The Great Gatsby

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 20

Ø Analyze the culture Ø Who is the Author?

Ms. Megan O’Reilly English Grade 11

Ø Introduction of the novel • Themes • Characters

• Setting (time & place) • Chapter 1 Summary

Objectives and Content Standards Objectives ■ ■ ■ ■

Summarize the first chapter of the novel with ease. Recognize what time period the novel is based upon. Begin to analyze each theme given. Develop personal ideas and questions in relation to novel.

California Content Standards § § § §

RI. 11-12.7 RI. 11-12.1 L. 11-12.6 RL. 11-12.2

Short Clip ■ ■ As you watch this video pay attention to the guided notes.

The 1920s-The Jazz Age Main Events ■

Law passed for women to vote August 1920

Prohibition had just began

Stock Market crashed in October 1929

Pop Culture § Louis Armstrong began playing Jazz in 1922. § A new dance craze called the Charleston surface in 1925. (00:43- 02:05) § Mickey Mouse appeared on Steamboat Willie in 1929.

The 1920s-Visuals

Lets Engage Group Discussion

I want you to think about what aspects of the 1920s that you have just learned about and then answer the question below and write it on your guided notes. ■ In your own opinion, do you believe that there are still some aspects of life in the 1920s that might be similar to now? Explain.

F. Scott Fitzgerald “Genius is to put into effect what is on your mind” - F. Scott Fitzgerald ■ Full name: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald ■ Born September 24, 1896– Died December 21, 1940 ■ Married Zelda Sayre during the 1920s, with whom he had a daughter with. ■ Wrote The Great Gatsby in 1925

Themes ■ The American Dream ■ Home ■ Honesty ■ Money/ Materialism ■ Life and Death ■ Love ■ The Past

Character: Jay Gatsby ■ Jay Gatsby lives next door to Nick Carraway and is extravagantly wealthy. ■ There are many aspects of his life which are left secret. ■ Even at his own parties, he is the subject of rumors and speculation. ■ His single dream, for which he has amassed all his wealth, is to win back the love of Daisy. ■ His desire to relive the past is his undoing.

Character: Nick Carraway ■ Nick, just returned from WWI, moves from the Midwest to the East to get into the bond market. ■ He finds himself living among the wealthy on Long Island where he reacquaints himself with his cousin Daisy and begins a love interest with Jordan. ■ He lives next door to Jay Gatsby. ■ His close proximity with Gatsby brings him between Gatsby’s relationships and life.

Character: Daisy Buchanan ■ Daisy Buchanan and her husband are unhappily married—but rich. ■ She had a relationship with Gatsby before her marriage. ■ She is the major influence behind of all of Gatsby’s choices ■ Her husband Tom is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson, a married woman.

Characters §

Tom Buchanan

§ Myrtle Wilson

§ Jordan Baker


Husband to Daisy

- Lives in the ”Valley of

- Professional golfer


Cheats on his wife with another woman


Comes from old money

Ashes” with her

- Nicks love interest

husband George.

- Daisy’s close friend

- Tom’s mistress

§ George Wilson

§ Mayer Wolfshiem

- Married to Myrtle

- Business partner of

- The cause of something terrible in Gatsby’s life.

Gatsby - Introduced Nick to him

*Look at guided notes

Character Map Tom - Outspoken man -Old money

Myrtle - Married lover of Tom - Represents the lower class

George - Runs a garage and gas station - Husband of Myrtle


Gatsby - Wealthy business man -Goal in life is to be with Daisy

Daisy - Object of Gatsby's desires -Represents the elite social class Nick - Narrator - Happens to follow whatever everyone else does

Jordan -Pro Golfer -Questionable Integrity

Setting: New York ■ New York State ■ The East and West Eggs – fictionalized peninsulas on Long Island Sound ■ East Egg – representative of “old money”; Tom and Daisy live here ■ West Egg – the newly rich live here – not quite accepted into the folds of the old moneyed; Gatsby’s mansion is here and Nicks cottage

Setting: Gatsby’s Mansion ■ Gatsby’s mansion: set on 40 acres; colossal, flashy, garish ■ Symbolic of Gatsby’s success and the “American Dream” ■ Also symbolic of the hollowness of money, success ■ Serves as Gatsby’s lure for Daisy

Chapter 1: Beginning ■ Who do we meet first? Nick Carraway -

He introduced himself as the author of the story and gives a brief introduction of himself.


Spoke a few words on who Gatsby is as a character, “gorgeous” being a describing term for his personality.


Nick lives in the West Egg on the same plot of land as Gatsby, he mentions the liveliness of the house.

Chapter 1: Dinner Party ■ We see nick visit his cousin Daisy in East Egg. ■ Although Nick has many connections in the East Egg he decided to live in West Egg with Gatsby. ■ During the dinner he meets Jordan Baker, the Pro golfer. ■ While all in conversation Tom leaves in a hurry for a call, Jordan tells Nick it’s the mistress. ■ Tom and Daisy make it obvious that they would like Nick and Jordan to date. ■ After the party Nick heads home and finally sees Gatsby, staring at the green light opposite the shore.

Chapter 1: Symbol ■ The Green Light We see the green light at the end of chapter 1. Represents Gatsby's hope for the future. Gatsby reaches for something which is unattainable

Lets Engage This far we have learned about the author, met multiple characters, and we have learned where they live. Now it’s a chance to test your knowledge! 1.

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Activities Now that we have fully expanded our minds on the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald its time to test your understanding of the material.

Activity 1: ■ Get in groups of 4 ■ Each group member must make 1 question– resulting in a total of 4 ■ Answer the questions ■ Be prepared to share with the class (These questions can relate back to the chapter that we have just covered or any thing which I mentioned in this PowerPoint. )

Activity 2: On your own I would like for you to go back to the PowerPoint and find one area of the novel which you are unsure about or would like a clearer explanation. Once done you will pair up with a partner and I would like you to work on it together to make it more understandable. Make a note of what you do not understand on the guided notes and then make another note of how you were finally able to make sense of it

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