The Eye Ball And The Earth Ball: Model For Inverted Planetarium.

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This Article has not yet been peer-reviewed This Article was published on 26th January, 2008 at 20:28:01 and has been viewed 1 times. The full citation for this Article This work is licensed is: KAYYAM, E. (2008). The Eye ball under a Creative Commons Attribution and the Earth ball: Model for Inverted Planetarium. PHILICA.COM 2.5 License. Article number 117.

Financial Disclosure: My research is a self effort research this means that: I did not receive any funding or support from any body also there is No role of any sponsors or funding institute in the design and conduct of the study, in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.


Title: The Eye ball and the Earth ball: Model for Inverted Planetarium.

Corresponding Author: Dr. EMAD KAYYAM M.B.B.Ch – General Practitioner Independent Researcher Cell Phone: 00962-79-9828881 [email protected] AMMAN – JORDAN.

Abstract: This Article paper which I considered the continuation of my previous paper Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as a Stonehenge Code, illustrates and addresses more logical evidences that the human eye ball is similar to the planet earth ball through the 3D-coordinate system and by answering the question of what is meant by up and down in term of directions in this universe.

Key words: Human Eye ball, Planet Earth ball, Y axe, Z axe, parallel, Anterior Pole, South Pole.


Part 1 The Eye ball and the Earth ball in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate System The new view of the possible relation ship between the anatomical human eye ball and the astronomical planet earth which I assume in my previous paper titled: Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as a Stonehenge Code, correlate not only the astronomy and physical features of our planet earth to the human eye ball anatomy but also to its physiology, especially physiology which discuss the ocular movement of the eye that have a relation with some important motions of our earth. The solid evidence regarding this subject is that the human eye ball has a defined position at rest (the central optic axe of the eye ball is tilted 23 degrees from the central axe of its orbit) and a very close shape to the earth (the planet earth ball rotational central axe tilted by 23 degrees from its orbital axe) rise the question which logically try to search for the exact reason of why these spherical bodies need to be interrelated? As we know that our planet earth ball is suspended in the space in a more or less in a fixed position regarding the solar system and other celestial objects, i.e. the north pole pointing to the top of the celestial sphere and the south pole pointing to the bottom of the celestial sphere, and because vertical in term of directions in astronomy relates to the planet earth as straight up and down with respect to the plane in which the Earth orbits the Sun (called the ecliptic)? We may think that there is no problem with these terms. The dilemma rises when we suppose any thing above us is up because if we were in the North Pole then any thing above us is up and in the same time if we were in the South Pole which is opposite to the North Pole we will also suppose any thing above us is up too!


Figure 1 The Universe Celestial sphere and coordinate system: how to chart the heavens. (avi-Divx, 4 Mb). en&start=82&tbnid=MhVU_Zf5peRV9M:&tbnh=140&tbnw=140 &prev=/images%3Fq%3DSpherical%2Bcoordinate%2Bsystem %26start%3D80%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3 D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN This dilemma still also faces us if we are thinking about the sky's image or the image of the sky that we have from our current location. We see the stars are fixed in their positions above us if we look to them from earth and if we were floating in space we would see an unobstructed view of the unchanging sky. The imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth makes our view of that sphere depends upon where, on Earth, we are.


Similar the eye the object of analogy in our subject, has a problem with directions and positions but in a different way, actually the eye contained in the orbital skull of the head and the head stands on the skeletal system of the body and both of them poses and have the ability to change their position and direction in many ways in a wide range of motions which in turn reflect on the position and direction of the eye ball although the eye ball has a fixed position at rest in the orbital skull with respect to its orbit. There are many positions to the eye relative to the head and/or the body in the static or dynamic state of the eye ball which can chart in the Cartesian coordinate system of the space and we can elect many static positions to the eye ball in any reference frame. We can assign an arbitrary X, Y, Z, coordinate system in the local frame of the earth: in which the “Z” axe of the earth ball is the rotational axe of the earth and this is sound logic since the “Z” axe is the vertical axe at which the earth ball is rotated in its plane around itself and a round the sun. The Earth equator frame has the X-axis pointed towards the vernal equinox and the Z-axis parallel to the Earth's spin axis towards north. The Earth ecliptic frame has the same X-axis direction but the Z-axis towards the ecliptically north Pole. The Y-axis makes up a 'right-handed' orthogonal set with the Xand Z-axes. For both frames the origin is in the center of the Earth. Also similar the Eye ball has a primary position in the globe which is best defined by SCOBEE as… Primary position: that position of the eyes in binocular vision when, with the head erect, the object of regard is at infinity and lies at the intersection of the sagittal plane (i.e. sagittal plane divides the body into left and right portions) of the head and a horizontal plane passing through the center of rotation of the two eyeballs. Page 88, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye


The eye ball also assign an arbitrary X, Y, Z coordinate system which is best described by FICK. FICKS AXES: All movements of the globe around the hypothetical center of rotation can be analyzed in terms of a coordinate system with three axes perpendicular to each other and intersecting at the center of rotation. These three axes were described by FICK and bear his name as the X, Y, Z axes of FICK. These axes are stable in relation to a frontal plane (i.e. frontal plane divides the body into back and front, or posterior and anterior portions.) fixed in the skull that corresponds roughly with the equatorial plane of the eye when it is directed straight ahead (Listing plane). Page 90, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye

Figure 2 The FICK axes of the Eye ball In the Article titled Human Eye Solar Earth analogy as a Stone hinge code, I assume a similarity relation between the anatomical human eye ball and the planet earth ball in shape,


tilt and motions, the analogy utilizes the descriptive analysis and the simple comparison to address many similar observations in the two balls as a suspended spheroid bodies leads to a novel insight interpret the mechanism of function of Stonehenge as one of the calendar arts that used as an arithmetical system by ancients in astronomy. The fact that the rotational axe of the earth is more or less seem fixed in the space and considered the “Z” coordinate in the Cartesian coordinate system and the analogues optic axe of the human eye ball considered the “Y” coordinate in the Cartesian coordinate system and seem to be not fixed due to the ability of the head in which the eye locates to move and redirect itself in many position add on to the ability of the body which support the head to move also in many directions, we need to solve these problems: 1- As we take the primary position of the eye ball in which the eyeball optic axe is considered the “Y” axe, the position for analogy in the similarity relation with the planet earth which has a central rotational axe in the “Z” coordinate, and the similarity relation between the two balls in there primary positions find a code to interpret Stonehenge Circa shape and mechanism of function according to the previous primary positions, so is there any indication can be find under the deference in the coordinate set of the two primary positions of the two balls; the planet earth ball and the Eye ball. 2- If we bring the two analogues axes to be parallel in the same coordinate in the 3D-Cartesian system, or in other word if we can elect a static fixed position to the eye ball which is greatly affected by the positions of the head and the body which put the eye ball optic central axe to be parallel with the “Z” axe of the planet earth, did this new similar arrangement means something in term of a potential organizational context?


Figure 3 The Eye ball and the Earth ball in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, notice that the central axe of the earth is in the “Z” coordinate and the central axe of the eye is in the “Y” coordinate


Part 2 The Parallel Organizational Context Potential of the Eye ball and the Earth ball The human eye ball is suspended in the orbital cavity in the head of the human body, the head and body of the human being can move in many directions. Although the human eye ball contained in a moving objects it has a defined position with respect to its orbit at rest; the optic central axe of the eye ball is tilted by 23 degrees from the central axe of its orbit. The central axe of the eye ball is considered the “Y” axe of the eye ball, this axe can converted to the “Z” axe if we prone the head and body and positioned the head directly facing the earth when the body prone in the knee head position.

Figure 4 The Eye ball when the head resting and facing the Earth in the knee - head position.


In this position we may parallel the “Y” axe of the human eye ball with the “Z” axe of the planet earth, and we may say the following regarding our proposition to the two balls in this new organizational context: The Eye ball central axe is “Y” which cope with the “Z” central axe of the Earth in the knee – head position, and as we prove in our previous paper that the shape of the two balls are similar then; the anterior pole of the eye ball which locates in the center of the cornea is the analogues to the south pole of the planet earth and the posterior pole of the eye ball which locates in the back of the eye ball about 3mm posterior laterally from the optic disc is the analogues of the north pole of the earth.

Figure 5 The two balls are parallel in the Z axe. ESRI – GIS and Mapping Software, ARC NEWS online Visualizing Earth from Space Improves Local GIS isualizingearth.html TURBO SQUID, Inc. d=255161


Part 3 Analogy between the Eye ball and the Earth ball in the parallel organizational context According to the position which the eye can reach in the kneehead position which the human being can assume we say again that: in this position the Anterior Pole of the Eye correspond to the south pole of the planet earth, and we can give some evidence regarding The Parallel Organizational Context Potential of the Eye ball and the Earth ball: 1- On average, Antarctica which is locates in the South Pole has the highest average elevation of all the continents. The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level. Elevation, or geometric height, is mainly used when referring to points on the Earth's surface, similar the human Eye ball anterior pole locates on the center of the cornea which is the highest point on the eye ball surface.


Figure 6 The South Pole from above Photo ID: h4voqz | Photographer: JPL NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Credit Line: Copyright © NASA, JPL ghtboxhires.html?ID=h4voqz


Figure 7 The Anterior Pole of the Eye ball Realistic human eye 3D model by web3Dservice Anatomically correct proportions. d=255161

2- the North Pole of the planet Earth has no continent, its simply a glacier of ice sheet above the see, similarly the posterior pole of the human eye ball is a smooth surface and has no structure which may cause elevation. 3- In the proposed analogy which put the anterior pole of the eye ball to analogue with the south pole of the earth to make the “Y” axe of the eye ball to be parallel with the “Z” axe of the earth conclude that the tip of our planet Earth is in the south pole and the bottom is in the north pole as the human Eye ball anterior pole in the prone position is in the bottom, this can be proved by the inverted image which fall on the retina and perceived by our brain to be up-right. “Quote”: Yes, indeed, the image of the "outside world" is inverted on our retina, even though the world appears right


side up. Interestingly, if one wears prisms to make the retinal image right side up, the world will appear inverted. 4- Pole shift theory Recent work by scientists and geologists Adam Maloof of Princeton University and Galen Halverson of Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France, indicates that Earth indeed rebalanced itself around 800 million years ago during the Precambrian time period. They tested this idea by studying magnetic minerals in sedimentary rocks in a Norwegian archipelago. Using these minerals, Maloof and Halverson found that the north pole shifted more than 50 degrees — about the current distance between Alaska and the equator — in less than 20 million years. This reasoning is supported by a record of changes in sea level and ocean chemistry in the Norwegian sediments that could be explained by true polar wander, the team reports in the September–October 2006 issue of the Geological Society of America Bulletin. Research using GPS, conducted by Geoffrey Blewitt of the University of Nevada, has shown that normal seasonal changes in the distribution of ice and water cause minor movements of the poles. What is Pole Shift Theory? Pole shift theory From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A pole shift theory: is a hypothesis that the axis of rotation of a planet has not always been at its present-day locations or that the axis will not persist there; in other words, that its physical poles had been or will be shifted. Pole shift theory is almost always discussed in the context of Earth, but other solar system bodies may have experienced axial reorientation during their existences. Pole shift theories are not to be confused with plate tectonics, the well-accepted geological theory that the Earth's surface consists of solid plates which shift over a fluid ASTHENOSPHERE; nor with continental drift, the corollary to


plate tectonics which maintains that locations of the continents have moved slowly over the face of the earth, resulting in the gradual emerging and breakup of continents and oceans over hundreds of millions of years. Pole shift theories are also not to be confused with geomagnetic reversal, the periodic reversal of the earth's magnetic field (effectively switching the north and south magnetic poles). Geomagnetic reversal has more acceptances in the scientific community than pole shift theories.

NEWS@PRINCETON: 7/index.xml?section=newsreleases Planet Earth may have 'tilted' to keep its balance, say scientists: Imagine a shift in the Earth so profound that it could force our entire planet to spin on its side after a few million years, tilting it so far that Alaska would sit at the equator. Princeton scientists have now provided the first compelling evidence that this kind of major shift may have happened in our world's distant past. By analyzing the magnetic composition of ancient sediments found in the remote Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, Princeton University's Adam Maloof has lent credence to a 140year-old theory regarding the way the Earth might restore its own balance if an unequal distribution of weight ever developed in its interior or on its surface. The theory, known as true polar wander, postulates that if an object of sufficient weight -- such as a super sized volcano -ever formed far from the equator, the force of the planet's rotation would gradually pull the heavy object away from the axis the Earth spins around. If the volcanoes, land and other masses that exist within the spinning Earth ever became sufficiently imbalanced, the planet would tilt and rotate itself until this extra weight was relocated to a point along the equator. Polar wander can tip the entire planet on its side at a rate of perhaps several meters per year, about 10 to 100 times as fast as the continents drift due to plate tectonics. Though the poles themselves would still point in the same direction with respect


to the solar system, the process could conceivably shift entire continents from the tropics to the Arctic, or vice versa, within a relatively brief geological time span. If a true polar wander event has occurred in our planet's history, it's likely been when the continents formed a single mass on one side of the Earth," he said.” We don't expect there to be another event in the foreseeable future, though. The Earth's surface is pretty well balanced today."

Figure 8 Pole Shift Theory 64/72A37/index.xml?section=newsreleases


Discussion: The integrative method of collecting data in this research which incorporates a facts from a two major scientific fields; the anatomy and astronomy and begins from the question that ask: what is the meaning that the human eye ball has the same shape and tilt of the planet earth ball and why would they have this connection? Surf forward in viewing and evaluating the strength of the evidence that place confidence in the observations that connect the eye with the earth and the strategies and methods that was created within the scope of anatomy and astronomy effective in suggesting another model of utilization to these observations and conclusions that evidence supports that the two balls also have a certain specific position for the analogy in which there central axes become parallel in the same coordinate if the eye of the human being the most superior creature assume a specific position which put it in a specific organizational context with the planet earth in which the anterior pole of the eye correspond the south pole of the earth. Embarking on efforts to assemble best evidence to support this new proposition the emphasis on evidence – based facts that find the anterior pole of the eye to correspond the south pole of the earth because the cornea is like Antarctica as they have almost the same ratio of elevation from the surface of there spheres, the research discuss the consistency of findings across the study that provide an interpretation of why they might be constant. According to Pole shift theory which suggest that the planet earth axe could be shifted to assume a more greater angle than what is known today, I believe that as the planet earth can be framed to put its rotational axe in the “Y” and “Z” coordinate in the three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system in its journey to change its tilt from one position to another, the Eye ball in the suggestive knee – head position which change its axe from the “Y” axe to the “Z” axe in the Cartesian coordinate system considered may be in a potential position in which it has a vital link with the planet earth put it in a certain organizational context which may lead to set a rule for directions.


Finally I would like to pay attention that the research at least at this stage may succeed in addressing some conceptual utilizations which refers to situations in which the scientists or the readers are influenced in their thinking about an issue based on their knowledge which they gain from these kind of studies but do not necessarily need to put this knowledge to any specific, document use.

Figure 9 References Grays Anatomy text book 9b/Celestial_Sphere.gif


Economy wise of the Research: From my point of view, the simplest of means that the research utilize in concluding these results which considered of low coast – high benefit ratio is a critical part of any decision to proceed with the research utilization that stand on a careful assessment of the costs and benefits to apply these observations or the method used in concluding it. The cost – benefit assessment should encompass likely costs and benefits of examining the human body in the space lab as a new technique for space exploration. In critiquing the integrative data of the research, I think we should determine whether the problem statement and question are clearly worded and sufficiently specific, whether the variables of relation or phenomena under study are adequately defined and weather the population of interest has been stated. It is also important to evaluate the relevance of research question or its importance to some other aspect of science fields or science workers as the relation between the eye ball and the earth ball the subject of research may group different scientific parties from different angles and interests.


Conclusions: The spatial geometry of the eye ball in the knee – head position which bring the eye ball to be in a specific organizational context with the earth ball could shed new light on a potential position may help us to figure out the directions in the celestial sphere if we combine this model of analogy with the model that interpret Stonehenge Circa. The Parallel Organizational Context Potential of the Eye ball and the Earth ball could yield vital clues to understand something about the evolution of structural arrangement of the universe and may support our perception to a fixed direction for our location in the celestial sphere.


Figure 10 The Anterior Pole of the Eye and the South Pole of the Earth d=255161 /gal_0061520300.html /a17_h_148_22725.html




References: American Geological Institute es.html?ID=h4voqz Cartesian coordinate system Celestial Coordinate System ml ESRI – GIS and Mapping Software, ARC NEWS online “Visualizing Earth from Space Improves Local GIS” earth.html Image Courtesy United States Geological Survey; Image source: Earth Science World Image Bank Motion of the Earth NEWS@PRINCETON 7/index.xml?section=newsreleases Satellite Time, Orbital Coordinate Systems, Part I by Dr. T.S Kelso. The Earth's Motion The Earth's Rotation earth2.html TURBO SQUID, Inc. 1


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