The Inevitable Resurrection-hp Fan Fic By Akshat Rawal

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  • Words: 22,373
  • Pages: 52
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The noise made the man stir. He threw away his blanket. He wanted to get up but something told him not to.“Musht be a cat. Or is it a Burglar?” he mused to himself. He got up, going against his intuition of harm, making the least amount of noise he could. His wife was fast asleep. He didn’t want to wake her up & troubled for nothing more than a silly cat or a rotund mouse which was paying a visit to the kitchen for nicking food. Holding his Dragon Heartstring wand high above his head, he stepped in the main hall. At this instant the sound made him jump. He almost dropped his wand. It could not be any clearer. The ‘poof’ sound was more than distinct. “Could anyone apparate right inside the house despite its protection?”He said to himself. His mind was racing in accordance with his heart-fast. At last he cast a non – verbal spell "Homenum revelio!”The spell worked & the man knew for sure there were intruders in the house. Not people of ordinary caliber he thought. The possibility of a Dark Wizard trespassing his house’s security & privacy appeared totally gross but not impossible. Who else would like to enter his house at this point of time? The pendulum clock chimed four. “Lumos” the man said to reveal two figures a few yards away standing with their wands drawn towards his face. It hardly took a jiffy for him to dodge the flashes of red which bathed the room. He thanked Quidditch for his reflexes and in a moment he apparated to his bedroom, held his wife’s hand & apparated as far from his Bulgarian mansion as he could think. The room cackled with laughter. A laugh which none wanted to hear. Ever. Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first of September was crisp as an apple, and as the little family bobbed across the rumbling road toward the great sooty station, the fumes of car exhausts and the breath of pedestrians sparkled like cobwebs in the cold air. Two large cages tattled on top of the laden trolleys the parents were pushing; the owls inside them hooted indignantly, and the redheaded girl trailed fearfully behind here brothers, clutching her father's arm. "It won't be long, and you'll be going too," Harry told her. "Two years," sniffed Lily. "I want to go now!" The commuters stared curiously at the owls as the family wove its way toward the barrier between platforms nine and ten, Albus's voice drifted back to Harry over the surrounding clamor; his sons had resumed the argument they had started in the car. "I won't! I won't be a Slytherin!" "James, give it a rest!" said Ginny.

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"I only said he might be," said James, grinning at his younger brother. "There's nothing wrong with that. He might be in Slytherin" But James caught his mother's eye and fell silent. The five Potters approached the barrier. With a slightly cocky look over his shoulder at his younger brother, James took the trolley from his mother and broke into a run. A moment later, he had vanished. "You'll write to me, won't you?" Albus asked his parents immediately, capitalizing on the momentary absence of his brother. "You'll write to me, won't you?" Albus asked his parents immediately, capitalizing on the momentary absence of his brother. "Every day, of you want us to," said Ginny. "Not every day," said Albus quickly, "James says most people only get letters from home about once a month." "We wrote to James three times a week last year," said Ginny. "And you don't want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts," Harry put in. "He likes a laugh, your brother." Side by side, they pushed the second trolley forward, gathering speed. As they reached the barrier, Albus winced, but no collision came. Instead, the family emerged onto platform nine and three-quarters, which was obscured by thick white steam that was pouring from the scarlet Hogwarts Express. Indistinct figures were swarming through the mist, into which James had already disappeared. "Where are they?" asked Albus anxiously, peering at the hazy forms they passed as they made their way down the platform. "We'll find them," said Ginny reassuringly. But the vapor was dense, and it was difficult to make out anybody's faces. Detached from their owners, voices sounded unnaturally loud, Harry thought he head Percy discoursing loudly on broomstick regulations, and was quite glad of the excuse not to stop and say hello. . . . "I think that's them, Al," said Ginny suddenly. A group of four people emerged from the mist, standing alongside the very last carriage. Their faces only came into focus when Harry, Ginny, Lily, and Albus had drawn right up to them. "Hi," said Albus, sounding immensely relieved. Roses, who was already wearing her brand-new Hogwarts robes, beamed at him. "Parked all right, then?" Ron asked Harry. "I did. Hermione didn't believe I could pass a Muggle driving test, did you? She thought I'd have to Confound the examiner." "No, I didn't," said Hermione, "I had complete faith in you." "As a matter of fact, I did Confund him," Ron whispered to Harry, as together they lifted Albus's trunk and owl onto the train. "I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let's face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that." Back on the platform, they found Lily and Hugo, Rose's younger brother, having an animated discussion about which House they would be sorted into when they finally went to Hogwarts. "If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you," said Ron, "but no pressure."

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"Ron!" Lily and Hugo laughed, but Albus and Rose looked solemn. "He doesn't mean it," said Hermione and Ginny, but Ron was no longer paying attention. Catching Harry's eye, he nodded covertly to a point some fifty yards away. The steam had thinned for a moment, and three people stood in sharp relief against the shifting mist. "Look who it is." Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and son, a dark coat buttoned up to his throat. His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasized the pointed chin. The new boy resembled Draco as much as Albus resembled Harry. Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again. "So that's little Scorpius," said Ron under his breath. "Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains." "Ron, for heaven's sake," said Hermione, half stern, half amused. "Don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school!"

"You're right, sorry," said Ron, but unable to help himself, he added, "Don't get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood." "Hey!" James had reappeared; he had divested himself of his trunk, owl, and trolley, and was evidently bursting with news. "Teddy's back there," he said breathlessly, pointing back over his shoulder into the billowing clouds of steam. "Just seen him! And guess what he's doing? Snogging Victoire!" He gazed up at the adults, evidently disappointed by the lack of reaction. "Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin! And I asked teddy what he was doing --" "You interrupted them?" said Ginny. "You are so like Ron --" "-- and he said he'd come to see her off! And then he told me to go away. He's Snogging her!" James added as though worried he had not made himself clear. "Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!" whispered Lily ecstatically. "Teddy would really be part of the family then!" "He already comes round for dinner about four times a week," said Harry "Why don't we just invite him to live with is and have done with it?" "Yeah!" said James enthusiastically. "I don't mind sharing with Al--Teddy could have my room!" "No," said Harry firmly, "you and Al will share a room only when I want the house demolished." He checked the battered old watch that had once been Fabian Prewett's.

"It's nearly eleven, you'd better get on board." "Don't forget to give Neville our love!" Ginny told James as she hugged him. "Mum! I can't give a professor love!"

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"But you know Neville--" James rolled his eyes. "Outside, yeah, but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he? I can't walk into Herbology and give him love. . . ." Shaking his head at his mother's foolishness, he vented his feelings by aiming a kick at Albus. "See you later, Al. Watch out for the thestrals." "I thought they were invisible? You said they were invisible!" but James merely laughed, permitted his mother to kiss him, gave his father a fleeting hug, then leapt onto the rapidly filling train. They saw him wave, then sprint away up the corridor to find his friends. "Thestrals are nothing to worry about," Harry told Albus. "They're gentle things, there's nothing scare about them. Anyway, you won't be going up to school in the carriages, you'll be going in the boats." Ginny kissed Albus good-bye. "See you at Christmas." "Bye, Al," said Harry as his son hugged him. "Don't forget Hagrid's invited you to tea next Friday. Don't mess with Peeves. Don't duel anyone till you're learned how. And don't let James wind you up." "What if I'm in Slytherin?" The whisper was for his father alone, and Harry knew that only the moment of departure could have forced Albus to reveal how great and sincere that fear was. Harry crouched down so that Albus's face was slightly above his own. Alone of Harry's three children, Albus had inherited Lily's eyes. "Albus Severus," Harry said quietly, so that nobody but Ginny could hear, and she was tactful enough to pretend to be waving to rose, who was now on the train, "you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew." "But just say--" "--then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won't it? It doesn't matter to us, Al. But if it matter to you, you'll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account." "Really?" "It did for me," said Harry. He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Albus's face when he said it. But how the doorsr were slamming all along the scarlet train, and the blurred outlines of parents swarming forward for final kisses, last-minute reminders, Albus jumped into the carriage and ginny closed the door behind him. Students were hanging from the windows nearest them. A great number of faces, both on the train and off, seemed to be turned toward Harry. "Why are they all staring?" demanded Albus as he and rose craned around to look at the other students. "Don't let it worry you," said Ron. "It's me, I'm extremely famous."

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Albus, Rose, Hugo, and Lily laughed. The train began to more, and Harry walked alongside it, watching his son's thin face, already ablaze with excitement. Harry kept smiling and waving, even though it was like a little bereavement, watching his son glide away from him. . . . The last trace of steam evaporated in the autumn air. The train rounded a corner. Harry's hand was still raised in farewell. "He'll be alright," murmured Ginny. As Harry looked at her, he lowered his hand absentmindedly and touched the lightning scar on his forehead. "I know he will." The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well. Or that was what HE thought.Till date. He waved goodbye to the kids as the train disappeared along a bend. Harry’s hand moved slowly behind Ginny’s waist & he said “So, Mrs. Ginevra Molly Potter, what do we have for breakfast?” Ginny smiled, moved close to Harry & said “What else would Mr. Harry James Potter like to have for breakfast when he has a delicacy like me?” Harry’s eyes met Ginny’s bright brown. He closed his eyes & placed his lips on hers to be disturbed by what appeared at that moment to be the most shrilling ever. ”Oi! This is a public place! Not some snogging hangout for chirruping lovebirds like you lot. “said Ron. Just as Ginny was about to utter what Harry felt sure was expletives, Ron uttered” it is urgent Harry. I am not interested in spoiling so hot a breakfast of yours.” with a wide grin on his face. “What is it?” said Harry trying hard to mask his impatience. “It is about Luna” retorted Ron. “You pathetic git! You disturbed us just to tell that Mrs. Luna Krum has finally got hold of a Wracksprut. Pray it isn’t so coz if it is, I’ll make sure…..” Ginny went on as Ron was trying to pacify her. By this time Hermione had joined in. She stopped midway & said “This is urgent Ginny. Take a look at this. I expect you to read it too Harry”. She held a copy of the Daily Prophet up in her hand & Harry started reading the headlines: “BREAK-IN AT KRUM MANSION”.

He read further. ”Viktor Krum, the famous Bulgarian Quidditch legend encountered intrusion early morning at his mansion. The trespassers also casted a spells at Mr. Krum, he managed to flee unharmed along with his wife Mrs. Luna Krum D/o Xenophilius Lovegood Editor & owner of ‘The Quibbler’. A team of Aurors which is thought to be led by Mr. Harry Potter is intended to visit the mansion today for closer inspection. Though the site has been sealed by the ministry officials, sources have confirmed that the place has been ransacked. Continued on page 6… Harry flipped through the pages & read again “Mr. Krum has taken refuge at the Ministry of Magic and has been provided with Y-level security the highest ever rendered by the ministry for any soul living or dead. However the identity of the intruders remains a

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mystery as Mr. Krum failed to have a look at the faces of the scoundrels as they were hooded. The worrying part is that despite powerful protective enchantment, the mansion was rendered vulnerable due to the use of Dark magic which is long thought of to be taboo & extinct.”

The expression on Harry's face was the one of shock which was evidently shared by Ginny, Ron & Hermione as well. "Ron" said Harry. "We need to hurry up to the ministry. Ginny, Hermione wait for us at 'The Tumbler’. We’ll carry out surveillance at Krum Mansion & return at the earliest. Then we'll pay a visit to Viktor& Luna." "I’d prefer to visit Luna” quipped Ron, his frowning face resembling a cross between a sow and a baboon. Harry & Ron apparated on the spot. Harry caught a glimpse of Ginny & Hermione waving farewell to him & Ron. “What in the world were you thinking when you opened a muggle bar?” asked Harry as they were in the elevator at the ministry “Despite you being the head of the Muggle liaison department, Hermione being an accomplished auror, George raking in Galleons with his joke shop; Merlin’s pants what else can you ask for?” “Well” began Ron “To be very forthright mate, it was Fred’s idea. He always wanted to open a bar for muggles so that he could hang out with muggle chicks!” Ron laughed, trying hard to mask his tears though the attempt was feeble. Even Harry felt his throat was dry for a moment or two.The reminiscences were hard to push away from his mind... His reverie was broken by a suave but authoritative voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt “Good Morning Potter, Morning Weasely!” “Morning Minister” uttered Harry & Ron in unison. The minister’s voice turned serious. The matter at Krum mansion troubles me Harry. I’m sending a team of team of 8 accomplished aurors at the place. Hope you & Ron won’t mind joining it.Infact I’d prefer you lead the team Harry. “Sure” was the only reply Harry could turn up at that moment. “Fine then” said Shacklebolt “Team leaves in 5 minutes. Get ready.” “How is Viktor Krum?” asked Ron all of a sudden. “Shaken, not stirred I’d say” came the reply. “He is a brave man for sure & rational enough not to stay for a duel.” “Why? “Asked Harry. “Because if he stayed, he’d never have had a chance to duel. The wizards who assaulted him were swift. Had it not been the reflexes of an adroit seeker, I daresay we would have had attached a prefix called ‘Late’ with Mr.Viktor Krum” They didn’t laugh. “What about Luna?” asked Harry. “She does not appear to be normal. Though Krum said she was sleeping at that time, she is constantly complaining of seeing something called Wracksprut, runs now & then making a gesture to kill them, has been wearing a necklace

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made of crumpled firewhisky can & has been forcing Viktor to wear another one from the last 4 hours or so I believe.” A smile of satisfaction ran across Harry & Ron’s face. “She’s absolutel fine & normal minister” said Harry. ”Think we’d take a leave for the mansion.Right Ron?” “Right.Goodbye minister.”said Ron and they started towards the ministry entrance.

Chapter-1 The Master & The Slave The room was dark.An abominable lull was hanging over.The interiors were of an elite genre.Rich,plush & elegant but none of this was visible in the present ambience. "How do u feel now,master?" said the man. " 'Fit as a fiddle' won't be an exaggeration I believe!" the other man replied followed by a laugh that could scare off a Banshee even in bright daylight.The former joined in. "Ashen!" "Yes master.""Nemesis is what I seek.I have put all my faith in you" "Ashen feels a high degree of honor,Master." "It is true Ashen,there was a time I questioned your loyaltyi was skeptical of your Veracity.Though, your efforts to ressurect me have to be admired.I guess that has paid for any sort of atonement that ought to be sought by me" "Ashens venerates the master.Forever" "Now for the task at hand.You know what to do Ashen.I need it know it well.By the way,your son has proved to be of immense aid.Hope he continues to do so." "He sure will Master" "You know what Ashen?"spoke the man.Streaks of light siphoning from the window grill caused his eyes to glint. "I erred in the past.And to flaw is human.I've removed this malady too.I've removed the only attribute attached to me which made me human.I've understood now that this matter isn't brawny.It is rather brainy.Stealth & a shrewd bent of mind would do the trick i believe." "Master is absolutely apposite"said Ashen."No qualms at all" he continued. "barring one.may I dare to ask as to what are master's plans for the Elder Wand?" There was silence for a moment. The man said "We won't need it.I've got something else up my sleeve" "But...."Ashen started "Silence M....i mean Ashen.How dare you raise a doubt about upon my scheme.Do you still think that the unfortunate incidence that occured nineteen years ago has tought me nothing?" His fury was visible even in the dark.His body was illuminated,a bright red radiance being emitted in all directions.

"Not at all master.Not at all"replied Ashen.His voice faltering, body drenched in perspiration.

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"You think i've waited for 19 years to become a Ballerina?You think i've not used my name & have you addressing me as 'Master' just because I find it entertaining? You think i've christened you as Ashen & refused to address you by your actual name merely out of an inane whim of mine? Answer me!"the voice had turned blood-curdling.Ashen was trembling from head to toe. Ashen mustered all the courage he ever had & quipped "Sincere apologies by my side Master." "That is better.Now listen to me carefully.As of now,forget the deathstick. If a fool of a man called Albus Dumbledore could defeat Grindelwald when Grindelwald was the owner of the Elder wand,I assume then that my skill & my wand are far more superior to the otherwise ordinary and lackadiasical Albus Dumbledore.

"Time has come for me to mark my return. What opinion do you hold Ashen?" asked his Master. "Ashen appreciates the master's view." was the terse reply. "Then go back to the Mansion & place the pieces in place. Right? " "Yes Master." Ashen apparated on the spot. The wheels were in motion.

Chapter -2 A Crumb at Krum Mansion.

Harry & Ron descended the staircase in a hurry. They checked into their office, changed into their official robes & met at the foyer after a minute. Ron was wearing tawny robes with an insignia of the Muggle Liaison Department emblazoned on the breast pocket with the words "Libre Vivo". Harry looked smart in his cobalt blue robes that were customary for aurors. "Viva sin miedo" was the message that the Aurors wanted to convey via their motto. In the foyer was placed a bronze globe the size of a sphinx with a phoenix affixed on top of it, its wings spread large & wide. On a plank below was the ministry's modern day maxim "Vincit Omnia Veritas”. As they moved further they were joined by 6 more aurors. “And what has Mr. Weasley got to do at Krum Mansion” said the man called Alex Warburton. “Finding out 1001 ways of using a muggle matchstick, eh Weasley?” Before Ron could answer Samarah Gones interrupted “The Minister suspects muggle involvement. It is time you learn something called decorum, eh Warburton? ”Ron wanted to thank her but refrained to do so. By this time 4 more aurors namely Mayo N. Naise, John Jalapino, Sean Sycles & Susan Shifish had joined them. Together, they started for the apparition grounds. No one talked during the brief journey.Sean broke the silence “Where to Mr. Potter?”

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“A few yards away from Krum Mansion Mr. Sycles. Once we get there, I have a plan. Let’s make it quick then.” was Harry’s reply. They stood in a circle & the next thing Harry saw was the Ministry’s façade disappearing out of sight. He felt his intestines do a somersault & squeeze simultaneously. He’d never quite got used to the feeling. A moment later he stood face to face with a 50 feet high building that resembled architecture of the Renaissance phase. “So, what’s the plan Harry?” said Alex with a sheepish smile across his face. Harry didn’t return the smile. “We are going to use the 4 point palm heart explode technique” said Susan Shifish. Everyone let out a laugh. “Why not?” said Harry. “What??” Mayo N. Naise cried in disbelief. “Yes, we would enter in pairs, from four different directions & meet at the heart of the Mansion. Make sure we cast a disillusionment charm upon ourselves before entering.” was Harry’s retort. Everyone agreed to Harry’s idea. They cast disillusionment charms upon themselves & stood in a row. “All right then” quipped Harry. “Mayo & Susan - Rear entrance.” They nodded & apparated, leaving behind a ‘poof’ sound. “Alex & Samarah” he continued “East Block.” They followed suit. “ John, Sean – West block.”

Harry & Ron were left behind. They walked in through the front door that stood ajar. “We know one thing for sure. The enchantments around the place have been broken or else we won’t be able to apparate inside the Mansion.” Said Ron. “Shhh…” Said Harry “Homenum revelio!” he whispered. The spell indicated someone else’s presence in the room. Harry took out a gold coin & started whispering “Attention all! Intruder spotted! All people in the main hall. Immediately!” Harry heard ‘poofs’ but didn’t see his colleagues, as they were all invisible, courtesy disillusionment charm. “Lumos.” they cried in unison. The room that was jet black till now turned luminous all of a sudden to reveal it had been ransacked. Books, shards of glasses and paper were lying here and there, the couch lying upside down, a statuette of Viktor Krum & Luna holding hands lay on the floor, deformed. The room looked as if it had been visited recently by a hurricane. "Accio Wand” said Ron. He realized his fault. But it was too late. "What the...? Darn you Weasley!" was perhaps the most sophisticated retort. Rest of them was, at best, foul language. Almost half a dozen wands were zooming towards him; in his face rather. Harry was glad Ron's charm failed to fetch his wand. As

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he ducked to dodge the wands, Harry caught a glimpse of a cloth rag behind the upturned couch. It hardly took him a fraction of second to say "Levicorpus!" followed by "Expelliarmus!" There was no yelling. Not even a muffled cry. Held up by the ankle was the limp body of Mundungus Fletcher. Harry barely managed to say "Liberacorpus" Everyone had undone their disillusionment charms. Naise & Warburton rushed forward but Ron put a hovering charm on Mundgus & cushioned his fall to the floor. No one spoke anything. Ron returned the wands to their respective owners, an idiotic grin ruling his face. Susan Shifish seemed to fumble for a second but regained her composure the very next second. Ron bent over Mundungus's body and checked his pulse "Gone.Dung no more." he said. Warburton smiled for a second.Ron took the point. "Alex, Samarah. I want you to take Mundungus's body to St.Mungo's. I need to know the cause of the death within an hour." They nodded & apparated. "Seems matters aren’t crumb at Krum Mansion" said Mayo. "I wonder whom his accomplice was though…"chirruped Susan "Good question.” John spoke for the first time, rubbing a finger across his temple. Ron was walking akimbo. "I got something guys" Sean Sycles was holding up a bag that consisted of precious items some from Krum's house, others belonging to their unknown owners but Mundungus. "And we thought he'd stop nicking after we gave him the last warning" said Sean "Not to mention we'd given him the same warning no less than a 100 times." added Ron. "Leave the talks for lunch. Will you?" Harry said, impatience apparent in his voice. "Search the Mansion well. Search for any peculiarity; even if it is a sliver of wood. I'll check Mundungus's bag." They headed in different directions to carry out a search. “Now that looks interesting.” Harry murmured to himself while he was checking the bag. He pocketed the object that had caught his attention just in time to save it from Ron’s vigilant eyes. “Any luck.” Asked Harry “None.” replied Ron. “Ok then. Take this bag & head to the ministry. Let us return folks. ” said Harry. “Ron. Meet me after an hour at ‘The Tumbler.’ Inform the minister that I’ve an urgent work & I’ll report to him within half an hour.” “What do you reckon…” spurted Ron. Harry cut him “Let it remain for the drinks. Bye.” Saying this he apparated on the spot. He was headed towards a different location. One he never thought of visiting again. Never again in his lifetime.

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Chapter-3 Manners at the Manor "It is done, Master." "Very well then, Ashen. Though I am not accustomed to praise anyone else but me, the word Excellent should suffice your ego." "Oh how do I thank you master." "By keeping your trap shut for a while Ashen. Will You? I need to make sure I do not leave a margin for a flaw. Not even a single error. Understand me?” “Yes master” replied Ashen. “You may leave now Ashen” the man said turning his back towards Ashen. “Close the door as you leave. Enjoy some quality time with your wife. Will you?” Ashen turned & left. “Where is Harry Potter Mr. Weasley?” Kingsley Shacklebolt was furious for sure. “I told you Sir” said Ron. “I’ve no idea regarding the whereabouts of Harry. Though he does intend to join you by the end of half an hour.” “Make sure he does.” mused Shacklebolt & walked back to his office. Ron let out a sigh & started for his own cabin. A lady answered the door. “Yes? Oh…” “Hello Pansy. Oh! How uncouth of me? Hello Mrs. Malfoy.” said Harry in good humor. “What do you want?” asked Pansy Malfoy, her expressions as if in the very next instant, she would draw a sword & stab Harry.”“I am here to return one of your family’s belongings. I wonder if I could have a word with Mr.Draco Malfoy. Then maybe I could hang out for a moment or two if I were given a chance to relish your hospitality.” Saying this Harry crossed the Manor’s threshold &entered. “Hello Mr. Potter” said Lucius Malfoy, with special emphasis on the syllables. “How are you?” Harry had never seen Lucius Malfoy behave like this before. His mannerism showed anger of a high degree & yet there was something which suggested that Mr. Malfoy would go mad, laughing & dancing like a ballerina on Harry’s arrival. “Hello Harry” said Draco Malfoy. “What brings you here?” “I think this thing deserves to be returned to its rightful owner” said Harry extracting out a pocket watch from his robes. Draco’s face was white. He sputtered “Yes…that is m…my watch for sure.” The silver watch gleamed in Harry’s hand. He gave it to Draco & turned to leave when a muffled sound from a room towards his right caught his attention. “Are you hiding something in there Draco?” said Harry, smiling. He started towards the room & ducked just in time to dodge a jet of red light which had shot from Lucius’s wand. “Expelliarmus!”Harry cried twice, one for the father & next for the son. “Have some manners you old loon. Manners!” yelled Draco to his father “You’ll lead us into thick you old goon. My apologies Mr. Potter. My father has not been in his mind since my mother’s death. I assure you…” he couldn’t complete his statement. With

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surprising agility, Lucius Malfoy had caught his son square in the jaw. Draco lay on the floor. Lucius got up to attack again but Harry’s curse was too fast for him."Levicorpus" Harry cast a non-verbal spell. Lucius Malfoy was suspended by his ankle. “How dare you call me a loon? You pathetic dog!” Lucius Malfoy was shouting incessantly. Draco got up, his lip swollen. “I am sorry, father.” He continued “The matters are a bit personal at this point of time Mr. Potter. I would highly appreciate if you release my father & leave without further delay.” “Sure I would, Draco. Though I’d still love to know what is inside the room.”said Harry. Draco stood in the way. “I’m sorry Mr. Potter but being the head Auror does not grant you the permission to see my wife changing clothes.” For sure Pansy was not there. “The door lies in front of you. Goodbye.” Draco concluded. Harry came out of the manor. A smile spread on his face. He apparated on the spot. “I need an explanation for your delay Mr. Potter” boomed Shacklebolt as Harry had barely entered the atrium of the ministry of magic. “I made it within the deadline didn’t I?” replied Harry. “I am in no mood for jokes” replied Shacklebolt as they entered his office. “Even I am not, minister. The matter is graver than we think.” said Harry, throwing the silver pocket watch on Kingsley’s table. “This belongs to the Malfoys”. The motto ‘Toujours Pur’which was also shared by the Black family spoke the truth. “I found it in Mundungus’s loot. I made a copy & handed the fake to Draco Malfoy. You have the original kept at the table.” “You delayed the investigation because of this appaling piece of machinery? Not expected from you Harry” replied Shacklebolt “What if this appaling piece of machinery is a Horcrux or an extremely dark object? I thought you expected this from me Minister.” was Harry’s reply. “Anyways. I want to put forth a point or two.” He continued. “Go on.” Said Shacklebolt. “Either Lucius Malfoy has lost his marbles completely; else he is up to setting up some serious trouble. The last I saw a person over-react in such a manner was under the influence of a Horcrux or a Lunatic.” said Harry. “Secondly,I’m sure again that one of the Malfoy’s is under the Imperius curse. They’re hiding something or someone inside the house that I am sure of. Last but not the least I want to destroy this article as soon as possible after thorough inspection. Then, would you be so kind as to join me for drinks at ‘The Tumbler.’ ” “Why not here?” asked Kingsley Shacklebolt. “It is not good news to hear minister but I think we have a traitor amongst us.” Said Harry, his voice grave. “Goodbye Minister. See you in an hour.” Harry left the office. Shacklebolt’s jaw was still dropped...

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Chapter-4 The Tumbler

The weather was pleasing. The commuters were scurrying along Charing Cross. 'The Tumbler' was located to the north of Charing cross, a minute's drive away. The bar had a look of a South American saloon. The structure was wooden with a tinge of red as a color. On the extreme left was tied a horse that used to trot a little every now & then. The interiors were so realistic that it seemed as if one were living amongst the cowboys. As if it was not enough, even the stewards & stewardesses were dressed as cowboys & cowgirls respectively. Despite being a rather warm afternoon, the bar was almost full. The fact that it had hardly been a month since the pub inaugurated and yet was able to attract a large number of muggles was no less than astonishing. Harry braced himself for his very first visit to 'The Tumbler' and entered the bar. All heads turned in his direction. The entire bar broke into laughter. In a hurry to meet his friends & family, Harry had forgotten to change his robes. "Hey guys. Say hello to Mr. James bond wearing the robes of Mother Mary." shouted an alcoholic. Laughter prevailed again including thumping of the tables. In order to avoid further mockery, Harry rushed towards the washroom, shut the door &changed his clothes with the flick of his wand. He came out of the restroom having done a black tuxedo & looked dashing enough to catch the attention of a bunch of girls at a corner table. Ground thumping music was being played. Harry saw boys & girls dancing on a dance number. Though he could barely hear the lyrics, all he could make out was something like 'Keep the home fires burning'

On an end Harry saw an eerie looking muggle who was enclosed in a transparent cubicle.He wore dark glasses and had done a tight but colorful turban across his head which seemed to be an effort to relieve a headache. He held a strip which had a hemisphere each attached to either end which he often brought near his ear. Every now & then the man would place silver circular discs on a complex machinery kept on his table & would move his head sometimes up & down else to & fro. Though Harry couldn't see the face of the man properly, thanks to the dim lighting, he was sure he'd seen the man somewhere. All of a sudden the music went fast & Harry found the man in the cubicle break into convulsions, pressing his left hand to his ear. Harry rushed to his help but was caught mid-way by a man who said "Blimey Harry... What in the name of Merlin were you thinking?"

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"Ron!" gasped Harry looking at the man who stopped him "That guy's having an attack." he said pointing to the man in the cubicle who was still moving fitfully. Ron let a loud laugh & held to his belly. "Go on Harry. Have a closer look." Harry was perplexed but rushed towards the man in the cubicle. He gave Harry a smile and stepped out of the compartment. Harry reached for his shoulder & said "you'll be all right mate. Come..." "But i'm absolutely fine Harry" said the man, taking off his bandanna & dark glasses. Harry felt as if he'd been doused with cold water. Standing in front of him was Percy Weasley. "I'm the DJ here, man!" replied Percy, raising a fist & punching Harry lightly in the chest. "DJ?" Harry was confused. At first he thought that DJ was a new designation created by the ministry of magic exclusively for a muggle bar. "DJ! The Disc Jockey, dude." continued Percy. "I’m the one who plays the music here so that these blokes dance to my tunes." “Oh!" was all that Harry could say. Staying away from the muggle world for a very long time had cost him a lack of knowledge regarding modern muggle trends. "I was tired of the gits at the ministry, mate." said Percy. When we opened 'The Tumbler' last month, we were looking for a DJ when I suggested as to why I should not be one. So we decided that I'll be the DJ. As of Charlie, You are in for a surprise mate." Percy pointed towards a handsome man behind the bar who was juggling with glass bottles & preparing brews for the muggles. "What?" cried Harry. "Charlie is a bartender!!" "Yes. He is 'the' bartender!" replied Percy. “Hi Harry!” said Charlie. “Hi. Charlie” said Harry, unable to shroud his surprise. “How come both of you end up here?” “Well!” said Charlie “I’d had enough with dragons & other magical creatures Harry. Then, this job was exciting too." "Don't be a prat Charlie. There's nothin' worth hiding" Percy broke in and continued "It's all for Fred, Harry." "Yeah." said Harry. "Ron told me about it. "Lunch awaited honey" Ginny told Harry, as she walked towards the cubicle. "Sure dear. I'm starving. By the way, Shackebolt will be joining us in a now." said Harry. Just as he finished speaking these words, the bar was filled with laughter for the second time. “It seems is sacking all these ill-fashioned blokes today. That's why these monkeys have been turning up today." a boozer got up & said. An uncontrollable outburst of laughter reigned. Shacklebolt was about to say something when Ron clutched him by his arm & led him to a room upstairs. "C'mon Harry, hurry up." shouted Ginny as the music became loud. In a moment they were on the first floor of 'The Tumbler'. They turned right & entered a large room with a low round table placed in the centre & bean bags around it.

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"Where are Lily & Hermione?" Harry questioned taking a quick glance around to make sure they were absent. "Grimmauld Palace" replied Ron. "Lily was getting bored here & you know well that Hermione is pregnant since 6 months. So they left for grimmauld place a little time before you came. By the way, where have you been?" Harry narrated the events verbatim. "Harry," said Kingsley a Vodka Martini in his hand, a steak in other. "What makes you think we have a traitor at the ministry?" Harry gulped his drink hastily & said "A thing or two maybe. We've been giving a lot of liberty to the The Daily Prophet since Voldemort's death. They are free to issue any number of editions in a day, irrespective of the time. Right?" "Yes. I'm listening. Please continue." replied Shackebolt. Harry Continued. "Now, on one fine day, it so happens that a Mr. Krum's mansion is intruded & none of the important officials are informed about the incident until we read the prophet.” “That is true...” replied Shacklebolt. “Don’t you think it is a bit odd Minister? I mean no Owls, No fake guineas, No messenger from the floo network; that has never happened before.” quoted Harry. “Blimey! You are right!” chirruped Ron. “Thank you Ronald.” Said Shacklebolt. “The Prophet knew that the team would be laid by me before you told me.” Harry continued “The so-called protections put up by the ministry at Krum Mansion were no where to be found. We were able to apparate to the mansion & very well within it.” “Meaning someone had broken through the enchantments.” Said Shacklebolt , his tone somber. “Exactly” said Harry. Just as he was about to speak something, he caught his chest in the left side. “No need to worry guys” Harry spoke as he extracted a fake guinea from his left jacket pocket. He brought it close to his mouth & said “Speak.” “Mr. Potter” It was Alex Warburton “Please turn up at St. Mungo’s as fast as you can.” “Easy Alex.” Replied Harry “I’m sure Mundugus’s corpse can wait for our company.” “Please spare my audacity Mr. Potter but the matter can’t wait. All I can say right now that Mundgus was killed without the killing curse” “What?” yelled Shacklebolt & everyone was startled for a moment. “Please be more specific Alex.” Said Harry. “Mr. Potter.” Alex went on “Mundungus Fletcher was murdered from a curse that does not exist till date. Someone has invented a new curse! A killing Curse! Pray come here & see it for yourself. Bring the…” Before he could finish his sentence, Harry Ron & the minister had apparated.

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Chapter-5 The Curse That Never Was “How dare you call me a goon?” the man was fuming. “Please forgive me master…Please” replied Ashen. “Oh yes, I will Ashen.” replied his master. A smile turned upon Ashen’s face which, almost in an instant, turned into a spine-chilling & uncontrolled whimper which later transformed into screams of persecution & then into a high degree of agony as his master yelled “Crucio!” “ Aaaah……. Plea……se….Maaaaas……terrrrrrrr. Nooooooo………….” Ashen was yelling at the top of his voice which was now hoarse. “ I think that is the best you deserve Ashen. You should be thankful I’m not using the killing curse. O should I go for something else? ” the master demanded, a wicked smile across his face. “I think that would be enough for today, Ashen. I need no explanations. Have my word, one more fault & you would never see anyone again. You will leave now” sniffed the Master. He seemed a little flummoxed. Ashen ran away, drenched in sweat, limping. “Come back here, you fool...” the Master screeched. Ashen came back running. Still wobbling from fear & drenched from head to toe in sweat, he stood in front of the Master; his head bent, hands tied & held behind. “I have an intuition that Potter was not here merely to return that stupid watch of yours. He had a deeper motive. He’ll be desperately looking forward to cornering you unawares & extract information from you in the best manner possible. All I’d say is beware. Now get away!” “What? Make sure this is no prank or negligence of inspection on your account because if it is…” began Kingsley. “I swear by the beard of Merlin, minister” rushed Alex “None of the healers at St.Mungo’s have seen or barely heard the use of this curse before. It is extremely dark magic.” “Is it true, Samarah?” Harry’s glance was inquiring. “Yes, it is” was all she said. “Let us have a look at the body. Shall we?” Kingsley was pressing; impatience & worry evident in his mannerism. They turned left & entered a room to see Mundungus’s corpse lying on the table covered with a white sheet. Samrah began “Healers have confirmed that Mundugs died owing to a killing curse which was unmistakably an unforgivable curse. But this very curse is nowhere to be seen before. Someone who has a high degree of interest & command on dark arts has the potential to create a curse like this.”

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“A surprising fact is that the man who murdered Mundungus used Mundungus’s wand to carry out the curse. Priori Incantatem revealed that.” Warburton added. “What is the curse called?” inquired Kingsley. “The ImCru Kedavra” replied Samarah, her voice gloomy. “Seems to me like a C-grade T.V. series that was never aired.” Ron jumped in to find all the heads turned in his direction, staring as if he were to be burned by others if it were a different moment. “Does anyone know what it does” questioned Shacklebolt . Everyone shook their heads. “Let us see what it does” said Harry though he abhorred the idea of using an unforgivable curse on any being possible. He looked around the room & found a steel mug. Using his Holly & Phoenix feather wand he transfigured it into a gnome & placed it on the table. Next he put a body binding curse on him so that the gnome seemed to be affixed on to the spot. Now was the toughest part. “You really need to mean it, Potter!” A voice echoed in Harry’s head. All of a sudden Harry remembered whose voice it was. Mustering all the hatred that was latent in his heart for Bellatrix Lestrange, he raised his wand & cried “IMCRU KEDAVRA!” What happened next was horrendous. The gnome spun around the room like a hurricane, its body beating hard against the wall of the room. It stopped again from where it started, his body expanding. The gnome let out a wail equivalent to a Banshee. A moment later it was surrounded by a green light which seemed to pierce its body. The very next moment, the gnome was thrown back, a jet of green emitting from his body which turned red later as if it had burned the insides & the transfigured gnome was lifeless.

Tears trickled down Harry’s eyes. He had lost his composure. Samarah Golmes would have hit the ground, had it not been for Warburton & Ron. Even Kingsley looked Flummoxed & highly traumatized. “So that is the work of a filthy schadenfreude! A combination of all the unforgivable curses all set to unleash havoc upon mankind, in the most inhuman manner plausible. Right?” said Harry. Just as Kingsley was about to say something, Sean Sycles entered the room “Minister! You really need to have a look at this.” He said, waving a copy of a copy of The Daily Prophet frantically in his hand.

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Harry snatched the copy from Sean Cycles & read it. He felt as if he was a paranoid or someone had hit him hard on his head with a sledgehammer. He dropped it. On the front page of the daily prophet was a moving photograph of Harry casting the spell on the gnome whereas others were standing around, staring him. The Headlines still flashed in his mind. “THE UNFORGIVABLE CURSE THAT KILLED MUNDUNGUS, NOW AT THE MINSITRY- IMCRU KEDAVRA.” Everyone took a look at the Daily Prophet & had the same sensation that Harry had encountered a moment ago.

Chapter-6 The Prophet & The Traitor He took a glance at the newspaper. He smiled. Then came an upsurge in anger. And then came the thought - 'Vendetta'. "Not now. I have more patience than you could think of." he told himself. For a split second his head swam & his eyes watery. "Crucio !" was the non-verbal curse he cast upon himself. A gush of pain took him over but he didn't move a muscle. Nor did he let out a cry. In a moment, the pain had vanished. He had made himself immune to an unforgivable curse.He had tried to since the age of 11. He threw the newspaper aside & started all of a sudden. "Impressive Ashen. Really, very impressive. If my cursing you leads to such dramatic & beautiful results, I think there is no harm in casting the Cruciatius curse or other hexes like the 'Thumbscrewer'[ upon you." Horror was reflected on Ashen's face though he remained quiet. "You may relax for a while, though i loathe the idea but no curses for you." his master replied. Ashen let out a sigh. “Are you disappointed, Ashen? Or you should i care to please your appetite with a curse?" "No Master! Please, No" Ashen whined like a child. "Read the article from The Daily Prophet . That just might save you from my wrath." the Master ordered. Ashen fumbled a little picked up the newspaper and started reading “It seems that the ministry has been put under Obliviate; the memory modification charm which has made it perform things one would never think of . It appears that the ministry is busy inventing new curses, not to mention unforgivable curses of an entirely new genre. The ministry has long forgotten its primary objective of guarding the people and their interests and has been dedicated to dark arts recently.

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As if the break-in at Krum mansion was not enough a death of a very civilized and honest wizard called Mundungus Fletecher has taken everyone except the ministry by surprise. Mundungus’s body was found at Krum mansion at the very next day of the intrusion sources have revealed that Mundungus Fletecher was killed by a new unforgivable curse called IMCRU KEDAVRA. The photograph above shows our beloved head auror Mr. Harry Potter practicing the curse on a harmless and innocent gnome. The cold bloodedness of Mr. Potter and others including our honorable minister of magic Mr.Kingsley Shacklebolt is clearly visible in the exclusive photograph taken at St. Mungo's by our highly accomplished and bold photographer and reporter Miss Signorita Skeeter who risked her life and soul to expose the mean and cruel intentions and conspiracies that the ministry has long thought of. It goes without saying that Mr. Potter has been accused long time back of possessing a mental illness called insanity and of spreading rumors in order to become a centre of attraction by propagating fear amongst people. Despite knowing this fact he is the head auror of the ministry who can also speak parseltounge, a long thought indication of a dark wizard. The auror’s motto “Viva sin miedo” appears more of a mockery and irony for the common wizarding community. Contd on page 7….. “That would sufficient for today Ashen you may leave now.” The master said. Ashen left the room with an expression of satisfaction mingled with surprise.

“How the hell is it possible?!” Kingsley Shackle bolt was fuming his temper definitely hot enough to bake Hagrid’s rock cake. “Blimey! I have no idea. Have me word on this one minister this has nothing to do with Me.” blurted Ron. Harry was almost in trance. He jumped all of a sudden and said “all the aurors who had been to Krum mansion; report to me in my office immediately. Inform those who are missing saying this he darted away to the exit and apparated. Harry entered the ministry. The globe in the atrium caught Harry’s attention. The plank with the words ‘Vincit Omnia Veritas’ gleamed “Bah! Humbug!” a voice shouted in his head. Wait a second he mused to himself. Veritas is the key After what seemed a lifetime to Harry though it was hardly a time phase of seven minutes Harry was talking to all the aurors who had been to Krum mansion. I just wanted to see your pretty faces began Harry, sarcasm apparent in his manner. “You may leave now.” And it happened in a jiffy. Just as everyone was about to leave, Harry jumped from behind his chair, his wand drawn, & shouted at the top of his voice

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“Petrificus Totalus!” everyone turned back in time to see Susan Shifish hitting face first on the floor with a resounding thud despite the fact that the floor was carpeted. “What are you looking at fools? Take her away! Someone has nerves to challenge the ministry again. She is under the Imperius Curse you buffoons! Take her away! Give her a swig of Veritaserum & do not return unless you have the name of that scoundrel of a man who put it on her. Go!” Saying this he closed the door and set behind his desk; his head sunk in his hands. An unknown fear was lurking within him. He knew one guy capable of such a plot. And there was no chance of him coming back. None.

Chapter-6 (part 2) The Portrait & The Portmanteau "What else would you like to have, Mr. Krum?" asked a steward. "Nothing. Thank you veary much. I had good dinner. Vot is the time?" Krum replied, his mouth full of Treacle Fudge which he downed with a Vodka Martini courtesy Ronald Weasley who had brought it from 'The Tumbler' ensuring that it was extra dry. "15 minutes to 10" mumbled Ron "Thank you for de drinks Mistor Roonil. It iz vondorfull." said Viktor, sipping his Martini & took a glance at Luna who was sleeping on a bed, a few yards away. "It is Ronald." Ron corrected Viktor who had called him Roonil, though it was unintentional. "Sorry Mistor Donald. I aven't been quite vel lately." Ron controlled himself with great effort. "You no vat Mistor Vasby?" continued Krum as Ron almost had a fit on the account of his name being mentioned incorrectly. "Luna & I love each other, like blast-end skrewts." Ron was unable to comprehend the analogy & resorted to keep quiet. The drink had started to show its effect. After what seemed to be a lethal monologue wherein Krum described how he'd seen Luna at Bill & Fleur's wedding & how after having a row with Xenophilius Lovegood, he was able to persuade him for his marriage with Luna. As Krum was about to doze off, Ron asked Krum “Would you mind my having that memory of yours on the night of intrusion?" Krum nodded, took out his wand & brought it near his temple & extracted a strand of silver which he carefully placed in a bottle held by Ron. "Good night Mr. Krum." muttered Ron while leaving the room. "May a succubus visit you in your sleep." he said to himself as he left the room & started for his chambers.

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Harry was standing with his back towards both of them. He was staring in front of a small glass cabinet. On the top of it was The Order of Merlin, First Class, followed by other accolades. Though, Harry was the youngest wizard ever to receive the Order of Merlin because he had killed the Darkest wizard ever called Voldemort, he was still never quite complacent nor a braggadocio. He had treated his glory normally and was as sober as ever. Today, Harry's mind was wandering somewhere else like a snitch. The events that happened today made Harry rack his brain. "It is nice to learn that you have accepted having fewer brains & have adopted thinking as a measure to improve that unfortunately irreparable malady of yours." A voice said from behind Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled though had it been some other moment, he would have had a hearty laugh but for sure, this was not the moment. Another voice added "Thinking can be a waste of time many a times. Like this time. Take a look at this delicious kedgeree kept on the table, prepared by accomplished elves at 'The Merlin Masala' which, I’m sorry to say, will lose its heat & taste like a slug if eaten cold. Had they started this restaurant at my time, I would definitely have taken up the designation of Minister of Magic." Harry couldn't force himself not to laugh this time. He turned around & shared a laugh with the portraits of Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape. Snape looked all the same. He was wearing his raven black robes, long oil-slick hair and stern mannerism. Snape added "Then I might well have joined the ministry under you, professor." "Hello professor Dumbledore. Hello professor Snape! “Harry greeted them. He had affixed these portraits in his office the very next day when he became the head of auror department. "With position comes power" Harry had thought at that point of time. Dumbledore's voice broke his reverie. "I see you are troubled, Harry. It is not difficult to guess from the series of events that have happened today. Please ask anything that troubles you." "Professor, this might appear gross but is there any way in which Voldemort can be back?" asked Harry. As Harry took the name, someone far away was enraged. “No. I don’t think so. However, as far as my limited knowledge of magic tells me, resurrection is possible in only a single way which is commonly known as creating an Inferi.” replied Dumbledore.

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He continued further “There is an inferior & crude genre of magic & medicine used by the muggles to resurrect the dead via a cult called voodoo. The people so brought back to life are called are called zombies. They are however, very crude creatures & die again as soon as they taste salt. Very much similar to Inferi.” “So you mean to say, they can never be resurrected appropriately? They can never live again like their former self?” asked Harry. “I’m afraid that is not possible.” came Dumbledore’s reply. “Anything you know of, Professor Snape?” Harry asked with a questioning glance to the portrait of Severus Snape. “There are many ways” began Snape “of attaining immortality but they are not fail-proof. As of resurrection, there is only one way I know of…” His speech was broken by Ron. “I got the 2 memories Harry. Susan was co-operative but Krum scared the bit Merlin out of my life…” Ron blurted. “Fine then. Please excuse us professor. I would like to take a look at these” Harry pointed towards the 2 bottles with silvery liquid that Ron was holding. Both the men nodded. Harry moved towards the portraits & turned a tiny gargoyle upside down. The portraits turned by 180 degrees revealing a big goblet. It was the pensieve. Harry had brought the pensieve from Hogwarts with the special permission of Professor Mcgonagall along with consent from Albus Dumbledore. He had hidden it in his office behind the portraits in such a rotating arrangement. He took the bottle from Ron & poured the first bottle which was labeled ‘Susan’& poured its contents into the pensieve & put his head inside. The very next moment, he was standing at the ministry exit. Ron was standing beside him. Susan walked out of the ministry. A man wearing a white mackintosh, his hat covered his face. He was carrying a portmanteau in his hands when he approached her. “Can you tell me the time, Madame?” the man said. His voice was young & displayed a manner of sophistication. Susan smiled & bent a little to check the time by her watch. “Imperio!” the young man shouted. Harry came out of the pensieve. Ron followed suit. “I would really love to know who that bloke in the white mackintosh was.” Harry said. “Me too. Who in the name of Merlin’s kecks would have the nerves to cast the Imperius curse in front of the ministry?” Ron retorted. By this time, Harry had emptied Krum’s memory in the pensieve & made a dive again.

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A few minutes later, he returned to the room. “So, it was Susan. Out & Out” thought Harry. He turned to Ron to narrate the entire version he had almost foreseen when he heard the sound. “Acchoo” someone sneezed outside Harry’s office. Harry & Ron rushed out of the office, their wands drawn, just in time to hear the footsteps of someone running away. Harry & Ron ran away in different directions. Harry caught a glimpse of a white coat disappearing along the direction of the elevators.

C CH HA APPT TE ER R--77 T TH HE E IIN NE EV VIIT TA AB BL LE ER RE ESSU UR RR RE EC CT TIIO ON N "Hmm...Finally. The cover is blown! Although, I have never underestimated Mr. Potter I still wonder how did he come to know of the Imperius Curse, Ashen?" "I don't know how, Master." Ashen replied. "Then it is better to wait & watch. Let Mr. Potter explain it himself. Eh, Ashen? "That would be most appropriate, Master." Ashen & his master stared at a wall in front of them. The master began "I have always found muggles to be inferior appalling at times. But this alters my stand on muggles Ashen. Right?" Ashen smiled.

1/2 an hour had passed by since the breach. Though Ron had informed the entire ministry on the phoneline extension no. 62442 (which stands for M-A-G-I-C on any cellphone.) & blocked all exits,yet the tresspasser had managed to get away, unscathed. Harry, who had seen the glimpse of a white Mackintosh disappearing down a bend, had chased the person wearing it, he found it lying on the floor the moment he reached the spot. His mind raced fast & he had cast a rainfall charm over the place to reveal the intruder if he was using disillusionment charm. The result- Cipher. "Any luck mate?" Ron asked, panting. Harry shook his head in a disapproval. "May Merlin save us. As if all the happenings of the day were not enough. Blimey Harry, who could've thought some bloke would eves-dropped at ministry officials." Harry said nothing & walked back to his office. Kingsley met him on his way "Harry! What is goin...?"

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Harry cut him. "I need to spend some time alone, minister. I'll speak to you as soon as the feeling gets off." "Fine." Shackebolt patted Harry on his shoulder. "It will be all right." Harry nodded & paced towards his office. "Hope the intruder was caught." Dumbledore demanded from Harry, while cleaning his half-moon spectacles. "No. Got away." Harry replied, his attitude a little blunt. Dumbledore & Snape were barely able to mask their surprise. There was silence for a few minutes. At last Dumbledore said "Then would you care to narrate the dramatic events that have happened today?" Harry narrated the entire occurrences in a single go. Snape began "I understand it now Mr. Potter. Ms. Shifish was under the Imperius curse cast by an unknown wearing a white Mackintosh which unfortunately is very common at this time in entire London. Under the influence of the curse, Ms. Susan Shifish holds back the Krums & modifies their memory. She then goes to Krum Mansion & breaks all the enchantments which had been activated automatically after Mr. Krum's flight. She informs Shacklebolt about the break-in who in turn discusses the idea of a surveillance team to be lead by you. She then grabs hold of an old copy of The Daily Prophet which she tweaks. She sends a replica to the publicity hungry witch Signorita Skeeter & drops the other copy intentionally in front of Ms. Hermione Weasley at platform 9 3/4 to make sure it reaches you without fail. She follows the same procedure other times though the messengers vary. Am I right, Mr. Potter?" Harry nodded & said "Had I not seen her at platform 9 3/4 & then talking to Sean at the ministry waving the prophet a little in her hands, i'd never caught her in my lifetime." "Now I know why you questioned regarding Lord Voldemort coming back. The ways, no doubts about it, are his. Spreading terror, dispair, pain amongst people using unforgivable curses is almost his signature. But i'm sure, he is not back. It is simply impossible. You know well the limitations of the resurrection stone." said Dumbledore. "However, Professor Snape tells me of a way: - unique, cruel and yet highly effective. Though, unfortunately for Lord Voldemort, he is too late for this. The only flaw with this ritual is that it can not be practiced on a corpse. However, if a living being follows it, he is rendered immortal & resurrects on its own." A streak of surprise ran across Harry's face."Professor Snape would do the honors, Harry." Dumbledore folded his arms and smiled. Snape commenced "The phenomenon is called THE INEVITABLE RESURRECTION. It has been tried only once by Nicholas Flamel who is also the father of Philosopher's stone.

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It so happens that the 5 elements govern the behavior of any body. Thus, to begin with, one has to collect water from a place which is formed at a place where all 5 elements unite." He continued "The digit 7 is thought of to be the most powerful & magical number of all times, Mr. Potter. Thus the water collected from the place of union of all 5 elements should be taken to the 7 wonders of the world & then any of the 5 elements must be added to the water you have collected." Snape coughed a little & resumed "Now Mr. Potter, you may not be aware of the old Egyptian myth of a Cat having 9 lifes. It is not a myth but sheer truth which muggles discard to believe. Now 7 whiskers of the cat have to be added to the mixture we've carried till now which has acquired a sepia color. Not to mention, one has to add a whisker a continent each meaning you have to visit the 7 continents. Now, one has to visit India, the land of mystics & use the powers of divinition to find a sage who has his 7th birth as per the cycle believed by Hindu Mythology. Upon his/her touch the potion will turn transparent. A drop of Felix Felicis or the potion that brings luck is then to be added to the potion which will turn blood red upon contact. The final step, which is the cruelest of them all involves adding exactly 7 tears of a phoenix to the potion, stir it counter-clockwise 21 times which renders the potion almost invisible and then..." Snape seemed to hesitate a little. "And then what, Professor?"asked Harry,clearly impatient. "And then, cut the bird into 2 halves; pull out the heart & down it with the potion you made..." Snape could not continue anymore. Even Harry seemed shocked and was at a loss of words. "Anyone following this procedure would fool death like an innocent kid. He would defy all laws of nature. He would have power to choose when to die & when to re-live. He would make his resurrection inevitable. Which is why Harry, this phenomenon is regarded as THE INEVITABLE RESURRECTION.. There was silence in the room. Harry felt something hitting him in his left jacket pocket. He took out Draco Malfoy's pocket watch. A tiny dot on the rear caught his attention. Harry looked at the chain-clip attachment a little. It took a moment for him to figure out. Harry placed the watch on the table & motioned Dumbledore & Snape to keep quiet. He turned swiftly, rushed out of his office & sped off to Ron's office.

Chapter-8 Return of the Lunatic Vision “How dare he take the name of the Lord? How dare him?” the Master was enraged. “This Mr. Potter is getting on my nerves. He is outwitting me frame after frame. And if I’m not mistaken, he has found out of our little toy, Ashen.” Ashen didn’t wait for an explanation “It is very much clear from the abrupt manner in which he left the room.” “Yes it is. Let us get rid of the machinery.” the Master picked up his wand & waved it. In a moment the projector & the screen were reduced to ashes.

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The Master broke a fleeting silence "Did you hear that Ashen? Did you hear what the potions master told Potter moments ago?" The master was pacing rapidly along the room. His excitement & agitation knew no limits. "Yes master, I did." Ashen sniffed. The master wanted to be furious at Ashen but refrained doing so. He began "And that was a close shave Ashen. Never attempt something as gross as that again. Never! You must thank your parents a lot. Had it not been for them, you would have been fed to Dragons." Ashen merely nodded. A tear trickled down his cheek. The Master got up & held Ashen's shoulder. "I know how it feels to lose a parent. We've lost both. Our mother & father were never there to share our smile, to protect us...That is what unites us Ashen. I never said that the path was an easy one. But now we have something else to do Ashen. Something really very important. Let us proceed on the quest." Ashen felt for a moment that even his Master's eyes were watery. Ashen composed himself. "Let us go, Master." Ashen turned his back & started towards the Manor's exit. A smile spread on the Master's face. He followed Ashen. As soon as they reached the exit, they turned and apparated on the spot.

Ron was running fast. Harry was barely able to catch up with him. "Why in the name of Merlin's Dyed hair didn't you let me check that pocket watch of yours?!” “I never realized that it was possible!" Harry was panting. He almost missed his step & was in time to hold an Iron Knight placed as a decorative for balance. The knight thought that it was being attacked. He drew out his sword but Harry was too fast for him. With a lazy flick of wand he transfigured the blade into a ferret and continued on his way. "Blimey Harry, I thought i was the only bloke in the ministry without grey matter. Seems you were ever willing to accompany me" Ron blabbed as Harry caught up with him. "But how is a muggle surveillance device possible at the ministry and that too undetected?" Harry questioned.

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"How can you expect that Harry?" Ron continued "Come to think of it, this is year 2016 mate. The muggles have been progressing a lot faster than we thought. Seems they have a magician on their side who conjures almost daily a new form of muggle technology. It has become difficult to include every muggle device in the sensory charm." Harry wanted to speak but Ron interrupted and said "Secondly Harry, Wizards never resort to using muggle surveillance. It is easily detectable by wizards & you can always know who is carrying out the surveillance by checking what muggles call signals. " "That is exactly what I want you to do." Harry blurted. “Tell you one thing mate…whoever is using this, he’s a lot smarter than we can think of.” Ron said to Harry while entering his office. He picked up the pocket watch kept on the table, drew his wand & said “Muggliato Barrentero.” “It’s a charm to stop muggle machinery from carrying out their tasks. The watch gave a nasty jerk and stopped working. Ron held the watch & murmured “Hmm… a muggle ultra-sensitive micro-phone, an ultra-compact hi resolution video camera with recorder, a satellite transmitter, Phew!” Ron halted. “Add to it a strong repelling charm. I didn’t expect that from the head Auror; being bugged and that too with muggle devices.” Harry was a bit angry but continued suppressing his anger he retorted “meaning whenever I try to remove the watch intentionally, I forget it & start thinking of something else. I believe it was a decoy set-up by whoever cast the Imperius charm on Susan. He knew I would pick up the watch. He knew I would keep it in my pocket…” And it suddenly hit Harry like an ice-slab dropping on his head from the Gryffindor common room. (Not to mention it is situated on the 7th floor) He spurted, turning towards Ron who had a I-Didn’t-Do-it look on his face and said “Darn it! It is Draco Malfoy from the very beginning. Come on, hurry up. We’re heading towards the Malfoy Manor.” “uh uh mate.I think I’ll examine this trinket a little more.” Ron replied waving the watch like a pendulum. Harry made a run towards the exit & barged face front into Kingsley ShackleBolt. “I see you are in a hurry, Harry. Whatever the matter may be, it would have to wait. I want you to go at Malfoy Manor as fast as possible.” “I wanted to. What happened?” questioned Harry. Kingsley held out the prophet which ran. “MALFOYS MURDERD.” Harry’s shock knew no bound. It is impossible, he thought. Without a word he darted to the exit & apparated.

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Tonight was going to be a long night. Really, very long. Harry entered the Manor along with the aurors who were there at Krum Mansion barring Susan Shifish & Ron. It was not difficult to locate the bodies of Lucius Malfoy & Draco Malfoy. Their corpses were sprawled in the main hall. While he was examining the corpse of Draco Malfoy, muffled noises from the door which was locked on his previous visit caught his attention. Harry & the other aurors held out their wands. “Alohomora!” said Warburton & the door was open. Back at the ministry, a tiny seal caught Ron’s attention. The words CIA glinted on the interior of Draco Malfoy’s pocket clock. Harry felt as if it was all a dream. It could not be possible. The gush of adrenaline was overwhelming. Goosebumps appearing all over his body, he moved forward to be sure he was not having a hallucination. He jerked back and shouted “Merlin!! That is MAD EYE MOODY ”

Chapter-9 The Muggle & The Decoy. "I am not interested in knowing how you are going to do it. I am rather keen in knowing how fast you can do it." Ron was fuming a bit. The man standing in front of him staggered a little. Despite his designation, the man standing in front of him was more intimidating. Not physically though. "Listen to me very carefully. I'm not a git. Blimey, I know one thing for sure; if the muggle Prime Minister can't arrange for it, no one else can." A tone of arrogance had entered Ron's speech. He was speaking as if Johnny Blaire was not the muggle Prime Minister but a mere hamster clad in clothes. Johnny sighed & said, " I have got things to do at this end. I have a special appointment with George W. Bushy today." The dials of the clock displayed 3:40 A.M. "I think we'll re-arrange the appointment for tomorrow. I want to meet this bloke called General Michael V. Hayden." demanded Ron. It was the Muggle Prime Minister's turn to be furious. “We are talking about the Director of CIA; Not a 10-year-old child who can be awakened in the wake of the dawn & interrogated about tiny and useless machinery."

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"I woke you up though, didn't I?" Ron smirked taking a glance around the Muggle Prime Minister's bedroom. "And I reckon, you are definitely not a 10-year-old child who can be awakened in the wake of the dawn & interrogated about tiny and useless machinery." Johnny Blaire was at a loss of words. There was a long silence. "Alright." he said finally. Ron smiled and faced Johnny. "I assure you that the General will remember nothing of this unwarranted rendezvous. We'll modify his memory." Johnny Blaire merely nodded. Ron held his hand & vanished on the spot.

Kingsley ShackleBolt was in his office. He was hardly able to cope up with the events that had followed since the break-in at Krum Mansion. He stared at the Daily Prophet that lay on the table, topped with the news of Malfoy's Murder. An owl delivered another latest version of the Prophet . Kingsley read the headlines Dark Wizard Harry Potter about to carry out the INEVITABLE RESURRECTION The news ran “Harry Potter, the head auror of the ministry of magic has submitted himself to the dark arts. His quest for power & influence has reached its peak. He now wants to be Immortal & has been able to extract a fail-proof way from the ex-potions master of Hogwarts Severus Snape, who was proven to be a death eater & Albus Dumbledore’s assassin at a later stage. This phenomenon is called as INEVITABLE RESURRECTION.” The story went on. Kingsley Shacklebolt got up & started for the Ministry’s exit. Signorita Skeeter was in thick trouble for sure. The look on the minister’s face attested it. The hall at the Malfoy manor was identical to the one at Krum Mansion; swept by a hurricane. Harry need not visit St.Mungo’s to know that the IMCRU KEDAVRA curse had been put to work. “They used the curse on each other. Their wands tell the tale.” said Mayo. Harry was unable to comprehend anything. He didn’t hear what Mayo said. He was staring without blinking at Mad-Eye Moody who looked brazen. His eye was missing. “Is that you Harry?” began Moody, his voice quivery. “Yes, professor.” Harry could barely reply. “Help me Harry.” He stretched his hand. Harry helped him to his feet. Moody was wobbling a little. Harry helped him to a divan which was kept nearby. “How?” asked Harry

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“That, women with cat-o-mania, Umbridge!” Mad-eye moody was really mad. “May giants crush her bones. May centaurs run over her!” he began patent. Harry now understood why mad-eye’s body was never to be found. He now knew well why he’d seen mad-eye’s eye at the ministry. He knew know why mad-eye was not back when he used the resurrection stone. He was alive. Under the Imperius curse. He would have resurrected & killed Dolores Umbridge if it were to be in his hands. Umbridge had committed suicide after the downfall of Lord Voldemort. “But how come are you here?” Mayo N. Naise asked. “Draco Malfoy. Kept me under the Imperius. Don’t know why? May be he was the Dark lord’s faithful. He is dead, right?” Mad-eye questioned. Harry nodded. “Bah! Now that is some good news. That Umbridge git kept me under the Imperius curse after I fell down from the broomstick. Took my eye away, oh yes she did. I was hit in the face with the body binding curse. Let me know where Mundungus Fletcher is. He is going to have a grand. I’m going to put him under the Crucatius curse. And tell me where Voldemort’s buried. I’m going to spit on his grave and..” “Relax Professor Moody.” Harry cut him. “Though, I’ve got some bad news. Dung’s dead & I believe Lord Voldemort is back.” Harry remained cold. As he took the name, someone broke into a bound-less rage. “What? Dung? I mean….How?” Mad-eye stuttered a little. “What should we do Professor?” Harry asked though his face remained emotionless. “We must get back to the Ministry at once, Harry. Then we should plan & search for Lord Voldemort.” Mad-eye retorded. “Are you sure professor?” Harry’s mind was rambling. “Are you trying to over-rule me, Potter?” Mad –eye let out a loud laugh. “Not at all, Professor.” Harry retorted. Harry took out a Guinea from his pocket. Ron was shouting from the other end. “You won’t believe who stole the surveillance device from the best muggle secret agency! It is…” “Ron. I would believe you if you turn up at the Malfoy Manor within moments.” Harry sounded a bit impatient. “Mad-Eye is here.” “What the…Merlin, No! That is impossible!” Ron seemed to gasp for breath. Harry pocketed the Guinea. He turned towards the Manor’s entrance & saw Ron barging in. No sooner had he entered with the look of shock & surprise which never left him, Harry took out his wand & yelled at the top of his voice “Petrificus Totalus!”. Ron was flabbergasted. For a moment he felt he was like a stone & then he felt nothing. Everyone but Harry shared his feelings.

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Mad-Eye Moody hit the floor. “Take Mrs. Pansy Malfoy disguised as Professor Moody to St.Mungo’s , Alex. She had a swig of polyjuice potion & is under the Imperius curse.” Harry put his wand back in his cloak pocket. “But how…” questioned Samarah Gones. “The real Mad-Eye would always speak of Constant Vigilance & would prefer Blitzkrieg at any cost. Last but not the least, he’d address me as Potter rather calling me Harry. Take her to Mungo’s, Alex. Don’t just stand there. As of others, start a search for Moody; He’s Alive. Ron, come with me.” Leaving everyone doused with cold water, Harry walked out of the Manor. Ron followed suit.

Chapter-10 Hogwarts Revisited. "I really apologize for the inconvenience caused Professor." “It is all right. Anytime for you, Harry Potter!" Professor Minerva Mcgonagall was still sleepy, she was moaning a little, rubbing her eyes to break off the sleep. Being the Hogwarts' Headmistress was no child's play. " I understand that the your purpose of visit is of utmost importance & quite confidential but may I ask you, as the Headmistress of Hogwarts, what is it that brings you to the school at this hour?" Harry had expected this question. He replied promptly "One of your students has been enticed by a highly vicious Dark Arts. The ministry has confirmed the involvement. We need to interrogate the suspect at the earliest so as not to have a chance to make up an alibi because till now he has been able to evade the ministry by his so called 'wit'. The second is an extremely confidential message to be conveyed only to the student intended." Professor Mcgonagall looked a little stunned. She began "So, would like to visit the dormitory of which house? I'll call for the respective incharge." "I'm afraid, Professor Mcgonagall but you'd have to accompany us to the Gryffindor common room on the 7th floor. And yes, Professor Slughorn would have to give up his cozy bed for a while." A nerve in Harry's temple had begun pulsating.

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"What?" Professor Mcgonagall made no attempt to mask her surprise. Gryffindor house was still under Mcgonagall. The house was known for its courage & perseverance. Though the same could not be said about Slytherin's who thought them to be pure & to know it all while they were actually a Hoon. She didn't argue any more. The Trio started walking towards the 7th floor. Harry was wondering why Ron was being so silent. "You hear that? You are fired." Kingsley Shacklebolt was about to break into one of his most infamous tantrums. The spunky Signorita Skeeter remained motionless though Shacklebolt's emotions were showing a high degree of similarity with an Abonimable Snowman. "Don't be a big Sook, minister." Signorita made an attempt to break the silence, which was, in actual, a lull preceding a tornado. "Thanks Ms. Skeeter. But no thanks." Kingsley's repartee was blunt yet delivered in his always suave & deep voice. "It appears that I am, presently or you may regard this as an unfortunate co-incidence but I am the minister of Magic." he continued, adjusting the sleeve of his robe "Uh, I almost forgot- a single suggestion or a demur on your account may cause you trouble or even ensure a visit to Azkaban if you insist a little more." Signorita Skeeter let out a laugh which could be easily mistaken for a dog's howl. She began, her tone rather mocking " 'Omnia Vincit Veritas'. Truth always wins, eh Minister?" she began pacing the now empty corridor. "I was wondering whether the wizarding community knew that their own Minister defies the motto." For the very first time beads of perspiration appeared on the forehead of Kingsley Shacklebolt. He stared at Signorita Skeeter incessantly who was, in turn, smiling at him. When the perspiration blurred his vision, Kingsley began "What do you mean?" Skeeter smiled again "Oh you know very well what I mean, minister." the stress on the syllables was intended. "Magic is Might, Minister. It has always been so. And so has been the media. The prophet is one of the biggest pillars of the entire wizarding community." She further continued "Time has come for me to dig out a little skeleton of yours,Kingsley!" Stepping into a fireplace, she turned towards a bewildered Shacklebolt and said "Goodbye Kingsley. I assure you; tomorrow will be your last day at the Ministry. May Merlin wish you luck." saying this she released the Floo powder & vanished with the flames.

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Kingsley Shacklebolt was on his knees. He was glad no-one could see him weep.

The 2 boys stood juxtaposition. Their initial annoyance at being awakened so early despite being a holiday had weathered away by now. They stood there almost immobile barring a moment or two where the taller one made an attempt to organize his hair-do & the shorter one scratched his pyzamas. "Harry m'boy!" boomed Professor Slughorn. “I apologize but I’m resuming my sleep. Will join you later! See you." and he went back into the potion master's dungeon. "Scorpius Malfoy. We have bad news for you." began Ron. "The same goes for you, James Potter." Harry sniffed. Scorpius & James exchanged furtive looks of surprise. "Scorpius! Your father & grandfather are deceased. You will now live with Mr. Harry Potter as per the will of your father." Ron patted him on the shoulder as Scorpius burst into tears. A nod from Harry & Ron took him away. Harry reached for his wand, held James by his collar & said menacingly "James Potter! Who is your accomplice? Who asked you to steal muggle spy machinery? Who suggested you to prepare poly-juice potion to disguise as the Malfoys. Who..." "Aaarrrggghh....!" a shout from the dungeons broke Harry's volley of questions. It took Harry less than a jiffy to reach the spot where Horace Slughorn in a pool of blood.

Chapter-11 The Muggle Magician

Kingsley Shacklebolt was staring at the parchment he held in his hands. He had read the letter for no less than umpteen times & knew it by heart now. Honorable Members of the Jury & the Wizarding community. I, Kingsley Barblay Shacklebolt, (not under the influence of Imperius Curse) hereby state resignation from the office of the Minister of Magic owing to unforeseen circumstances. Under my last order, Mr. Harry James Potter is to be in charge of the office.

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Any questions regarding my resignation are to be directed to our spokesperson Mr. A. Mity Slimshady. Under my last order, Mr. Harry James Potter is to be in charge of the office of the Minister. As of now I’m not in a position to specify anything. Yours By Merlin, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

His signature lay above his name. Another piece of parchment a larger one, lay on the table. He threw a glance on it. He tried hard to smile but couldn't. The Daily Prophet was larger in size today. The front page headlines read 'THE MINISTER OR THE MURDERER'

'THE MINISTER OF MAGIC - REVEALED.' A special report by Ms. Signorita Skeeter, adopted daughter of one of the most respectable reporter & author that the wizarding community has ever seen - Ms. Rita Skeeter. The report went 'It is time for the entire wizarding community to brush off the dragon dung which has been thrown upon our eyes by the very crude & hypocritical organization called the ministry. The Ministry, which has long sustained the motto of Truth's Victory i.e. Vincit Omnia Veritas, is actually based on the pillars of equivocation, ambiguity & bare-face lies. To start with, let us take into consideration the honorable Minister of magic, Mr. Kingsley Shacklebolt. Kingsley was brought up by the notorious Barblay Shacklebolt who was well known to spend 15 hrs of a wizarding day drinking Fire-whisky. This Kingsley went to Hogwarts & studied under the light of Albus Dumbledore whose reality has been described in the book ' The Life & the Lies of Albus Dumbledore. Kingsley always had an inclination towards the dark side which he never let come out. His malicious & amorous acts were hidden by professor Dumbledore including the one where he had jinxed an innocent girl called Emmeline Vance (an intelligent auror killed by the dark lord) whose only crime was that she'd seen Kingsley Shacklebolt snogging a girl. Kingsley Shacklebolt was never a well-behaved wizard & this can be proven by many other incidents at Hogwarts. His pupil have confirmed that Shacklecolt was eccentric, impolite & had many a times know to have a liking to raise a tempest in a butterbeer can. He was easily infuriated & also hit some commendable Slytherin's with vicious hexes & curses.

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However, the one we are dealing with is not an ordinary incident. It is an issue of grave importance. By highly industrious efforts, we have been able to procure the personal diary of The Minister. The Diary includes entries since Kingsley ShackleBolt was 7-years old. The most shocking revealation will take the wizarding world by surprise. Even the darkest wizard called Lord Voldemort would have hesitated to carry out such an act at so early at an age. The 8-year-old Kingsley Shacklebolt murdered his father.' Kingsley closed his eyes. He wanted to burst into tears but he didn't. No one would believe him. No one would. He threw the Prophet aside & sprawled on his sofa. This was the last time he could have done so. "Impedimentia!" He yelled on the top of his voice. "Levicorpus!" and the body were lifted up by the ankle. "This would hold you on for a while, James." said Harry wiping sweat from his forehead by his sleeve. Slughorn was unconscious. "Episkey!" and Harry's spell caused the blood flow from Slughorn's face & nose to cease at once. "Enervate!" hardly had Harry cast the incantation when professor Slughorn woke up, his expressions identical to an addled man, gasping for breath. "Are you sure he'll come to retrieve this?" Ashen held a wand in his hand. "You still doubt my potentials, don't you Ashen?" The Master replied. "Not in the least, Master." said Ashen. "The fault, dear Ashen, is not in you. Blame the curiosities of a young & sharp mind that, you no doubt possess." The Master smiled "Ah! I see. So, the minister has resigned. Now that, is exactly what I wanted Ashen. People have lost faith in our scapegoat- Kingsley Shacklebolt & soon shall Mr. Harry Potter. "How, master?" Ashen questioned. "Have you heard of a muggle called Criss Angel? That filth calls him a magician. He is going to perform a crude genre of magic called hoax at a muggle place. That will be the end of Mr. Harry Potter & immortality for you & me, Ashen." saying this, the Master turned towards Ashen & gave him a wicked smile which was returned by Ashen. "How are you feeling now professor?" questioned Harry. "Harry m'boy. How do I thank you? Attacked me in the sleep that coward. Didn't have the guts to face me. Would've given ‘im a one-two in a duel." Slughorn blurted. Harry thought he had heard something wrong. Slughorn seemed to be in a delirium "Opened the dungeon to find myself looking at m'twin! Cursed me in the face! Left his wand behind." Harry took away the wand which Slughorn waved & kept it in his jacket pocket after checking for muggle machinery. He then turned towards James & said "This puts you into even bigger trouble, James. Tell me, why did you plant a surveillance on me & why has your accomplice stolen Felix

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Felicis from Professor Slughorn's dungeon. James was on the verge of crying. Ron had joined him; he was out of his breath. "Dumb..." Harry raised his hand and silenced Ron. "I didn't do anything you are talking about, dad" James was crying now. He held his wand fell from his right hand. Harry suddenly realized that James was innocent. "Someone's framing James" Harry said softly. Ron spoke loudly "That is what I realized moments ago. The director of CIA was stunned by a left-hander. James has the right hand as his wand hand. That can be discussed later. I've got bad news. Kingsley has resigned & someone imposing you has taken away the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave." Harry thought Ron was going to laugh & say 'April fool' but he didn't. He merely handed him a pale parchment which read "Dear Mr.Potter. You are cordially invited to the magic show of Criss Angel, today at 5:00 in the evening at Disneyland, Paris. We have arranged for a special programme, not to mention we also have the pleasure of the company of your wife as well as Mrs. Hermione Weasley. The enchantment allows only you to enter. Other attempts are futile. Looking forward to seeing you, I am yours most sincerely, Jerry Marvolo Riddle ” It hit Harry like a comet from the sky. Jerry Marvolo Riddle. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Felix Felicis. INEVITABLE RESURRECTION. Vendetta. Harry rushed to the headmistress's cabin.

Chapter-12 TOM & JERRY The women were lying on the floor; immobile. The body bind curse had been cast flawlessly. The master was pacing across the room, a little restless. "I think the place is not suitable, Ashen. I need a bigger place. A lot bigger than this. I need a place where a large number of people congregate. A place where muggles as well as wizards are to be present in large quantum. Do you know of a place Ashen?"

Ashen seemed to be engrossed in deep thought. He smiled and said "London." It took a moment for the master to realize. A bright smile appeared on the master's face. "Excellent, Ashen. Excellent." He exclaimed. "I think I would like to visit the arena myself. I want to leave no margin for flaws. Will you take care of them Ashen?"

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"Of course, Master. Though, it goes without saying that it's not needed." said Ashen throwing a glance at the women who lay there as a life-less lump, courtesy the body binding curse. The master smirked & said "Remember one thing Ashen. Where women are concerned, the unexpected always happens. " Saying this, the master apparated on the spot, leaving behind a laughing Ashen. "Very true master, very true." Ashen told himself. He looked at the two ladies for a few seconds and seemed to reconsider something. He shook his head involuntarily and took out his wand to remain on vigil. Harry Potter had had his desserts today.

"What do you reckon professor?" Harry looked weary but beneath him laid a wary and a die-hard Gryffindor. He looked at the portrait & found the man with the half-moon spectacles smiling at him, his blue eyes winking. This seemed to relax Harry a bit.

Dumbledore began "I have my own share of guesses Harry, but you know well that they are seldom right.” "Humor me." replied Harry. The portraits of all the headmasters of Hogwarts laughed in unison. Dumbledore's guesses were seldom wrong. "Well, to begin with, let us accept the fact that lord Voldemort did have a child." Again, somebody far- off was infuriated. Dumbledore's statement made Harry feel he was chewing a jawbreaker.

"Though, if he had one, he definitely didn't know of it or refused to accept that the child was his. Knowing Lord Voldemort very well, the second possibility goes out of choice."

"Merlin's pants." Exclaimed Ron. "How is it possible? I mean the child must have a mother & a father as well!" Even Harry seemed to be baffled a little. "In the case of Jerry Marvolo Riddle, he seemed to be very lucky, I believe, to have a mother as well as a father, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore smiled again "It seems Harry, you have entirely forgotten of Merope & Tom Marvolo Riddle Senior?"

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Harry seemed to recall the entire incidence from the deep recesses of his brain & began with a flash "You mean to say someone used the Amortentia? Some woman used the strongest love potion on Lord Voldemort? The darkest wizard of all times? The smile never left Dumbledore's face"Do you recall, Harry? I once told you that love was the most powerful feeling. May be Voldemort was not bigger than it. "So er...Voldemort fell in love with a girl under the influence of Amortentia?" asked Harry. "Apparently, yes." Dumbledore spoke softly. "Blimey! Who in the name of Merlin's baggy fronts would have dared to do that?" jumped Ron. "Bellatrix Lestrange." Replied Dumbledore. "What?" Harry and Ron seemed to be totally flummoxed. Harry felt as if he'd been hit by a thunder storm of an odd emotion of utter anathema topped with surprise. "You see, Bellatrix Lestrange was always obsessed with Tom Marvolo Riddle. She spent years waiting for intimacy with the dark lord, fantasizing him, conspiring to spend moments with him upon his return. Her happiness knew no bounds when she found that the lord has returned. She escaped from Azkaban in a mass break-out.Maybe the lust took over the love & Bellatrix Lestrange spiked Lord Voldemort's drink or food and thus became a mother."

Harry & Ron thought that Dumbledore had completely lost his marbles but given the present situation & Dumbledore's past record, it seemed implausible. Harry, the Doubting Thomas put in suddenly "Why didn't she raise the child?" "Now that is a very good question Harry." quipped Dumbledore. "I guess that when Ms. Lestrange realized that she was bearing the child of Lord Voldemort for almost 3 months,it dawned upon her that Tom Marvolo Riddle might vent his fury on the child as well as on her, she decided not to raise the child. "What did she do then?"Harry questioned. "Omicidio de fetus" answered Dumbledore, leaving a highly bewildered Harry & Ron.

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“The most abominable sin. Wizarding equivalent of an abortion. Though, it is more cruel than what muggles do. The mother actually throws away the fetus after slaying it.” Explained Dumbledore. A chill went down Harry’s spine. A glance at Ron’s face confirmed that his adrenaline level was high; cold sweat appeared on his forehead. “Though, in the case of Jerry Marvolo Riddle, I must say that unfortunately, a miracle happened & he survived the process.” Dumbledore concluded. “How could he survive it?” questioned Ron. “Well there is no explanation at present. He is identical to you in one aspect, Harry. You survived the killing curse. He survived the process.” Saying this, Dumbledore closed his eyes for a little & re-opened them. “I think he has raised himself the hard way & has somehow come to know that you had killed his father. He is no more than 21 years of age, highly accomplished in magic and set out for a vendetta; he wants to avenge his father’s death. He is all set to perform the INEVITABLE RESURRECTION. Time has come…” Dumbledore could not finish what he intended to. Harry glanced at the clock. 4:50 PM. Without listening to what Dumbledore had in store for him, he dashed towards the exit of Hogwrats so that he could apparate. Ron followed suit but could not keep up the pace with Harry. Hardly had Harry reached the gates when he appparated.

“He is here, Master” said Ashen. “Is he?” The master questioned. “Good. Are we ready then?” “Yes.” Ashen held the hands of the women. A moment later there were flashes of red in the air. While muggles mistook them for fireworks, Harry knew for sure that the sparks originated from a wand. He sprinted in the direction of the origin of the sparks to find a howler in his name, lying on the ground. Apparating to an isolated spot, he opened the howler. The person’s voice was sophisticated & mature. “Greetings Mr. Potter. Sincere apologies by my side for the delay in our meeting. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to change the venue, Sir. We solemnly regret the inconvenience caused.

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However, we find that you might be delighted to watch the Olympics at London. Your wife & Mrs. Weasley await your arrival. Looking forward to seeing you, I am yours most sincerely, Jerry Marvolo Riddle P.S.:- We also have a new guest; a muggle who calls himself a magician. His name is Criss Angel. Your delay might hurt him a little. Harry stood motionless. His Emotions had betrayed him today. Completely.

Chapter-13 The Backstabber & The Battle

Wembley Stadium is the most expensive stadium ever built. This football stadium in Wembley, located in the London Borough of Brent, London, England has 90,000 seats. The stadium has the second largest capacity in Europe (after the Camp Nou), and the largest in the world with every seat under cover. Following its opening, it has often been referred to as the "New Wembley Stadium" to distinguish it from the original stadium. The previous Wembley Stadium (originally known as the Empire Stadium) was one of the world's most famous football stadia, being England's national stadium for football. In 2003, the original structure was demolished and construction began on the new stadium, originally intended to open in 2006. This was later delayed until early 2007. The final completion date of the stadium came on 9 March 2007, when the keys to the stadium were handed over to The Football Association. Today, Shawn Conheri held the keys in his hands. For 9 years the stadium had enjoyed the reputation of being the safest & best of the stadia. No commotions till date, all terrorist activities thwarted. The security at the stadium was the best. Even the richest couldn't afford that level of security. The stadium had special support from the prime minister i.e. Johnny Blaire, the British Secret Intelligence Services aka MI6 and not to mention more than 300 members of security staff, trained in 7 types of deadly combats. After all this & other security measures including video cameras, ultra sensitive metal detectors & EMP snipers, the designation of the Chief Securities Officer seemed more of a waste of time & other resources but seeing the dedication of Shawn Conheri, one knew that he was mistaken. Shawn Conheri glanced at the watch. 6:00. An event was to be conducted at 7:00. Inauguration of the 2016 Olympics.

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Shawn had run the emergency security check thrice. His insides told him that something was wrong. Despite all his attempts, he had been unable to find how a jet black cat had bypassed the security & was sprawling on the grass right in the center of the stadium. He went near the cat & bent to pick her up. The cat turned into a human being and cried. "IMCRU KEDAVRA." Ashen transformed the dead CSO of Wembley Stadium into a bone & burnt it.Spreading the ash evenly on the ground,the man smirked. "Well begun is half done." Ashen thought. He apparated on the spot. There were more people needed. Harry was drenched in sweat from head to toe. The banner with the 5 rings bearing the words Citius, Altius, Fortius caught his attention. Faster, Higher & Stronger. He could not help smiling weakly on the irony of the occasion. Harry tried to look for Ginny & Hermione but to no resort. Suddenly, a musical composition caught Harry's attention. The audience had started singing along the orchestra. 'The Olympic theme' Harry realized. It sounded a little different in the chorus of 90,000. No sooner had the theme ended when a very smart and young anchor came up to the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, Good-evening." Harry recognized the speaker in a flash. "What in the name of Merlin's flat fronted bell-bottoms is Jerry Marvolo Riddle doing on the stage" Harry said to himself. For a moment Harry thought that he'd seen the young Tom Marvolo Riddle, the only difference being that Jerry looked smarter. "You are seeing" he continued. "And seeing is believing. There's a little change in today's schedule. Without further delay, let me divulge the surprise treat for today.Please welcome Criss Angel!" The clapping hit hard against Harry's ears but the possibility of harm had begun hammering his brain. "Ladies & Gentlemen, today Criss Angel & I are going to attempt something unusual. Like nothing you have ever seen before. Mark my words after this, you'll be begging for more. Criss & I are going to burn ourselves alive and re-live from the ashes!" Many in the audience gasped.Harry shared the gasp though he was the only person who realized what was going on.Harry had worked it out in seconds.Jerry & his accomplice were about to carry out THE INEVITABLE RESURRECTION. Jerry had taken control of the stadium's security. His accomplice had been disguised as Criss Angel. Harry felt as if he had been Confunded when he saw almost a dozen Ministry members assisting Jerry Marvolo Riddle. Jerry had used the Imperius Curse at leisure. "I have to stop him." thought Harry. "Protego Totalum!" cried Jerry as Harry saw an almost invisible envelope surround the stage.

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"Colloportus" his accomplice cried. Harry saw the ministry people casting a charm around the arena as well as the ground so that the exits of the stadium were barred. The charm also ensured that no one would be able to enter the grounds. However a handful of people had entered the ground.To Harry's surprise they had begun a combat with the ministry without any wands! They were duelling with bare hands, jets flying from their palms and fingers. "Ashen!" Jerry Marvolo Riddle cried, looking first at the bunch of wizards & then at Criss Angel. "I told you these Indian wizards were powerful.I told you to finish off everyone from the Pasha School of Magic. How come these people are alive!" "May be they escaped while I blew up the School after the Indian sage we had killed when he had contributed to THE INEVITABLE RESURRECTION" replied Ashen. "Umm...Ashen.Nice name you've given to your accomplice, Jerry." Harry said. "Oh hello, Mr.Potter. We almost forgot your presence. Now that you've asked, let me tell you something about Ashen. It is an alias shared by two of my most trusted believers." Jerry ran a hand through his hair & began "The first I had to kill out of an unfortunate incidence. Your contribution was galore in the case of Draco Malfoy." Harry was startled a little. Jerry remained quiet for a moment then resumed "I was brought up in an orphanage that I later ransacked. They used to call me Jeremy. I had no last name. At the age of 7 your people found out about my wizarding powers, Mcgonagall decided to induct me to Hogwarts as soon as I was 11. She gave my responsibility to the Malfoys who were not to divulge that i'm an orphan & serve as my guardian. Everything was well & good until one day Scorpius Malfoy found this." Jerry held up a chain with an object dangling from its end. "The Time Turner." Harry couldn't refrain himself from saying it.

"Yes. The Time Turner, Harry Potter. Mundgus Fletcher was at the ministry the night my father & you fought. He had nicked the time turner. It is the only time turner that exists today, Harry Potter because you & your friends destroyed all the prophecies & time turners that night." Harry felt a chill run down his spine. "I then knew of my parents. I then knew how much a little carelessness of my father cost him. I then plotted revenge. Draco worked for me out of fear & at times under the influence

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of the Imperius curse." Jerry Continued. "Soon, I realized he was of little ability & use to me. I had found out a much accomplished & better accomplice. Allow me to introduce you to Ashen." Harry saw the person called Ashen to transform from Criss Angel to someone he couldn't imagine in his worst nightmares. Someone who couldn't possibly fit in there, someone who would never do a thing like this. "Hello Harry Potter." said Ashen. Harry felt as if he had been hit with a two ton tunic thrown from the Patronus tower. Staring him hard, standing face to face with him was TEDDY LUPIN . "Or should I call you, GODFATHER" said Teddy, showing a high degree of anathema. The words hit Harry like a pointed icicle.He was deadpan. It so happens sometimes, Mr.Potter" Jerry had put his hands in his trouser pockets while talking."That we have to sacrifice people for our own, selfish motives for the greater good." Jerry smirked & continued "Teddy's case was no different. I told him that you were a coward, Harry Potter. I told him that while his parents were fighting for Hogwarts & their lives, you were cuddled up in a corner, waiting for the battle to be over. You were hiding like a coward. You went to face my father only when you came to know that all those protecting you, don't stand a chance." “You liar! Don't listen to him Teddy, He's..." Harry had hardly said this when Teddy raised a hand & cut in "Enough of this from you Potter! Jerry doesn't lie. I have seen it myself in Jerry's memory. You coward! You let my parents die." Teddy burst in a fit of rage. "Relax Teddy. The wait is over. So Mr.Potter, we planned your downfall. Signorita Skeeter was easily persuaded by me. We wanted your public image to wither away and I must say, we were successful in doing so. Today, Harry Potter, you face the Fiercest battle of your life." Jerry had stopped ambling. J"On an end you have your wife & your best friend's wife." Jerry pointed towards the end of the stadium where Harry saw a faint fire & Ginny & Hermione suspended over the flames without ropes. Without giving Harry any time to react, Teddy broke in "On the other, you have the muggle called Criss Angel, concealed from the Muggles." Harry glanced at the similar arrangement & gasped for breath. Jerry laughed. His laugh was identical to Lord Voldemort. "And here we are, all ready to carry out THE INEVITABLE RESURRECTION. 7 minutes. Choose your destiny Harry Potter.

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Defeat us & you lose your wife, the friend & the muggle. Try saving your wife, the friend & the muggle & lo! We will kill them later as we completeTHE INEVITABLE RESURRECTION. You will lose in any case Potter. I f you fail in saving anyone, people will lose the faith they've bestowed in you. Vendetta, Potter.Vendetta." Before anyone could see, Harry had drawn his wand & shot a curse each towards Jerry & Teddy. "Expelliarmus!" The wands soared in air. "Accio wand" Harry cried twice to retrieve both the deathstick as well as Jerry's wand. "I told you Teddy, he won't regret cursing you too." Jerry smiled. "Shut up!" Harry shouted & snapped Teddy's wand into two. "Expelliarmus!" Jerry was holding a wand. "Accio wands" The Elder wand & the Holly & Phoenix feather wand landed in Jerry's hand. He pocketed Harry's wand, gave his wand to Teddy & held the deathstick in his hand.He then winked at Harry & began "I forgot to tell you Mr.Potter I had borrowed Teddy's wand intentionally. The wand you broke belonged to Lucius Malfoy. I did all this to transfer the rightful ownership of the Elder Wand from your unworthy hands to mine!" Jerry's laugh was enough for Harry to determine the gravity of the situation. "I won't kill you Harry Potter." Teddy smirked "Nor would master Jerry. Infact, you will be given a chance to fight. Take out the wand from your jacket pocket. We dropped that one on purpose." Harry retrieved the wand he had found near Horace Slughorn. "The Feeble Wand!" chirruped Jerry. "Crucio!" Harry pointed his wand at Jerry & cried. A very feeble jet of light hit Jerry in the chest. He stood motionless & brushed the dust."Oh, I forgot to tell you Harry Potter, the Feeble Wand has no core. So any spell would hardly harm even a Grindylow." "Protego Horribilis" cried Teddy. Harry was thrown out of the shield. He got up and dashed to the end where Hermione and Ginny were suspended. To Harry's horror, a shield prevented him from entering or casting a curse.He tried to apparate in the zone but failed to do so. The flames were slowly rising whereas, the hostages were descending slowly.

"Merlin, No!" Cried Harry.

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Something unusual happened. The Feeble wand that was, till now, 6 inches in length, trebled its length. It became so heavy that Harry thought he had been holding a cauldron full of Dragon dung. Harry directed the wand towards Ginny & Hermione & cried "Aguamenti!" to no resort.' Fiendfyre' he mused to himself. "Anullo Protego!" he shouted. The shield around Ginny & Hermione broke."Accio Ginny, Accio Hermione." The ladies zoomed towards Harry with great speed pinning Harry to the ground as they fell on him. He freed them from the body-bind curse and followed the same procedure to free the muggle. He then turned to the stage where he saw Jerry & Teddy downing a heart of a phoenix with the potion. "Noo....!" Harry shouted but he knew it was too late. He broke the shield around the stage and rushed in to find Jerry and Teddy laughing on him. "Good work Mr.Potter but its too late now." saying this Jerry conjured a Fiendfyre and jumped into it. "Petrificus Totalus!" cried Harry followed by "Protego Horribilis" throwing Teddy almost 50 metres away from the stage. Harry saw Jerry Marvolo Riddle burning in the fire. It was all over. Jerry would be immortal now. As if Jerry had performed Legilemency, he spoke from within the flames "Not only immortal Potter but also Invincible. And yes Potter, I've bad news for you. The moment i'll relive, i'll cast the disillusionment charm, go back in time & bring back my father by killing you!" Harry was deadpan. He knew this was possible. He looked for the time-turner which lay around Teddy's neck. Just as he bent to pick up the time-turner Ron's voice broke in "The Resurrection, Harry! It's incomplete!" "What?" Harry held closely the fake guinea through which Ron was talking. "Dumbledore wanted to tell you that but you left in such a hurry. It took me time to find out where you were so that I could deliver the message. May be you..." Harry had stopped listening to Ron. Jerry was crying in pain & agony. Harry rushed to his help but it was too late. After a bright flash of light, the fire disappeared & so did Jerry Marvolo Riddle. All that was left behind was a heap of ash that was still burning. Harry conjured a small bottle & kept the ashes in it. As soon as he pocketed the bottle, he hit the ground. Ginny was on top of him, hugging & snogging him wildly, crying. Ron & Hermione were carrying out the same ritual.

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Chapter-14 The Qualms Satiated Harry stood in the office of the headmistress, a wand in one hand, the time turner in other. Dumbledore smiled at him. “You mean to say that this wand belongs to Merlin? The Merlin?” “Yes Harry. The wand that you hold in your hand is the wand of Merlinus Caledonensis, better known as Merlin.” Dumbledore replied. Harry had asked this question more than a hundred times and still couldn’t believe that he held in his hands the most powerful wand ever. Harry began “So, you want me to believe that this wand is invincible? More powerful than the elder wand?” Harry staired at the six inches long, slender and nothing less than a meager splinter of wood in his hands. Dumbledore nodded. “Also referred to as the feeble wand, theGravitas is the most powerful and the most interesting wand to be ever created.” Dumbledore coughed a little and Snape took over. “Merlin was the advisor of king Arthur. Have you, by any chance, heard of the legendary sword called Excalibur?” Harry shook his head. “The Excalibur was one of the most powerful swords that muggles ever lead their hands upon. Only the worthy could detach the sword which was completely imbedded in a rock. Merlin is considered to be the greatest magician of all times for not an ordinary reason. He could perform magic with bared hands and created the most unique and powerful magical objects that is wizarding community has ever witnessed. He helped Nicolas flamel to conjure the philosopher’s stone and evidences such as that time turner was his brain child. Merlin was so talented that he created a wand for himself. However he was sure that death would meat him someday and he decided that he would do anything in his force to protect the wand from getting into wrong or unworthy hands. He was highly inspired by the protection rendered by the Excalibur and adopted the same principle for securing his wand also known as the Gravitas.” “What do you mean?” Asked Harry. “The Gravitas was protected in such a way that it would reveal its true power only when someone recalls Merlin and has good motives at his heart. Otherwise the wand would shrink to a third of its size and would be of no use to the holder. Since many people tried to use the wand for evil motives, the wand always exhibited its crude qualities and capabilities and thus the wand remains the feeble wand for years together. The same reason stands for why the wand didn’t change to its original form when you had cast and unforgivable curse on Jerry Marvolo Riddle. "Harry!"Dumbledore broke in. "I want to divulge a long kept secret." His voice grew sombre.

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Harry could see the ever-smiling Dumbledore a wee tense. "Do you remember that a long time back,I, out of sheer luck, defeated Grindelwald?" Harry sniggered and said "Fortunately, Professor, I am yet to be struck by amnesia. Pray continue." Dumbledore said "I must confess Harry. Had it not been for Merlin's wand i.e. Gravitas, I wouldn't have been able to defeat Grindelwald in the duel." Harry was awestruck. Dumbledore remained unaffected & continued "It so happened Harry,that on the pursuit of the Deathly Hallows, I stumbled upon this wand. A day before the duel the wand revealed its actual form while I had made an attempt to save a muggle. I realized the power I held in my hands & went to defeat Grindelwald." Dumbledore yawned & went forth "In the moment of glory, I lost the wand. I tried very hard to find it & that too for a very long time but failed. However, I was least concerned as I knew that the wand would never land up in wrong hands." Harry felt an odd sensation. Dumbledore seemed to be highly relieved of a burden. "What exactly happened at the stadium between Jerry & You?"Harry avoided Snape's questionary glance.

Harry's thoughts reeled back to the arena. Only he knew what hat happened at the arena. The duel, the exchange of dialogues, the strange phenomenon all hidden away from the world owing to the protective enchantment by Jerry Marvolo Riddle. Rest all was taken care of by the Memory Modification charm. Initially, Harry stood gaping at the thought of modifying the memories of more than 90,000 until the MIB aka Men in Black came to help. A man who called himself 'K' who identified Harry owing to the Ministry of Magic's alliance with the MIB. The ministry had approached the organization due to issues regarding memory modification of muggles & had succesfully forged an alliance with the MIB. 'K' told Harry that the MIB had kept a watch over the stadium& suspected alien activity. He then insisted upon Harry to wear an out of fad dark goggles. Harry had reluctantly done so when he saw the MIB people flying over the stadium in a helicopter & lower a large orb in the centre of the stadium sending bright camera-like flashes in all directions. 'K' had patted Harry on the shoulder & ensured that everybody's memory had been modified. But that had been after Harry had fought a duel with Jerry. A duel that no one had seen. Harry seemed to relive the moments. He heard Ron say "Dumbledore wanted to tell you that but you left in such a hurry. It took me time to find out where you were so that I could deliver the message. May be..." Harry had stopped listening to Ron. Jerry was crying in pain & agony. Harry rushed to his help but it was too late. And then it happened. Jerry stood in front of Harry. Unharmed. "Welcome to my world Harry Potter. I call it the Freeze-Frame.

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Harry understood why. Everything outside the transparent dome appeared static. It also prevented Harry to pass through it. "And I know that the resurrection is incomplete." Jerry threw a fake guinea in front of Harry & let out a hearty laugh. Then, both Harry & Jerry were in for a surprise. They could hear each other's thoughts. Jerry Chirruped "Oh! I reckon my new world has this feature too." Harry suddenly felt queasy. He shot a glance towards Jerry to find that he shared the same emotions. The last Harry saw was Jerry hitting the ground. Then he felt his head throbbing as he hit the ground. Everything that had happened in Harry's life, reeled before his eyes. This bizarre event was iterated once as Jerry's life reeled before Harry. Harry saw the young boy crying. He saw the young Jerry Riddle hungry. Being bullied by other boys. Being furious whenever someone mentioned Lord Voldemort. Jerry thanking Draco Malfoy for resurrecting him as he lay dead, owing to the recoil of the killing curse. Jerry impersonating Lucius Malfoy on Harry's arrival, talking to Teddy, Killing the Malfoys, rushing from the ministry in a white Macintosh. Everything felt hot all of a sudden. Harry gasped for breath & gulp big mouthfulls of air. Jerry followed suit. Both staggered, wands drawn in each other's faces. In a flash, they had started an entirely mute battle. Despite that,both could hear what spells were cast on them, thanks to the Freeze-Frame. Harry and Jerry were waving their wands liked skilled swordsman. Their wands moved so fast that they appeared almost invisible.

Harry bound Jerry with ropes. Jerry untwined them in a second. "Payback." Jerry shouted. He had seared a 'X' across Jerry's torso. "Ah."Harry cried. "Imperio!" Jerry wailed.The curse hit Harry in the face. He kneeled to the ground & then... 'IMCRU KEDAVRA!' It then happened. The man spun around the stage like a tempest, its body beating hard against the enchantment of the Freeze-Frame. It stopped again from where it started, his body expanding. The man cried in pain. A moment later it was surrounded by a green light which seemed to puncture his body. The very next moment, the man was thrown back, a jet of green emitting from his body which turned red later as if it had burned the insides & then…Jerry Marvolo Riddle was dead. In fact, he was slain. Murdered by Harry Potter!

"Mr.Potter?" Snape's voice broke Harry's trance. "Are you still here? I asked you what happened between you & Jerry at the stadium." ", i think I’ve told you everything professor." Harry lied. "I guess it is your turn to tell me something that you missed."

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"Regarding the INEVITABLE RESURRECTION is it? Oh yes. I forgot to tell you that the completely brewed potion will be effective only when drunk in the light of the 7 colors. Simply put, you've to drink it standing below a rainbow." Snape sounded a little sheepish. Harry rolled his eyes & turned towards Dumbledore "What about Kingsley? Did he really kill his father?" "Yes." Dumbledore replied. "His father was suffering from S.P.A.D.E.S aka Surreptitious Paranoia & Agitated Delirium Ensuring Syndrome." Harry was flabbergasted. "St.Mungo's refused to accept it as an illness because they couldn't cure it. Kingsley's father took profuse quantities of fire-whisky as it assuaged the pain. When the poor man couldn't stand it any longer, he asked Kingsley to finish his life but his son didn't. He put Kingsley under the Imperius curse & made him perform the Euthanasia." Harry felt his eyes go wet. "Think I need some rest. Good Night professor." Harry heard Dumbledore say "Do let me know when you find Alastor" as he left the office. Snape added just in time "I really feel sad for Teddy. Imagine the horrors of Azkaban. But then, where young men are concerned, the unexpected always happens. Right?" Harry got up from his bed, rubbing his eyes. Beside her, Ginny moaned a little in her sleep. “Good morning, Master!” “Good Morning!” he was startled. Kreacher stood facing Harry, a tray in his hands. Harry let out a sigh of relief. “Master appears a little whiter than the usual. May be some pumpkin juice & scrambled eggs would bring the color back!” Krecher croaked. Harry smiled & motioned him to keep the tray on the bed. Ginny was awake by now. She had joined Harry. She rested her head on his shoulder and said “I am so glad to be together again. I was so scared of Voldemort’s son…” “Aaaaaaaa…..hhhhhh” would you stop taking his name???” Harry shouted at Ginny at the top of his voice. Was it Harry? No. Jerry Marvolo Riddle had outsmarted Harry Potter even if it was accidental. In the Freeze-Frame, Jerry was able to switch souls with Harry Potter & had finally killed Jerry Marvolo Riddle who had Harry Potter’s soul in it. “Oh! I am so sorry, Ginny.” Replied Jerry, afraid that his cover might blow up. “For a split second I felt my scar hurt. I realized it was only because of a mosquito.” He smiled. Ginny fell for it. She gave him a coquettish smile. The Jerry disguised as Harry understood what he had to do next. Still smiling, he pulled a blanket over both of them.

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E EPPIIL LO OG GU UE E:: Harry stood in the graveyard, staring at the newly dug grave. He read the tombstone: Jerry Marvolo Riddle. Jan 1995 – September 2016. A young & talented soul, that was unfortunately misguided. Ut proverbium loguitur vetus...EGO NUNQUAM PENITUS PLENE. The ashes of Jerry Marvolo Riddle or, better said, Harry Potter lay in the grave inside a bottle. They never extinguished. Nor would they. erry laughed. He had killed Harry flawlessly. He had impersonated Harry very well. He walked away from the graveyard. He smiled after a while. The time-tuner dangled from his hand. “I am coming for you dad! I am coming!

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Alternative Ending: (Sum people insisted I add this one…Though, I endorse the former) Optimist's Detour "Not so fast, Jerry Marvolo Riddle!!" Jerry felt the earth below him had been swooshed away by someone. He knew something had gone wrong, terribly wrong. He turned around to see who had called him by his name. An entirely unknown man stared him in the face. "I...I am sorry Sir. You must be mistaken. I am Harry Potter." Jerry tried to make up but the man was not buying. "Tell me about it Jerry. Your plan to kill me was marvelous.Unfortunately for you, it didn't work." He replied. Before Jerry could reach out for the wand, the man waved his hand. A bright white light flew from his hand & knocked the air out of Jerry Marvolo Riddle's lungs, making him lying flat on the ground, unconscious. The smile never left the man's face. "That's what happens when you mess with Harry Potter!". Harry thanked his lady luck for the umpteenth time in his life. He had done so before, on numerous occasions, but this one was the best. Harry recalled what had happened in the freeze-frame. Just as the souls were about to be interchanged, a highly skilled magician from the Pasha School of magic, India had been able to break-in a little in the protective enchantment. Apparently the protection went a little low when the souls were about to be swapped. The boy called Atra (from the Pasha School of magic) had barely put his head in the protective enclosure when the souls were interchanged.

Harry's soul had swapped with Atra, Atra's with Jerry & Jerry's soul now resided in the body of Harry Potter. Atra's body, which now carried Harry's soul was thrown away from the impact of the protection resuming its power. Jerry, who was disguised as Harry Potter had slain Atra thinking him to be Harry in Jerry's body. Fortunately, Atra's soul was still alive in the form of the ashes that never stopped burning which Jerry Marvolo Riddle had buried under his own grave, gloating over the success of fooling everyone. Atra raised his hands. A bottle flew out from the newly dug grave. He held it in his hands.

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He unscrewed the cork & closed his eyes. Darkness engulfed the spot. Harry in Atra's body had re-created the Freeze-Frame.Then it happened. All the reminiscences of Harry's life passed like a flash & then...Harry was Harry again! He got up & looked at Atra. "It is really tiring to live in a bottle, not to mention, really very boring. I pity the Genies! Must run a freedom campaign for them. What do you say Mr.Porter?" Atra was gasping for breath & laughing at the same time. "May be." said Harry. He then took notice of the bottle. Deep red ashes lay in the bottle. "Let us put this to its rightful place." quipped Harry. Atra raised his hand. The bottle soared & landed noiselessly in the grave. Harry topped it with "Reparo!" and smiled. The grave was intact again. Atra & Harry shook hands.

"Promise me you'll pay a visit to our school. Swear by Gogia Pasha!" Atra chirruped. Harry nodded, smiling. "By the name of Gogia Pasha." he had raised his hand out as if taking a pledge knowing that he was avouching by the name of one of the greatest Indian magicians ever. "Good Bye then, Mr.Potter." Atra waved & faded in thin air as if he were a ghost. "Good-Bye Atra." Harry turned towards the grave. "Good bye, Jerry Marvolo Riddle." He glanced again at the tombstone & mused "Vincit Omnia Veritas." He apparated on the spot, feeling the time-turner tucked in his robe. He knew Ginny was waiting for him.

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