The Cry Of Discontent

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  • Words: 3,108
  • Pages: 5
May 6, 2009

The Cry of Discontent

Kathleen Maples

When God sent Moses to Egypt, He sent him with clear direction. He told him exactly what he was being sent to do, and how the Pharaoh would respond, and how the people would believe. He told Moses that by His power He would free His people. God was going to do the work, Moses was going there to speak for God. God is sending Moses back to the place where he was educated, back to the place where he tried in his own strength to deliver the people of Israel and failed miserably. This was the place where Moses had been marked for death by an angry Pharaoh. Can you imagine the battle in Moses' mind as he headed back to the place of failure, back to the place where they had sought to kill him? God told him those who sought his life were dead. But still, it was a place he had failed miserably in his attempt to do God's will. I reckon the enemy taunted him all the way with the memories of his failure, and how he buried that dead Egyptian in the sand, and how two of the Hebrews turned on him when he tried to mediate their quarrel. "Do you really think they are going to listen to a miserable failure like you? Not." "They didn't listen to you then, what makes you think they will listen now?" Oh, yes, I can almost hear the taunts that hit Moses' mind. Still, he didn't turn back. He'd had an encounter with God Himself and it had done something to him. You can't have an experience with God up close and personal and not be radically changed. He saw that burning bush. He heard the voice of His Creator, the One who made Him, and He heard Him say put off your shoes, Moses, this is holy ground. Oh, it was holy ground because He who is Holy was there. He said put off your shoes-put off your plans, your thoughts, your ways, your agenda, put off everything that separates you from My holiness, and hear My Voice. Listen to Me. Oh, God knew how Moses had failed. He'd had this man in the wilderness for forty years stripping him of confidence in his lavish Egyptian education, and his own human ability. He'd gone from being a prince in Egypt to a lowly shepherd in the wilderness, and a husband a father. He was under the leadership of a wise, and godly father in law, as well. Still, God called Him, and this time, Moses was afraid, reluctant, insecure in himself, assailed by doubts about his own ability. God brushed all this way. He didn't call Moses for his ability. The Lord Himself IS Moses' ability. It was simply. Go back. Speak what I tell you. I will do the work. You just speak for Me. God laid out the plan, and warned Moses ahead of time what would happen. When he arrived in Egypt, Moses didn't go and say it's time to leave Egypt, God said we could so let's go. No. He prayed, followed the direction of the Lord and spoke what God said to speak, when God said to speak it. The situation in Egypt got much harder and the opposition of the enemy was fierce. The people began to suffer even more. They had to wait until the power of the Spirit of God was ready to clear the way and they followed a man, Moses, who followed the fiery cloud, and that is a perfect illustration of a Spirit led pastor leading a Spirit led congregation and how we are to walk with the Lord. He leads, and we follow. Many times we won't want to go where He leads. Self never wants to go God's way. But we must bring self into subjection to the leading of the Spirit of God. We can bring self to God everyday and leave self in His hands. He is able to subdue our iniquities. He's able to subdue everything in us that is unlike Him. (Php_3:21 Mic_7:19)

They saw God destroy every bondage that held them. They saw Him destroy the nation of Egypt because Egypt refused to heed God's instruction. He brought them out of an idolatrous land, knowing they carried idolatry still in their heart, and brought out little Egyptian idols, as well. Israel followed God and Moses to the Red Sea, to a place of impossibility and saw His mighty miracles. By a strong wind-the wind of the Spirit of God, that precious Holy Ghost who cleared the path for them, and said move, and they moved. He made the way when there was no way. Not long after seeing all these miracles, they began to get discontent. The journey was hard, the environment was dry and desolate and they were completely dependent on the provision of God. If He didn't send the manna, they would starve. If He didn't open a rock and send water, they would die. So, here they are and they were again, complaining, and murmuring, tired from their wilderness travels, and they were about ready to stone him because they were thirsty and hungry. He cried unto the Lord. The Lord brought water- a symbol of the Holy Spirit, those rivers of living water, out of a Rock-a symbol of Christ. This is an illustration of the Son of God who baptizes in the Holy Ghost. He brings that living water of His presence and power into the life of a believer, making them fruitful, and strong because HE is the life in them. They cannot produce anything. They bear the fruit that His Life in them produces. Self, the believer, can take credit for NOTHING. ALL glory goes to GOD. When God's people cried out because they are in a dry and desolate land, He told the leadership-point them to the Rock-don't point them to yourself, point them to the ROCK. Speak to the Rock. That speaks to me of personal communion with HIM. Don't strike the Rock, He's already been stricken. Now, you speak to the Rock. You get in His presence and tarry there, He knows your need. He just waits to see if you understand the depth of your own need enough to tarry until He gives you the power you need. This is not something He will give those who walk in self, fulfilling their own desires, or are half hearted. For the hungry and thirsty, who will not stop until their need is met, take comfort-He will not give us less than He gave them. We have a better covenant. He knows we need Holy Ghost power to stand in these awful, perilous times we live in. Num 11:1 And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed

them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp. Num 11:2 And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the LORD, the fire was quenched.

In Num 11 the people got in trouble for they complained, and it made God mad. They were mourning, feeling sorry for themselves over the hardship of the journey, over the things left behind in Egypt. God was tiring of their murmuring. I looked carefully at the word "displeased" because it applies to the Lord. We need to understand how He feels and why. I want to know. In the Hebrew H7451, in your concordance, this word displeased means of course displeasure, but it also means a displeasure accompanied with pain, and sorrow. Let me tell you, the Lord hears your thoughts, and your words. He knows the feelings and attitudes in your heart that motivate what you say and do. He is always watching, always listening. Oh, God forgive us for our thoughts and our complaining since you saved us. When trials have come hard and we in our ignorance have not reacted in a spiritual way but in a carnal way, oh God forgive us. I know You

allow these things to bring this to the surface so we can see that in us you already know is there, so we can repent and you can cleanse. But, oh, please forgive us. Imagine how He felt. He led them out of an awful situation. He delivered them totally. He guarded their back when the Egyptians followed them and meant to destroy them and they were at the Red Sea with no way out. He led them every step of the way, feeding them, giving them water, and meat. He supernaturally kept their shoes and clothes from wearing out. They had no map, no Walmart, no McDonald's, no provision but Him and He was all they needed. He heard and He understood why they were complaining. He considered carefully their motives-He didn't just react in a blind rage and send the fire. No. His face looking on them wasn't shining with love at the time, no His face was angry. It was a hot, burning anger. He sent His fire and consumed those who were complaining,--He sent judgment in the form of fire and consumed those who were on the outskirts of the camp. That is very telling. God is just and will not destroy the righteous with the wicked. That word 'uttermost' in verse 1 means at the end, the border, the outskirts of the camp. They weren't on the inner circle. They weren't close to God, which is why they did not fear to complain. When God's judgment fell, the people shrieked in terror, and ran to Moses, who immediately began to intercede for them to the Lord and the fire was put out. Num_11:4 reveals the problem: there was a mixed multitude among them. This is a common problem in the church. This "mixed multitude" means a casual, unrestrained, wanton group of people. They were not Hebrews, but were those who found themselves slaves in Egypt or in hard positions and saw the exodus of the Hebrews as a way out. They are plagued by covetousness, they desired dainty, easy things and places. They resented hardship, they resented Moses' authority, and God's. Their desires conflicted with God's. This mixed multitude was intent on having their own way-they were slaves to self. It couldn't have been long after God's fiery judgment fell, in verse 1, because by verse 4 the mixed multitude, resenting the hardships of the desert, the wilderness, and the traveling, were looking back to Egypt, to the food, and conveniences they had. This had to be those malcontents who slipped away from Egypt with Israel when they left. The Israelites were granted no such luxuries in Egypt. Their life was hard and full of grief. Everything they had, except their animals and their children, was taken. Their baby boys were slaughtered. They suffered terribly. I believe God sent the fire and consumed some of the complainers as a warning to His people, and as a purging out of the leaven in the camp. The mixed multitude resented the provision of God, they were not satisfied with what He was feeding them. They had their desire set on things of the world-on Egyptian particular. They liked the things they fed on in Egypt. There are things you can feed on that will slow you down and make you sluggish and overweight. This can be a physical side effect of what you eat. But there are spiritual side effects, as well. If you over indulge in anything, it will slow you down, and make you sleepy. Spiritually sleepy. Physically sleepy. They coveted what they fed on in Egypt bad enough they began to weep and spread their discontent among the people of the camp. On the journey with God, to walk with Him, the things of Egypt are left behind. Stripped away. Some yield to the pruning of God, others don't. Moses heard the cry of discontent spreading, and God heard and His anger was stirred up again. This time, Moses got mad, too. He cried to God. "Why did you do this to me? Why have you punished me and laid the burden of such an ungrateful and unruly people on me? I thought I'd found favor in Your eyes."

What does God do? He doesn't send judgment this time. He sees the situation, and He tells Moses to gather 70 elders, those who were spiritually mature, and bring them to the meeting place-the tabernacle where God met with Moses, and present them there. They had to get filled with the Spirit. Num 11:16 And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. Num 11:17 And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which

is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.

Elders represents those who are spiritually mature, they are not young novices in the way. They've been tested and tried, and they didn't cut and run. They weren't outsiders. They weren't of the mixed multitude. The word for tabernacle means tent. It's a meeting place. He says bring them to the place where you and I meet, present them there to Me. I will descend and speak with you there, and I will take of My Spirit that I have put on you and put it also on them. Stop right there and consider. Before they could be in leadership, before they could minister to the people, they had to be full of the Spirit of God. In the first church after Pentecost, those who waited on tables and ministered to the widows had to be full of faith and the Holy Ghost. The Apostles said they would give themselves to the Word of God continually and prayer. Other church business is to be handled by those full of faith and the Holy Ghost. This is the pattern laid out by the Word of God. Sadly, you don't see this Biblical pattern in many churches today and that is why they are for the most part ineffective. You have a people here who were more interested in flesh than spirit. Flesh growls and grumbles. The Spirit does not. Consider when you fast. When your belly is hungry, it growls. But when you neglect to feed that Christ life inside there is a cry...a humble cry, urging you back to prayer and the Word. The humility of God never ceases to astound me. God does agree to give them the flesh they cried for until it made them sick. It didn't satisfy that deep inner longing, it made them slow, and sick. He was feeding them what they needed and many were not satisfied. He descends in a cloud at the tabernacle and speaks to Moses. The word for "took" is H680, atsal in the Hebrew. It means to join, to lay aside, in reserve. When you join you unite, amen? He joined these 70 men with Moses, and gave them the same Spirit He had given Moses. Moses was meek, devoted, and loyal to God. He never looked to man, only to God. Whenever problems came up he didn't go to his brother, Aaron, or his sister, Miriam, he went to God. Those who complained and began to feed on flesh, He struck them with a very great plague. Those who lusted-who coveted and longed after the things of Egypt were destroyed. God could not allow that to continually remain among His people. It would defile many. These of the mixed multitude continually complained and met with judgment. They had no fear of God, they were determined to have their own way. When He put the same spirit Moses had on the 70 elders, they had the same mind, same purpose, same desire to follow God, and they began to prophesy. They began to speak by divine inspiration as a prophet. They didn't stop-they didn't add or do more

than God said. They were obedient like Moses. They became like Moses. Oh, God, do it again. Give us pastors after your heart, whose primary purpose in life is to seek Your face, more understanding of Your Word, and sacrificially love and care for Your sheep and Your lambs. Time after time you find the pattern in the Bible. If He is truly in charge of His church, the minister is a Spirit filled, Spirit governed minister and the church produces disciples, missionaries, ministers. Each will produce after its kind. People will be getting saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and the Word of God will be taught in purity and holiness. Reverence will fill the Sanctuary. Needs will be met. Christ will be taught crucified and risen again. The Cross will be the message. The Holy Spirit desires to take each of His children to the cross so their self will can be crucified. Oh, God you heard the Macedonian cry, please the cry of this heart, do it again, Father. Rise up and scatter the enemies. They have made void Thy law for it is not taught. No wonder the world mocks and laughs. Rescue Your sheep, Father, and the Lambs who have been scattered by ignorant pastors and teachers more hung up on tradition of men than anything else. The Lord is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we could ever think to ask. Look to Him not men. Look to His Word, and His Holy Spirit, for help, direction and leadership. He will not fail us. There is a cry of discontent among God's people. Some may be crying over the hardness of the journey. They have not seen Him yet. To see Him, like Paul-and by see I mean understand, begin to know personally, is to desire Him enough to be willing to endure hardness. Then some are crying in discontent because they know there is more than what they see around them. They have caught enough of a glimpse of Him, been taught by Him, enough to know things around them are out of order and they cry, grieved because He is misrepresented. God hear the Macedonian cry again and help!

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