The Essential Guidance Services

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  • Words: 1,055
  • Pages: 29

Guidance and Counseling in Schools by Linda Ambida-Cinco, Ph.D. Prepared by: Ma. Teresa C. Sarenas BEED SPED 3

Guidance Services

 A group of services to individuals to

assist them in securing knowledge and skills needed in making plans and services and in interpreting life.

I. Individual Inventory Service  A service that provides a synthesis of information

about individuals which can be used to gain understanding of themselves as persons – their potentials and liabilities, abilities, interests, and needs.

  Covers the collection, organization, interpretation

and use of data about pupils or students. 

Principles: 1. The collection of data about the learners should be started from the time they begin schooling.

2. 3. Records should grow with the learners as they progress in their studies.

4. 5. Records should be cumulative and inclusive.

6. 7.

4. Records should be unbiased, objective, and unopinionated. 5. 6. The data contained in the inventory should be properly interpreted, wellsynthesized, and carefully used for the benefit of the child. 7.

6. Only






techniques, be



and the

gathering of the necessary information.

7. 8. Records should be systematically kept and conveniently





accessible to the guidance counselor, the principal, and to the teachers who may, from time to time, make good use of the information found therein.

Information about the learner that are included in the inventory: 1.Individual identification data 2.The cumulative records 3.Test records  

a. Mental Ability Tests b. Achievement Tests  

Readiness or progressive tests Diagnostic achievement tests

c. Aptitude Tests   

Interest Inventories Personality inventories

Non-Test Techniques or Self-Evaluation Reports  Autobiographies  Rating Scales  Pupil-data questionnaires  Interview

II. The Information Service  This

service makes available to





information not ordinarily provided through the instructional program or during the regular period of instruction.

Classification of Information Available to the Learners in a program of Guidance Services A.Educational Information B.Social Information C.Occupational Information D.

A. Educational Information  This is a valid and usable data about all

types of present and probable future educational or training opportunities and requirements, including curricular and


requirements conditions

for and

pupil/student life.






Educational Information Needs of Learners 1.Information about the school 2.Information about co-curricular activities 3.Other information 4. 5.

Purposes of Educational Information 

It should help the children to adjust to the new world of school.

 

Even during the elementary grades, the child should begin to learn about the whole complicated cultural pattern of one’s education.

 At the early level, the personnel services

office may become involved with the parents as well as children in the discussion of information regarding the operation of the school.   In grade 6, the children should be given

a picture of what lies ahead in the high school, if they go into one. 

 

At the high school level, the internal type of info will deal more with the various extracurricular activities of the school, and some students may experience for the 1st time the bitterness of not getting into what they want.

 

At the high school level, the major form of educational information will be that which deals with the post high school education

B. Social Information

 It is the valid and usable data about the

opportunities and influences of the human being which will help learners to understand themselves better and to improve their relations with others.

Purposes of Social Information  To simply help the learners develop a

greater understanding of themselves and their relations with others. It is the



educational experience.



C. Occupational Information  Valid and usable data about positions,

jobs, and occupations, including duties, requirements for entrance , conditions for work, rewards offered, advancement pattern, existing and predicted supply of and demand for workers, and sources for further information.

Purposes of Occupational Information  It

will be an important part of the learners’ education and will help them develop a general understanding about the world of work.

  Education is concerned with the development of

attitudes, and an important part of one’s set of attitudes are those relating to occupations, and the people who hold them.

 The learners can be helped if they

come to understand that there are many reasons for working, and that money is only one of them. 

 During these early years, the learners

can be presented with ideas which suggest





common factors that make a job well done or poorly done.  

 The



can that

be among

made tens

to of

thousands of occupations, there are scores that can be equated with an individual’s education, intelligence, and interests. Individuals must be able to relate their occupation to their total self. 

III. The Placement Service  Placement-



adjustment of the individual to the next situation whether in school or on the job. (John Ryan & Franklin Zeran)

Basic Underlying Principles: 1. Placement is an important and integral part of the counseling program.

2. 3. Every student should receive the maximum education suitable to his/her interest and abilities before full time occupational placement is considered.

4. 5. Service to the students according to their individual needs should be the principal criterion for placement.

6. 7. Placement made in accordance with the students’ interests and abilities often lead

Kinds of Placement 1.Educational placement in college 2.Vocational Placement 3.

IV. The Follow-Up Service  Intended to secure information about

former students, and to provide continuing



after they leave school.


Benefits of Follow-Up: A.In-school follow-up  Helps students make good adjustments.  It diminishes the number of drop-outs.

B.Out-of-school follow-up  It will help administrators & curriculum

makers to better adjust instructional offerings to the needs of the students.

  It will serve to encourage students by letting

them know that their school is following their careers and is concerned with their success in their chosen life work.

V. The Counseling Service Counseling

 

- is the core of the guidance program

 

- a form of intervention that leads to a more effective behavior.


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