The Event That Shakes The Whole World

  • December 2019
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The event that shakes the whole world From the book THE HIGHLY EDUCATED THE RICH AND POWERFUL Whither are they bound? by DR JOHN SCLIM

There is one coming event that will shock the whole world more tremendously than the September 11 attack on the Pe nt a gona ndt h eWor l dTr a deCe nt e r ,whi c hwa sNe wYor k’ s most famous landmark. The September 11 attacks caught the Americans unprepared or off-guard, so shall this event. It shall catch the whole world completely by surprise, and shall never be forgotten. Why children cannot be left behind Many people have heard of the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and know that those who have been saved by Him will be caught up to meet Him in the air at His Coming. But there are parents who feel concerned about their young children, and wonder whether the latter will be left behind at His coming. A father asked the following question  his question, as well as the answer by the editor of the magazine is reproduced here: Q: My wife and I have a question. The Lord can come at any time for His saints. We shall be taken up to be with Him. What happens to our baby who is now about seven months old? A: Never fear. God is not going to leave this baby boy when the Lord returns for His own. Children up to years of accountability are safe because of the value of the atonement and sacrifice and precious blood of our Lord J e s us .Atde a t h,t he ya r es a f e .Att heLor d ’ sComi nga l s o, we believe from the Word. To a similar question in another issue of the magazine,

t hee di t o r ’ sa ns we ri smor ede t a i l e d. This is an old question, which we may safely trust, eventually to the Divine Wisdom of our God. However, looking at the matter from the standpoint of Scripture we know t ha tme na r e“ da mne d”f orunbe l i e f….J ohn 3.18, a l s ov e r s e36 ;2Th e s s a l oni a ns .2 . 12….“ Tha tt h e ya l l might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pl e a s ur ei nunr i ght e ous n e s s . ”How c oul di tbes a i dofa n infant, or one not to the years of unaccountability, that they were unbelievers or had pleasure in unrighteousness? The crowning sin of sinners is refusal to believe God or His Son, or His Word, even shall we say, His creative power  compare Romans 1.19, 22, etc. This latter would lead even the heathen of accountable age to acknowledge the God of Heaven, in which case if he so humbles himself before God, His Creator Whom he has bowed before and acknowledged, will without question speak further to him and send him the message of life through the Gospel  this has ever been the way God has reached the heathen, so-called. The work of Christ and the Blood of Christ is the basis of all salvation, coupled with faith in the hearers. But we believe that those who are infants, or unaccountable even though older, but with very limited mentality, or no mentality practically at all are covered by the Blood of the Saviour of mankind and, barring any further light from Scripture on this point, we believe such to be included in the Body of Christ in this dispensation of grace. With the old hyper-Calvinistic doctrine, or delusion, that “ He l li spa ve dwi t ht h ebone sofl i t t l ec hi l dr e nwhoh a v e not been baptized into the true Church on earth, so-c a l l e d ” we have no sympathy whatever. It is a hideous perversion of Scripture, without basis, and is merely used as a weapon of worldly religion to swell their church rolls, and keep their devotees under their thumb by terrorizing them as to their children of tender years. Our God is merciful  He has been satisfied with the

death and work of His Beloved Son and will extend such mercy to those who, even born in sin, yet have NOT rejected Him, nor His Son, nor His Word, nor creation testimony. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Who said: “ Suf f e rt hel i t t l ec hi l dr e nt oc o meunt oMe ,a n df or bi dt h e m not: for ofs uc hi st h ek i ngdom ofGod. ”( Ma r k10. 14)I ti s inconceivable that children should be left behind at His Coming to suffer on earth. Following His Coming, the whole world will experience a period of unparalleled suffering and distress. The Lord Jesus Chri s ts a i d:“ Fort h e ns ha l lb egr e a t tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except [if] those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall bes hor t e n e d. ”( Ma t t h e w 24.21,22) He had already said that children should not be hindered from coming to Him, so how could He leave them behind at His Coming? This would have contradicted His words. Banish the thought. True, He will come to take His redeemed people away from this world to be with Himself, but Hewi l la l s ot a k et hec hi l dr e nwi t hHi m.Di dn ’ tHes a yt h a t c hi l dr e na r e“ ofs uc hi st h ek i ng dom ofGod” ?Sohow c oul d children not enter His Kingdom (Heaven) with Him at His Coming? Again, banish the thought. Sad to say, so many people do not worry or bother at all about the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that there shall, at the close of the days, scoffers or moc ke r sc omewi t ht he i rmoc ki nga nds a yi ng ,“ Whe r ei st he promise of Hi sc omi ng ? ”( 2Pe t e r3. 3, 4)Whe nHedoe sc ome ,

they will be shaken to their very core; they will be shocked out of their senses. They will wring their hands and wail. They will be completely devastated when they find their children gone! A well-known pop st a ronc ema det hi ss t a t e me nt :“ I f there were no children on this earth, if someone announced all ki dswe r ed e a d ,Iwoul dj umpof ft heb a l c on yi mme di a t e l y . ” After the children are gone, many people will commit suicide. This event will take place, and we hope you will believe it. TheLor dJ e s usChr i s th a st ol dHi sown… “ Iwi l lc ome a ga i n . ”Ye a ,t heLor dJ e s usChr i s ts ha l lde s c e ndf r om He a ve n with a shout. (1 Thessalonians 4.16) The children  “ r e da nd ye l l ow,bl a c ka n dwhi t e ”f r om a l love rt hewor l d will hear the shout. It will sound so sweet in their ears, enough to make their hearts leap for joy. The infants, whether one year old or two years old, will hear it too, and their faces will light up wi t has mi l e .Theb a bi e swi l ll e a pf orj o yi nt he i rmot he r s ’ wombs. (Do you know what will happen to an eight-month pregnant woman when her womb is suddenly emptied of the baby at His Coming?) All will understand what the shout means. So every child (and every saved person) will rise to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air! When is He coming? He is coming soon, but how soon? But first do not believe any Bible teacher or preacher who tells you that the Lord Jesus Christ would come on such and such a day. He may sound ve r yc onv i nc i ng ,butdon’ tbe l i e v ehi m.TheBi bl e never gives us the date of His Coming, but it does tell us about the last days.

Whe nyouh e a rofwa r s ,don’ tt hi nkHi sComi ngi sve r y near. Many wars have been fought in the past, but they do not indicate that His Coming is near. Similarly, when the world is e xpe r i e nc i nge c onomi cc r i s e s ,d on’ tt hi nkHi sComi ngi sne a r either. When you hear of diseases spreading in the world, don’ tt hi nkHi sComi ngi sve r yne a r .The r eh a v eb e e nma n y epidemics in the past, and the latest outbreak, Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), which has struck fear in many ah e a r t ,i sno di f f e r e n t .Don’ tt h i nk t hi se pi de mi ci sa n indication that His Coming is very near. But there will be new diseases more deadly than Sars appearing after His Coming. There have been so many great earthquakes and natural disasters in the past, but they all do not show that His Coming is very near. But all these calamities pale in comparison to those that will be taking place in the world after the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. These things are discussed in my f or t hc omi ngboo k“ Exc e ptt hos eda ysbes hor t e ne d. ” Then what tells us that His Coming is very, very near? It is what is happening in the Middle East and Europe. But the centre of action is Palestine  t h ec e nt r eofa l lc e nt r e s .“ I tha s been the NERVE CENTRE of the earth since the call of Abraham [the founder of the Hebrew people]. It has been the TRUTH CENTRE of the world since the birth of Christ. It will be the STORM CENTRE of the glove in the awful day of t heAnt i c hr i s t ” . Events are moving very fast to prepare the way for the emergence of the Antichrist  the man with the number 666 (his number is given in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13). The Bible tells us that this man will head the imperial system

of Rome revived  that is, the resurrected Roman Empire. Note that the countries of the European Union will form the former Roman Empire (remember Julius Caesar, one of its emperors). The United States of Europe will have a substantial combined economic clout second to that of the United States of America. A prominent official from the EU took pride in s a yi ngt h a tt heEU “ ha sonequ a r t e roft heGDPoft h ewor l d ; it cannot close the eyes to what is going on in the world. The r e f or ei th a st obea ni mpor t a ntgl ob a la c t or . ”Ani mpor t a nt global actor it will be, and the world will have to reckon with this new superpower. The European Union is unwittingly preparing the way for the emergence of the 666 Man. How do we know that the way is being prepared for him? We will tell you briefly  we cannot have a long discussion here. The Bible says the revived Roman Empire is a ten-kingdom confederacy, but, at the time of this writing, there are fifteen current member states in the EU, and ten new members will join the EU before May 1, 2004. You may ask how the enlarged European Union will fulfil the prophecy of a ten-kingdom confederacy (note the EU will be a ten-kingdom confederacy, not ‘ t e n-na t i o n ’ confederacy). Certain things will happen to make it possible  some states amalgamate (to form a united kingdom), or exit from the Union. The EU will have a full-time President who can yield a lot of power. And they know a strong president can deal with the President of the United States and the President of Russia, and the rest of the world. Europe may have its first president in 2006, but this 666 Man is getting rather impatient  He wants to be the President and the World Leader, but,

according to the Bible, he can only appear after the Lord Jesus Christ has come to take His redeemed and the children from earth to Heaven. In the meantime, the 666 man is waiting in the wings  waiting to appear on the world stage and exercise his authority over the whole world. In order to do so, he must have tools at his disposal. One of the tools he will use is the euro, which will become the most powerful or leading currency in the world. (How will it be so? This is discussed in myboo k“ Exc e ptt hos ed a ysbes hor t e ne d . ” )Re me mbe r ,t he euro came into existence not long ago  this is another indication that His Coming is drawing nearer. So watch closely the events taking place in the Middle East and Europe. Never before have we seen events in the Middle East and Europe moving so rapidly to pave the way for the emergence of the 666 Man. You may also see the formation of the EU Army and EU Government (the EU Constitution is already in place). Watch also Turkey, a Muslim country, joining the European Union. Turkey is already a candidate for membership. No amount of opposition will stop it from joining the EU. Remember, Turkey was once a part of the former Roman Empire, and it would definitely delight the Roman Emperor, the 666 Man, to see Turkey in the Union. Watch how Turkey is preparing itself for the great reunion  it is becoming a modern, westernised state and improving its human rights. Note also the reshaping of the Middle East to make it easier for the 666 Man to control the region. The rearrangement of the US forces in the region after the downfall of the former Iraqi regime will have significant strategic dynamics. So watch closely the events, and you will

know His Coming is very, very near! The Lord Jesus Christ will come and take every saved person and every child home to Heaven! Zillions of people will be left behind.

Happy are the children at His Coming All children will suffer no more. Those who are sick will know no more pain, no more tears, and no more sorrow. The unloved and neglected will have the Lord Jesus Christ to love and care for them for ever. Child labourers will know no more toil and sweat. School children will study no more to fulfil the aspirations or ambitions of adults. Children will no more be sexually exploited by adults or sex predators. Home l e s s ,s t r e e tc hi l dr e nwi l lf o re v e rdwe l li nt heFa t h e r ’ s House. The poor and needy will hunger no more in the Kingdom of God. Children traumatised by wars will dwell in peace in the Kingdom of God. Innocent children will no more be exploited and manipulated by adults. All babies, born or unborn, will gladly go and meet the Lord in the air. Happy are ALL the children when He comes!

The following poem may be sung to the tune of Morning has broken. The children are gone! Children have vanished Gladly from the world. Parents are anguished; The world is shocked. Children are taken To a place most safe; Abandoned children Are also there. No more suffering, No more grief and pain. No more labouring, And no more tears. So sweet is their joy, So bright is their smile. Every girl and boy, Lost in wonder. Thep l a c e ’ swon de r f ul , Words cannot describe. I t ’ ss ode l i ght f ul , Beyond compare. The r et he y’ r eb e hol di ng With great awe the face Of One so loving And so tender!

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