The Greatness Of America

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,098
  • Pages: 2
The greatness of America. Today, it seems like a thing of the past. Well, the past will be visiting us again soon.

What was it that made America great when she was young? At first thought, most people probably think of the Revolutionary War, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. July 4 comes quickly to mind. Some people think of the shot heard around the world, or the Boston Tea Party. Others may attribute America's greatness to her desire to spread freedom and democracy around the world, her desire to be the shining example, the beacon of freedom to the world. Others, still, think solely of Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin, the men that laid the foundation. Well, it was not the Constitution, the Boston Tea Party, or even her desire to spread freedom. And although the three afformentioned men were part of what made America great, it was not just those three. It was the Americans. All of them. Not just the storybook heroes. You see, Americans were not afraid to stand up oppression brought from Parliament or the king of England. They were impossible odds. But, our founding fathers did not back down. They knew what was right. What was one of the most powerful countries was defeated by a handful of their own colonies. Did Americans say that the West was too hard to be won? No. Countless Americans had a desire to better themselves and their country. They traveled west. Was the path nearly too difficult for us to tread? Yes, but we did it anyway. There is a common saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Well, when the going for Americans gets tough, we don't just get going. it look easy.

We make

In the 1920s, a man by the name of Gregory Johnson had an idea. His firm, Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon produced plan for a large building in less than two weeks, with a previous contract as a foundation. On January 22, 1930, the excavation was begun. The construction was finished 410 days later. On May 1, 1931, the Empire State Building was opened. Americans built the world's tallest building in just 410 days. It took 40 more years for someone to build a building taller than that. Then, who did it? That's right, we did. We led the allies to victory through world war 1. Then, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, we were brought into world war 2. Japan should have left us alone. They had, indeed, awoken a sleeping giant. Simply put, Americans got ticked. We fought back, and Japan regretted ever having attacked us. When the world has said, "It can't be done," we have always responded, "Watch us, we'll do it." When we were attacked on September 11, 2001, we panicked. We thought were always in a protective bubble, impervious to attacks. We thought we couldn't even be touched by terrorists. We thought wrong. We did not know what to do.

Fortunately for us, one man knew what was necessary. When our president, George W. Bush, spoke at was has been titled "Ground Zero," Americans stood up. We became great once again. We got ticked. Let's just say that we can pretty much assume that those terrorists regretted their mistakes much like Japan regretted her mistake of attacking Pearl Harbor. We said, "We will never forget." Our government pledged to build a single, bigger building in its place, and name it the Freedom Tower in honor of the Americans that were murdered on that day. Remember how I said it took 410 days to build the Empire State building? Well, it has been 8 years, and not a single stone has been laid. Why? Because the government pledged to do it. If you leave the government in charge of something that they should not be in charge of, it will either be done wrong, or not be done at all. Now, the current plan even says that it will not be called the Freedom Tower for fear of offending anyone. We said, "We will never forget." forgotten.

The problem is, most of our rulers have

As Glenn Beck stated, if Americans had been in charge, we would never have said we would build another, single, bigger building. We would have built both towers back, but they would have been stronger, and taller. They would have been called the Freedom Towers. They would be done by now. Now why would we have done that? Because, America, when the world says, "It can't be done," we respond, "Just watch." We would have been sending a statement to the world that you cannot get us down. We would have been saying to the terrorists around the world just try it again, we dare you. But no, the government has to be in control of it, so what do we have? Ground Zero. This time the terrorists said, "It can't be done," and our leaders said, "We know." Then, have we forgotten what it means to be great? No, but too few true Americans have been active in defending the freedom that we have to be great. We have elected rulers over us that have no desire for greatness. Most of them only desire power and money, on both sides of the aisle. They are corrupt. America is still great because Americans are still great. However, we are being kept from showing this greatness to the world. We cannot stand for this. When our country becomes a socialist nation, we will lose our freedom to be great. But, the greatness of America will return to its former glory if we stand up for what is right. We must vote out the corruption on both sides of the aisle. We must vote in men that truly believe what they say, not men that say what they know we want to hear. When we have honest men back in office, and we see no more of the bull crap known as "I'll vote for your bill if you put in a 10 million dollar fund for (enter speaker's desired cause here)," our country will have taken its first step to its former glory. Don't let the corrupt politicians break us down to something less than we are. We are still the greatest nation on the Earth. Our government has said to us, "You can't do it, so let us do it for you." We must respond, "We can do it, and we don't need your help. our stinking way."

Get the heck out of

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