The Folly Of Rejecting Wisdom

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”The Folly of Rejecting Wisdom” (Proverbs 1: 20-33)

Introduction: Thus far in the book of Proverbs we have seen that God has given us this book in order to understand how we are to live in His covenant community. It is a book of instruction and discipline which is directed both to young and old alike. It is a book which applies God’s Ten Commandments to all areas of life in a very practical way. We have also seen where all God-glorifying knowledge is to begin, the starting point apart from which everything we do and know will only end in destruction, namely, the fear of God. The fear of the Lord is a necessary element to your Christian experience. For if you do not fear Him, you will certainly turn a deaf ear to His commands. This week, Solomon gives to us a very sober warning against ever turning away from the knowledge and wisdom of God. Those of you who have read the book Pilgrim’s Progress know that the book is full of vivid imagery and analogy. Bunyon has a very precious way of bringing to life the very evils we fight against and the virtues that we seek to inculcate in our lives in characters that you can easily relate to. But Bunyon was not the first to use such imagery. It is laced throughout the Bible. Our Lord often used it in His parables. And we find a large amount of it in the poetical and proverbial portions of Scripture as well. In our passage this morning, Solomon uses such imagery by picturing the wisdom that he seeks to teach us as a woman. This woman is very precious indeed. She is a woman to be embraced. She is a woman to be sought after at all costs. Later in the book he will introduce us to another woman who is to be avoided like the plague: the woman with a black heart who will seek to lead you into an early grave. Her paths lead to Sheol. Falling into her snare is like falling into a bottomless pit from which you will never escape. But not so with lady wisdom. All her paths lead to life; riches and honor are in her house, ”AND HAPPY ARE ALL WHO HOLD HER FAST” (Prov. 3 : 1 8 ) . This morning, I want you to see that this woman, this heavenly lady of God’s courts, is calling to you to listen to her. And her message is simply this, Embrace wisdom with all your heart and learn her ways, for if you do not, she will not deliver you in the day of your calamity. First I want you to see that she is calling for you to listen; secondly, there is danger in refusing to listen to her voice; and thirdly, there is blessing promised to you if you will heed it.


First, Recognize that God’s Wisdom Is Calling to Each of You Here This Morning (w. 20-23). A. It Is from Within the Church that Her Voice Is Heard and from There Is Extends Outside the Church (w. 20-21). 1 . You must never forget that the Bible is the possession of the covenant community of God. It was not given to the world at 1arge. a. In Romans, after Paul had shown that both Jews and Gentiles were all under sin, he raised the question, ”THEN WHAT ADVANTAGE HAS THE JEW? OR WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF CIRCUMCISION? GREAT IN EVERY RESPECT. FIRST OF ALL, THAT THEY WERE ENTRUSTED WITH THE ORACLES OF GOD” (3:1-2).







T h e revelation o f G o d ’ s nature a n d o f H i s w i l l w a s e n t r u s t e d t o the church. I t w a s a p r i z e d p o s s e s s i o n , f o r the k n o w l e d g e o f G o d ’ s s a l v a t i o n i s b e y o n d value. T h e s a m e i s true o f the New T e s t a m e n t church a s w e l l . T o i t i s e n t r u s t e d the Word o f God. P a u l w r o t e t o T i m o t h y , ” I AM WRITING THESE THINGS TO YOU, HOPING TO COME TO YOU BEFORE LONG; BUT IN CASE I AM DELAYED, I WRITE SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW HOW ONE OUGHT TO CONDUCT HIMSELF IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD, WHICH I S THE CHURCH OF THE L I V I N G GOD, THE PILLAR AND SUPPORT OF THE TRUTH” ( 1 T i m . 3: 1 4 - 1 5 ) . U n b e l i e v e r s m a y p o s s e s s c o p i e s o f the S c r i p t u r e s . B u t i t i s the p e c u l i a r treasure a n d r i g h t f u l p o s s e s s i o n o f the church, w h i c h she i s t o p r o c l a i m i n t h i s w o r l d .

T h e voice o f w i s d o m , then, i s h e a r d i n the church through the S c r i p t u r e s , a n d w h e r e v e r the church w i l l p r o c l a i m t h a t m e s s a g e . a. i n I s r a e l , the o n l y p l a c e i t w a s h e a r d w a s i n the h o u s e h o l d o f God, the n a t i o n o f I s r a e l . O n l y those w h o c a m e there c o u l d hear o f G o d ’ s w i s d o m . O u t s i d e there w a s o n l y the l i g h t o f nature, w i t h i n , i n their conscience, a n d w i t h o u t , i n the creation, t o bear w i t n e s s t o t h e m o f God. b. B u t n o w t h a t the L o r d h a s given the Word o f H i s command t o H i s church t o , ”GO . . . AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL THE NATIONS” ( M a t t . 2 8 : 1 9 ) , the church i s t o take t h i s Word o f w i s d o m t o a l l o u t s i d e o f i t s confines. C. T h i s m e s s a g e i s f i r s t d e c l a r e d i n the w o r d o f H i s revelation; i t i s secondly taught t o the p e o p l e o f God; and then i t i s t o be taken o u t s i d e t o those i n d a r k n e s s i n o r d e r t h a t t h e y m i g h t hear a n d be s a v e d . d . And so l a d y w i s d o m i s c a l l i n g p r i m a r i l y w i t h i n the church, but her voice i s a l s o h e a r d through the church t o those outside.

And Her Message I s V e r y C l e a r : ” T u r n t o My R e p r o o f , a n d I W i l l T e a c h Y o u Knowledge” (w. 22- 23). 1 . Her m e s s a g e i s not f o r those o f you w h o a r e w e l l , but f o r those o f you w h o a r e sick. T o those P h a r i s e e s w h o thought t h e m s e l v e s t o be righteous i n t h e m s e l v e s , J e s u s s a i d , ” I T I S NOT THOSE WHO ARE WELL WHO NEED A PHYSICIAN, BUT THOSE WHO ARE SICK. I HAVE NOT COME TO CALL THE RIGHTEOUS BUT SINNERS TO REPENTANCE” ( L u k e 5 : 3 1 - 3 2 ) . 2. Her m e s s a g e , then, i s f o r those o f you w h o a r e sick, t o those o f you w h o f a l l i n t o the f o l l o w i n g g r o u p s o f i n d i v i d u a l s w h o f o r one reason or another f i n d s o m e t h i n g d i s t a s t e f u l about G o d ’ s w i s d o m . a. T o you w h o a r e the naive or s i m p l e ones, she s a y s , ”HOW LONG, O SIMPLE ONES, WILL YOU LOVE SIMPLICITY?” ( i ) T h e r e a r e those w h o a r e s i m p l e f r o m birth. T h e L o r d d i d not g i v e t o t h e m the e q u i p m e n t t o u n d e r s t a n d much o f G o d ’ s truth. T h i s i s not p r i m a r i l y a d d r e s s e d t o t h e m . ( i i ) B u t there a r e a l s o those w h o a r e naive, either because t h e y think i t i s a virtue t o be so, or because t h e y d e s p i s e the k n o w l e d g e o f God i n their hearts. (iii) A s w e s a i d b e f o r e , s o m e think i t i s g o d l y t o be ignorant. T h e y take the p a s s a g e , ”KNOWLEDGE MAKES ARROGANT, BUT LOVE EDIFIES” ( 1 C o r . 8 : 1 ) , t o m e a n t h a t w e ought not t o r e a d a n d s t u d y the Word o f God, f o r g e t t i n g t h a t the context i s o n l y s p e a k i n g about the


kind of knowledge used to destroy weaker brethren, and forgetting that the Lord exhorts His people to grow in knowledge. Peter wrote, ”BUT GROW IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST” ( 2 Peter 3:18). All of us fall into this category to one degree or another. (iv) But there are yet many more, some within the church, but a much greater majority outside, who are still darkened in their hearts, who will not come that they may learn, but who hate and seek to drive out of their minds the wisdom of God. Her message is directed to them. b.

But there are also those who scoff at God’s wisdom. To you, she says, ”How long, O scoffers, will you delight yourself in scoffing?” (i) The scoffer makes fun of the word. He delights to try and disprove it. And he even takes pleasure in doing exactly what it tells him that God hates. (ii) Yes, it is possible for the regenerate to scoff to some degree at God’s Word. Because we still have indwelling sin, we sometimes think ourselves wiser than God. We scoff at His Word and we do our own will. (iii) But one who continually ridicules and rejects the Word of God, understanding that it is His will, but refusing to do it, is yet dead in his sins. (iv) Wisdom’s message is also directed to them.

c. But there is a third category, that of the foolish. And to you she says, ”How long, O fools, will you hate knowledge?” The fool is the one who lacks sound judgment. But even knowing where the truth of God is to be found, he still refuses to seek after it. He hates knowledge. Unbelievers are fools. Knowing that God exists, they will not acknowledge Him or seek Him. ”THEY SAY TO COD, ’DEPART FROM US! WE DO NOT EVEN DESIRE THE KNOWLEDGE OF THY WAYS” (Job 21 : 14). They do not even care that they are lost and on their way to everlasting perdition. Bridges writes, ”If they hate the knowledge of their lost condition, they exclude all that follows upon it, to make them ’wise unto salvation.’ Of other knowledge they have often too much: mischievous, as keeping out better things; giving them an evil eye, filling the soul with darkness; making them ’hate the light, so that they will not come to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved.” ( J o h n , iii. 19, 20.) ( 9 ) . And yes, it is even possible for one of God’s children to play the fool for a time and reject God’s will. But not fully, nor final1y. Wisdom also lifts her voice to the foolish. 2.

If you are in one of these categories this morning, Her message to you is, ”TURN TO MY REPROOF, BEHOLD, I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ON YOU; I WILL MAKE MY WORDS KNOWN TO YOU.” a. She is saying, ”Give heed to my admonitions against your


ignorance. Listen to what I have to teach you.” (i) A teacher is only of any value if his or her pupils are willing to listen and to learn. (ii) If you are unwilling to hear for one reason or another, then teaching will not profit you at all. (iii) But this teacher comes to you with authority this morning. She says, ”TURN TO MY REPROOF!” Listen to what I am seeking to teach you. I want to turn you out of the way of destruction. I want you to live. b. If you are Christ’s here this morning, the Lord has already given you His Spirit, and He is teaching you God’s wisdom. You need to listen to Him and submit to His instruction. c. But if you are without Christ this morning, then you are like a man who is both deaf and blind cast out into a sea. Those on the boat are calling to you to reach out and take hold of the lifesaver. But you cannot hear, and you cannot see. Your eyes must first be opened, and your ears unstopped before you can hear the message that will save your life. You do not yet see its beauty or its desirabi1i ty. (i) And so lady wisdom says to you, ”BEHOLD, I WILL POUR OUT OF MY SPIRIT ON YOU, I WILL MAKE MY WORDS KNOWN TO YOU. (ii) It is the same promise of Christ to his followers, TOME TO ME, ALL WHO ARE WEARY ANn HEAVY-LADEN, ANn I WILL GIVE YOU REST” (Matt. 11:28). (iii) If you are aware of your weariness under your load of sin, if you are aware of your lack of knowledge and the danger that you stand in of God’s impending judgment, then listen to the reproof which wisdom offers you, and come to Christ Jesus, and take His yoke upon you and learn of Him. (iv) You will find that it was only by God’s grace that you were enabled to do so. ’y

11. But If You Refuse to Listen to Her Warnings in these Days of Your Prosperity, She Will Not Listen to You in the Days of Your Adversity (VV. 24-32). A. Wisdom Is Calling, But There Are Those of You Who Will Not Give Heed to Her Voice (w. 24-25). 1 . She is calling to you; she is stretching out her hands to you. a. God’s wisdom is speaking to you this morning through the mouth of His ambassador. b. The Savior is calling you through His Word, through His benevolent dealings to you in life, and through your conscience. 2. But perhaps some of you are refusing to listen. a. You will not give heed to wisdom’s counsel; you do not want her reproof. b. The Lord says, ” I HAVE SPREAD OUT MY HANDS ALL DAY LONG TO A REBELLIOUS PEOPLE, WHO WALK IN THE WAY WHICH IS NOT Goon, FOLLOWING THEIR OWN THOUGHTS, A PEOPLE WHO CONTINUALLY PROVOKE ME TO MY FACE” (Isa. 65:2-3). c. But you might say, ”In what way have we done this? How have we not given heed to what the Lord has spoken?”


d. Knowing that apart from Christ you will certainly perish, have you embraced Him? e. Knowing that no one can come to Him who does not give up all his own possessions, have you given them up to follow Him? f. Knowing that you may only come to Him if you also surrender your own life in this world to follow after Him and serve Him with all your heart, have you done so? g. Do you bach at any of His commandments? Do you try and lessen your responsibility before the Lord, and lower His requirements to meet your desires? h. If so then you tempt the Lord. You have never been born from above. i. You need to listen to what God’s wisdom is saying to you this morning. You need to give heed to her admonitions. B.

If You Do Not Listen to Her Now While You Have the Opportunity, She Will Turn a Deaf Ear to You When Your Judgment Comes (w. 26-32). 1 . She says she will laugh when you reap the consequences of your foolishness (w. 26-28). ”BECAUSE I CALLED AND YOU REFUSED; I STRETCHED OUT MAY HAND, AND NO ONE PAID ATTENTION; AND YOU NEGLECTED ALL MY COUNSEL, AND DID NOT WANT MY REPROOF; I WILL EVEN LAUGH AT YOUR CALAMITY; I WILL MOCK WHEN YOUR DREAD COMES, WHEN YOUR DREAD COMES LIM A STORM, AND YOUR CALAMITY COMES ON L I M A WHIRLWIND, WHEN DISTRESS AND ANGUISH COME ON YOU.” 2. If you seek after her then, it will be too late; she will not answer, and you will not find her (v. 28-30). ”THEN THEY WILL CALL ON ME, BUT I WILL NOT ANSWER; THEY WILL SEEK ME DILIGENTLY, BUT THEY SHALL NOT FIND ME, BECAUSE THEY HATED KNOWLEDGE, AND DID NOT CHOOSE THE FEAR OF THE LORD. THEY WOULD NOT ACCEPT MY COUNSEL, THEY SPURNED ALL MY REPROOF.” 3. She will leave you to reap the fruits of your own actions, and you will be filled up with the consequences of your own ways (w. 31-32). She says, ”SO THEY SHALL EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THEIR OWN WAY, AND BE SATIATED WITH THEIR OWN DEVICES. FOR THE WAYWARDNESS OF THE NAIVE SHALL KILL THEM, ANn THE COMPLACENCY OF FOOLS SHALL DESTROY THEM.” 4. The Lord is kind and good unto all, but there is coming a day when the door of His grace will be forever shut to you. Bridges writes, ”The Savior calls by His word, his providence, his ministers, conscience. But ye refused. Not till his calls have been refused, does he thunder forth his warnings. But such grace, so rich and free, yet rejected -- who can take the guage [sic] of this guilt? All creatures beside are his servants. [Ps. cxix. 91.) Man alone resists his yoke. He stretched out his hand [Isa. lxv. 2 ) to afford help; to confer a blessing; to beseech its acceptance; yea, even to command attention to his call. [See Acts, xxi. 40) But no man regarded. The wisest counsel, the most solemn reproof, all is set at nought. Thus does he ’endure with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction.” (Rom. ix. 22.1 But, 0 sinner! the day cometh, when he, who once yearned, and wept, and prayed, and died, will have no pity [Ezek. v. 11, viii. 18, with xxxiii. 1 1 1 ; when he shall be, as if he laughed and mocked at your calamity [Comp. Judg. x. 14, Isa. i. 24); when he shall delight in the exercise of his sovereign justice over you. (Comp. Deut. xxviii. 63. Ezek. v. 13.1 All will then be the desolation of realized fear [Chap. x. 24);


suddenly as a whirlwind; the distress and anguish of utter despair. (Job, xv. 24. Dan. v. 5, 6, 30.1” [l0-111. 5. Now is the time of God’s mercy and grace. Now He is calling out to you. Listen to Him while there is still time. Seek the Lord while He may be found. A time is coming when the door of mercy will be forever shut against you.


But Lastly, If You Will Listen to Her and Learn Her Ways, You Shall Be Blessed (v. 3 3 ) . A. Those of You Who Have Received the Grace of God Will Be This Lady’s Consorts. 1 . There is no better companion for you through life than this precious wisdom. 2. She will be your life-long friend and will lead you into the riches of God’s grace. 3 . She will teach you not only what you are to do, but show you how to do it that you might best honor and glorify her Lord. 4. If you will receive her and walk with her and do what she commands, then realize that there is a precious blessing here for you.





David was able to lie down and sleep even in the worst situations because he had taken refuge in the Lord ( P s . 3 ) . 2. Noah, when judgment came upon the world, was kept safe in the ark because he trusted his Lord (Gen. 6). 3 . Are you trusting in the Lord this morning? Are you listening to His wisdom, and are you being schooled in His knowledge? And more importantly, are you practicing what you have learned? 4. If you can honestly say ”yes”, then you are under His wings in a place of safety, you are dwelling where you will have no fear of evil. As Bridges wrote, ”Thou shalt behold the world on fire, and feel thou hast lost, thou canst lose, nothing. The ’day of darkness and gloominess’ will be to thee a day of unclouded sunshine, the entrance into everlasting joy” (13). People of God, listen to what wisdom speaks to you, do it with all your heart, and then rest secure in the everlasting arms of God. Amen. 1.

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