The Discovery Of X

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 590
  • Pages: 3
THE DISCOVERY OF X-RAYS On a chilly day in 1895 the German scientist Wilgelm Roentgen was carrying out an experiment with the cathode ray discharge tube in his laboratory.He felt that a piece of paper ,which was lying a few feet away from the discharge tube and on which was coated berium blentino cyanide ,was shining in the dark.This incident of fluorescence was also noted earlier by J.J Thomson and many other eminent physicists but they did not feel it important enough for a detailed study.As they ignorant of the nature of these rays so they named them as xrays.These new rays seemed to be emitted by the anode of the discharge tube and differed from the cathode rays in the fact that they could penetrate up to 2-metre in the air out side the tube, where as the cathode rays were cofined to the discharge tube only.When Roentgen discovered the opaque of other substances to x-rays he found that these rays could pierce one-milimetre thick piece of lead.Roentgen made a number of accurate observations about these rays.For example,a\c to him,wavelength of these rays should be shorter the light rays like electromagnetic radiation because these rays remain unaffected from the magnetic field.Roentgen himself called these rays as x-rays.

Some scientific discoveries become apractically useful after many year long research.But xrayswere used just two months after their discovery when they were used to diagonce a fracture &its treatment in the New Hampshire Hospital.The utility of these rays is recognized the world over.X-Rays &their byproducts became a cultural phenomenon,even a affecting the arena of politics.The x-rays was more than just a medical &scientific revolution ;it created its own genere of movies,art and literature.Whether trough stories,print media,or the simple idea of seeing the hidden,the x-ray heavily influenced the shaping and creation of the 20th century culture. The x-rays has come a long way from its origins in a small, dark german laboratory.At its invention,the future of the then-unknown phenomenon was uncertain; even the mechanics behind the creation of the new rays were unknown to even the world”s leading scientist. However,this did not stop the public from using the x-rays for their personal gain.Many commercial entertainment ventures were launched that capitalized on the intial craze. From these ventures grew legitainment medical applications and practices , along with a new x-ray industry .Hospitals ,clinics ,and private clinics became the centre for the first functional, wide spread medical advancement in years.

ABOUT SCIENTIST: The x-ray of Mrs.Roentgen’s hand that began the world –wide “x-ray craze”.After a month of experimentation ,professor Wilhelm Roentgen was ready to show his new discovery to the world.

In the middle of the night in December of 1895, he brought his wife to his ladoratory to show her exactly what had occupied his time for the past few weeks.Mrs.Roentgen placed her hand upon a photographic plate and waited while her husband turned on a machine aimed directly at her hand.Several minutes later,professor Roentgen developed the plate and showed her the result.She explained ,”Oh my God…It makes me some how feel that I’m looking at my own death!”

Her reaction was a common one as the news of the revolutionary x-ray spread across the world.Fear and panic gripped many ;however , curiosity and excitement also filled the air.This new discovery had unlimited potential in both the medical and entertainment community,changing almost every aspect of society touched.This website explores the many

aspect of the x-ray,from its origin to its current uses and reincarnations ,along with the many lives ,ideas and practices it helped inspire.

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