The Chosen

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 981
  • Pages: 2
The Chosen A parable by Qadosh Erectus “The Sheppard is here” cried out Psycho who was the leader of the flock. “Come, brothers and sisters.” Said Psycho, “Let’s see what the Sheppard requires.” The Sheppard scratches Psycho’s head in a show of affection before the flock and states, “That great place called the Abattoir requires the services of those who will soon be selected from the flock.” “What is the Abattoir?” asks young Billy. “You are young and have much to learn,” said Psycho, “it is a very special place where the Chosen are sent for a higher purpose.” “Can I go?” asked Billy. “No, not yet…” Answered Psycho; in a soft and gentle voice. “You have a lot of growing to do, but one day, if you are good I am sure you will be selected.” The Sheppard slow walks through flock placing a chalk mark on some members of the flock. “What is the Sheppard doing?” asks Billy. “He is blessing the Chosen by placing a very special mark on their head” said Psycho. “Oh,” said Billy, “it is a very pretty colour.” After a while Billy turns to Psycho and asks, “Will you be chosen?” “No,” said Psycho with a gleam in his eye “I will never be chosen as I am required to be here as your Leader.” “You must feel sad that you will never be chosen.” Billy states. “It is a sacrifice that leaders must make for the welfare of their flock.” Said Psycho as he turned away from Billy and smiled to him self. Just then a voice was heard coming from a tree nearby. “Your leader Psycho lies to you!” The flock is startled and Psycho steps forward demanding of the voice: “Who are you!” A voice within the darkness of the tree states: “I am Owl, the wisest of all within this realm.” “Wise,” said Psycho, “you spend most of your time awake only during darkness, so what can you know!” In a quiet, but penetrating voice, Owl said: “My friend Raven, the Bringer of Truth, has told me many things.” “Ah…lies…what can Raven know…he is known to feast upon the bodies of those who have died.” States Psycho. “Yes it is true that Raven feasts at times upon the bodies of the dead, but that does not make him a liar. You eat the grass of this field which is a living thing. What is worse; eating something that is dead or a living thing?”

“Huh…away with you, you try to justify your lies by confusing the flock!” Psycho states in reply. In a quiet, but penetrating voice, Owl states: “My friend Raven sees many things in his travels that take him far a field. He has even seen the Abattoir and has told me of what goes on there.” “Sacrilege…” screams Psycho “the Abattoir is a sacred and holy place…only the Chosen and the Privilege Ones are allowed to see this place.” “A sacred and holy place…I doubt very much so. Raven has told me that the Abattoir is an evil place…a place of pain, suffering and death. This I hold to be the truth as my friend Raven, the Bringer of Truth, has told me so.” “Lies, lies, lies…” screams Psycho, “I was once a Privilege One and served the Abattoir.” Psycho turns to face the flock and states: “Yes, I, your Leader once served at the most Holly of Hollies. I had the distinction of having the title of Judas bestowed upon me. I had the great honour of being in the service of Slaughterhouse Priests.” states Psycho. “Inside the Slaughterhouse the Chosen under-go a ritual, this purifies them. After this Purification the Chosen are Dressed and presented to a Higher Authority… this is your goal and purpose in life. Do not forget. This is true, I, Psycho your Leader, once known as Judas, say it is so.” “No,” said Owl “you deceive the flock!” Standing tall and looking impressive Psycho turns towards the tree and boldly states to the Owl: “Go…Away with you…You try to create unrest amongst the flock with your lies. The flock knows that the Sheppard loves them.” Judas turns to the flock and asks the flock: “Does not the Sheppard provide us with this beautiful field and its bounty? Does not the Sheppard protect us against the wild animals that would maim and kill us? When snows lay deep upon the ground does not the Sheppard bring us hay? He does this because he loves us. If he loves us why would he want to hurt us…no one hurts those they love…this is the truth.” “That is true; no one hurts those that they love.” Many within the flock were heard to murmur. Judas voice booms out: “Disobedience causes the Sheppard great sadness. No one causes pain to those they love; we must prove our love for the Sheppard by being obedient.” Suddenly the flock screams out at Owl: ‘Yes, the Sheppard loves us. GO AWAY” Owl, with great sadness in his eyes says in a quiet but heavy voice; “Fools…you all live in an illusion…you are all blinded by the lies told to you by Psycho.” With a sigh Owl closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. Later, as the Sheppard leads away the Chosen, the flock cries out in unison: “Blessed are the Chosen!” As the Sheppard, with the Chosen following, disappear from view, Billy thinks out loudly; “We are all blessed. The Sheppard loves and protects us and feeds us when times are hard. I must prove my worth by being a good member of the flock and being obedient. One day I will have the privilege of being Chosen....on that day I will be held in high esteem by the flock!” “Yes, life is good.” Thinks Billy, as he lowers his head and starts nibbling on the grass.

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