The Internet

  • June 2020
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The Internet In 1973, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objective was to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks. This was called the Internetting project and the system of networks which emerged from the research was known as the "Internet." The system of protocols which was developed over the course of this research effort became known as the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, after the two initial protocols developed: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). (I got my information for the history of the internet at In 1986, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated the development of the NSFNET which, today, provides a major backbone communication service for the Internet. With its 45 megabit per second facilities, the NSFNET carries on the order of 12 billion packets per month between the networks it links. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Energy contributed additional backbone facilities in the form of the NSINET and ESNET respectively. In Europe, major international backbones such as NORDUNET and others provide connectivity to over one hundred thousand computers on a large number of networks. Commercial network providers in the U.S. and Europe are beginning to offer Internet backbone and access support on a competitive basis to any interested parties. One positive issue about the internet is that it is so much easier to buy or even sell things like on eBay. If you find something that you want to sell you don’t have to put it in the news paper you can put it on the web where you would have a much better chance of selling it. My resource for this is Another positive thing is if you need to talk to somebody on the phone that is another state and you don’t want to pay long distance billing and if they got the internet you can just get onto a chatroom and talk for free. My resource for this is Plus another positive issue about the internet is you can meet new people. I know a girl who met a guy on the internet and they have been dating now for over 2 years and plan to get married. Some bad issues about the internet is that if you do happen to meet a person online you never really know who they are unless you meet them in person because the internet can only allow you to talk to them: it can’t let you meet them. So for all you know it could be a man or an extremely young girl. Plus another bad thing is if you order something online then you have to give out your credit card numbers and your passwords and people can hack into your computer system and get them and then go spend a lot of your hard earned money and you may never even know who it is or how to stop them. Also if you have little children then they can get online and get into a lot of trouble like going into websites that little kids shouldn’t be going into and some of those cost money per minute your in there almost like when you dial a 1-900 phone number so then when you get your telephone bill it’s like 200 bucks. The internet has made a good impact on my life. It has help to finish my homework faster by giving me tons of resources to get my information from. Plus I can talk to my aunt and

uncle who live in Tennessee and it don’t cost long distance and I can parts to fix up my car a lot cheaper then getting them out of a magazine. It has made a bad influence on me though because it takes up a lot of my time like when I go to download music or when I play games on the internet it has cost me a lot of money before and I didn’t even know it. Also downloading music is illegal and if I was to ever get caught in that I would say I would have a really big fine to pay and probably may even face jail time over something so little as downloading a song or two. Also they are a lot of money, some now are over like 4,000 dollars. But I guess the more money you end up spending on one is the better off you and the computer will be. Oop[[[[[ The internet has come a very long way in the past 50 years. New inovations such as integrated software and hardware has changed the way that poeple view and obtain information today. The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. "It is a network connecting many computer networks and is based on a common addressing system and communications protocol."It has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication today(Encyclodpedia Britannica 1999). The Internet got started by the Defense Department as a Cold War experiment in the 1950’s. The government needed a way to relay information between tanks and headquarters so the ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sought a way to let signals from the battlefield reach a headquarters computer using satellites and radio signals. At this time our command posts were hidden underground in fear of a nuclear attack. "Paul Baran, working for the U.S. Air Force, developed a network that could reroute itself around damage caused by the impact of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile by using 'redundancy of connectivity'". This meant that if there was a break in the network, the server would re-route the information on an alternate path through a new technique called 'packet switching'. "Packet Switching is a means of breaking up the message being sent into small packets which carry enough inf. ….///// The internet links people together into a web of networks and shared software using computer terminals and telephone lines or wireless radio connections.The basic internet was formed about 4 or 5 years ago by the United States government with the idea to pass information between themselves rapidly and efficently. Groups like the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and NASA all used the internet to communicate, and still do today. One of the keypoints that make the internet a good tool for anybody is communication. The internet provides a cheap, convienient, and quick source of it communication. Ways to communicate on the internet include "Telnet sites," which lets users chat with other internet users. Since there are a large variety of users from around the world, these sites allow one to learn about people and different cultures from around the world.

Carbohydrates supply us with the energy needed in our daily activity. Carbohydrates are essay to convert to glucose, the fuel for body cell. Lacking glucose will direct affect to our moon and behavior. Simple sugar and complex carbohydrates are the two major forms of carbohydrates. Proteins are repairing bone, muscle, skin, and blood cells. Proteins are also protecting us from disease, such as enzymes control chemical activities in the body, and hormones govern body functions. Proteins help in the transport of iron, oxygen, and nutrients to all body cells and supply another source of energy to cells. Fats are maintaining healthy skin and hair, insulating body organs against shock, maintaining body temperature, and promoting healthy cell function. Fats carry the fat soluble and provide energy when lack of sufficient amounts of carbohydrates. Fats are consisted of 95% Triglycerides and 5% cholesterol. Vitamins are Essential organic compounds that promote growth and reproduction and help maintain life and health. Vitamins help maintain nerves and skin, produce blood cells, build bones and teeth, heal wounds, and convert food energy to body energy. Vitamins can be dissolved by the fats and water. Minerals aid vitamins easily soak up. Without minerals, vitamins will become useless. Minerals are easily excreted and usually not poisonous. For instance, sodium regulates of blood and body fluids, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity, and calcium improves strong bones and teeth, regulating heartbeat, and fluid balance within cells, etc. Water is the most important nutrient than others. In average, people could survive for weeks by only having water without food. 50% to 60% water maintains in our body aid in fluid and electrolyte balance, maintains pH balance. Water carries oxygen and nutrients to organic tissues and is conscientious for keeping cells in working order.

How to Cite this Page Today with the advanced progress of medical science and the health system capacity, the population‘s health care seeking behavior is much more improved. However the fact that people’s access to good health care should or should not depend on social factors such as their level of income or social status has so far aroused much concerns. As far as I concerned, all people should be allowed to access health care services regardless of their social backgrounds. First of all, good health care access is considered as one of the essential human rights. This matter has become far more pressing in this modern society. People day by day suffer from inevitable new threats that strongly affect their length of life such as terminal illness, accidents, epidemics and other emerging diseases like stress or hurry sickness… health care service is therefore very important to ensure people’s survival for the first and then step by step improve people ‘s quality of life. In the second place, getting accessed to health system for all people is one of the effective solutions to narrow down the gap between the rich and the poor. As the poor are offered chances to improve both physical and mental health, they are more likely to get jobs and work more efficiently. In this way, they are able to escape the daunting poverty and explore their potential capacity. However, some high-income people suggest that it is unfair for them to pay high taxes in order to cover the health care expenses for the poor. To my mind, are they so selfish?

Whether or not they realize the fact that the poor’s cheap source of labor partly contributes to their affluence. Moreover, the lower-class are those who severely suffered from negative affects caused by the higher-class’ accumulation such as environment pollution, inflation, discrimination and so on. In conclusion, as all people are created equally, the factor of financial and social status must be removed when considering the matter of accessing health care services for people. And ensuring all citizens’ accessibility to health care system is one of the surest ways for a country to set its course towards a better future .

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