The International Youth Day

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  • Words: 909
  • Pages: 4
INTRNATIONAL YOUTH DAY On the 4th July 2009 (Last Saturday) the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) 2009, held a meeting under the new group (UNATT youth). At this meeting, the students were broken up into four categories, to discuss four aspects of the new group which are crucial to its smooth functioning. These groups consist of:  The Media group  The Funding group  The Policy group  The International Youth Day planners Each group then elected a leader, and a note-keeper. The former's job is to maintain order in the group and to speak on behalf of it. The latter noted what transpired in the group and has the important role of posting what occurred on facebook, for those who are absent to see.

The International Youth Day planners Ian, selected International Youth Day to be on the Wednesday 12th of August. However, his plans are to run the event from the Saturday prior to the day to the actual day. As a result, the group responsible for planing of the day, decided to deal with two MDG (Millennium Development Goal) on the four days before the Wednesday. On the last day they would like to have a festival.

As, former MUNA members we already know the 8 MDG's: Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

The days for the IYD leading to (international youth day) are: Saturday 8th August 2009 Sunday 9th August 2009 Monday 10th August 2009 Tuesday 11th August 2009 Wednesday 12th August 2009. (Remember a different MDG will be dealt with each day)

Saturday 8th August 2009

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

As it is a Saturday our plan was to have a hike to Maracas, and on our journey to the beach we collect the garbage along the trail. Another possible idea was a beach clean-up


Sunday 9th August 2009

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Sunday is expected to have a bigger turn-out. The venue for this event is possibly the Centre of Excellence, or La Joya. To deal with MDG #1, a hunger simulation is planned. This is a dinner, in which persons are randomly given a card with a persons social status (i.e. middle, high or lower) and a synopsis of how the person ended up in that position. The persons who are in the upper-class will be given a 3-course meal. Those in the middle a bowl of rice and beans, and those in the lower, a plate of mere rice. This is to symbolize the unequal distribution of food. (Kudos to Shaheed for this brilliant idea). To tackle the Goal #4, it is planned to have short films portraying the conditions in which children are being brought up in other countries, like our neighbour, Haiti. After this, the persons will be given an oppurtunity to 'adopt' a child in another country by donating a monthly fee of sound $300 to FEED or another UN organisation. Lastly, to attack the spread of AIDS, a speaker is hoped to come and talk about the disease at the dinner and plans to deal with the scourge in the island.

Monday 10th August 2009

Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education

Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

The honorable Patrick Manning, The minister of Foreign Affairs, or we can keep going down the social standing, we would like to attend and speak about the country's plan for the EPA (ecconomic partnership agreement) and it as a step towards developing global partnerships. A popular Kaiso artiste would be welcome to sing about west-indian federation or any other regional integration plan. To raise awareness about Universal Primary Education, a competition (like jeopardy) can be held asking questions about the MDGs and primarily: the second goal.


Tuesday 11th August 2009

Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

On Tuesday, poetry or any other art form would be appreciated pertaining to the MDGs. (e.g. a story about a woman being abused in the work place). This can be done at HYATT or any mall. This can be hosted by the lovely PhilO talkm with artistes like Destra and 3 canal being present. This can be broad casted on CNMG or Gayelle on a later date.


Wednesday 12th August 2009


The UWI drama club can come and perform a dance to symbolize regional integration. This show/ festival can be hosted by the famous Nikki Crosby, accompanied by artistes like Kess and Infiniti (Dija's friends). There can be an AIDS or Swine flu testing centre to deal with MDG 6. Free trees can also be given out (provided by the ministry of Forestry). There should be films with facts like 'by the time you finish reading this 1000 people would have died...' or any other United Nation films. Venue: Jiene Pierre complex Sponsors: Kiss and bmobile (hopefully)


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