The Hidden Meaning Behind 911

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
I am absolutely one of President Barack Obama's strongest supporters. In my eyes, the 44th President will FAR exceed the other 43 with exploits and accomplishments yet to achieve---not because he is my black brotha but because I perceive Barack as the wisest man alive in the world today. Yet, in spite of the hopes and dreams of Obamaniacs, there is ONE very important thing that President Obama CANNOT DO!! He cannot STOP God's time clock. "For in ONE HOUR, (8:45am-9:45am) such riches came to nothing. Every shipmaster, all who TRAVEL by ship, sailors, (AIRPLANE AND TRAIN) and as many as TRADE (THE WORLD TRADE CENTER) ON THE SEA, STOOD AT A DISTANCE AND CRIED OUT WHEN THEY SAW THE SMOKE OF HER BURNING, SAYING, "WHAT IS LIKE THIS GREAT CITY?" They threw DUST on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing...(Revelation Ch. 18)

Beloved Christian, the World Trade Center is like a city. It has its own zip code, as large as any small city, a city within a city. The city of Babylon, the World Trade Center Towers, have already fallen. The country of Babylon, The United States of America, it too shall fall. Why? Because it is prophecy. God's word does not return unto Him void. His word was declared through John in the Book of Revelation. Babylon shall fall. In spite of the hope of a brighter future for American, many are still afraid. They are praying out of the will of God, begging the Lord Jesus to bring peace when He warned, "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword! In the days prior to My coming, there shall be wars and rumors of wars." American Christians are so afraid of war, that they cannot see the forest for the trees. They cannot see that war MUST come before the Lord Jesus comes! Apparently, many so called Christians do not believe that their Master is coming back. Jesus comforted His followers by revealing that those who belong to Him, when they see the signs of the last days, we are not to fear. Rather, we are to prepare ourselves for His return. Do you belong to Him? If you don't, then you have reason to worry and to be afraid!!! You need to know that Jesus is coming back!!! If you are younger than 30 years old, you have a great chance of being alive when He returns. Even if you are 65 years old, if you can keep healthy and stay alive for the next 10 or so years, you may still be among the living when the day of the Lord draws near. I can tell time, by the election of the 44th President, for with President Obama in the White House, my expectation is that we have at least 4, possibly 8 more years to prepare for the Lord's return. I have a sense in my spirit that Barack Obama shall be one of the last---perhaps America's LAST President before "the end comes." As such, I believe that Jesus is looking for the righteous to pray according to the word of God, as did Abraham. Did Abraham ask the Father not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Yes and no. He asked that if He found first 50 righteous on down to 10 righteous would He not destroy it. Abraham could not find 10 righteous in those 2 cities, so it was destroyed. In asking the Father not to destroy the righteous with the wicked, Lot and his family were snatched out of the way before fire and brimstone from heaven fell. . However, because of the faith and righteousness of Abraham, God was compelled to reveal His plan of destruction and judgement to Abraham BEFORE He acted. It was a very sudden, "just in the knick of time" kind of escape. How shall we escape if we do not know how to pray and we give place to the devil because we are filled with fear? If we pray to stop war when Jesus said that there would be wars and rumors of war, would we not be praying amiss, in rebellion

to and disbelief of what our Saviour has 2000 years ago declared MUST BE before He returns!? Church, our Lord is coming back!!! As He declared "as in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." In other words, there will be those of us who will be alive when He comes who will escape the wrath of God that will fall on this earth. Noah and his family escaped the flood. Will you secape what is written in the book of Revelation? Will you die a martyr? Or will you take the mark of the beast and receive the number of his name: 666. Jesus Christ warned us to be prepared. Even those who profess to be Christians will not escape. Only those who truly believe on, follow and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. I myself would like to be rescued before the tribulation, but I don't expect to be. I believe that we need to be prepared to GO THROUGH the TRIBULATION, and not just sit around expecting to be raptured before it. Let us maintain some oil in our lamps and prepare for the darkness of wars and rumors of wars. At Healing Waters, we have been in training for the days ahead. For example, Pastor Pam was told a few years ago to save bottled water. Now, this is all you can hear on the NEWS. In the summer of 2002, Pastor Pam was told to stock up on some can goods because we were about to face one of the worst winters in the North East. Now that winter is almost over, the Newscasters are saying that this has the worst winter in a long time. In this regard, our pastor expects to continue to hear from the Spirit of God as times get progressively worse. In light of the need to pray with intelligence, to intercede for the following:


appeal to wise prayer warriors

that the Lord would raise up believers like Abraham who will stand in the gap for the righteous

that the carnal believer will turn his thoughts from his own flesh to the word of God and to righteous living

that the Lord will not hide from us what He is doing and that the Spirit of God will increase our ability at spiritual discernment.'

the the Lord will protect the elect so that we will be able to survive the destruction and the after effects of war. We desperately should seek the gift of miracles, so that drinking water will be cleansed, foods will not be contaminated, the old like me will have strength to walk and not always have to ride, etc. In other words, "a thousand shall fall at our side and 10 thousand at our right hand, but it (destruction) shall not come nigh the righteous."

that the ministry of God's angels shall increase with great strength and power, as they prepare the way for our protection and in this regard, that the cosmic angels on Satan's side shall not be able to deceive God's elect;

that while it is yet day, we shall work the works of Jesus: preach, teach, counsel, deliver and heal the sick.

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