The Impact Of Technological Change On Open And Distance Learning

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 449
  • Pages: 2
The impact of technological change on open and distance learning A. W. (Tony) Bates

The problem: T his a r tic le f or me d th e ba sis o f a multim edi a pr ese nta tio n a t th e Que en sla nd Op en Lea r ni ng Netw or k co nf er enc e in Brisb an e in De cem ber , 199 6. New inf or ma tio n te chnol ogi es ar e f or ci ng major c ha ng es on both tr aditio nal cam pus- ba se d instituti on s an d th e lar ge auto nom ou s o pe n uni ver siti es. S ome r eas on s f or intr odu cin g new te chnol ogie s ar e inco mp atible with tr aditio nal views of ope n-n ess an d dist an ce. F or in sta nc e, the mo ve to com put erbas ed le ar nin g r ais es maj or iss ues of acc es s an d st ud ent sup po r t f or di sta nc e lea r ner s. The objectives The aim of this article is to consider the values and objectives that lie behind the use of the newer technologies in open and distance learning, and to see whether these new developments are leading to a different agenda altogether from that of open-ness and distance education . The article is not a research based on the a specific group of learners but it is a review of many researches, literatures, specialists, articles, books, and professors opinions on the distance education approach they apply their studies in a large number of universities and different types of learners. So, this article doesn’t use a specific instrument. The article uses some universities as resources such as : University of Phoenix's on-line programs, the Open Learning Agencies in both Australia and British Columbia, Nova South-Eastern University in Florida, and the National Technological University.

Results: Finally, the author still believes that humility and a degree of caution are essential qualities for open and distance educators, if they are to develop technology-based learning successfully. They do not yet know how students will react to this. Instructors often know more than we do, and we are still discovering the best way to fund and organize open leaning and distance education in this new distributed learning environment. The only thing they can be sure of is that change in education is both unavoidable and also in many ways desirable, especially at a post-secondary level.

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