The Conversion Of Salmaan

  • July 2020
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The Conversion of Salmaan alal-Faarisee Taken from the Musnad of Imam Ahmad Vol. 5, 441 - 444 Translated by: Aboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee-may Allah guide him

It was narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said, “I was informed by the very mouth of Salmaan al-Faarisee (may Allah be pleased with him) of how he converted to Islam.” In Isfahan1 “I was born a Persian from the people of Isfahan from the tribe known as Jiyye. My father was the tribal leader of his village and I was the most beloved of Allah’s creation to him. His love for me increased to the extent that he secluded me in the house like the teenage girl would be secluded to watch over the fire. I excelled in the religion of the Magians until I became the caretaker of the fire that is kept kindled; it is not to die out, not even for one hour. 1

Isfahan is located in modern day Iran located about 340 km south of Tehran.


My father had a large estate so one day while he was preoccupied in a building he owned he said to me, “My son, today I am busy in this building away from my estate, go to it and watch over it.” He ordered me to take care of it and to do some other things that he wished that I complete for him. As I went out to his estate I passed by a church from the many churches belonging to the Christians of that area. I could hear their voices from within while they were praying. I had no idea what they were doing since I had been secluded in the home of my father (for many years). When I passed by them hearing their voices I went in to see what was going on. Their prayer amazed me so much that I wanted to partake in it. I said to myself, ‘By Allah, this is better than the religion that we (the Magians) are upon.’ By Allah, I did not leave them until the sun had set. I did not go to the estate of my father to tend to it. I asked them where their religion had originally come from and they informed me that it came from Syria. Thereafter I returned to my father’s home when he requested me to go and see him. When I went to him he said to me, “My son, where have you been? Didn’t I entrust you with a task to complete for me?” I told him, ‘My father, I passed by a people engaged in prayer within their church and I liked what I saw from the good things of their religion. By Allah, I stayed with them until the sun set.’ He said, “My son, there is nothing from that religion that is good. Your religion and the religion of your forefathers is much better.” I responded, “No, not at all, by Allah, it (Christianity) is better than our religion.” Fearing for me he put a lock around my foot and had me sequestered in his home. I sent a message to the Christians telling them, ‘When the caravan of Christian traders comes to you from Syria please let them know about me.’ When a caravan of Christian traders came from Syria they informed me of their arrival. I told them, ‘When you have taken care of business and intend to return to your land, let me know.’ So when they desired to return to their land they told me and I broke the lock from my leg and went out with them until I reached Syria.” In Syria When I arrived there I inquired as to who was the best of the people of their religion. They told me the bishop of the main church. So I went to him and told him that I desired to follow their religion and that I would like to study with him there and serve him in the church while learning and praying with him. He allowed me and it is there that I stayed with him.


There was an evil man who would command the people to give charity and incite them to give (as much as they could). Whenever they would collect anything he would keep it for himself and not give anything to the needy. It was to the point that he had collected seven jars filled with silver and gold. When I saw what he was doing I became very angry. Then he died and the Christians gathered to bury him. I said to them, ‘This was an evil man, he would order you to give charity and incite you to give but when you would come to him with your wealth he would store it away for himself, not giving any of it to the needy.’ They asked me what I knew about the wealth he had hoarded and I told them, ‘I will show all of you where the treasure is.’ They demanded that I tell them where it was so I showed them the location. They dug out the seven jars filled with silver and gold. When they saw it they said, “By Allah, we will not bury him ever.” So they crucified him and pelted his body with rocks. Then they appointed a new person in his place. I had never seen a non-Muslim that was quite like him or better. He was the most abstinent of this world and most desirous of the hereafter, he was the most persistent of it night and day. I had love for him like I had loved no one before. I stayed with him for some time until death came upon him. I asked him, “I have been with you and I have had love for you like no one else before. The decree of Allah that you are experiencing has come upon you. So who do you advise me to go to (to seek knowledge under), and with what do you instruct me (as last words)?” He said, ‘My son, by Allah, there is no one more knowledgeable today upon what I was upon. The people have destroyed it and substituted it with something else. They have abandoned most of what they were upon except for a man in Mosul. He is upon what I was upon, stick to him. In Mosul2 So when he died and was buried, I stayed with the person mentioned to me in Mosul. I said to him, “A person advised me at the time of his death to accompany you and that you are upon what he was upon.” He told me to stay with him and I resided with him. I found that he was the best person practicing what his companions practiced. Then it was decreed for him to die so when death came to him I said, “I was advised by a person to go to you and he ordered me to stay with you. What has come upon you is from Allah the Mighty and Majestic. Now who do you advise that I go to and what do you instruct me to do?” He said to me, ‘O my son, by Allah, there is no man more knowledgeable of the like that we are upon except for a man in Nasibin so stick to him. 2

Mosul is located in modern day Iraq some 400 km of northwest Baghdad.


In Nasibin3 So when he died and was buried I stayed with the recommended person of Nasibin. I went to him and told him my story and what the previous companion had told me. He said that I could stay with him so I stayed with him and found him to be upon what the two previous companions were upon. So I stayed with the best of people. By Allah, it wasn’t soon after that the time of death descended upon him. When it came I said to him, “A person advised me to go to this person and then that person advised me to go to you. Now to whom do you advise me to go to and what do you order me to do?” He said, ‘O my son, by Allah, we do not know anyone remaining after this religion that I have ordered you to go to except for a man in Amorion. Indeed he is upon the like of what we are upon. In Amorion4 So when he died and was buried I stayed with the person of Amorion and informed him of my story. He said that I could stay with him. So I resided with him a man upon the guidance of his previous companions and their religion. I made a living until I bought cows and a small female goat. Then the decree of Allah came down so when it came I said to him, “I used to be with a person who advised me to go to this person and then that person advised me to go to this person and then that person advised me to go to you. Now to whom do you advise me to go to and what do you order me to do?” He said, ‘My son, I do not know of one who is upon what we are upon from amongst the people so that I may order you to go to him but the time of a prophet has come to you. He was sent with the religion of Abraham, he has come from the land of the Arabs, immigrating to the land between two dark stones both in the middle of palm trees. He has signs of prophecy that are well known; he will eat from what is gifted to him but he will not eat from its charity, between his shoulders is the seal of prophet hood. If you are able to stay with him in that land, do so.’ Then he died and was buried.


Nasibin, also spelled Nusaybin in Turkish is an ancient city located in modern day Turkey on the border of Syria. 4 Amorion, also spelled Ammuria was a city in Phrygia, Asia Minor which was founded in the Hellenistic period, flourished under the Byzantine Empire. Its ruins are located near the village of Hisarkoy, Turkey. The transliterated name in Arabic is ‘Ammooriyyah with an ‘Ayn.


In Wadi alal-Qura5 I remained in Amorion for as long as Allah willed that I stay. Then a group of traders from the tribe of Kalb passed me. I said to them, “Take me to the land of the Arabs and I will give you these cows and a small female goat that belong to me.” They agreed and I gave them the animals. They took me with them until they reached Wadi al-Qura where they oppressed me and sold me to a Jewish man as a slave. In the City of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Then I was sold to another man from the Jews of Banoo Quraythah and taken with him until we reached al-Madeenah. It was there that I would reside with my master. When I saw the palm trees I immediately hoped that I was in the land that had been described to me by my previous companion but I was not sure. I stayed there with my master working in his date palm field amongst the Banoo Quraythah until Allah sent His Messenger (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) and he made his way to al-Madeenah stopping at al-Qubaa. At that time I was working in the date palm field high above a palm tree while my master was sitting underneath when a man from his uncle’s tribe came saying, “Allah curse Banoo Qaylah, by Allah they have gathered at al-Qubaa around a man who has come to them from Makkah today claiming that he is a prophet!” When I heard what he had said I began to tremble out of shock until I thought that I was going to fall on top of my master. I came down from the palm tree and asked the man to repeat what he had said. Upon seeing this, my master became angry and slapped me hard across my face, yelling at me, “What is wrong with you? Get back to work!” I told him, “There is nothing wrong all I wanted to do was confirm what he was talking to you about.” So I went back to work and when the night time had come I gathered my things and left until I reached the Messenger of Allah (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) in Qubaa. I went up to him while he was with his companions and said to him, “You are travelers in need; I have some food that I swore to give as charity. When I had mentioned this to the people they directed me to your group. I believe you are the ones in most need of it.” I then took out the food and laid it in front of them. The Messenger said to his companions, “Eat, in the name of Allah.” However he himself refrained from reaching out to eat from it. I said to myself, “By Allah this is one of the two signs of prophet hood. He does not eat from the charity given!” I 5

Wadi al-Qura (the Valley of the Villages) spelled Waadee-ul-Quraa is a valley located between the area of ash-Shaam (are of Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon) and al-Madeenah and between Taymaa and Khaybar. In it are many villages thus its namesake.


later returned to the Messenger (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) at noon time carrying some more food. I told him, “I saw you not eating the food given as charity; I had some other food that was reserved for myself that I want to give to you as a gift.” I placed it in front of him and he told his companions, “Eat, in the name of Allah.” And he began to eat with them. I said to myself, “By Allah, this is the second sign; he eats from what is gifted to him!” I then returned to where I was staying and stood there until Allah willed. Then I went to him and found him at the cemetery following the funeral procession with his companions around him. I greeted him and I bent over to take a look at his back. He knew what I was trying to do. Then he loosened his outer garment where the seal of prophet hood was between his shoulders just as one of my previous companions had described to me. I bent down and began to kiss him and cry. He asked me to sit with him and I began to narrate to him the story of my travels to the truth just as I am narrating to you O Ibn ‘Abbaas. Then I converted to Islam.” (End End of Narration) Narration


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