The Extreme Weather In Lhoka Prefecture

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
The extreme weather in Lhoka prefecture. 8th June. XZTV news Since 25th -27th May, heavy snowstorm and rainfall has broken hundreds years weather record in Lhoka prefecture in the TAR. The extreme weather seriously effected in Lhodrag county, Tsona county, Lhuntse county and Tsomay county in Lhoka prefecture. The extreme weather is likely to cause more than 61.6 million Yuan economic damage in the region , 6,701 animals were killed, more than 5.7 million meters long ditches/canals have been destroyed, 123 houses were completely destroyed and 244 houses have been badly damaged. The TAR government and party has responded seriously and held an emergency meeting in order to tackle the disaster and arranged work teams in Lhadrag and Tsona county. So far, 79-kilometre of road has been reopened and 2,520 meters electricity wire re-connected, 19,170 animals rescued or relocated and 614 tons of hay transferred to the region. 7th June 09 The extreme weather in Nagchu prefecture. The heavy snowfall recently Since 23rd of May heavy snow has fallen in Shentsa county, Nyima county, Palgon county, Amdo county and Nyenrong county in Nagchu prefecture TAR. It has killed 81,358 animals and destroyed 700 houses. This is because of the extreme weather with heavy snowfall continuously, the temperature dropped sharply and all grassland was covered by snow and this has made transportation difficult. Moreover, most of the animals had not recovered from the heavy snowfall at end of the 2008 and the drought earlier this year made the animals very weak and vulnerable. Until 2nd June 09, the number of animals that died in these counties is 81, 358 and 763 houses are destroyed. The extreme weather in Shigatse prefecture. 2nd June 09 XZTV news >From 25 -26 0f May, there was heavy snow-rain and snow storm in Gampa county in Shigatse prefecture. The weather suddenly became freezing cold in the county and by 28th May a total of 7,967 animals died under the conditions of freezing cold weather. On 25th May, there was heavy rain that had not been seen before in living memory. It has caused floods, and landslides in many townships and villages and has destroyed infrastructure in the county. The reporte said, [on 29th May] 12 villagers houses were swept away by the flood and 30 houses collapsed, 130 families houses were damaged. On 26th May, 115 families with 1069 people [villagers ] moved to safer places. On 25-26 of May, more than 21 hours of heavy snow fell in Kangmar county, Shigaste prefecture and damaged villages and townships infrastructure in the county. By 28th of May , 12 villagers houses were buried in rubble. In the worst affected townships, which were Kala township ,Samar township and Nyeru township houses were swept away by floods and landslides and 4,136 animals were killed by the extreme weather. The death toll of the animals could increase but no deaths of people have been reported so far. End The frozen in May for the first time Tibetan history 5th June 09 XZTV news The weather has been very unusual in Lhasa in May. Particularly 14-20 May the temperature dropped to below zero degrees. At the time when the ³ear² of the barley grows, which was planted in spring and winter, it has been

frozen and this has seriously affected crops in Maldro Gungkar county, Lhundrup county, Nyemo county and Takste county in Lhasa municipality. The worst frozen area to be affected is Tsalna township and Tsarpa Nanag township in Chushur county where more than 1,862 mu of wheat has been frozen and 1,212 mu of barley completely damaged and more than 650 mu has been less affected.

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