The Case For Global Warming

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  • Pages: 27
The Case for Global Warming Group #6 By Jason Liao, Richard Tyas, and Gregory Zilberg ht t p://w /phot os/m cgrat hs/3597037843/

What is Global Warming?

 The

increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature caused by greenhouse gases.  Both man-made and natural. 

Causes of Global Warming

 Fossil


◦ Coal ◦ Petroleum ◦ Oil ◦ Natural gas  Methane  Deforestation  

Jason Liao

Effects of Global Warming  Warmer climate.  Melting

of the polar ice caps.

   

 Rising

sea levels.  Intensified droughts and heat waves.

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Effects of Global Warming More and stronger hurricanes.  Spread of disease.  Economic damages.  Habitation destruction. 

Jason Liao

Skeptics of Global Warming! 

Our objective is to prove that global warming is real beyond any arguments that skeptics may come up with.

To win this case, we have to look into what skeptics are claiming for the warmer climate.

Let’s play devil’s advocate.

Jason Liao

Facts Disproving GW

CO2 is not a pollutant. In fact, it is necessary for life to be sustained on Earth.  Water vapor is the most prevalent greenhouse gas, not CO2. 

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 

There are at least 33 occurrences of receding of ice shelves in history. Richie Tyas

The Climate Bill is a Hoax! The bill states that it will cut emissions by 20%

by 2020.  There is no solid evidence that global warming is occurring.  The Senate is trying to predict an outcome that is not truly foreseeable in the future.  America was built on industry and factories, but this bill will try to neutralize these assets.

Richie Tyas

Conclusion of Skeptics  Why

should we believe that the world is going to end because of greenhouse gases and decaying ozone layer?

 There

is no real evidence; these changes were not noted in earlier times.

Richie Tyas

Positions Against Global Warming Argument  Misinformed Argument  Cherry Picking  Urban Myths  Non-Scientific

Gregory Zilberg

 Uninformed

Some Examples  No

evidence  Not Enough Time To Determine  Colder temperatures in x  Satellite Records vs. Models  Antarctic Sea Ice Fluctuating  Arctic Sea Ice Melt %

Gregory Zilberg

Some Examples

Gregory Zilberg

Proving the Case  Is

it happening? Yes.  All effects of global warming are proven and supported by research.  We can all feel the heat. 

Jason Liao

Arctic Ice Shrinkage

280,000 square miles of ice disappeared in a year.  From 1958-1976, the average thickness of ice was 10 feet.  Now, the ice is less than 4 feet.  Increased methane release in the air.  In 2007, the Arctic ice was at its 30 year low. 

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Higher Temperatures

Average air temperature has increased 1.1°F over the century.  If carbon emission aren’t reduced, average air temperature can increase 3-10°F.  Starts the domino effect. 

Jason Liao

Rising Sea Levels

Warmer temperatures cause ice to melt.  Sea level has risen about 20 mm since the 1800s.  Sea level rises 3 mm/year. 

   

Ocean continues to become warmer and overcome cooler waters.

Jason Liao

Heat Waves and Diseases 

In 2003, more than 20,000 people in Europe and 1,500 people died of heat waves.

Warmer temperatures allow animals, insects, and microbes to thrive in once-cold areas.

In 2000, climate change caused over 150,000 deaths in the world.

Jason Liao

Stronger Storms 

Hurricanes and tropical storms get energy from warm water.

    

 

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Ex. Hurricane Katrina.

Jason Liao

Killing Off Wildlife Research shows that by 2050, ¼ of all species will become extinct.  In 1998, the species Golden Toad was driven into extinction by global warming.  Destroying coral reefs by suffocating the algae.  Birds will head to cooler climates. 

Jason Liao

Conclusion on Global Warming 

Global warming is a very real danger to our way of life as we know it. Every day we get closer to reaching a disaster caused by the steadily increasing warming of the atmosphere. There may be no absolutely conclusive evidence that right-out silences the skeptics, but there is enough conclusive evidence in favor of the argument FOR Global Warming.

Gregory Zilberg

Citations/References 

 

University of Copenhagen (2009, March 11). Rising Sea Levels Set To Have Major Impacts Around The World. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from World Wildlife Fund (2008, September 16). Arctic Sea Ice At Lowest Recorded Level Ever.ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from Author Warns Of Damaging Domino Effect . (2000, July 17). UN Wire: Email News Covering the United Nations and the World. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from Gardiner, L. (2004, June 23). Effects of Climate Change Today. Windows to the Universe. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from

Citations/References 

Author Warns Of Damaging Domino Effect . (2000, July 17). UN Wire: Email News Covering the United Nations and the World. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from Gardiner, L. (2004, June 23). Effects of Climate Change Today. Windows to the Universe. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from Climate Change - Impacts of climate change and global warming: Feel the heat . (2009, November 19). The Nature Conservancy - Protecting Nature, Preserving Life . Retrieved November 19, 2009, from for, m. w. (n.d.). Global Warming: The Evidence.EcoBridge. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from evd.htm

Citations/References 

Climate Change - Impacts of climate change and global warming: Feel the heat . (2009, November 19). The Nature Conservancy - Protecting Nature, Preserving Life . Retrieved November 19, 2009, from for, m. w. (n.d.). Global Warming: The Evidence.EcoBridge. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from evd.htm Markham, D. (2009, June 7). Global warming effects and causes: a top 10 list: planetsave. Retrieved from 'StefanVDS', . (Photographer). (2009). The Ice is giving up [Web]. Retrieved from

Citations/References 

(n.d.). Arctic Shrinkage. Wikipedia - the free online encyclopedia. Retrieved (2009, November 18) from NatGeoNews, . (2007, June 14). Global warming fast facts. National Geographic, Retrieved from 206_global_warming.html McCarthy, M., & Usborne, D. (2006). massive surge in disappearance of arctic sea ice sparks global warning. The Independent, Retrieved from

Citations/References 

Simmons, . (2007, September 11). 5 deadliest effects of global warming: global warming effects, causes of global warming and effects on global warming. Retrieved from Beck, C. (2006, October). How to Talk to a climate skeptic: responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming . Retrieved from Glover, P. C. (2007). TEN MYTHS of Global Warming. Retrieved November 17, 2009, from Global Warming Hysteria:

Citations/References 

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions. (1996). Senate Climate Bill Would Cut Emissions 20 Percent by 2020. Retrieved November 17, 2009, from PBS Web Site: Beck, C. (2006, October). How to Talk to a climate skeptic: responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming . Retrieved from (n.d.). Introduction to global warming. Retrieved from Competitive Enterprise Institute, . (2009). | climate change news and analysis. Retrieved from

Citations/References 

(2009). Greenhouse Gas. Wikipedia - the free online encyclopedia. Retrieved (2009, November 19) from Herron, J. (n.d.). Global warming hoax: news. Retrieved from (2009). What is Global warming?. National Geographic, Retrieved from /global-warming/gw-overview.html

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