The Challenge Of The Quran!

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 926
  • Pages: 6
God directly challenges people to prove if you think The Quran is not from God. I'll put the verses where God challenges in the end below. But before that lets talk about The Quran! For a book to claim that it is from God is a mighty challenge. It has to live up to that challenge. It had to be perfect and not have a single mistake! The Quran has lived up to it for over 1400 years and will for years to come!

Miracle When it comes to miracles, The Quran is the miracle of miracles!

Literature When it comes to literature, Muslims and non Muslims agree that The Quran is the best Arab literature in the world.

Rhyming When read in Arabic, you get a beautiful rhyming and words are beautiful!

Poetry If you look at The Quran as a book of poetry, then anyone will agree it is the best in poetry! The amount of rhetoric used to praise is amazing!

Predicting events The Quran has many predictions and after 1400 years we know not a single prediction has been wrong. So many historical predictions which have happened!

Law and Guidance The Quran is a guide on how to live life and it is a book containing the laws of Islam! Even many non Muslims say that the Shariah (Islamic Law) is the best solution for this world! For any problem, Islam gives a solution, so people don't have an excuse to do that and then it gives strict punishment!

Scientific predictions and facts In The Quran, over 1000 verses talk of science but to this day, not a single fact has been proved wrong! I have around 30 facts in my other notes "30 Very Simple Questions"! You can see on the link below! Scientific Miracles of The Quran 30 Very Simple Questions

Mathematical Miracles Some of the mathematical miracles are shocking! The Miracle of Number 19! The Word repititions are amazing!

No Contradictions or Mistakes! For 1400 years, The Quran is without a single mistake or contradictions! Some have ALLEGED that they had found mistakes BUT All the mistakes pointed have been because of either mistranslation, misquotation or taking out of context! AND

Every single one of them have been CLEARLY CLARIFIED by Muslim Scholars!

For 1400, from Jewish scholars to other learned men of other religions have gone through The Quran letter by letter searching for a mistake but have not found a SINGLE


IF PEOPLE DON'T BELIEVE THE QURAN IS FROM ALLAH, IN THE QURAN HE CHALLENGES THEM TO PROVE IT WRONG! First it says Say: "If the whole Of mankind and Jinns Were to gather together To produce the like Of this Quran, they Could not produce The like thereof, even if They backed up each other

With help and support. Quran (17:88) Then God makes it easier Let them then produce A saying like unto it,If (it be) they speak The Truth! Quran (52:34) Then God makes it easier saying produce 10 surahs! Or they may say, "He forged it." Say. "Bring ye then ten surahs Forged, like unto it, and call (To your aid) whomsoever Ye can, other than Allah!If ye speak the truth! Quran (11:13) The God make it even easier saying produce just one surah! The shortest surah in The Quran is just 3 verses! I have put the shortest surah below just to show you the shortest surah! Surah Al Asr By the time, Verily Man Is in loss, Except such as have Faith, And do righteous deeds,

And (join together) In the mutual enjoining Of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. Quran The above surah (chapter) is the shortest in The Quran! God makes it even easier saying produce one surah! Or do they say, "He forged it"? Say: "Bring then A Suah like unto it, And call (to your aid) Anyone you can, Besides Allah, if it be Ye speak the truth!" Quran (10:38) Finally, God says produce one surah somewhat like the Quran and God warns people of a punishment also! Read it very carefully! God is saying this to you! And if ye are in doubt As to what We have revealed From time to time to Our servant Then produce a Surah Like thereunto; And call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If ye are truthful. But if ye cannotAnd of a surety ye cannotThen fear the Fire

Whose fuel is Men and Stones,Which is prepared for those Who reject Faith. Quran (2:23-24) These verses which challenge were revealed to Prophet Muhammad at a time when the non Muslims of Arabia were very good in literature! Many have tried to this day and miserably failed and have become a laughing stock! Even today, not all arabs are Muslims! There are over 15 million arabs who are non Muslims!

If you don't know Arabic and if you say I could have tried if I knew Arabic! Then God has a challenge for you also! Do they not ponder on The Quran? Had it been from other Than Allah, they would surely Have found therein Much discrepancy. Quran (4:82) So God Himself says if there is a mistake, This Quran would not be from God! But God has clearly warned everyone against rejecting This Quran!

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