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The Effects of Computer Addiction in the Study Habits of Senior High School Students at Taguig National High School

A Thesis Presented To Research Culminating Taguig National High School Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Senior High School Technical Vocational Livelihood Track Computer System Servicing

By: Karen J. Amilasan Jessa V. Datugan Gerlie M. Hernandez Zsanen S. Tejas


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Acknowledgement This thesis becomes a reality with the kind support and help of many individuals. The researchers would like to extend their sincere thanks to all of them. To Mrs. Cheryl P. Joaquin, for the support, guidance, advice, for making this research possible, as well as her pain-staking effort in proof reading the drafts, is greatly appreciated. Indeed, without her supervision, we would not be able to put the topic together. The researchers express, too, their profound and loving thanks to their family for their unfailing love and support throughout their lives. They are truly thankful for the care, love and support of their family through every circumstance. Thank you also to our parents who support us in our research, because as a parents they also need to know if the school we’re attending has a good security that can protect us if we are inside the school campus. We also give thanks to them for supporting us emotionally and financially. Lastly, the researchers offer their regards to all the students of Taguig National High School.

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Amilasan, Karen J. Datugan. Jessa V. Hernandez. Gerlie M. Tejas, Zsanen


Taguig National High School ̶ Taguig Branch

Research Adviser:

Mrs. Cheryl P. Joaquin

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Introduction Background of the Study Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Scope and Limitations of the Study Significance of the Study Definition of Terms Chapter 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES

Foreign Literature Local Literature Foreign Studies Local Studies Chapter 3: DESIGN AND PROCEDURE

Research Design Population Sample Instrumentation Treatment of Data Chapter 4: PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA


Summary Findings Conclusion Recommendation References Appendices

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Introduction Our population is getting bigger and its improving generations to generations so as the technology. Modern technology continues to evolve, and it helps human to make life and work easy, fast, comfortable and handy. And because of technology, electronic devices were created such as personal computers, android phones, smart watch, iPhones etc. Computers, determined as the greatest invention of man itself. Students and Teenagers got used to have technology around them. They can get information that they want in computer in just one click. Sometimes they used computer as habit only or a resources for us to have some information but it is used too much, resulting to positive or negative effects for the lives of students and teenagers particularly in their studies. Students and teenagers can communicate to the people who are far from them or find entertainment when they are playing computer games and a lot of benefits that the computer has, but when computers are used too much without any purpose this will lead to computer addiction. Computer addiction is a mental illness in which the individual turns to the internet or plays computer games in an attempt to change moods, overcome anxiety, deal with depression, reduce isolation or loneliness, or distract themselves from overwhelming problems. Background of the Study Computer addiction was noticed in 1973 in some people. The addiction is a mental illness which causes the excessive use of computers to the extent of it interfering with daily life. Its

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excessive use may also explain problems in social interaction, personality, mood, work ethic and relationships. Computer addiction is the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought processes, or sleep deprivation. Neither computer addiction, Internet addiction, nor video game addictions are clinically described in the DSM 5, the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Some people develop bad habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and negative consequences are similar to those of known addictive disorders. Not all people who spend hours each day on the computer are considered addicted. There are many uses for computers and the internet and in many cases, an individual may spend 6 or more hours in a day on the computer but still not be considered an addict. Each individual situation is different and therefore, there is no set number of hours that is (or is not) considered a potential for computer addiction. Theoretical Framework The researchers used the following theories to support the foundation of the study. Connectionism Theory of Edward Lee Thorndike Edward lee Thorndike formulated the theory of connectionism, also called the stimulusresponse theory. According to Thorndike, learning consists of the formation or strengthening of connection between a specific response. He based his explanation on this experimentation with animal and child learning.

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The theory of connectionism states that human activity is based on association between stimulus and response. Any activity has 1) a stimulating situation which influence or affects the individual. For example, a person influenced in using a computer because he has a family problem, he use a solvent for his to escape the problem that he has. (2) A response which the individual makes towards the situation. For example a person who decided to use a computer such as social media and computer games because of their problem that they are involved with by spending their time in front of computer. Because they feel that they forgot their entire problem for a while (3)a connection between the situation and response by means of what the stimulus is able to produce in the response. The connection is called the S & R bond or S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response.) The connectionism theory relates with our study because it is also all about Stimulus and response where in the stimulus stands for a situation while the response is stands for the effect of the situation. Behaviourism Theory Watson coined the term “Behaviorism” in 1913. Behaviourism assumes that behavior is observable and can be correlated with other observable events. Thus, there are events that precede and follow behavior. Behaviorim’s goal is to explain relationships between antecedent conditions (stimuli), behavior (responses) and consequences (reward, punishment, or neutral effect). Watson’s theory was more concerned with effects of stimuli. He derived much of his thinking from Pavlov’s animal studies (classical conditioning). This is also referred to as “learning through stimulus substitution,” a reference to the substitution of one stimulus for

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another. For example, the ringing of a bell eventually produced the same response as food Pavlov’s dogs.

Conceptual Framework

Input 

Taguig National High School Senior High School Students

 

Survey Questionnaire Interview

Age 

 



15 years old & above Gender Female Male


Statement of the problem This study aims to determine the effects of computer addiction in the study habits of senior high school students to answer the following questions 1. What are the selected basic profile of the respondents in terms of; a) Age

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b) Gender 2. What are the effects of computer addiction in the study habits of the respondents? Hypothesis The computer games have a significant effect in the study habits of senior high school students in Taguig National High School.

Scope and Limitation The study was focused only and covered the following: Setting- The study will be conducted in Taguig National High School Subject- The main objective of this study was to inform the students about the effect of computer addiction in their study habits. Respondents- The respondents of the study are the senior high school students in Taguig National High School

Significance of the Study The researchers conducts this study to be helpful to the senior high school students of Taguig National High School that serves a guide for them to know the importance of having healthy, physical, emotional, and mental health and for them to know the effects of computer addiction in their study habits. Definition of Term

For better understanding of the research, the following terms are conceptually defined:

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Connectionism–is a set of approaches in the fields of artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind that models mental or behavioral phenomena as the emergent processes of interconnected networks of simple units. Stimulus – is something that causes physiological response: Stimulation. Stimulus (physiology) something external that influences an activity. Stimulus (physiology), a concept in behaviourism and perception. Compulsive – is defined as performing an act persistently and repetitively without it necessarily leading to an actual reward or pleasure. Compulsive behaviour could be an attempt to make obsessions go away. A major cause of the compulsive behaviour is said to be obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD). Sleep Deprivation – is the condition of not having enough sleep; it can be either chronic or acute. A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain. It adversely affects the brain and cognitive function.

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CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies that is relevant and useful information’s related in conducting this study. Review of Related Literature A. Foreign Level of Internet Addiction in Adolescent According to Pallanti, Bernardi and Quercioli (2006), Internet addiction can be found at any age and in any social condition, but most of the research major attention has been focuses on adolescent because adolescent seem to be a critical period of addiction vulnerability. The research of Van Rooij and Van den Eijinden (2007) had reported that, using internet has become one of the most popular leisure-time activities among adolescent in Western societies. Adolescents in Netherlands of ages between 11 to 15 use the internet for leisure activities and for adolescents aged 14 and older regard internet usage as an important leisure-time activity than watching TV (as cited as Van den Eijinden, Spijkerman, Vermulst, Van Rooij and Engels, 2009). According to Lin, Lin and Wu (2009), older adolescents appear to be more dependent on the internet than younger adolescent. Recent studies have found that 19.8% of adolescent in the world have internet addiction and furthermore, it is associated with hostility (Ko, Yen, Liu, Huang, and Yen, 2009). The first widely “wired” generation nowadays are preteens and teens and according to eMarketer (2004), the number of preteens and teens online in United State grew steadily from 26.6 million in 2000 to 34.3 million in 2003 and nearly one-half of all youngsters were online (as cited in Lin & Yu, 2008). However a recent survey from Forrester Page | 11

Research (2005) had revealed that consumer between the age of 12 and 17 in North America were often online daily and average almost 11 hours per week. On the other hand, a survey by Taiwan Network Information Center (2008), should that the internet population in Taiwan has reached 15 million. Among them, internet user of the age under 20 accounted for about 2.86 million. Furthermore, the two groups with the highest rates of internet usage were 12 to 15 years old which is 98% and 16 to 20 years old that is 95.6% (as cited in Lin & Yu, 2008). Based on Pallanti, Bernardi and Quercioli (2006) research, 5.4% of the sample was internet addiction and the sample included 275 students with the average of 16.67 ± 1.85 years and consisted of 52.4% males and 47.6% females. This research also shown that in Italy, internet usage had a slower diffusion than in other countries. However, in another research from China Internet Network Information Center (2006) had shown that 123 million people had gone online, of which 14.9% were teenagers below 18 years old and it has concluded that internet addiction is currently becoming a serious mental health problem among Chinese adolescents. Chou and Hsiao reported that the incidence rate of Internet addiction among Taiwan college students was 5.9%. Wu and Zhu identified 10.6% of Chinese college students as addicted to Internet (as cited in Cao, Su, Liu and Gao, 2007). Based on Chen et al. (2005), the majority of online gaming crime in Taiwan is theft (73.7%) and fraud (20.2) and their research found that the age of offenders is low with is 3.3% between ages 15 to 20 years of age, 8.3% are under 15 years old (as cited in Wan &Chiou, 2007). According to Park, Kim and Cho (2008), there are more adolescent using the internet than any other age group in South Korea. Based on their research 97.3% of South Korean adolescents between the age of 6 and 19 years used the internet in 2005. Moreover, a study have investigated the prevalence of Internet addiction among South Korean adolescents been made. In this study 903 adolescents participated and 10.7% of them scored high on the Internet Addiction Scale and

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these youths were considered at high risk for Internet addiction. This phenomenon occurs because South Korea is an internet-based society that provides numerous middle and high school adolescents with easy internet access and Internet addiction among South Korean is serious. B. Local Computer games and Academic performance By: MICHEL T. VINLUAN

The rapid advancement of computer technology and its continuous invasion of the world are inevitable. The package of computer technology comes with a lot of features that influence many aspects of life in a variety of ways. Time and again, computer technology has exposed to us and made us experience its positive and negative effects. In this article, we are going to examine the good and the bad effects of computer games, specifically to education and student achievement. Computer gaming is one of the fast-developing sectors of this generation of computer technology. Computer games offer their patrons with a new dimension of virtual entertainment. The youth especially, college students are the usual patrons of computer games. According to NIKO Media Research, the projected number of online computer gamers in the Philippines rose from 21 million in 2012 to 28.72 million in 2014. Meanwhile, statistics from Juha Sompinmaki of Tech In Asia show that about 409, of the gaming population of the Philippines is aged 18-24 years old. Computer games receive a generally negative reception from people especially parents, because for them, there are wastes of time. Additionally, critics and researches have linked computer gaming to video game addiction, violence, anti-social behavior, and attention

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problems, among others. These researches are supported by their analyses on the usually violent content and the addictive implications of these games on the brain. As founded in the study of Gentile, Lynch and Walsh in 2004, academic achievement may be negatively related to over-all time spent playing video games. Studies have shown that the more time a kid spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. Also, a study by Argosy University’s Minnesota School on Professional Psychology found that video game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. Other studies show that many game players routinely skip their homework to play games, and many students admitted that their video game habits are often responsible for poor school grades. However, there are also researches that support the positive effects of video games, especially on the brain. According to University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green, “video games change the brain.” Video games change the structure of the brain and can help release beneficial neurotransmitter surges that can build the brain. Furthermore, many multiplayer games such as DOTA or Defense of the Ancients and LOL or League of Legends involve cooperation with other online players in order to win. These games encourage players to make the most of their individual skills to contribute to the team. Moreover, a study in United Kingdom found out that students who played online games almost every day scored 15 points above average in math and reading tests and 17 points above average in science. In the Philippines, the population of gamers is very huge. Beginning from the simple cartoon games played by the toddlers up until the riot playing games played by the college students and the older ones too. An article posted in PhilCare in 2014 pointed out that researchers found that video games, particularly shooter games, have the tendency to strengthen the cognitive skills of

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their test subjects, especially in the areas of spatial navigation, reasoning, memory, and perception. These effects shooter games have on test subjects were not evident on other types of safe video games like puzzles or role-playing games. Gamers can utilize these advantages of computer games provided they play in moderation. They should not allow themselves to be enslaved by these games. Priority setting and proper guidance by parents, teachers, and other elders can play a part in this goal. The effects of computer games on gamers are influenced not only by the game content, but most especially, by the manner on which the gamers play them. Video gaming is not bad for the health as well as the well-being of the individual. It may also give some benefits depending on the frequency of the gaming of the person. In proper moderation and supervision, video gaming might be a tool for enhancing the cognitive and social skills of an individual. Technology aims to generally be helpful to us and the whole world. It is really up to us how we will use technology, while its features to our advantage, and how we will let it impact of lives. -The author is Secondary Teacher II at Arayat National High School

Review of Related Studies A. Local Lojo (2008) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games on the academic performance and behavior of high school students. The results of her study disclosed that to maintain the good academic performance of students, parents should set limits on how often and how long their child is allowed to play video games. The effects of electronic games and other factors in the grade five pupils’ academic performance at A. Quezon elementary school, DEPED, Manila was looked into by Dorol (2009). Page | 15

Dorol concluded that electronic games were related significantly to pupils’ academic performance with correlation of .194 significant .o21 levels. This means that the computer games played by the pupils before going to sleep, after taking lunch or supper, and during recess significantly related to their performance in school. Mandanas (2007) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games and students’ profile in the socialization and academic performance of selected students in Kapayapaan National High School, Canlubang, Calamba City. The study concluded that most of the students playing computer games and the students’ profile both have a significant effect on the socialization on the students but no significant effect on the academic performance of the students. B. Foreign Video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are a unique form of entertainment, because they encourage players to become a part of the game's script. Today's sophisticated online games require players to pay constant attention to the game, rather than passively watching a movie. This has both positive and negative impacts on players. Several studies have been published that explore these impacts on today’s children. The most widely used "positive" impact online games are said to have on children is that they may improve a player's manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more "realistic" virtual playing experience. This quality makes the online game industry a powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies show that online games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive. Part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play online games.

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In the study by Walsh (2000), a majority of teens admitted that their parents do not impose a time limit on the number of hours they are allowed to play online games. The study showed that most parents are unaware of the content or the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating of the games their children play. In a study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh (2004, p.6) "adolescent girls played video games for an average of 5 hours a week, whereas boys averaged 13 hours a week". The authors also stated that teens who play violent games for extended periods of time tend to be more aggressive, are more prone to confrontation with their teachers, may engage in fights with their peers and see a decline in school achievements. (Gentile et al, 2004). Five decades of research into the effects of exposure to violent television and movies have produced a thoroughly documented and highly sophisticated set of research findings. They concluded that even brief exposure to violent TV or movie scenes causes significant increases in aggression that repeated exposure of children to media violence increases their aggressiveness as young adults, and that media violence is a significant risk factor in youth violence. (Bushman &Huesmann, 2001; Huesmann et al., 2001) Research on exposure to television and movie violence suggests that playing violent video will increase aggressive behavior. A meta-analytic review of the video-research literature reveals that violent video increase aggressive behavior in children and young adults. Experimental and non-experimental studies with males and females inlaboratory and field settings support this conclusion. Analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. Playing violentvideo also decreases pro-social behavior. (Bushman, September 2001).

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Given the ubiquity of violent video games and the findings from experimental studies indicating that playing violent video games may lead to increased aggression in young children immediately following play, we believe that additional well-designed, experimental studies are needed. New research would utilize games with levels of violence that reflect games currently available to children. We recommend that studies focus on moderate to long term effects of playing violent video games among young children. The lack of experimental studies for students in middle and high school also needs to be addressed. (Bensley, Ph.D. and VanEenwyk, Ph.D. May 2000)

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CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design This research is a descriptive research. Descriptive research basically deals with description, analysis, interpretation where use by the researchers to the study of the effects of computer addiction in the study habits of senior high school students in Taguig national high school. This method is used by researchers to divide every detail to easily understand and connect the information that gathered from the respondents. Description of the respondents The respondents for this research are the Senior High School students of Taguig National High School. It consists of one-hundred (100) respondents from different Strands and Tracks. Instrumentation The instruments that the researchers will used for this research is survey and questionnaires that consists of ten (10) questions that the research give four (4) possible answers that the respondents can choose from, that has a connection to the topic. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers were able to gather information through survey and questionnaires given to the students of Senior High School students of Taguig National High School. When the respondents answering the questionnaire and researches.

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STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA The researchers used statistical methods to analyse all the data gathered from the answered questionnaires. The statistical formulate that were used in the first and second part of the survey-questionnaire were the following: For the Part I, the researchers used the percentage formula.

1. Percentage. It was used as a descriptive measure together with the frequency distribution to show the relationship of the magnitude of the items or variables described in relation to the whole. The formula is, P=

f n


Where: P - percentage F - frequency N - total number After determining the magnitudes of the respondents’ answers, the researchers used the Mean, to get the average of the answers.

2. Weighted Mean. This was used to measure the rank of the level of feelings the respondents might have about their organization. The formula is, Weighted mean (WM) =  (Rating x Frequency) n Page | 20

Where:  = summation of Rating = any of the rating scale (Like type index numerical equivalent choices: 1,2,3,4,) Frequency = number of respondents who gave that rating N - total number

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CHAPTER IV Presentations, Interpretations and Analysis of Data

Presented in this chapter presented are the data was gathered by the researchers. It included its presentations and analysis. These primarily gave answers to the questions in the statement of the problems in Chapter I, which were based from the survey-questionnaire.

Problem No.1: How may the respondents be described in terms of the following: age, gender. Table 1.1: Age of Respondents Age 14-16 17-20 Total

Frequency 28 72 100

Percentage % 28% 72% 100%

Rank 1 2

Table 1.1 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of their age. 28% of the respondents were 14-16 years old, 72% were 17-20 years old.

Age of the Respondents 28% 72%

14-16 17-20

Figure 1.1: Age of the Respondents Figure 1.1 above shows that ages ranging from 17-20 years old were the majority of the respondents.

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Table 1.2: Gender of the Respondents Gender Male Female Total

Frequency 60 40 100

Percentage % 60% 40% 100%

Rank 1 2

Table 1.2. presents the profile of the respondents in terms of their gender. Out of 100 respondents surveyed, 60% are males while 40% are females with a total percentage of 100% and a frequency of 100 respondents.

Male 40

Female 60

Figure 1.2: Gender of Respondents

Problem No.2: What are the effects of computer addiction in the study habits of the respondents? Table 2. Percentage and Qualitative Interpretation of Responses Range Interpretation 100-76 Always 75-51 Sometimes 50-26 Rarely 25-0 Never Table 2 shows the percentage and qualitative interpretation of responses. Always is measured by the range of 100-76, sometimes is measured by the range of 75-51, rarely is measured by the range of 50-26 and lastly, never is measured by the range of 25-0. Page | 23





Verbal Interpretation

1. The students use computer.




2. The students visit their social media accounts.




3. The students who use computer in study




4.The students who play online games




5. The students who study their notes.




6. The students who take long time in front of










9.How many of them fail in managing their time




10. The students who fail in their academic performance.




General Weighted Mean



computer. 7. The students who think that life without computer are boring and joyless. 8.The students who lose sleep due to late night logins


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Chapter V Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings This study was conducted for the purpose of determing the effect of computer addiction in the study habits of Senior High School student in Taguig National High School. The descriptive methodof research was utilized and the population was used for gathering data

Conclusions Over the year, Internet used is increasing rapidly because of technology developmental today. So without the intension, the internet addiction may increase also. As a consequence, this study is to examine the level of internet addiction for the Senior High School students of Taguig National High School to examine the seriousness of internet addiction in senior high school students now a day. The result showed that the level of excessive users among the Senior high school is still in the moderate level.

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Data was collected using an stratified random sampling of 100 Senior high school student in Taguig National High School. The instrument used for data collection was the 10 items questionnaire, The demographic information was collected too. The questinnaire was collected and the data were analyzed by using Percentage. The result showed that the student of Taguig National High School are moderate internet user. This problem cannot be ignored and proper observation or treatment must be prepared for those Senior High School Student. Besides parents and teacher also play an important role to monitor the children use of computer.

Recommendations 1. The researcher recommend that students should read book, instead of playing computer games 2. The researcher recommend that the students should limit their time when it comes to the use of computer

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3. The researchers recommend that the students only use the computer for necessary tasks. 4. The researcher recommended that the students should use computer in a proper way so that they can manage the things that they should have done.

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QUESTIONNAIRES Name (optional): Yr. & sec.:

Age: Gender:

DIRECTION: Put a check (/) and answer the following questions honestly based on what you actually do. 4- ALWAYS 3-SOMETIMES 2-RARELY 1-NEVER 4




1. How often do you use a computer? 2. How often you open your Social Media Accounts? 3. Do you use Internet for Study purposes? 4. Do you play online games? (e.g League of Legends, Crossfire, Dota, Mobile Legends, Everwing) 5. How often you study your notes? 6. How often do you find that you stayonline longer than you intended? 7. How often do you fear that life without the internet would be boring, empty,and joyless? 8. How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins? 9. How often do you try to cut down the amount of time you spend online and fail? 10. How often does your school performance or productivity suffer because of the internet?

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