The Four Temperaments And The Twelve Horoscopes

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THE FOUR TEMPERAMENTS AND TWELVE HOROSCOPES: Christian or Pagan? by Venerable Dr I. U. Ibeme Websites: , ,

The Four Temperaments, Rudiments and Horoscopy: Superstition not Scripture Colossians 2:8-10 (8) Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (9) For in him dwells all the fullness of the Deity bodily. (10) And you are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and power:

The Four Temperaments describe the classification of moods or emotion-types of crude human or adamic nature, basic attitudes and reflex responses observed among individuals as was used by pagan philosophers and physicians of ancient Greek for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Ancient Greek superstition believed that moods depended on astrological control of the triple Zodiac powers that appear in each of the four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) combined and corresponding with the influence of their four rudimentary elements (Air, Fire, Earth and Water). To apply these zodiac horoscope and mystical rudiment superstitions for medical purposes, Hippocrates had postulated that moods depended on systemic preponderance of four body fluids (Humour Theory or Doctrine of the Humours). Some ignorant of these fallacies believe these to be true and try to conform themselves to one temperamental personality of the other. Many have tried to elaborate characters which they allocate to match these assumptions even in the Church. Today, it is commonly believed and propagated (even in the Church) that success and satisfaction in life could only come by maximizing your inherent temperamental type since trying to develop and attain qualities that do not belong to your inherent temperamental type is futile! The idea of the Four (personality-type) Temperaments presented below spring from the writings of the ancient Greeks, in particular Plato's older contemporary, the "Father of Medicine", Hippocrates (469-399 B.C.) especially on his “doctrine of humours” which he derived from the zodiac trigone metaphysics; and the "Prince of Physicians", Galen (130-200 A.D.) – whose writings could be found in Vol. 9 of “Great Books of the Western World” (1990). Galen was also heavily influenced in his treatment of psychology by "the Philosopher", Aristotle (384-322 B.C.).





PHLEGM Body Humour

BLACK-BILE Body Humour


BLOOD Body Humour

WINTER Zodiac-signs

AUTUMN Zodiac-signs

SUMMER Zodiac-signs

SPRING Zodiac-signs

WATER Element (cold-moist)

EARTH Element (cold-dry)

FIRE Element (warm-dry)

AIR Element (warm-moist)

Slow & Apathetic PERSONALITY

Cold & Depressed PERSONALITY

Quick & Irritable PERSONALITY

Warm & Pleasant PERSONALITY

PEACEFUL Easy way (LaHaye/Litauer)

PERFECT Right way (LaHaye/Litauer)

POWERFUL My Way (LaHaye/Litauer)

POPULAR Fun way (LaHaye/Litauer)

The Four Temperaments and Scripture by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme



(B) Astrological/Metaphysical Scheme: BE WARE! (Adapted from

The Four Temperaments and Scripture by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme


The Four Temperaments, Rudiments and Horoscopy: Superstition not Science According to the Scriptures, this is pseudo-science (1Tim 6:20-21) as the diagrams above clearly show. True Science has shown that moods are mediated by variety of neurotransmitters, hormones and neuro-receptors, many of which –  vary in innumerable ways, NOT in only four ways;  are modifiable by the environment and our experiences, NOT determined by the Law of fate;  depend on our genetic codes, NOT on astrologic zodiacs and rudimentary powers. The Scriptures teach that:  Personality types are determined by exposure and experience, choices and consequences NOT by moods controlled by some imagined body humours or elemental forces of the zodiacs and rudiments (Gal 4:8-10; Col 2:6-10).  Personality types can be recreated or transformed (Rom 12:2; 2Cor 5:17).  Personality types can be renounced or imitated (1Thes 1:6-7; Php 4:8-9).  Personality types can be put-off or put-on (Col 3:1-14).  Personality traits are depraved but Spiritual Fruit is sanctified (Gal 5:19-23).  Inherent Temperament type is someone’s old carnal nature which is sinful leads to condemnation and death (Rom 8:1-4) and so should be DENIED, CRUCIFIED MORTIFIED and (Mat 16:24; Rom 8:12-13; Gal 2:20; 5:24; Col 3:5).  Seeking out our so-called inherent temperament is being carnally minded, which is enmity against God and leads to death (Rom 8:5-9).  What the Christian needs is not discovery of inherent temperamental carnal personality and passions but discovery of God’s purpose and power for us in Christ. “From the time of Moses, God fixed the dates of Israelite feasts based on calendrical reckonings which agreed with the years, the seasons and the months, as determined by astronomical relationship between the equinoxes, the solstices and the lunar phases. These astronomical phenomena had also been used by both Babylonians and Egyptians and obviously Abraham’s household who migrated between the two civilizations long before Moses. However, the pagans did not use astronomical phenomena and seasonal variations only RIGHTLY for chronological reckoning or chronographic dating purposes (Gen 1:14-19) as God did with Moses, but also WRONGLY for astrological mysticism and idolatry (Deut 4:19) which God warned against. Astronomy (a true science) is mathematical calculation about seasonal motions of celestial bodies, while Astrology (a false science) is mystical superstition about spiritual powers of celestial bodies.” See Moods or temperaments do not in any-way depend on some imagined so-called four humours, nor are they fatally determined by the four seasons and four rudiments. St Paul who was assisted by St Luke the Physician was apparently aware of these pagan rudimentary categories. No wonder he taught so much against bondage to the inborn and acquired works or nature of the flesh, subjection to the elemental forces and celestial powers, deceit of speculative philosophies and dissipation of carnally minded tendencies. Christians who are begotten again into the New Creation belong to Christ’s genealogy, personality and destiny. Believers should rather renounce and not recover their carnal temperaments and personality types; they should rather be filled with the Holy Spirit, Who produces His Spiritual Fruit of Christ’s temperaments and personality in us. NOTE: What is the nature of the human being according to the Scripture? From Adam “the Living Soul from earth” (Gen 2:7), humans inherit SPIRIT-SOULS to live on Earth with temporal, corruptible, mortal, earthy FLESH-BODIES (also called SOULISH/Natural BODIES 1Cor 15:44 because the spirit-soul is the spirit or inner being of the outer flesh-body Num 27:16; Zech 12:1). While animals lack the God-breathed spirit-soul, the blood holds the nasal life-breath quickens the flesh-body for both humans and animals alike (Eccl 3:19-21; 12:7; 2Cor 5:8; Php 1:23). Hence flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom (1Cor 15:50). Believers shall inherit God’s Kingdom when their spirits are regenerated by the Holy The Four Temperaments and Scripture by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme


Spirit, their souls renewed to perfection and their mortal “soulish” earthy bodies resurrected as glorious “spiritual” heavenly bodies (1Cor 15:42-49). Our human responsible identity lies in our SOULS (Ezk 18:4; Lk 16:19-31); Our earthly connection lies in our BODIES; Our divine connection lies in our SPIRITS (which is regenerated with the Holy Spirit when we believe in Christ Rom 8:14-16). IN CHRIST the Lord and His “Life-giving Spirit from heaven” (1Cor 15:45-49), believers are destined to resurrect with everlasting, incorruptible, immortal, heavenly SPIRITUAL BODIES for the Millennium Kingdom and the Eternity Bliss (Rev 20:6; 21:8).

The Four Temperaments, Rudiments and Horoscopy: Bondage not Freedom The Four Temperaments and Twelve Horoscopes are certainly not attributable to the Fullness and Fruit of the Holy Spirit or Fullness of Christ but to the inborn or rudimentarily determined human nature, WHICH AT ITS BEST IS CALLED THE FLESH IN THE SCRIPTURES. These have nothing whatsoever to do neither with scriptural Christianity nor with true scientific physiology. The root of the Four Temperaments as seen in diagram (B) has to do with the Four divination Horoscopy Trigons and Four mystical Rudimentary Elements (Gal 4:3-10). Not all that glitters is gold. Be warned! Don’t get back into bondage! For Christians, natural temperaments are works/desires of the flesh or motions/passions of sin (Rom 7:5; Gal 5:16-21) and so are to be mortified and crucified not magnified (Gal 5:24-26; Col 3:5-8). They are to be denounced, be brought under subjection (1Cor 9:25-27) and be replaced with the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (i.e. the Divine Nature or the Measure of Christ) Gal 5:22-23; 2Pet 1:3-8; Eph 4:11-13. The natural man is in enmity against God and cannot please God (Rom 8:510), nor understand the things of God (1Cor 2:14). Our temperaments spring from our fallen nature and are the reasons why we are ungodly. Present day interest in temperaments tends to encourage preservation of so called positive qualities. But the Scripture says these are filthy rags (Isa 64:6), fallen short of God’s glory and depraved. Believers should live in Christ and not be deceived through vain philosophies to become bound again to any rudimentary temperament. (Col 2:6-10).  Contrary to New Age self-worship and modern heathenish propaganda which the Church is fast imbibing, the four humours and the rudiments do not really determine anyone’s personality, nor is carnal personality of any use for good success and spiritual fulfilment in Christ (Rom 8:12-13).  New Age self worship propagates that key to success and spiritual fulfilment lies in our discovery and pursuit of self (personality, passions, and pleasures) rather than self denial and discovery of God’s will.  When Moses and Jeremiah tried to use self discovery and desires to assess their calls, God differed and maintained that their success shall depend on their walking with Him according to His Word (Exo 4:10-12; Jer 1:4-10); Christ insisted on outright self denial instead (Mat 16:23-25).  When God counselled Joshua on keys to leadership success and spiritual fulfilment, He said nothing about discovery of self. What biblical Faith teaches as key are denial and submission of self for divine transformation (Rom 12:1-3).  In the Scripture, the means of good success and spiritual fulfilment are confidence in God’s purpose and power (not in the flesh), conviction about God’s call and pleasure, diligent circumspection with God’s will and wisdom (Eph 5:15-17), and selfless commitment to God’s Word and precepts (Josh 1:6-9) NOT self discovery of carnal passions, personality and temperaments. BELIEVERS SAVED TO LIBERTY IN CHRIST SHOULD NOT ENTRUST THEIR FATE AND FORTUNE BACK INTO BONDAGE OF HOROSCOPES AND TEMPERAMENTS OF THEIR OLD FLESHLY NATURE. Temperaments and Horoscopes are attributed to the Law/Course of The Four Temperaments and Scripture by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme


 the Powers of the air (Eph 2:2-3) or  the Seasons and months (Gal 4:8-11) or  the Rudiments of the world (Col 2:20). Christ is a personality changer as well as orientation and horoscope liberator. He makes all things new (2Cor 5:16-17). Updated March 3, 2015 by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme Copyright © PriscAquila Publishing, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Click here for PriscAquila Christian Resource Centre ;

The Four Temperaments and Scripture by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme


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