The Chronicles Of The Magic Necklace

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  • Words: 3,580
  • Pages: 17
SCENE 1 It was a fine morning. Brenda and her 5 years old daughter Barbie were in their fine house. Brenda was doing house works while Barbie was trying her best to read a storybook. Barbie: T.H.E. …The…. C.H.R.O.N.I.C.L.E.S……chro chro ni ni cla cle cles………… huh……….its very hard….. Brenda: What happen dear? Why are you so angry? Barbie: Mom……mom……….(crying) I cant read this………it is so difficult…….. Brenda: Oh ok…fine… nice…keep it on…(pretending not to listen) Barbie: Mom………(yelling) Brenda: What? What? What happened? Barbie: Why are you not listening to me????Mummy….Mummy….i want you to read to me this storybook…please…please… Brenda: Barbie….i am doing house work…I am very busy….dont disturb me…. shuh..shuh….go on and play with your barbies… Barbie. Barbie: No I want to listen to this story…..(crying)… Brenda: Ok…but after I finish my work….don’t disturb me now…go and play somewhere far… Barbie: (crying)No I want to hear the story now…now…now… I don’t care… (shout)NOW!!!! Brenda: Oh my god! This girl will never change. Ok, so which story were you trying to read just now? Oh..this one!(amazed). Well it’s a very interesting story.” The Chronicles of the Magic Necklace”. But before I read this story to you, you have to promise me something. Barbie: What is it mom? I will do anything. I swear.(exited) Brenda: You have to tell me what you have learn from the story. Barbie: Huh!.. But why? (Brenda start to pretend as she is going to continue with the work) Ok….ok…. I will… Can we start now….Please…(doing cute face) Brenda: So this is where how the story begins….

(Curtains start to close up. Get ready for scene 2)

SCENE 2 In the story, everything was fine. People of the kingdom of Paradise were very happy with their Queen Snow White and her beautiful princess, Princess Florina. On one fine morning, Princess Florina and her mother, Queen Snow White, were talking about their kingdom. QSW: What are you thinking my dear? PF: Just nothing. (sadly) Actually I was thinking about if father was here…how happy all of us will be. Mother…! Can you please tell me what had happened to Father? You said you will tell me when I had grown up. I am a big girl now. QSW: Very well. I think it is time for you to know everything. Please be patient while hearing. It was a big tragedy! PF: Tragedy!? QSW: Yes. Tragedy! You see, when you were young, your father had been killed by my very own younger sister. Qruelella! PF: What(Shouted)Father…killed….your sister?...You never told me that you had a sister. QSW: Not had. But having. She is still alive.(annoyed) PF: But why she wanted to kill her own sister’s husband? QSW: Actually she wanted to kill….me. PF: You? (shocked) But why? QSW: I heard that she wanted to rule our kingdom…and….ehem..ehem….was jealous of my..ah… beauty…She wanted to have this necklace.(showing her necklace that she was wearing) So that she can rule this kingdom. PF: Necklace?(surprised) What is so special about this necklace. It is just an ordinary necklace. QSW: No…its not an ordinary necklace. It’s a magic necklace. And the most importantly…it is the soul of our kingdom. If it falls on the hand of evil…. I am afraid… we have to say bye bye to our lovely kingdom. (silent a while ) Promise me something. PF: Anything mother.

QSW: If anything happened to this kingdom, promise me that you will try your very best to save it. PF: But mother….how could i…. QSW: Promise me! PF: Yes mother. I promise I will take good care of our kingdom no matter in whatever condition. (Both of them hug each other and the curtains start to close. Get ready for scene 3)

SCENE 3 On the other hand of the story, there was Queen Qruelella and her two clumsy assistants, Upin and Ipin. QQ: ( Walking without stopping) No…no…no…This could not be happening. I know I am the most beautiful woman and I know that I m the most prettiest and I know I am the most gorgeous and I know I am the most cute person in this whole kingdom… Upin: Then what you don’t know???(ask excitedly) QQ: Shut up! It is not that I don’t know something, but I don’t understand. Ipin: What…ah…what you…ah.. don’t…ah…ah… ya ya..understand? QQ: I don’t understand why, even when I am the most perfect person in this whole kingdom…why..i am still on the second place?? Ipin: ….on the…ah…first place? Upin: Come on you idiot…of coarse its Queen Snow White! She is so… beautiful! QQ: What did you said? Who is beautiful?(looking closely at Upin) Upin: No..No…I said that you… my queen…you are the most beautiful… hehehehehe.(scared) QQ: Oh..ok…I know that… (Upin and Ipin: fhhhwwww) Upin: So why don’t you just kill Queen Snow White? Ipin: Ya..thats rite..

QQ: What do you both think? Am I stupid? Upin and Ipin: Yes…… !!! (QQ stare at them angrily) Upin and Ipin: No…!!! QQ: I had tried to kill her many times before. Last time when I tried to kill her with a poisoned banana…my beloved brother in law,… the King…ate it….and pufffffff…… died… Ipin: maybe…… ah…..maybe….ah…ah……that….ah.. QQ: What??(annoyed) Ipin: Maybe banana was the king’s favourite fruit.(scared, say in one breath) QQ: are a genius! Ipin: I am???(surprised) I am…(softly)oh ya I am…….(exited and shout) QQ: Oh ya whatever. Now bring me my magical stuff. We have a murder to do. Hahahaha. Bring it(angrily) (Upin and Ipin bring in some stuffs) QQ: Now… all the things are here….exept…exept for a fruit. We have to think. Come on…think about QSW’s favourite fruit. Upin: Watermelon? QQ: NO Ipin: Apple? QQ: Ah….let me think..ah…no Upin: Mangosteen? QQ: No..mangosteen is my favourite. Ipin: How about..ahh..papaya. QQ: No….no…no…(frustrated)oh ya……wait a minute….i think I got it….it start from the letter D…. Upin: Duku? QQ: No no…it is a….du..dur..duri… something

Ipin: Ya…I know..i know…I know…I know….(keep on repeating) QQ: (slap Ipin at the back) Ipin: (stand still) Durian. QQ: Yes…I got it… I am so genius. Now lets start the procession….. (QQ – in the middle, and Upin and Ipin- march in circle around her) Upin and Ipin: Hahuhahihahohoho(keep on repeating) QQ: Who is the most beautiful?(while doing her portion) Upin and Ipin: Qruelella hu! Ha! Ha! QQ: Who is the most prettiest?(while doing the portion) Upin and Ipin: Qruelella hu! Ha! Ha! QQ: Who is the most genius?(still doing the portion) Upin and Ipin: Qruelella hu! Ha! Ha! QQ: And who is the ugliest?(stop a while and ask) Upin: (quite) Ipin: Qruelella hu…ha..ha… (knew he did something wrong) QQ: Ok the portion is ready. Bring me Durian!!! Now mix….mix….mix…. Upin and Ipin: (together with QQ) Mix…..mix……mix…… QQ: Oh my! Look at this poisonous, hilarious, fantastic durian. Now both of you,(Upin and Ipin pretend to listen) Bring this to QSW.(close her eyes) I can see that she is now at her garden) Upin: Before that… Can you please tell us, how can you see people when your eyes are not even open??(Blur) QQ: (A little angry-just showing) Ipin: Ya… ya…. How did you do that? QQ: Both of you get out from here right now!(angrily) I myself will bring this durian to her!!! QSW…. Just wait…. I m coming….hahahahaha (Qruelella ran out bringing the fruit along. Curtains start to close slowly. Get ready for scene 4)

SCENE 4 Queen Snow White was at the one of the famous garden in Paradise Kingdom waiting for her daughter when suddenly: (Qruelella pretend to be an old lady) QSW: Who is there? QQ: Hello my dear…! QSW: (shocked) Well my….who are you? QQ: (cough) Well my dear…. You see…I am very poor…I sell these fruits. These fruits are the only hope for me and my children. Now its even worse. QSW: Why what had happened?(concerned) QQ: (started to cry) One of my child is having very high fever. I need to buy medicine for her. Will you buy a fruit from me? Please…. Please…I beg of you… QSW: Well yes. Oh wow! Durian! My favourite. How much will it cost? QQ: Just about 10 Ringgit. QSW: Okay. Then I will buy this one. QQ: Do you want me to cut it for you. You can eat it now. If you don’t mind. QSW: No… I wont mind. Instead I will be very happy. (QQ cut the durian and gave it to QSW to eat) QSW: (had a bite) Well its delicious. I hope that your child will….ah…(in pain) What is happening? Oh my God. QQ: Hahahaha! My my… my dear sister… QSW: Qruelella! You! QQ: Who else could it be my dear sister. Now I will rule this land forever. Hahaha! (snatched the magic necklace that QSW was wearing) No one can ever stop me. Hahaha! You will die now in less than five days. Hahaha! QSW: Someone will stop you (in pain) QQ: (mock) Someone will stop you… Who? QSW: My daughter.

QQ: Hahahaha! A very nice and sweet…. Joke…But you know what? Don’t make these kind of sweet…. Jokes… You will end up getting diabetes one day! Hahahaha (Qruelella went out happily- Princess Florina came in and was shocked looking at her mother lying on the floor) PF: Mother!!!(shout) Mother what had happened? Why are you… QSW: There is no time for explanation…ahh.. PF: Mother.. QSW: Dear… its ok…I will be fine….You have to…ah…save our kingdom…Qruelella had stole the magic…the magic necklace…Our kingdom is in danger… You had promise me that you will never let anything happen to our kingdom… PF: But how i… I am alone mother… QSW: No you are not…ahhh….(in pain) You will be helped by 3 of my friends… “ The Famous Threes”….uhhhh…You will meet them on your way to Qruelella’s castile… Remember…whatever happens…ahhhhhh….dont let our kingdom be destroyed by the evil….(Fainted) PF: Mother!!! No…No… (cried) I promise…I will bring back the magic necklace….I will bring back you….Qruelella….just wait…I m coming…

SCENE 5 Long long in the jungle, there lived three amazing unique species. They are not human. They are the one who are going to help our Princess Florina on her journey. They are Little Red Kicking Boot, Sleeping Bee, and also Ginnymon. They have special powers but the only problem with them is… LRKB: Look at me… I am LRKB… I am small but I can defeat my enemies with only my one kick…I am world number one kicker… I am the best…. My enemies are my ball…and I love to play football with them…I will kick them till I reach my goal…and one…two…three…GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah…..I did it…. I am the best… (Ginnymon came in angrily) Ginnymon: Oh yeah????? Excuse me…I am better than you….you little boot… LRKB: its not little boot… Its “Little Red Kicking Boot”… Ginnymon: Ah….whatever…. but I am still the best…I am way……..too…… much better than you…….

LRKB: And who said that so? Ginnymon: Everyone… LRKB: No way… Ginnymon: Oh yes way… you just can kick well…but I can hypnotize my enemies till they fall on my boots….not your boots… you little whatsoever boot….and I also have another special power….. LRKB: Ohh please………. And what is it you ginny… Ginnymon: well I can fly…high…on my…”MAGICAL CARPET”…Hahaha….and I can reach my destination so quickly… LRKB: Oh really….why don’t you command your magical carpet now….I want to see you fly…(say in annoyed mood) Ginnymon: Ehem…okay…Ehem ehem… “bubulabi babababa bulululu bilalalala balabi” LRKB: Hahaha…I cant see you fly…. Ginnymon: Wait let me do it again….” Bubulabi babababa bulululu bilalalala balabi”…… Why its not working….Hey what happen to you???(yell at the carpet) Come on you carpet…. (Sleeping Bee came in) SB: Why are both of you fighting?…(yawn) Why cant both of you stop fighting… Its okay…all of us are good in our own…. Both LRKB and Ginnymon: Shut up… SB: Why…? stop fighting… LRKB and Ginnymon: (not listening and continue with their fight) SB: STOP!!!!!!!!!! (yell) (LRKB and Ginnymon stare at SB) SB: Stop right away or else I will stab you both with my powerful string… LRKB: Ginnymon is the one who start it at the first place… Ginnymon: (quickly) No I did not…. You know I cant…. I am such a friendly and…. and…ah….innocent ginny….(talk while looking at SB) LRKB: Oh yes you did…

Ginnymon: No I did not… LRKB: Oh yes you did(angry) Ginnymon: Oh no I did not…. You did it. LRKB and Ginnymon: YOU did it(one by one) Sleeping Bee cant stand both of them and went to sleep… Just then… LRKB and Ginnymon heard the sound of horse riding. (horse riding sound) (Princess Florina came in) PF: Hello everyone! LRKB and Ginnymon: Who are you? PF: I am Florina. Ginnymon: Oh….hi….Flowerina… PF: Its Florina… Ginnymon: What’s the difference? Like flower and flora…. Same goes to Flowerina and Florina…Right? PF: Ya!...But I prefer Florina. Ginnymon. Okay…okay….whatsoever….Hi…Florina…..My name is Ginnymon.. LRKB: And I am Little Red Kicking Boot! So why are you here in this jungle…. ALONE!!!...ah….Florina? PF: Well you see…I am actually finding The Famous Threes. Do you know where I can find them? LRKB and Ginnymon: (laugh) PF: Why are you laughing? LRKB: Well because my dear Florina… You are at the right place. PF: Huh? I don’t get it. Ginnymon: Well Flora… PF: Its Florina.

Ginnymon: Oh ya…. Whatever…. We are the one who you are finding. We are The Famous Threes. PF: Oh God…. I found you…(silent a while) What??? You??(confused) LRKB: Yes… But what’s the problem? PF: The Famous Threes….(silent) But there should be three of you… Where is one more… Ginnymon: Oh…The Sleeping Bee… She is always asleep… (SB wakes up-Still yawning and dreaming) SB: Oh… It was a lovely dream… I was in Sleeping Land and there was no body there except for me and my Sleeping Bed… Ahhh(shout) Who are you? (scared) PF: Its me….. Florina…. SB: Florina!? Florina who??? PF: Its me…Florina…Princess Florina… LRKB: What…. You are a princess?? PF: Yes… I am the daughter of Queen Snow White. SB: QSW? Oh my my…. Ginnymon: QSW… She is beautiful… and kind…. Where is she now??? She did not come along with you? (looking behind PF) LRKB: Yes, where is she? PF: Oh….(sadly) Actualy…..She..she…. the magic necklace… LRKB: What happened to the magic necklace? PF: Qruelella had snatched it from my mother… She also gave her a poisonous durian….now she is not well…. The Famous Threes-together: What!!! PF: Yes…. I have to bring back the magic necklace for the sake of my kingdom and also…………my mother….But to do this… I need your help…. I cant do this alone… LRKB: Yes we will do anything to help QSW…. I am the leader of the team….so……. Ginnymon: Excuse me…. I am the leader of the team okay….. SB: Hey! Both of you are under me… I am the leader of the team……

(All The Famous Threes start fighting) PF: Hey listen… Listen please!!!…(angry) (All of them looked at her at once) PF: All of us are good….in our own perceptions…..But to bring back the necklace…. we have to stay together as “one big family”….If we quarrel now….we will only end up getting nothing… Ginnymon: They started it…… PF: But you all have to understand the situation… we can never bring back the magic necklace without each other’s help…. (All quite for a while) SB: I am with you princess…. LRKB: Me too….. Ginnymon: Ah…. But… Okay…. I am in too…But only for the sake of QSW… And also… Flowerina…. PF: Its Florina…..!!!!!!(shout) But thank you everyone… I think we should not waste time any longer…. We still have four more days to go to bring back the magic necklace…

Our team is now ready to go. On the way, all of them sing a WONDERFUL song along……….. The team: Wonder girls, Wonder girls, Here we come, We are going to bring back the happiness, We’re not too big, and not so strong, But together we do, We will do the best. Yeah wonder girls!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!

(The curtain start to close- get ready for the next scene)

SCENE 6 Qruelella heard the news of Princess Florina. Upin: QQ…. You know what? PF and her gang are coming…….. ahahhhhhhh(scared) Ipin: Yes…yes….. yes…………………. Oh no……… We are dead………dead………..Oh no………….dead!!!!!! QQ: Shut up both of you…. Let me think….. Upin: Think faster………But what’s the point……..we are going to be defeated by them……… Upin and Ipin: Ohoooohohohoho(cry)

QQ: Ahhhh….(angry) Shut Up!!!!!! Get ready with your weapons! Upin: What weapons??? QQ: (Slap Upin’s face)

Upin: Okay… understood… (Upin and Ipin went out to get weapons) QQ: Hurry Up!!!... She would never get this magic necklace…its mine…only mine…. (Upin and Ipin came in again) Ipin: Here they are…. QQ: Okay…good….well done….now listen… Upin and Ipin: Yes!!! QQ: I want you…my brave assistants…..Upin and Ipin…. Upin and Ipin: (feel exited after being praised) Yes!!!!!!!!!! QQ: I want both of you to welcome our guest….. nicely….and kill them!!! Ipin: Wait…. You ask us to be nice and bad at the same time? Upin: Ya…. How can we be nice to them and after that just kill them? Its very bad…. Don’t play play ah… QQ: Okay…. Both of you don’t have to be nice. Just be bad…and kill them!! Understood? Upin and Ipin: Yes!!!!! Upin: But where will you be? Why aren’t you killing them? QQ: Ah…well….ehem…. I have some other….ah….more serious things to do…. Ipin: I know….you….you…you…… (Upin slap at Ipin’s back) Ipin: You are trying to run away…right?? QQ: No….now shut up and get back to work…I will be going to handle PF and you both handle the rest…. No more questions……go…..dont disturb me…..go…………. (Upin and Ipin went out and QQ feel more relieved) (Curtains being closed-get ready for next scene)


On the other hand, Princess Florina and the others were trying their very best to reach QQ’s place.

PF: Come on….we have to move fast…. Ginnymon: Ahhhh…….(exhausted) I cant….. I m tired…………. Can we please rest… …….. (Sleeping Bee lay down and sleep without anyone knowing it) LRKB: I thought you said that you are the strongest….??? Ginnymon: I am okay…….. PF: Guys…remember to what we said…. No more fighting… Look at Sleeping bee…. She is so quite…. She never quarrel with anyone… Ginnymon: Its because she is sleeping…… Oh God……what should I do with my team…. Oh goshhhhhhhh….They are all hope less……… except for you Floralinda… …. PF: Ginnymon….. firstly stop fighting…. And secondly… name is FLORINA……… F.L.O.R.I.N.A…… FLORINA….. Ginnymon: Okay…okay……… PF: Sleeping bee… wake up….we have to go now ….Come on…. LRKB: Sleeping Beeeeeeee….wake up….wake up……..Wake up(shout)………. Ginnymon: Ah….(sit down) What a hot day….. Oh my God…. Help me……..

Just then… Upin and Ipin came in…

Upin: My…my….Who we are having here…. Ipin: I think they are the LRKB and Ginnymon and Sleeping Bee… hahaha…. Sleeping Bee…. You were right Upin….. She is always sleeping… PF: Who are you?

Ipin: Wow…. You are so pretty… I am Ipin…Will you be my girlfriend….?? Upin: No…. She is going to be my girlfriend….. Ipin: Mine Upin: Mine Ipin: Mine…mine…mine..mine… PF: But who are you?? Upin: Oh……….. yeah…….we…are…………… Upin and Ipin….. We are the bravest assistants of QQ…..haha… PF: QQ…!!!! Ok then… get ready to die….(Take out her weapon) Ipin: Hey….Don’t kill us…. At leat don’t kill me……. Upin: She is going to kill us… Ipin….Do you remember something?? Ipin: What….?? Upin: Its time for us to kill them too…. Ipin: Yes………. Yeah…… (Both of them take out their weapon and all of them start fighting. Just the Sleeping Bee woke up) Sleeping Bee: Who is trying to disturb me???? I am going to kill them… Ipin: Hahahahahaha…. Look……….Sleeping Bee is awake…. Hahahaha….. SB: (very angry) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..(Point her string to Upin And Ipin) I am going to kill you… (PF, LRKB, and Ginnymon were surprised with SB’s behavior) SB: (after defeating Upin And Ipin) Fhewww…. No one can disturb me when I am sleeping……. PF: You did it….!!!!!!!You save all of us……… Now we can move on and……………..

Suddenly…… QQ: Hahahhahaha….. and what my dear niece??....... PF: Qruelella…….. Give me back the necklace………

QQ: Never……… (The famous Threes tried to help PF) PF: No……..I have to fight alone for this……….. (QQ And PF start fighting… and after a while… QQ fall down and PF snatched the magic necklace) QQ: No………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!! PF: I am sorry but you have to die……. QQ: No…………!!!!!!!!!!!! (All Of them stop moving and the curtains start to close)

SCENE 8 Queen Snow White was well again and the kingdom was saved. QSW thanked everyone for their effort to help her to get back the magic necklace. QSW: Thank you everyone….. I appreciate everything that you had done for this Paradise Kingdom… Ginnymon: Well that was nothing…. I know that I m the most… PF , LRKB and SB: Ginnymon(angrily) All of them: Hahaha (End of story… Back to reality)


Barbie: Oh…. so this is the story about…. Brenda: Yes my dear… So now… What had you concluded? Barbie: Ah…… We should work together…. Brenda: And… Barbie: Hmm……… We should save our country if it is in danger…

Brenda: Yes….. and……. Barbie: We should not be to proud of ourselves… like the Ginnymon… Brenda: Aha…yes…. Barbie: And one more…. Brenda: What is it? Barbie: We should love our mother (Hug her mother) I love you mom… Brenda: Oh Barbie….. Ok enough for this emotional black mail… lets get you to sleep now… Tomorrow is school…. Barbie: Oh no… Brenda: Oh yes…….. (Brenda and Barbie went out from the stage)

End Of Drama

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