make Jackie cry? Jackie’s father told him that if he did not cry, then they would take him away from the studio and send him to the workhouse. As Jackie did not want to go away to the workhouse, he cried. Q-6)

“Daddy was only fooling” Explain Jackie’s father told him that if he did not cry, then they would take him away from the studio and send him to the workhouse. As Jackie did not want to go away to the workhouse, he cried. Jackie was smart and understood that his father was just fooling so that he would cry and would be in the studio and complete the scene which required crying. Q-7)

What were the good qualities in the wonder child Jackie Coogan The wonder child Jackie Coogan had an engaging personality. He could apply emotion to the action and action to the emotion and could repeat it time and time again

without losing the effect of spontaneity. As long as Jackie’s mind was at work, he was superb. He could easily put a life like form in his acting.

TO A BU TTE RFLY __________________________________________________________________________________

Q-1)Not the sentences with exclamations. Why has the poet made an extensive use of exclamations? Exclamation means a sudden excited feeling. It indicates joy, surprise or pain. To make poetry lively and to have an effect the poet has made an extensive use of exclamations. Some are And, little butterfly! (As if talking with the butterfly) How motionless! (Poet’s surprise)…..etc. Q-1)Is the butterfly moving about? How do you know? No, the butterfly is not moving. It is indicated by the word motionless which the poet has used in the poet, and also the motionlessness of the butterfly is compared with the motionless frozen seas for exaggerating the point that butterfly is motionless. Q-1)What does the poet want the butterfly to do? The poet talks with the little butterfly and invites him to his orchard as in a sanctuary. He wants the butterfly to visit his orchard and assures the butterfly of full safety as he owns those trees and the flowers are his sister’s. So it can be a sanctuary for the butterfly. He wants the butterfly to sit near him on the bough so that they may talk about their youthful days when he was young, sunshine, song and summer days. Those sweet days passed quickly like the twenty days which pass as of sudden.

THE JA CKAL’ S JUDG EME NT __________________________________________________________________________________


“What happened when the rains failed? When the rains failed, the ponds and tanks in the jungle dried up one by one. The grass dried up. The animals had no water to drink. The jungle did not look any more. Q-2)

How did the soft-hearted man react to the crocodile’s plea? When crocodile narrated his tale of woe the soft hearted man was touched by the tale. He dug the crocodile out and even offered to carry the poor crocodile on his shoulder to a large pond where there would be some water on the other side of the jungle. Q-3)

What is the opinion of the Kumbuck tree on the crocodile’s decision to eat the man? The Kumbuck tree told to man that he deserved that punishment. The humans use the tree for their own pleasure. The man takes shelter, play with the branches, build houses, feeds cattle with the leaves, eats fruits himself still he doesn’t hesitates to cut the tree and see to a merchant for some money. So, the crocodile should not spare the thankless man.


How according to the peacock is man unkind to it? The peacock spoke in tune with the crocodile and the pond. It says that in spite of its efforts to beautify man’s life, man ruthlessly kills it for selling its beautiful feathers for a fistful of money and that the man deserved the punishment from the crocodile Q-5)

Why did all the creatures agree that the jackal had spoken in wisdom? The jackal agreed that the man is callous and selfish. He destroys trees, animals and pollutes the land, the water, the air. But the jackal wanted to teach the man a lesson. He wanted to make him learn that he cannot destroy so wantonly. For without all of this, he is nothing. He insisted that man should show respect\, care and love to the surrounding nature and other creatures. This judgement was welcomed by all as a real piece of wisdom. Q-6)

Why did the man go his way wiser? The man was wise as he had shown kindness to the crocodile without any hesitation or fear. But when he went away he was wiser. He had learnt a lesson the he should not destroy the nature and its creatures for his own greed and always respect, care and love his surrounding nature and fellow creatures.

THE LI TTLE MA TCH- GIRL __________________________________________________________________________________

Q-1)Describe how the little girl lost her slippers. When the little girl had left her home she had slippers on, but they were much too large for her. She dropped off her feet while she was running very fast across the road. One of the slippers was not found and the other had been snatched up by a little boy who ran off with it. Q-2)“She dared no go home’ Why? She had not sold any matches and had not earned a single penny. She was aftraid that her father would beat her and besides her home was almost as cold as the street so she dared not go home. Q-3)What did she see when she struck the second match? When she struck the second match against the wall and wherever its light fell the wall became transparent as a veil. She could see into the room within. She saw the table spread with a snow like table cloth and shining china dishes. There was roasted goose stuffed with apples and dried plums on one end. Then the goose with knife and fork still in her breast jumped down from the dish and waddled along the floor right up to the poor child. Q-4)Why did she light the remaining matches from the bundle? When she saw a star falling, she fired another match and found her loving gentle dead grandmother standing in front of her. So hastily, she lighted all the remaining matches in the bundle lest her grandmother should disappear. The good old grandmother looked so

tall and stately so beautiful and the kind in the light of the matches which were burning with a blaze of splendor. Q-5)What does the falling star signify? The falling star signifies the death of someone. Whenever a star falls an immortal spirit returns to the God who gave it. Q-6)Short note: The little match girl and the grandmother The little match girl was a poor wanderer. She was bare feet and head when she went out to sell match boxes. It was severe cold. Her hands were nearly dead with cold. She had turned red and blue due to cold. In here effort to warm herself, she kindled three, four matches. In the light of each match she saw a wonderful vision. Her kind old, loving grandmother was no more. But she appeared at the light of the fourth match. She looked tall and stately. She took the little girl in her arms and they flew together higher and higher and finally they were in Paradise. Q-7)End of the story The story has a very pathetic end. The poor, helpless wanderer little match girl was found dead in the cold morning of the New year crouching in the corner of the wall. When she meets her grandmother in the midst of the helpless conditions of hers it creates a joyous experience for the readers. When her grandmother takes the little girl with her in the paradise touches the deep in the reader’s heart.

AGN ES __________________________________________________________________________________

Q-1)Write in three sentences the first three stages which the poet saw Agnes? The poet three stages in which the poet saw Agnes were (1) In her childhood (2) In her youth at the age of eighteen (3) As a dignified mother. Q-2)When was Agnes most beautiful? Why? She was most beautiful on the day of her death. She was looking fairest at that time. The heaven’s light was around her and the God was by her side. She had no wants to trouble her and no fears to dismay her. Q-3)Note the images that the poet uses to depict the three ages. The images used to depict the three ages are (1) The dawn of the morning and the dews of the spring. (2) The moonlight she shone. (3) The bud had grown blossom, the blossom was fruit.

Q-4)Give central idea of the poem. The poet had seen Agnes growing from an infant to a dignified mother and then at the time of her death. She was bestowed with extraordinary grace, innocence and dignity. She was an object of envy. She was the fairest of all when she died.

PEG AS US:T HE WI NG ED H OR SE __________________________________________________________________________________

Q-1)“The very sight of Pegasus is a wonderful and delightful experience” Why? “Pegasus” was a snow white steed with beautiful silvery wings. He spent most of his time on the top of a mountain. He was as wild and as swift in his flight through thee air as an eagle and hardly seemed to be a creature of the earth. The sunshine on his silvery wings made the viewers think that he belonged to the sky. Q-2)“How did Pegasus help Bellerophon in the fight with the monster? Pegasus helped a young brave prince named Bellerophon attack the Chimera, a monster that breathed forth smoke and flamers. The prince mounted Pegasus and the winged horse with its airy rush brought him closer to the monster. In spite of the terrific attack of the monster, the winged horse flew higher and higher and gave the prince a chance to kill the monster. Q-3)Describe how Chimera was defeated by Pegasus and Bellerophon. Pegasus with its airy rush brought Bellerophon close to the monster. The monster flung its huge body right upon poor Pegasus, clung round him and tied its snaky tail into a knot. But the Pegasus flew higher and higher. The monster was mad and wild with pain. Ion its efforts to stick its horrible iron claws into its enemy, the creature left its own breast quite exposed. Bellerophon at once drove his sword up to its cruel heart. Immediately the snaky tail untied its knot. The monster fell dead from that vast height downwards like a shooting star. Q-4)“It was mistaken for a shooting star or a comet” Explain. The monster Chimera fell from the vast height downward. The fire that always glowed within its bosom, instead of being put out burned fiercer than ever and quickly began to consume the dead carcass of the monster. It fell out of the sky, all aflame. The bight had fallen before it reached the earth so it was mistaken for a shooting star or a comet.

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