The Journeys Of Paul

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  • Pages: 33
The Journeys of Paul The Expansion of the Church

Prepared by Josue Reyes Submitted to Dr. Sajan Mathews in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course BI0606 Acts (Online)

The Conversion and Testimony • Saul the Persecutor – Acts 7:58-8:3

• Saul encounters Jesus – Acts 9:1-9

• A new purpose for Saul – Acts 9:10-16

• Saul is discipled – Acts 9:17-19

• Saul begins preaching – Acts 9:26-30

The Opposition • in Damascus (Acts 9:23-25) – Jews conspire to kill Saul – Saul escapes in a basket – Saul goes to Jerusalem

• in Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-30) – Insecurity of the Apostles – Grecian Jews plot to kill Saul – The brothers send him to Tarsus

• Peace and Growth in the Church (Acts 9:31)

Pre-Missionary Assignments • Saul back in Antioch (Act 11:25-26) – After 10 yrs Barnabas brings Saul back to Antioch – They teach and disciple for 1 yr

• Disaster relief (Acts 11:27-30; 12:25) – Famine in Roman empire – Antioch send gifts to Jerusalem – They return to Antioch with John Mark

1 Journey st

• Saul and Barnabas commissioned in Antioch (Acts 13:1-3) • Saul, Barnabas and John Mark go to Seleucia then to Cyprus; preaching from Salamis to Paphos (Acts 13:4-12) – Opposition by Elymas the magician (13:6-11) – Paul calls him child of the devil and enemy to all that is right – Paul curses him and he becomes blind

– Sergus Paulus, the proconsul, believes (13:12)

1 Journey… part 2 st

• Paul, Barnabas and John go to Perga; John returns to Jerusalem (13:13) • Paul and Barnabas go to Pisidian Antioch and speak in the synagogue (13:14-43). • Their success create jealousy among the Jews (13:44-47) • The Gentiles accept the Gospel with Joy (13:4849) • Jews, Gentiles, and rules chase them out and they go to Iconium (13:50-52)

1 Journey… part 3 st

• Mix reception in Iconium (14:17) – Threats of violence force Paul and Barnabas and they go to Listra, and Derbe

• Paul preaches in Lystra (14:818) – Paul heals a cripple man (8-10) – The people want to worship them as gods (11-13) – The crowd has a hard time understanding them (14-18)

• Jews from Iconium come and lead others into stoning Paul (14:19-20) – Paul is left for dead – The next day Paul and Barnabas

The Returned Home • Many converts in Derbe (14:21) – Spent the winter in Derbe – Large number of disciples

• The return to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch(14:21-23) – There was growth – They appointed elders

• They went to Perga to preach than sailed from

First Furlough

• In Antioch (14:26-28)

– Reported their experience – Stayed for about a year – Paul writes the letter to the Galatians

• In Jerusalem (15:1-35) – Controversy regarding the circumcision (15:1-5) – Apostles and Elders gather in Jerusalem (15: 6-11) – Paul and Barnabas give testimony of the Gentile (15:12-21) – First official resolution and letter (15:22-29)

• Return to Antioch (15:30-35)




• Disagreement over John Mark (15:3641) – Paul want to go back an visit churches – Barnabas wants to take John Mark – Paul did not trust John Mark – Barnabas take John Mark to Cyprus – Paul take Silas to Syria and Cilicia



Journey …Timothy

• Timothy joins the team (16:1-3) – Paul wants Timothy to Join – Timothy is circumcise because he is part Jew and part Greek

• They pass along the message given by the Council in Jerusalem (16:4-5)

2nd Journey… Call to Macedonia The Spirit says no to preaching (16:6-8) – No preaching Phrygia and Galatia – No entrance into Mysia and Bithynia

• The Spirit gives a new destination (16:9-10) – Vision of the Macedonian Man in



Journey… in Philipi

• Paul, Silas and Timothy in Philipi (16:11-15) – Travel to Philipi in Macedonia – Lydia believes

• Opposition in Philipi (16:16-37) – Demon possessed girl (16:16-21) – Paul and Silas are beaten and imprison (16:22-24) – Paul and Silas respond by worshiping God in jail and the doors are opened (16:25-28) – The jailer believes (16:29-34) – Paul forces the leaders to come and escort them out of prison (16:35-39)

2nd Journey… in Thessalonica and Silas come to

• Paul Thessalonica through Amphipolis and Apollonia (17:1) • Paul preaches in the synagogue and many believe (17:1-4) • Opposition (17:5-10)

– Jealous Jews round up a mob and go in search of Paul and Silas – They take Jason and other brothers instead – Paul and Silas have to



Journey… in Berea

• Paul teaches in the synagogue (17:10-12) – People study the scriptures to make sure that Paul was telling the true – Many Jews and Greeks believed

• Opposition ( 17:13-15) – Jews from Thessalonica cause trouble in Bernea – Paul is escorted to Athens



Journey… in Athens

• Paul is heart broken over the idols (17:16) • Paul engages Jews and Greeks in the Synagogue an market place (17:17) • Paul teaches in the Arepagus (17:18-34) – Teaches about the “unknown god” – Uses the Greek poetry as a point of contact – Calls them to repent



Journey… in Corinth

• Paul comes to Corinth to wait for Silas and Timothy (18:1-5) – Paul meets Aquila – Works as a tentmaker and Teaches in the weekend – Once Silas and Timothy arrive Paul dedicates himself to preaching

• Opposition (18:6-17) – The Jews in the synagogue reject Paul – Paul declares himself free from responsibility of the lives of the Jews – Paul goes to Titus Justus and establish a church – Paul warns new believers of persecution – Paul is taken to court but the proconsul did



Journey… in Corinth (2)

• Paul remain in Corinth for 18 months (52-53 AD) • He wrote the letters to the Thessalonians during his stay



Journey… in Ephesus

• Paul takes Priscilla and Aquila to Ephesus (18:18-21)

– Paul leaves them in Ephesus and goes to Antioch – Priscilla and Aquila disciple Apollos – Apollos is sent to Achaia

• Paul goes to Caesarea and Jerusalem

3 Journey… in Asia Minor rd

• Depart from Antioch (18:23) • Visit believers in Galatia and Phyrgia (18:23) – Derbe – Lystra – Iconium – Antioch

3 Journey… to Ephesus rd

• Paul returns to Ephesus (19:1-10) – Teaches about the Holy Spirit (19:1-5) – Believers speak in tongues (19:67) – Paul teaches in the synagogue for 3 months and is rejected by the Jews (19:8-9) – For two year Paul taught in a lecture hall (19:9-10)

• Miracles and Signs (19:11-20) – God does miracles through Paul – Others try to imitate Paul and had some success – Demons declare to know Jesus and Paul, but not the copycats and beats them (19:15-16) – Wide respect for the name of Jesus and repentance (19:1720)

3 Journey… in Ephesus (2) rd

• Opposition (19:23-41)

– Idol makers blamed Paul for loss of revenue – There was a city wide riot and the crowd took 2 of Paul’s travel companions to the theater – Paul wants to face the crowd, but his friends and disciples hold him back – The authorities dismiss the crowd under treat of charging them with rioting

• Paul writes the 1st letter to the Corinthians while in Ephesus around 55 AD

3rd Journey… Macedonia & Greece Paul leaves for Macedonia (20:1-2) – Traveled through the area giving exhortation – Paul writes 2nd letter to the Corinthians around 57 AD

• Paul in Greece (20:2-3) – Short 3 month stay – Plot against Paul changes travel plans – Paul’s disciples go to Troas, but he sails from Philipi and

3rd Journey… in Toras and Miletus Long service in Toras (20:7-12)

– Long sermon – Young man fall a sleeps and out of the window – Paul brings him back to life

• On his way to Jerusalem stops in Miletus (20:1337) – Warns and Encourages the Elders from Ephesus

3 Journey… in Caesarea rd

• Travel from Miletus to Tyre (21:1-6) – Paul and his companions spend 7 days with the believers in Tyre – They ask him not to go to Jerusalem – When they times was over Paul and his companions continue to Jerusalem

• Travel to Caesarea (21:715) – Agabus prophesy Paul's arrest – Paul declares that he is to die in Jerusalem –

Paul in Jerusalem • Paul gives a report of the ministry (21:17-19) • Controversy of Paul’s ministry (21:20-26) – Paul is accused of teaching Jews to abandon the law – The brothers asking to purify himself I the temple as testimony – Paul follows the instruction

• Paul is arrested (21:27-36) – Jews form Asia minor falsely accused Paul of bringing a gentile into the temple – A roman soldier rescue him from the crowd and bound him – With permission of the chief roman captain Paul addresses the crowd and shares his testimony – The crowd becomes enrage and the soldiers take Paul for further

Paul’s Trial • Paul is brought before Sanhedrin (23:1-11) – Same group that tried Jesus – Paul challenges Ananias authority – Things very violent and Paul is taken out by Roman soldiers

• Plot to kill Paul – Jews vow to kill Paul – Paul’s nephew hears and warns Paul – Paul is transported to Caesarea

• Paul in Caesarea – Paul defends himself before Felix – Felix delays action on the

Paul’s Trials…(2) • Paul before Festus (25:1-12) – Festus is asked to bring Paul to Jerusalem – This was to execute the plot to kill him – Festus gives the option to Paul but he refuses – He asks to be trial by Roman courts

• Paul before Festus and Agrippa (25:13-32) – Paul gives his testimony – Paul hopes for the Salvation of the king – Paul is found innocent – Paul is granted to present his case before Caesar

Journey to Rome •

Paul sails to Rome (27:1-12) – – – – – – –

Paul is handed over to Julius the Centurion Luke and Aristarchus go with Paul Go from Sidon to Myra Changed of ship Difficulty sailing to Cnidus and then Crete Paul warns of sailing at this time The Centurion and captain do not listen

The Storm (27:13-26) – Calm winds turn into hurricane – Food and cargo is thrown overboard – Paul encourage them by telling them that the ship will be lost but nobody will die

Journey to Rome (2) • The Shipwreck (27:27-44 – 14 days of storm – Paul encourage people to prepare for the wreck – Ship hit a sandbar – Soldiers plan to kill all prisoners – All 276 survive

• Winter in Malta (28:1-12) – – – – –

Warm welcome by the natives Paul is bit by a viper Paul heals the Governor's dad They bring their sick to Paul The islanders honor Paul and his helpers – 3 months later they leave for Rome

Paul in Rome •

Arrival in Rome (28:13-16) – Paul received by brothers – Paul is allowed to rent a house and live under Roman guards

Paul preaches in Rome (28:17-31) – 3 days after his arrival Paul gathers the Jewish leadership of Rome – The Jews do not know of Paul – They meet with Paul to learn more about the Way – Paul presented the message as before – Some believe, but the majority did not – Paul refers to Isaiah to explain why the Jews continue to reject the Gospel – Paul declares that God’s Salvation has now been sent to the Gentiles – Paul preached from home for 2 years

Paul wrote the letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon while in Rome.

Works Consulted • Gromacki, Robert G. New Testament Survey. Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, 1974. • Ball, Charles F. The Life and Journeys of Paul. Moody: Chicago, 1951. • Arnold, C.E. A Chart of Paul’s Journeying. The Bible Colportage Association: Chicago, 1897. • Barnett, Paul. Paul Missionary of Jesus. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 2008 • Bruce F.F. The Book of Acts. The New International Commentary of the New Testament. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 1988. • Boyer, James L. New Testament Chronological Chart. BMH Books: Winona Lake, 1968. • Alexander, David, Pat Alexander. Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 1983. • Holy Bible New International Version. Holman: Nashville, 1999. • Google Earth 2009

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