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How to Change the World: The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing

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How to Change the World: The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing

The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing


Duct tape (the tape) is simple, effective, and affordable—it’s not always the prettiest solution, but it does always work. The central theme of Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide by John Jantsch is that effective small business marketing is a system—not an event—composed of simple, effective, and affordable techniques. When you combine that with the cult-like obsession many people have for all things duct tape you also get a pretty good example of how something simple like the right name can do a great deal for a company, product, service, or book. I asked John to distill his marketing ideas to a top-ten list, and here is what he provided: 1. Narrow the market focus. Create a picture of the ideal client: what they look like, how they think, what they value, and where you can find them. Start saying no to non-ideal clients. 2. Differentiate. Strip everything you know about your product or service down to the simplest core idea. Make sure that the core idea allows you stand out. 3. Think about strategy first. Take everything you’ve done in steps one and two and create a strategy to own a word or two in the mind of your ideal client and prospect. 4. Create information that educates. You are in the information business, so think of your marketing materials, web sites, white papers, marketing kits as information products, not "sales" propoganda. 5. Package the experience. Put visual elements around every aspect of the marketing strategy that you adopt. Use design to evoke the appropriate emotional response from your ideal prospect. 6. Generate leads from many points. People learn in different ways. Your lead generation efforts must allow your prospects to experience your firm from many different angles and views. 7. Nurture leads along the logical buying path. There’s a natural way for your prospects to come to the conclusion that you have what they need. Build the lead conversion system for before, during, and after the sale. 8. Measure everything that matters. Certain things always matter. The secret sauce is in finding and measuring the intangibles – those things down on the shop floor that eventually add up to profit. 9. Automate for leverage. Embrace the Internet or else. Create access, stimulate community, capture innovation, and build knowledge to automate the basic delivery elements of your information business.

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10. Commit. Resist the temptation of the marketing idea of the week. Create daily, weekly, monthly, and annual marketing calendars, make marketing your new habit, and find the money to stick with the plan. Current Rating:

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How to Change the World: The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing

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» Does Your Practice Need Duct Tape? from Legal Marketing Blog John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing blog fame has a new book out entitled Duct Tape Marketing:The Worlds Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. John was kind enough to send me a copy so I could review it and possibly... [Read More] Tracked on April 23, 2007 at 06:12 AM » 3 Favorite Books: A challenge from John Jantsch from Make It Great! with Phil Gerbyshak John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing, recently issued an excellent challenge for all of us who LOVE books:I want to issue to you dear blog reader and anyone else you want to tell. Name your 3 favorite books (business or not) and post the titles ... [Read More] Tracked on April 24, 2007 at 08:06 AM

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How to Change the World: The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing


Top Ten Postings Don’t miss: The Art of the Start Video

John, Your top ten list has solid action items. Then your comment has a gratuitous quantum physics reference. It gave me cause to pause. Kudos to you for collecting these solid principles into a concise form. Doom on you for implying that thoughts generate results without action. You may have thought that I (or more likely your ideal client since you don't know me) would buy your book, but you didn't stop there. You also wrote the book, have good enough chops to get Guy's attention, put together your top ten, and got them posted on a prominent blog with an audience that is similar enough to your ideal to elicit the response you want. Was this all coincidence? No. Especially not in the sense of "an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental." There was nothing accidental about the sequence of events. Fortuitous maybe but certainly with intent. Was this "attracting" by "get[ting] really clear about what makes an ideal client?" Absolutely not. This was a case of doing all the small (and large) things it takes to arrange your marketing so that you will be exposed to those people you want as clients. Being clear who you want as a client was the first of many steps that you followed through on and executed well or else I would never have been exposed to your top ten list. I apologize for the rant. I (obviously) get fired up when fed lines about "attracting" success, especially when it is blatant that you have thought *and* acted to reach your goals. Posted by: Wayne Buckhanan

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As always, lots of great, thoughtful commenting here at Guy's blog. I want to add a little more on #1 too. I'm passionate about it on two fronts.

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1) It's just a good marketing strategy - get known for serving the narrowest possible market - be the "go to" person for it and you will never have to worry about competing on price again. In fact, people will expect to pay a premium for your unique experience. 2) Clients that don't value what you do, don't appreciate the fact that both parties have a roles in the partnership, don't refer, and don't pay their bills (unlike ideal clients!) will suck the life out of your business faster than any other business dynamic - leaving little light or air for you find out how fun this business thing really is. The problem so many small businesses face is they never take enough time and energy to define what an ideal client looks like and then the phone rings, and they say they want to actually pay you for your services and red flag after red flag goes ignored. And now for some quantum physics (Guy's readers can handle it.)

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When you get really clear about what makes an ideal client you will

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How to Change the World: The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing

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How to Change the World: The Essence of Duct Tape Marketing

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