The feast day of St. Joseph will be celebrated at OLS with a traditional Altar on Thursday, March 19th in the Parish Hall, after the 6:00 p.m. Mass. A St. Joseph Altar is an offering of love, labor and sacrifice in honor of the patron saint of the Universal church. There are special blessings for all who give and participate in this celebration of sharing. Blessing of Food: in the Parish Hall, after Mass Please bring a food offering of your choice for each intention to St. Joseph for intercessory prayer. A wide variety of foods are needed, although it is customary that no meat dishes be offered. Suggested foods include: Salads Pasta dishes Vegetables Frittatas / Omelets Baked/Fried Fish Soup
Salmon croquettes Fruits Cakes, cookies, pies Home baked breads Tuna croquettes Rice/potato casseroles
If you are unable to cook, financial offerings are needed to offset costs of special breads, holy cards and candles. Proceeds are donated to the poor/needy through Catholic Center of Concern. If you can help in any way, please call Leanora Maenza at 9427665 or the Church office. Co-sponsored by: Knights of Columbus Councils #635, #4304 and Assembly 1288 and Our Lady of Sorrows Church