The Chronicles Of Michael - Birth And Death

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce The Chronicles of Michael: Part1 - Birth

“Revelations 12.7: Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, who fought back with his angels; but the dragon was defeated, and he and his angels were not allowed to stay in heaven, any longer…”


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Prologue A mysterious voice was talking from afar, with millions of his followers in front of him. Everywhere lights shone onto the golden tile surface. The angels were like an ocean before him…but the ocean was intoxicated by a glint of evil. “Thou Lord Yahweh have giveth me control over thine…Thou art my disciples, my most trusted disciples. I shall now tell thee a secret. How long art thou supposed to live in His Majesty’s shadow? How long art thou to follow His orders? I, Lucifer, shall grant thee the opportunity to become something more. Something of true power, like the power I have. Join me, and thee shall receive my eternal grace.” There was a sudden burst of confusion among the angels. The Archangel, Lucifer, had just asked them to go against all they have ever believed believe. “What if our master is listening to us oh great one,” one screamed in terror. “It can’t be done, both thy and thee have been created by Yahweh,” another questioned. “I promise thee eternal glory, and thy only reply with questions? Thou incompetence is not acceptable…I am marching against God, thee who stand in my way, shall be destroyed, “the voice replied as a cold breath. It is so that war broke out in God’s sacred heaven. Lucifer and his troops were a lot more than God’s; almost a third of God’s angels had turned against Him. However, they did not have God’s strength and eternal power. Thus, Lucifer was cast down onto the earth. He looked up at the sky in a distant awe, and slivered away like a snake. He called himself Satan, the bearer of light, because of his power to influence creation. God’s smartest creature, Man, was one of these things that the devil could manipulate. He seduced God’s daughter Eve, and she seduced Adam, God’s other son. Since those days, Man had been stuck between the war, the war that would last eternally…one between Good and Evil. But, Man decided it was time to intervene…


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

The Chronicles of Michael: Birth Chapter1: In the end, it doesn’t even matter. “On the fifth day God took fire and water and He created all the fish and He saw that it was good, and on the fifth day He created birds out of boggy earth while mixed with water and He saw it was good. On the sixth day He created all the mammals including man and He saw it was good.’’ My name is Michael Lock and this is my life. I work as a twenty-four year old history teacher at a small time school in Los Angeles; I have no wife, no kids, my life is dull and my soul is adrift. I have, and see no meaning in life. I am dedicated to God… or at least I hope I am. My destiny does not allow me to be worth anything, not even to God. In my futile attempts to become something, I have been bringing myself down to earth, and I don’t think I can go lower than the ground… or at least I hope not. I never knew my parents and have no idée of my past. I am lost in this world of subsistence. Yes this is my life, and I wished for a change, I wished things would swing my way for a change… It was a dark, cold night, very out of the ordinary. The temperature here in LA usually moves up to about 27 degrees Celsius, but this was different. These past few weeks have been dreadful; the weather has been pushing its luck. Since Wednesday the sky had been building up with clouds. It sometimes looks as if the night sky was crimson. The temperature had slowly been decreasing. It was not something I was used to; back in Texas it was usually warm. Even though I live in LA now I practically grew up in Texas. That is where I was first adopted, where my first guardians lived, and where I met my best and only friend. It was just a normal summer’s eve when I was first adopted into a steady home. I was seven at that time, but had enough knowledge of life to know that no one wanted me… I had already given up on hope at that stage. I always believed that little boys should be happy and not worry about the darker things of life. That day, the first thing I saw when I woke up was the prettiest little green eyes of a young lady, roughly about twenty six if I had to take a guess at that age. Her name was Carlisle, a name not commonly known in America… okay maybe Texas at least. Her husband, probably about the same age, was also a kind looking person. His name was Fred, not as spectacular as Carlisle concerning names, but it had a soft ring to it, well I guess his name was a lot like he was a soft, gentle and caring person. The two of them never fought, they just quietly solved their problems… if they had any. Later on they told me that they weren’t really able to have children of their own, and decided to adopt me, despite of my ‘darkened eyes’, as they later on explained it. I lived with them for three years. After the three years her husband died… it was very tragic, a car accident. She also had some extreme injuries, and medical bills became too much to bear, so she had to give me away again. I had no idea where I was supposed to go then, I was back into the adoption system, and didn’t have a family again… But at least there’s thunder, I love thunder, it made me see how big God is, and it is like medicine to the soul. But the cold and thunder doesn’t really mix to well. It was the type of cold that you couldn’t warm up, the type evil lives in…


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Something was happening: my breathing was unstable, a mass of crippling air, moving in and out of my lungs. I knew something was wrong, in my mind all was flawed, it could’ve been anything. It was like when you were in the shower, and you close your eyes, and all you see is darkness with millions of bouncing black spots. I stood up in my bed; dark shadows were moving over my walls, on the ceiling. I was stunned into the deepest parts of my being, I couldn’t move, pure darkness was covering me, wrapping me tight in my covers. My warm, safe place is no barrier against the darkness, I had to stand up, turn on some lights, and free myself from the obscurity… I was coughing; blood was dripping from my nose. It was like having my mind smashed. When I looked up into the mirror I saw something of unspeakable horror, my skull. It was bleeding; full of black negativity… darkness… it looked pure evil and scared the crap out of me. I could see that this night would leave its mark on me. And it will be the type of mark no force would be able to diminish. But it quickly faded into dust like a vision fading to black… I took a look outside and thanked God for dawn was on its way. But all of the sudden it was turning dark again almost like dusk, then night again… From dawn to dusk, I could write a song. I have always enjoyed writing music, and playing guitar. It was sort of a hobby. The Columbus’s, which were Carlisle and Fred, would do anything for me. Fred Columbus sounds quite impressive now that I think of it. They worshipped me and made me feel loved. They bought me loads of toys and things, including a gorgeous guitar. At the age of eleven I started playing guitar, however, no one would teach me how to. They felt uneasy, giving me guitar lessons. Probably because my eyes were so extremely grey, and saddened. Maybe that is why Fred bought me all the stuff he did, because he felt sorry for me. The guitar also went well with my taste of music I guess. I started listening to music when I was very small, especially metal, heavy metal. Fred bought me a lot of CDs… I still have them come to think of it. I never had a specific taste in music… I did form a liking to specific bands though. At the moment it’s Kamelot, I have been listening to them since they formed back in 1988. Come to think of it, I was thirteen at the time… I mostly wrote lyrics, because it took me a while to actually play guitar. I was still very young and could not read the notes, or understand the guitar. The adoption agency agreed that I was able to keep my guitar. I was in the adoption agency till the age of twelve when I was adopted by the average American family. They bought me the Kamelot CD’s. But that was the last thing on my mind, for evil was in my midst. Black night was closing in on me. It was depressing me. I am no pessimist, but this was too much. My judgment was being clouded as I ran through the obscure darkness. I panicked, I had to get out. I was running towards the window when I fell and hit my head on the edge of the table... I was in pain I swung my head back to reveal the dark puddle of blood on the floor. I turned slightly to the back of my living room… That was when I saw him or it, an angel or something in its entire splendor. It was shining like a light, turning the rest of the room darker. In my subconscious mind I knew that it cannot be true. It was five a.m.; it may have been a dream, or is this real?


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “I am a Grigori or Watcher,” it said. I was very stunned at the time; I wanted to ask his name but could not pass the words past my lips. He somehow read my mind, and said… “My name will become significant later, but until then, I shall remain unknown to you.” I thought no further about it. But the word Grigori had been flashing in my mind though. Where had I heard this before? Have I seen it before? Is it something from my memory? Whatever it was… it’s driving me mad… this whole thing is. “I taught men about the secrets of metals and making weapons. I am an Angel of the first sphere in the Cherubim order. Also the new elected leader of the angels.” I came to my senses and realized that some student once gave me a report on this, the hierarchy of angels. Three spheres each with three orders or choirs… He was one of the high ranked angels. This is mentioned in Ephesians six, verse twelve. I had biblical studies on university with my friend. They taught us everything about the history, meaning and stories behind the text of the bible. I took a particular interest in demons and angels. The school did not allow me to dig deeper in this crude subject, the figured it might ‘distract’ me from the regular work. Ever since I first read about some of these demons, I just had to go deeper. It fascinated me. However, the university did not have any books on the topic, so I was forced to stop thinking about them. Here and there my friend would give me some interesting information about demons and stuff like that. After the university’s refusal, I decided to study history, thus becoming a history teacher. I enjoyed learning about my forefathers, and my country’s heritage. However, I spent my time self-studying demons. Why a new leader though? Angels being sworn to serve only God would not need a leader… I guess even angels aren’t perfect. Maybe even angels can’t look after themselves, God had to appoint leaders. If what God said is true, that we were created after his own image, after whose image were angels created? The other option that passed my mind is that this is a dream; in the morning I would wake up, back on the cruel earth, and remember nothing. “I have come to your plain to give you a task of great importance, the end times, judgment day, grows closer. Yes it is ever so close. Long have we, the angels been waiting for this day, when we will smite the devil. But before we can, we need your help.” Why would he tell me that judgment day is close? I have never loved a women, I haven’t even reached thirty yet. The world can’t end now. I don’t want to die a scar less man. Why haven’t I loved a woman yet? Or have I? Does she count towards my human existence? Is she love itself? No she is not… she was a mere thorn in dysfunctional routine… The spear checking if I’m dead… I hate her… He’s talking a bunch of bull; I’m going to find the truth by my own means. All my life I have been searching for meaning, and he just happens to show up when I’m on the brink of destroying myself, setting my soul ablaze in the fires of hell. That’s when I decided to say. “Are you an angel of God?”


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Yes, why wouldn’t I be, nonbeliever? I come here with a task, hand chosen by Him and you accuse me of lying?” “I felt an evil in my home, why should I trust you? It could be you. You don’t look to reliable.” “I can assure you my intensions are clear. My task for you will not be an easy one. Do you want to continue Michael?” Continue? How can I trust it? I am not afraid to die, but I do not want to mess up if this is one of God’s angels. And why would he say that God didn’t send him? I am skeptical about this… angel. I have learnt to only trust God, why start fresh by trusting this unknown wonder?


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Chapter 2: Life is a choice “Yes I’m ready; I can do with a little excitement. But first tell me why God didn’t send you.” “Because this task is special a one, one which has long been planned for you. God already knows. I did not need to ask for His permission. Do you need to ask permission to breathe? ” “Okay if you say so… continue with your explanations, I’m listening” “Very well Michael. You are a history teacher, so this might sound very familiar you. But remember, you may not know some of it, so listen carefully.” My heart was beating rapidly, I couldn’t control my shakes, my hair was standing straight up but yet I continued to listen as he gave away the secrets of heaven, spilling it. At first I took it all up as worthless lies. I mean nothing; this is not my battle, why should I care? “When God created the earth, on the fifth and sixth day of creation, He created the fish, birds and the mammals. For each of these groups he assigned a guardian, a king you would say. These guardians were: Ziz the king of birds, Leviathan king of fish and Behemoth king of mammals. These creatures were so powerful that if there was to be a male and female, and they were to mate and create an offspring, they would annihilate the earth so God made only a male of each.” “Among these there were other creatures like the phoenix… most of these other powerful creatures were annihilated in the great flood. Do you really think man was the only reason God destroyed everything? But these three, the kings, are the three most powerful. We need them to get out of our prison which the Devil trapped us in. We have been trapped here since that flood. We stand before you, ablaze, looking for redemption. Only you can do this, God left us here so you could free us, so you could fulfill your life long destiny. How could I be that important? Maybe God noticed me. Maybe all that waiting has paid off… Or this is merely but a dream. Should I get excited? I have nothing to lose, do I? Why not…? Who is going to miss me? Go to these three points on your earth, the Himalayas, the Salt Sea and the Amazon Plato. Do not worry about where the Salt Sea is, or where in the Himalayas, our assistant will help you. After you have freed all three of the creatures my assistant will kill them to gain the crystals. These three crystals are three heaven elementals, tears from three of the archangels. He will then insert the three crystals in a grove which will act as a key, opening our gate. Only you can revive these three creatures, only you have the power” Sounds farfetched, why would God keep His angels trapped just so that I can have my way. If anything, I deserve to die… I looked up into the light at the edge of his wings. I have been so lost in myself; I have designed my own destruction a long time ago. I see a rose withering, if I take this task upon me, I might dwell from my faith… if there’s any left. “But how? I am nothing, what can I do?” “You are special Michael; you were born with that soul purpose. God hand picked you to complete this task, you shall soon see.” “But many text books describe the Leviathan as the guardian of Atlantis, and Atlantis does not exist, does it?


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “No Michael the Leviathan was never part of Atlantis, Atlantis did exist but they became too advanced and we, the watchers, personally destroyed the city. But this is all off topic.” “And Behemoth? It can be anything! Most text book says it’s a crocodile, or hippopotamus.” “Michael the end is near and God needs us for this fight.” “He is depending on you.” “But why don’t you ask God for help?” “It is your destiny you must fulfill it. God will be keeping a watchful eye on you all the time.” I had to take the chance; it may be the only way to prove myself to God. “I know you humans and you want something in return, here.” “But its Hebrew, I can’t read Hebrew.” I thought back on our senior year at Oxford University, I studied my history profession there. We went on a field trip to Israel, and I saw some Hebrew on the walls. At the time the language was strange to me, but I realized it after going back to Oxford. I recognized it from some of the text books. I was too lazy. Back then I didn’t care much, but my friend, John, was quite an obsessive person when it came to foreign languages. He mastered it within that year. “Find yourself Michael for judgment day is within your soul, runs in your blood, you cannot escape your fate.” “But what can I do? I am a broken, dead man!” “Be at that spot within sixty hours to meet my assistant. On the front is the address and on the back is your reward, knowledge!” “But I can’t! I can’t do it, I am too weak…” “Goodbye Michael and make the right choice!” “But…” “And all shall be smitten with fear and the Watchers shall quake, and great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth.” “Are you sure we can trust this kid, trust man?” “Yes, we have no other choice, he is the key, he is Ekloge.”


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Chapter 3: Old friends The next morning I did not even go to work, I went to see an old friend. We have known each other longer than I have known my name. We were the best of friends and studied archeology and history together. I went into teaching and he went private doing his own research. He was like a brother to me, the only family I ever had. It makes me think back on the time we stole the fossil from Mia... Damn was she beautiful, I loved her as long as I can remember. We believed the fossil was some creature from space, she didn’t even value it, why the issue? She was the first and last girl I loved or ever will. We went to school together, Beckville High. I had feelings for her, more than I could ever have for any other person. I gathered the guts to ask her out. It lasted three weeks, passionate romance, or that’s what I thought… In the time we were going out she was also in love with John, my best friend. I learned not to hate, but I hated her with all my being. I made a promise not to fall in love again. Love is not all flowers and moonlight, even the whitest rose withers… but this is a long story, of which is not worth telling, because as days go by my heart grows cold… I wish God would just take me… “John!” “Michael!” “Hey buddy, long time no see! How are you doing?” “I’m fine, just fine. Come Michael sit I’ll get you something to drink. Can I pour you a whiskey, or do you prefer scotch?” “You know I don’t drink John.” “Well I thought maybe you changed. I know it this time, all research tells me that Armageddon is close, the great rapture. You sure you don’t want a drink? If God takes you from the earth now, you would never have been drunk in your life…” “No it’s okay John, I really don’t want to drink. And besides what would it matter? And you should stop meddling in God’s affairs; even if there were to be the great rapture, I’m sure God wouldn’t want you to know about it. And God won’t take me; I’ll be here long after the rapture has passed. I came to talk. I don’t now if I remember correctly but you can read and write Hebrew.” “Yes of course, it’s been a while but I could try. Why are you asking?” “You would never believe me… I saw an angel! And he gave me this.” “But, Michael are you sure he was an angel? What was his name?” “He did not mention it.” “Oh, but in any case I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I can’t read this language, it’s not Hebrew.” “No, but angel’s write in Hebrew, how can it not be?” “Take your paper and leave Michael, I don’t want to see you again.” “What, but why?” “I am not the one meddling in God’s affairs… you know nothing of this. Leave and never return here, angels do write in Hebrew.” “If you have something to say, say it to my face! What do you have against me all of the sudden?” “Michael, he is no angel, he is actually one of the watchers, a fallen angel.” “That’s a load of crap.” “You are so blinded with proving yourself that you can’t see the simple truth right in front of your face…” “Fine! I thought we were buddies. No-one makes a fool of me, not even my best friend… I shall redeem myself by doing this for Him.” “Michael! Leave this task behind you, and don’t look back! You are a good person…


The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce your brother… it was not your fault.” “Oh I get it; you forgot how to read Hebrew! Now you’re hiding behind my brother! He was my fault… I knew he was experimenting with the devil and I didn’t stop him…” My brother… or I thought he was. Even though we were only adopted by the same parents, it was as though we had something that bound us. My parents grew tired of us… He was so alone and I knew it. I kept ignoring my little brother. He started cutting himself… He was part of the renowned Fern Cult. He somehow had to prove himself, and that he did, worming himself into the cult. Soon after he was possessed and I was forced to kill him on a dark cold night… after his exorcism failed… He was only eighteen when he died. The Fern Cult was one of the powerful cults in the demonic world. They were mostly found in the sewers, where they performed all kinds of rituals. My brother once asked me to join them, I luckily said no. I wonder why one of the most powerful demons John ever seen had to fill his mind. This made him act terrible. He would shout at everything that tried to oppose him. He was filled with hate, fueled by Satan himself. I believe he even killed a human being… Though I could not prove anything… And even if I could prove he killed someone, I would not have turned him in, I loved him too much for that. I wanted to desert God after all this, but I remembered that He had kept me alive all these years… I couldn’t… I was drowning in a heaven, and burning in a hell. John was a renowned exorcist. He was good at what he did, but my brother’s demon was just too powerful. He was bound by chains to the wall. I was scared because I was young at the time, merely twenty two, and my knowledge of demons was merely a scratch on the tiny lobes of my brain. He was holding a cross to his head, burning him as the ceremony went along. He got loose from the wall, chattering some demonic words, nothing like the demons I saw in movies. The cross was holding him back, but soon failed as he grabbed John by his throat. John was screaming all kinds of Hebrew words… but it shocked me most when he asked me to shoot him. I took the gun, put it to his head, and asked the demon to leave. It threw me to the ground, and while I got up I could clearly see that John’s throat was bleeding. Then I pulled the trigger. Tears were rolling from my cheeks, yet I continued firing till the air was still only filled by the mere breeze blowing in from the window. “Michael you fool, you’re going to die! Just like your brother. I won’t perform an exorcism when you become possessed; not on you, I can’t, never again…” “No I won’t John, this is my chance to serve, to fulfill my destiny, the angel said so! And don’t ever open your mouth about my brother again!” “Very well Michael… The door is open; I can no longer help you.” “So much for friendship… Friendship is just slowing me down.” I was walking down the street when I heard a voice calling my name. I was like a mad man screaming: “Show yourself coward! John, the game is over; you can show yourself up now! I know it’s you!” What a fool I was, because he was just a bum, he called himself Gadreel… “What can I do for you Gadreel?” “I am just someone to help you on your quest. I heard you and your friend fight. I can read that language.” “How could you be able to help me? No one can. I am useless so don’t make me laugh.” “You neglect my help? You would be wise to accept my offer! I thought you were desperate, guess I was wrong.” “Are you serious?”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Yes I am, if you don’t want my help I shall not offer it again.” “Wait! I shall kindly accept your other Gadreel…” “Glad you have changed your mind Michael. Here take this. It is an ancient angel dictionary to help you write and read our language.” “Aah thanks! This will help! I hope I see you again Gadreel you’re a nice guy… Huh where’d he go?”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Chapter 4: When angels deserve to die. “And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgment he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin. And destroy the children of the Watchers from amongst men send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle: for length of days shall they not have. And no request that they make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live five hundred years.” “And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth.” Down in the dungeons of Dudael, where the mysterious beings are planning there next step towards plunging the world into darkness… “Well done Gadreel.” “Once he learns the language, he’ll be on our side.” “Fool! It will take more than the language itself to turn him, prepare the other Watchers. They must find our ‘servant’, our last offspring, the last Nephilim!” “Sir, it may be wise to…” “Don’t argue Gadreel, just go and find my son. He is the last remaining Nephilim, the very last of his kind on this wretched planet.” “Very well sir, no longer will your son dwell.”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Chapter 5: Help please! “Michael! Michael!” “Aaaah!” “What, what was that?” Something woke me up, something with great powers. I was scared; did I do the wrong thing taking on this quest? I need help. Can I trust the angel? He might be evil. Where did the evil go last night? Maybe there was no evil; it was all in my mind. And I can trust the angel. Can’t I? Scuffle scuffle. “What was that?” I heard something at my window, something told me not to go investigate, but I was meddlesome, I had to know. I ran to it. I have never been this scared before in my life. Evil was in my soul, I could smell it, feel it. But for some reason a calmness came over me. The scar on my head was gone. When I came to the window I saw a row of flowers, just popping out of the ground, leading away from the window. What on earth? That’s the weirdest but most amazing thing I have ever seen. The sun suddenly rose over the hill, and I just forgot what I saw, and made some bacon and eggs. I immediately started using my dictionary. I could remember the front of the note had a symbol that looked like a broken heart. You do not easily forget these types of things when seeing an angel. It said Leonardo. I knew the place; it was the name of an abandoned church. I thought it strange that an angel’s servant would meet at an abandoned church, but hey I’m alone now… who cares? In the court of diabolic darkness, the Watchers called for a meeting to decide on their fate. The court was covered in the skulls of their past. These people had power, yet they feared Michael. “All Watchers present!” “Yes Azazel we are, now what is your plan? We are getting impatient with your futile meddling!” “Relax Gadreel; we are going to escape from our prison! After two thousand years we’ll walk upon the earth once again.” “But Azazel, why risk the wrath of God? We have sinned so much, why not build towards heaven and maybe God will free us. I, you and Semjaza already found a leak; we can walk freely upon the earth as holograms, appearing like this to humans proves a huge advantage. We need nothing more, do we?” “Do you see what I see? God doesn’t care about you. I came to you, asking for your powers, promising you redemption from this place. Isn’t that what I’m doing here? My friends you elected me, therefore I shall be your leader, and free you all from this place their God has condemned us to! Are you with me?!” “Yes, he’s right; we’ll help you get us out.”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Chapter 6: It has begun As I rode in my car, I looked at the short lives some people have. People living on the street are always a sad sight. Maybe the angel was right, maybe our days are almost at an end, maybe all of us will soon perish. The world has become a sick place. I could see people fighting for a piece of bread; this was some rich guy’s sick idea of fun, throwing a piece of bread into an alleyway. But it what was even worse, they did not have the sense to share the bread. There were only two of them. The bread was now lying in a puddle of mud and the rats were feasting from it. Their lives were like the short piece of bread and couldn’t be shared. I often saw things like that; I grew up in a poor neighborhood. I couldn’t even pay for my studies, John and his parents helped me out. I thought the church would never reach my eye as I rode through the broken neighborhood. But I suddenly caught a glimpse of the top tower as I came around the corner. The church was full of homeless women and children. I would’ve lived here too if I were homeless, God would’ve given me sanctuary in this giant place. In the corner of the main hall I saw a shady-looking character. He wore a black coat. My first guess was the same as yours, but then I noticed some symbols on his back. It was consistent with the symbols on the walls of the church; all of the symbols on the wall looked familiar. I have seen these symbols before. It came from the language of the angels. It meant the one. I figured he was the one I was supposed to meet. He was huge, at least a head or two taller than me. “Excuse me sir, are you the one sent by the angel?” “Yes, but the question is, are you the key?” “Yes I am.” “You’re kind of small and scruffy to be the key.” “My name is Michael, not the key.” “Whatever, can you read the language yet?” “A little bit.” “You will have to learn the language by heart. Michael your voice can open doorways, prisons or it can release hell on earth. If you read wrong you could end up releasing an unstoppable evil.” “Your ancestors built this great church as a monument to the angels and watchers. It was built out of pure marble and limestone, the most expensive building materials in those days; they were rich people the pride among the angels. You should be weary at all times for evil lurks around every corner.” “Among angels? Am I a…” “Do not dwell Michael it does not do a clean mind any good. Your past will eventually be shown to you. The key is to be patient.” I do not exactly have a clean mind. At first he scared the crap out of me, but something about him seemed familiar. The church was filled with alcoves and sculptures of some mysterious creature. “What is your name?” “My name? I have no name, but you can call me… Vergil.” “Vergil? Of what creature are the sculptures in the church?” “Of the ancient creature called the Nephilim.” “What is a Nephilim?”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Only angels are allowed to know the true origin and meaning of the creature. Let us not waste any more time here, we must start our long journey.”

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Chapter 7: Dark secrets We’re on a boat sailing towards the Salt Sea at the moment. I was studying the back of my note using the angel dictionary. It said: “Here forth I shall bring upon the earth judgment day, the date has been assigned …” I could not believe my eyes. It was the exact date of judgment day; Azazel gave me the exact date. “Michael, what are you doing?” “I’m studying the dictionary. My curiosity is killing me.” “Vergil, where exactly is the Salt Sea?” “It is somewhere in the Mediterranean”, he answered. We will use the submarine over there. The resting place of the Leviathan is at the bottom of the ocean.” “What role do I play in awakening it Vergil?” “You must only read a few scriptures. The words you say will open the gate of the Leviathan’s prison, now stop asking questions.” “How will you destroy the Leviathan if it’s such a giant creature?” “That is not of importance at the time; take this book it will explain all of your questions.” I quickly scanned the book and noticed that there were missing pages. It had a lot of info on the places we are going to visit. Also a lot about angels, and the war in heaven. Angels seemed like powerful and skilled swordsmen, or sword-angels… What ever. A lot of the book was written in the angel language. I’m going to have study that dictionary if I am to succeed. I also caught a glimpse of swords described in the booklet, it said something about how long ago, swords were forged, that were meant for when time itself would end. Further, it said something about Man, but with capitals, and it’s brother…whatever that meant. It was a long trip. We sailed for three days. On the second day we had this huge storm. I have never been on the sea before. Why did my first experience have to be like this? Luckily we survived it; it was a huge cargo ship, and easily surfed through the waves. “Here we are Michael… the Salt Sea, lair of the Leviathan. Captain! Hold the sails! We should hurry, as you know we don’t have infinite time left. You can put the submarine to the left of the boat. Yes of course in the water! Come now Michael, we must hurry.” It was unbelievable; I had never been so deep in the Sea. We could see whales at this depth. It was not long before we saw no more fish. I didn’t even know that subs could go to this depth. “Vergil? Where did you get this submarine?” “Don’t tell anyone boy, but it came from Atlantis. After the watchers destroyed the city they took and store some of their ancient artifacts and crafts. It’s the most advance technology known to man.” I did not really understand the destruction of Atlantis. I couldn’t believe my ears. Azazel was right when he said my reward was knowledge. “Is that thing even safe?” “It’s the safest of ships. It can withstand pressures like no other submarine. It had navigating systems, and crystal fluid lights, yet another one of the wonders of Atlantis. You can look it up in that little book of yours.” “Oh, okay, shall we move on?”

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Chapter 8: The Leviathan At this time it was pitch black outside. “Put on the lights captain!” The silence was killing me and I thought it would be good if I said something. I was just about to open my mouth when I saw something move. It was probably twice the size of the blue whale. “Vergil, what the hell was that?!” “You humans have much to learn. Michael there are bigger creatures than whales at the bottom of the oceans and at the top of mountains.” “But Verg…” “Be quiet! We do not want to attract unnecessary attention.” Even though I could not see, I knew we were at the bottom of the ocean. “It is time Michael; here we are the Salt Sea! This is what you are supposed to read. Those scriptures over there, they’re in the language of the angels” The gate was huge. The entire spectacle was about the height of a thirty story building. The Leviathan is obviously a giant creature. I was scared at the time… I was surrounded by darkness and the only hope was a small spec of evanescent light. “Vergil, how will I read it from inside the submarine?” “I will use my computer to take pictures of the scriptures and record it into a straight line of scriptures. You have to read the scripture with the words following on each other.” “But how will you get out of the sub? The pressure is huge.” “Michael, I must confess, I have enormous powers. I assure you I can withstand the pressure. Captain! Open the first hatch! Open the second!” Well, he was in the water, he is probably an angel too I figured. “Michael I’m finished, I will now send the data to you. How well do you know your words?” “Its okay I… Data transfer complete.” “Now read it Michael, the words have to be read flowingly, read it and fulfill your destiny!” “Can I read it in English?” “Yes, just hurry!” My heart was beating rapidly. I could not believe that I have come this far. Here goes nothing! “Level the earth shall I, I will destroy every thing that breathes. You who free me is the key, your blood shall rule the earth. Awaken, great creature!” There was a very sudden silence. Will my borne quest end like this? Did I do something wrong? Why isn’t anything happening? I blew it! But suddenly it began an incredible earthquake. My heart was now beating in my throat. It felt as if my ears were becoming gold, heavy. What evil, I could feel it, its power, it’s, incredible… What have I done what have I released onto our planet? I could now see its head, it was too huge to describe, and it was like something out of a movie. It looked like a whale, but it had two extra fins on his sides. It had huge teeth, almost two feet long. Its horns twisted to the back, like that of a goat, almost penetrating its own skin. We are all going to die. “Michael, what is happening now?” “I don’t know captain, that thing is huge.” But for some reason I felt a sudden rush of life and energy. I saw a green light on the submarine floor. Somehow Vergil was emitting green energy out of his hands.

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce Whatever it was, it was powerful, and really seemed to hurt the creature. Within minutes he had wasted the powerful Leviathan. While it was lying there, restless, it suddenly disappeared. I noticed that there was an egg in its cage and it became apparent to me that it couldn’t be killed. I also noticed that a blue shard had formed where it body had lain. It must have been one of the crystals Azazel was talking about… what if I take it, cash it and end this quest? I’m too scared to continue, what if I get killed? What if I’m too weak to complete this task? Vergil picked it up and the door to the Leviathan closed.

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Chapter 9: God’s arms. “Vergil? What the hell was that?” “That was the Leviathan.” “No, don’t screw with me, your power, where did it come from?” “That information is not important, there are a lot of things you don’t know about me. We are now heading to the Himalayas; I hope you packed warm clothes.” While we were on our way to the airstrip, I studied some of the history books Vergil gave me. “Fools, what do you hope to accomplish, you think you can escape his power, the perfect one will destroy you, wipe out the Nephilim and the Watchers. Nothing can withstand his great, hidden powers. All demons shall quake at his feet; one by one they shall fall, until only the Dragon is left. By God’s hand the Dragon will fall. ” I had no idea what this meant. It must have been talking about God. What role do I play in God’s work? Long have I lived in this god dammed world. I was crushed by life. Before I came to God I was dead. But even now I still crave to be dead. Love has left me, abandoned me, my parents, my family, the little friends I had, my first love… My life is screwed, I can’t be that special. Vergil still looked suspicious though. He was huge, not even Azazel was this huge. Do I have a reason to suspect foul play? I hope not. Anyway, the author also said that there is a temple high in the mountains. “Man had not yet discovered this place; the Watchers have cleaned their tracks well. God prevents man from finding the temple, the resting place of the Ziz. But even angels and men disobey these that know of it. So God created a creature, guardians of the shadow realm, neither dead nor living” “Vergil, have you seen the creatures mentioned here?” “No, but I am quite interested in meeting them.” We are in the air now. It was another odd ship because it flew higher than the clouds, almost as if we could reach the moon. Vergil had told me before that it was a new military vessel. It might also have his origins from Atlantis, it wouldn’t amaze me… I have learnt so much on this quest, if I am to give up at any time, my reward will most certainly be knowledge. “Michael, take this.” “A gun, but…” “Don’t say anything; this will be your first weapon.” “My first weapon?” “Yes, these weapons were forged long ago by God’s great angels. As we progress I will give you weapons.” “But I have never fired a gun in my life!” “Do not fear, these weapons were created for you, the first time you fire, you’ll never leave your weapons again. But, just remember, the weapons I’ll give you do not damage the great Ziz or Behemoth, your weapons are too weak.” “But what is the use then Vergil?” “There is one weapon, but it has long been lost. This weapon was specially forged by the hands of God himself. With it you would be immortal; you would be like a god amongst man, god amongst maggots. If I was too have such power…” “Thank you Vergil, I hope I’ll put them to good use.” I had to interrupt him, he was saying too much. He is a selfish one of no honor; he

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce would kill me if I turned my back… or so it seems. He likes power and he wants more, I should tell Azazel that I do not trust him… “Can we trust him yet Azazel?” “No Semjaza, we must wait, very soon we’ll have him. We should just wait for Vergil; he is yet to turn him.” “Azazel, if we don’t turn him we might be in trouble, and I don’t trust Vergil.” “Don’t worry Semjaza, even with the weapons, he can’t defeat us, and Vergil’s weak, he can’t defeat us either, or the released powers of the key.”

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Chapter 10: Birth As I walked out into the bright sunlight, cold quickly rushed up my bones. I was wearing an oxygen mask and the gun was tucked in the back of my jacket. “Come Michael, the temple isn’t far.” We walked through a forest; I didn’t know trees could grow up this high in the mountains. I looked up into the sun, which was melting the ice. I was so sick of people polluting the earth, they did not care. But still it was a strange sight; I could see the sun, the stars and the moon. I could almost swear it was Mars in the corner of my eye, and at the bottom clouds and white snow. I took out my camera, if I was to reveal this place, I would be famous. I put the lens over my eye and for a second it turned black. When I took down my hands I rubbed away the remains of my camera, which was now dust. It was beyond cold, it was evil. But I also felt good. A shadow was moving over the trees. “Vergil, were those flowers there before?” “No, that’s strange.” But for some reason the forest suddenly turned dark and the flowers to dust. Dark shadows were moving across the trees. The flowers died and it became even colder. “Vergil, what’s happening?” “The wraiths!” I didn’t know what to do. “Michael, Michael!” “Ye…es Vergil?” “Take out your gun!” I swung back and as quick as flame took out my gun. Whoooah!! There it was, at first, what should I think…? It’s a wraith. “Now Michael fire!” Whoosh! I suddenly felt evil filling my soul, taking control. Bang! There it was, lying in front of me. I… I… Before I knew it there was a whole swarm of them, or flock, or, whatever. I started firing rapidly. I was becoming lighter, I felt like I could fly, I looked back to see if I had grown a pair of wings. I remembered the time I used coke, but it was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. I felt power flowing through my veins, power that I had never felt before! I could hear my heart, beating, slowly. My hair became gold, then pure white. I could see them moving, they were moving slowly, almost barely. What was happening to me? This lasted for about ten minutes. I could see Vergil keeping them at bay. But for reason it all stopped, I came back to earth, back to the ground. I stood there; sweat was dripping from my face, as I looked into the water pool. My hair had changed, it was now white as snow and my eyes, I had never seen them as blue as they were now. I looked up into one their eyes. Attack! Suddenly they were heading toward me. I lifted my gun and said: “Now, you die.” I could see them falling, one by one, all by my hands. Shot through the head, each and every one of them. They seemed to be dodging some of the bullets There was a sudden silence. I put away my gun. “Vergil what, what have you done?” “I awakened you Michael; you are now Ekloge, the key, the perfect power.” “Ekloge? No, I am still Michael.” “What ever Michael, don’t get too at ease with your powers.” We walked towards the temple. The air was filled with awkward silence.

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “So Vergil, how do you like my hair?” “It’s nice.” “Come on, you can do better than that.” “Fine, it’s very nice.”

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Chapter 11: Ziz “Here we are. I will once again encode the scriptures into one straight line. Here we go, now read it!” I wasn’t even anxious this time, transforming had calmed me, changed me. It felt like I could take on the Ziz myself. I did not know I had this much power in me. Am I really so special? But even being born had not yet revealed my past to me. A voice was telling me that I should only wait, it will soon come. “Fly higher, aim higher. Your blood will rule us. Demons may fly, devils may cry, but you, can’t be defeated. Awaken Ziz!!” It was silent again and then quickly followed again by the earthquake, caused by the giant door. Suddenly a hideous noise came out of the cave. It was a sharp, screeching noise, almost like the dragons from the film, ‘The Lord of the Rings’. I could see Vergil’s tiny ears were hurting. I gave it one shot to the beak, and it stopped making noise “Vergil, can you handle him?” “Shut your face, of course I can.” “Hahahaha, I’m joking, go get him tiger!” He started charging his green energy beams again. “Now Ziz, die!” He shot two beams towards it, which hit him on the wing. But when I looked again it was flapping its wings. It was creating enormous winds. The winds could have caused a hurricane. “That’s great!! Now I have to fly.” What, Vergil can fly!? He quickly swerved up into the air, still charging his beams. I could hardly see him, the battle between him and the Ziz was inconceivable. Vergil is truly a powerful angel. They were now too high too see, but I knew Vergil was winning. My thoughts were quickly followed by that screeching noise, except this time it was a lot harder. A giant dust cloud suddenly swirled up, filling the air. I could barely breathe, but I knew the fight was over as the dust started to settle. The sky was now clear again. But its body was already gone, disintegrated. I could hear the cave door closing. A crystal, light blue gem had formed. We now have two of the gems needed to open the gate. According to the book Vergil gave me we need three special gems to open up the Sealed gate. “Vergil? Why didn’t you tell me you could fly?” “You don’t need to know everything about me, come let’s go.” “Keeping secrets could destroy you Vergil.” “You think hey? I want to have the power; I want to rule the angels. Do you think that life’s fair? No its not, it’s screwed up.” “Vergil you’re an angel, you’re not allowed to swear.” “Actually, I’m the son of an angel, so I can swear all I want!”

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Chapter 12: Distant relations I just couldn’t put down the book that I think tells me of my past. “The key is the perfect form of power, when awakened nothing can defeat him. The…” What a page is missing here, that’s a bummer. When I turned the page I suddenly got a strange, familiar feeling. It was the diary of Hannah Linden. I couldn’t help but read for I recognized the hand writing. “My dearest child, why do you have to part from me? It is not fair, why should I be the one to have carried our maker. Why should I have to leave the century’s child, the one who will make peace? Why did I have to fall in love with you Serubin? Why did you have to be the father of my son? You were one of God’s…” There it ends, her words at least, but someone else wrote on in an evil hand writing. It was in the language of the angels. “I vow that as long as I can breathe I will find and hunt down the family of the key, none of them shall live to see another day.” Then followed a whole bunch of blasphemy, I could not believe my eyes. The book said further: “The key will be hid from the world till the time is right. God himself will protect him. He will grow up in God’s gardens. When Armageddon draws near he will be released upon the earth, and he shall wreak havoc among the demons, and he shall protect the ones that God has chosen by hand, the ones that will be allowed to enter heaven.” That’s freaky stuff, am I really that important? I read on: “He will lead an army of angels to fight God,s war; he and his army shall lead an army against the powerful Dragon. He will allow God to bind the Dragon till his time comes.” “Do not take the knowledge of that book by heart, half of it is lies.” “It can’t be it’s talking about me, I recognize those lies.” “It’s bullshit all lies; I am the key I am! It should be my destiny!” “I’m sorry I didn’t know. I just assumed the book was about me.” “You assumed wrong, excuse me I have an important call to make and a private one.” “Azazeeel!!” “What is it my son.” “Why do I have to bear him? He suspects something.” “Is he making you jealous my son?” “Give me his powers father!” “Why, why do you deserve them?” “I’ve always lived in the shadows of the angels because of my power, I am weak father, and he is strong.” “Very well son, but you must first complete your task on that pathetic earth of his.” “So be it, I will discuss the matter with the council.” I was walking closer to him, very quietly. He was talking to himself. Maybe I don’t need that much power; it will drive me into madness. “Vergil?” “Are you ready Michael, let us finish our mission. Here’s your second weapon.” “Oh yeah, it’s cool. What is it?” “It’s an automatic weapon, almost like your earthly Uzi weapons.” “Cool can I test it… against that tree?” “Yeah, sure, knock yourself out. I’m going to arrange our transport to the Amazon.”

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Chapter 13: Dilemma I was taking out all my hatred on the tree. The weapon was great, my favorite so far. It just made me stronger, lighter. It seems that all the weapons add to my strength. It probably had an rpm of 700 I guessed. “Wait a minute…” “We are in the mountains. There’s a lot of snow.” “Michael! Stop shooting!” But it was already too late; the snow was coming down from the mountain side. It was coming quick. But all of the sudden, Vergil jumped in front of me. “Michael, lift your hands up and point at the snow.” What the hell was he talking about? Well I did it and nothing happened. I was starting to get scared now. “Vergil, shouldn’t we run now?” “No stay put, we can take it. You cannot outrun something like this. You have much to learn about power my brother.” “Ok fine. I hope you know what you are doing.” “Just keep up your hands!” The snow was closing in and nothing was happening. Two hundred… one hundred… Ah shit! What? We were safe for some reason, the snow was pouring over us. It was some kind of barrier. It looked incredible, the snow was moving over the shield like water on glass. Never had I seen such a beautiful sight. But my hands were weakening, shaking. “Vergil, what’s wrong?!” “I can’t hold it, the snow is too powerful!” “I’ll try to help!” “It’s no use. We’re going to die today!” He was right, we’re going to die. Nothing can save us now. Please God, help us, we need your guidance… What! The snow, it’s on fire! God have answered my prayers once again. I was looking at this amazing display of power, thinking of how great God really is. In the back of my head I was seeing a vision, about the joy I give God, serving Him. But something urged me to look back. That’s when I saw the most beautiful of angels. Its wings were as pure, white snow. It was a female angel. She had long, golden blond hair. She was beautiful beyond compare. I felt a strange kind of love for her. Do I know her? Wait a minute, that’s the same kind of good I felt the night my wound healed. I see now, I am no longer blinded. She is my guardian angel, my protector. I could feel safe now, God is watching over me. The snow was slowly getting less dense, and the load on my arms was getting lighter. Soon it stopped. I turned around to again to look at her, but she had already left. “Vergil, did you see her? She was amazing!” “Yeah she was kid. Head to the chopper, I have to make one final call.” “Ok Vergil, I’ll see you soon.” “Oh and please, don’t ever do that again.”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Father! We need to have a talk.” “What is it son?” “The plot has thickened; God has decided to mess up our plans. He has decided to send Hannah.” “Hannah? But no human has ever been granted such an honor, did we mean so little to Him?” “It seems so father; we must end our mission before his mother reminds him of our dark past.” “Very well Vergil, let us end this charade.” “And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colorings tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and rootcuttings, 'Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven . . .”

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Chapter 14: Let’s end this “Michael, Azazel has come to the decision that we should end our journey. So I have decided to give you your last weapon. It is a sword. Long have the angels fought with these swords. It was made especially to suit your body. With this sword you’ll be complete.” The glimpse I caught of the sword reminded me of something I saw a little while back, it looked a lot like the sword in that book. Though, this one had a different crest… it looked like some kind of horned animal, but seemed to be scratched away. It must have seen a lot of war. “But Vergil, why have swords when I can just blow something up with my guns? And besides, I can’t use a sword to save my life!” “This is a special weapon, stronger than any other. You’ll be able to block bullets with this sword. And you’ll see it, you’re a natural, you have your father’s skills.” “Wow, sounds quite amazing. Why are you unarmed? I’ve only seen your guns.” “My sword is inside my body.” “Cool, how did you do that?” “Don’t ask, I’ll tell you some other time.” “Vergil, did you know my father well?” “Sorry Michael, I was still a little kid. I can’t help you.” “Thank you Vergil… For everything” “You have served God well, He will be proud of you. And you have been a good friend, thank you Michael.” “It’s my pleasure Vergil; you have taught me many great things.” “Humph! Isn’t this all soppy, it’s not a soap opera, I need a drink.”

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Chapter 15: You’re all crazy, or I am me We were in the bar called the Pink Flamingo; I don’t drink at all so I didn’t really care a lot to do anything. So I just decided to let my eyes wander among the never ending crowds strolling in and out of the door. That’s when I saw her, the most beautiful of women. I thought the angel I saw before, was gorgeous, she was just unbelievable. She had the most beautiful blue sapphire eyes that shone the brightest of all stars. Her hair was one massive shimmering movement, shining in the dim light. Her body was perfectly formed into both the beauty of a flower, and fragile like the wings of a butterfly… I must not lust for the skin of man, for it has deceived and betrayed me… Mia ripped the heart out of me. I have mastered feeling nothing. I was a fool to begin loving her, a fool to trust anyone. Love is overrated… or is it, this person, am I in love? Or am I… Is this lust? I remembered Mia… I loved her. That could not have been lust, it was too real. A tear rolled down my cheek, I haven’t cried since she betrayed me, but I forgot everything and snapped back into the cruel reality. My eyes now shimmer with hate because of her, but yet a glimpse of hope contrasts with the unknown beauty. I had to do something about it; she was dancing all alone. Was she alone? Or does she have someone waiting for her, or someone on the way? Will whoever he is beat me up? If she is single, why? She is so beautiful; she deserves the greatest of guys. Am I worthy of her? The answer is too obvious… I’m worth nothing. God, am I worth something? Maybe one day I will be. I wiped off the tears and walked over to her. “Uhm, miss, are you alone?” “Oh, him there that’s very sudden, yes I am, why though? Are you looking for another hot date?” “Another? No not at all, I just noticed you, and wanted to know you. I do not know why…” “You seem a decent guy… yes I am alone.” Her innocent smile shot a spear through crystal hard eyes, shattering my being into millions of pieces. I did not know what to think at first, she said yes and that’s about how far I thought. Why did she say she was alone? Does it matter though…? She is so beautiful… She reminded me a lot about Mia, but for some reason I did not want to care about Mia. Maybe that pain may yet fade away. Maybe I’ll light my pain on fire, maybe I’ll watch it all burn down, maybe I will get over this dark part of my life. Her hair was shimmering in the colored light of the beat. I enjoyed watching her dance, her name was Sandy. She had black hair, beautiful long black hair. The greatest of blue eyes… life just gets in the way, for the beauty of our planet has passed me by. I know that I mean absolutely nothing to her, but she meant the world to me. I can’t imagine waking up to take a single breath without her being next to me. She said she belonged to the church of Romania. It hit me like a spear in the hip, I had abandoned John… We had a wonderful evening; I told Vergil that I refuse to leave, so he agreed to stay in the small town. We stayed at her home… but I dare not sleep near her. God would burn my wings to dust for I dare not lust… but yet I did… I longed for her… and it happened one night, I could not stop it. It was passionate; it felt like a lifetime, I wish it

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce was for I know that tomorrow when I wake up, I’ll have to accept the consequences…

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Chapter 16: Consequences “Good morning beautiful…” I turned over to look at her face once more… but she had gone… why? Why would she just leave? “Please God; I hope that you have not taken her from me.” Maybe she didn’t… Maybe I’m not worth it… Maybe she is just like the rest of the world, leaving me behind. But why would she? We had a great week together… the best ever… Mia had left me this way… It was a dark and stormy night, like all nights are when you break up… It hurt me to say goodbye, but I had no choice… She promised that she would be faithful only to me. I wanted to be friends, but she cried… How could I say no…? The next morning she remembered nothing. Our fight was for nothing… It twisted itself like a tapeworm into my body, and mind, and soul… Did Sandy leave me like this as well? The worst of it is I had lost my powers… God was no longer on my side. Where will I go? “Oh God of David, God of the green pastures, where will I go?” I stood up, and got dressed. I did not feel like taking a shower… I went outside, and stood there in the garden… endlessly looking at the sky. The he came along…Vergil, and he was smirking at me… He did it … He sent her away… I… I want to kill him… “Vergil, what did you do to her…? What did you do?!” “We must continue onwards with our journey… let’s end this, let’s end this now!” “How dare you…? I trusted you!” “Don’t worry; she only went shopping my dear boy. I did not lay a finger on her… Let’s continue. You can come back when we are done here…”

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Chapter 17: Dark secrets of the Amazon “There it is: the great Amazon! You’ll soon find that all is not as it seem. Right there, in the middle of the jungle lies a Plato. It can only be seen at close range, by upper level beings. Only people like us may step upon the giant stretch of land. We shall make camp at the foot of the Plato, and travel through the cave, up to the landmass at the break of dawn. But be aware Michael, evil lurks at the foot of the mountain.” I was missing her. I never got the chance to say goodbye. And what would become of me now that I have lost my power? Our journey was drawing to a close, it was sad that Vergil and the Azazel will part from me. I have grown close to both Vergil and Azazel. I am grateful for the chance they have given me, a chance to make God proud of me, even though I have disgraced Him. I just hope that I have the power to get through this night, because I have no power anymore. For some reason I didn’t really want to open this gate, knowing that it would also close ones. Everything that has a beginning has an end… Speaking of things that have an end, I was starting to doubt that theory. The night just never seemed to end. Vergil claimed to be collecting firewood, he was always busy with secretive work, and he must work very closely with Azazel. I was growing tired, but I was afraid to close my eyes. The forest was dark and the fire didn’t provide much light. I could sense evil was close… “I didn’t expect to see you here so soon Ekloge.” “What? Who the hell are you?” “I am the Grigori of this forest, the watcher as you humans say. My name is Armaros, and I am here to put an end to the foolish idea of freeing Azazel. We have done God enough wrong. I came to put you out of your misery!” “I don’t know who you think you are, but if you think you can defeat me, go ahead!” “Very well, you have much to learn, draw your sword!” No, Vergil never taught me how to use it. I’ll just use my intuition. Who does he think he is? Who does he think he is, to talk about God? Who am I to talk about God? I betrayed Him, now I am powerless… Please Father give me the power to defeat him… That’s when I decided to sing… “Tear down these walls for me, stop me from going under! You are the only one who knows I’m, holding back! It’s not too late for me, to stop from sinking under I’m trying to find my way out, tear down these walls for me now…” I don’t know why this specific song popped into my head, but I loved it… Earlier in my life this song had saved my life. It was by a band called ‘Dream Theater’. I loved them, I loved most rock bands. But these were just one of the songs that stuck out. How it saved my life is a long story, but it got me closer to God, I’m hoping that it will do the same now. I know why God deserted me, I betrayed Him, but in my heart it did not feel as if I did something wrong, it still felt like He has abandoned me… “Very well demonic freak, you’re going to regret the day you were born!”

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Meanwhile Vergil and Azazel continue onward… “Father, tomorrow you’ll be free, then we’ll cover the earth in darkness, no more will God taunt us!” “Vergil you idiot! You left him alone! Armaros is battling with him as we speak! He’s going to ruin everything! Go save Ekloge!” “You are foolish farm boy; I am going to crush you! Behold the form of a true demon!” It was incredible, beams were shining out of him, and he was as red as the fires of hell. He grew a pair of broken wings, burned wings… The mark of the beast became visible on his arms, triple six; he was truly a demon, and one of great power. Swords came out of its arms; blood was dripping all over the soil. He obviously didn’t fear pain. It was bizarre, but I was looking forward to the challenge. “And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: Let us all swear an oath, and all bind us by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.” “Then they swore all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zeqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, and Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.”

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Chapter 18: Armaros “First a bit of info about me, I am Armaros, I was not promoted into any order of hierarchy, but Semjaza granted me leadership over a tenth of the angels. And I was later appointed as a watcher…” “Enough chit chat Armaros, let us fight!” “You are in a hurry to die Ekloge; I will respect your wishes!” The blood had stopped dripping from his arms, but now sweat was dripping from mine. “Focus Michael, focus.” It was not easy, he scared me. But then calmness came over me… “Michael, I am here for you…” I realized it now, she was my mother, Hannah Linden, and God gave her eternal glory for all her good deeds. He made her an angel. “Thank you mother, I will make you proud.” I will strike first… Ahhhh! Slash… We were both breathing heavily; I felt blood, dripping from my cheek… We charged again, our blades were entwined with air and blood. One heavenly movement but on the ground. Our blades dancing in the air, sliding into each other, the war of worlds. I enjoyed it, and so did he, we grinned at each other. “You are a master swordsman, I admire your skills.” “And I do yours; let’s take it to the next level, the rocks, up there.” “With great pleasure… Michael.” It seemed we have earned each other’s respect. He flew up the mountains. Typically I had to climb the rocks. I felt so alive, I decided to test my skills, and took a leap. Amazingly I made it and jumped all the way to the top. Once again he proved his respect and held out his hand to help me up. We grinned and went at it again. We were fierce; a fire was burning in his eyes. We went on slashing the air for ages… until we were both just staring at each other, not making a move… “You truly are a master swordsman, your technique is flawless. You use the old style just like your father. ” “You knew my father?” “Yes we were close friends, till I betrayed him.” “But why, why betray your friend?” “I was in love with my lust, burning angel wings to dust, come here and I’ll tell you the truth.” “I was in love with lust as well… Now I have sinned against God.” “I know Michael, but He gave you back your power, you should be grateful, and hope that she does not bear your child. Let me tell you the true story of the Nephilim. It all started when…” “Michael!” He fell to the ground before me, lying there lifeless. Vergil slit his throat, all in a second. I couldn’t stop him. Why Vergil? He wanted to turn good, he wanted to help.

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“Do not pity the weak Michael, he was against us, he deserved to die.” “Screw you! Only God chooses who lives and who dies, you are weak!” “Just forget that it had happened Michael, he was a nothing.” “I was nothing…”

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Chapter 19: Broken links Once again the sun rose over the hills. Today it all ends, today Azazel will be freed. God will look proudly upon me. Not that it matters anymore. We head into the tunnel and up the mountain. The Plato had millions of strange creatures. God is truly amazing. The Plato was nine square kilometers across, that’s what Vergil says at least, and that the Behemoth is in the middle of the Plato in a cave. “This is it Michael, he’s the weakest of them all, he’s slow. I’ll take him out easily.” “That’s good; I want to get away from you.” “I am sorry Michael, I did not know he meant that much to you.” “Well he did.” “Stop sobbing; here we are, now read it so I can get rid of you.” “Couldn’t agree more, let’s get this over with.” I didn’t even care about it anymore, Armaros knew something, and now it’s gone. He’s gone. He was innocent… “You who stand before me, you are the key, open the path to judgment day, awaken the Behemoth!!!” I was used to it, the mumble, and the rumble. I did not care anymore. I noticed the ground covering a piece of tile with engravings on it. I had to read it, curiosity killed the cat…Well I’m no cat. It said: “Genesis 6: Man began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them. The sons of God saw that the daughters of man were good, and they took themselves wives from whomever they chose.” I started having visions…or memories…“God said, My spirit will not continue to judge man forever, since he is nothing but flesh. His days shall be 120 years.” Azazel what did you do to my mother, you sick freak. “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also later. The sons of God had come to the daughters of man and had fathered them. They were the mightiest ones who ever existed, men of renown” How? How could they betray me like this? They are scum! Azazel, how could you, and Vergil, my half brother… The brother of a devil, then it means, that I am a Nephilim… “There we go Michael, we have them all!” “Vergil! How could you? I trusted you. You’re no brother of mine. You’re just a demonic freak, just like me.” “You don’t get it Michael, the demons are going to take over the earth, join us Michael, join us and live forever! You have the power to rule along side me, come with me!” “You’re not going to live long enough to rule anything, draw your sword!” “It is your choice, sorry, brother…”

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Chapter 20: Between angels and insects Dudael, God’s cauldron. It has been said that the gateway to hell is here. The fiery sickness of Lucifer. God Sealed the Grigori here because of their sin, they had fathered the Nephilim, defiled the bodies of human women. Here is where it starts, the beginning of the end. “Father! I have come to free you from your fiery grave! I have defeated the Leviathan king of the Sea, Ziz king of the sky and Behemoth king of the land. I have done this for you father, now bestow infinite power upon me!” “Very well, but first free me from the grave, open the gates of hell! Release it upon the earth, let them all suffer!” “Very well father, bring up the pedestal so I can turn the key.” “You made me proud son.” Vergil brought the three crystals together. The sky turned dark, spreading like a plague across the earth. Vergil had just released the apocalypse. The sands opened up and shadow poured over the desert, walking over everything. Demons were streaming out of Dudael. Within minutes people were screaming. They possessed, killed, rape, stole… But some of the people were not attacked, maybe because they were followers of God. I just hope that God is also still on my side. Azazel screamed with a laugh of malice, “Vergil my son. This is the day we have dreamt of for so long. Semjaza! Gadreel! Come brothers let us decide the fate of the earth!”

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Chapter 21: Fate “Bah! What! What happened?” An earthquake woke me up. What have I done? I have released hell upon the earth. God forgive me! I have sinned! And mother… why did you forsake me? The sky was dark and it spread panic across the town. I was in my flat; I wished that Vergil had killed me. Now he left me alive and I look upon the pain I am causing. For some reason the demons didn’t target me, maybe Vergil does feel something, or maybe they are scared. What about Sandy… Is she okay? I really wish she was with me now, her eyes could move my soul back into place, for nothing else could do that now… Mia had great eyes, her eyes could move mountains. I never thought I’d see eyes like Mia’s again. Sandy’s eyes were brilliant. I went to the church that I met Vergil in, Leonardo. I can’t believe I didn’t see all of this. The church wall was filled with blasphemy. God haters, scum of the earth. I think I need a drink. I need to forget. I was sitting in the bar. No one was there, so I helped myself to some booze. I was bored and I noticed the book Vergil gave me was still in my pocket. I took it out and used a smoldering cigarette to set it ablaze. Isn’t this all sad? The book was my soul and it’s burning away. But there was another piece of paper in my pocket. The music was hard in the background. I knew the song. System of a down, Chop suey. I took out the piece of paper. It’s…it’s the missing page. Should I read it? Why not. “My son I leave this to you. You are not born yet but the heavenly Father will protect you. God has given me the choice to bear the peace maker. Michael my son, you are of great importance. You are the key who will start judgment day. You are the perfect Nephilim, Michael. A Nephilim formed out of pure love and not lust. They will make your life hard and reject you. Kill Azazel and your bastard brother, they will make your existence futile. I must leave you now, times are growing dark. My son, follow your destiny.” Hannah Linden The song was pounding in my ears. “Why, cry? When angels deserve to die…” Angels don’t deserve to die, but Azazel does. I will make him bleed! I immediately went home and grabbed my guns and swords. I didn’t bother closing my flat; I’m going to die trying. Today I end this futile life, and Azazel will be coming with me. He’ll go back to his futile existence, burning in the toxicity he created, burning in the flames of hell. Dudael would not be easy to find but I followed the large pillar of smoke spouting from the sands of Dudael. Unfortunately I had to take a plane to Israel. It was quite a trip. I

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Chapter 22: Vergil I came to Dudael. It was a dark place. There they sat: the four devils of age, the left hand of Lucifer himself. Vergil and Azazel were among them. I did not recognize the other two. I did not fear them. I was ready, ready to destroy all of them. “Father, look who decided to show up.” “Ah Michael, glad you decided to come; I knew you wouldn’t let us down.” “Shut the hell up, I've come to destroy all of you. You screwed up everything.” “Look the soldier is feeling brave, let us kill him Semjaza.” “No! Wait, leave him to Vergil. Do you want to son? I think it would be your greatest pleasure to kill your only blood brother.” “Yes father, I have longed for this.” “And so have I freak, you killed my mother. And you Azazel you raped her and gave me a bastard brother. Now Vergil take your form and draw your sword!” “You’re a fool, you can’t defeat me. I am sorry brother, but it has gone far enough. Witness the form of a Nephilim!” His power was amazing; beyond anything I have ever seen. But with God on my side and a fire in my eye, I fear nothing. It is time, time to take a stand, for all the people that are dying. He looked incredible; he had these miss-formed wings, and horns that formed part of his skin. He looked anorexic, spikes were growing out of his back, and then two swords came out of his arms. It must be some kind of weapon technique, because Azazel was unarmed. His body had marks in the angel language, and a pentagram on his forehead. “Michael let me just tell you, the language is no angel language, it’s the language of the beast. You have made yourself a disciple of the devil by reading it, hahaha. You fool; you are a pathetic choice of God.” “God doesn’t make mistakes freak…” “Hold your tongue!” “Make me!” “Vergil, my son, teach him a lesson in pain.” God, mother, give me strength to stand up, help me out here. “Vergil, the spirit of God and my mother is in me, do your worst!” And so our battle begun, now they will pay. He came in first. I was calm. He swung and I dodged his blade and swung in just missing him. I swung at his face and he bent and cut my arm. His blade was sharper and longer than mine. His speed was also increasing; I should end the battle quickly. He was huge; I couldn’t reach his face, so I aimed for his waist. His sword was glowing with green energy. I guess his body got a boost from the swords power. I figured maybe I should try it. He gave me a blow from above. I rolled to the side and cut his waist. It was a deep cut he was hurting. Our blades were setting off energy every time they clashed. He swung left and I dodged again, cutting him on his arm. I

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce was circling him, around and around I walked. He was getting weak. “How does it feel Vergil, to be in pain?” He charged and slashed, but missed and I cut him on his chest. “How does it feel to plummet to the ground?” He charged again slashed from the bottom, scraping my clothes. I kicked his leg making him fall to the ground. “How does it feel to lie in the dirt?” He charged me again; I'm going to end it. He headed straight for me, I jumped over him, doing one eighty degrees. I stood there breathing, and so was he. He just fell to the ground; I cut right through his legs. I put my sword to his throat. “Typical, son you are pathetic, and you wanted to rule.” “Please don’t kill me brother, I beg of you!” “Why not, you killed my mother, didn’t you?!” “I am sorry brother, but my father, he forced me to do it, I didn’t want to.” “You lying useless excuse for a demon, you’re no son of mine.” I was looking at Azazel when I looked down Vergil was dead. Not making any movement. I didn’t kill him, but he was dead and I am nearer to my goal, even though I might have forgiven him…

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Chapter 23: Two brothers Vergil’s mangled body was lying there, and Azazel was smiling down on him. It seemed I have rid him of a thorn in his side. The other two angels had their sights on me; they must have been waiting for Azazel to give orders. I was ready, alive; I know I can win this fight. I was just worried about Azazel, he seemed powerful. But now nothing remains, I will defeat him. “Semjaza my good friend, take your brother and show our pathetic little friend the power that Lucifer has granted you! Unless you would like to join us Michael, you are like family. You are no match for our powers; we are angels, not pathetic Nephilim offspring. If you join me you may take the place of Vergil.” “I do not want the place of your son; I’d rather have a place in heaven thank you.” “Very well master, come Gadreel, let us get rid of the pest.” “Bring it on dirt bags!” Both of them were already transformed, broken wings, pentagrams, blasphemy, nothing new. They weren’t as big as Vergil, but that’s no advantage to me, they’ll be faster. They were walking toward me and I lifted my sword… Here we go… I was nervous, scared. Sandy please help me now. My Father, I need you more than anything… I do not want to fight this battle anymore… I am uncertain that will be able to defeat them. Even if I manage to defeat these two, how will I defeat Azazel? They both charged in on me. They were like flashes of light, like the wind. I was struggling, I, I can’t think… Right! Left! I’m going to die! They were cutting me everywhere, I was growing tired. I managed to dodge a few of there blades, but they were too fast. I dodged a powerful blow from Semjaza; I swerved up with my sword, I’m going to kill him! I went for his head; he pulled up his sword blocking my blow, shattering my sword into millions of pieces. How can this be? It’s weapons made by God. How? What do I do now? I am unarmed, the guns are useless. I am going to die now. Both of them were holding their swords to my throat. “This is your last chance Michael, join us or die.” “Go fish, I’ll rather die than join you!” “Humph, very well. You’ll regret this. Semjaza, finish what you have started.” This was it, the final torment… Now my small life will end, unfortunately I have not lived very long, and I did not have the chance to say goodbye to Sandy. I was not yet ready to die anymore; I don’t want God to take me yet. I closed my eyes. God, mother, forgive me, I have failed you. I can’t defeat them, they’re too powerful. My blood would be no more… I felt the blade slashing through my chest, both blades. I have been cut so badly it felt like nothing to me. I fell to the

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce ground and stared at them, I saw some more visions of my lost past. In the background I could see them flying off. It got dark and I grew cold, I was dying. I started laughing because I was thinking about things me and John did, stupid things. I, I am sorry…

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Chapter 24: Birth “Michael my son, wake up angel.” “Mother?” “Michael, you must not give up yet, your mission is one of great importance. God is here for you Michael. You fight out of pain and anger; you must fight out of selflessness. God can only give you strength if you fight with him.” “But I am dead now mother, I have failed you.” “No Michael, flesh is just what makes man walk, God will send you back, he will awaken you, you shall be reborn as an angel of God. From the moment you were born you had a special purpose.” “But mother, even being reborn as an angel might not be enough.” “I know. That’s why the sword of man will be given to you. This is the most powerful weapon of the angel realm, being reborn with it; you’ll become Ekloge, the key.” “So I haven’t transformed yet?” “You did, but that transformation was preparation. Now you’ll be granted the power that has been lost for ages. Are you ready Michael?” “You bet I am. Thank you mother, and thank you, my Father. What did happen to my father?” “He died in the battle with Azazel.” “I’m sorry mother; he’ll pay for all he has done.” “Take the sword my son, become alive!” I took the sword in my hand and immediately felt its great power. The ground shook, releasing great energy. I felt like a cloud, life was flowing through me, I saw my mother, my father, I relived the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, I saw the creation of the earth. And then saw my body; the flesh was being torn away and new skin being put back on. I grew wings, pure as snow, it was amazing. My spirit flew away and a teardrop filled my eye. I am complete, this is my purpose. The ground was falling apart and I was covered in God’s aura. I opened my eyes and I was back on earth. I felt complete and knew that now is the time. I am here to end it all.

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Chapter 25: The forming of the swords Legend holds it, that long ago ancient swords were forged by God Himself, and they were to aid Him in the upcoming battle against the Archangel Lucifer and his men. He forged a sword for each of his angels, one that would become like an extension of their bodies, yet give them ultimate power. Lucifer, seeking God’s strength, sought to make his own design, but with the same effect. He created blades of crooked metal, blades that would empower and immortalize his demons forever. He also thought of a simple way he could hide the swords from God, a way which He would never suspect. Lucifer came up with the idea, the magical way in which all demons could easily hide, and unhide their swords. The simple trick, painful yet effective: The sword would be mended onto their bones, beneath their skin, when they sought its power, they would simply force the sword through their skin by will. God however saw through the devil’s plan, thus he made a single sword, one of absolute power and strength that was to lead His angels to victory. God gave the sword to his Archangel Michael, who was to lead his troops. Lucifer, once again used his influence to gain knowledge of the sword. He also made a powerful sword, which he put, a fragment of himself, into the hilt of the blade. It is said that these two swords were forged from the same metal, Lucifer stole this metal from God… It is said that he gave the second sword to one of his most powerful servants, Beelzebub.

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Chapter 26: Azazel I transformed and opened my wings. It was incredible to fly. I swung up above the darkness and looked into the clear heaven and space. But enough about this, it seems Azazel has set a base somewhere in Arabia. Guess they miss all the heat... I felt so happy, I did not care about anything except making things right. I flew over their base and landed. “What? How is this possible? We slit his throat, he should be dead! Come brother let us take care of him for once and for all.” “I’d like to see you try,” I replied. I already knew this part, I was so confident I didn’t care. I moved past them, they didn’t even seem to notice. I turned around and looked at their puzzled faces. They attacked me, cutting the air with their blades. I took out the sword of man. They slashed and I just shattered their blades with mine, putting them at rest. The stood up and together threw a punch at my chest. They suddenly turned into flies. I lifted my sword and cut of Gadreel’s head. Semjaza, being furious, charged at me once again and I split his body in halve. “No! Semjaza! How could he? I’m going to kill him!” “No Azazel, we made a mistake, we sinned against God, leave this futile idea and make peace,” replied Semjaza to Azazel. “No he is going to pay for all he has done. Satan! Give me your strength!” Red flames sprung from the ground covering Azazel completely. It formed a hard shell around him and light started breaking through. It was the purest of evil, the hands of Lucifer. It set alit a flame in my eyes, I want his blood. He was as a flame himself, and horns like that of a goat. Triple six on his forehead. He was the real deal, the disciple of Satan. I stared at him for a while; I wanted to have some fun so I waited for him to attack first. He came in fast and I drew my sword, he is going to be no pushover. Our swords clashed and it released sparks into the burning air. We had a sword struggle but he gave up and drew back. It was a high paced battle. I had the upper hand, in speed, technique, and of course faith. We blocked out each other’s every move; I somersaulted over him and cut his leg. In pain he turned and cut my hair. Afraid of losing he threw sand in my eyes. I was dazed but opened up my eyes in time to block his sword. “Michael lets take it to the sky, the ground is not meant for superior beings like us.” “Very well,” I replied. We both shot into the air. He knew he had an advantage over me when fighting in the air. But the fool didn’t realize my power. He made a second sword come out of his arm.

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce Double the blade, double the power. He tried really hard to slash me; I was inexperienced in the sky. Dodging left and right, I didn’t even bother blocking anymore. Out of frustration I slashed through his arm. He screamed out in pain so I just cut of the other one. I put my sword against his chin and took him to the ground. “Now Azazel, say sorry, for everything you have sinned. Say sorry to God for the damage you have done, all in the name of Satan. Say sorry to your son, for you have deserted him.” “Go to hell. I am power! You cannot make me bow…” “I’m already in hell, remember, tell God you’re sorry and he might spare you!” “Screw you!” “Beg me for mercy, like my mother and father begged for it!” “I owe you nothing! Now die puny human!” He stood up, but in a sloppy way. His back was bent, and he was watching the ground. He chuckled, and looked at me, as a grin slowly filled his ignorant mouth. “You are a fool boy… soon Satan will walk the earth once more, and I shall rule over all his demons, with only him above me…” “I’ve had enough of this…” I swerved directly at him, and swung my sword upwards, cutting him in halve… The power of Satan is weak; it is no match to that of God’s. “I’ll be back boy”… he said disintegrating into nothing… It’s over; I have made God proud… “Another book which Enoch wrote for his son Methuselah and for those who will come after him, and keep the law in the last days. Ye who have done good shall wait for those days till an end is made of those who work evil; and an end of the might of the transgressors. And wait ye indeed till sin has passed away, for their names shall be blotted out of the book of life and out of the holy books, and their seed shall be destroyed for ever, and their spirits shall be slain, and they shall cry and make lamentation in a place that is a chaotic wilderness, and in the fire shall they burn; for there is no earth there.” “And I saw there something like an invisible cloud; for by reason of its depth I could not look over, and I saw a flame of fire blazing brightly, and things like shining mountains circling and sweeping to and from. And I asked one of the holy angels who was with me and said unto him: ' What is this shining thing? For it is not a heaven but only the flame of a blazing fire, and the voice of weeping and crying and lamentation and strong pain.' And he said unto me: ' This place which thou sees-here are cast the spirits of sinners and blasphemers, and of those who work wickedness, and of those who pervert everything that the Lord hath spoken through the mouth of the prophets-(even) the things that shall be. For some of them are written and inscribed above in the heaven, in order that the angels may read them and know that which shall befall the sinners, and the spirits of the humble, and of those who have afflicted their bodies, and been recompensed by God; and of those who have been put to shame by wicked men: Who love God and loved neither gold nor silver nor any of the good things which are in the world, but gave over their bodies to torture.” “Who, since they came into being, longed not after earthly food, but regarded everything as a

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce passing breath, and lived accordingly, and the Lord tried them much, and their spirits were found pure so that they should bless His name. And all the blessings destined for them I have recounted in the books. And he hath assigned them their recompense, because they have been found to be such as loved heaven more than their life in the world, and though they were trodden under foot of wicked men, and experienced abuse and reviling from them and were put to shame, yet they blessed Me. And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed with such honor as their faithfulness deserved.” “And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved My holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of his honor. And they shall be resplendent for times without number; for righteousness is the judgment of God; for to the faithful He will give faithfulness in the habitation of upright paths. And they shall see those who were, born in darkness led into darkness, while the righteous shall be resplendent. And the sinners shall cry aloud and see them resplendent, and they indeed will go where days and seasons are prescribed for them.” A cloud opened up and the sun shone on me, a breeze blowing through my hair. “Thank you God, thank you mother.” I have found my destiny, my fate… Thank you Sandy, for you have given me the strength to defeat the four devils, I did this especially for you, so that I could see your beautiful face again… I am Michael Ekloge Lock and I am the apocalypse.

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The Chronicles of Michael: Death Chapter 1: The end is near A cold sweat once more woke Michael from sleep. He had now been waking up every night, thinking that Sandy is okay… but somewhere in the most secluded part of his mind, he knew she might not be. The past few nights have been the longest. He had woken up, up to four times a night, having had bad dreams about the one he loved. And if that wasn’t enough, he also felt that the power of Satan grew nearer to the earth. It has been four months since he single-handedly defeated the mighty devil Azazel. But he knew that it was only a matter of time till he would return, for he had foreseen it. Michael had not been fighting very powerful demons these past months. But even so, one demon specifically stood out, proving a formidable foe. He had some sort of psychic energy that helped him foresee things. He could match Michael punch for punch, until Michael of course took out the greatest of weapons, known as the sword of man. The succubus did not stand much of a chance then, for Michael swerved up once again cutting him into shreds. His body was lying at the Old Tree. The Old Tree has been a landmark for many years, being planted in the year twelve fifteen; it had now grown to an age of eight hundred, and nineteen. It stood taller than most buildings in the United States. Currently it stood at three hundred and twenty-two feet, the tallest tree known to man. It grew at Green Mall Park, where the children would usually play, the tree of course keeping them shaded. Now the demon’s blood stained the sacred ground where the tree grew. Not that it mattered, for no-one knew the species of tree it was. It became apparent to Michael that the tree had been marked by the disciples of Satan. It was no longer sacred. The demon gave out a final shout: “Fool! Now I shall give you the powers I posses, so that you can see the horrors of your end!” finishing off with a very sinister laugh. Michael wasted no more time; he took his sword and indented the demon’s forehead. But Michael did not expect what was destined to happen, for the demon had not been lying about his powers… The moment Michael took his head; a blinding flash took him by surprise, taking Michael into blinded rage. It was only for a few seconds when all that Michael saw was bright white, everything was white, his clothes, his hair, he was sure even his eyes were as white as snow at the time. Michael wished the whiteness had lasted, for now visions were flourishing like transparent images upon paper. He foresaw darkness, and evil overtaking all that is good. He also saw glimpses of his past, and suddenly the beauty of Sandy’s face struck him from nowhere. But her face soon faded, making Michael wish the visions has ended there. He was calm, for the rest of the pictures seemed normal images of his past, until the image that would scar him for the rest of his life…

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It was the purest of evil; he saw the great Dragon, Satan, covered by blasphemy and marked by his own marks. The image zoomed outward as if someone had been playing a video recording. He saw the angels waging war against Satan’s strongest. The Dragon was destroying God’s army, the angels… From here on Michael knew that the day would come, the day which he dies. But he also knew that the image had focused on the Dragon for a reason. Michael himself must face it, he is the one supposed to slaughter the great Beast. After the final image had passed, Michael drew back to reality… He was now relieved for the images had past. But it had left a scar on his mind. Every time he closed his eyes the vision of the Dragon would flash before him. After lying in the dark for a while, Michael stood up and made his way to his kitchen. There haven’t been many attacks lately. Everything had become quiet; the demons were starting to settle. Michael was sure that they were preparing for the final battle, almost like the awkward silence before a storm would hit. He turned the tap, got a glass of water, and quickly gulped it down to free his throat from the burning pain his coughs had caused. Everything was quiet, only the gentle flutter of the leaves could be heard outside. Suddenly the sharp scarlet sun rose from among the distant foothills. He thanked God for dawn was on its way. Michael had made quite a habit of thanking God for everything. He just felt that it was merely the power of God keeping him awake, though he was asleep and of course the image of the beautiful Sandy. His life now revolved around finding her, hoping she’s alive. Over the hills a strange vague, but familiar figure made its appearance. It struck him then from the blue, that he had abandoned his only friend John. The man passed by Michael’s house and so much reminded him of his friend John. He was flabbergasted, for he remembered that John might be able to find Sandy. In John’s early years at the church he had encouraged many people to join the church. Sandy was one of them. He remembered that Sandy had told him this before… For him it seemed ages ago, though it has merely been five months. He grabbed hold of the table cloth, his heart was throbbing. He suddenly felt the need do fetch a blade, for he had no means of living without Sandy any longer… He woke up about an hour later and remembered none of the things he wanted to do before. But he remembered his friend John, and he now knew his task. He had to find John, and John would have to help him find Sandy… But the problem stood, would John forgive him?

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Chapter 2: The beginning It was merely a few hours after noon when Michael started his journey. It would be hard for he had no idea where he would start looking; he hasn’t seen John since they fought. It shattered his mind how mean he had been to John before. He did not mean for them to fight though, but no-one talks about his little brother… He stood there thinking of his passed away brother, he wished he could have him back, maybe if he had been possessed now, he might have been able to save him. Michael had thought about killing himself many times before, but then what would become of Sandy? He had to be sure she was safe, he would not be able to live with himself if he knew he could have done something to protect her from how cold the world has become… He wished that Sandy would have stayed in his mind a little bit longer, as he stood on his porch and looked around to decide where he would start looking for John. To the east lay the foothills, completely visible from his kitchen window. This was probably the safest way to start traveling. To the north lay the great Rollin Woods. But in the dark, sheltering shades of the forest the demons were cowering, Michael was not in the mood to fight, all that was on his mind was Sandy. He was worried that it might be abnormal to think of a delicate flower like Sandy so often. He knew he loved her, but is she still alive? Would he work himself into anxious sweat and find her to be dead? He soon broke a cold fever inside the storm of his brain. “Maybe I should stop thinking?” he said surprised to himself, but also questioning the thought, for he knew forgetting Sandy would not be easy. Many nights when Michael could not sleep he would watch them from his kitchen window. Their glowing eyes grew colder by the day; they feared Michael, more than any of the mortals. The foul smell of their sweat can be noticed right onto his porch, as they wait for his imminent arrival. All the forest creatures either fled in fear, or were killed by the demons. The leaves on the trees were turning brown, not because of the unexpected arrival of the fall, but because of the vulgar presence of the demons. Michael looked away from the forest in shame, he has the power, but it would take forever to clear the forest of evil. He turned to the south now, the city itself, Los Angeles. Michael would not go there either. The demons had taken over the metal as well. The tall buildings standing nearly to the heaven covered up most of the remaining sun. Michael could often see big flying creatures fly from the tops of the buildings, sometimes sweeping away some cowardly prey. The Old Tree stood among the buildings... It had become so corrupted by evil, although Michael had long suspected it to be a portal. When they came crawling from Dudael, they went on opening portals all over earth. He suspected that the tree among hundreds of other plants, and rocks, and even lakes and oceans, were used to create gates for the creatures of hell.

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Michael finally decided that the foothills would prove fearful, and dreadful, but that it would be the logical choice. In his mind he saw the paths he had crossed many times before. But he wished that one of his reluctant visions would appear from no where, showing him where he could find John. Michael had become good at tracking them. If there were to be a demon in specific that Michael would be looking for, he’d track them, over mountains and rivers, fields and stone, till its body lay helpless on the cold, bare floor. However, John is a human, and may prove a lot more difficult to find. John lived about thirty miles from where Michael’s new house was. After the demons took over the city, Michael moved to a secluded part of Los Angeles, somewhere on the outskirts. John would probably have moved too, the city could no longer shelter you from them. But even so, Michael would like to look at his house first… with huge hopes of finding John there. But the journey would prove perilous, for the servants of Lucifer could be felt, and seen all over the city. But the ones that are really feared are men, possessed by demons. And believe it or not, even those who have not yet been possessed, for they have become so desperate, they were giving their souls to Satan just so they could have the chance to live longer. Michael saw humans as fools. Not in a vain way, for of course, Michael was now an angel. The world is ending, and all they can think about is their possessions, or their puny worthless lives. If Michael was given no choice, he would choose to die, for the worst is yet to come. Michael had seen the future, and he sometimes wished that he could scream at the top of his lungs, and tell them all how foolish they are. But people are like dogs, they only come running when they are served food. Possessed people were committing a lot of crimes: Murder, rape, stealing, all sorts of things. They were dangerous not because of possession, but because of their knowledge. A demon, with the knowledge of a human, would be like the Americans giving all the research they ever collected on nuclear warfare, to the Chinese… It would cause irreparable damage, devastation across the world of man. Michael stopped playing mind games with himself, and decided to move on. Somehow he knew, that the very first step he would take would be declaring to fight the Dragon. If he took just one step, he would never return to his house again…

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Chapter 3: Two heads are better than one So, Michael had taken the step towards his end, those first senseless steps from his porch. “Well, here goes nothing, just hope for the best”, he said to himself in a confident, but uncomfortable way. He started at the foothills, passing through the torn apart forest, with pieces of it lying on the ground. The leaves were all a dark brown, that is, if they weren’t scorched black. Michael came to the top of the hill and looked upon the huge valley he has to fight now… It would prove much more of a fight than he had thought. For miles on, the brown and black hills, folded into each other, like the sewing of a reed basket… but the seams were torn apart. Dried up trees covered some of the hill tops in a disturbing, yet delicate manner. Michael had always had a beautiful voice. When he was small, he sang for the school choir, that is when the foster home allowed it. However, he sang for merely two years, for his brother started acting up, this was when he started experimenting with the devil. Michael thought to himself that he might just as well cheer up the morbid air of the hills. He started singing in a merry voice, a poem that he wrote himself (Though the words were not exactly as cheerful as his voice.): In the silence of my mind, I feel you. Such a pleasant surprise, I’m dying again… You have dug my grave, there I will remain, till you break down my walls, I won’t feel again. Silence, my mind Madness overtaking me. I’m dying, dying in your memory. Just break down my mind again. There are walls around my heart, I feel you. Such sweet sorrow, you killed me again… You have betrayed me therefore the promise will remain, till you free me from sin, I won’t feel again. It was not the most cheerful of songs, but he liked the feeling of the words on his tongue. He wrote the poem for Mia, about Mia. Darkness covered his heart in those times, but

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce Sandy had freed him from that now. He felt lighter, though he knew that Sandy couldn’t suppress the oncoming darkness that would come his way soon. He looked up to the sky, and asked God for help: “Father! I am alone now! I am alone in the fight against Satan. I need your help, and I need the help of Sandy. I know I obsess about her too much… but she is all living, breathing thing I have on this forsaken planet. I need, just You, and her…” He did not use ‘amen’ in his prayers, he believed that God already knows what one was going to say, and he knew that even without ‘amen’, God would know he meant his prayer, and that it was finished. It was as if something struck him from nowhere, and his state of mind was completely broken. He had once got a book, which talked about his sword. Maybe there was a way to use its dormant powers. Michael thought the chances of it still being in his backpack very irregular, yet it was. He quickly skipped to the page where the sword was… maybe God does answer prayers. Michael could now make all of it out, because he had been studying the language more intensively since Azazel. It said that the sword had special powers, powers that only the user, pure of heart could use. It also mentioned something about an Archangel being able to use its full power. Michael noticed a picture in the corner, it was a shield of some sort… it seemed to have been created by the blade! The rest of the page was talking about how the will of the user could unleash the shield, it said that most of the swords God had made could do this, but it would take a being of pure heart. The next page was torn apart, so Michael thought maybe the shield would help already. He decided to test this when the next enemy arrives. Michael turned southwards aiming for where John’s house was. Michael’s pace wasn’t too fast; he was taking it rather slow for the moment. He was walking along one of the ground paths now, but a very disturbing black figure caught his eye, then another, and another. It became apparent to Michael that he had some demons pursuing him He walked for about an hour more and he decided he would confront the force gathering behind him. He simply grinned and turned around. The moment his blue eyes caught sight of one of the vulgar beasts, the vague figure disappeared into the darkness of the Bellmore-woods. “Why don’t you come out to play my demonic friends?” Michael said with the grin still on his face. “Very well Seraphim, you shall find yourself on the edge of a painful death. You are no match for me and my squad,” a rusty voice said. “I have gathered all the forest creatures, together we shall make the power of good crumble, and destroy their messenger, you, Michael Lock. Satan is gathering his forces,” it went on as Michael pulled out his sword. Michael was just about to let the words pass his tongue, when he was abstractly interrupted by yet another vague figure. Except that this figure did not seem to be after Michael, for the head of the demon talking to Michael fell and rolled all the way to

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce where the road bent back up again. The figure stood with a gun in one hand aiming towards where the demon’s head used to be. He had white hair, wearing some stylish tight looking leather pants. He had no shirt, only a jacket which was hanging open, showing off his great-looking, built body. Michael was skeptical about this vain looking fiend at first, but he changed his mind after seeing what he was capable of. He was killing off a lot of demons, he had some sort of automatic pistol, with which he faded the demons back into dust. Michael just grinned and put The Sword of Man on his shoulder, watching in amazement. He gave out a laugh and asked the character if he could offer some help, but he just smiled in reply and gave a very sarcastic laugh, pulling out his sword. Michael just disobeyed the vain prick and joined in anyway. They fought equally next to each other, though to Michael it seemed the person was struggling, and trying his absolute best. Michael thought now was the best time to test this new skill, or what might be a new one, while the demons were distracted. He looked deeply at the hilt of his sword, and focused hard, trying to center his will. The blade started glowing with a mischievous spark, and Michael could see the blade misshaping. “Dude, you might want to get down!” The sword scattered into millions of pieces, flying around him, almost as if it was protecting its master. Michael could see the demons being torn apart around him. It acted not only as a shield, but also as a blade for whoever came in its path. “I think I’m calling this one Sword Barrier!” he screamed as he watched the second last demon fall to the ground. “Are you sure you do not want to take up my offer of help?” Michael asked sarcastically. The guy just replied with a dirty look, obviously getting quite annoyed with Michael’s presence. Michael got quite tired of waiting, and pulled out the Uzi-like gun Vergil once gave him, putting two bullets into the final demon’s head. The person was just standing there amazed, almost like a child who has lost his toy. Michael broke his intense focus, and his blade came together again on the hilt. “You know, with a bit of training you can become a great fighter, what is your name?” Michael asked him. “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment,” he replied, “my name is Blake, and somehow I’m guessing you are the great Ekloge everyone has been talking about.” “News of me travel far I see, yes I am Michael, and it is an honor to meet you Blake. This is short notice and I hardly know you of course, but I would be honored if you would join me in my quest,” Michael explained. “Humph, I have nothing better to do, and you seem like you need the help,” Blake chuckled, as Michael laughed, one brow tucked up high. Michael now had someone to travel with, he was overjoyed, for now he had someone to

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce talk to, and he had someone who might help him face his darkest hour. They walked for quite a few miles talking about history, and Michael listening about all the ‘chicks’ he had been with… then Michael broke the silence… or what was supposed to be silence… “However Blake, you must know my quest is quite perilous… You are a powerful warrior, far more than any human I have ever met. However I am an angel half-breed and my power far surpasses that of any human. When it gets to fighting big, powerful demons, you might prove a worthless ally. All I am asking as that you deeply rethink my offer, for I might not be able to protect you forever.” “Michael, Michael, already want to get rid of me? I am not scared of dying and I am even less scared of any demon. The world is going to end soon anyway Michael, you and me both know it. I have seen the servants of the devil. They are taking over, we can no longer buy any food, and we need some mark… It doesn’t really matter where I die, but die is an inevitable fate for me… ”, Blake said almost as if not concerned. “Revelations 13… ‘The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without having this mark, that is, the beast’s name or the number that stands for the name…’ 666, the mark of the beast. Blake, are you sure you have seen these things? If this is true it means the Beasts from earth and sea are already walking upon the earth… Blake these two Creatures are the right hand of Lucifer, his most powerful, and trustworthy servants. I doubt that even I can defeat them…,” Michael said blowing out a piece of his breath, as if he had already given up… “Yes I have seen people bearing the mark, as well as people monitoring the devil’s slaves… And…Well… Michael I have seen the Beast from the earth… I cannot even describe what he looks like, and I cannot even explain the power he has over men. My father was part of a war two months ago; he died fighting that thing… Nothing can defeat it…” Blake said also full of sorrow and hopelessness. “I am afraid that you were correct Blake… The world is at its end, revelations have begun! Soon God’s angels will start opening the seals, and blowing the trumpets and the people will suffer and crumble under the power of Satan. However Blake there is still hope, together, with training, we can defeat the two Beasts… You see Blake the thing is, already things are out of order, and the Beast from the earth is not yet meant to walk the earth… The Devil will be furious, he will be ordered back into the earth till its time is right.” Michael said trying to fill Blake with hope. However Michael was squeezing his two hands tight together, he knew that he might be wrong, and if it was true they would have a hard time before them… “Michael… You are right… Everything is wrong; I don’t understand why… Maybe it is because you opened the portal back then that might have had an influence on the events of today. Michael, take me with you, train me, make me powerful and when that Beast arrives I am going to kill it…” Blake said suddenly filled with hope as Michael hoped his words would have done.

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Very well, we shall take on the Beast of the earth and the Beast of the ocean, defeat them and save millions who would have worshiped them. But first I want you and me to find my friend John and then find my girlfriend and love, Sandy…” Michael and Blake had now settled their affairs and continued traveling towards John. Demons weren’t much of a problem; they probably feared the new power formed by the duo. They were merry together, and had a wonderful time traveling side by side. Michael started singing a song he once wrote when he met Sandy. Blake quickly caught up with the words and started to join Michael in singing. As I gaze upon the stars tonight A cold shiver creeps slowly down my spine If I could look into your eyes tonight I’d tell you how I feel. Looked into your eyes tonight I see God’s soul and image come alive Yes, you are more beautiful tonight I’d tell you how I feel. Beautiful butterfly bloom tonight Spread your wings and learn to fly I wish I were your wings tonight I’d tell you how I feel. I’m desperate for your love I hunger for your kiss Break me from these jagged rocks and free me with your lips Flaming love and burning kiss Somber fire No one can bliss If I were me Once more tonight I’d tell you how I feel… It was merely two hours later when Michael saw from a distance John’s house, or at least his parent’s log cabin… “This is it Blake, the first part of our journey is completed, that is if John is here…” Michael said, “Let us get this started, Lucifer, the eternal fire awaits you.” “Michael, tell me about the seals and trumpets, please, I have never been much of a Christian, and have never owned a Bible,” Blake asked. “I have never been good at interpreting the signs and many meanings of God’s Bible,” Michael replied, “but as far as I am concerned the seals and trumpets in Revelations are merely a mark or point of time. The first seal might mark the first ten days or even

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce years… The seals are merely a certain time in the end… Come now, enough talk about this, let us say hello to John.”

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Chapter 4: Inherit the earth, the White Rider “Revelations 6: Then I saw the Lamb break open the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice that sounded like thunder, ‘Come!’ I looked and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown. He rode out as a conqueror to conquer.” The white rider traveled across all the earth. It killed that which stood in the way of God; a lot of demons were slain, as well as the earth’s heathens. It did as it was told and conquered some of the land the demons had taken, and he pursued the Beast until the end of the earth, and it was exiled back into the core of the earth. Foolish humans… “John? John are you here?” exclaimed Michael. “Michael, I don’t think John is here. Maybe the demon threat has become so big, he had to leave,” replied Blake. Michael started searching the house hoping to find some sign of John. The only sign he could find was of his obscure absence… Michael knew that John wouldn’t leave without leaving a clue, and Michael was right. The house itself was very small, merely two bedrooms and one bathroom. Not exactly any one’s fantasy house. John had bought a few paintings, for Michael could not remember the house being as decorated as it was at the moment. In the hall laid a plastic-like carpet, just as older people would have liked it. It had a very small porch, only room for about two chairs. Nothing else was interesting about John’s place, except maybe the noticeable blood on the hallway’s walls. Michael was immediately panicked by this and started running. He walked through the small, narrow hallway. The beautiful paintings were all lying on the ground, and hand marks were very noticeable, dragging along the hallway to the door… They hurt John… He went into John’s room, or what used to be his room. In big red letters stood the words: ‘Almeric miothoses Nephili miartica Azezel.’ It was in the ancient language of the fallen ones that Michael had studied in the beginning of his journey. It said: ‘Nephilim revived, captured by Azazel.’ “What does it say?” asked Blake. “An arch enemy of mine has captured him, and he says that Nephilims still live, meaning that Vergil wasn’t the last one…” said Michael. “The only remains of Nephilim that I know of are in California, some museum there, they must have revived it… That must be where Azazel, my enemy is. That is where we are going now. We must rescue him and destroy Azazel, maybe even find out where those two Beasts will be.” “But Michael” asked Blake, “Why would they want John? He cannot possibly be of any value to them. I have seen articles about John in the Ancient Daylight magazine. He is a brilliant professor, and even greater man. But he is no evil man, and I am sure he would not help them revive a Nephilim.” “Yes that is true…” Michael replied, putting a tiny glint in his eyes, one that wasn’t there

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce before. “They probably took John to get to me. They know we are friends, or were friends at least… We had a violent fight about my brother… But even so, he is my only hope to finding Sandy now, I need to find him, and hope that at the same time I can recover the friendship I have lost. John and I have been friends for a really long time. We grew up together, sometimes at this very house. We have to find him… Blake, do you have some relative who can come to pick us up and take us to California? ” “Relatives? My relatives are all dead…” Blake said suddenly saddened. “My father died in that war, against the Beast. My mother and sister were captured by demons… I just assumed that they’re dead as well… The rest of my family all quaked under the power of the Devil; they were scared and knew that they could not stand against Their power. Later on they were slaughtered anyway.” “My father went to that war with the hope to find my mother and sister… He failed, and so have I. After I heard the news that my father had died, I sold the house and used the money to buy me equipment: guns and this sword. I’ve been training ever since, selftraining at least. I’ve been killing demons as much as I could, with hope that someone knew of my sister and mother. But I gave up my futile attempts and decided I’d walk to Los Angeles. That’s of course when I met you…” “I have people I have been training with; they have created a committee who are basically dedicated to fighting demons, and to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. They call themselves Bella Rea, which is Hand of God in angel tongue. I shall get hold of them, and they will take us to California.” “I am very sorry for all the losses you endured, no man should lose all he has. There is a chance that your sister might yet be alive, I will help you find her, and your mother, I promise.” Michael replied putting a slight smile on Blake’s morbid face. “I am glad there are indeed some forces that are dedicated to helping others… But how will you communicate with them? I have been trying my cell phone for weeks now, all communication has been destroyed.” “Not all of it Michael, Orange networks are still online. Hand of God had captured one of the cellular towers Orange used to own. They basically built their base around that tower, which they now use as a centre for communication. Hand of God has many people around the US, if we can get hold of one of them, I am sure we’ll have a safe bet,” Blake replied moving across John’s room. “That is excellent!” Michael said ecstatically. “Blake, if we round up all the people from Hand of God, we will be able to defeat the Beasts, even find your sister! We can establish a base, the Museum, where we will be shelter for those who does not have, and I will personally destroy any demon guarding food supplies. At the centre we can train people, and so forth bring up a force large enough to attack the oncoming threat.” “That might work!” Blake said now without any frown. “I’ll call Aaron now, and get him to come and pick us up at John’s house.”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce It was quite a while before Aaron, Blake’s friend, would reach John’s house. Blake and Michael talked about many things, making plans for the near future, and what Michael could do with the hand of God, when he took control. Michael was so filled with fear, of the Devil, that he would do anything to find some help. At this point, the hand of God would prove to be the break he needed, then he didn’t need to fight It alone. The sun was setting, and soon the night will fold itself over the hills giving way to a starry, or more likely, cloudy sky. In the distance, blue mountains became red, as the crimson moon rises. It has begun. Very soon all the people of the earth shall tarnish, fading into the wind. From dust to dust. Dust is what we will become once more, when the earth reaches its end. It was around about nine when Aaron showed up. He rode a truck, some kind of military vehicle. In the back were two other people, and the friendly driver Aaron. The radio was on, at its loudest, it’s a wonder they didn’t attract a whole army of demons. Staind was playing, quite ironic really, for Staind’s lead singer’s name is Aaron Lewis. Michael had always been a fan of theirs, along with many other bands. He had listened to Slipknot once before, but they filled his heart with more hate than already present, so he settled with a bit more ‘peaceful’ music, as if Staind was peaceful. Michael just smiled and thought back to one of the foster homes he had lived in. The Smiths, they were the loveliest of people… Though most of it was because they were grieving. They had lost a son to suicide… His name was William; he gave up after losing his best friend. He took his life with a blade, like so many Michael have seen before. Their house was lovely as well, a typical Florida suburb. Michael lived about five years of his teenage life with them. The mother was Susan, and the father was George. When Michael ate, it was usually a feast, not like the other foster homes or the orphanage. He had a nice room; with posters and a computer… It was William’s. Michael had to leave, after they were both murdered. A dark cloud suddenly filled his mind… Evil is always against him, and he was really getting sick of it. “I don’t believe it… the great Michael Lock! I never thought I’d see the day! My name is Aaron pleased to meet you,” said the friendly driver. “By the way, these are two of my trusty soldiers, the blond one’s Shaun and the bald one’s Nicolas. I have heard so much about you Michael. Our council has been studying your moves, teaching them to all our students.” “Thank you Aaron, I am honored, I do not deserve all the fame that comes my way. Aaron, do tell me, who is the ‘we’ you’re talking about? I have been fighting demons alone, and I would really appreciate your help. To be honest, I would really like to take over Hand of God, and train the troops myself. I know most of their weaknesses, and I know that the final battle is going to be very soon…” “Michael, it would be the greatest of honors… however, we need to talk to the council first. They have all the power, and they will test you, and decide if you are worthy to be

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce on the council… But of course, you are the great Michael, and it should prove no difficulty to defeat Armaros…” said Aaron “Armaros? Are you telling me that he is alive? He was killed… by Vergil… I don’t understand it…” replied Michael with great surprise. “Yes, he is alive and well Michael. God gave him a second chance, I guess. Armaros turned away from evil, happily accepting his punishment… And God gave him another chance to be an angel. But not of high rank or anything, that’s why he is the head of the council, on the earth. I of course think there is a lot more to it… He has been given a great task.” replied Aaron, glad to be the bearer of good news for a change. Michael smiled very silently; he was happy for Armaros, but also looking forward to the challenge. “Yes I would enjoy the challenge, though I hope he has grown from our last battle, for I have, and if he hasn’t, I will defeat him,” replied Michael proudly. “You have fought against him? Then indeed, you are a man worthy of God’s work.” said Aaron. “Unfortunately, I saw him die… I was not the one of course… no I can assure you, the man responsible will be spending his last few days in Hell… I couldn’t save Armaros… We were still fighting, when he was killed. It was a great fight, one without any hard feelings. That was long ago though, and what was done was done.” “Luckily he is back eh? Ha-ha, indeed it is a day to celebrate, let us go now, and celebrate!” said Aaron as he started up the truck. They rode far into the last bit of golden light, and soon, crossed the mountains, fading away what was left of the light. They rode for quite a while, into the deepness of the world, past all the great cities of America. Michael closed his eyes, and thought he’d get some much needed rest… He hasn’t been sleeping at all, and that was not good, for he needed the rest, when the great Beast comes… The White rider’s reign had come to an end… He had been defeated by a mysterious demi-fiend, or ‘half-demon’. This force is not to be meddled with… He might become the embodiment of evil…

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Chapter 5: War, the White Rider “Revelation 6.3: Then the Lamb broke open the second seal, and I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to bring war on the earth, so people should kill each other. He was given a large sword.” So the Red Rider came upon the earth, and gave men the knowledge of weapons, and advance warfare. The human race wiped each other out, one by one, nations and tribes fell to the power of lust, lust for even more power… foolish humans. When the sharp morning light pierced Michael’s eyes, he awoke and saw that the day had already reached morning. The car had stopped moving. Michael hoped that his first sight would not be the sun’s golden rays, but the God’s hand… Michael was quite surprised, for he actually saw neither… instead, he saw a beautiful young woman, roughly his age, long, thin… She had bright blue eyes, and long, beautiful brown hair. Her smile: Drenched in sorrow, but yet a flicker of hope… She was still holding on, despite of her life’s pain. Her shy voice suddenly replied to his eyes staring at hers: “Morning, by the looks of it, you must be the great Michael. We are really honored to have you here at God’s hand.” “Thank you, I assure you… I am not as great as my reputation states… I am actually just a human being,” replied Michael, smiling very discreetly, “I’d like to be part of this operation miss…” “Miss Mine, but you can just call me Kate,” she replied to Michael’s faint smile. Shortly after, they just went inside the building. Michael was quite amazed by what they have been doing the past six months. There were training groups, as well as a demon library, with records of everything that they had encountered so far. There were also a lot of rooms, packed with food and drink, as well as sleeping space, even though no one ever slept, mostly because they couldn’t, he figured… Upstairs was where the officials slept, and the floor above that, the great leaders… Kate was one of them. Michael was amazed at the fact that Kate was as high as Armaros… even Aaron was on the same level. The place was well organized… The room Michael saw last, was of course… the Church. He went inside and prayed to God, but only for a while, because there was work to be done, and he knew God would understand this. “Hey, Michael, when you’re finished with your prayer, I’ll take you to Armaros. He will be waiting for you,” said Aaron. “It’s alright, I’m finished. Take me to my old friend; we have some fun that needs finishing.” Michael followed Aaron to some lift, which went all the way to the top of the tower. He

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce could feel a strong presence behind the door, and decided to enter. He was nervous at first, but remembered the power that was given to him by God. “Well, if it isn’t my old friend Michael, I am so glad that you defeated Azazel, and Vergil. But now darkness has befallen the earth… but I hope that you do not blame yourself for this? After all, it was meant to happen,” said Armaros. Michael drew his sword, but Armaros’s voice stopped him: “No need Michael, as from now on you are in charge of all operations here at God’s hand, we have no time to waste, so let’s skip the battle…very soon, I shall draw my sword, and we will fight along side each other in the great battle.” “Ha-ha, Armaros my old friend! You always did talk way too much… I’m really honored, and I will use this power to do God’s will… but, as thrilled as I am, I cannot. That is why; I will be the front man, along with you, Aaron… and Kate… and of course, my companion. He is a bit rough on the edges, but he will do us proud. The five of us will do this together. I can’t really handle the big job now in any case, for I am afraid Azazel is still alive and well… and he has an old friend of mine,” said Michael. “He is in some museum in New York. I’m sure that Blake will accompany me. After I have retrieved my friend, and killed that dog, I will ask him to help me find my long lost love… then, I shall return to you.” “Very well Michael… but, let us come with you… You do not know what lurks in New York, do you? New York has become the property of Samael… Never in the heavens, nor below us, or even on this earth… has such a power walked,” replied Armaros. “No… I never thought that he’d exist… it can’t be. If Samael is there, I can’t win,” Michael said in certain disbelief. Kate asked what the big deal was supposed to be. Michael himself was uncertain on how this was possible. So Armaros explained… “Samael… one of the gods of old. He is one of the most powerful demons to have walked the earth. Many versions of the Bible state Samael as the true, angelic name of Satan, instead of using the term Lucifer. There are many tales about Samael; no one will really know which are true… Samael is often depicted as ‘The poison of God’. Some text say he is the snake in the mist, he betrayed Eve and Adam.” “The direct Latin for Samael is Poison of God… which will state that Samael was an angel of high ranking… So, Satan was one of God’s high angels, one of the Archangels. After some more research, some of the newer angels discovered that he was ruler over the seventh order of angels, ruling over the biggest army in heaven.” “However, his power corrupted his mind… and he grew weary of the power God had… so he started a war. Having control over halve of the angels, he waged war against the other halve of the angels in heaven. God however, used His almighty powers and banned halve of His angels for following the embodiment of evil.”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Samael wandered in hell for many thousand years. Many believed he became ruler of the dark pit, after seeing the opportunity, the opportunity to spread evil, while they wait for their final judgment.” “This however, is what humans were told to believe… I was there… and I saw the true story. Lucifer was cast down from heaven, his wings torn, and he had become true evil. He took a piece of his evil, and created a being of pure evil. He named it Samael, one of his many names. He gave Samael control over his entire demonic army.” “Samael has one millionth of Satan’s full power, believe me, but Samael’s power still surpasses all of the power in this room… Samael has brought all of Satan’s legions to earth. I do not know if we have the power to defeat him. Even if we do, Satan has a back-up plan. A new leader will rise… very soon.” “Well if this is the case… I’ll defeat Samael, and then Satan’s armies will be without a leader. Besides… I love her… this will be my strength,” replied Michael, and Blake added that he was up for the challenge; he was really looking forward to it. “But I will go alone, only Blake may join me.” “Very well Michael, you may use Blake. Go and defeat Samael, your confidence and faith shall guide you. You may take one of our vehicles,” replied Armaros. “I have a better idea.” Michael opened up his wings, and stood in his full glory. He could see that Kate was amazed… He liked this in particular. Blake hopped onto his back, and they flew out through a hole from which a tiny source of light came. “Michael, please come back.” The Red Rider swept across the earth, watching the world wage war. He was confronted by a powerful demon, and fell at that demon’s hands. As he defeated the Red Rider, its power became his… A human, with the power of a demon… This creates something we do not mention.

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Chapter 6: Famine, the Black Rider “Revelations 6.5: Then the Lamb broke open the third seal, and I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there was a black horse. Its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. I heard what sounded like a voice coming from among the four living creatures, which said, “A liter of wheat for a day’s wages, and three liters of barley for a day’s wages. But do not damage the olive-trees and the vineyards!”” The Black Rider used his scale to judge those who say that they believe in God. He took away all the food, and all the water, bringing a famine upon the earth. Those who wore the mark of the beast were able to find food, and those who believed in God, as well. Those who were lost and damned… Would die of hunger… “The Riders had been doing God’s will, following His plan. People were starting to listen; they started paying attention to the will of God. However… the Riders could not complete their work. The angels felt it, God’s hand felt it… even what was left of the animals felt it. Everything both good and evil felt the power rise. Everyone except Michael… too busy with his own will.” “None of the members from God’s hand really knew who this creature was. Some people say it gained its powers shortly after Judgment day began. It was killing God’s legions, and controlling Satan’s. Some say he was a Necromancer, lord of demons, a person who could control them.” “There was also another side to the story… This creature was killing its own kind as well. It was killing demons… maybe we can turn him…” Shortly after his arrival, the Black Rider fell as well. He proved no match for the mysterious creature.

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Chapter 7: Samael Michael silently let his feet slip through the air, and land softly upon the grass. He was in front of the museum now… but, for some reason his confidence had left him. He was nervous. It must be because of Samael. Even thought he was nervous, his eyes burned with resolve, that single purpose, to save that which he loved most. The thought of her instantly drove all fear from Michael’s mind. “Concentrate… on her” he kept repeating to himself. “Concentrate”. He walked up the stairs. When he was about to open the door, it sprung open by itself… the moment he moved, he was ambushed by demons. Michael dodged the first punch, and sort of hovered in the air, kicking his face into the ground. He landed, took out his sword, and stuck it against the next demon’s throat. “Well, where is he?” Michael asked the demon… “And don’t lie, I know he’s here. I have sources that told me that.” “Fool… you mean they… you fell for it, we knew you’d come here… we have been waiting for you. We set a trap for you dumbass, so we could all ambush you. Azazel wants a rematch… and if he fails again… my master will take care of you.” The demon was filthy, and just went on talking about how evil his boss is. Michael suddenly became uneasy and hoped that the second person was not Sandy… he could not take her death, if she had gotten hurt, he would never forgive himself. “Eh, you won’t be escaping from here fool… Azazel, Michael is here. You can kill them,” said the demon. “No, you won’t!!!” Michael instantly slashed him, and ran up stairs. Blake volunteered to take care of the demons on the lower level. When he came to the top of the staircase, Azazel had already taken out his sword. His method had not changed, his sword still slashed through his arm, revealing its majestic power. Michael could see both Sandy and John hanging on some pedestal. Just when Azazel was about to bring his blade down to the earth, Michael intercepted it, and pushed Azazel back. “I was wondering when I was going to see you again old friend. I knew you’d come here eventually… after the sign I left on the wall, I thought I might have screwed it up. But you idiotically enough followed me here. You thought that John could write that language? The language only us, the highest of angels, were allowed to know?” “And do you really think you would be able to penetrate one of our bases by air, so easily? This is just the place of ritual… where I will summon Samael, the master of all demons. You can’t beat him Michael, nothing can.”

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “And even if you manage to beat him… you will have to defeat the demi-fiend. He will soon destroy Samael and absorb all his power. Then Satan will embrace my brilliance. The power of a demonic human… surpasses a millionth of the master’s power.” “You will never win, the half demon will lead Satan’s army into war, and you will be long dead. Because even if you can beat him, you’ll have to fight the master himself… What am I mumbling about? You’ll have to defeat me first fool. Since Hell has engulfed this pathetic place, I’m feeling right at home. Michael… I was nothing to you before, but now… I will use all the strength that my lord has given to me, now prepare yourself…for the true wrath of Lucifer!” Azazel made another sword come out from under his skin. He phased forward and cut Michael’s right arm, almost leaving him immobilized… and unable to use his sword. To Michael’s surprise he could not see Azazel’s moves. He almost panicked for a moment, but almost instantly focused just in time to dodge Azazel’s next attack. After the dodge, Michael managed to cut Azazel’s arm. “Michael… Michael… you cannot defeat me with the power you possess now. Why not join me? And let the demifiend absorb you. He will need all the power he can get if he is to impress my master…” said Azazel. “I won’t ever join you… and your demi-fiend. I will destroy him, and Samael. And I will lead God’s angels into war against Satan and win. Now die!” Michael attacked Azazel head on… but Azazel just cut Michael over his chest, making him fall down. At this stage Michael could barely move. And Azazel was standing there as if he owned the world. He was standing close to Sandy and John. “Well isn’t this funny. Weren’t we in exactly the opposite thing a while back? I was lying on the ground, and you told me to beg for forgiveness. Well, now Michael, it’s your turn. Beg for forgiveness. Ask your friends here to forgive you, for you caused their death. I am going to put them in a better place now… this could have been avoided if you had joined me in the first place.” “Michael I love you… and it was the risk… I took,” said Sandy. Michael softly pleaded for their lives. “It’s too late now Michael. In a few minutes I am going to kill you along with them, and with your blood break the seal… And set this world ablaze with Samael’s power. Michael I am afraid it’s all over.” Soon after talking, Azazel lifted his sword. He struck down Sandy… and he struck down John. In a second Michael’s heart shattered once again. He could feel Sandy was no longer breathing, and that John had left him alone… for the very last time. Michael screamed out in pain and anger.

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce Suddenly Michael’s eyes burned with a different resolve. He was angry, and hate now fueled his power. Azazel just fell to the ground for no apparent reason. Michael emerged from behind Azazel’s body. He checked if Sandy was still alive. He stood there crying, holding her in his arms. Michael turned around, but Azazel’s body was no longer there. Farther on, he stood holding only his one blade. There was blood dripping from it… onto some symbol. “Well now Michael, I should’ve known you better than just dying like that. No matter… the blood dripping from this sword is yours. And the symbol I’m standing on is the seal. In a moment’s time your life will end, and you can’t stop it… I already sacrificed the Nephilim, that’s what you thought we were hiding right? His power was insufficient though, so I cursed myself, so when I die, my power will be given to the seal.” said Azazel at full confidence. He knew that this battle was won. He began to sing a song:

She’s a dwelling place for demons, She’s the cage for every unclean spirit every filthy bird, And makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings. Michael stood up, and instantly struck Azazel to the ground… “Fuck you, you don’t need forgiveness. You don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve to be alive. Now die…” Michael swung the mighty sword God has given him down… but Azazel disappeared again. “Ha, you think you can get rid of me that easily, to kill me now, you will need to destroy your friend’s final breaths. How much do you really want me dead Michael?” Azazel stood there saying this, he had John in his hands and there were still visible signs of movement in John’s fingertips. While Azazel stood there smiling sinisterly, his smile broke into millions of pieces, and John fell to the ground… and he was no longer moving. Michael had cut through John, to get to Azazel. Michael just stood on the other side looking up to the sky. He fell to his knees, and screamed, asking God why all this has happened to him. After everything that Michael has done, why is he being punished like this? The earth behind him shook; Michael just stood there, and did nothing. A cloud of darkness covered the remaining light in the world…

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Chapter 8: Death, the Pale Rider “Revelation 6.7 - 8: Then the Lamb broke open the fourth seal, and I heard the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there was a pale-colored horse. Its rider was named Death, and Hades followed close behind. They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill by means of war, famine, disease, and wild animals.” The last of God’s great riders swept across the earth, and destroyed all who prayed to the beast. The pale-rider was also struck down by the mysterious new power. At this point it would seem that Azazel’s words was true, and that this new creature will kill, and absorb all of Samael’s energy. God had to have known that they were to be defeated in the end didn’t He? Then why did He not save them… The early leaves of dawn fell upon Michael’s swollen face, as he choked on a bit of blood, coughing it out onto the ground next to him. At this point it was overwhelming to have survived Samael’s attack. He could only remember a gigantic sword coming down on his, and the entire building shook with terror bringing everything to the ground. Michael was however not happy to be alive, he was filled with sadness, and hate. He felt that God had left him, and that God had left Sandy vulnerable to danger. The hate soon sedated to a level of nothingness, as he felt the last bit of hope being taken away from him. He did eventually, after hours of self-conflict realize that it was his own fault. Michael fought with John… and he left Sandy alone… Michael screamed out at the sky one more time, and shortly thereafter he asked for God’s forgiveness. After having lain on the same spot for almost two days, he was aroused by the sound of a car close by. In the distance he could hear screaming. It was a young woman. She was screaming his name. It was Kate… The last thing Michael saw was her bright blue eyes. He just laid there, staring at them, slowly drifting into a dreamy haze… When Michael woke up he was back at the base of operations. Kate told him that he had been out for almost a week. She also told him that in the dark of the night he would scream in pain and anger, and she’d had to settle him down. Kate also told him that Blake was fine, and he had recovered a lot quicker than Michael did. Blake also had a lot more will to recover than Michael did, he wanted to live. It seemed to Kate that Michael had given up completely, she had hoped he had the power to continue… “Michael… I am very sorry for your loss; you lost your best friend, and your love… Just remember that it happened for a reason. God took them away with a purpose. You’ll see them again one day? Won’t you Michael?”

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“Thank you… Kate… but where I am going, there will be no need to see. I killed my friend through a fit of rage. I ruined it… Even though I could hear him whisper, telling me to kill him, before Samael is awoken… at first I couldn’t…” There was an awkward silence all of the sudden, Michael did not really want to talk anymore. It also appeared that he was very confused at the time. Kate called it ‘confuzzledness’. Michael felt like he could just die, right there and then. He had sinned, he had taken a life, and above all that, he had killed his best and only friend. “Michael, you spend your whole life dwelling in the past. I can see your eyes… they drown in it. What happened wasn’t your fault. You had to make that choice, you had to try and stop Samael, and to do that, you had to kill John,” said Kate trying to cheer him up. What Kate said was true, maybe Michael has been living in the past for too long. Michael felt surprised to hear this coming from Kate’s mouth. She has also been living in the past for too long… her eyes were also darkened. She must have had it bad when she was young… Michael and Kate were actually very alike; they both had problems, but burned to help one another. Michael managed to smile very faintly. They spent hours in the recovering room talking about each other’s past. Michael felt that he could tell her anything, and that he did. They spoke for the remainder of the month; Michael had to recover all his wounds. Michael started training again, as soon as he could. Blake had already been training for a while. At first Michael trained with young students, giving them pointers on handling a sword. They seemed to enjoy his class a lot more than Amaros’s classes. He was a natural born teacher. He told them about the different demons, and their powers. How to kill them and how they could kill you. In the long term Michael had realized his dream of studying, and teaching about demons. Michael trained with the students for about five months. By this time he could walk and move and fight without much trouble. In the past five months, the sky had become dark, and the moon was bleeding like a baby, so vulnerable to fire. Wild fires spread across the world, and disaster struck the world. Michael and all his companions have been kept safe from the disasters, and the fury and anger of God. He felt that he had become ready for the final battle with new hope. New hope however doesn’t come from out of nowhere… Michael and Kate had been spending a lot of time together the past few months. Michael has grown quite fond of Kate. He would not call it love… it was something

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce more. He could not really explain this feeling. Maybe he had not yet felt love. Or maybe his views of love had become so skewed that it could not be classified as anything at all… They spent a lot of time talking, when Michael was not tutoring young men of course. They talked about life, love, the past and the future. Michael started having a high opinion of Kate, and he hoped that she felt the same, because he could not control how he felt. He felt alive, as if hope had come knocking at his door. He even felt positive about beating Samael, maybe even winning the war for God. He opened up his wings, it was a sight very few people ever saw… the wings of Michael. He took Kate into them, and said… “There is something I want to tell you, Kate. I have been feeling… these uncontrollable feelings towards you. When I look at you I can see a spec of light in all the darkness. I feel revived, as if God had showered all His light upon me. I cannot call it love, and I cannot call it friendship… all I know is that I don’t want to let you out of my wings right now…” “Michael, I am very flattered… This isn’t really something I hear very often. As far as I knew, no one loved me. But now, you make me feel alive with your precious words. I really appreciate it Michael, I now have something to look forward to, and I have a friend I can trust. ”

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Chapter 9: The past five months The following chapter is quotes from the book revelations…this, is what has been happening on earth… “Revelations 6.9 - 17: Then the Lamb broke open the fifth seal. I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who have been killed because they had proclaimed God’s word and had been faithful in their witnessing. They shouted in a loud voice, “Almighty Lord, holy and true! How long will it be until you judge the people on the earth and punish them for killing us?” Each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the complete number of their fellow-servants and fellow-Christians had been killed, as they had been.” “And I saw the Lamb break open the sixth seal. There was a violent earthquake, and the sun had become black, like coarse black cloth, and the moon turned completely red like blood. The stars fell down to the earth, like unripe figs falling from the tree when a strong wind shakes it. They disappeared like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the rulers and the military chiefs, the rich and the powerful, and all the other people, slave and free, hid themselves in caves and under rocks on the mountains. They called out to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the eyes of the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb! The terrible day of their anger is here, and who can stand against it?” “Revelations 8: When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven trumpets.” “Another angel, who had a gold incense-burner, came and stood at the altar. He was given a lot of incense to add to the prayers of all God’s people and to offer it on the gold altar that stands before the throne. The smoke of the burning incense went up with the prayers of God’s people from the hands of the angel took the incense-burner, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it on the earth. There were rumblings and peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.” “Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.” “The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, and these were thrown upon the earth. And a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.” “The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.” “The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.” “The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night.” “Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!”” “Revelations 9: And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.” “In appearance the locusts were like horses prepared for battle: on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces, their hair like women's hair, and their teeth like lions' teeth; they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into battle. They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt people for five months is in their tails. They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.” “The first woe has passed; behold, two woes are still to come.” “Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand; I heard their number. And this is how I saw the horses in my vision and those who rode them: they wore breastplates the color of fire and of sapphire and of sulfur, and the heads of the horses were like lions' heads, and fire and smoke and sulfur came out of their mouths. By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails, for their tails are like serpents with heads, and by means of them they wound.” “The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

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Chapter 10: The two beasts “Revelations 13: And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”” “And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.” “Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.” As soon as news of the two beasts reached The Hand of God, the whole world shook in panic. Who would defeat them? Michael felt positive that he stood a slight chance of doing this. So he took Blake with him, and went to find the beast. Michael asked Blake to stay, however he felt compelled to join Michael because of the small hope that his family might be there. So Blake came along, but he promised to stay out of Michael’s way. Michael made it very clear that Blake is to kill off whatever external forces the beast has. They searched all across the earth for this creature, and eventually got news that it had been seen numerous times. It was a blood bath, and there were human corpses everywhere close to where the beast was… Those who defied the beast quaked under his power. As soon as Michael saw the beast far in the distance, he asked the messenger that has been traveling with them to send news of its position. Michael asked for some of The

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce Hand of God’s best men. battle.

Armaros also came along; he was always ready for a nice

Michael and Blake stood upon a high hill, and looked down upon the beast as they waited for the backup to arrive. There were also a lot of its angels nearby. Far off the crimson sun set, and Michael and Blake got ready to attack… one of the hardest battles Michael has ever fought is up ahead… yet he could not wait. Kate came into the room; she wanted to talk to Michael after his meeting with Armaros. They walked around the complex, and she told him how great he was, and that he was the only person she would ever feel this close to. She was crying for a moment, it was about something that she didn’t tell Michael. He held her tightly, and her lips were soft on his…

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Chapter 11: The beast of the earth The army had finally arrived, and Michael was psyched up about the oncoming battle. Blake ostensibly looked brave, but Michael could see fear as white as snow in his eyes: “Blake, you do not have to lead the troops. Go home, and let Armaros do it alone. But I suggest, you gather your bravery, for the final battle is closer than we realize. Also, remember that God is always by your side, maybe your family is down there. Do it for them.” “You’re right Michael, I’ll do this for my family… they are depending on me. They are praying to the beast in order to stay alive, and eat, and drink. In their hearts they are Christians, I promise…” “No need to explain,” said Michael smiling gently. He had a new confident attitude towards life, and he hoped that it would bring him a victory that day. He was dressed lightly, and bore only The Sword of Man. “Men, gather round, I must talk to you before you enter the battlefield today.” All the men gathered around to hear what he had to say. “This creature has forced your women, your children and your friends into slavery. They have to worship him to have food and water. This beast, took from you everything you held dear, he slaughtered their bodies when they refused to pray to him, and slaughtered their souls… when they did. If this beast falls the second one will be weakened, and that is what we aim for today.” “Let us stand up today, and make our savior, Jesus Christ, and his father, our God Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, the God who saved Moses from the river and the wrath of Egypt, and the God who created everything, proud. Let us do this for Him today, let us destroy the evil!” And a cheer went through the hearts of the small army, which was about two-hundred men strong. They slowly made their way down the slopes of the hill they stood on. They stood at the foot of the mountain, and looked across the burnt fields. Michael saw that the men were getting uneasy, so he shouted from the back giving the signal to attack. They all picked up their swords, and charged forward. High up in the sky demons could be seen sweeping down, small ones, and big ones… They were like a hail storm, and would crush all the ferns when they hit the ground. Blake pulled out his gun; he was in charge of the gun department. He hollered from the back of the ranks, so the men would lift their guns. They all aimed up at the gathering force in the air… Suddenly they opened fire, and specs of dust could be seen scattering in the sky. Their forces greatly diminished, as they were being eradicated one by one. However the big ones managed to survive, and swept down upon the gunners like a plague. When a demon was killed it turned to dust instantly for it could not stay a spirit on earth.

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Michael and Armaros led the swordsmen further, while Blake took care of the flying demons. All of the sudden there was nothing but a huge dust cloud far in the distance. The demons disappeared and managed to teleport themselves right into the heart of the mêlée militants. A battle broke loose, and there was war all of a sudden. The men who weld swords were about one hundred and fifty. They were struck by surprise and a lot of them died instantly. Michael saw the beast standing in the distance. He was only watching, patiently. He was a lot bigger than he looked from upon the mountain. The demons also had swords. Like the ancient techniques, their swords sprung from under their skin, to reveal a long, crooked sword. It had the striking power of an axe, and the sharpness of a fishing knife. “Michael, go ahead and face that which you had lived fearing for so long. He is waiting for you. I’ll lead our troops into victory… besides, there’s a few friends that misses their old buddy Armaros, I better go say hi!” exclaimed Armaros. Michael just nodded, and like a flash stepped out of the battle, and on his way to the creature waiting on the distance. He slowly walked closer, as if he was mentally preparing himself. “Creature, before I slay you for all the evil you have brought upon the earth, tell me your name.” There was suddenly a huge earthquake. A white light blinded everything in existence. When the light cleared, the beast was gone, and only a man stood there. To Michael’s amazement, it was actually the beast, only in some human form. Michael could feel the evil pouring from him. “So, this is the legendary Michael, the son of a bitch who has been intercepting my father’s plans. I am indeed… well, honored? I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, you see, my father is not a patient man, and you have been pissing him off. Point number two, my father always loved my brother more than he did me, well that is kind of ironic since he doesn’t really love anyone. Anyway, destroying you might just win me some of my father’s trust. Do you get what I am saying?” Michael just stood and listened to everything the thing had to say for himself. Michael was very patient; he would like to hear about all his misdoings. Why is he referring to the Devil as his father? This information would make millions back when it was worth anything, and it would have made Michael a respected history teacher. Although Michael studied history for most of his life, he never went deeper into the two beasts, because he always assumed that they were only myths. “Oh dear, look at the time? You’re not like, in a hurry to die are you? If you give me some time I’ll explain everything to you. You see, I was a human just like you. Those demons that you are fighting against are all just vessels, people who offered their souls to my father, so demons could use them. In your pathetic human language, I would be

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce called William, William Johnson if you are into the little details. But instead, I am just 666. I have no name, I am just evil, the beast. I was born of human sin and grief, and my brother was just made by my father. I can’t really explain it, it’s really too big for your little brain to understand Michael old lad.” “When I first came to be, I was mistaken for Nero Caesar. I set fire to my own world. Which brings me to one little note, this shit-hole is mine. I am the anti-Christ, the son of the Devil, just like Nero. But I just aint him. Look at my forehead, my name is only 666, the beast, and that is what you will call me. Although… I would prefer 616… but those numbers are no longer in your modern Bibles, are they…? Anyway, even if you could defeat me, the dark one’s army is strong. The demi-fiend will rise to power very soon, if he can impress the big boss. Then there is the mighty Beelzebub, the second hand of Lucifer. He will shred this world in darkness, right before the dark one makes an appearance, that is if I fail, which aint likely.” “Shut-up, I want to get this over with!” exclaimed Michael, while the beast was still talking. “I want to go help my troops back there.” “Eager to die aren’t we? Very well… you fret for your life, however, I fret for nothing. Even if I die, evil will evermore live on for aeons to come. ‘Pan daemon aeon’: The age of demons is here. Draw your sword Michael my boy.” Michael slowly drew his sword, by the time three quarters of its light shattering blade had been showing, it was already contradicted by his enemy’s sword. He drew back so that he could pull out his entire sword. He barely got time to move… the beast’s sword clashed with his at the hilt. Michael pulled back and finally got to take out his sword. He looked forward again, but he was gone. Michael felt the air move behind him, and he pulled his sword swiftly over his shoulder just in time to block his attack. “Well, well Michael, you manage to dodge my attacks. But you are to slow my friend, your eyes cannot see me, and you can’t fight on hearing and senses alone. And beyond that… your sword is just too big. Come, I’ll show you…” After talking he disappeared, and a sudden fountain of blood squirted from Michael’s ears. “See, how will you hear me move now? I find this boring… you’re not even a challenge sonny.” “So you want a challenge now do you? I have been training for six months, and I have been thinking a lot. I have found inspiration in some of the most desolate places. This sword, God gave it to me, and he gave me this power. He gave me a purpose, and strength. This sword has a lot of hidden powers… since it’s too huge for you…. This is only the pinnacle of God’s power. Now, you want a challenge? Behold the power of my God…” Michael stood there for a while, and an absolute silence befell the hollow grounds. Both Michael and the beast could hear nothing. The sky opened up above Michael, and a bright light shone down upon him. The ground below him started to crack, and then the

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce earth started opening up. “Now fiend, behold a power that no one has seen before. A power that has been kept hidden from the world for centuries…” The ground shook, and the stars revolted. There was energy coming from Michael. He went down on one knee as the pressure built up around him. A white light covered him almost completely. The beast stood amazed at his power. Far away, where Blake was still battling the flying demons, he could feel and see Michael’s power. The people who worshiped the beast were amazed at Michael’s unbelievable power, and they stopped praying to the Devil, and prayed to God instead. People are such simple minded fools… They prayed that the battle would end in God’s favour. Those who only waited for freedom rejoiced. There came thunder from the heaven over where Michael stood. The light and everything started to diminish. When Michael emerged, his appearance was completely changed. His hair was somewhat whiter than it was before, longer too. This was unimportant though. Michael’s sword had also changed its appearance. It was drastically shorter, and a lot thinner. It looked almost like a Japanese katana. The blade had turned completely white as well, with a dark black hilt. There was a small black cloth at the end of the hilt. In the middle of it, there was a white dot. This symbolized light breaking through the darkness. The transformation was not what Michael expected, but it was worth the ride. “Is that it? You turned your fancy little oar into a knife? Okay I overdid it a little bit. It looks sort of like a katana. I think it’s very sexy, love the hilt. I call my sword ‘Zanpaktou’, which is Japanese for…” “‘It means soul slayer, I know. You aren’t the only one who have watched Bleach Anime” Michael interrupted the beast again, almost intimidating it. “In Japanese mine is called ‘Miageta yozorra no hoshi – tashi no hikari’. Which means: Look up at the light in the nightsky. In short, it means you are no longer alive, so just call it ‘Light of God’. Now, let us end this.” The beast drew his sword once again. But he was instantly struck to the ground, and Michael was holding the tip of the beast’s sword in his hand. He was amazed, for he did not even see Michael’s movements. He was slashed right through his Achilles heel, and he could no longer stand. He got on his knees, and chuckled a bit… then darkness poured from him again, and he transformed into his true state, the beast. Its head had a remarkable resemblance to the Goat or the Baphomet. Michael stood at the bottom, watching the giant beast in front of him. He looked up, and smiled. He lifted his sword to the heavens and said some Latin words. He then

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce moved his sword down to the earth. The beast blew a great fire from all of his heads, but the blue blade of light coming from Michael’s sword crashed through it. There was a great explosion. When the dust settled there was a slice in the earth underneath the beast. It gave out one final roar, and then fell down, as it was split in half. “Beat that Ichigo.” Michael thanked God, and made his way to where Armaros was. He fought alongside the troops, and brought victory to good…

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Chapter 12: Betrayal It was not something that Michael could stop… the way he felt about Kate. He knew that this time, things might work out for him love wise. He thought of her crystal grayish blue eyes and her gentle smile, which seemed to be hiding years of pain. But how would Michael ever know what she is thinking? How does a person take away ages of hurt? Michael didn’t have much of an idea of what was going on inside her head, just as millions of men around the world could never understand women. He wished he knew what she felt, and what she was thinking, he wished she’d open up to Michael once in a while. She wasn’t really an open, easy person to talk to. She kept hiding how she really felt. Her smile said she was happy, but her eyes said she wanted to cry. She didn’t want to talk about her problems very often either. People had problems even in desperate times like these. She also had a great fear of letting go of the past… and to let anyone close… Michael had also been like this, but it had been getting better. Kate was giving him hope again, a hope for the future, and a hope to stay alive in the times that were coming. Kate had been very busy these past few weeks, Michael had been seeing very little of her, which made Michael angry. He had been giving her all she ever wanted. He was being her friend, and he loved her, even though she did not take him serious about it. He did not know what she was doing in all her free time, except maybe avoiding him. He avoided the topic, because he did not want to turn on what might be a sensitive conversation, and besides, he felt that the risk of losing her was just too great. It was a darker night than usual, because of the ominous happenings at Hand of God. Kate asked Michael to meet her in some backstreet. Michael hoped that it was good news. But why meet here? It wasn’t a very safe place… Maybe with all the demons around it was a very quiet place. If she would let him… he’ll take her to his quiet place, his complicated mind. Michael made his way to the city at about nine, for she wanted to meet him there at about ten. The atmosphere felt strange; there weren’t any demons in sight. Maybe their last forces had gathered near the beast from the sea, or maybe even the demons needed rest sometimes. Either way, Michael remained watchful, but figured that if Kate was here, it was probably safe. Michael made his way towards the alleyway. There was a dark figure standing on the far end. Something did not feel right. Michael’s first thought was that something had happened to Kate. What if they were using him as bait? Unfortunately things weren’t that easy. Kate came out from under the dark cloak of the building’s shadow, and walked towards Michael. “Michael… I am very sorry.” Michael stood there astounded, as an entire army of

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce demons came down upon him like rain from the crimson sky. He did not even attack any of them; he just stood there and watched as a tear rolled down her lovely cheeks. He had no idea what has just happened… until one of them spoke. “Well now missy, I’m glad you kept up on ye end of the bargain. Now our part, here’s your pretty little lover boy.” He threw a man towards Kate, but he was already dead. The demon smirked: “He-he, very sorry about that, but ye boyfriend died. My bad I guess. Just for being such a pretty one, I’ll let you live, after my men have had their way with you.” Tears fell off of her face as she watched her husband’s mutilated body lie there. Michael stood there, without any sign of emotion. He just looked towards the ground… He broke, like a falling mirror he shattered into billions of little pieces. A dark aura came from him, as he opened up his wings. From the spine, they grew as dark as the night, and tore on the edges. He was broken now, and he would never be whole again. She had betrayed him… she knew he would have understood, she knew he might have been able to rescue him for her… She led him to believe that she loved him. He lifted his hand, and the glass around him shattered. Time was for a moment almost still. When it moved again, blood splattered all over the air, and all the demons surrounding Michael fell, as they were torn apart by his sword. “Kate… just get the hell away from me, and don’t ever return. I love you. That’s why you must never show your face in front of me again. Goodbye…” Michael flew up into the air, and disappeared all of the sudden, leaving only a black feather behind. It fell down to the ground onto Kate’s wet cheek, and turned to dust. She just stood there crying, without saying a single word, or making even the tiniest of sounds. She walked back to the Hand of God later that night, and just went to sleep… Michael was engulfed by the flames of hate. He hated everything. As he flew, he killed demons wherever there were any. He made up his mind that he would find Samael and destroy him too… and the beast of the sea would be next to die. He could not feel Samael however. He figured that the demi-fiend had already gotten to him. This was Michael’s very next reaction; he would destroy the demi-fiend as well. Then he would break any ties with the Hand of God, and God’s army. He felt that God had truly abandoned him… and that he had no reason to be alive anymore. Having Kate betray him was bad enough, but why did God take away the last bit of light he had? Was it because he had become so corrupted, that he could never forgive Kate for what she had done? His eyes were now closed to the light, and open to nothingness. Not evil, just nothing. He felt nothing anymore… He no longer wanted to lead God’s army. He had no reason to. What is a soul without love? What is heaven when hell constantly reigns in your head? He did not have the answers, only pain and hate.

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Once Michael settled down, he just hovered down to the tip of a tower. He stood there looking at the sky and cried very silently. In his search for purpose, he gained power, in his search for more power, he gained purpose… and in that purpose, he gained love. Michael felt the last bit of his humanity slip away that night… Back at the Hand of God, Kate told everyone about what had happened, and that she might have created an enemy in Michael: “Thanks to me, he has become corrupted. I am so very sorry… I leave at noon tomorrow. Thanks for all you have done for me. I no longer deserve to live, so I’ll just go rot somewhere. Goodbye, my friends.” The Hand of God was left in chaos that night. Everyone wanted to know what was going to happen next, now that their savior had disappeared. Some of the men left for a place to hide, they no longer felt safe. Armaros put Blake second in command. The next morning they would have to start searching for Michael, in the hope that they could retrieve his soul.

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Chapter 13: The beast from the sea Michael eventually came to a shore where the beast stood. He did not really waste any time. He landed in the middle of an army who seemed to be guarding the beast. They all charged him recklessly. Michael just stood there as time suddenly froze. He looked around a bit and started walking forward. While he was walking, the demons around him started to disintegrate. It’s like they just turned into nothingness as Michael walked about them. Michael started moving at normal speed again, and all the demons charged him. Michael lifted his hand, and everyone vanished into thin air, leaving behind splatters of blood in the thick, foggy mist. He then made his way to the beast from the sea, which stood near the shore. When he came to the demon, it watched and replied to Michael’s wild eyes. “I see that you have grown powerful my friend. Kate rules the forces that fuel your hate. It would have been wise to stay away from me. I am not my brother. He was far too cocky for my taste. When he died, I got his power, simple. Even though my brother was a useless demon, his power proved very useful. I am so glad you get to feel the power which evil and hate gives you. Tell me Michael, do you like it?” Michael just stood there; he did not even look at the beast, only at the ground. The demon was intimidated, and continued: “Quiet hey? I guess she really hurt you. That is pretty sad. I’ll put you out of your misery. Don’t bother drawing your sword, it won’t help you.” It then charged Michael head on, with his sword which also came from its arm. There was a sudden flash of light. When it looked up, Michael was still standing. Michael had blocked the beast’s attack with a single finger. It got angry and a rush of power streamed through him. The demon charged him again. This time, while the demon was still charging onto Michael, he just stopped. Michael did not even move. He just stood there. He held the tip of the beast’s sword in his hand. The beast was petrified. He did not know what to do now. Michael was still standing there, and the demon fell to the ground. Michael had punched a whole through the beast. “You’re strong… Michael. I have never fought against someone with your power.” The demon probably knew he did not have long. He tried to make his voice sound persuasive, but he was too torn apart to get it right. “The dark master will be very proud of you… There is one more… thing that I can ask of you. Join me. Together, you and I can defeat the demi-demon that my father has chosen to follow in his footsteps. You cannot defeat him alone.” “I don’t care…” replied Michael. “I want you to tell me where I can find Beelzebub. I need to destroy him first. When the devil is left without any forces to lead his army, the half-demon will be alone, and I will be able to take him out.”

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“Fool… You cannot defeat Beelzebub, the second highest of fallen angels. He is almost as powerful as Lucifer… himself.” His speech was weakening, almost like he had developed a speech-impediment. “You won’t meet Beelzebub anywhere on earth. Only in the final battle will he make his grand appearance... Prepare yourself... He… he attacks tomorrow... eh… watch out… for the sign… in the sky…” The last thing he saw was Michael’s eyes, which was as black as the night. He then passed away.

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Chapter 14: The final battle approaches. At this point, it did not bother Michael that what he has been seeing for more than a year and a half is finally coming true. The moment was overwhelming, for a while… but he got a grip on the darkness in his heart and got rid of all his final fears. He did not know whether he should hate Kate, God or the devil. Whichever it was, he did not care right now. He was confused. And he did not really know which way to go from here. It did not really matter dying… though it was still the number one thing Michael feared. For Michael was afraid, that whether he went to heaven or hell, he would wake up with a conscious mind, and that would mean that he had to think, and he would think of her. He figured he might as well go warn HOG first. The institute had recently been called that, to increase discretion. That way, they could prepare their troops. And Michael could make himself ready to leave. He would not leave in a glorious way, he thought to himself. He would just go into the battle zone, and fight whoever fights against him. And then, he would die in vain when the dark one came, the Devil. With his darkened wings, he flew to the HOG base. He quickly spread the news, and immediately the troops made ready to leave for battle. He passed the church this time, and went to his room for a moment of peace. He stood there watching at the oak tree that stood nearly as tall as the building. It was peacefully swaying in the wind, almost as if it had no care. It had no care. It did not know what was going to happen in only a few hours. He looked at the Bible that stood on the edge of the desk. It looked like it would collapse to the ground at any given moment, and it would never again be opened. He walked to the desk, and took off all the junk that lied on top of his Bible. Michael always felt, that a Bible should stand alone, nothing on, or around it. Even though he felt compelled to be mad at God now, he was not. He made the decision that he would fight for God one last time, with his full strength. I would lead the army of HOG, and he will lead God’s angels alongside the other Archangels. As the word Archangel flashed inside his head, he realized something for the very first time. The Bible had many time prophesized the Archangel Michael, leader of the angels. John had prophesized in revelation, the descent of the Archangel Michael. For the first time, Michael realized that he might be more important than he thought he was. If he was the Archangel of God… he is important. Even if he wasn’t… he is the one who will be leading God’s angels, no one else. Not an Archangel, not even God himself… He had been given this chance. It was then, that he decided that he couldn’t ever be mad at God, nor anyone. Everything that has happened to him was his own fault. But, these mishaps happened, because he had to learn from them. Love is not evil, nor good. Love is eternal and

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce divine. He will love again, someday… Michael sprang up and gathered his gear. He pulled his gloves over his hands, for the last time. He put on his jacket… one last time. He took the sword, which has been riding on his back since the day he defeated Azazel, and for one final time, rested it on his back. “Wait!” He gave out a loud shout, as the men were busy gathering their equipment, like little ants would carry a tiny crumb of bread. “I want to talk to everyone, before we leave.” We? They were all very amazed that Michael decided to come after all. They had all heard what happened with Kate. Also… the fact that he wasn’t getting ready alongside the people of HOG, was giving the impression that he was no longer leading them. They had asked Armaros to guide them after they heard the news, and he agreed. Even though he agreed, and he was a very powerful angel, they were relieved that Michael did indeed come. They couldn’t really do it without him, he is the one who guided them, and trained them. He was like a parent to all of the people who had none. “Like you already know…the Devil is coming, the dark one. The one which we had feared, longer than fear itself. However… I assure you, tomorrow, God will lead you into victory. You also know, that tomorrow the demons will rise from the earth and the sky. The half-demon that everyone has been talking about will make some sort of signal in the sky. I can almost promise you that it will be in Dudael.” “Tonight, we will take all the ships here at HOG, and fly to Dudael, which is located near Israel. Once we get there, we will wait in the distant for whatever sign the demon shows. We will wait until we see his forces moving. When they move, that is when we have to save the people who had been faithful to God since the dawn of time.” “We are about five thousand men. We will be fighting against billions of lost souls. That is why it is important that we make our move as soon as the demons start moving. When we do this, all his armies will not have raised from the depths of Hell yet. This way, our small force might suffice, just enough to hold them back until God comes.” “Next part of the plan: God will send us all his Archangels as soon as they are able to join us. At the moment some of them are scattered all around the planet, and they might join us earlier than the rest of them. When they do, we should win in only a short while.” “One last thing… I will try and hold the half-demon for as long as I can. Lucifer thinks that this demon will work as an experiment, I however thing I will be able to defeat him. There is one flaw though… when his experiment does fail; Beelzebub and Lucifer will join the battle. If God’s angels have not yet come to help us… we might not survive. I can’t take both of them at the same time…” “I know I have not been myself lately, and for that, I apologize… But now, more than

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce ever, do I realize the importance of HOG, and the important task that God has given me. My task is not to be powerful, but to lead you into victory, all of you. You are the finest men I know, and I am honored to lead men which serve God with such passion. My two best friends, and some of the most skilled fighters I know, will help me lead you into the battle that waits. For the last time, we will take a stand against evil. For one last time, we will fight for God, and together we will march through the gates of Heaven, and rest in our Father’s eternal light…” “Men, let us march together now, and stand up for what is truly right… let’s stand up for God!” Michael finished off his speech, and a great cheer thundered through HOG. Michael smiled softly, and jumped down the stairs. All the troops gathered, and they were thereafter taken to the hanger. They boarded the planes… there were about twenty-five of them. The pilots they had at HOG were all very experienced. Michael, Blake and Armaros were the last ones to board the planes…

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce

Chapter 15: The Final Battle It was a dark, cold night, very out of the ordinary. The temperature here in LA usually moves up to about 27 degrees Celsius, but this was different. These past few weeks have been dreadful; the weather has been pushing its luck. Since Wednesday the sky had been building up with clouds. It sometimes looks as if the night sky was crimson. The temperature had slowly been decreasing. It was not something I was used to; back in Texas it was usually warm… Michael went ahead to look at Dudael. He remembers it like it was yesterday, the cool breeze flowing through his snow-like hair like an ocean current. The warm sand blowing at his feet, almost gently soothing them… It felt as if he had been here yesterday, fighting against Azazel… it also came to him that this was the first place that he felt the power of the Devil. It was this same power that would bring him to his knees today, he was uncertain of how prepared he was, especially when he knew the outcome. Michael was very calm, for the first time it wasn’t about dying while fighting against Lucifer. It was about the people, and the world. It was about religion conquering fear as well as evil. Also, he did not really care about dying… he knew… well, hoped that he was going to wherever his friends were. It was his fault in the long shot that they died. Maybe he could have saved them; maybe it was a lost cause. Michael knew however that there was no sense in dwelling in the past, especially not today. This fight would also be for them. In the distance he could see a vague but malice shadow appearing on the border where the earth fell into the stars. It was still dark, but for the first time in almost six months, Michael could see the stars. They shone brightly over the horizon, forming the shadow of what should be the half-demon. Stars were good; it meant clear skies and more visibility. It was also a sign of hope and on a day like today hope is brim for everyone. When he came closer, Michael realized that it was merely a child. Maybe twelve years old. Is this child the one who has been wreaking havoc on earth… the bringer of death? It was this young boy that was given the power of Lucifer to lead the demons. Lucifer’s experiment will fail however, he would end it. Michael was nervous… he had to kill a child, one that had innocently been chosen. He was very tall, but was not bodily strong or built. He did however look as if he had a tough exterior, and a constant and nagging energy surrounding him. He did not have horns, there was however, spike-like thorns came from his back, which seemed to be able to retract and expand. His body was also covered in a greenish red tattoo. There was a pentagram as well. What would a demon be without the mark of their god? He flew… or floated in the air, and moved over to the middle of the giant hole that Michael opened so long ago. He only made a tiny comment, probably in Latin. He lifted his hand; it had a crystal like object in it. He swung his hand to the ground, hollering the crystal into the hole, and a blinding light covered the area. The entire earth shook, Michael asked his men to keep still behind him, for they were

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce growing nervous. When all of the brightness passed, the hole started to grow. It grew almost five times in diameter. Michael calmly stood and watched. Michael thought now would be a good time to talk to his men, preparing them for the battle, also trying to calm them. He eventually got some of the men to go to sleep; the battle should only start later tomorrow. However… Michael should’ve known that you can’t trust the Devil. His forces had already been gathering in the millions. Michael’s plan would not work… because the fiends seemed to be waiting for all the demons to arrive. They were like a black plague, they rose from the hole as one giant cloud of darkness… and this cloud was bringing thunder, and a lot of rain. The swarm didn’t really stop, there were billions of souls that must’ve been lost somewhere for a long time. The Devil must have recruited all of the souls in hell as well... Michael had no choice… he had to attack. They had to fight now, or they wouldn’t be able to stand a chance in the morning, when their numbers have increased beyond recognition. “Men… Men!” Michael exclaimed and the sudden shock of Michael’s cold voice shook everyone, waking them from the slumber of the cold floor. “Everyone, we are going to go into battle now. But first let me talk to you. As for strategy, there is none… but, I only request that nine hundred of my finest swordsmen stay behind, you will split into two groups. I want each of those groups to split into three more groups; you are the ones who will be charging from the four sides of the compass, except for east where we are now. Then, my shooters, as we talked about earlier today, fire deeper where they are a lot more powerful.” “Two thousand years ago, Jesus, our Lord and Lamb, gave himself for our sins. He gave himself so we did not ever need to suffer, or hurt in the fires of hell ever again. However… we still sinned anyway. Those people, that we fight to protect today, they will not care about us, they will not even know. But, today men, we nail ourselves to a cross of iron and steel. We nail ourselves, to save the lives of others. God created us, so that we can fulfill the purpose we have been given, to fight against these demons today. Men, there are billions of them, we may not survive, we may die within the first hour… maybe even minutes. But I promise you, when you fight for God, and when you fight in His honor, you will not suffer, and you will defeat the enemy… let us fight, for our Lord today!” There was a shout of power that could be heard miles away. If all the people in China shouted together like this, they would not be as loud as the spirit that rose here. God filled them all with passion, honor and courage. Michael lifted his sword, and pointed down the elevated piece of land they were standing on. Charge! They all charged toward the demons, Michael, Blake and Armaros leading them. When the men saw the first site of the demons, they were at first flourished, but their fears were quickly overcome. They were merely five thousand; against all the evil that ever existed… they could no longer turn back. Blake felt a chill move down his spine, and he

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce could feel that his men were also under the darkness of the evil. The demons quickly noticed the small, but deadly force from the east. A roar, like none that has ever existed trembled through the mountains. Demons were still pouring out of Dudael. It was quiet all of the sudden… the half demon shouted something, but it was too evil for even Michael to understand. Dudael was like a sore on the Earth’s surface, and the demons like black, poisonous pus. The demons all charged forward. Most of them did not even have weapons, but only used claws, plain and simple animal claws. The higher ranking demons were guarding their leader. They had weapons, and even shields, something HOG did not have. The back ranks of HOG were the shooters. They all stood silently still and loaded their weapons. They started firing. In the distance some of the demons turned to dust. Michael and the men of the sword just ran faster. The black mist was only getting closer, and so were Michael’s men. There were about one thousand five hundred gunners, and the rest fought with the sword. In a split second, the two forces collided with each other. There were a few demons with swords; theirs clashed against Michael’s men’s swords. Dust was swirling up into the air as their feet slid across the dusty desert of Israel. At this point, mostly demons were dying. Also, Michael seemed to be doing excellent. In one powerful voice Michael screamed a word, and from the North, West and the South side, help arrived. They charged from the sides, and caught the demons by surprise. Amazing enough, the demons were falling, and Michael was smiling alongside his men, at last, he could smite the true evil. Michael was still filled with anger, and this proved a great advantage in the battle. He had lost some of it, but most of his hate was still bottled up, which he put out as powerful blows. He spread his wings and flew above the demons. He moved in between them at high speeds. It was as if dust was just randomly falling everywhere. Michael was very fast, something that has remained unchanged. While Michael effortlessly swooped down he took a few demons with him. Some of them were lesser demons, but there were those who had true power… Michael only needed two shots. At a time Michael saw that his men were in trouble, he thought that maybe it proved too much for them…When he heard one of his men scream out in extreme pain, he had to help. He stood in the middle, and used his powerful technique, the one he had used when finding the beast from the sea. The demons around him just scattered. He held off the demons alongside if his men, he calculated that he had lost about two hundred already, and they were still coming. Michael found himself back on back with Armaros. He seemed to be having fun. In the distance, he could also see Blake who was firing his rifles like a child playing with toys. At a point during the battle, Michael got the idea that his men were being driven back. He turned on the shield for a while, just long enough for all of his men to regain their feet. He prayed to God; please let Your angels come… The angel that did come, was not quite what he had expected. Far to the west, a vague figure stood which appeared to be

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce Kate. He wondered what she could possibly be doing on the battlefield. Even though he hated her, he could not let her die. He was just about to go to her when figures appeared from behind her. She had brought the army! It appeared to be some of HOG’s men, along with a few tanks and soldiers. Although their weapons can’t kill all the demons here, they would surely help…But why? They won’t last, they’ll surely all die. There were about ten thousand Michael thought, he hoped that they knew what they were up against. Michael blinked, and within that moment his heart felt as if a cold spike had been shot straight through. The half-demon stood right behind Kate… she did not notice. The next breath Michael took might have been his last breath of sanity. The demon took his claw, and from beneath shoveled Kate upwards. She was just hanging there, helpless. He watched her bleed to death… It was then that everything just went dark. He fell on his knees, and he dropped his sword. Sparks were all around him, and the ground started to crack, just like Michael’s mind. His wings grew totally dark like the night sky. The demon stood smiling in the distance. I loved her! He shouted to himself. “I will no longer be a slave to this world’s damn destiny!” Many years of hate for people and the world came boiling from Michael's heart. God's precious angel had fallen he thought to himself. Ever since Sandy, Michael could feel God slowly drifting away from him. Michael was crying, a cry of deep heartache and agony. He made a silent promise to himself, that this battle would no longer be for God, if he dies, he would go to a prison where half of the prisoners were put there by himself. So be it. Did you parade with your wings one more time today? Do you think that you're special or floating in the air? My only goal was to find you... but that’s been lessening Beauty's your only feathers disgust your only face. If only God's angels were as predictable as you. My little fallen angel If only you were one of God's angels, I'd be alive My little fallen angel You think that I'm doing better but pretence is my best skill. You dance in the open sunlight yet shiver in the dark. I guess I try to remember... remember to forget. Your golden glancing feathers

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce burning in my eyes. If only God's angels were as predictable as you. My little fallen angel If only you were one of God's angels, I'd be alive My little fallen angel The time is now... Slowly you fly away hand on hand with your angels your wings shining in the sun you fly as if you are holy fly as if you're a god But, your wings will be burnt when God finds out... He stood up, and it was as if black energy sprung from him. The demons around him just fell down, his men felt his hurt. The aura was not evil, but neutral, just nothingness. The little bit of good in Michael only boosted the energy. He looked at the demon that was now trembling in the distance. A troop handed Michael his sword, but he did not take it. Armaros took over his sword and protected it, of course happy to fight with it. “I’m coming for you…” Michael whispered. In an instance, Michael just disappeared, and his troops saw him reappear right behind the half demon. Michael kicked him, and all the demons scattered where the half demon rolled, and ended up face first in the sand. The demon stood up, disorientated, but the first thing he saw was Michael’s fist in front of his face. He fell backwards and tumbled to the ground. The creature could feel his blood spatter into tiny little dots into the hot desert sand. Michael was like an ogre, berserk with his own rage. He could not see beyond it. He picked up the demon by his neck, and threw him into the sand, directly after, kicking him in his ribs. Michael saw his tiny pupils go white from the excruciating pain that he must have been feeling. Armaros was still striking down with Michael’s sword when it disappeared. Michael appeared to have not moved at all, but with an exception to the image. He now held his sword in his hand, and the look that could kill a devil. Michael strode down toward the demon lying helpless, but he countered with a weapon of his own. It was a weird shaped sword, with all kinds of curves and things. From the hilt, it curved like a sickle, but curved inward again. Michael and the demon stepped into a vicious battle, one without time and space, just in a world of their own. Michael was way too confident; and got cut a couple of times. Michael however got so to say restless, and he cut down the demon, and in a moment the whole world warped back into reality. Michael slowly descended to the creature lying helpless on the ground. He tried to slash Michael, but Michael just cut off his arm, making the helpless creature

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce even more helpless. In an instant, the half demon’s guards were actually able to see the two of them, they all attacked Michael, trying to defend their master, but they were no match… Michael demolished them, leaving behind nothing. Michael did however turn his back, and in one movement, the demon struck swiftly towards Michael’s back. He was however stopped in his tracks… From the back; the demons could see the tip of Michael’s sword sticking out like a part of the half demon’s thorns. The half demon fell to the ground, and looked up at Michael. For a moment, Michael wanted to finish him off, but a spark of blue flushed into the little boy’s eyes, the one who had Lucifer’s power. Michael fell to his knees, realizing that he had killed an innocent child, one that should not have been part of the war. He wondered why this is happening, why did God forsake the boy… Within a few moments more, Michael realized his worst fear, a fear which he had always anticipated. Something that has been haunting Michael. Lucifer’s experiment had failed. His creation is dead, and nothing stops him from rising from Hell… There was a sudden shock that went through the Earth that rose through the crust from the depths. Michael had done something he shouldn’t have; he had destroyed a powerful creature, only to release another powerful creature. All the demons froze, and fell to their knees. He was coming, and Michael knew that he might not be able to stop him. The first thing Michael saw rising from the giant hole in Dudael was two giant insect-like wings. This must be the Beelzebub that he had been hearing about. He did indeed look like a fly, one that had seen many battles. He had large wings, and one of them had a skull on them. At first Michael’s fear subsided, at least the devil himself still remains in hell, but when energy started flying from Beelzebub, Michael felt a jolt of fear shooting through his heart. This was a kind of fear that Michael was no longer sure how to handle. He has abandoned God, and he figured that God probably gave up on him. Knowing this, Michael stood up and, and drew what he knew might be his last sane breath. Michael was unsure about how he would approach this menace. He figured if he is going to die doing this, it might as well be in style. He felt that his sword no longer had its magic and its power. The sword had no effect without God's caring hands on it. He felt hate shoot through his heart, and time became silent and nothing. Beelzebub was looking straight at Michael. He had an evil in his eyes that Michael had never witnessed before. Michael's dreams and all of reality fell to pieces as Michael realized without God, he was nothing. “Michael, I see you are alone in this battle today... Someone no longer has your back. Thou shall hurt for that, which thou had, and thou shall burn in the eternal fires, and

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce thou shall not escape.” The demon was being serious, he was preparing to kill Michael at all cost, and he knew what Michael had done… Michael closed his eyes, hoping that he could make time go even slower, just enough to talk to God. “Lord, I know that I have abandoned You, and I know that I have not been the best Christian, the best person… and even the best friend. I have been chasing after a purpose, one which had only brought me grief. I have lost my friends…and those that I love. These past few months, I have been trying to escape what was meant for me today, death in Your honor, at first I could not accept it, but I am now in peril and I welcome death with all my heart. Even though I welcome death, I can only welcome it knowing that You are beside me… God, I have sinned, and today I hang beside you on the cross, and all that I can say is sorry, and hope that tomorrow I walk with You in paradise… if You no longer want me, just know that I will die in Your name, and I will die protecting those I love.” It was unexpected… but Michael felt an internal power surface, it was a bursting light like the sun breathing through the clouds. Beelzebub was blinded, and Michael’s sword had become a glowing blade. He said nothing, only walked quietly towards Beelzebub. He closed his eyes, and thanked God for being alive. He also thanked God for not leaving him behind, thinking about how foolish he had been. He opened his eyes, and from the sword came the shield, millions of blades scattering to form a shield. “This, is for my protection. The blade of my sword however has a different meaning. Prepare your forces Beelzebub, for mine arrives…” He held up his sword to the heavens. Beelzebub struck at Michael, but flew back into the dust for Michael’s shield has become far more advance and powerful. “Mal'ach!. Angels of Yahweh, come down to the earth, your leader Michael is calling.” Michael had been given what he had been searching for. He was the ancient Archangel that had been prophesized for thousands of years. “As for you Beelzebub, you shall now taste my blade, the blade which was hand forged by God. I am not meant to defeat your leader, but I am going to kill you. Nphiyciym, Sword of Man!” In an instance, Michael’s shield returned to the hilt and his sword scattered into millions of pieces, each once glancing in the few rays of lights. The millions of lights however disappeared into the clouds, leaving Michael standing only with the hilt. “Now you die Ekloge!” Beelzebub furiously charged Michael, seeing that he had nothing protecting him anymore. When Beelzebub struck, Michael however was protected by millions of blades. The blades formed a barrier, and pushed Beelzebub back. He then struck from the side, but Michael lifted his hand, and like a swarm of bees, the blades swirled and formed yet another shield. “Clearly my friend you have some strong magic, but if you want to fight magic against magic, very well.” Beelzebub threw his sword in the ground, and it echoed its way through the time barrier and back to where the battle was ranging on. From his wing,

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce marked with a skull, he pulled out a stick, some sort of magic wand. “Now Michael, taste the power of my soldiers.” He put his wand up into the air, and from it came millions of flies, blackening the sky. Michael stood and watched as the black cloud of flies came toward him. There was a sudden burst of light, and millions of blades once again protecting Michael. The blades were fading the millions of flies into billions of fly pieces. Michael could however not hold all of them off, and he fell backwards, lying on the ground. Even on the ground, his hands were still up in the air, commanding his blades. Beelzebub gave out an enormous shout, and the flies tripled in numbers, consuming the entire area. Michael was quickly covered in them, and soon after the ground trembled. Beelzebub kept feeding the swarm, hoping that Michael would not withstand the attack. Beelzebub saw a ray of light breaking from the swarm, and soon after millions of tiny lights. The area became blinded, atoms vibrating at a speed Beelzebub could not understand. From the ground, rose a figure, covered in blades, once again. “Beelzebub… you cannot defeat God, nothing can. That is why God chose me to become Michael, the Archangel, the one who would lead His army to Satan’s death. At first I did not understand God’s plans, and I’m sure you don’t understand your god’s either. Lucifer is not here to save you now, and he has not told you yet, that this is where you die. Do you wonder why everything seems ineffective on this battleground? That is because I created this time and space, just for you and me. In here I control the air, the earth, even your magic. Now, you feel my world crumbling down on you.” Beelzebub stood without reply… only regret. He threw down his staff, and picked up his sword. “Give me what you’ve got human!” Michael lifted both his hands, and he closed his eyes. The ground, the sky, the clouds, everything started shimmering. The area flashed, and revealed billions of shimmering lights, floating gracefully in the sky. Michael folded his hands together, and slowly all the blades started creeping towards its target, Beelzebub. Beelzebub sighed, and gave out an enormous shout as the blades gradually made their way towards him. The pieces of steel starting clashing on his sword, sounding like hail on a zinc roof. The noise became louder, and so did Beelzebub’s screams. The screams became silent… leaving nothing behind. The silence was followed by a monstrous roar however. He has come… Lucifer. Never in Michael’s mind had he imagined this moment. His eyes however were filled with God’s confidence. The extreme roar of the devil however was soothed by the sound of a horn. God’s angels have come to give their aid. Michael couldn’t help but give a poor smile; he knew that very soon he would see Kate again. From the hole came a dark cloud consisting of souls… millennia worth of evil. The next thing he saw was a giant horn, then two more beside it. Underneath these horns was a crown.

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The Chronicles of Michael – Vernon Joyce “Revelations 12: Another mysterious sight appeared. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads.” He put his feet on the ground, and pulled the stars from the sky. Michael had never seen anything like it… Lucifer, the most powerful of all the angels, fell to earth and became the ruler of hell. Michael saw his troops struggling, so he went to Blake and let the sword’s blades form a shield for one last time. Blake stood alongside him, as well as Armaros, both out of breathe, and unable to believe the sight of the dragon. “Armaros… Blake, I thank you for everything that you have done for me. Thanks for showing me the way, for I might not see you again. But… I hope I deserve heaven, and I hope that I see you there.” With a final smile, Michael sprang up into the air, and made his way toward Lucifer. I’m going to die taking a part of him with me. He opened his arms like the wing span of an eagle. In a split second, that split second of his last breathe, he closes them, sending an array of blades towards Lucifer’s head with the swords new abilities. But also in that split second Lucifer opens his mouth, breathing fire right before one of its heads splatter into millions of pieces. For Michael it was a strange sensation. He could feel bits of pieces being dragged from him. He did not feel the burn, only the pain in his heart, the pain of seeing all that he had done. He was cold, but he was not alone. His vision started imploding, and focused into only a tiny grey dot, which became lighter and darker as the sun moved in front of it when Michael moved his head. So…this is what it feels like to die? Michael was lying on the ground… he was no longer breathing, only thinking of Kate. His final thoughts slowed time around him, and he saw everything that he had done in the past. He saw how he had come to where he was, and he saw his brother. He saw Sandy and John, and all the kind people that looked after him. Thank You, God. The last thing Michael saw was a cloud coming down from the sky. Upon it was a kind face, one that has seen many suffering, but someone who had more love than anything, His hand outstretched to Michael… The Chronicles of Michael Written by Vernon Joyce Extracts in the book were taken from the King James Bible and a translated version of the “Book of Enoch”. This book is experimental and not for sale. See some of my other short stories, which will include more adventures from Michael Locke. Ekloge is Greek for ‘chosen’

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