The Cube

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,329
  • Pages: 10
Hosted on The Cube Started Monday, June 09, 2008 By Harry Hunter Thanks to Evan Erwin and Tom LaPille for posting their cubes for reference Stats: -65 cards per color -95 gold and hybrid cards (about 20 hybrid cards) -60 artifacts -70 nonbasic lands -550 cards total currently White Blue Black Red Green

Creatures 36 27 29 34 40

Spells 29 38 36 31 25

%C 55% 42% 45% 52% 62%

%S 45% 58% 55% 48% 38%

KEY: Cards I have/ have been donated Cheaper cards people can easily donate No highlight indicates a more expensive card that can be donated or will be proxied

White Spells


Ajani Goldmane Akroma's Vengence Armageddon Austere Command Balance Cataclysm Condemn Crusade Decree of Justice Disenchant Elspeth, Knight-Errant Enlightened Tutor Faith's Fetters Feudkiller’s Verdict Griffin Guide Hallowed Burial Land Tax Light from Within Oblivion Ring Orim's Chant Parallax Wave Prison Term Pulse of the Fields Rout Sacred Mesa Spectral Procession Swords to Plowshares Wing Shards Wrath of God

Icatian Javelineers- Timur Isamaru, Hound of Konda Martyr of Sands Mother of Runes Savannah Lions Weathered Wayfarer Eight-and-a-Half-Tails Hand of Honor Knight of Meadowgrain Knight of the White Orchid Ronom Unicorn Serra Avenger Silver Knight Soltari Monk Soltari Priest Spectral Lynx White Knight- Timur Aven Mindcensor- Timur Descendant of Kiyomoro Flickerwisp Mirror Entity Paladin en-Vec- Timur Stonecloaker Calciderm Archon of Justice Battlegrace Angel Cloudgoat Ranger Karmic Guide Mageta the Lion Reveillark Exalted Angel Pristine Angel Twilight Shepherd Yosei, the Morning Star Eternal Dragon Akroma, Angel of Wrath

Blue Spells


Ancestral Visions Arcane Denial Brainstorm Bribery Capsize Compulsive Research- Silas Control Magic Counterspell Cryptic Command Deep Analysis Desertion Dominate Fact or Fiction Forbid Force of Will Force Spike- Timur Future Sight Gifts Ungiven Hinder Impulse Intuition Jace Berelen Legacy’s Allure Mana Leak Mind Spring Misdirection Mystical Tutor Pact of Negation Ponder Psionic Blast- Timur Remand Repeal- Silas Spell Snare Tezzeret the Seeker Thirst for Knowledge- Timur Tidings Tinker Treachery

Gilded Drake Jushi Apprentice Looter il-Kor Riftwing Cloudskate Waterfront Bouncer Brine Elemental Fathom Seer Man-O-War Serendib Efreet Vendilion Clique Vesuvan Shapeshifter Wake Thrasher Aeon Chronicler Chronozoa Glen Elendra Archmage Lu Xun, Scholar General Ninja of the Deep Hours Sower of Temptation Venser, Shaper Savant Body Double Meloku the Clouded Mirror Morphling Mulldrifter Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Draining Whelk- Timur Keiga, the Tide Star- Timur Palinchron

Black Spells


Beacon of Unrest Bitterblossom Chainer's Edict Damnation Dark Ritual- Timur Demonic Tutor Diabolic Edict- Timur Dread Return Duress- Timur Entomb- Timur Executioner’s Capsule Hatred Hymn to Tourach Innocent Blood Liliana Vess Living Death Mind Twist Mutilate Necropotence Night's Whisper Phyrexian Arena Profane Command Reanimate Recurring Nightmare Sarcomancy Sinkhole Persecute Skeletal Scrying Slaughter Pact Smother- Timur Snuff Out Sudden Death Terror Thoughtseize Vampiric Tutor Yawgmoth’s Will- Timur

Carnophage Black Knight Dark Confidant Dauthi Slayer Hand of Cruelty Nantuko Shade Nezumi Graverobber Nezumi Shortfang Nightscape Familiar Oona’s Prowler- Timur Withered Wretch Bone Shredder Dusk Urchins Hypnotic Specter Stinkweed Imp Undead Gladiator Ashling the Extinguisher Bane of the Living Nekrataal- Timur Plague Sliver Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni Kagemaro, First to Suffer Puppeteer Clique Shriekmaw Kokusho, the Evening Star Skeletal Vampire Visara the Dreadful Twisted Abomination Tombstalker

Red Spells


Chain Lightning Chandra Nalaar Char- Timur Demonfire Fireball Fireblast Firebolt Firespout Flame Javelin Genju of the Spires Hammer of Bogardan Incinerate Knollspine Invocation Lightning Bolt- Timur Magma Jet- Timur Molten Disaster Molten Rain Pillage Pulse of the Forge- Timur Puncture Blast Pyroclasm Rolling Earthquake Seal of Fire Shattering Spree Smash to Smithereens Sudden Shock- Timur Tarfire Unwilling Recruit Urza's Rage- Timur Volcanic Hammer Wildfire

Blood Knight Dwarven Blastminer Frenzied Goblin Greater Gargadon Grim Lavamancer- Timur Hearth Kami Jackal Pup Keldon Marauders Kird Ape Magus of the Scroll Mogg Fanatic Scorched Rusalka Slith Firewalker Ball Lightning Countryside Crusher Hell’s Thunder Jaya Ballard, Task Mage Squee, Goblin Nabob Sulfur Elemental Keldon Vandals Taurean Mauler Avalanche Riders Blistering Firecat Flametongue Kavu- Timur Keldon Champion Arc-Slogger Caldera Hellion Kumano, Master Yamabushi Siege-Gang Commander Thunderblust Flameblast Dragon Rorix Bladewing Akroma, Angel of Fury Bogardan Hellkite




Birds of Paradise Jungle Lion Llanowar Elves Pouncing Jaguar Skyshroud Elite Twinblade Slasher Wild Nacatl

Berserk Call of the Herd Defense of the Heart Elephant Guide Farseek Garruk Wildspeaker Harmonize Kodama’s Reach Moldervine Cloak Moment's Peace Naturalize Nostalgic Dreams Overrun Pattern of Rebirth Plow Under Primal Command Rancor Regrowth Restock Rude Awakening Search for Tomorrow Stonewood Invocation Survival of the Fittest Sylvan Library Tooth and Nail- Timur

Albino Troll River Boa Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary Sakura-Tribe Elder Tarmogoyf Vinelasher Kudzu- Timur Viridian Zealot Wall of Blossoms Wall of Roots Wild Mongrel Eternal Witness Heartwood Storyteller Ohran Viper Troll Ascetic- Timur Viridian Shaman- Timur Yavimaya Elder Blastoderm Chameleon Colossus Iwamori of the Open Fist Masked Admirers Phantom Centaur Ravenous Baloth- Timur Wickerbough Elder Deranged Hermit Genesis Indrik Stomphowler Kodama of the North Tree- Timur Mycoloth Spectral Force Cloudthresher Silvos, Rogue Elemental Krosan Tusker Woodfall Primus

Artifacts Utility


Aether Spellbomb Aether Vial Crystal Shard Cursed Scroll Forcefield Isochron Scepter Memory Jar Mindslaver Phyrexian Processor Pithing Needle Scroll Rack Sensei's Divining Top- Timur Soul Foundry Tangle Wire Vedalken Shackles Winter Orb

Azorius Signet- Silas Boros Signet- Silas Dimir Signet- Silas Golgari Signet- Silas Gruul Signet Izzet Signet- Silas Orzhov Signet- Silas Rakdos Signet- Silas Selesnya Signet- Silas Simic Signet- Silas

Creatures Darksteel Colossus Duplicant Epochrasite Gathan Raiders Grim Poppet Juggernaut Masticore Platinum Angel Razormane Masticore Solemn Simulacrum Triskelavus Triskelion- Timur Zombie Cutthroat Removal Engineered Explosives Nevinyrral's Disk Oblivion Stone Powder Keg

Equipment Bonesplitter Grafted Wargear Lightning Greaves Loxodon Warhammer Skullclamp- Timur Sword of Fire and Ice Sword of Light and Shadow Umezawa's Jitte Mana Chrome Mox Coalition Relic Coldsteel Heart Gilded Lotus Lotus Bloom Mind Stone Mox Diamond Prismatic Lens Thran Dynamo

Gold and Hybrid W/U


Absorb- Timur Augery Adept Azorius Guildmage- Timur Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Mirrorweave Momentary Blink- Timur Plumeveil Windreaver

Armadillo Cloak Glare of Subdual Wilt-Leaf Liege Kitchen Finks Loxodon Hierarch Mirari’s Wake Oversoul of Dusk Phantom Nishoba



Agony Warp Inkfathom Infiltrator Oona, Queen of the Fae Psychatog Recoil Shadowmage Infiltrator Sygg, River Cutthroat Undermine

Angel of Despair Debtors' Knell Desolation Angel Mortify- Timur Stillmoon Cavalier Tidehollow Sculler Unmake Vindicate



Ashenmoor Gouger Demigod of Revenge Fulminator Mage Hit//Run Murderous Redcap Torrent of Souls Terminate Void

Ajani Vengeant Brion Stoutarm Desolation Giant Duergar Hedge-mage Figure of Destiny Firemane Angel Goblin Legionnaire Lightning Helix- Timur



Boggart Ram-Gang Deus of Calamity Boartusk Liege Giant Solifuge Rumbling Slum Sarkhan Vol Stormbind Tattermunge Maniac

Call the Skybreaker Dominus of Fealty Electrolyze- Timur Fire/Ice- Timur Gelectrode Izzet Guildmage Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Suffocating Blast

U/G Cold-eyed Selkie Mystic Snake Overbeing of Myth Simic Sky Swallower- Timur Snakeform Spitting Image Trygon Predator- Timur Voidslime B/G Canker Abomination Creakwood Liege Deity of Scars Grave-Shell Scarab Life/Death Pernicious Deed Putrefy- Timur Spiritmonger 3 Color Dromar's Charm Esper Charm Hide/Seek- Timur Broodmate Dragon Hellkite Overlord Intet, the Dreamer Lighting Angel- Timur Rise/Fall- Timur Naya Charm Wooly Thoctar Stoic Angel Rafiq of the Many Vorosh, the Hunter Doran, the Siege Tower




Azorious Chancery- Silas Boros Garrison- Silas Dimir Aqueduct- Silas Golgari Rot Farm- Silas Gruul Turf- Silas Izzet Boilerworks- Silas Orzhov Basilica- Silas Rakdos Carnarium- Silas Selesnya Sanctuary- Silas Simic Growth Chamber- Silas

Academy Ruins Ancient Tomb Faerie Conclave Flagstones of Trokair Gaea’s Cradle Horizon Canopy Keldon Megaliths- Timur Barbarian Ring Maze of Ith Miren, the Moaning Well Mishra's Factory Mutavault Shelldock Isle Strip Mine Treetop Village Urza's Factory Volrath's Stronghold Wasteland Yavimaya Hollow Duals Badlands Bayou Plateau Savannah Scrubland Taiga Tropical Island Tundra Underground Sea Volcanic Island Fetchlands Bloodstained Mire Flooded Strand Polluted Delta Windswept Heath Wooded Foothills

Rav Duals Blood Crypt Breeding Pool Godless Shrine Hallowed Fountain Overgrown Tomb Sacred Foundry Steam Vents Stomping Ground Temple Garden Watery Grave Mana Fixing City of Brass Gemstone Mine Reflecting Pool Tendo Ice Bridge Terramorphic Expanse Thawing Glaciers Cairn Lands Cascade Bluff Fetid Heath Fire-lit Thicket Flooded Grove Graven Cairns Mystic Gate Rugged Prairie Sunken Ruins Twilight Mire Wooded Bastion

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