The Colosseum Tutorial

  • May 2020
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Balamb Garden: The Colosseum Tutorial (v. 5.83) Last updated: August 25th Made by Raikon (Email/MSN: [email protected] | AIM: Lord Raikon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Colosseum Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basics: Characters and how to enter the arena: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Menu Characters To enter, change your name to the character's name (Right-click yourself, then click Change

Name ) and click Red or Blue team, then proceed to an arena by clicking the team buttons (Some characters won't work on both teams. If a buzz is heard, then click the other to go in. Essentially, the left side of the character board is Red-Only, and the other is Blue-Only) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hidden Characters (HC) To access the 24 'locked' characters (Ones with coins on top of the portraits, the so called HC Coins) you see in the menu, you'll need to earn 1000G (i.e. by winning battles or using a thief like Locke), and then buying their Coin props from Zidane in the Colosseum Cafe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class Characters (Customizables) For the customizable characters (Small portraits next to the element names), 600G is needed, but entering with 1000 extra lets you buy an extra option. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to use commands:

First off, the turn-bar at the top left has 10 dots, which symbolizes your Turn % (Each dot = 10%). When it reaches 100%/Bar fills up, you'll gain the "arrow" and will be able to take your turn. You can always say "hp" on the chatbox (Without the " "s) to see your status in more detail, as shown on the 2nd picture above.

This is the picture that shows when your turn's in order, showing the possible commands. In battle, all is done through the chat-box shown above. You get a list of commands in a simple menu when your turn shows up, say a command between " " and it'll be executed. Click a person to whisper/target it (All things you say are directed only to that person. You can click the person again to unselect) This is used to target people for a specific attack.

ESSENTIAL: The normal attack ("X" command) is special as it requires you to click a HIT button that appears at the bottom-right corner of the arena, the damage may be weak, but it is your main source of Charges. Charges, turns and related: Charges are an universal power system, used by ALL characters in the game. They're required to use the more powerful techs in the game, most characters have 4 techs, the most powerful one costing 3 charges and a weak one that costs none ("S"). You get them by Attacking (X) or Converting (More on Converting later on the tutorial, just learn to Attack properly first) So what is a Tech? A tech is another universal word for all characters, and is pretty much ALL attacks that aren't the normal attack ("X") and have a cost for the use, usually charges. (The "S" tech requires none) You die when your HP reaches 0. When you die, it's permenant. Currently there are no techs that can revive fallen allies. When you reach really low HP, your character'll also kneel (I believe it's around 1/8th of the Max HP. So remember that people that got boosted Max HP will kneel earlier than usual.) Targeting notation 101: Targeted attacks only strike a target of your choice. Mass attack all members of the enemy team. Targeted attacks are recommended to use on 1vs1 because they strike one opponent with full power. Mass attacks are therefore, weaker and useless when used against 3 or less enemies. More targetting notation further below. Elements 101: People of same element deal less damage to each other. More damage to the opposites. The elements are Earth<->Air; Water<->Fire; Space<->Time; Light<->Dark. There are also Non-Elemental characters, they have no advantage or disadvantage over elemental attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Intermediate: (Tip: Master the Basics section before moving on, and don't miss the HIT button anymore)

Extra Turns Just a heads-up before I continue. Extra Turns are essentially stacked turns. You can forfeit/delay a turn for the moment by self-passing, allowing you to take 2 consecutive moves on your next turn! There's two ways to get these Extra Turns, by converting or by self-passing, see the section below on Non-Menu Commands to see how to do both. Protip: Extra Turns make crappy draws, so don't spam them, specially when close to death. Non-Menu Commands Here are a few Non-Menu commands. These don't appear in the character's menu on your turn but that doesn't mean you're unable to use them. It actually means EVERY character can use them. Memorize them, you'll require them alot in veteran matches. Specially Moo and Convert. "hp" (display HP/Charges/Turn%/Extra Turns any time) --Very useful, you'll be saying this all the time to check on it yourself and to discuss with allies about strategies during their turns. "g" (display G any time) --Self-Explanatory. Check the Characters section above and the Boosts section below about how to use G. "trap" (you can Trap on your turn once per game; absorbs certain elements) --Trap allows you to absorb attacks from enemies (Or even allies :P) and make them heal you, the element is of your choice and lasts 1 turn (Decision is kept hidden from enemies). It's an effective way to get a free healing from enemy damage. Even better if they tech on you. False Trap doesn't absorb any element, but instead gives you a free charge, essentially bluffing. "moo #" ( - You can summon a Moo once per game to come cure you in a set number of turns, or use to cure an ally.Longer time = Larger heal. Status immunes can't moo. - You can give your Moo to allies by whispering them the command, you must not have set it, wastes charges for greater healing. - Can sacrifice charges to make the moo come faster or slower with moo # or moo -# after set.) --I can't stress enough how important Mooing is in battle. It's a free healing that can even range 5000-8000 in larger matches if well set. Setting a moo too early won't help you much because the healing is very weak, so set it at the start of the match if you can, but this'll make it impossible to give it to allies, Moo as you see fit. On a sidenote, Moo also ignores Zombie status (Turns heals into damage). Always remember you can check on your moo at any time by saying "moo" and that you can set your moo at any time, even not on your turn. "midi stop" (stop music any time; "Midi Off" in Menu keeps them from starting at all except for the game's starter) --Self-Explanatory. "pass" (whisper to ally or enemy to affect their %. With no target selected, adds an extra turn) --Enemy passes aren't that useful, only in certain situations. Ally passes are very useful and can make a large difference in survival when kneeling or dealing final blows. "draw" (take a dead ally's HP/Charge/%. Select new ally during draw to send to them instead. Status Immunes can't draw) --Draw's description pretty much explains it. Very very useful, but always ask your ally to check his stats before you draw him because the overkills pass over to you.

"convert" ( - Convert charges to %/turns at any time. 1ch=30%; 2ch=Extra turn; 3ch = 30% + Extra Turn; etc. - Say with 70-90% once a turn to exchange current % for a Charge.) --Convert is a rather new feature but it's severely important already. The Ch->% feature is very useful if Xing is dealing more damage than techs, but most of the time the %->Ch is the most useful, an extremely fast and easy way to get charges and nearly essential for any "menu characters". Watch out to set your Moo accordingly since you'll take less turns. "chance" (check chance to hit target) --Cross-checks the enemy's Evade with your Accuracy, can be used at any time at no cost. Not that useful but it's good to be there for certain occasions. "e" (make emoticons) --Just emoticons, no impact on gameplay. "uf" (unfreeze player-spots before game) --Used if you enter an arena and don't end up with the upmost empty spot or if it says "team is full" when it's not. Only one on field can do this so ask someone of the other team to "uf" it. No impact on gameplay, can only be said prior to match-start "mode (#)" (Alternate battle modes, spices up the battles for more veteran players. Only Top-Blue player can set these; currently 3 modes-- 0=Normal battle 1=Random-boost battle 2=Go-fast battle 3=Power Ball) --Self-Explanatory. RBB gives everyone a random stat boost at battle start. Go-Fast gives free turn % to people that take turns fast. Power-Ball adds a "Hot Potato" on field that adds STR/MAG up to the one who holds it. The ball switches teams when the holder is hit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boosts and Items (Many of these come from Crossovers with another game at Balamb Garden - The RPG): Warning -- G and these items will disappear once you log off BG, meaning you'll have to get them again. The only permenant items are the HiddenCharacter coins. HP/Speed boost: You can remove 20% of your HP in exchange of +20% Speed and viceversa. To do this you either: - If you're using a recently made Custom/Private Character, it'll most likely have the boost options at the bottom for free. If not, read the option below. - Go to the Colosseum Inn and speak to Terra behind the counter. You'll require 250G, this affects the next match you do ONLY. You'll have to buy it again after that. Another quick note before moving on, The RPG items (Ones listed next up, including the Gems as well) are rarely used in normal Colo play, most people just like to log in and just Colo and don't feel like passing the RPG a 9000th time just to get them. So don't feel obliged to get them, although this will give you an edge of "unpredictability"... :P Gems: Gems can be used on your turn with the "gem" command, they offer a heal to self/ally or damage to enemy (with your element.) There are two ways to get them: - From Terra at the Colosseum Inn, they cost 250G each and the Gem's element is only set when the battle-starts. (Taking after your chara's element)

- From The Colosseum, when you kill an elemental player, you have 10% chance of winning a Gem of their element. - From The RPG, monsters beaten in that game give you Gems of their element. These gems have a SET element. You can only use them with a Colosseum Character of the same element. - From The Card Game, when you win a game you get a Gem of a random element. Gladiators (See Personal Characters section below.) can use these Gems (RPG ones only.) to morph into monsters or summon them from the RPG. Check your Log Window when you enter the RPG for more info on this. Charms: Charms can be used on your turn with the "charm" command, they offer a boost to self/ally or a nerf to enemy of your own element. There are one two ways to get them: - From Terra at the Colosseum Inn, costing 250G each. Can only carry one at a time. This was removed, the only way to get the Charm is through the RPG methods - From The RPG, by either beating up Chaos (Final boss of the main-game) and then fighting the optional Espers by speaking to Aka. Afterwards you're given the Unlimited Charm (Can be used repeatadly.) - From The RPG, by gathering components from Monsters you fight (Only available to the Rogue class). This Charm-type is also Unlimited Bombs: Bombs are a sort of "Hot Potato" like the PowerBall. You can throw these with the "bomb" command and will explode on a random turn of the enemy. However, they can throw them back to your team on their turn. Each does 2500 damage when exploding. Ashe can explode them at will with the Combustion tech. There's only one possible way at the moment to get Bombs: - From The RPG, you'll come across bombs during Mission 1. - From The RPG, after beating Mission 1, you get Refilling Bombs (They DO end when you have 0 of them, but you get a free one after each battle once they do so.) Shard: This thing will save you from being killed if you have enough Charges/Extra Turns/% to negate the finishing blow. You can only currently acquire this at: - From The RPG, you'll get the Unlimited Shard after you beat Mission 1. Amulet: Say "amulet" at any time for Charge +1; amulet vanishes after. - From The RPG, you get the Amulets by performing the Class's trials at Mission 2 (Being 4 classes, you can have a total of 4 at a time) Rings: These can only be used by the Gladiators, each ring works on one of the classes and each has a different effect. There's a 5th, the Shield Ring, that can be used by all characters: Warrior: Passing allies also gives them 1000 of your HP & Max HP Rogue's: Draws on or by you won't draw HP loss. Mage's: Gems & Traps used regenerate after 1 turn. Healer's: Moo can be given to allies (at 1/2 amount) by having them selected when it comes Shield: DEF up while defending in Colo. - The Rogue's Ring is acquired during the Rogue Class trial in Mission 2 of the RPG - The Warrior, Mage and Healer rings are all achieved during the final fortress of Mission 2 of the RPG - The Shield Ring can be achieved from a chest before the final battle of Mission 2 of the RPG. Cookies: Say "cookie" before battle and your speed will be initially greater, reducing each turn. - Cait Sith's "Slots" skill has a 1/27 chance of giving a Cookie to all players but Cait himself.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Private and Public) Personal Characters I kept this from the Basics section because Private Characters tend to be ALOT more complex in terms of builds and techs than the Menu ones, you're probably ready now to use them. For info on personal characters (those beyond the original 80+ on the menu) check out These characters are private and are passworded, you can ask their owner for the password. Some personal characters have been made public and can be used by anyone, the list is in the Colosseum Lobby (Check your log there, press CTRL+L if it's not open.) The Gladiator is a character which represents you, you can set his/her element, weapon, gender, abilities yourself. You can even use your name. To use him, head to the Colosseum Entrance and say "gladiator" out-loud.


Advanced: (Tip: Only read this part after you've learned how to Moo on Intermediate and never miss the HIT button on Xing): General Notation Base Damage - Raw damage you're going to deal but hasn't been processed by the enemy's DEF/MDEF/Evade/Element Direct Damage - Base damage isn't processed. In other words, damage that ignores all defensive stats. Physical/Magical Damage - Damage that's based on your STR/MAG and is filtered by enemy DEF/MDEF, respectively. Semi-Direct Damage - I gave this one the name, so it's unofficial. It's normal Direct Damage that doesn't ignore Element. (Ex. Balthier, Bart and Laguna) Heal/Cure - Heals missing HP. If overcured over the Max HP, that overcure will be converted to more Max HP. Defensive stats have no effect on cures Status Effect - A positive/negative effect on your character. A stat/stat change also counts as a Status Effect. Moo also counts as one. There are characters that are immune to status changes. A list of the most common statuses is in a section below Minigame Techs - Techs that require a mini-game to be done correctly to actually hit, deal more damage or just add a status effect. Elements 201 Elements are far more complicated than you think. Elements are divided into two different stats, Attack (ATK) and Resistance (RES). Essentially, there's a defensive and an offensive element to a character. Example, Squall a Fire-Element character. Being Fire by default brings the following

33% Fire RES (Takes 33% less damage from 100% Fire elemental attacks) -33% Water RES (33% more Water damage) 100% Fire ATK (Your attacks are fully Fire elemental, unless stated otherwise, Greiver's always Light as an example) When a tech says "Changes character's element", it usually means the Resistances to that of the new element (Both the strengths and weaknesses of the element), not the Attack. There ARE techs that change the Resistance and Attack in %s, meaning you can have multiple elemental resistances and weaknesses and hit enemies with more than one element (50% Water, 50% Light as an example). A Non-Elemental character has 0% RES and ATK for all elements. Stats are linked to Elements as well. There are MANY techs which boost/nerf stats, cause status effects, etc. all based on your or the target's element (As stated above, when the word "element" is mentioned, it means the element you have most Resistance for). See the table below for the element-stat list. Stats 201 (Don't confuse this with statuses - which are status effects) Obviously, everything is conditioned through the characters' stats. By the way, Air-based stat changes affect both Evade/ACC. Sometimes Charge replaces HP as the Light-stat, depending on the tech. Offense STR - Strength (Earth) - All physical attacks are based off this stat unless stated otherwise (Like "Targeted Physical attack based on MAG") ACC - Accuracy (Air) - Chance of hitting an enemy. Measured in % MAG - Magic (Water) - All magical attacks are based off this stat unless stated otherwise ATK - Attack - Essentially your offensive element. The element of all your attacks unless stated otherwise (Cloud's Meteorain will always be Space regardless of any ATK change). Measured in % per Element. Defense Evade (Air) - Chance of evading an enemy attack under 2300 base (Anything over that ALWAYS hits regardless of Evade or ACC). Measured in % DEF - Defense (Fire) - Decreases physical damage taken MDEF - Magic Defense (Space) - Decreases magical damage taken RES - Resistance - Essentially your defensive element. You'll take more damage or less damage from certain elements depending on your resistance (By default, more damage from opposite, less from same). Measured in % per Element. Support Speed (Time) - Makes you get turns faster. Measured in % HP - Health Points (Light) - Your lifeforce, you die when this reaches 0 Max HP - Maximum Health Points (Dark) - The limit of your HP. When healed above your Max HP, the overcure BECOMES Max HP. (Ex. 2000 heal on 4000/5000 character. Result is 5000/6000) Charge (Light) - Charges allow you to perform stronger attacks and techs. Targeting Notation 201 Base (E) - Targeted - Affects a specific/targeted enemy (A) - Ally - Affects a specific/targeted ally (M) - Mass - Affects all enemies (T) - Team - Affects all allies (S) - Self - Affects only yourself (A) - All - Hits all players on field except yourself. (C) - Chain - Hits an enemy target and damages in sequence the people below it, the damage decreasing with each enemy. Complex

(EEE) - Affects an enemy target and the characters adjacent to it (EE) - Affects an enemy target and the character above it. (AAA) - EEE but allies. (E-E-E) - Affects the enemies in the 1st, 3rd and 5th positions on field (-E-E-) - Affects the enemies in the 2nd and 4th positions on field (ASA) - Affects yourself and the characters adjacent to you (eEe) - Affects an enemy target with full force. Lesser 'splash' damage/effect to the adjacent characters. (A-E) - Affects your ally and the enemy across (2nd position Ally - 2nd position Enemy) You get the picture. There are other variations but you can see what they'll do. Status Effect list There are status effects that are exclusive to one character (Such as Dizzy's Undine's Embrace or Arctic's Spike Trap). Those won't be listed because whenever they're used, the effect is explained at the top-right. This list is for the most common ones between characters. (Those that don't show the explanation bubble) Poison - 333 damage per turn for all the duration of the match. Can be negated with Regen. Regen - Reverse Poison, 333 heal per turn Flame - Damage which echoes through time (Does large damage on first turn, then less on 2nd, until it stops) Mend - Reverse Flame Zombie - All cures damage the target instead Cold - Turn % down which increases per turn you take Heat - DEF/MDEF down per turn. Sink - Speed down which echoes through time Go - Sets Turn % to 100. Stick - Turn % down which echoes through time. Quick - Reverse Stick Slow - Speeds down to a set % regardless of how fast or slow you are. Haste - Reverse Slow Shield - Blocks all damage under a certain base (Affected by stats). Broken when hit above that base Berserk - Can only Attack (X) for the rest of the match. Charges boost damage. Restore - Heals 1/6 of missing HP per turn. Curse - Target takes 9999 damage within a certain number of turns. Can be halved by defend. Willbreak - DEF/MDEF down each time you're attacked Paralysis - STR/MAG down which echoes through time Removal - Removes character from field permenantly. Force Field - Negates certain amount of base damage off the next attack taken Stop - Stops your turn bar until you're damaged or healed. Wears off with time if none of those happen Stun - Sets back your turn % for a specific amount (May go to negatives. You won't see your turn bar until it's back in the positives. You can keep track with the HP command though) I think I got most of them. Might be missing one or two. Inform me if you see a Status Effect you don't know about. Unofficial Tier List: This will be on a seperate file. Misc information and general tips Non-menu commands are essential in serious matches with veterans. Not Mooing will ensure you a quick death against one.

Don't be a douchebag. Using strategies like Infinite Stop or Element-stacking with Gladiator (Or other charas) will make people seriously hate you. (Air? Lol Amarant. No. Don't.) Always read your enemy's movelist if you don't know it by memory yet. You must always know what your enemy's capable of, going in blindly is certain suicide. Focusing on one target MOST of the times is a good strategy. You should ALWAYS kill the biggest threats first. Here's a recommended kill-order (Doesn't mean you should ALWAYS stick to it. Rely on your common sense) - MAYBE First, healers. If you're unable to kill people at a fast pace, then they'll be healed. If so, then these are your priorities. - First, tech-based. Swiftfully kill those who have very threatening techs (Such as Vivi because of his Black Hole) So as I said above, keep the enemies' character movelist close to you if you don't know them. Once you see a movelist on the Character Loaders, the image will be recorded to your Palace's "Media" folder. You can see them there at all times. Private Characters' movelists are available on the website The tier list I'm working on will also be a good way to determine this. - Second, those who're an opposite element to any of your teammates. Remember that opposite elements deal brutal damage to each other. Kill them before they kill you.

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