The Complete Schemes For Nokia

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,560
  • Pages: 9
Project Synergy, an introduction Youth Networking

Corporate Networking

Media Leverage

Support from Society

Direct Co. Involvement

Branding & Visibility


As the world’s largest international student organization, AIESEC has been responsible for developing talented youth leaders for more than 50 years. With a growing global network of 91 countries, 850+ Universities, 700+ offices and 30,000+ active members worldwide, AIESEC is committed to developing today’s youth into responsible and adaptable business leaders for the future. Project Synergy is an International Cultural Sensitivity, educational Project by the student members of AIESEC Jaipur. This Project is designed to target Leadership building in Indian youth while encouraging entrepreneurship among them. This is the first of its kind project ever run in India. Here we are taking advantage of AIESEC’s International Students Exchange Programmes and creating maximum impact on the society. Here, there will be more than 30 International people will be conducting international workshops and simulations among Indian students which will be targeting Cultural Sensitivity, Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Special Points of interests are: • 30-36 International People will come down to Jaipur for the period of 3 months. • 25,000+ students will be affected directly by this project only in Jaipur. • Success of this Project on local level will ensure organizing this project on national level, effecting more than at least 3,50,000+ students. • Big impact on Indian Economy. • Huge support from society, specially parents and teachers of these students. We invite the partnership of your company in AIESEC in India’s biggest Impact creating project ever, and consequently to Welcome the World to India and open India to world!

Partnership Includes : • EXTENSIVE media leverage. • Huge Branding and Publicity. • Moderated benefits package through the course of the 3 month event. • Support as Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Sponsorship Schemes Youth Networking

Corporate Networking

Media Leverage

Support from Society

Direct Co. Involvement

Branding & Visibility


Project Synergy basically has Four types of Sponsoring and Fundraising Schemes. An extra care has been taken to provide our partners and sponsors with the maximum available publicity in their target audiences promising increase in with our Branding and Visibility Schemes: • • • •

Synergy Main Sponsors. Synergy Official Supporting Sponsors. Synergy Associate Sponsors. Casual Advertisers and supporters.

The Basic Difference is described here as: • Synergy Main Sponsors: There will be only one main sponsor whose name will always be associated with the Project addressing Project Synergy. For Example NOKIA and AIESEC Jaipur presents: Project Synergy. NOKIA’s name will be present everywhere Project Synergy’s Name is spoken or printed (either in Radio or in Newspapers and also in Our Magazines) • Synergy Official Supporting Sponsors: These are a kind of monopoly sponsors where we will make it sure that there is no other sponsor who is direct competitor of our Official supporting sponsor. The benefits are lesser than that of Main Sponsor as the name will not always be associated with that of Project Synergy. Example: official Media partners, etc. • Synergy Associate Sponsors: These will be given all above benefits but with less mileages and no monopoly. But huge branding and visibility is promised. • Casual Advertisers and supporters: This can be done in very few ways as mentioned in the product sheet. Note: The specifics and details of the products can be provided on request, but after all official partnerships are into place. But the products promised will be provided as it is. Complete deal will be documented as well. A project report will also be given to the Sponsors in the end of the Project.

The Sponsorship Investment for NOKIA: • NOKIA as Synergy Main Sponsor: Rs. 2,25,000 Only. • NOKIA as Synergy Official Supporting Sponsors: Rs. 1,75,000 Only. • NOKIA as Synergy Associate Sponsors: Rs. 1,10,000 only. • Casual Advertisers and Supporters: Ranges from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000.

The Main Schemes for Supporting Sponsoring Youth Networking

Corporate Networking

Media Leverage


Direct Co. Involvement

Branding & Visibility


Synergy Main Sponsor Benefits:

Special Features: • Only one main sponsor for the whole Project: NOKIA • This project is also a part of Corporate Social Responsibility by NOKIA. • NOKIA’s name will be associated with Project Synergy in all the Schools, Colleges, Newspaper Advertisements, CD/DVD Covers, Website, Online Newsletter, Synergy Magazines and Project Report and everywhere where Synergy name is taken. An example is: NOKIA and Aiesec Presents Project Synergy. Another example is: Project Synergy, an initiative taken by AIESEC Jaipur and NOKIA. Key Benefits: • Advertisement in Synergy Cultural Magazine: Logo/Name mentioned on front Page as Main Sponsor | Two Full Page advertisements inside the magazine Including Second page. • Advertisement in Synergy Completion Report: Logo/Name mentioned on front page as main sponsor | One Full Page advertisement Inside the Report Booklet. • Advertisement and data space in Synergy CD/DVD: 50 MB of data space for company documents (like annual report, product catalogue, etc), audio and video advertisements, Promotional Images like desktop or Mobile Wallpapers, etc. • Name with Logo will be mentioned on CD/DVD and Cover as main sponsor. • Advertisement on our Synergy Website: A banner space will be given on our website. • Banner/logo on our International Newsletter. • Your Name/Logo will be associated in our every publicity (radio and others). • Name/Logo on our every Newspaper Advertisement. • Name will be mentioned in our every article in any media. • Sustainable partnerships for future associations. Audience: • Local: 25,000+ students | their Parents, double in number | Local public | Local Corporate and NGO Partners | Board of Advisers. • National: AIESEC Members | National Board of Advisers. • International: International Students in India through AIESEC exchange programmes | AIESEC Members from throughout the world | International Corporate clients.

The Sponsorship Investment is:

Rs. 2,25,000/- Only

Synergy Official Supporting Sponsor Scheme Youth Networking

Corporate Networking

Media Leverage


Direct Co. Involvement

Branding & Visibility


Synergy Official Sponsor Benefits: Special Features: • NOKIA as only mobile company sponsor for the whole Project. Official Technology Partners. • This project will also be a part of Corporate Social Responsibility by NOKIA. • NOKIA’s name will be associated with Project Synergy in all the Schools, Colleges, Newspaper Advertisements, CD/DVD Covers, Website, Newsletters, Synergy Magazines and Project Report. An example is: Official Technology Partner. Key Benefits: • Advertisement in Synergy Cultural Magazine: Logo/Name mentioned on front Page as Official Sponsor | Two advertisements inside the magazine. One full page and one half page. • Advertisement in Synergy Completion Report: Logo/Name mentioned on Editorial page as official sponsor | One half Page advertisement Inside the Report Booklet. • Advertisement and data space in Synergy CD/DVD: 40 MB of data space for NOKIA documents (like annual report, product catalogue, etc), audio and video advertisements, Promotional Images like desktop or Mobile Wallpapers, etc. • Logo will be printed on CD/DVD and Cover as official technology partner. • Advertisement on our Synergy Website: A banner space will be given on our website. • Logo on our International Newsletter. • Logo on our every Newspaper Advertisement. • Sustainable partnerships for future associations. Audience: • Local: 25,000+ students | their Parents, double in number | Local public | Local Corporate and NGO Partners | Board of Advisers. • National: AIESEC Members | National Board of Advisers. • International: International Students in India through AIESEC exchange programmes | AIESEC Members from throughout the world | International Corporate clients.

The Sponsorship Investment is:

Rs. 1,75,000/- Only

Synergy Associate Sponsor Scheme Youth Networking

Corporate Networking

Media Leverage


Direct Co. Involvement

Branding & Visibility


Synergy Associate Sponsor Benefits: Special Features: • This project will also be a part of Corporate Social Responsibility by NOKIA. • NOKIA’s name will be associated with Project Synergy in all the Schools, Colleges, Newspaper Advertisements, CD/DVD Covers, Website, Newsletters, Synergy Magazines and Project Report. Key Benefits: • Advertisement in Synergy Cultural Magazine: Logo/Name mentioned on front and editorial Page as Associate Sponsor | Two half page advertisements inside the magazine. • Advertisement in Synergy Completion Report: Logo/Name mentioned on Editorial page as associate sponsor | One Quarter Page advertisement Inside the Report Booklet. • Advertisement and data space in Synergy CD/DVD: 35 MB of data space for company documents (like annual report, product catalogue, etc), audio and video advertisements, Promotional Images like desktop or Mobile Wallpapers, etc. • Logo will be printed on CD/DVD and Cover as associate sponsor. • Advertisement on our Synergy Website: A banner space will be given on our website. • Logo on our International Newsletter. • Logo on our every Newspaper Advertisement: As Associate Sponsors. • Sustainable partnerships for future associations. Audience: • Local: 25,000+ students | their Parents, double in number | Local public | Local Corporate and NGO Partners | Board of Advisers. • National: AIESEC Members | National Board of Advisers. • International: International Students in India through AIESEC exchange programmes | AIESEC Members from throughout the world | International Corporate clients.

The Sponsorship Investment is:

Rs. 1,10,000/- Only

Our Sponsorship Programmes Event/Channel/Activity

Company Sponsored Meals

Advertisement in Synergy Cultural Magazine

Audience & Key Benefits Audience : • Over 40 Project delegates / International People living in Jaipur for the period of three Months. Key Benefits : • Lunch/Dinner named after Organisation. • Special Invites & meal coupons, if desired. • Special presentation & distribution of literature, if desired. • Company Logo to be put on Minthly InternationalNewsletter (Online). Audience : • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 250+ member and alumni network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 25+ Educational Institutional Network. • 25,000+ Students base touched by Synergy. • 250+ of AIESEC’s members from across the world. Key Benefits : • Facilitates visibility through AIESEC’s wide-spread activities. • The Synergy Cultural Magazine, Synergy Completion Report along with AIESEC’s Jaipur Annual Report will be the three most circulated publications of AIESEC Locally. The importance of this publication guarantees readership.

Sponsorship Investment

Rs. 50,000 for the period of One Month.

Rs. 50,000 for advertisement on front or back cover. One slot available for main Sponsor. Rs. 35,000 for full-page advertisement. One Slot for main and supporting sponsor each. Rs. 25,000 for half-page advertisement. One slot for Supporting Sponsors and two for Associate Sponsors.

Advertisement in Synergy Completion Report

Advertisement Data space in Synergy DVDs

Audience : • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 75+ Corporate Client network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 40+ NGO Client network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 25+ Educational Institutional Network. • 250+ Members and alumni base • All our Sponsors. • 25,000+ of AIESEC’s members from across the world (digital version). Key Benefits : • Facilitates expansive visibility through AIESEC’s wide-spread network. • The Synergy Cultural Magazine, Synergy Completion Report along with AIESEC’s Jaipur Annual Report will be the three most circulated publications of AIESEC Locally. The importance of this publication guarantees readership. • The Synergy Completion Report along with AIESEC Jaipur Annual Report will be the three most circulated publication by AIESEC in Jaipur, Internationally. Audience : • 6000+ students from institutions where Synergy is present. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 75+ Corporate Client network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 40+ NGO Client network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 25+ Educational Institutional Network. • 250+ Members and alumni base • All our Sponsors. Key Benefits : • Facilitates Quality presence and advertisement (through digital images, documents, PPT Presentations or Videos) in students of

Available only for Main, Supporting and Associate Sponsors

Rs. 40,000 you will be given 25 MB of space whereas our Main, Supporting and Associate Sponsors will get 50, 40, 35 MB respectively without extra payment.

• •

Printed Logo over Synergy DVDs and Printed DVD Cover

Advertisement on our Synergy Website and Digital Newsletter.

Publicity Through Radio (Optional)

Advertisement in Newspaper and Media

Jaipur. Probablity of future recruitments. Students are the direct clients of your products.

Audience : • 20000+ students from institutions where Synergy is present. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 75+ Corporate Client network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 40+ NGO Client network. • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 25+ Educational Institutional Network. • 250+ Members and alumni base • All our Sponsors. Key Benefits : • Facilitates Quality presence and advertisement in students of Jaipur. • Students are the direct clients of your products. Audience : • AIESEC in Jaipur’s 25+ Educational Institutional Network. • 15,000+ students, parents, teachers, corporates from Jaipur. • 250+ Members and alumni base. • All our Sponsors. • 500+ of AIESEC members from across the Nation. • 2000+ of AIESEC’s members from across the world. • General public of jaipur. Key Benefits : • Ensure AIESEC member visiters as Synergy is one of the AIESEC’s most prestigious project. • Visibility in local, national and international markets. Audience: • General Radio Listeners of Jaipur, mainly youth. Key Benefit: • Huge support from the society. • Visibility in the Local public. Audience: • Genral Public of Rajasthan. • All students, teachers and parents of the students in Rajasthan. Key Benefit: • Reach everyone who reads newspaper in Rajasthan. (Newspaper depends on our official Media Partner).

Only Available to our Supporting Sponsors

Range from Rs. 5000 to Rs 20,000. Free for Main, supporting and associate Sponsors. Newsletter Publicity: Currenty Available for Main, Supportng and associate Sponsors and meal sponsors.

Currently available for Main Sponsor.

Only available for our Main, Supporting and Associate Sponsors.

To discuss Sponsorship possibilities, and for clarifications, contact: Adil Zuberi : International Relations Manager, AIESEC Jaipur Project Synergy Mail : [email protected] / Ph : +91 9314412223

Special Benefits Product Sheet Key Benefits: The Benefits A,B,C,D,E: Your Name as main supporter A: Front Page A: Back Cover A: Second Page A: Full Page A: Half Page B: Project Report Distribution Same as A

C: Data Space in CD/DVD C: Logo over CD/DVD

Main Sponsor

Official Supporting Sponsor

Associate Sponsor

General Advertisers

In-Kind Sponsors

√ √

√ √

√ √


50 MB

40 MB

30 MB

25 MB

C: Logo Over √ √ √ CD/DVD Cover D: Advertisem √ √ √ √ √ ent over our Website D: Logo in Internation √ √ √ al Newsletter E: Publicity √ Through Radio F: Publicity √ √ √ through Newspaper A: Advertisement In Synergy Cultural Magazine. B: Advertisement In Synergy Completion Report: Project Report. C: Advertisement and Data space in Synergy CD/DVD. To be distributed to everyone. D: Internet Related Branding. Website, Newsletter, Digital Documents, etc. E: Local Advertisements and Newspapers.

Project Synergy An International Educational and Cultural Sensitivity Project by AIESEC Jaipur Key Events Partnership Avenue


Induction Conference


Pamphlets during Global Village.


Presence at Partners’ Dinner


Synergy Study Tour


Newspaper Media Presence


Logos on Synergy DVDs

International Youth Networking

Local Youth Networking

Corporate Networking

Media Leverage

International and National Visibility

Branding & Visibility

√ √

√ √




Data space in Synergy DVDs. Synergy Reception and delegates Transfer Advertisement in Synergy Magazines

√ √

10. Advertisement in Synergy Project Report 11. Name in Radio Advertisement and support. 12. Presence on Synergy Website

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