The Diary Of Hatred

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 7
7 | The Diary of Hatred The Diary of Hatred Prologue: Most believe that when you die you go to heaven, hell, or in-between. However, what they do not understand that when you force you way to the other side you let one of us out by mistake. What I am talking about are Homunculi, not demons of hell to seek out Lucifer’s wrath, but in your eyes, it is all the same you see the serpent’s eyes that we have and you try to kill us. For I am called hatred by the other Homunculi but my human friends call me Sitnah, it means hatred in biblical terms so I guess that is for the reason that I keep my identity a secret. However, to most, I am revered but to some I am hope all that the Homunculi want is to live in peace with the humans for there are many tradeoffs of being human and being Homunculus. Homunculi can live forever but we lack any way to reproduce without unlocking the gate with a science long forgotten for never again used called The Grand Arcanum or what you know today as alchemy. In addition, humans are weaker but they can reproduce and can use The Grand Arcanum to call forth the gate and bring one of our own into this existence. The problem is that a Homunculi needs to eat the philosopher’s stone. The main problem is that it is not hard to make one for one of us to survive but it is hard to find willing humans to sacrifice. You need hundreds just to forge a two-gram nugget and that will only feed one. However, there are side effects to the stone is just stupid for the risk because the stone is like candy to us but the problem is that it grows addicting and we lose some sanity in order to get more to feed a never ending craving for the stone. Nevertheless, some of my friend’s parents have created an elixir that can revive the newly born

7 | The Diary of Hatred Homunculi and it is not the least bit addicting and can kill the addiction of Homunculi that have already eaten the stone so that means that we can thrive in peace without the search for the stone. Therefore, I guess means that you now fully know my story but then the story has just begun. 6/5/2004: Today I was going out to see my friends Ralph and Lance’s parents to help with their peace rallies between the Homunculi and the other humans. See there were a few humans that still cling to the ancient ways of alchemy and still know what started the hostilities between them and us. In addition, I do not mean this in a bad way but if alchemy no longer existed, we would not have Homunculi going after my friends’ people and make them create a stone. Then we would lose our own way to reproduce. That is unimportant today we are here to show how that our unique gifts can actually help the humans. Moreover, my ability is to eat anything but for some reason that human flesh tastes horrid to me. Therefore, I just eat anything else that I want like rubble from a demolition site so it is a win, win situation to me. I meet up with them unbeknownst to all of us at the rally spies of the extremist group of Homunculi have set a trap for me. They know that alchemy cannot affect Homunculi unless infused with an impure stone, or what humans call the red stone, which is a phrase for cheap knock off the real deal. Then they literally puke up the stones that they have eaten to survive and then only can alchemy can affect them. Now we are at the rally to show me off and to say that I did not eat any stones and still survived. See I was only born a few weeks ago, we die of starvation in days, and since that elixir, acts just like a stone but you have to take it in continued regiments and you will have no need to

7 | The Diary of Hatred use the power of the stone. See their plain was to use a rally to forge a small stones to feed the ones that been released from the gate after me. The good news is that my friends were the only Alchemists at the rally at that time. However, other alchemists joined the extremists group and these alchemists did not need a circle to perform transmutation. I did not see them until they had begun the transmutation. I was able to save my friends but was not able to save the other two hundred people at the rally they had won the battle but now it is war.

7/5/2004: Before the incident, there was always hostility between the Homunculi and Humans. However, never like this. Jail seems like paradise because I still had my friends to talk to and they did not blame me for the incident but every other human did. In addition, when I had gotten out on good behavior but my friends were still in until the parole board could settle this out honestly it would take them at least six months for befriending a Homunculus. Nevertheless, I kept writing letters to keep the friendship alive. However, something was a skew with this why keep humans on a bogus charge and let the Homunculus go on good behavior. It did not add up so when I ask for a visit a week later they said and I quote “No Homunculi allowed”. Since that, I could not see them I ask their parents why and they said, “We believe that they are being interrogated for try to help the Homunculi out”. The weirdest part is that when I have gotten letters back they seemed to have written with the opposite hand that they normally used. Therefore, I tried to get in contact with them any means necessary. Since that, I was in an

7 | The Diary of Hatred eighteen years old body I could get a job as an assistant to the chemists at the lab in the Homunculus area of town. However, for the people in that area it has the title of THE ORDER OF THE HOMUNCULI ALCHEMISTS. Which had gotten its name for being the order that teaches alchemy? It also is the lab where my Ralph and Lance’s parents as well as my caretakers. Since Homunculi cannot give birth, we cannot have parents. They are the ones that have found out that Homunculi lack a protein that’s gives them the ability to survive out of the gate. Which we call the elixir or to put into scientific terms serum it causes that protein to combine in every cell from there on out. Nevertheless, what it lack in life expectancy it more than makes up for in its addicting properties. Which, I have to say there is none to have which is better than the soul. 1/6/05: Today is the day that we get my friends out of jail but as I said, ‘something is a skew’ but what supposed to do about it is I so as dare go to another rally I will be sentenced to death by red water-boarding. The weird thing is that when I asked about what happened they seem to avoid the subject as if nothing happened. I asked their parents if it is okay to do a brain scan on them to see if they are all right, they said sure. Moreover, when we preformed the scan it had showed that they were repressing the memory of t what happened and there as an implanted memory to take its place. Therefore, I tried getting the memory out and into the surface by making; them watch a man interrogating a man for six straight hours. It actually worked they remembered that they were being forced to watch what Homunculi do to humans that we supposedly their friend but you could clearly see that it was a fifties paranoia film. However, it gotten drilled into their head,

7 | The Diary of Hatred the only way to forget was to repress it, and they drugged them with anger inducing hormones to get them highly irritable toward Homunculi. Nevertheless, the good news is that they was a drug test to see if they we on anything and they were on a counter serum. Therefore, there was no long-term damage done onto them. Nevertheless, while we were enjoying our good health and friendship the supreme Homunculi extremists were planning a major attack to wipe out most of the city. To create a stone that could feed the Homunculi for years. The only problem is that there is a parade of our newly elected president inauguration. However, there was one problem in that plan they need a circle big enough to create produce such a stone. Then I took a design of the streets of the city and then I saw a giant transmutation circle that formed from the streets and buildings and all that remained was the time of the transmutation. However, anytime was good enough as soon as they got into the city. So all that I could do at this time was to wait for their plain to unfold and take it from there. 7/2/05: It has been almost six months but with no major problems so if they used the giant transmutation circle forged from the streets in the city. However, the confusing part was that they still needed alchemists, at least twenty of them in order to create the stone so why have not they just do it already we know that they are waiting for the inauguration of the president which had been six months ago. Wait if they wanted to kill to president then why not during the inauguration then they would of done it at that time because it was at the city. If I understood why they did not do it then it is because our president is really a homunculus and he is staying in

7 | The Diary of Hatred a chamber not to stop a bullet but to stop the transmutation around him. So now, I know their plan but they know that there will be both extremists and peaceful homunculi there. Now it had been two days and the parade went off without anything going wrong so when would they do this, the only time now would be during the toast and his speech. In addition, it is too late to say that our president is a homunculus extremist and we do not have enough time to prevent unless I commit national treason and kill the president but then I would die be red water injection and transmutation. Luckily, all that you have to do in order to kill a homunculus is to make sure that they take pure red water internally and transmute them into dust or anything really. However, how to get him to drink the water without it being noticed. I tell this to my friends and they believed me because they were going to be guests of honor along with their families so this was quite a good deal on my part. Nevertheless, the only problem is that they would have to do this without alchemy because if you use alchemy on clear water you can clearly see the difference. However, what we are planning to do is to do it to the metal wine glass of his. Later at the dinner, the president had given his speech and he was about to give his official toast so my friends had changed the wine into red water and let him drink it. See homunculi are the only things that can drink red water without dying in seconds. So be drank the red water and lived. So now we waited until the dinner was over and then the parade of cars begun again. So we waited until he was in the chamber then my friends had used alchemy to transmute a flat tire to the car then we had used another transmutation to make it looked that president was poisoned and then he had died. However, unbeknownst to us all that was the cue to start the transmutation to forge the stone

7 | The Diary of Hatred however, luckily to us was had told the police of their plan and then we told the order and they had found where the rouge alchemists were caught and then it was over.

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