The Heritage Foundation

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  • Words: 1,350
  • Pages: 16
The Heritage Foundation

without a heritage... every generation starts over

Think about the ideals that gave

birth to America, and you know what The Heritage Foundation is all about. Free enterprise. Limited government. Individual freedom. Traditional American values. Strong national defense. We are a think tank—a research and educational institute—working to preserve America’s heritage for the next generation. After all, it is these conservative principles that made us the most free, fair, prosperous and secure nation on earth.

issues our issues

Today, our security and even our very 2

freedom are challenged by people that have no respect for American principles and the American way of life. At The Heritage Foundation, we are dedicated in our pursuit of three goals: • Defend our homeland and citizens in

ways that preserve the Constitution. • Make taxes lower, simpler, and fairer

through fundamental reform, and ensure that these funds are only expended on essential government responsibilities. • Enact individual tax credits that make health insurance affordable for uninsured Americans. We must not flinch in this struggle because the world our children and grandchildren will inherit depends on it. More than 225 years ago, the Founding Fathers conceived a nation based on liberty, and today The Heritage Foundation fights to

fulfill their vision—a vision of America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish. Heritage enters the fray championing these principles, and everyday we advance, inch by inch, by showing the light to Congress, the President, the media and the American people. In pursuit of our vision, we believe the country must: • Strengthen the U.S. Armed Forces

and defeat terrorism. • Ensure America is protected from

a missile attack. • Reduce the size and power of the

federal government. • Reform and simplify the tax code. • Privatize Social Security. • Rebuild the American family. • Reform the health care system

based on free-market competition and consumer choice. • Let parents choose where their

children go to school. • Protect U.S. sovereignty from

international organizations.


work our work

How will Heritage realize


these goals? Heritage’s job is simple—We make sure that policymakers have the ideas and research they need to turn conservative ideals into policy. Heritage is there with the facts and figures, the ideas and strategies, and the experience and resources to make the crucial difference. We get the truth out every day in newspaper articles and on radio and television shows.

views what do

others think about us?

CONSERVATIVES— “Heritage has been an advocate for free enterprise, traditional values and the advance of liberty around the world. My administration has benefited from your good work, and so has our country.”

—President George W. Bush “Heritage is the sworn enemy of over-regulation, overtaxation, social engineering, health fascism, and environmental hysteria. It is the friend of opportunity, incentives, free trade, and effective rule of law, national sovereignty and strong defense. And so say all of us!”

—Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher “The Heritage Foundation has been a source of wisdom and support for my staff and me for years...The staff and officers of The Heritage Foundation are first-rate, and I personally appreciate all of their efforts.”

—Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL)

LIBERALS— “...they have a much better media machine than we do. They worked on it from 30 years and they’ve got it. They’ve got everything from The Heritage Foundation, the sympathetic newspapers, to sympathetic cable programs...”

—Bill Clinton’s response when asked about what conservatives have that liberals and Democrats don’t have on the Today Show “Heritage is central. Heritage is in the middle of everything.”

—Paul Krugman Academic and New York Times Columnist

THE NEWS MEDIA— “The most aggressive and disciplined of the conservative idea factories.”

—The New York Times “Heritage is as passionate about selling conservative ideas as Coca-Cola is about selling gaseous drinks.”

—The Economist



what do you think? Is it time for you to join


with Heritage in preserving America’s values for the next generation? If you are fed up with high taxes, poor schools and a growing dependence on government, become a member of the leading conservative organization in America today.

Basic Membership is $25 a year. You receive our quarterly newsletter, briefings on critical issues and the chance to participate in important opinion surveys. Congress Watchers Club or Culture Watchers Club is $100 a year. In addition to basic membership benefits, you receive regular packets of The Heritage Foundation’s key

reports on issues before Congress or a special selection of Heritage reports on social and cultural issues. Young President’s Club (for conservatives under 40) is $250 a year. You receive all benefits of a President’s Club member. President’s Club is $1,000 a year. You may choose to receive any of the more than 250 publications and 100 web memos produced each year. In addition, you are invited to two President’s Club Meetings a year, where you meet other members from around the nation and talk to Heritage policy experts. Speakers at past meetings include Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Rush Limbaugh.


Executive Committee is $2,500 a year. Premier President’s Club is $5,000 a year. As a member, you receive all President’s Club benefits, plus invitations to twice yearly exclusive luncheons in Washington.


Associates give $10,000 a year. Executive Associates give $25,000 a year and Premier Associates give $50,000 a year. Membership includes all Executive Committee privileges, plus invitations to our annual Leadership Conference and Board Meeting as well as reserved seating at events.

Heritage Legacy Society oday there is a struggle to defend freedom against those who would use government to restrict individual liberty, weaken our free enterprise system and undermine the Constitution.


Will future generations speak of freedom and rally to its defense? Only if those dedicated to America’s founding principles act today. Join hundreds of Heritage Legacy Society Members who have included The Heritage Foundation in their wills. Your bequest or planned gift can ensure that there will always be a principled, conservative voice in the nation’s capital fighting for your beliefs. For more information about The Heritage Legacy Society, please call our Gift Planning Office at 800-409-2003.


“We worry about the kind of America our grandchildren will face as they get older. We need to restore honesty and integrity to government if we are going to preserve our freedom—and that’s what The Heritage Foundation is all about.”


—Marge and Max Stanton North Carolina

“As individuals, we can’t preach conservatism in a meaningful fashion to a large population. We support The Heritage Foundation so it can spread the conservative message throughout the country.” —Sylvia and Ellis Peak Louisiana

“We are including The Heritage Foundation in our wills because it is one institution that we can count on to carry on the fight for freedom and never, ever surrender the principles that made America the greatest nation on earth.” —Renee and Earnest Campbell Maryland

Membership Reply Form Yes, I want to join The Heritage Foundation in supporting free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty, traditional values and a strong national defense. ❑ $25 Basic Membership ❑ $100 CongressWatchers Club ❑ $100 CultureWatchers Club ❑ $250 Young President’s Club ❑ $1,000 President’s Club ❑ $2,500 Executive Committee ❑ $5,000 Premier President’s Club ❑ $10,000 Associates ❑ $25,000 Executive Associates ❑ $50,000 Premier Associates ❑ Please send me information about The Heritage Legacy Society Please make your check payable to The Heritage Foundation. If you prefer to use your credit card, please supply the information below. In addition, you may join by logging on to or by calling 800-546-2843. ❑ VISA

❑ MasterCard

❑ American Express

❑ Discover

Card No. ________________________________ Signature_________________________________ Expiration Date ______/_______ Contributions are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.

Membership Reply Form Name ____________________________________

Address __________________________________


City ______________________________________

State ____________________________________

Zip ______________________________________

Telephone ________________________________

e-mail ____________________________________

Please mail to: Membership Office The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002-4999

vision our vision

The Heritage Foundation is committed to building an America where freedom,

opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish.

214 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 800-546-2843

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