The Engine Of Change

  • November 2019
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The Engine 1


The Engine For Change Furbert (Tony) Trim Management 3103 Prairie View A&M University

The Engine 2

Abstract Diversity is considered the norm in todayʼs global marketplace. Many organizations are embracing the differences in their employees whether it be ethnicity, gender, or age. This piece will explore the true meaning of diversity and its dimensions while expressing diversities importance in the workplace.

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The Engine Of Change

The engine of change is fueled by diversity. According to Daft (2005), diversity is

described as the driving force to obtaining the best talent in a competitive environment. The concept of diversity is an idea that is very difficult to sum up in a phrase or a well put together sentence. In short it encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the avenues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, or religious beliefs. It is also the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. Diversity is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance, to embrace and celebrate the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. Dimensions of diversity branch off into primary and secondary scopes. Primary associates the personʼs inborn differences while secondary facets include elements that are acquired through oneʼs lifetime (p.469). At one time having a diverse workplace was considered the right thing to do, but now it is the most important thing to do. The importance is directly related to the growing dependance on the global market by many organizations. The views of a wider range of individuals are represented in a diverse work environment. This piece is geared toward explaining the importance and the true meaning of diversity and its dimensions.

A major primary dimension of diversity is gender. For many years women in the

US could only imagine having the same rights as men. In todayʼs business environment women are as much a factor as men. As Hillary Clinton stated during the 2008

The Engine 4

presidential election, “The glass ceiling is shattered!” An example of such accomplishments are seen in Mary Sammons, President and CEO of Rite Aid. She has been named as one of the 50 most powerful women by Fortune magazine in 2003. Mary Sammons came to the Rite Aid corporation as itʼs CEO in 1999. When she started they were on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. In less than five years she was able to steer the company back to profitability by infusing new management blood into the company ( Sammons has been widely recognized for the pivotal role she played in Rite Aidʼs turnaround. She started out as a high school graduate in Portland, Oregon. She then attended Marylhurst College where she received a degree in French and a secondary-level teaching certificate. After a brief career teaching she entered a management training program at Portland based Fred Meyer, a food, drug, and general merchandise retailer. While in this program she faced more stringent standards of performance because she is a woman. Some of her superiors at first showed a lack of confidence in her abilities, and continued scrutiny of work.

Another primary dimension of diversity is age. Age discrimination can go both

ways, but most often affects the older population. The older population represents a significant demographic force affecting workforce diversity during the next decade (Robbins & Coulter, 2007). Adam Blake at the ripe old age of 22 has made the top 40 under 40 in the Fort Worth Business Press. He is the president and founder of Venture Corporation a multimillion dollar real estate company. Just a year ago he graduated with a triple major from Texas Christian University and has taken the world by storm. As a freshman in college he got his real estate license and a $100,000 gift from an angel

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investor to start his business. His first venture was renting property to his fellow college students. Currently due to suffering economy he has moved into commercial and foreclosed property (Fort Worth Business Press, 2008). Because of his young age there has been a number of larger corporations that have refused to do business with him. His age has even cost him the financial aid of many investors.

Sexual orientation has been the cause for much of the controversy in 2008.

Several states have voted against same sex marriages. Sexual orientation discrimination has long been an issue for employers nationwide. Whether itʼs the City of Philadelphia grappling over the issue of same-sex partner benefits for city workers, or hotel industry executive Leona Helmsley coming out on the losing end of a multi-million lawsuit for wrongfully dismissing a gay employee. With this in mind, and a goal to support diversity and acceptance, several organizations have been created to aid in the struggle (New Release, 2003). These organizations are Gay Straight Alliance Network International, International Gay and Lesbian Association, and International Lesbian and Gay Human Right Commission ( List_of_gay_right_organizations).

To sum it up diversity contains primary and secondary dimensions that can

greatly affect the workforce. The workforce can benefit by allowing a broader view of opinions and views. Also increasing the customer base and obtain the most talented applicants from around the corner or as far away as another country (Daft, 2005).

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Daft, R,L. (2005). Management (7th e.d.). Mason, OH: Thompson South-Western. Coulter, M., & Robbins, S.P. (2007). Management (9th e.d.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson Prentice Hall.

Amerman, D. (n.d.). Biography of Mary Sammons. Retrieved November 10, 2008, from

List of Gay Rights Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2008,


Howe, A. (2008). Fort Worth Business Press: 40 under 40. retrieved November 13,

2008, from

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