The Call Of System (the Voice Of System)

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  • Pages: 89



Translated by Ahmed Baki Translation Edited by Bonnie Rutherford



Published first by KITSAN in 1999, Istanbul, TURKEY Fax: ++90. 212. 5115144 ISBN 975-7557-86-2


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction What Is Your Purpose Shafaat and Shirk What Is A Veil Questioning No Excuse Will Help Is it Faith (iman) To Know Faith Are We Believers In Allah Why To Believe SPIRIT Of The Koran READING The Koran Prophet Reading RasulAllah Universal The Space Realization of Being a Khaliph What A Dull-Witted Cannot Understand "Makr" and the Blackening of Hearts To Love To See Where Is "Batin" After Is It So Difficult The Universe and Your Cocoon Very Crowded God of Prisoners of Cocoon Impossible Bitter Truth To Understand or To Fail Were You Not Forewarned To My Friends



INTRODUCTION My dear f riends… This book is composed of a series of wr it ings originally published on our Internet web site as a weekly column under the heading “ The System Calls”. In this book we present the articles in a topical sequence rather than chronological. My convictions, that I have acquir ed as a result of my years- long investigations have provided me with a viewing of the Deen of Islam and RasulAllah Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam f rom a completely new perspect ive, by the grace ( lutf) of Allah. I realized that many of problems of our day could be solved within that perspective. If we can shar e that point of view with good int entions and genuineness, we will see that many of problems born out of misunderst anding and misinterpretat ion can be elim inated, hence we will come to f ace with a completely dif f erent and a new understanding of the Deen-i Islam and the Koran. As there is a huge gap bet ween the concepts of “ god” and “ ALL AH”, there is equall y great difference that exists bet w een the concepts of “PROPHET” and “R ASUL”. This is one of the most important topics you ar e going to f ind in this book. Besides, you will be greeted by a great number of points of f act in this book, which are quit e dif f erent f rom what has been said about them bef ore. One, f or instance, is the concept of RE ADI NG the Koran w ith its “SOUL” or “SPIRI T”. Many of the discussions you will f ind in this book involve my personal interpr etations that have not been touched on bef ore! Perhaps it is the precise purpose of my exist ence! Of course, you do not have to shar e these interpr etations. But I hope you may at least reach some openness and toler ance that some points could have been underst ood that way as well… If I may communicat e to you what I would like to explain: I hope you will have a quite dif f erent viewing about:  What the noun “ AL L AH” refers to…  W hat the one qualif ied as “ Rasul” signif ies…  W hat the concept of “afterw orld” (akhirat) is meant to tell…  W hat the concept of “Salaat” is used to inf orm to experience…  How to RE AD the Koran w ith a consciousness of Its SPI RI T could be…  How Ha zrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam and those that he br ought could be UNIVERS AL…  The Universe, the space, all that is around you and that is in your essence… I need to give emphasis to the f ollowing as an addit ion to m y discussions in this book:  I bear none of the titles or labels other than being a “thinker” making invest igations about those themes f or quite many years!  There cannot be a personal pat h peculiar to myself and neither should ther e be one! Ever ybody should def ine a path f or himself with his own mind (maybe through taking the benef it of my explanat ions as well if desired), and should suff er the consequences of it.



 There is nobody to talk on my behalf and there cannot be such a someone ever.  They, w ho share w hat I have w ritten at the degree of their understandi ng, can onl y t alk for themselves… I am not bound by anybody’s talks or writings.  A person can only narrate to others what he understands and how he int erprets what I have wr itten. I am responsible only f or my own wr it ings. Pretence - Imitation ( taqlid), it should be known, is a great mistake that ext ends to the denial of human honor and place. Ha zrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam has come not to be f ollowed by im itation (taqlid) but to be understood (reasoned out) and the requirements of that understanding to be lived ef f ectively. Considering that even such a Person is not to be f ollowed by imitat ion, then it would be a great error to f ollow any other person by im itation. Act on the ef f ect of your belief wher ever you f ail to conceive, but this should never hold you back f rom inquir y and questioning, so that you may reach the wisdom of an idea. My f riend… Please never dismiss it f rom your mind t hat… There is no validit y of a concept of making an excuse in the dimension you will pass to through death, and neither will ther e be a chance of coming back to earth again to gain what you have not acquired bef ore… In the next dimension you will involuntar ily live the outcome of the actions that you carry out at present. How important is something f or you if you are going to leave it here permanent ly? How important is something f or you if you want to have it wit h you f orever? Make your choice wit h caref ul consideration of that point, so t hat you may not live in irreversible regret everlastingly!.. I hope that the evaluation of these lines is placed in you by cr eation ( fitrat) by your allotment (nasib) and this book may be a vehicle f or you to reach many novelties and beauties. May “ Allah” unf old Hu's beauties in all of us by means of Hu's name “Salaam”. 13.09.2000 Raleigh - NC * * *

WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE Come on m y f riends, let us talk openly and honestly now. Let me f irst say what I will…



Speaking honest ly, are you really consider ed about the Deen-i Islam, my f riend?.. Even if you ar e not… You are st ill so precious f or me!.. I nurtured many different plants when I was in Antalya… I used to speak with them and they enjoyed it a great deal!.. I f ed also canaries, of Nor wich race. W alking around on my shoulders and on my f ace, so many hatched babies grew in my hands!.. I also had a Van cat, looking like a mass of white cotton… One eye blue, the ot her yellow, it kept beside me f or so many year s… Oh those g iant f ishes tulle tailed in my aquarium, lion-colored ones!… You must have reasoned out now that all those creatures of what is known by the name Allah, are so precious f or me… Said this… Although the Deen-i Islam is basically so dif f erent f rom Muslimism that you have heard about so f ar, you are not aware of it as you haven't made a study about it!.. You are not able to perceive that it is impossible f or a person of reasoning to deny the Reality of the Deen-i Islam, through a mere considerat ion of verbal and f ormal aspects of what is said and seen and f inding them unsuitable with logic… It might be, however! Much as you would be unaware of the meaning that you ar e a " khaliph on earth", I cannot dislike nor disappr ove you!.. I wish to be a helping hand to you in all f ields as best as I can… It is m y pleasure… W hile your neglect of making study and inquir y about what is required now and your prejudiced approach will already put you in m ore trouble than enough in f uture, why should I also burden you here in addition? Go on and spend your present days pleasant ly if nothing else, my dear f riend… You will only have to suf f er the heavy coast of what you have ignored now, that's all!.. And you, my f riend, why are you interest ed in the Deen? Is it your aim to come of f the hellf ire wit h a whole skin and to ser ve out (dish up) heaven af ter death? Getting rid of prayers ( nama z) f ait accompli like turning sof t small summersaults and star ving to hunger occasionally to call it a f asting, do you assume that you can hence say that "you ar e a believer!" and so ser ve out heaven! Listen my f riend! Let us realize some absolute f acts… The moment when a person is given birth, it is determ ined whether he will go to heaven or not, that never alt ers af terwards!.. As a consequence of a programming that unf olds in br ain while in mother's womb ( womb is Rahim or iginally), either a layer is f ormed by a kind of wave produced by your brain and stored onto your spir it which enables you to ult imately access int o the dimension known as heaven, or you f ail to access into the dimension heaven due to its lack in your spirit, if your brain f ailed to produce it!.. This is a result of the operatives of the SYSTEM and mechanism that involves all humankind including m yself !. There is a comprehensive explanat ion to this, there is an operational order of this mechanism, but I am not going to discuss its details now… You may suggest why you should st ill f ulf ill pract ices ( ibadat) if it is already known what you are going to be! Listen, I will tell it br ief ly… Al l that is know n as ibadat that you fulfill, is for yourself onl y!.. They are never to please a God up in the sky nor to find favor in such a God's eyes !..



Likewise you need t o take care of your f ood in order to stay healthy, and you need to train adequately as required in order to win a compet ition, and also you need to work so as to be able to pay t he cost of grasping a posit ion in your career, what you ar e going to get in the hereaf ter, is the same way connect ed with the pr actices that you have accomplished in this world while still having a brain!. Since t here is not a celest ial god-up-in-the-sky who sends down imperial commandments, all t hat you will get is up to your practices only. Not only f ire of hell is burnt inside yourself , but the beauties of heaven springs out f rom within you, as well… W hatever kind of actions you can put f orward today, you will be conf ronted b y their outcome tomorrow… W hatever you will come f ace to face, will be what have been pr oduced through yourself !. Archangel Gabriel i s in your truth, so is Azrael and even Munker-Nakir !.. Coming f ace to f ace with them tomorrow on diff erent stages, you will f ind grace in some and you will be scolded by other s! How will this com e up, have you ever thought about it? How can realit ies open up ( FATH) to you without thinking deep about the meaning of "Fatiha" in your turning-toward -orientat ion?… As such, what you do, will become mer ely "exercise of prayer" ( nama z), never a "f ulf illment -set up- (iqama) of salaat" at all!.. Haven't you read the sign in the Koran that "fawailun lil musallina alladhina hum an SALAATIHIM sa'un" (107/4-5) Haven't you heard of the sign and warning, don't you know it that "So man y are there "musalli" w ho acquires not hing other than a tiredness. So many are those w ho fast but experi ences nothing other than hunger".. Haven't you heard that it is not to be " fasting" (sawm) if associated with cast ing gossip, backbite, and blame on people! Actions perf ormed as a custom with pr etense (taqlid) are never Religious practices!. Much as you may not consciously do what you do and do not grasp the wisdom (hiqmat) in them, you need to practice by putting faith ( iman) in t heir indispensabilit y and pract ice them and BY GIVI NG THEIR DUE RIGHT , if you want to receive benef it f rom them and reach their f ruit! As a matter of f act, nobody f rom outside will reward you anyt hing [f or what you have practiced] , but you will only reap the outcome of what you have practiced!.. Just the same way as one who eats honey, lives the outcome of qualit ies in honey… Is there any benef it given to you f rom outside f or you have eaten honey?. Rasul of Allah communicated to you the necessary information in association w ith the operational mechanism of the SYSTEM and Order that the One who is denoted by the name All ah, created… It is the reach of intercession (shaf aat) from Rasul and the guidance to the right w ay (hidayat) from Allah to you if you make best of this inf ormation ( ilm) and live its eff ect… It is to evaluate t he know ledge ( ilm) to practice its effect , that is known as a gratitude (shukr) through one's spiritual state ! Its opposite is ingratitude!. Ingratitude is to depreciate, to f ail to realize the value of and to f ail to make best of it!. Please understand now what I am tr ying to mean and give up deceiving yourself !…



Refine yourself f rom the understanding that religion is built on a system of a god and his pr ophet, which descends f rom your ancestors , but believe in "Rasul", " Allah" by employing your mind and reasoning same as Hz. Ali, Abdulkadir Geylani , Hadji Baktash Wali, Ghazali, Mew lana, Yunus , did; and trying to "RE AD" the "SOUL" of the Koran, see the f acts, grasp them and tr y to live their eff ect! Try to make a leap in your consciousness f rom the two- dimensional concept of "exercise of prayer " (nama z) of "Persian" or igin, to the three-dimensional setting up - implementation- (iqama) of "Salaat", so that the door to Miraaj may open up to you!.. Conceive that f asting is not a star ving to hunger so that the lights (nuur) of "Samadiyyat" ( wholeness) may becom e visible ( zakhir) f rom within your haqiqat!.. Realize the system and order of the "concrete" wor ld ( alam) and the wisdom (hiqmat) in it, so that you may understand how " Batin" (the Invisible) is being "Zakhir" (the Visible)… And may "Zakhir" be a tool ( an example) f or you to grasp what "Batin" is!… You, my friend, the one who says he is interested in tasawwuf, that is Suf ism… Are you aware that you are about to pass away the world while your lif etime is spent wit h metaphors ( maja z) and parables and without becom ing aware of the realit y that they w ere meant to denote , sim ilar to a person who recited "hone y" as a zhikr a hundred t imes a day but f ailed to taste the "honey" itself !.. Actually, you were given the zhikr of " honey" in order that you may know what it is, f ind it, and savor it to exper ience its beauties!.. How many more t imes will you keep repeating "hone y"!?.. W hen are you going to "RE AD" that sign and think deep ( tafaqqur) about its meaning and grasp the mystery in it and exper ience and live, and f urthermore digest moderately what you experience?.. Come on, think about it a bit if you would: "Allah is Hu that created seven heavens ( sema) and of the earth a similar number, Hu's command ( hukm) descends (tana zzul) among them." (Talaq:12) 21.11.1998 New Jersey, US A

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INTERCESSION AND POLYTEHISM (SHAFA’AT AND SHIRK) <Junior> Yes give us a gif t of Eid, so that we shall be happy.// Physical body has an age, but the consciousness has not! The age of consciousness is the age of knowing ( ilm). The age of knowledge increases as you could have a healt hy lif e in this world and could perform deep thinking. In this case, it seems to me the most reasonable af f air to increase our age of knowledge to a maximum as soon as possible bef ore our departure f rom the world… W e were told that “ yester days r emain in the days bef ore… W e need to start over ever yday!” I was asked the f ollowing question [during an online chat] yesterday. “ We w ere told that our prophet's intercession (Shafa’at) w ill be for the folk of kabair (ahl- i kabair), w hat does this mean?”



W ho is “ahl- i kabair” ? W e said that t wo points must be well understood in that explanation… First, what is an “INTERCESSION” (Shaf a’at)? How does it happen? Second, what is “kabair”? Shafa’at is assumed to be as if someone’s com ing, somewhat holding you by arm and pushing into some place! W ill there really be someone t o come and hold you by arm, and take you into somewhere? Shafa’at is in this world; is in the af terworld; is in the Doomsday ( mahshar) and is in hell, as well… There is an intercession by RasulAllah aleyhessalaam, an intercession by awliyah, and an inter cession by people of wisdom ( ulama)… W hat is that intercession? W hat is aimed at that intercession? Is it only about getting out of hell? W hat is the greatest of sins? “Inn'ash shirka la zulmun a ziym ” “Shirk is the greatest of cruelties ( zulm a)”, says the sign. That is to put “ Allah” at a degree and position of a “ god”! That is the shirk! W e are said, “I am afraid of the hidden shirk for you, for there w ill not be any open shirk in my ummat from now on”… Theref ore, the ver y “ kabair” itself is nothing other than w orshipping God! It is the leading of the greatest sins and it is the root of all others! At the root of all sins lies the “hidden polyt heism” ( shirk-i khafi), that is “believing in a god” ! He that believes in god assumes and f eels his god f ar beyond the one who speaks to. The warning in the sign that “ Oh beli evers… Believe in Allah” is to the CO MPANIONS (sahabe) of Hazrat Mohammed who had had f aith in him but had not been f reed f rom an understanding of god yet… If the companions that saw (!) the prophet wer e in such a state, consider our place then? The way to have f aith in Allah, the way t o f reedom f rom hellf ire, they all pass through the G AI NING OF INTERCESSI ON in order to get rid of the hidden polyt heism (shirk- i khafi)! In case we misunderstand the sign that “ no one can gi ve you intercession unless the permission from All ah ” as if “one w ill not gain intercession unless the permission of a god ”… Then the hell f ire will not easily be put out f or us… And we burn and burn again… W hat is the dif f erence bet ween the statement of “ no one can gi ve you SHAFA’ AT unless t he permission from ALL AH” and t he statement that “ one w ill not gain SHAFA’AT unless the permission of a god ”? Even if it is the treasuries room of Topkapi Palace wher e we search f or, we cannot f ind the object that is in our house! Because it is already in our house! How can an “intercession reach us” while “w e refuse to accept it ”? How can we see and reach intercession as long as our veil remains pulled over our insight? How? W hile we believe in “God”… believe in a messenger ambassador (!) of “God” and in the book of commandments w ritten and sent in Arabic by a “ Arabic-speaking-G od”! W hile we believe in God's saints (awliyah) of somewhat like magicians showing mir acles ( karamat), who will rescue us f rom hell f ire with a touch of wizar d stick!… How can SHAFA’AT r each us at all?



W hile Allah ( in our essence) does not permit, while you ref use to accept the Shafa ’at f rom within you, who can give you int ercession? How can that veil pulled over our insight can be r emoved and so that we may gain intercession? And hence, how can we get purif ied f rom hidden polytheism and believe in the one ref erred to as “Al lah” as the realit y of ever ything and the source of our being, and thus “ RE AD” the “Koran”? And despite the Koran’s saying that “those w ho are not purified (f rom shirk) should not touch”!... As f ar as our opinion is concerned, we need f irst the per mission of Allah (f rom within our essence) in order to gain SHAFA’AT… And then appreciating that intercession, t o ref ine ourselves f rom other veils assumed to be out there… And then, to quit oppressing ( zulm) on our soul-consciousness-true self !.. You are const antly oppressing on your soul ( nafs) as long as you pr event your self (nafs) to live its truth… Furthermore, if you are not sharing that realit y with your surr ounding despit e your knowing it, you are also oppressing on what you call as the ones you are most close!.. You may say you want it, but it does not happen! W hy it does not happen?.. Can you buy some cake f rom a f aucet-dealer ? Do you try to f ind shoes in a Computer Stor e? Satan, judged Adam by his appearance ( zaheer), became Iblis!… If it wer e able to underst and Adam by his knowledge and evaluat e properly, this game wouldn’t have been played at all!.. W e have been created f or knowledge alone!.. Allah placed knowledge behind f ire, in order that they may be af raid of and theref ore keep away f rom it by thinking that “their individualism may burn and their selves be purif ied” in f ire, and hence they should f ail t o grasp what they are undeser ving of ! They who can abandon the f ear of burning and can dive int o f ire, may pass through the hell which is placed on the right side of dajjal (Anti-Christ) and thus gain access to heaven of knowledge and awareness ( ilm u irfan)!.. They who f ail to relinquish the f ear of burning, will not be able to pass through the f ire, nor will reach to knowing and awareness. The f ear must be abandoned! It was our f riend Mazhar who brought m e an interpretat ion of what was meant in the lines “Suspend (disdain) your scare” f rom Yunus Emre. Thanks Allah that he made it! Owning to him, I have always plunged in recklessly. I am in m y f if ties or sixt ies now. No one knows how much longer we will be living, and especially with a healthy mind and body, without pain or suf f er! Have we really g ot rid of hidden polyt heism ( shirk-i khafi) ? Let our consciences answer it! Could we realize what the name “ All ah” denotes to if not a got, and could we become believers in it? Are we able to obser ve and listen to Hu at ever y point? Are we aware that we are speaking with Hu at all t imes? To attain Shafa’at, one needs f irst not to return a helping hand! Shafa’at is aimed at saving one f rom hell, which can be both the hell part of this world and in the next!.. Shafa’at is aimed at attaining Allah, as well, that it is only possible if the person thr ough whom the ilm of Allah becomes apparent is f ound in this world and if he is evaluated proper ly!



Shafa’at is to remove the ignorance of a person, w hich causes his insistence on maki ng mistakes and keeps him aw ay from correcting hi s mistakes and is to give that person inf ormation about that point !.. Both the shafa’at of nabii and rasul, and also of awliyah are aimed at that goal… The person should reach an inner purif ication with that inf ormation and saves himself f rom f ire… Living its eff ect also (both subjectively - anfusi and objectively -afaqi), he attains Allah. In this case… Bef ore all, you need the perm ission of “ Al lah” in your essence, not a “god outside”, so that you will be open f or an intercession. You won't def eat shafa ’at… And then, you need to evaluate such know ledge that is the SHAFA’AT and live under the guidance of that knowledg e and be pur if ied… Then the “shirk- i khafi” will cease to exist and you will attain “ Al lah”. Brief ly was this the answer f or the question asked yest erday. I hope that it is the opening of the door of “shafa’at” to consider t hat theme all around, discuss and comprehend it. Forgive us if we have made a mistake unknowingly. You are alone with your conscience. At t hat day, your SELF ( your know ing and consci ousness) is enough for reckoning (the Koran). <Junior> THESE ARE W HAT W E WERE SUFFERING THE LACK OF; INSHALLAH, YOU MADE US FIND THEM AGAIN!… W E W ILL APPRECI ATE THEM AS OUR W EALTH AND ASK FO R YOUR DUA FOR THE CONTINUATION OF OUR APPRECI ATION…// 31.01.1998 New Jersey, US A (Taken from an Internet chat session)

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WHAT IS A VEIL Do you know what is our " veil" and wher e it is? Do you know what it means f or a human to think " concrete"? Let us understand the f ollowing f irst… " Abstraction" or "Concret e" is connected with the dimension you are within! W hatever you perceive consciously in your brain, is " concret e"… Even it may be a "dream" or a " vision"!… Its measure here is not your percept ion through f ive senses, but is your brain's structuring it into a recognizabl e form… That is, what matters f or you, is to recognize it in a way or other! W hen you are able to perceive something, then it is "concrete" f or you along with such a perception, even if it remains as an "abstract" f or others! Your " abstract" however, is what you cannot clear ly r ecognize due to your inef f iciency to put it into a f orm or shape within your consciousness…



You know that there is something out there, you f eel it and even f eel yourself so close to almost t ouch it, but however you are unable to detect and explain it!.. Here, it is this that is your " abstract" ! Most of our terms of expression, naming, classif ications-rankings and assessments are RELATIONAL and all of them are means of our denotation to our own "concr ete" based on others in our minds f rom the past. Our brains dist inguish events even bef ore our realizat ion, in rather dif f erent ways ref erring to its own database. W hen brain receives inf ormation, this inf ormation- wavelength is compared with the data available f rom the past… If there is resembling inf ormation stored previously in brain, it prompt ly synchronizes (matches f requency of ) the new inf ormation wit h others stored alr eady and synthesizes (combine parts into a whole) to draw a conclusion. So, in this way, you measure value of the new inf ormation under the illum inat ion of the old ( well-known) data… That results in your saying "I used to know it"… It is because of its storage the same way also in the spirit that, those who dwell in the dimension of heaven will ref er to a group of things there as "something like what they have tast ed bef ore"!.. Yet, what is tasted there is completely dif f erent. But, due to the f act that I have tr ied to explain here, it will not be possible f or others apart f rom those who have realized it her e, to realize the dif f erence ther e!.. It is theref ore that, if we attempt to match and evaluate something br and new, that we ar e conf ronted f or the f irst time ever in this world, in RELATION with others f rom the past, we will veil our selves f rom the ORI GONALITY in what we have come across newly. And t hen we will assume that " there is nothing new!" In point of fact, there is nothing not new ! "Hu" is upon some new creation at ever y moment! Hu does not recreate the old (the well-known) over, anew or by renewal, repeatedly! If it were the case, then there would be reincarnat ion, and f or instance, Abdulkadir Geylani would come again to the world all through with a new f orm or a new name!.. Or someone else! Know t hat… "Whatever belongs to the past, remains in t he past, my dear ," says Mewlana Jelaluddin many centur ies ago… But we never think of the depth and limits of this saying! W e accustomedly t ake lif e as a cont inuing of the past or of the old -the wellknown, or of those spir itual levels, values and est eemed-ranks given previously in the past! The meaning of the creating new -not creating over anew or a renewal, does never occur to us! W hat does it indeed involve?.. I do not understand "taajdid" as to br ing about the old (the f amiliar f rom the past) over again, but as to put f orth the new, ref erring to the principle of " fiy khalqun jadid". Because of our evaluat ions connected with the well-known of the past, we simultaneously live in the dream world of the past and expect to see those of the past in their new disguises, also tom orrow. It is t he way we evaluate the world, the Religion, Suf ism and also t he saints (awliyah)!.. In point of f act, yest erday is to t ake lessons and to evaluate the current new through taking lessons, not to go back wards and tr y to r e-live what is already lived! This conf licts with the System and Order of Allah!



It is something dif ferent to evaluate the " yest erda y", and it is something dif f erent to live in the yesterday! Do you think that you are aw are of your condition in w hich you are bounded by and restricted w ith your opinions of value, your esteemedranks and speculative (theories) originating from the yesterda y i n your w orld of dream, and therefore countless number of perfection slipped from your sight? People of perf ection produce perf ect aff airs alone! If you obser ve an imperf ection t hrough your comparisons w ith the past ( yesterday) , it is either that that person is not a person of spiritual perf ection ( kamalat), or he is a person of perf ection, but you are unable to see the perf ection in him due to your lack of perf ection and your evaluating him f rom your so-assumed higher position!.. You are not even aware of wisdom ( hiqmat), yet besides you set up comparison w ith the past and the w ell-know n of the past , and try to draw conclusion in your view!.. But one w ho compared fire w ith the earth, w as in mistake!. W e have not come t o draw conclusions about people but t o know ourselves, to advance and to pass into the lif e beyond death in a condition not to regret there… All other inclinat ions apart f rom these, will slow down our speed on the path of our goal, and make us lose many things that is impossible to be made up f or later! If so let us try to review all our assessments all through without setting up comparison with the past, and let us tr y t o view obj ectively and realize the "current new " that is in f ront of us as "new" by considering what it ser ves us. It is only in this state that it will be possible f or us to evaluate what is across there as the "new"… Not only your evaluations in your lif e, but all your dreams and visions in your imaginat ion are also (evaluated) the sam e way. They are also evaluated through your compar isons with the inf ormation f rom your past. Theref ore, you interpr etations are always based on your comparison with the well-known of the past… What if it is something new w ithout any connection w ith the past, that you come across ? And won't you be oppr essing it (doing injust ice to it) because of not giving its rightf ul due?.. And won't you be oppressing your own soul because of oppr essing the other?.. Question if lif e self manif ests as a renewal of the past; or if there are current new occurrences but we r emain f ixed t o assume there is not, because of our brains measur e value through setting up relat ions (compar isons) wit h the past? W hy don't we perceive " the new " at what we look, though we uphold t he opinion that we have not been obser ving the same as we observed yest erday? The simplist ic explanation to this is in the case of our unawareness of misspellings when we reread our writ ing s… If we need to give a more detailed explanat ion, it is because of our opening pages without window " refreshing"!.. That is, our staring at the " new " upon the old ( well-known) dat abase!.. If we really desire to perceive the " new ", "refreshing" may not even be enough and per haps a new format (delet ing all f ormer inf ormation) will be required. Such a task is extremely diff icult and even impossible f or those whose brain works in a rest ricted capacit y!.. W ell, if it is an impossible task, then, why do I mention it, at all? If nothing else, it is because I wanted to inf orm you too, that there is such an incidence that I have ref lected upon, and that I am trying to evaluate the lif e



and existence in accordance with it!.. As a matter of f act, if we do not become aware of the "new ", I am afraid that we will still be cont inuing to wear the "renew ed" from our ancestors, our f oref athers or mothers… Come on then,. m y f riends. Let us leave aside any " comparison" with the past or with others as much as we can, and let us tr y to evaluate all t he creation as "new " at all moments!.. Some people consider " analogy" (qiyas) and "anthology" ( ijma) within the context of the term of " shar iat ", beside t he Koran and Hadithes. But our conviction is not so! " Shariat", in our opinion, is consisted of the "Koran and the information gi ven b y t he Rasul of Allah "!.. The rest depends on ever yone's i nterpretation and i s at their ow n responsibilit y! 28.11.1998 New Jersey, US A

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QUESTIONING Questioning is a characterist ic peculiar t o brains with a capabilit y of thinking! Yet, it should be known that questioning is also f ound in quick- witted people… To evaluate the conclusions of questioning is, however, an achievement that only people with rational mind ( aql) can make… Inf ormation (ilm) is hard to f ind without questioning! One who quest ions deser ves knowledge (ilm)! Those who quest ion not, will always suf f er f rom a lack of knowledge.. It is the basic characterist ic of a thinking-person to question and to explore! Particularly when it comes to matters that will be of use in the eternal lif e beyond death… Indeed, knowledge that is only ef f ectual in the lif e of this world alone, will be useless in the beyond dimension (hereaf ter), and consequently acquiring that knowledge will have been a pleasant distraction. The Religious understanding based on recount ing and simulat ing blindly without quest ioning has always weighed heavier in quantit y against the understanding of Religion based on reasoning, log ic, wisdom and deep thinking. The major ity have always t ook the easiest way, and gathered around religious leaders, mentors, supposedly alim(!) who treated them as creatures lacking intelligence, upon their urge that " Don't make me think, just tell me what to do so that I may do it "… This is because t he number of those who live the worthiness of being a human is extrem ely small in compar ison to t he entir e human societ y. Despite all these f acts, the same societ ies have not been able to keep themselves f rom gathering around and hanging as par asites on those attainers, saints (awliyah), w ho reached some spiritual states inspired by t he verit y of questioning, and those w ho had true know ledge of the Deen !.. Because, their fitrat (nat ure by creation) does not allow them to go any f urther! It should be known t hat… Even if it ends up with a mistaken idea, a questioning-and-deep-thinking mind in search of truth, is more valuable t han a mind t hat comes upon the truth by chance, through parroting, without the brain work!.. In actualit y, while the f irst one flies aw ay tow ard the eternal beauties of infinit y i n the hereafter dimension, ow ing to his characterist ic of questioning, investigating and



discovering novelt ies, the latter will live his Heaven in extremely limited possibilit ies compar ed to the f irst one!.. As we have ment ioned ear lier, to gain access into Heaven is dependent on foreordainment in one's fitrat (disposition by cr eation), not on the deeds of someone . Do we experience and live the eff ect of our knowledge ( ilm), wisdom (irfan) and comprehension (idraq), or do we amuse ourselves with their im itation and waste our lives with their chitchat? If each piece of specific information w e learn does not bring additional beaut y into our refl ecti ve consideration and our dail y li ves, w e must realize then that w e are doing nothing other than fooling oursel ves ! W e are exhausting ourselves with a much higher level of chit-chat while consoling ourselves wit h an illusion that we are diff erent f rom others!. Make up your mind about the f ollowing f irst, if you want t o exper ience the honor of your being a human through questioning and deep-thinking: Do I need to perf orm the required actions of religion for the purpose of finding favor in the eyes of a GOD-UP- THERE and dishi ng up some favor from him? Or do I need to practice w hat the Deen recommends and construct my ow n future by my ow n hands, in the same w ay as the honey I eat manifests itself by the good effect s in my body and provides me w ith better opportunities for better achievements. If it is the latter you believe to be true, but still f ail to f ulf ill what it requires, you must start by questioning how rational you can be!. Such a troublesome course of time is mentioned [for the Hereafter] that, nobody w ill then be able to help the ot her, at all . Despite this, if you st ill live with the illusion that you will be saved if you may appear by the side of someone or other, then you should come to know it with certaint y that you will wish you’d never been born! As we live to earn money and enjoy ourselves by attending to pleasur es , which rule of the system do you think that Rasul of All ah experienced when he said to us, "if you knew w hat I know , you w ouldn't be abl e to sleep in your comfortable beds but rush tow ard mountains crying All ah, All ah "? W hy do you think that the RasulAllah did not stop by suggesting t o share w hat you have in hand w ith people and to avoid l ying, gossi ping, backbiting, gambling, alcohol, adultery, but also communicated such practices as salaat, fasting, hajj? Ask your cohorts about prayer ( nama z)!. . Almost all of them will inter pret it as a worshipping of God… “It is a physical action! It is our attendance of Him! It is to accept the gr eatness(!) of God by prostrating to Him, " they will say… Salaat is an inclinat ion (turning toward)! It is your exper ience of what r eveals out ward ( Zaheer) f rom within your essence, your inner dim ensions ( Batin) and your truth, and to live its ef f ect!.. Entering upon the exper ience of your nothingness and nonexistence at Hu's presence, it is an experience that Hu expresses Hu's self at qiyaam {at the position of standing} and Hu discloses the f act that there is no other possibilit y f or the creat ion than f ulf illing servitude bef ore Hu's power (qudraat) at ruuqu, and Hu br ings the eff ect of Hu's rule (hukm) into being that "lillaahil wahii dul qahhar " at sajda!.. And that salaat opens the door to Miraaj f or a believer (mumin)!.. The term given to the formal worship without deep-thinking, is however (nama z) ritual prayer!.. You may attain Heaven by means of iman and deeds it r equires; you m y attain " Allah" throug h ideat ional ref inem ent , according to what was bestowed on you in your f oreordainment ( taqdir).. There is no person on earth who attained



" Allah" without deep-thinking ( tafaqqur) and quest ioning, including the Rasul of Al lah. Salaat is impossible w ithout Faatiha, as It is the key of turning toward, inclining (f ocusing)!.. " Turning tow ard Allah" is init iat ed through deep ref lection of Its meaning!.. Recite it in Arabic or in Turkish as you like so long as you do not ref lect upon its meaning; it will be nothing more than repeating as a parrot does. Consider a dull-witted who repeatedly says " honey, honey", but whose stomach is left without honey and whose body has not tasted its delicacy and its ener gy, at all !.. You have been inf ormed of “ honey”, so that you may get, eat and take its benef it! If a man still f ails t o start act ion towar d grasping the invaluable treasure in his own or igin, while he acts so shrewdly, on the other hand, as to knowing how to take advantage of his time best in f avor of gaining more money and wealt h without any care of lawf ul or unlawf ul interactions, even if all the gain will be lef t in this wor ld, then leave him entir ely to his own devices!.. So many victims are slaughtered everyday in this wor ld that nobody makes the slightest objection!.. It will only be said, anot her one is gone, nothing else!.. Yes, my f riend, these are yet at the beginning of questioning… W hat is more?.. W e mentioned "RE ADING" the Koran al Karim with its "spi rit", and it was assumed that we have meant a pr inted book's spir it, ref erring to kind of a person's spir itual body beside his physical! W e mentioned "RE ADING" Rasul of All ah, and suggested t hat it would be eff ective and r ealist ic to evaluat e what he brought under the illum inat ion of this "RE ADING", but they began t alking about reading Hadithes by the agency of connecting w ith the spirit of RasulAllah!. Don't you think that instead we ser iously need to question and explor e the why and how of what the Koran and Rasul of All ah brought, and through which viewpoint we need t o evaluate them, so that we may attain the " mystery" and "w isdom" in them? W here did those war nings come f rom? W hy? How and what was the aim? And what are we required to realize? If I say that it is because of this, right now, some people will accept them immediately im itatively!.. If I say now that it is because of this or that, ther e are some who will immediately accept it as a pretence!.. To camouf lage their pretence and t o satisf y themsel ves, they w ill make up an esteemed-rank or term of address for me, this way or the other! Yet… M y given name is Ahmed Hul usi. I have no other term of address, naming, or position! I am one of those common humans who wants to learn, live and f eel ( exper ience) as much as possible! I am wr iting down m y thoughts in order not to be sting y! I have no need of position or rank given by anybody! Should they keep back f rom throwing stones and making my water muddy, it is enough f or me! I have come alone and will go alone! He w ho is mindful, w ill not imitate me, neither expect somet hing from me in connection w ith the future . He will not give me some position; but instead, ref lects upon what I write and eat "honey" if he f inds my words valuable!.. Let us not beat about the bush and let us come to the core of the point… If you are able to believe (iman), just believe and st art questioning r ight away, so that you may attain the wisdom in them! Do your best to consider t he why of what you do always bef ore you do it, so that you will not be one of those



creatures who im itat e others. People should not say t hat he lived on instincts and emot ions, "the people of grave will suffer him now !" One who was best ow ed upon his share (nasib) -given his grant-, will live without im itation (taqlid) and turn tow ard realization ( tahqi q) ! One w ho w as not given a grant (nasib) (by Allah), w ill exhaust life w ith the chit-chat of the matter !.. 05.12.1998 New Jersey, US A

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NO EXCUSE WILL HELP Did Rasul of Allah come f rom outer space? Did he live in space? Did he go to space? Did he not come f rom where we came? Did he not live in the world where we live? Did he not go to where some of us have gone already and others wait f or their turn? Came a Rasul to you from your souls ( nafs) w ho is Aziz (Magnificent)… He never w ants you fall into trouble; he is deepl y concerned about you. He is Rauf and Rahiym for those w ho believe in that truth… W ho do you think is? No doubt, Rasul of Allah is! Out there is Space!.. Out there is a god sending down imperial commandments!.. O ut there is a prophet as a postman f or God!.. Out there… Far away… Af ar off… Yet, what about those that are in you? How can you see that which is w ithin you if you cannot even bring the one f rom f ar away int o the presence of the other? You say, I am paralyzed, please lif t me up; whereas the power is in your legs, yet you do not use it !.. You ar e told to manif est w hat is in you, so that you may pass over the f ire… Yet, you keep asking others f or passing you through f ire! How can you they make you pass over f ire out there while it is not there, but is in your mind? As the Rasul of All ah is stated to be t he RAUF and Rahi ym, why do you expect a Rauf and a Rahiym from out er space inst ead of expect ing him f rom your ow n space? And you, the one who does not know what Space is, the one who is unaware of your own Space; you, the celestial per son who is in expectation of spir itual assistance (himmat) f rom out there, you mention "I" verbally in ever y breath… W hile the Rasul of Allah stands in f ront of you clearly as the most glorious example, why don't you take His lif e as an example and solve your problems instead of wasting your days in the expectation of spiritual support f rom others? W hy don't you let yourself into the waters of a lake, if not of an ocean, through a reasoning that as he could swim with some movements, you could also swim by the means of the same movements! W ill you spend your lif etime playing on the sand, watching the swimmers and chit-chatting about them?



Isn’t ther e anybody to say " RE AD" to you, as you st ill f ail to read!.. Or, do you still assume that RE ADI NG is spelling the letters and giving sound to words without knowing their meanings? You need to realize that you are in the presence of a system that is to be “read” and it is necessar y f or you to READ and live the ef f ects of that system? How much longer will you believe in and depend on the presumption of a God and his pleasures wit hout conscious consideration? How long will you believe that such a god sends his imper ial commands f rom a distant corner of the galaxy or of the universe t o his post man prophet here to communicate them to people? How long will you believe such a god sends those who obey his commands right into his par adise by the agency of UFOs wit hout even showing them hell, and sends away those who disobey his orders right into his hell? Haven’t you heard that many times it is m entioned in the Koran al - Karim that it will throw a human being into regrets to obe y his ancestor's distorted understandi ng of religion? Interpretation of the Koran is not the Koran itself but rather w hat the interpreter has understood of it ! It is the case that in most of the sentences in m y wr itings at least t wo meanings are available, and many sentences carr y mor e m eanings than t wo; and because of this, their translat ions into f oreign languages can never carr y the same meaning as they carr y in Turkish. How can it, then be possible that the statements that come through Hu's R ASUL as messages ( wahy) from Al lah, be accepted as the "Kor an" itself while t hey are in a restricted state of only one meaning as a reader could understand of it ?. W hat's more, how can ser vitude be f ulf illed by means of such a translat ion? One can onl y carry out “w orshipping” w ith the Koran that is not i n Arabic! “Servitude” can be fulfilled w ith the Koran in Arabic !. For those dull-w itted and tight-w itted who cannot distinguish the dif f erence bet ween them, it is recommended they attend college again in order to learn a language (communication)! Those who do not understand the ke y concept given in the Koran al-Karim, have unf ortunately obscured the true meaning It gives us to understand, knowingly or unknowingly, by using words in their translat ions that do not have the original depth of meaning, as they have been passed on t o us, In the Koran al- Kari m, it is not namaz, a Persian w ord, w hich is used, but "salaat". "Namaz" (prayer) as a Persi an w ord, can never carr y as a meaning w hat the w ord "salaat" intends!.. The w ord "namaz" carries a meaning of “a kind of worship toward what is away from you ! A majorit y of those who exercise nam az worship a god without knowing, because of not being aware of their necessar y aim! "Salaat" is to reach one's aim by t urning tow ards (focusing on) it ! It is made to w hat is denoted b y t he name " Allah" ! As a consequence ( outcome) of turning towards (f ocusing on) Allah, salaat is actualized as a miraaj f or a mumin!. Rasul of Allah has advised " sal aat" not "namaz", the Koran has proposed "salaat", not "namaz" ! The aim is not to put your f orehead on the ground to honor ( !) the god at his presence…



The aim is to turn t ow ards Allah and experience (li ve) your not hingness at Hu's si ght by means of sajda… The first one is a w orship, and a namaz, the second is servitude and salaat!. The first one is for a God afar off from you, the second is for (toward) Allah, that is also your own truth! I mean, the first one is f or what is far from you; the second is for what is your truth! It is ver y dif f icult to comprehend " ill- Allah" and to believe in Al lah, Rasul of Al lah and the Koran as an inspirati on (wahy) f or those who have not yet understood "la ilaha". It is even impossible f or them to be aware that they are conf ronted with the problem of separating what is acceptable, what is not within the system and order created by the O ne ref erred to as "Allah" with Hu's own esma, in f act!.. Please realize now t hat at t he base of all problems lies ignorance r egarding the diff erence bet ween the concept of a ” god- godliness” though it is nonexistent, and the system and or der that the one denoted b y the name " Allah" made exi stent through Hu's ow n esma !. Al l of our probl ems arise from our inabilit y to realize this basic difference! And it results f rom our inabilit y to separate in our minds the geneticdatabased-assumpt ion (penetrated, sett led) far deep in our cells t hat there is a god as well as inabilit y to perceive at least that what is denoted by the name " Allah" is not a god !. If we are not able t o understand what something is, let us f or once tr y to understand what it is not! It is because of our inef f iciency in compr ehending that the one ref erred to as " Allah" is not a god, hence we consider a " prophet" as som eone who receives messages f rom a god up there! W e do not understand what it could be to be a Rasul of " Allah" other than prophethood! It is due to the same reason that we do not understand w hat mechanism operates and w hat benefit w ill be received w hen w e practice the proposals recommended to us in the Koran al -Kar im; or how w e w ill suffer and for w hat reasons, w hen w e do not practice them !… It f eels easy as well f or us to throw the blame on the ot her that we assume to be out there! He did it! When are you going to "RE AD" t he origin instead of the interpretations b y the mentall y retarded built on the concept of a "god-out-t here" ? 15.11.1998 New Jersey, US A

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TO KNOW “FAITH” IS NOT TO HAVE “FAITH” The issue of religion covers rather a large area in our lives… Most of us are watchf ul over our Religion and do not allow anyone to speak ill of it, even though we may never be concerned about pract icing it. It all sounds f ine, but can one be a Muslim by saying “ I am Muslim”?.. Can one be a mu ’min (man of f aith) by saying “ I am a believer”?… Let us f irst f ocus on the f ollowing point: W hat does the sentence “ I am a mu’min” mean?.. W hy do we use this statement?.. W hat do we need to know while we are pronouncing it and what do we need to understand when it is pronounced?



W e should know bef ore all that to have “faith” (iman) is a constitutional (fitri) [natural - inborn] characteristic . It can never be acquired af ter birth!. It can be unf olded f rom within some time af terwards but it can never be obtained thereaf ter!. W hat does it mean, “the unf olding of iman (f aith) f rom within a person” ? “Iman” (f aith) ref ers to a person’s capacity of perception through insight (basir at) that beyond his individualized consciousness (the already known personalit y) that one assumes f or himself , there is only ONE Single Authorit y that is constitut ing (making up) ever yt hing according to Its own will… “Iman” (faith) enables one t o access the dimension know n as “heaven” by getting freed from the dimension of hell. “Islam ” how ever, enables one to escape from the burning from t he di mension of “hell” as fast as possible and provides one w ith a superior l evel of li ving in the di mension of heaven once it is accessi ble!.. “Having faith (iman) in w hat the anbiya (prophets) of Allah have announced” is consider ed wit hin this context of iman, as mentioned here, as One Single Being’s making known Its own syst em through the speech of the dimension known as Nubuwwat (prophethood)… Being unaware of a prophet, even an ancient tribal native in the midst of Af rica, one can reach the dimension of heaven once this “ iman” (belief ) that we have ment ioned f irst, is unf olded in himself … On the other hand, many people who do not lif t up their heads f rom prostration (sajda) in a Muslim envir onment all their lif etim e, might have been pretending to have f aith and living with an “imitated faith“ (iman taqlid) due to the lack of the above mentioned const it utional - inborn- iman in them and they might pass int o the af terlif e dimension as faithless. Let us dwell some m ore on the f irst category of iman… The faithful will not suff er burning while passing through hell!.. It should be known f or certain that the sufferance of fiery ( burning) is because of faithlessness!.. Afire is such a “st ate” t hat you wish t o desist f rom and in that you f eel worr ied, troubled, stressed and f ull of hatred f or your lif e!.. The insight which r ealizes that ever ything has come into being upon the ordainment (taqdir), will and creating of the One and t hat t here was no other possibilit y (alternative) f or what has already happened other t han the way it has taken place; can live and perceive this with the light ( nuur) of iman that has unf olded f rom within an insight (basirat) . Upon having such an iman, a person will ultimatel y become an inhabitant of the dimension of heaven, alt hough he may not have seen or heard of a Nabi of Allah. It does not matter if the wor ds “ I am mu’min -a believer ” are pronounced through lips, f or its outcome can only be experienced if it comes to lif e through one’s spirit ual state (hal). There is no gain in speaking the words “ I am a Muslim” through lips, so long as the actions (fiil) do not speak of it. As we have already discussed in our dif ferent publications, t he word “ ALL AH” is just a name and it is necessar y to f ocus on the under standing that this name denotes… The manif estation of a consideration about “w hat and how to believe” through ourselves, is what matters. Hence, we need to f ocus on how we should understand the meaning of the wor d “ iman”… “Iman” can f irst be understood in the context involving all of humankind…



“Iman” can secondly be underst ood in the cont ext consider ing the believers in a Nabi of Allah… In the context considering the entir e humankind and involving a rough understanding of the system, “ iman” may unf old in a person as a fitri (constitutional) characteristic and it may ser ve to advance him to exper ience the dimension of heaven at the end af ter long per iods of ref inement, even if he did not recognize a nabi! As f or the “iman” in the context regarding those people who have recognized the nabi… In actualit y, believi ng in a nabi is a subdi vision of “imitative faith” (imani taqlid)!.. Because, believing in the announcements of a nabi is still a “pretended” faith (iman taqlid) as long as it is not a belief in w hat is denoted by t he name “ ALL AH”, w ith reference to the understanding that the myst ery of “ B” covers. * It is onl y possible by comprehending and experiencing the myster y of “B” that a “pret ended iman“ may be transformed into an iqaan (certai nt y) through tahqiq ( verification). The point that we need to f ocus on here, is the f act that, to have inf ormation on iman is not enough and installing f iles of inf ormation about iman onto a computer to f ill up its f ree space, will not make it experience and live the dimension of heaven. You may set up a PC with an unimaginable amount of det ailed inf ormation about “iman” and that PC may be conf igured to perf orm them all audio and visual at any given moment… But it does not mean it is a person of f aith!.. Let us now return to the question why we needed “ iman” and answer it brief ly… As we have mentioned above, “ iman” i s the recognition of t he fact t hat w e have been li ving w ithin the circumstances created by One single Fatir (Builder) in the w ay It w ills… If so… Then the person can no longer observe anyt hing labeled as “improper” or “w rong” or “inappropriate that should not have taken place” in life. Because t here is onl y the Single One w ho creates all things according to Its w ill and w ho observes (journe ys) w hatever It has created in the w ay It w ills!.. Such an understanding concludes at a person’s stat e of being well pleased (radhi) wit h all things, such that the “ pain of burning” in the dimension of “hell” ceases to exist f or him. Then, the f ire of hell begins to speak to him saying: “O believer! Pass over my f ire quickly as your light of iman is blowing out my f lames”!.. As known, it is only the light of iman that puts out the hell f ire!.. Now we need to f ocus especially on the following: It is not t he inf ormation about iman that puts off the “fire” but the application (practice) of iman, that is to live upon iman. Consider if having know ledge of anti biotics and vitamins can gi ve the effect of using them! What is meant by t he application of i man, is a person’s thinking w ithin the scope of the “iman fact” that he percei ves, and his realizing the value of life and the events under the illumination of his “light of iman”… A person may either give consideration t o (appreciat e) lif e and events under the illuminat ion of the light of iman and attains the spir itual st ate known as “Radhiyya” and experience its outcome as a man of f aith, if nothing else… Or he



continues suf f ering the pain of burning resulting f rom his ineff iciency in “ iman” (having f aith) until he gets used to ( com prehends) this and f inally becomes f ireproof , so to say… To sum up, the information about iman is not iman itself! Because, “iman” yields a lif e in which: a) It enables a person to live heavenly dimensions by getting f reed f rom burning; b) It becomes a m eans f or an upperdimension of heaven beyond descr ipt ion to come into view, through t he exper ience of what is denoted by the name Allah in ever y point of being! The know ledge of iman, on the other hand, is like a load of books on the back of a donkey… A person may carry the knowledge of iman in his brain (mind) and lips dur ing his lif etime, but he goes on burning in circumstances… He burns by thr owing such accusat ions as “ why that happens this way?”, “I wish it wouldn’t have happened!” and the other f lames of sent imentalism br ought along those accusations!. The purpose of giving the knowledge of “iman” to a person is not to make him carry it but rather to exper ience its under standing!. If you are li ving to carry the “know ledge of iman”, your pain of burning w ill last as long as you are ali ve; yo ur dimension w ill be altered as you keep on burning and your life w ill last in fire eternall y… It w ill be the same till iman is manifested from w ithin you!.. If you have “iman”, its proof is the fact that “burning” has ended up for you and you “never throw accusations” and you never find anything improper in any poi nt in life no matter w hat… You may then constantl y li ve the outcome of such aw areness and continue your “journey” (reflection) in the dimension of heaven… Furthermore, if the myster y of “ B” is disclosed and if you attain a spir itual state in which you live the consequences of such an unf olding, it is only the f ollowing, that may fall f rom your lips: “It is none other than Hu w ho contemplates”!.. 20.6.1998 New Jersey, US A

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ARE WE BELIEVERS IN “ALLAH” The f ollowing is a sign ( ayat) f rom the Koran al Karim, that addresses som e of the ashab: The desert Arabs say “We believe” ( aamaanu)… Say: “You have no faith!… But you onl y perform deeds of Muslims”!… Not yet has Faith entered into their consciousness ( heartfelt consideration) !. But if they obe y All ah and Hu’s Rasul, their deeds w ill not be diminished aught of !. Surel y Al lah i s Gafur and Rahiym . The “men of faith” ( mu’min) are t hose w ho have faith in Allah (amaanu Billahi) and Hu’ s Rasul -(w ithin the comprehension of mystery of “ B”), and w ho never doubt of it, but struggl e hard (jihad) w ith all that is under their possession and w ith all consciousness in the w ay of Allah w ith no expectation of return (fiiSabiilAllah). Such are the faithful ones.” (Hujuraat:14- 15)



“You w ho believe! Why do you sa y that w hich you do not do? Int ensel y grievous is it at the sight of Allah that you say that w hich you do not”!. (Saf : 2-3) “Of no profit to you w ill be your relati ves and your children on the Da y of Qiyama. You w ill be departed from them..” (Mumtahina:3) “Have you not seen those w ho befriend a people to w hom have the Wrath of Allah been upon?.. Neither their possessions nor their children shall avail them aught against Allah; they are the compani ons ( ow ners) of t he Fire, to abide therein. And they think that they have somethi ng true to stand upon. No, indeed, they are the liars! ( Mujadala 14, 17- 18) * * * Let us now ref lect on these signs if you would like… W e should grasp the f ollowing as an ef f ect of the sign given f irst: In light of the message given in that sign, possessing a know ledge of iman and practicing the actions required for Muslimism for a person do not necessaril y propose that he is a man of faith !.. W hat is more, such a person might completely be an unbeliever as an eff ect of that given sign!… As known, actions may be perf ormed even if there is doubt and inner rejection. Because of purposes of self -interest or the conditions of environment, because of gentleness or in order not t o break people’s hearts or because of some other consider ations above all these, a person may act with hypocr isy and perf orm some actions and utter some words without having faith ( iman)! Never being based on the eff ect of one’s f undamentals of “ iman” (faith), such act ions are rather aimed f or one’s self -interest. No doubt, t he phrase of “personal self interest” must be comprehensively considered in meaning here. Faith or f aithlessness!. To pronounce what you believe, or else to utter what you do not believe b y acting in dishonest y; and then cloaking it in just if ication to settle down your conscience. It is this reason that Jalaluddin Rumi utt ered the f ollowing words: “Either seem as you are or be as you seem ”… This is dif f icult!. This is indeed diff icult! It makes one lose quite a lot!. Only those rare people w ho can challenge l osing all they had, on account of their belief i n “ALL AH” , can dare it!. They are t he “ poor” who have got nothing to lose! Because they live f or Allah without expecting anything f rom anyone! They have already lost now what ever yone is going to lose tomorrow!. They come together with people and speak only ”f or Allah - fii SebiilAllah”!.. They who cannot put up with it, will surely get f ar f rom them and live in private together with what they have assumed as their Lords ( Rabb)! And then, their assumed Lords leave them away in the end of their world ( qiyama), when they will suff er in private the sorrow r esult ing f rom their loneliness because of their “remoteness from Allah” which is known as the “ Wrath of Allah”!. The notif icat ion that “ Why do you speak about (promise) w hat you cannot fulfill?” is theref ore ver y important!. Saying “I am faithful” means to live the eff ect of it!.. A belief is for f ulfilling the deeds it requires and for li ving the outcome of those deeds!.



If you live without applying the required actions of iman and without gaining the perspect ive result ing f rom iman (believing), know that you ar e deceiving yourself alone!. Deceiving those ar ound yourself will prof it you nothing f or tomorrow! Your deeds are either “ for Allah”, that is recognized as “ fii SebilAllah”; or f or your expectations f rom those around you!. All your reasons of self -satisf action, including your sentim ental pleasur es, your personal judgments of value and material gains, should prove that such actions are not “fiiSebiilAllah”. Partnerships (personal closeness) that are not “ for Al lah”, will terminate sooner or later and the person will regret that partnership! W hat does it mean t o be for Allah -“fiiSebiilAllah”? It is to experience w hat is in your essence and to live the fulfillment of its requirement s!… It is to live w ith the moralit y ( charact er traits) of Allah and to evaluat e entire creation regardless of w hether close or far from yourself, through the view ing and appraisal of Allah. It is to make ( help) the others attain Allah and so, to strive w ith your entire being for the unfolding of All ah’ s ridha through them. “Being together for Allah” means a company sharing thi s same goal. A person’s unaw areness of “ Allah” w ithin his ow n essence and of living its eff ect, means his “suffering the w rath of Allah”!. It is a mark of “ being subject to the w rath by Allah ” f or a person if he is obli vious to the “w rath” in the present because of thinking it, the f ire of tortures, is only in the f uture. A person w ho is “afflicted w ith the w rath of Allah ” is a person w ho could not know Allah in his ow n essence and w ho cannot li ve the necessities of its effect, no matter w hat! Being unable to comprehend this fact is also a manifestation of being afflicted w ith that w rath!. Now… Reconsider ing and tr ying to understand the above mentioned signs which meanings I have tried to convey, under the guidance of those given explanat ions… W e will understand that the necessit y of living f or Allah is a r equirement and eff ect of “iman”, no matter what the cost is and what the condit ions are… provided that we are given a shar e of iman!… In this case, leaving off hypocrisy and speaking the truth and sharing the f acts we believe to ever yone whether close to us or f ar away, we recommend the Truth (haqq) and be patient with the consequences. W e avoid saying what we are unable to do and do what we say! W e do not sell our iman f or the sake of sharing pleasures with those around ourselves and do not risk our f uture!.. W e will live the ef f ect (requirements) of our “ belief in Allah” without making the assumpt ion that those who please us are our Lords, and not f or the sake of sentimental or physical pleasures! "What is at the Presence of Allah i s better t han any amusement or trading!” (62:11) The above sign is a signif icant war ning to us if we have r ealized what the “salaat” is. If we have not understood what “ RasulAllah” and “to f ollow the path of RasulAllah” mean yet, there will be no benef it gained f rom what I have written here, naturally.



He who is given his good share will read them and see who speaks and says “this is also from Allah” and tr y to live what is required; while he who has not got a share will say “Hulusi has thrown away those that t ime” and keep f ollowing his way in pr ide and illusion!. May Allah enable us to join among those “w ho believe in Hu” and who can f ulf ill the “required actions of iman”!.. 12.07.1998 New Jersey, US A

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WHY TO BELIEVE W hat does it mean “f or All ah”, that is “fiiSabiilAllah” ? It is a w ay of life w ith the experience of w hat is in your essence and w ith the fulfillment of its effect !.. That is to li ve w ith the character trait s of Allah, evaluat e all the beings, the entire creation w ith the view ing of Al lah, regardless of w hether they are close to or far aw ay from you. It means stri ving w ith your entire being to help others attain Allah, so that the ridha (total accept ance) of Allah may unf old through them! What is know n as “coming together for Allah” is a “togetherness” sharing that goal ! A person’s unawareness of “Allah” at his core and of the experience of its eff ect, is what is known as “ bei ng afflict ed w ith the w rath (ghazab)”!… Ignoring our current state of “ affliction” by misint erpr eting the w rath (ghazab) as a f ire or a suff ering to come in f uture, is a plain state of “ affliction w ith Allah’s w rath”! ” A person w ho has undergone the w rath of Allah ”, is t he one w ho could not recognize Allah in his very core and w ho still fails to experience its effect !. Failure in percei vi ng this fact is also a sign of affliction w ith the w rath!..” * * * W e have given considerable emphasis to this matter in our pr evious chapter. Since it is the most important subject in a human’s lif e, I would like to carry on with explaining the same matter this t ime also as f ar as it is unf olded through ourselves. Iman (f aith) is either manifested in a person and he lives upon the perspecti ve resulti ng from his faith as much as his share ( nasib) allows him, hence he is known as a “said” (blessed person) as his f inal destination in his eternal lif e will be in heaven!.. Or else, he lacks i man at his f itra ( innate disposit ion, prim ordial nature) and lives upon the perspecti ve resulting from its lack, behaves and acts under the guidance of that perspecti ve , hence he is known as “ shaqi“ (w retched) as his f inal destinat ion in his eternal lif e will be t he dimension of “ hell” and his lif e will cont inue in “afire”! The f aith “iman” in the person’s f itrat will sooner or later m ake him realize that Allah is the creator of all affairs and actions and All ah is the executor



in (having use and disposal ―tasarr uf― of) every single particle of the entire creation according to Hu’s ow n w ill , and as a result, f aith brings that person’s burning on account of that particular event to an end! Let us now recall the sign: “Hearts w ill find ease w ith the remembrance of Al lah ”… Presence and absence of iman (faith) in a person, is the result of an unf oldment of a specif ic neur al circuitr y of perception in his brain. I can even personally admit that there is a gene of “iman”, in m y opinion!… A brain’s conclusions through interpreting circumstances under t he light ( nuur) of iman, is different from the concl usions of a brai n that interprets circumstances w ithout the light of iman!. W e can never know f rom outside if people are carr ying that gene or not!. However, their conduct of behavior may be a part ial indicator f or that given moment… Af ter all, even if we may say “this is because of the light ( nuur) of iman” or “this is the outcom e of his f aithlessness” by merely looking at someone’s actions, we can never make def init e judgements such as a “ believer” or an “unbeliever”, because we cannot know in a later phase the state of consciousness he w ill be having during his transition into spiritual dimension. In general, underst anding lif e f rom a perspect ive based on f aithlessness however, does not make a promise a happy f uture as a rule!. No one’s state can be truly estimated bef ore his lif etime ends, even if he has lived upon a perspective based on iman. As f ar as I could recall it, one of the war nings of RasulAllah aleyhessalaam is brief ly as f ollows: “ A person w ho is know n to have been murdered w hile fighting on the path of Allah, is said to have died w hile fighting to show his pow er and skills so that he could find favor and esteem in people’ s eyes and therefore he is not a shehid ( mart yr) but he is destined to hell… A person w ho gi ves aw ay large sums of zakat and alms is also said to have gi ven aw ay hi s goods to find glory in peopl e’s e yes and to bribe t heir hearts as he could not treat them the other w ay; and his deeds are not w elcomed; and therefore, he is throw n into hell by angels… An alim (master) is said to have communicated his know ledge to provide sustanence for himself by expect ing people’s favor, service and recognition as a w ise person, and therefore his deeds are not rew arded and his place is hell…” Considering this point of view, we realize that… A believer will get the reward of his achievements provided that he has carried through all his deeds “ for Allah” (fii SabilAllah), that is, f or the purpose of sharing all that he had in hand, wi th others in his surroundings without expect ing any gain in return! All other purposes apart f rom this are results of a f aithless point of view, that is known as “associ ating partners” (shir k)!. * * * Let us examine our int entions and our points of view toward lif e and our surroundings, if “w rath” has not enveloped us, and if our conscience can see our intentions with insight, even through a needle’s hole!.. Let us account for oursel ves right now w ithout w aiting for tomorrow !.. Let us look at a mirror!.



Let us consider the f ollowing warning f airly: “ You are responsible for w hat is in your mind”… ( Bakara: 284) To be honest and open for Allah? Or to cover the faults for the sake of your materi al or spiritual interest s and f or keeping your comfort saf e b y stating the excuse that you are onl y trying not to offend the peopl e ? Never f orget the f act that tomorrow we will lose all that is in our hands at present, no matter what! Is it worth turning our eternal lives into hell f or wort hless temporar y advant ages? What is more, if we are not speaking out the facts that w e know , for keeping the pri vilege of our present advantages and if w e are closing our eyes to peopl e’s follow ing the w rong paths!.. Are we really so strong to suff er f or their sins?.. Besides, if w e do not share our know ledge w ith those w hom w e claim to be dear to us and close our e yes to the devel opment of their gangrened condition, for the f avor of our w orldly comfort and self-i nterests, how are w e going to face the account of such an oppression? Iman w ill finally bring the experience of a life “ fiiSabilAllah“, as an outcome.. It makes one challenge to l ose all his w orldly riches!… It makes one do hi s best to prevent his trul y- loved-compani ons from the fiery of tomorrow !.. Iman urges one to strive w ith his w ealth, life and w isdom to fulfill w hat is necessary to prevent his beloved fellow men from falling into a house on fire. If a person lacks the light ( nuur) of iman, he only considers spending ever y day in more comf ort! He is not concer ned about af terlif e condit ions or of what people ar e going to encounter there! His goal is to get more and to live better in comf ort… He can even victimize those who are close to him f or this purpose. He gives an addit ional kick to his closest ones while they are still struggling in the swamp of the world, he closes his eyes to t he f act that they keep engaging their brai ns onl y w ith the w orldly matters without doing anything f or their lif e beyond death!.. W e do not take it into account that ever y person comes across with the mischief of Dajjal ( Anti-Christ) during his lif etime! W e keep wait ing f or the righteye-blind-Dajjal to come by the time of Doomsday!.. W e do not even r ealize t hat Dajjal’s w orld is a person’s w orld that keeps him back from “ All ah” and “ khaliphat e”; and that it is to chose the Dajjal’s paradise to employ your brain f or the pleasures of this world. W e even do not notice that getting pr epared f or the lif e beyond death, living “ fiiSabiilAllah” and attaining the m yster y of “ khaliphate” is one’s dar ing to jump into t he Dajjal’s hell fire! Because, by showing interest in these subjects f or a f ew hours a week, taking them as a hobby or handling them as a means to ease our conscience, we will only be deceiving ourselves in an excellent way! * * * Iman forms one’s point of view about life and enables him to percei ve all affairs and circumstances w ith reference to t hat view point… It generates actions connected w ith that w ay of consideration. And you experience the simultaneous effect s of your actions depending of w hat you achi eve!..



So is also the lack of f aith! You have considerations connected with that point of view, and have actions connected wit h those consider ations and you f inally live the ef f ects of them!.. Let us remember again the f ollowing warning of the RasulAllah aleyhessalaam… “ Allah has created a peopl e for paradise… Al lah has creat ed a people for the hell fire… The ink of the pen that w rote became dry… Ever y person w ill find it easy to achieve w hat has been made easy f or him!” Theref ore, my friends, let us realize those f acts: All objects of iman except the iman in “ Allah” informed by RasulAllah, ar e objects of iman requiring to perf orm actions, based on one’s acceptance of lif e beyond death…W hile applying those act ions, people say “ aslaamnaa”, meaning “w e perform muslim actions”… But, they are not believers yet, w ith reference to the sign in the Koran ! Those w ho have faith in All ah through the myster y of “ B” and w ho can carry out the required actions “ fiiSabil Allah” as a natural consequence and w ho view s life w ith that point of view , are the men of faith ( mumin) w ho say “w e believe”. The y have some classes among themsel ves w ith reference t o their level of insight ( basirat)… The low est class is know n as “ mutmainna” (tranquilit y) !. Ever ybody walks towards their purpose of creation and their perf ection (kamal) wit h f irm steps… However, there are some among us who ar e set t o assuming perf ection -f ull growth ( kamal)- as to grow roses by plant ing thistles, and also some who plant rose seed and expect roses!.. Additionally there ar e the dull- witted (ones with a lim ited understanding) who are even f ailing to t ake into considerat ion the warnings that have been made to them, while they keep on scattering the thistle seeds thinking that they are planting rose seeds! In the system and order of Al lah, there is no place for excuses. Ever y person w ill automaticall y encount er the consequences of his actions resulting from his view point and his understanding! If those of t omorrow are making us brood t oda y, the y w ill be putting us in fire tomorrow ! Those w ho give no heed to the intercession ( shaf aat) today no matter w hat their excuses are, do not have the right to expect any rew ard from it! 19.07.1998 New Jersey

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THE SPIRIT OF THE KORAN As an outcome of their f ailure to RE AD t he SPIRI T of our holy book Koran alKarim, some people, who are against the Religion of Islam inf ormed by Mohammed aleyhessalaam as a “Rasul of Allah”…, of ten ask the f ollowing criticizing question: “Ha zrat Mohammed came some 14 hundred years ago as a pr ophet to a societ y of about f ive thousand people, the majorit y of which consisted of people with a prim itive level of understanding. Accor ding to their custom, daughters



were bur ied alive and killed in the sand at their ear ly ages because the men believed they would cause shame f or their f athers when they grew up. W omen could be sold and bought like a commodit y countless times, as they were not considered as humans and they had no rights. Of course in such a societ y the questions and the pr oblems had taken f orm according to the prevailing level of understanding of the people and the solution f or those questions and problems were the means f or the f ormation of the Koran. If Hazrat Mohammed had come to the world in the Poles instead of his ar ea of birth, the book he was going to communicate at his t ime of prophethood, would take f orm according to the questions and problems regarding the social conditions, cust oms and traditions of Eskimos. In this case, as no other prophet nor a book will come as inf ormed by that Book itself , then how can the people of our age, be controlled with those rules set up f or such a communit y with an obvious level of underst anding?.. W ouldn’t those rules make this book invalid even f or yesterday or today, let alone reach beyond the com ing centuries. How can it be possible t o speak to the count less societies living all over the wor ld today with the rules t hat have been f ormed according to the prevailing understanding of some 14 hundred years ago? Is the Koran going to let people int o heaven by t aking them back to 1400 years?” Yes, this is the question that atheists and non-believers put f orth f rom their perspect ive and based on their level of understanding!. It may be true or f alse, but, in my humble opinion, here is the answer to them… Considering those who understand the “SPIRI T” of the Koran al-Karim, it is a Book that includes all of the inf ormation needed to enlighten people and to provide them with the bliss of Hereaf ter ( akhirat), as long as humanit y exists!.. Moreover, in most parts it explains to people the inf ormation and lif e requirements that will benef it them f orever including even the dimensions of hell and heaven… It explains the truth of humanit y and what t he name “ ALL AH” ref ers to! In my previous discussions, I have made it clear that the inf ormation in the Koran in some parts originates f rom the perfect spiritual wisdom (kamalat) of “nubuwwa” while t he other parts f rom the perfect spiritual wisdom of “risalat”; and that inf ormation originated f rom the perfection of risalat will eternally rule and will be able to make people gain new unf oldments (developments)… They are like the Chapt ers of “ ikhlas” and “Fatiha” communicated through the spir itual perf ection of “ Risalat”. Such themes as mar riage, inher itance, r ight of testimony and retaliat ion that originate f rom the perf ect spiritual wisdom of Nubuwwa and that guide people’s social lif e within a communit y, are st atements ( hukm) t hat carry weight as long as a person lives in t his world and they disappear with person’s death. Let us now tr y to perceive and under stand the SPI RI T of the Koran aIKarim…. Is the Koran a book w hich has been communicated to us w ith an aim of taking people backw ards, tow ards the primitive life of centuries ago, to fix and lock them int o that reverted w ay of life?.. Or else… Does it guide people in preparation for t he fut ure and show them the w ay t o advancement - perfection and turn them tow ards w hat is the most perfect?.. Ha zrat Ali whom I believe to be one of the leading f igures among those who have understood that great book best, has said the f ollowing as a result of that understanding:



“Bring up your chi ldren not for the time that you li ve, but for the time that they w ill live!.” Such a (f uturistic) life style and the poi nt of view ahead of its time belongs to a Person who had spent all his boyhood and young years with Ha zrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam and who has obtained the SPI RI T of the Koran from Him… Considering the statements that nour ish societies through the spring of nubuwwa… All of them are aimed to ver if y the rights of w omanhood f or f emales, who had f rom early times unt il then been ignored as humans and treated as commercial sex material s. Treating them as com mercial goods has been disallowed, they are provided wit h certain rights as a spouse and their right of “testifyi ng” as witnesses has been adm itted while they had no voice in societ y at that time and also their r ights to take share from the inheritance have been est ablished!.. Now, please, tr y to grasp the f ollowing f act with understanding and insight: Regarding its SPI RI T, the Koran has br ought commands (st atements) aimed to prevent us f rom getting stuck in the past, to stop us going backwards, to eliminate injustice (unf airness) and to encour age people always to consider matters with respect to f uture conditions!. . BESI DES… Believing that it may help to understand t he Koran more realisticall y, I should point out the f ollowing as m y personal opinion, without obligation… While bringing those commands, the Koran does not say t hat you should not establish an equalit y b y means of increasing those rights and you should not move forw ard but should remai n w here you are w ithout advancement and l et w oman remain as a second class!. W hile conf ining the right of possessing numerous w omen up to f our as a progress, it warns that it is much more benef icial to live w ith a single w ife and this is set as a goal … W hile we are inf ormed that Zakat is a m inimum right f or people, it is besides considered exemplar y to share what is in your possession as much as possible in terms of charit y. I mean, these right s acknow ledged for w oman are not their ultimate r ights and are not limited t here, but they ar e t he basics f or the system of rights that should be developed in proportion wit h the evolution of the societ y, the men and the women… If the woman who had no r ight of voice has been given the right to be a witness together wit h another woman, it does not mean that this condit ion will remain the same f orever. In my opinion, it means that the woman may have equal rights with men proport ional to t heir advancement! At least it has been made possible f or “w omen w ho had no right of voi ce ,” to live as a human and to “give their testi mony” together with another woman. That means, in t ime, when you, as the members of the societ y come to appreciate the value of women; when you start noticing that she too is a servant of Allah like yoursel ves, t hat she has a place on earth as a human and a “KH ALIPH” , you should not hinder her f rom having equal r ights with man. If a societ y recognizes the r ight of testifying f or one woman together with a man, it will never contradict with the “SPIRI T” of t he Koran in my understanding; and f urthermore, this is more appropriate… W hile a w oman, w ho had no share in a heritage , is provided with the right of having at least half as much as that of a man according to the conditions in



those days, it does not mean that, mind you, that a larger inheritance should be avoided!.. On t he contrar y, it is a sign of a societ y’s advancement in accordance with the “SPIRI T” of the Koran to give equal shares… In other w ords, the SPIRI T of the Koran has determined t he bott om limits w ith those commands to prevent goi ng backw ards, but it has never put a limit for progressi ve practices, accordi ng to my understanding… It is therefore that there is no need for another book to come after the Koran, and in this respect, Hazrat Mohammed aleyhessal aam has been the last of all t he prophets ( khatamun nabii), since he explained human rights w ithout requiring any limitation for progress and because it is open for future advancement of underst anding. The Koran that reveals the syst em in terms of afterlife conditions and of know ing All ah, through [the medium of] risalat, has improved, developed human r ights as much as possible wit hin the exist ing conditions of that day, and determined them as the bottom limits wit hout f orbidding f urther advancement in due course of time, through [the medium of ] “nubuwwa”. That basic pri ncipl e is t he “SPIRI T of the Koran” as f ar as I understand, which provides that A zi z ( Magnif icent) Book with eternal validit y without any necessit y f or another book to come. 27.9.1998

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TO “READ” THE KORAN W e f elt that we had to return to the same topic that we have discussed in our previous chapter entitled “ The SPI RI T of The Koran” and give f urther explanat ions, as it was misunderstood by some dull- witted people. In our day, being able to r ead the words in Arabic letters (even without knowing their meaning) is assumed to be “ reading the Koran”… Some people however, consider r eading Koran translations ( ma’al) as “reading the Koran”… These are only the preliminar y stages of “ reading” the Koran… Yet, in m y opinion, such f orms of readings cannot be regarded as “RE ADI NG” the Koran! As we have ref erred to “ RE ADING” the Syst em… W e can also ref er to “RE ADI NG” the Koran… How is it possible to really RE AD the Koran? RE ADING the Koran is only possible through perceiving “ the SPIRI T of the Koran”! W hat does it mean t o perceive the “ the SPIRI T of the Koran ”? What is the purpose f or which the Koran al-Karim has been revealed to mankind? What kinds of benefits does the Koran al-Kar im pr ovide f or the people to whom it has been revealed? What kind of a life does the Koran al- Karim prepare f or those to whom it has been revealed? What kind of qualities does the Koran al-Karim reveal to people to whom it has been revealed? Has the Koran al-Karim been revealed w ith an aim to limit, fix and lock people into a form of life, and seal t he doors t o advancement?… Or, is it



aimed at show ing them the w ays of advancing steadfastl y, to provi de them w ith rights that they are not aw are of or that have been t aken aw ay, and to inform them of the w ays to live w ith the faculties of being a “khaliph” man and w oman alike, as a consequence? Do the signs in t he Koran al-Kar im that were revealed, involve an aim that man should live showing respect f or the rights of f ellow hum an beings yet live a progressive lif e per manently, or have t hey been revealed aiming towards a regressive lif e f or mankind? If we can answer these questions corr ectly, we will have placed the f irst stepping stone towards understanding “the SPIRI T of the Koran” whereby, the rest of the stones will f all into place unt il a staircase is built which leads us to open the door of “READING” the Koran al-Kar im. As a result of our misunderstandi ng, the Koran has been locked in chains and turned into a holy book f rom ancient times! Yet, w ith regard to its “SPI RI T” and its “OBJECTIVES”, the Koran upholds such properties as to enlighten and guide mankind as long as humanit y exists: it is theref ore a Book ABOVE TI MES! Limit ing the Koran al-Kar im to the progressions and ref orms it brought to the societies it was revealed to, by saying “its service f or humanit y has f inished at that point and is out -dated, theref ore it is a book belonging to that period only of those ancient t imes”, is an injusti ce ( zulm) to the Koran. This injust ice results f rom the inabilit y to perceive the “ SPIRI T of the Koran ” and to READ the Koran! W hile the Koran suggests giving one f ortieth of your possessions within t he f ramework of Zakat (alms), it does not in any way restr ict one f rom giving one twentieth of it! The f ormer is to be under stood as the m inimum and not the “end all” of alms per se… W hile having no inheritance rights at all, women were allowed half of the share given to a man as a minimum amount, by the Koran… However, if you decided to give a share equal to that of a man, it would never contradict with the “SPIRI T of the Koran”. Besides, the Koran does not restrict this, but instead it w elcomes progression in accordance w ith its SPIRI T ! I mean that, the ri ghts and reforms brought by the Koran need to be considered as the minimum, not the maximum, and it cannot be taken back wards. There is neither a sign in the Koran nor an indication from Rasul Allah that progress cannot be made tow ards a maximum of rights! As a result of the f ailure in understanding the "SPIRI T of the Koran", the Koran is not RE AD and thus, people hold onto its surf ace verbalism, literal meaning. The unf ortunate consequence is that the given message is lost! W hat's more, upon RESTRAI NING the Koran al- Kar im with a dull- witted understanding, it is wr ongf ully concluded that “the Kor an can not be applied t o our days”! W hen need arises t o create a law, the main f actor in its establishment is i n fact the spirit of such a law . An adequate f ashion of rendering (statement) is determined in connection wit h that spirit, that is the pr ospect of thought, and it is verbalized and therewith an article of law is br ought into existence… W hen a judge needs to exercise this law, he establishes a connection bet ween the given event and his own perspective of judicious reasoning about that event and makes a judgment based on the main reason that the law was formed. If a judge sets his opinion about an event by considering only the law wit hin the surf ace verbalism rather than respecting the spirit of that law, he is most



likely to misjudge! A judicial decision must be based not on the literal aspect of a law but on its spirit ! Laws exist along with their spir its. If they are taken in mere verbalism, DEVI ATIONS f rom the goal will take place! The conscience of a judge is there to insur e the judicious reasoning of an event is based on the spir it of law! In the same way, to be able to “RE AD” the Koran also, it is necessar y to consider the purpose f or which the ver ses regarding a particular event wer e revealed, and the benef its that these ver ses aim to provide t o man and women. All the evaluat ions m ust be based on these f acts. The Koran al-Karim has provided the greatest revolution in the histor y of mankind. Due to the inabilit y in perceiving this SPI RIT of the Koran al-Kar im, looking at only the words of the Koran on the surf ace and comment ing that “that ’s all it has given to humankind, it does not give anything beyond these, but bring restrict ions,” is the greatest blindness and darkness (oppression). It cannot be described other than as an ulterior motive to deviate from the realit y by imposing a perspective as if “Islam af f irms slaver y”, while in f act the Koran al- Karim regards deliverance of a slave as one of the greatest ibadat (practices) and so aims at ending slaver y in a societ y wher e it was common. It is an enormous injustice done to the Deen-i Islam and is a plain result of not understanding the “SPIRI T” of the Koran to disappr ove of it through assuming it as an assertive and coercive religious underst anding, while Islam does not condone using force in any point except putting an end to violat ions of human r ights, and while t he known sig n to the Rasul that “ you are not one to force them”! Democracy can only be f ound within t he principals of Deen-i Islam in the most comprehensive sense; because the Koran al- Kari m does not allow pressure to be put on people in any regard. The Koran al- Karim ADVI SES mankind on essential ideas they need so that their f uture may bring them peace and blessings. It inf orms mankind of what is to come hereaf ter and what they need to do, and notes that those who f ollow its practices will f ind reward. And it war ns those who do not, about the regrets that they will f all into in the af terlif e because of the conditions that will be encountered, and that they will never be able to t urn back f rom there nor make up f or the past… Aft er this poi nt, neither a person nor a government has an authorit y t o FORCE anybod y to practice them, w ith respect to the “SPIRI T” of Deen-i Isl am… As a matter of f act, ever y person will appraise and attach importance to those proposals wit h their own mind and reasoning, and will practice as they wish without anyone’s pressure, and will f inally reach their result! The unknowing and ignorant persons’ f alse convict ions, which ar e acquir ed due to their inabilit y to read the “SPIRI T” of the Koran al-Karim, can never be connected with the Deen of Islam! There cannot be an excuse made f or staying away f rom Islam and the Koran, because of being over whelmed with f alse interpretat ions of those who cannot “RE AD” the Koran al-Karim! Every I NDIVI DU AL is responsible for RE ADING the Koran and learning Deen-i Islam personall y, f or their own f uture. To make excuses f or the mistake that it was the pr actice of other Muslims in m y surroundings, is of no importance. Learning the Deen by f ollow ing the Koran, rather than by follow ing the Muslims is essent ial (fard) f or ever ybody. Those who f ail to do so will suf f er its consequences in the Hereaf ter ( akhirat).



Theref ore, we must now realize that… It is the most rewar ding (helpf ul) pract ice f or a person to RE AD, appreciate and make use of the Koran al-Karim, that has been revealed to make women and men, namely all the believers, become aware of the f act that t hey have been created as a “khaliph” and experience its eff ect; through letting them know the conditions of lif e beyond death and teaching them the ways of having a wonderf ul lif e of beauties beyond deat h. One who practices it will have its benef its, and one who disregards it, will suf f er the result of his negligence in the Hereaf ter. Neither the One who is denot ed by t he name “ ALL AH”, nor Rasul Allah Mohammed Mustaf a aleyhessalaam is in need of our belief and our pract ices as the requirements of our belief s, because all proposals have been made to the PERSON individually and concern their own f uture… Happy are those who can “RE AD” the Koran and li ve its effect … 4.10.1998

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TO UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY Do we desire to understand the Koran al-Karim? If we want to understand and evaluate the Koran al- Karim correctly, we must at f irst communicate the original words of the Koran as they are and use those original words in every related place. W hen reading the interpretations ( tafsir) or translat ions ( ma’al) of the Koran, please pay attent ion to the f ollowing point f irst… If in a Koran translat ion, the word “GOD” is used inst ead of the wor d “ All ah” in the or iginal text and if the word “prophet” is employed in a translation while the wor ds of “ Rasul” and “Nabi” are cited in the original text, then please be assured that such a translat ion is not capable of helping you reach t he realities ( haqiqat) and the myster ies (sirr) that are being ref erred in the Koran! It will never be possible f or you to grasp the message given to us by Ha zr at Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam by means of such a translation… Not even its translator has understood anything f rom that Book: his translat ion cannot ser ve us! In our various publications we have tried to explain that the meaning of the word “God” has not hing to do with the meaning that is denoted by the name “ Allah”; and that the word “ god” associat es with a religion of “ Sky God”… I would like to highlight another error now, which is the usage of the word ”PROPHET” in Koran translations… W e must know that all words used in the Koran have been specif ically chosen because of their ref erence to particular ly compr ehensive and intensive meanings… The word “prophet” takes its origin f rom the Lat in word “ prophétés” (meaning spokesman or one who speaks bef orehand. Pro-, bef ore + -phétés, “speaker”. Its equivalent is “peygamber” in Turkish f rom Persian origin that Iranians speak…) It is an ancient word used in parallel to their understanding of “god”…These words are used in English and Persian to r eplace the meanings of



both “ Rasul” and “ Nabi” used in the Koran. It is also used in the same way in our language. “Prophet” is a word used to ref er to “god’s messenger”. A prophet as a messenger is used to mean a postman of a God or of a godl y pow er in space!!!... However… The One denoted by the name “ Allah” makes up the exist ence and or igin of all the units that we can perceive or not, through Hu’s names ( asma) and attributes (sifat), and it is impossible to consider a limit f or Hu’s Essence! In the light of this statement… W hoever has attained “ All ah”, ―not extr insically, that is f rom outside―, but intrinsically, thr ough his own exist ence, core, truth, realizes and understands that the exist ence that his name and image exhibits, is only an illusion and his being consists of “nothing”, only the O ne denoted by the name “ Allah” is all that exists… Theref ore, we need to understand that t he One denoted by t he name “ Allah” is the realit y of a “naabi”, a “rasul” and a “w ali”, while becom ing unf olded through all of Hu’s esma (names) and attributes at all dimensions, and is meanwhile Gani (independent and f ree) from all those. And they whose attributes are ref erred through those names [such as naabi, rasul and wali], bri ng to w ord (verbal ize) the truth of the spiritual station that they have attained dimensi onall y w ithin themselves . That is, they are not postmen (nor spokesmen) f or someone af ar-off , but the tongue of w hat is w ithin their ow n truth! Both “naabi” and “rasul” have attained their spiritual stations as objects of spir itual perf ection of walayat, which is t he revelation of the name “AL W ALI” as one of the names of the One that the name “ Allah” ref ers to. Such persons carr ying out their f unctions of nubuwwat and risalat in t heir worldly lives, take their perf ect spiritual wisdom ( kamalat) from the expression of the name “WALI” and continue their lives in the Hereaf ter ( akhirat) beyond death within a spir itual state of “ risalat” that is involved in “walayat”… The One that is denoted by the name “ Allah” has not a name known as “Nabi”; however, the name “ Al Wali” is Baki (Deathless)! “Nubuwwat” is a f unction that is valid f or this world’s lif e. “Risalat” is a f unction valid f or both this world’s lif e and the lif e beyond deat h. The existence of every “nabi”, ever y “rasul” and ever y “wali” takes its or igin f rom the truth (haqiqa) of “walaya”… Ever y “nabi” is a “nabi” in considerat ion of his outer realit y ( zakhir) and is a “wali” in considerat ion of his inner realit y ( batin). Ever y “Rasul” in the past is essentially a “ wali” at the same time in view of his inner realit y (batin) regardless of whether he was a “ nabi” or not in view of his visible realit y ( zakhir) ―f rom the external point of view. Ever y “wali” takes his existence and spir itual perf ection f rom his “ walayat”. The execution of “nubuwwat” is connected with the wor ldly lives and it comes to an end with the transition of that “ nabi” into the lif e of akhirat… “Nubuwwat” has essentially come to an end with Mohammed Mustafa, who is the “khatmun-naabi” (the last nabi); there will come no other nabi t ill Doomsday. Some of the “anbiya” [plural f orm of “ nabi”] are at the same time “ Rasul” … The execut ion of a “rasul” that is known as “ risalat”, is a dut y valid till Doomsday.



The qualit y of being a “ nabi” is temporal; “risalat” (being a rasul) is however quintessential and it does not come to an end by transition from the wor ld, as there is no end f or knowing the self and such a dut y lasts eternally f or rasuls. It is theref ore that, we aff irm our w itnessi ng (shahada) f or Hazr at Mohammed’s aleyhessalaam being a “Rasul”, t hat pertains to his eternal f unction, through the “words of witnessing” ( kalimat it shahadat), meaning that we accept and conf irm the Religion of Isl am. Theref ore we say “ RasuluHu” af ter “AbduHu”, never “nabiyyuhu”… “Risalat“ and ”nubuwwat“ are the highest classes in “ walayat”. Same as the class of “general commanders” in the context of “army”… “Nubuwwat“ is a f unction of inf orming the members of the society about the requirements of lif e that will enable them reach the bliss of Hereaf ter (akhir at) and to invite people to live in accor dance with those requirem ents. “Risalat” is to inf orm the members of the societ y of their own truth ; to communicate to them the practices and the way of lif e requir ed to live its eff ect, and to give guidance to them on this path… “Ulul-a zm” is a t itle given to those persons who take upon the f ulf illment of both the f unctions of “risalat “ and “nubuwwat”. “Walayat” is to know and live (exper ience) one’s own Truth ( haqiqat). In the Koran al-Karim, the word “naabi” has been used wherever such f unctions are ment ioned as those that are related to the societ y wit hin the f ramework of “nubuwwat”. The word “rasul” has been used wherever such f unct ions as those t hat are connected with the societ y out war dly, are mentioned wit hin the f ramework of “risalat”. The word “wali” has been used wherever it is meant to dr aw the attent ion toward the kind of spir itual perf ection that the individual should exper ience with regards to his lif e. The posit ions held by the men of higher spir itual perf ection based on the realit y of “walayat” were named as nubuwwat and risalat as their f unctions were toward the external world; and in this m anner they have been considered in a dif f erent class in comparison to the “ awliya” [plural f orm of wali] who were exper iencing (living) the inner perf ection towards themselves. If the related signs of the Koran are read again under the guidance of those def init ions, we arrive at an underst anding of quite dif f erent dimensions… On the other hand… By another def init ion, those “ awliya ” who have brought a shari ’at are called “naabi”, while those who have invited people to live the requirements of their own truth, without br inging a shar i’at, are called “rasul”; and t hose who have not taken on such a task are called as “ wali”. “Walayat” is not a sultanate inher ited f rom f ather to son but it is a result of one’s exper iencing the One denoted by the name “ Allah” as being one’s own truth. W hen the truth, which is the basis f or the perf ection of “ walayat”, becomes manif est as an inf ormation in a “ naabi” or “rasul” accor ding to the rule of “ nu zul” (descendance), it is called “wahiy” (revealed messages). W hen the perf ection of “walayat” becomes manif est in a “ w ali“ according to t he rule of “ uruj” (ascendance), it is called as “inspiration” ( ilham). Employing the word “prophet” will not only conceal all the above ment ioned f acts, but will hide a lot of myster ies r esulting f rom them f rom the people of understanding.



There cannot be ibadat w ith the translation of the Koran al-Karim! There cannot be the translation of the Koran al- Kar im! The Koran al-Kar im has come f or the people to understand and live its requirements; theref ore, ever ybody may give explanation within the lim its of his understanding under the tit le ‘as f ar as I understand f rom the Koran …’ No matter who names it what… The “Gods” may be “great”… But, “ All ah” is akbar ! This is the truth that our inner discover y ( kashf) tells us… Allah knows its realit y! WasSalaam… 13.09.1998 İzmir

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"READING" RASULALLAH W hile it is so much important to " read" t he Koran al Kar im… Do you think it is at all behind it to " read" the Rasul of Allah who brought us f ace to f ace with the Koran al Kar im?.. How f ar and to what end do you think the "Book" could be "read" without "reading" the Rasul of Allah who communicated It to us? People including Muslims in gener al are not concerned about " reading" Rasul Allah, at all! In the eyes of that dull-w itted majority… Ha zrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam wer e, as if , a postman on earth chosen f or communicating the commandments of a god who sits on the Sirius star and sends commandment s down f rom there! He is considered, sort of a justice off icial appointed to the off icial communiqué with people f or deliver ing the imper ial comm andments of a God according to His whims, that were received by the agency of an intermediar y inst itution known as Gabriel!.. God wer e to declare commands f rom up-there, the postman were to deliver them, and we, the door ser vants wer e to obey the commandments! The more-royalist-than-the-king ser vants of him-up-there, however, were to punish, beat to deat h and murder those who disobey the commands; and also issue court orders t hat "it is lawf ul ( vajib) to murder such people". Marr y, judge and murder all on behalf of him-up-there! In short, as it w ere, a PROPHET acting l ike a shadow or a loud speaker on earth for a god-up-t here! Besides, ther e is the majorit y of people who follow s the PROPHET upon their CONJECTURE (imaginal opinions -anxieties)! W hy should not they f ollow? They should of course f ollow, so that they may have to suf f er less torment in f uture; even get rid of the Hellf ire and enjoy Paradise f orever wit hin pleasures and f elicit y! They look like those who run about af ter wit h the hope of a carrot and t he f ear of cudgel… At one side they tr y their best within both f ear and hope to do what is order ed to do as much as they can; on the other side, they try to penetrate the prohibit ions to enjoy the outcome of it as much as could be,



assuming that they are being hidden f rom the eyes or f rom the care of Him- whois-up-there, at all. There is no quest ioning, invest igation and ref lection in them! Such wor ds as "why-how- what" never cross their minds. “ Came this way, go this way! You were for hell if you disobey, and for heaven if you obey ”!!!… Let alone the answers to the questions like "why hell?" and " what kind of heaven?”, they do not even bot her to take the questions int o their minds! “ You know, the Prophet has received those commands from God up there and communicated to us as a loud speaker! Forget about the rest! ” “He has said, ‘perform nama z’; and you see, I bow down and stand up f ive times a day! Do you mean my purpose in doing them? It does not matter; what matters is that I should perform those m ovements and r epeat the words that I do not understand! I have been obeying the orders of Him-up-there, why should not He put me int o his Paradise?.. I also suffer hunger one month a year upon His request! As the Creator of universe is r ewarded w ith my hunger, so should I be rewarded with his paradise in return!.. Why shouldn't He let me in his par adise, as I listen to His PROPHET and follow his imperial com mands?.. Why not then?.. Besides, I am spendi ng so much money on sticks and stones for building schools-mosques and also for decorating Hi s houses like palaces in the name of the RELIGION! And why shouldn't He give me a garden house in His Paradise as a r eward?.. Of course, it is none of my business if people did not know the m eaning of religion at all and if they did not f ind answer to their quest ions; or if the religious understanding is in an outdated condit ion and if people cannot reach the information without payment! I cannot care about tons of people who ar e at the doorstep of star ving to death; God should take car e of them as He created them! I cannot car e about millions of people, I can only build schools for a number of fifty to one hundred children and just meet t heir educat ional expenses! I am spending hundreds of billions for that! Of course, He will put me in His Paradise in retur n and give me sevent y beaut iful hour ies and seventy garden houses there!.. ” * * * Such is the understanding of Muslimism t hat was created with so many mor e similar assumpt ions generated thr ough the points of view that is shaped upon the understanding of a GOD up in the sky and His public speaker-postman PROPHET!.. Their subjection to the Prophet is one that is brought by CONJECTURE! Dull-w itted people's complex of GOD-Religion-PROPHET and their ways of lif e based on it… * * * Besides, there are some who f ollow the R ASUL of ALL AH with their INTELLECT ―reasoning―(aql)!.. Some of Hazr at Mohammed's aleyhessalaam companions used to call him "Oh NabiyAllah", others "Oh RasulAllah "!.. Never anyone called him " Oh Prophet!"!.. Neither the word “prophet” was ever mentioned in the Koran… W hat is "Nubuwwat" (the qualit y of being Nabi)? W hat is its function? W hy is one a Nabi? How one becomes a Nabi ? How " Nubuwwat" comes into being? W here does Nubuw wat take its origin in a person? W hy was H z. Mohammed aleyhessalaam given the qualit y of a Nabi? W hat is the reason behind t he dist inct ion of these t wo concepts f rom each other f or such a Person (Zhat) in the Koran al Karim, instead of ref erring him



only with the term "Prophet"? W hy does the nam e "Nabi" is used f or him in particular as a ref erence to the f unction of " Nubuwwat" in connect ion with certain def initions, while his being a " Rasul" and the concept of "Risalat" are mentioned in connection with ot her def initions and other f unctions? W hat is "Risalat"? W hat is its f unction? For which aspect is a person a Rasul? How to be a Rasul? How does " Risalat" unf old in a person and where does " Risalat" take its root? HOW and f or which aspects has H z. Mohammed aleyhessalaam become a "Rasul of Allah"? If one suggests that Rasul ref ers to those only who have brought a book, wh y then it is made clear in t he chapter of Mar iam ( Mar y), sign 54, that Ismail aleyhessalaam is both a Nabi and a Rasul, alt hough he did not br ing any book or scriptur e? W ithout realizing these… W ithout understanding what is r ef erred to as " ALL AH" that H z. Mohammed aleyhessalaam inf ormed and tried to make us realize… W ithout grasping the wisdom in t he f act that " WALI" is t he One who is denoted by the name Allah… W ithout evaluat ing the f act that " Sema" (heavens) in many places of the Koran is cited with r ef erence to some " DIMENSIONS" rather than the " sky"… W ithout understanding that the act of "NUZUL" (descension) is tow ard the consciousness of an indi vidual from w ithin his realit y, without being f rom the sky down to eart h… W ithout experiencing that " URUJ" (ascension) is an ideat ional action of ascension tow ard the realit y of exist ence from w ithin the consci ousness … How can one call some PERSON (Zhat) as a PROPHET and regard him as a postman or a loud speaker , while he lived all that mentioned above and consequently made the necessar y announcement, showed the way toward the eternal f elicit y f or the entire humankind as a R ASUL of ALL AH? Come to your senses!.. Retir e in to a corner in privat e and start REFLECTING in a SYSTEMATIZED manner! How can you consider the One denot ed by the name " AL L AH”, as a God sitting on the Sir ius star, considering that it is Hu that has cr eated this universe out of a PIN-POINT (nokta), that contains billions and billions of galaxies, and that created countless POINTS and countless universes f rom each of those POINTS, and what's more, whose execut ion continues all the time; and how can you accept that a PROPHET is His, as it were, somet hing between a loud speaker and a postman on earth? If you are still f or the same opinion, then I wish you happiness in your cocoon! But if you are able to say instead, t hat it is impossible f or you t o think the same any longer… Then, leave behind all your opinions of value and welcome t he " BOOK" f ound on a shelf anew, entitled " MOH AMM ED MUSTAF A, the R ASUL and the N ABI of ALL AH", that is essent ial to "read" but not read so f ar! (I am not speaking about a pr inted book made of paper f or those dull- witted people!) Start with tr ying to "read" the lif e stages and the SYSTEM O F THOUGHT of an Intellect who unf olded in Mecca f or the pur pose of becoming a " KH ALI PH" and wit h a convenient fitrat to actualize such a purpose on a planet which is a satellite of a star among the billions of others in a galaxy beside billions of other galaxies in our universe, while all t hat exists only as one of the pin-points



out of countless POI NTS, that what is denoted by t he name " ALLAH" creates at ever y moment… Try to dist inct, understand how it can be f or an Intellect to evaluate the surrounding conditions, the existence as well as his own r ealit y, while taking part in this physical world bearing the f itrat of "khaliphate" bef orehand and who sustained the genet ic database of “ khanif ism” and f ound within himself the genetic her itage of a consciousness, that destroyed wit h his hatchet (!) the recognit ion of angelic powers in stars as gods and also resurrected t he dead bird with the power of Allah?.. Such a unique consciousness (intellect) !.. Such a magnificent identit y!.. Such a marvelous reformist personalit y!.. Did he receive a PROPHETHOOD f rom a GOD sitting in Sirius or in BETA NOVA?.. Or if not… A “R ASUL” w as he and also a “N ABI” of the One t hat is i nformed t hrough the name “ All ah”? W as he a gover nor-commander-loud speaker deliver ing the imper ial commandments of a god-up-in-the-sky? Or if not… A “R ASUL” was he who expressed the r ecommendat ions of fered with the aim of helping people realize the One denoted by the name “ All ah” within their own realit y and live its eff ect, through transf erring them into this dimension in a manner that they all arrive f rom Allah bei ng his ow n reality ( haqiqat)? Or a ”N ABI” of Allah was he who of f ered the wor ldly perspective and t ypes of practices that will enable people to save themselves f rom endless suf f erings and attain eternal f elicit y? Consider it seriousl y now ; if you li ve to believe in God’s prophet named Hz. Mohammed, or Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam, the “Rasul” and the “Nabi” of w hat is denoted by the name " Allah" ? If you believe in t he latter… Then what kind of dif f erent aspects f rom believing in the f irst one do you have in your thought other than its verbosit y with mere words? Pick them out and put in one side! First of all, we must ver y well understand these points, so that we may start trying to “read” the “ BOOK” named MOHAM MED MUSTAF A w ho is a “RASUL” and “N ABI ” of the One referred to as “ ALL AH” ! Let us prepare oursel ves to “read” how that Person ( zhat) dealt w ith circumstances at each event, how his point of vi ew tow ard events (circumstances) w as, how he sought solutions i n “ All ah” for problems; and w hat it meant for hi m to “seek solutions in Allah ” and how it could be; al so from w here to w here he directed t he circumstances to get a solution, w hy people’ s perspecti ve must be based on Allah’s view ing to evaluate life and circumstances… Besides… W e should know with certaint y that… W e have not got any chance or opportunity other than being dependent on the last “nabi” of the One ref erred to as “ ALL AH”, if we want the f elicit y in this world and Her eaf ter; and on the “ R ASUL of ALL AH ” if we want to attain the One ref erred to as “ ALL AH” that is our realit y! May All ah make us realize and comprehend this fact; facilitate its effect and bestow its digestion! 29.10.1998 New Jersey, US A



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UNIVERSAL One cannot underst and without thinking… The meaning that the Deen-i Islam is universal! The Deen-i Islam is not a kind of information of system that came to a specific tribe or nation to speak to t heir particular understandi ng and is not aimed at gui ding some of them in particular!. Nor is the Deen-i Isl am an understanding of religion that came specif ically to speak to some nations of Arabs, Persians, Turks, Malaysians or some others!. Deen-i Islam is a name given to the universal system and order that Allah created… People acquire f or themselves the necessar y means of attainment f or peace and f elicit y in the dimensions of this world and beyond death, insof ar as they could understand that system and m echanism. Those w ho approach t he Deen-i Islam w ith some racial (national), customar y, cultural or relational (comparati ve) prejudi ce and judgments, can never realize t he value of uni versal realities w hich are meant to be informed in origin … W ithin the concept ual confusi on of our day, the Deen-i I slam has almost been invisible behind people's value judgments built on t heir parroting ( taqlid) it af ar f rom deep thought and questioning. Just for the sake of conversation it is said that the Deen-i Islam is uni versal ! As this f act is denied without realizing with almost ever y f ollowing idea! W hat is meant by a Uni versal Deen?.. It means the Deen that speaks to a Turk, an Arab, an American, a Mexican, an Eskimo, a Japan, Chinese, in shor t, to each and every nation from an equal dist ance and that aims f or benef it to them all! This is the underst anding of Deen that takes source f rom the universal realities and that is based on the universal system. Because: It does not come under restrict ion by t he customs, habits and tradit ions of Turks! It does not come under restrict ion by t he customs, habits and tradit ions of Arabs! It does not come under restrict ion by t he customs, habits and tradit ions of Asians or Eskimos!.. As the Rasul of All ah Ha zrat Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam descended f rom the generation of Ha zrat Abraham in an Arabic communit y, the understanding of Deen that he communicated has been m ist akenly appr opriated f or Arabic communit ies as a great misjudgment and has then been blended with the customs, habits and traditions of Arabs, and so has it been tr ied to inject people universally in such a f orm! People have been invit ed to a Muslimism that is blended with Arab people's customs, habits and traditions , under the term that it is the Deen-i Islam. This gave r ise to an assumpt ion of peoples that look f rom outside as that the Deen-i Islam were an Arabic Religion!



The Deen-i Islam is the expl anati on of t he uni versal system and mechani sm to the entire humanit y by the Rasul of Al lah … It is the announcement to all humankind without any racial consideration, that they who organize their lives taking these r ealit ies into account ( live under the guidance of those realities) will attain the eternal peace and f elicit y… Moses aleyhessalaam is a Rasul and Nabii of Jew ish race , as he has come to only one race! How ever, as a Rasul of Allah, uni versal human Mohammed aleyhessalaam has come to the entire human race, not onl y to one race, and he has been explaining the Uni versal Syst em and Order that is created by t he One that is referred to as " ALL AH". Ha zrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam is a "UNI VERS AL R ASUL". He invites people to see the universal realities! Never to see the customs, habits and the tradit ions of Arabs! The customs, habit s and the traditions of Arabs are t heir own business, regardless of whether they may be r ight or wrong; and they do not matter f or the uni versal human!.. The customs, habits and the traditions of Turks are their own business, either right or wr ong, they do not matter f or the uni versal human!.. The customs, habit s and the tradit ions of Far Easterners, Eskimos or the grandchildr en of Incas are their own business, either right or wrong, they do not matter f or the universal human!.. The Deen of the uni versal human is the Deen-i Islam that i s uni versal ! He does not veil, def orm or degener ate the Uni versal Deen Isl am with some local, attribut ional values or judgments; he does neither downgrade It by depreciating, not even unknowingly! All people are unavoidably dependent on (under the authority of ) the system and mechanism inf ormed by the Deen and besides, they will have to pay f or the cost of neglecting its requirements as to t he degree of their negligence! The Muslimism, that is advertised as t he true religion in market after it is blended with some national cust oms, habits and traditions of nations , dif f ers f rom the uni versal Deen-i Islam in quite many aspects and it theref ore f ails to receive a univer sal acceptance and is reject ed! If this Muslimism that is blended with some national (racial) f eatures and though imposed af ter being labeled as the " uni versal religion of Islam" has not received and is not receiving widespread approval by the maj orit y of the wor ld's people on this day, it is because of the presentat ion of the Deen-i Islam in the f orm of a National Religion!.. People are invit ed to the Arab Muslimism under the term of " Deen-i Islam". As a result of this, they have been f ighting against each other all the t ime! This is a ver y big malf easance! It is extremely diff icult f or the people that have not reached the universalit y, to estim ate and appreciate the universal Rasul of All ah!.. So is f or them to understand the Uni versal Deen, as a consequence. Though the universal humans who could grasp this, show respect to all the customs, habits and tradit ions, they never depend on such local and REL ATIVE ( ATTRI BUTION AL) values; same as Jalaluddini Rumi, Shamsi Tabr izi, Yunus Emre, Hadj i Baktash W ali did!.. Rasul of Allah, the uni versal human Mohammed Mustaf a aleyhessalaam… The universal awliyah (f riends) of Allah... Universal humans.. . Universal Book... The Speech that is f ull of Univer sal Myst eries... And its " RE ADers"...



The religions of races or nat ions… Prophets of nations!.. Imitator ( muqallid) members of religions… National aw liyah along wit h those qutb, ghauws and mahdis of ever y distr ict… Distorted translations of the Koran … Along with some religious understandings based on Tot ems or a "SkyGod", that are born out of the consideration of a God, the prophet of that God and the translat ions of the Koran prescr ibing a God as a He- God! Besides is the exhibit ion of all those in a basket with a label that it is the Religion of Islam. In order to be able to " RE AD" the Deen-i Islam that explains the universal realities as inf ormed by the uni versal Rasul of Allah M ohammed Must afa aleyhessalaam, and the uni versal Book the Koran al Karim, f irst of all, it is necessar y f or us t o understand, learn and digest in moderation what the universality is and how it is to be; and t hen, to consider that Book with such a viewing!.. It is necessary to comprehend and digest in moderation that the sunnat of Rasul Allah Mohammed Must afa al eyhessalaam is not Arabi an customs and habits but the Sunnat of Allah, along w ith the meaning of w hat the "Sunnat of Allah" is!. It is necessar y t o "RE AD" ( iqraa) the Rasul of Allah Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam !. So that f rom then onwar d one could perceive what the Uni versal Deen-i Islam is… And only af ter than that t his realit y that is perceived, can be conf irmed or rejected! "Alhamdulillah, I am a Muslim! " "Inshaallah you are a Muslim!!???. " If these are mere words uttered on parrot ing, the state of one who utters them is like a person who says he knows swim ming but in actualit y he has never seen a sea in his lif e and who thus inf orms his own realit y!. It is a very import ant question to answ er w hat benefit can come through putting and repeating some certain w ords int o a person's brain, w hich is conditioned and bl ocked, w ith some local and REL ATI VE judgments and w ho has not heard of w hat universalit y is. It is impossible f or a person who is not aware of what it is to be " uni versal", to realize the value of the Uni versal Deen, the Uni versal Rasul and the uni versal human!. Actuall y, the uni versal Rasul of All ah, uni versal Mohammed Mustaf a aleyhessalaam invit es people to confirm Islam as the uni versal Deen and to live its effect !. Theref ore, we need urgent ly to ref ine ourselves f rom our nat ional understanding of religion in order to realize and grasp the universal Deen-i Islam and we should try to "RE AD" (iqr aa) Rasul of Allah Mohammed Must afa aleyhessalaam w ith respect to his uni versalit y rather than his Arabic hereditar y, so that we may begin to realize some certain f acts. 1.11.1998 New Jersey, US A * * *



SPACE There is not air in space!.. Neither is there water!.. Nor gravitat ion! Space is dark!.. Cold!.. Senseless! Space is “ali ve"!.. “Conscious".. It has "w aves"!.. It envelops the hell; which means nothing at its sight!.. It embraces heaven, f eeds it with Its milk and watches Its wonders!.. Space is comprehensive… It makes ins, jinni and angels existent wit hin Its own existence… W atches Itself in them all… All that is in the air, in f ire, in earth and in water... In all beings that come to being from those… It makes all things "alive" wit h Its own being!.. W e survi ve on air, water, earth and f ire!.. Space is our f ifth element! W e come f rom space and go to space, if only we can go! Space is "esma"! Space is ma zhar-I sifat (exposition of attri butes)!.. Space is an illusion (khayal)! Space is silence, peace and tolerance! You cannot live wit hout a cocoon in space! You cannot merge int o space and stay wit hout a cocoon! You cannot come to f ace the realit y of space! Because you ar e a human f rom earth!.. You were created f rom mud, you are f ed by earth, nurtured by water and you are alive with f ire! You are eat ing, you are being eaten and you carr y on your lif e wit hin a vicious circle! You, the f if th element… Do you know yourself ?.. Do you know your self ness that is beyond water, earth, air and f ire? Do you know your root s in space?.. Do you know t he undivi ded, unbroken singularit y of space ? You assume that space is an empt iness without air!. Is dark! Is a lif eless and unaware dull being! Space is actuall y the breath (nafas-i) of Rahman, is the sultanate of Subhan!.. W ith It exist all dimensions; in It placed are all t he worlds! W ithin It do all the endless, lim itless lives abide! Your heaven is with It, your cocoon is with It!.. Your f ood is, your wat er is with It, your love is with It!. If you can save your f if th element from the restrict ions of the other f our, you will perceive that space is your ever ything! Ever ything stands upon ( qaim) Its waves… All t hings unf old f rom wit hin Its waves! It watches through Its waves.. W ith waves that It becomes " I" and It subsists in Itself alone! How can we know space f rom our cocoons, at all? Yet we know the water! It sometimes runs out f rom a spring, emerging to the surf ace coming out f rom depths. Somet imes it becomes a g eyser, gushes out hot to the earth's surf ace f rom depths! Or it f lows down along with a path, spreads out lif e; becoming a river it gets together and becom es a lake, sprouts lives and also sends water to people… It collects somet imes to become big, big seas, it becomes oceans and nurtures so many lives that we are not f amiliar with at all and make them



sur vive in dif f erent worlds… Somet imes it becomes an artesian well, comes up to the earth’s surf ace within a disposit ion, and becomes a healing power f or humans! Traveling overseas beyond oceans, some of them see and exper ience the diversit y of worlds, and t hey realize that there ar e quiet dif f erent understandings and lives beyond deep waters… W hile som e others remain in their villages or areas of district as blind, deaf and as pretenders being unawar e of the wor lds beyond deep waters, at all.. . W aters separate people of dif f erent wor lds f rom each other! W ater married to the earth and you were born! Don't you know that earth has been your mother, water your f ather? Your body is the earth, and inside is water! You sur vive with earth; water gives nourishment to it! How come that f ire was born out of eart h and gave you health with f ire! Kept you alive with its heat in your organs and vessels! Flowing through all your cells f rom your br ain, it carried news to their master again! Radiating out f rom your brain, it made you come to f ace with your inner f ace! W hite f ire, black f ire; they balance each other! W e will see which one of them will f inally eliminate the other! Air! The object that saves the wor ld's lif e… Your cells sur vive with it, your brain wit h it, also! Your f ire is burnt with it, your water is f ound with it, also! It is air that you love and show passion and that also becomes your enemy and you escape f rom! It is that you are either not aware of , or you wor ship! Earth comes to being f rom it, f ire f rom it, water f rom it, your being also f rom it. Your earth will go int o earth, your water into air! Where w ill you go w hen your air is gone to air? It descends (tana zzul) and becomes ai r, it descends and becomes fire, it descends and becomes earth, and becomes w ater, it descends and becomes " you"; where you the f if th element, where will you go? W ill you keep the earth as your localit y (r esidence), or water, or air, or f ire? Or else, will you reside in space, saying, " I reside in nonlocalit y"? Oh you! The f if th element… You, the substance of f if th dimension, that was bor n out of matter… Know that the love of country comes f rom faith (iman).. Come back to your countr y! To the residence of nonlocalit y, to the presence of the FRI END! Find lif e with the "Li fe"… Find “Spirit” (ruuh) with the "Spirit"… Know yourself; over pass your body, if you love " I" that is your essence. Recognize space; know space! Space is Rahim, space is Haliym, space is Karim, space is Azim !. Reflected on a mirror, It took the name of "space", created the creat ion and lef t Itself separate by Its " name" only. Come on m y f riend; carry out ascension! Make your lif e a " miraaj". Carr y out salaat, carry out salaam, carr y out rahmat with salaat!.. It became a geyser with Its Jalal ( Majesty) It became a spr ing with Its Jamal (Beaut y) in its ocean of Qamal (Perf ection), It spread out ilm (knowledge) and irfan (awareness) to us. If we f ail to make best of this blessing ( nimat) and t his breath that we take, all the ornaments of our wor ld is then ent irely sin to us tomorr ow! Come on souls; let us be one " soul"! Let us be haaq (soil) in Haqq (the Truth)! Letting our being go into space, let us be a wave in an ocean!



Let us love and be loved; let us please and let us share, lif e is f or Hu, let us contemplate with Hu at all t imes! Do not nour ish hatred, do not backbite, keep your hands of f what is not yours, do not look with stranger eyes and do not receive the wrath of your essence the space!. Do not assume your body as your dimension, do not seek for your place in the sky, " you" are a nonlocal being; take off your clot hes now! Rasul has come f rom his space, gives inf ormation f rom his Beloved, but you say you need the world, that you have nothing to do with the Beloved... Listen my f riend, the intend of all these words is that… All hearts may be ONE… Relations of Space are the rosarium (gardens) of HAQQ! Its attainers are budding roses. Do not assume that space is separat e! That Haqq i s separate, and so i s space, also… Unl ess you know yourself, HAQQ is then separate in your assumption! The intend of all that word is: One w ho does not know the ONEness and does not gi ve ear to R ASUL, and does not turn t ow ard the Koran, is not to know w hat the “space” is, at all ! 8.11.1998 New Jersey, US A

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THE REALIZATION OF BEING A KHALIPH The purpose of existence on earth f or a human being is to live to give due and f ulf ill the eff ect of his [qualit y of ] being a khaliph… To evaluate one’s [ qualit y of ] being a khaliph, however, is possible by the realizat ion of one’s t ruth and or igin and by f eeling and exper iencing its eff ect… The way to human’s attainment to experience his being a khaliph passes through his “ assum ing the character traits of Allah” ( al-takhulluq bi akhlâk Allah) by means of his purif ication f rom his social condit ioning s, sentiments and opinions of value he gained in his localit y of birth and growth… It is never possible to know the character traits of Al lah without the comprehension of what the name “ Allah” denoted! Unless it is realized, a person will label (descr ibe) his image of god he created in his mind as “ Allah” and enclose himself in some character traits by ador ing his image of god with his per sonal condit ionings, emotions and his opinions of value… And then, watching himself on a mirror of his god, he will spend his lif e in this world f eeling comf orted by his assumption that he attained what is most perf ect … “Knowledge” is a TOOL to f ulf ill its requir ements and exper ience its ef f ect!… The GO AL however, is to be able to live one’s qualit y of being a khaliph!… The main GOAL f or a human being created as a khaliph is to overcome all obstacles in order to be able to live his qualit y of being a khaliph.



You can never attain your true ident it y unless you consciously quit ever ything today that you are going to leave unavoidably tomorrow (by death) and you get f reedom f rom them all! In our present time of lif e, the affairs of a tariqaa ( sects) no more exist , a sheikh (spirit ual teacher) and a dervish (disciple) relat ion has ended in true sense, the duality of an educator and an educat ed is gone!.. An example f or such an education is in the case of Yunus and Tabduk!.. Yunus has entered f or Tabduk’s abode at his t wenties and he was trained and was given f orm f or forty years wit h regards to all his acts f rom his eating habits to his social attit udes and f rom ever y word he uttered to ever y thought, and then he was r eleased to the stage of world at his sixt ies t o exper ience the outcome of his educat ion… Such a way of lif e is out of consider ation in our t ime of lif e!… It is impossible to f ind an educator to stand by you all the time in order to correct your behavior and give guidance to you!.. Get rid of such illusory conceptions !.. No one can be r emote controlled f rom a distance by magical hand movements!.. Inf ormation may be spread f rom f ar away, even f rom China, and it can be evaluated by brains open to welcome inf ormation… However, a remote control of errors in your way of lif e and behavior is never possible f rom a distance!… It can only be accomplished by yourself to a degree that your understanding and wisdom allows you!.. It is only an unattainable dream to expect the improvement of one’s emot ional behavior and misjudgments by a remote trickery… The syst em and order that w e live w ithin is a making (an outcome) of the character traits of Al lah!… The Koran is the book gi ven to us in order to realize the system and order of Allah w e live w ithin!.. If our understanding of the Koran do not merge int o a w hole (agree) w ith our perception of t he s ystem and order w e live, it is a result of the fact that w e have not RE AD t he Koran yet !.. W hen the Koran is “read”, the system and order ar e realized, which br ings the conclusion of understanding “the character traits of Allah”… If you have been able to unif y wit h the character traits of Allah and to understand the lif e and beings through such a point of under standing, you are a khaliph on even terms… Not a stick of magic ext ending f rom the sky will turn you into a “ khaliph” or a “wali” (saint). Because, these words are just nouns denoting to certain points of view and life. You will never be able to change the f act of what you ar e if you do not have such a point of view and life, even if you are given the tit le of those words pr inted on you with gold!.. Please do not “oppress your self” via decept ion of illusor y expectat ions!.. It is only inf ormation ( ilm) and intercession ( shafaat) that may reach you!.. You may advance by attaining that wisdom ( ilm) and adopt ing it to be your way of lif e… An intelligent person will do his best to gain advancement… He will not waste his time by dealing with his surrounding!.. However, shar ing wisdom is an essent iality (fard)!.. Communicat ion is a an essentialit y ( fard) .. So is also not to exert pressure on (compel) people t owar d something af ter providing them with inf ormation!



Theref ore, it is on our parts to evaluate the wisdom ( ilm) realistically wit hout being over whelmed by illusions, and to accept people as our f riends only and take care of war nings without idolizing them, and def ining our ways by ourselves by avoiding the imaginat ion of turning our responsibilit ies over someone else, and t o accept the f act that we will only reach t he outcome of our deeds… May Allah have f acilitated it f or us to live the requirements of knowing!… 14.06.1998 New Jersey * * *

WHAT A DULL-WITTED CANNOT UNDERSTAND W hile Jesus was walking f ast on his way, people were cur ious and asked him: “Jesus, why do you walk in such a hurr y?” He answer ed while still walking: “There is a some sil l y man chasing me to ask a question!” Ha zrat Rasul aleyhessalaam has never suff ered f rom any one more than he suff ered those idiots. Such a word is used to denot e someone, who cannot understand even if something is told and explained but parrots w hat he committed to memory. It is said t hat the hell of an arif (aw are) or an alim (know er) is w here he stays among the idi ots... The recognition of people as “religious leaders” has been t he beginning of the greatest mistakes in and deviat ions from understanding the religion. There is not a “class of religious leaders” in the author ity of “ religion”; there can be however a “class of people w ho evaluates the religion ”… The y make their lives and the hereaf ter easy f or themselves in proportion with how they appr eciate the r eligion… They who f ail to give due r ight of the System that they live within, that is the Religion, will have to suff er the result of their f ailure through living hell, that is burning… Hell is rather past easy during one's lif e on earth, as it is possible to a degree to conceal and cover one situation with some other situations and to relief the pain of the f irst one by means of such cover ing… However, such a possibilit y is not available in the lif e beyond death, as burning in a [troublesome] situat ion continues there until the person gains immunit y against such a trouble. The point that we do not understand or f ind extremely hard to understand is as f ollows: A group of people f rom among us has dedicated themselves to religion and has taken their hands off and as a return of their having attained some spir itual degrees, they live like sheep… Yet, they are saints ( awliyah) of some spiritual degrees! They have such an assumpt ion! Total raw illusion! W hat they consider as such are none ot her than their own GOD's “awliyah”, while in realit y are mere balloons! Such balloons that when they boom they will disappoint even their possessors! The realit y is that there is the System, the Religion explained by Rasul of Allah, and along wit h there are people who give more or less a place to it in



their lives... Such people are consider ate about this point as much as their natural creat ion (fitr at) allows them… However, this does not mean that they are not considerate about anything else at all! It is the f oolishness to categorize such considerate people of this matter to be “religious leaders”, “awliyah” and to ext ernalize them from the affairs of the current day of life! All current aff airs of the day ranging from stick to stones, f rom hair to shampoo, f rom iron to wheel, f rom electrical to electronic, f rom sociology to policy, are entirely involved within the f ield of intellect and of interest of ever y human being whose brain works in a high level. Primit ive people assume all others as themselves and inter pret them within the lim its of their own brain capacit y. They do not know that a waterside resident is not limited with the wat er in t heir glasses. The more a brain has a capacit y of searching in a given f ield, the more it has a capacit y of it in all other f ields. Brain cells ar e capable of carrying out all ot her f unctions as well in addit ion to those they already perf orm; but we ar e not even awar e of what this means. If we ar e to handle the matter ref erring to the above f act… If a person wants to get rid of the concepts of “ religious leadership”, “awliyah” and god in his image, he needs f irst to read this SYSTEM and ORDER, that is the mother of the book ( ummul kitab), and af ter wards he needs to try to appreciate this holy book that perf orms the f unction of the system manual through taking it as an explanation of the system in m etaphors and parables within the conditions of its day of coming. If a person attempts to understand the Koran al Karim wit hout understanding the Deen that is the SYSTEM and ORDER, this time assuming the metaphorical inf ormation there as realities as if it wer e to point out concr ete f acts, he spins such a cocoon of illusion around him self that nobody can save him f rom drowning therein later. Not even an int ercession ( shafaat) can penetrate and enter int o such a cocoon! People’s assumption of “ awliyah” are att ached to the classes of zahid at the level of nafsi lawwama and “arif” at the level of nafsi mulhimah, by 999 thousandth! Actually, they are those people who have not even once taken a breath of the oxygen of the truth, yet! Having been on the path to the ascent toward t he truth and their f aces turned t oward the truth, they are st ill busy with the metaphors of the matter. They have been walking on the path to attain the realit y of being through subjective contemplat ion ( sayri anfusi)... True actualizers of essence, on the other hand, contemplat es the Haqq at khalq ( in all creatur es) gi ving their due w ith regard t he unfoldment therein into the vi sible, as having been f reed f rom the metaphors and parables, past the concepts such as “god”, “god's awli yah”, “god’ s messenger”! And they are as much a man of world as a man of the wor ld; a man of Allah as a man of Allah, a man of polit ics as a politician, and brief ly they live such a lif e in accordance with the conditions and circumstances in their environment that their inner wor lds are pulled over with a cover to the people and no one can know them at all, ever! They have realized, seen and they live that the dimension that they exper ience under the name System and all that happens wit hin it consist of an endless lif e that should be g iven due “ WITH RESPECT TO their revel ations



(unfoldment)”; and in that lif e there is no space f or the perspecti ve judgments and emotions of human nature . W e need to emphasize the concept of “ judgment s and emotions of human nature”… As f ar as I see, though w e repeat it so many times, that statement is not understood in meaning at all and therefore is not put into practice in life . I do not want to open it more. But I can say that this statement is the myster y and key of living the truth. Of course those f or whom it was made easy in the nature of their creat ion ( fitrat) will dwell on this st atement in proport ion with his bestowal and will try to understand and live its eff ect and also will exper ience its lif e if it is available to him in the ordainment ( taqdir) … If there is no f oreordainment in the taqdir as to understand that, what benef it can come through f orcing? Hence, as we are not f amiliar with what is in taqdir… Then we need to make best of our lif etimes through doing our best to comprehend and exper ience them assuming that it was already f oreordained in our taqdir f or us and thus quit the misjudgment that we may be one of those dull- witted and save ourselves f rom turning lif e into a hell f or both ourselves and others around us… May Allah have brought our suff ering to a conclusion. 5.07.1998 New Jersey, US A

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MAKR (DECEIT) AND THE BLACKENING OF HEARTS Due to people's transgressions, their hearts are blackened, as the Koran signif ies it. None of the good deeds will remain without " retribution" (ja za). None of the mistakes will remain without return, either. They, who theor ize about what shouldn't be theorized, will receive the retribut ion of that action without f ail as a consequence of the System. "Whether you make know n w hat is in your minds or hide it, you w ill be brought to account for it by Allah… " (2:284) In no ot her sign that was revealed subsequently, this sign is canceled out, but it is stated as an addit ion that a person will not be hold responsible f or what is of f his hand. That means, you are accountable f or it beginning f rom the time of your perseverance on such a theor y ( thought), not at the t ime of its incept ion in your mind, and its results apply f rom then onward as the syst em will be operat ing f or it then. Here is the signif icant point in that: Nobody is well awar e of how his mistakes are returned, at all! Actually, if a person should become aware of the retribut ion for his erroneous deeds, then a compulsor y belief would be in question f or him. But the System has been established on a law that people in the lif e of this wor ld can hardly ever realize that one always suf f ers the return of one’s errors. Theref ore, such a person lives on a pretentious (simulat ed) religious understanding and all that he deals w ith becomes the temporary st aff that he w ill finall y leave in the physi cal w orld.



The system of begi nning to suffer the return of deeds in this w orld is termed as "M AQ R" [deceit, plot, ruse] in the Koran's language. In connection with the intention in one’s wrongdoing, a person will be requited by its retur n along a time bet ween f orty days to f orty years, or until the end of his lif etime, that is called as the blackening of a heart … If such an action causes one to pass aw ay w ithout faith (iman), he i s then said t o have a seal on heart (his insight being blind). The blindness of insight ( basirat) usually ref ers to an insight's inabilit y to evaluate the f acts! If paid attention her e, the f orbidden act is ill-theorization (sui- zann) that is your having an assumption about someone in a way as he does not deser ve. It should be remembered that a thought is an act ion of brain. And a person is accountable f or his actions and will inevitably live the consequence of his actions! “Ill-thought” will not hold the person responsible at the f irst moment of its conception in mind. But f rom the moment that such a thought is kept in mind, the brain will enter upon the per iod of making itself blind and shut off at that specif ic point of matter, which will be originating f rom within its essence as an eff ect of the system. The return of condemning someone may reach a point of faithlessness along w ith furtherance from the deni al of Allah’s ordainment (taqdir) and w ill (irada). And if a person passes away on such a stat e, he w ill remain faithless in the hereafter. " Yuhasibkum BI HILLAH" wi ll have f ulf illed its execut ion. The mark of a heart 's blackening or bli ndness is such that someone keeps living on memor izat ion of inf ormation and on simulat ing ( taqlid), and st ays away f rom assuming the character traits of the one referred to as “ Allah” ! W asting his days on physical pleasures, he f inds satisf action with simulated actions. Such a man's lif e is spent bet ween a bed and an of f ice, while such a woman's bet ween a bed and a kitchen! They eat up their lif etimes wit h world af f airs that will benef it nothing in the hereaf ter tomorrow. Their wor ld becomes even more and more prosperous than the previous, which is a conclusion of " M AQR"! Nevertheless, such a person cannot even understand that at all, nor realize that he was doomed by (dri ven aw ay from) “ Allah ”; and yet on the contrar y, he assumes that he is rewarded with abundance of divine approval because of his becoming a pious(!) person. Even if it is explained, he cannot understand! Rahmat rains on him, but it dries bef ore penetrat ing into and carr ying out its eff ect. He cannot even com prehend how f ar he is f rom the comprehension of what is denoted by "Allah" and of the concept of living w ith HU's vi ew ing in daily life and how he suf f ers burning due to his distance f rom living the eff ect of f aith chief ly in point of “qadar” and others that relate to belief . And as a consequence, he cannot realize how his f ailure will carr y him into hell in his af terwor ld (aheer). A tongue t hat speaks ill of RasulAllah without knowing will blind the person's insight entirely. A tongue that speaks ill of a f riend of Allah ( awliyah) without knowing will bring the conclusion of one's suff erance of deprivat ion f rom all lights ( nuur) of walayat.



Such a conclusion is not prepar ed by someone else but is the punishment one gives to himself as an eff ect of the system. * * * The erroneousness of a thought is due to its being in conf lict wit h the principals of f aith. As a result of insistence on a thought conf licting with the principals of f aith, a heart is graduall y blackened more and more , meaning it brings f ailure in living the truth, at the end. This is what a person's requiting ( ja za) himself means. One that f ails to live the eff ect of knowing, have began pulling a veil over his insight, no matter who the one is and when. Because, it is never possible to stand at the same point t wice. Man always advances f rom one point of stand into another in the direct ion of his thoughts. If it is a convenient thought, he will advance on it and gain more unfoldings. If his thoughts are erroneous, in that case he will get away f rom the truth and set up a shelter for himself in simulation in the process. Remaining f ixed in simulat ing is the greatest of punishments f or a person who accepts Islam… "Maqr" is the tit le of a state in which a person assumes himself being in trut h while in f act his being in simulating. If someone lives wit h some know ledge of faith, but f ails to assess lif e and circumstances as his knowing requires, that one has been exposed to " maqr". His f reedom f rom it depends on only his asking forgi veness from Allah and on his giving right due of others, as they deser ve. Asking forgi veness from Allah is t he name of a stat e in which one comprehends the er roneousness of his thoughts and quits them. Needless to say, it is extremely diff icult to realize an error while still taking steps on errors. It is important to avoid undergoing " maqr"! Actually, once undergone, f reedom f rom it is a ver y rare good f ortune that is bestowed on extrem ely rare people… Because, as an error calls f or another, it is extremely diff icult to f ind out what is true bet ween them. Here is anot her way of explaining the matter… Each act ion cause an activit y in br ain, in related groups of cells; and such an activit y increases and expands in t ime within its direction. Theref ore, so does an error increase day by day also! Dur ing the case of such a development [of maqr], it is almost impossible f or a person to have a shift of that situat ion without a divine inter f erence. It is because of that that we need to r ule our thinking and also t o view all matters w ith the vi ew ing and evaluation of Allah , or at least handl e and judge matters from the perspecti ve of fundamentals of fait h . Nobody can save himself from the great calamit y of " maqr" w ithout the translation of his know ledge of faith i nto a state of li ving the effect of faith as a basic fundamental of faith! The only element that extinguishes the f ire of " maqr" is to evaluate lif e as required by the f undamentals of f aith and to be able to f ulf illing tawba (asking f orgiveness) f or the past mistakes. The mark of forgi veness is person's purit y from behavior and judgment s that opened w ay t o the earl y mistakes . Unless such a r ef inement took place, one has not received f orgiveness yet. Such a ref inement is mentioned in the Koran as the " tawba nasuh" [asking sincere f orgiveness with the comprehension of a lesson]…



The onl y t ool to block the " maqr" is a person's tawba nasuh ! The mark of such a block is a person' s beginning to walk on the path of “Rasul of Allah”. W hat does it mean t o walk on the path of “ Rasul Allah”? To walk on the path of “ Rasul All ah” does not mean to walk and sit like him, to eat and dr ink like him, to use what he used and not to use what he did not, at all! To walk on t he path of “Rasul Allah” does not mean to f ollow (simulat e) the natural human requirements of such a Person's t ime of living and circumstances, but is to serve for the continuation of his servi ce t o humanit y as an effect of the qualit y of " Rasul of All ah". This point should be ver y well understood! May Allah save us all in the awareness that will avoid us f rom mistakes of suff ering "maqr"! May Allah f acilitate it f or us to serve on t he path of ” Rasul of Allah”! 28.06.1998 New Jersey, US A

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TO LOVE Ever ybody wants to be with his or her beloved! They assume t he character traits of their beloved... They live wit h their beloved to the degree of their love. Yet, we of ten conf use "love" and "liki ng" with each other, as we do not understand what act ually love means… "Liking" manif ests with a desire of “ having the possession of " as an addition. If you like something, you live with a desir e of possessing and having a disposal of that thing… This is a pr evalent f eeling in all creat ures! Some puts what he likes in his pocket; others desire t o put a neck band on what they like and carry along with themselves to show of f, and some ot hers grasp and drag what they like into their caves… W ith regard to their fitrat in creation, all creatures want to have a disposal over what they like. “Love” is quite diff erent f rom that… W hen you love, you want to live f or your beloved alone! You always want to be close to him, to be belonged to him alone, to delight in what he likes alone and you want to escape f rom what he does not like! Love grasps you by your mind, by your thoug hts and by your soul so strongly that all things remind you him alone and you desire to be inside him even if when you are beside him! Your closeness even f eels like a distance f rom him! W hen you disappear with yourself and melt away, then only your beloved remains in your mind! You then begin to have a viewing through the viewing of your beloved, an evaluat ion thr ough the evaluation by your beloved, and you speak with the tongue of your beloved! You are not aware of anyone ot her t han your beloved, your eyes can no more see, your ears can no more hear and your hands can no more touch to anyone other than himself !



You only want to be possessed, controlled and hugged by him at all times!.. Even your physical closeness f eels a terrible distance f rom your beloved and you wish to be a single body, a single soul and a single consciousness with him! Love will burn you till you pass away in your beloved, if that is allowed b y your fitrat; then com es a day when your beloved becomes apparent on your f ace and in your tongue, when you are told that " you are none other than your beloved"! An adm irer wants to have what he likes… A lover, however, wants to sacrif ice all that is in him f or the sake of the one beloved and he reaches nothingness within his beloved! There are some others also, who assume themselves as " lovers" when the y are given just a smell of love! But when it is time f or them to be unself ish and to self -sacrif ice f or the love of their beloved, such a scent is immediately washed away f rom them with the soap of their “at tachments"! They cannot detach f rom their money… Their status… Their relat ions… The beaut ies of the envir onment they live in… Their " whereabouts"... Then on, comes a term when f aults appear on the one assum ed to be loved… It is a time of f inding f aults and imperf ections… Such a love is f irst replaced by f eelings of pit y and watching begins f rom a distance with f eeling sorr y f or… And the sent iments presumed to be love at f irst turn int o sweet memor ies af terwards! Such an experience shows t hat spir it of love is not placed in his fitrat!.. He assumes admirat ion as a loving!.. If the detachment came f rom the other, not from his own, then " liking" turns into”hatred" this tim e. The drive of taking revenge develops inside, and one is dragged bet ween his conscience (inner voice) and the waves of revenge f rom one side to another within the illusion of being lef t, being abandoned and within a f eeling of unworthiness! In f act, such is the suff ering of the consequence of absence of love in one’s fitrat! Because it was in f act a liking f or the sake of the other's wallet, beaut y or smartness, or som e habits that appealed to, or a social status or some knowledge. It has been assumed to be love, yet when a having the possession of the other did not take place, came a detachment within the disappointment of f ailure of reaching what was desired, and then the living under the guidance of personal interests has been chosen... They who love, however, are not af raid of detachments… Neither of being driven away and expelled… Nor of being f ar away f rom wealt h and money, f rom f ame and reputation, from f riends and relatives… Love springs out f rom such persons’ f itrat! It is their ser vitude to love! They were cr eated because the Creator has desired to live the love through themselves… It is t heref ore that they live to detach f rom father and mother, f rom the world and f rom wealth! A lover loves unconditionall y! An admirer asks for a return! "If you live as I desire, then I shower m y wealth on you," says the one who likes! Love is not placed in his f itrat at all; theref ore he does not know what the passion of love (ashq) is! He is always occupied with whatever he was created f or… He works like ants, mates like monkeys, def enses his kids like lions… But he f ails to love like f lies turning around light, and he cannot throw himself into f ire!



Love br ings burning at the end! Liking however br ings an escape at the end! In the eyes of the commonalit y of creatures that live f or liking, " love" is a kind of madness! They do not know how to toler ate the cir cumstances f or the sake of love, no matt er what is said about them! They say, " thi s is crazy"… Liking is a kind of “hobbies”! It sometimes lasts f or a lif etime, other times f or a f ew years, or else f or a f ew months! Love t akes a lif etime! It does not come to an end, it does not run out, it never diminishes though it may somet imes calm down, and bubble over ot her times! You f all in love with someone the moment when you f ind in that one what you recognize but f ail to manif est f rom within your essence … Your passion of love (ashq) f or the other is connected with your love f or the One in your essence! Love usually comes to a human f rom the other one, f rom the revelation of the core in the f ace of the other! It sometimes shows up its f ace f rom wit hin your own core, as well! On such occasions, it is said, "that person fell in love w ith Allah. " They who have a love of such a f ace, are those who were “ chosen for Hu alone! " Those who exper ience love f rom within t heir cor e are Hu's " mukarrab! All things have been created in order to exhibit Hu's beaut ies… Those who are loved have been creat ed in order to love! Those whom Hu made to live “ love ( ashq)”, has been cr eated to be Hu's eyes, so that Hu may contemplate love in their eyes! Commonalit y of people does not know and cannot underst and such a love! Neither can they know that such is love! Yet in f act, true "love" is to disappear f rom being [of personalit y] by means of jumping into Hu's f ire same as a f ly does! True lovers ar e those whom Hu made to live Hu's qualit y of “ever last ingness” ( being Baki)! They have come wit h a peculiar fitrat to f all in "love"! The world and all that is therein have not had a weigh at all in their lif etimes. They have not even turned a hair f or the sake of the wor ld! Their programs have been exposed to the addressing that "Say Allah; then leave them w ith their fancies ," and such an addressing has penetrated into the depth of their entire organism! "They are the ones w ho live to love " in true sense; and "love lives in them"; as in them Hu loves, shows pit y and mercy f or Hu's ser vants, because Hu has cr eated them f or such capabilities ( sifat)! Come on m y f riend; let us turn to our world back again, as t hese wor ds that sound like tales soaked us quite f airly! It is time to dr y us now! Let us return to our wor ld; run, work and slave ourselves, and give away something to make people happy and let us show how we become a warden of madman to please their heart desires! Besides, let us tr y t o assur e our conscience by admitting that " w e are doing all those for the sake of God - sorry, f or All ah"!!! If a heart has not been created f or " love" , all these words will go to nothing! Best of all is to "maintain our interest in the religion " as something sort of a "hobb y" and to keep on deriving joy f rom our days! 02.08.1998 New Jersey, US A

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TO SEE !!!??? Seeing is one of the most important f unctions in our lives. W hat is "to see"? W hat do we see? How do we see? W hat can we see and what can we not see? Do all people see the same subst ances? W hy some of them cannot see what the others can see? W hat do we see in our dreams? How do some people see the jinni? Can we see the angels; and if yes, how? Can we see the wajhullah (f ace of Allah)? If yes, how? W hat is hallucination? W hat is a nightmare? How does it come t o being? W hat and how is the seeing in the world of grave? How is the seeing of Doomsday? How do we see in the dimension of hell? How do we see in the dimension of heaven? W ell, f or thinking-minds, many more questions alike will f ollow… Yet, many of them have not been given a clear answer so f ar, at all! Let us think about them now, if you would… Shall we f irst recollect what it means to see; what is that we call we see? If the light waves pr ojected on our eyes f rom an object is bet ween 4 and 7 ten-thousandth centimeter by length, the apple of our eyes can convert them into bio-electr ical waves and transf ers t o the brain by t he agency of some lines called as eye ner ves. Such waves are brought into associat ion with the dat abase previously stored in the br ain and interpreted therein by m eans of a synthesis in RELATION with that data base. Then a virtual image is f ormed inside the cell group attained to seeing. Here, we employ the verb of seeing to denote that illusor y ( virtual) imaging, as "I see". In actualit y, a brain continually receives inf ormation f rom outside, classif ies and stor es them f rom the time in mother's womb onwar d. Ever y new data received f rom outside, that is ever y wave whether we are able to perceive or not, are stored in br ain, wit hin the groups of cell which have been programmed to store the waves of its kind or sim ilar f requencies. Those waves of information stored in brain cont inuously form new groups through the product ion of some synthesis in themselves, bef ore their accession into the section (group of cells) assigned to the f ormation of images. Meant ime, such waves of information upholding ideas, are somet imes deliberately channeled by the person into the center assigned t o the f ormation of images and generat e imaginary visions by means of associat ion with the corresponding waves of inf ormation already f ound therein. This may sometimes happen unwillingly depending on the overall program of the person' s brain’s operat ion. Here is when we begin to have dreams! Some types of it are called as hallucinations! There is a ver y signif icant diff erence between hallucinat ions and the visions of rasuls, awliyah and anbiyah. At the back of all hallucinations of the drag addicts of various t ypes and of those under the inf luence of jinni are f ound baseless unrealistic visions f ormed



under the inf luence of conjectural suspicions (imaginal conceptions - wahm) by their baseless preconcept ions which have no basis in realit y and do not apply to the operat ion of the system in realit y at all. The conjectures that those visions are based upon have no connect ion wit h the system and or der that we live in realit y. On the contrar y, t he obser vations and spir itual discover ies of awliyah, rasuls and anbiyah which are acquired, evaluated via imagination ( khayal) are based on the basic pr incipals and realities which the system’s operation takes root, and the waves involving them. Let us now emphasize something once ag ain. W e should ver y well understand that: The opinion that a spirit comes from a god’s spirit up-there through somew hat a separation, as being equipped w ith some faculties; and then enters into our bodies; and it can see and underst and by means of that godl y pow er w ithin; and it is evol ved i n the physi cal body; and it w ill in the process go out to the presence of that god agai n; and the god judges that spirit and thereupon throw s either int o his hell or lets i nto his paradise; and this i s w hy " our abilit y of seei ng and hearing comes from such a spirit", is nothing more than a raw illusion born out of misinterpretations about some symbol ic explanations. W e should come to our senses, learn to “ RE AD” and realize that: Rasuls and anbiya (nabiis) have explained us the System and the Order under the name of “Deen of Islam” that we live in, which was created by the One known by the name Allah. They have used metaphors and parables to explain where it was dif f icult to plainly explain. The Koran is a book informing us the system and the order that w e live in. Theref ore, it will be appropr iate if we tr y to f ind ever ything within the system and dimension we live in, rather than seeking out there in baseless illusions! If we can recognize our brains with that understanding… Brain evaluates (int erprets) the waves both received within the limits of an eye's reception and the waves received direct ly as well, and thus it thinks and f eels, and if need be, sees through putting the center of imaging into action. Actually, seeing is not an intermediary but a f inal pr ocess in brain’s evaluat ions. If willed, evaluat ions can be made without a f orm of circuitr y of seeing, at all. At the same time, brain simultaneously stores the inf ormation on a body of waves known as spir it that it produces. W e shall hereby answer the f ollowing question also: "If a spirit is f ormed by waves, how come that those waves do not disintegrate and go away in the air but remain connected and maintain its built? Remember here that the brain waves known as “ spirit” (ruuh) are made up of waves produced by brain. All the peculiarities of a brain are stored on the body of waves known as “ spirit”. The electricity of (power of ) attraction f ound in the body is similar ly available in t he brain as well. And brain similar ly loads that power onto the waves it pr oduces and provides them with integration wit h that power available in waves. It is ther ef ore that the spirit, that is the w avelike body of a person in the hereaf ter will survive as a singular structure until the dimension of heaven. W ell, we should not go away f rom our point but return to our topic of seeing without eye, that is t he imagination.



This involves the dr eams, hallucinat ions, spirit ual discoveries and spir itual inspirat ions (wahy). That is the type of seeing without the agency of eye. Dreams… The irr itation of a brain's database under the eff ect of angelic (astrological) inf luences dur ing the actual t ime of sleeping in accor dance with the contents of those inf luences… And a special synthesis f orming as a result of this. The transf erence of that outcome of the synthesis gradually to the center of imagination within a cycle… The appearance of a vision, t he dream, in br ain by means of the combination (int egration) of those waves with the relat ed images (sur at) of inf ormation. Since the dreams ar e specif ic outcomes of brain synthesis and the symbolic visions that come out in association with a brain's database, they need to be interpreted and t he symbols decipher ed by the people of knowing. Hallucinations… They can be either of drug eff ects or jinni ef f ects. These are the visions that appear in a brain's center of imagination as an outcome of the illustrat ion of convenient images wit h the local cultural inf ormation plant ed in person since childhood by t he neural circuitr y of imaginal concept ion ( wahm) of that person’s br ain. The irr itat ion of neural cir cuitry of wahm in brain (imaginal conception that assumes what is as what is not, and what is not as is) by means of the agency of a drug or a chemical or a jinni influence coming f rom outside, and the person's com ing f ace to f ace with visions perceived as if realit y. Spir itual unf oldment s (discover ies  qashf) are of two t ypes… W ith vision and without vision… As a result of one’s employing his data base gained as a genetic capabilit y f or the purpose of reading the System, the person's READI NG the system at a level thr ough taking the advantage of that genetic data base in association with the inf ormation acquired f rom lif e exper iences, is qashf. If those evaluations are transf erred into the center of imaginat ion with REFERRENCE TO and based upon the data base and culture in person’s brain, such def initions appear in imaginar y f orms of illustrations, that is the type of qashf, which requires interpret ation. If the evaluat ions generate without the transf erence into the center of imaginat ion, they ar e then perceived as direct qashf without any requirement of interpr etation. This is also called as a sensitive obser vat ion. As an outcome of that type of qashf, the obser ver acquir es and exper iences some inf ormation about the operat ion of the system and the order created by the One denoted with the noun “ Allah”. Wahys ar e mainly of two t ypes, one with vision, the other wit hout vision. The one without visions has also several side branches. Wahy comes out by the agency of an angel. As known, angels are f ree f rom f orms and images. Despite this, anbiya who received wahy have somet imes obser ved, f or instance, Gabriel in a man's image. Here is it s reason as it was opened to us… During “RE ADI NG”; while some realities connected with the system are disclosed in person's brain, they are pr ojected to the cent er of imagination in brain W ITH REGARD TO the person’s brain power and data base, and some illustrations based upon the data base (base of inf ormation) available there in take f orm. So the person considers himself to be receiving that inf ormation b y the agency of that figure, or despite his awareness of the inner f ace of that occurrence, he brings explanations convenient to the perception of other people. And besides, such a brain can be radiating the received information



and t he vision formed in brain in such a pow erful level that, even some people f ound nearby can receive and become able to “ see” the same vision, also… As a matter of f act, a kind of that case is somewhat encountered in those exper iments of UFO, and the vision f ormed in one of them inf luence the other brains around by the waves radiated f rom brain, and they all assume that the y have all seen the same vision outside. Also, the READER anbiya and r asuls, have usually seen angels wit hin a symbol f igure convenient to their data base in the actual moments of their exper iences. But we know that neit her Gabriel nor Azrael has a concrete entit y or a f orm of f igure, as they are abstract beings and can only be seen wit hin an illustration of f orm of f igure CONNECTED WITH the data base of the one who obser ves. If we are able to understand it af ter all this br ief inf ormation, what is important is not seeing, but to evaluate the knowledge in our brains, to digest its eff ect and to live its requirements as a conclusion. To tell the truth, there are many more details to be writt en and so many questions to be answered about that point; but we need to realize all that bef orehand. And that may even take us to new hor izons inshallah. 20.9.1998 Antalya

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WHERE IS 'HIDDEN" (BATIN) ? W e talk a lot about them as " Zaheer" (the Visible) and " Bati n" (the Invisible, the Inward dimension)… But, where is " Batin"? Have you ever deeply thought about where "Batin" is? W here is "Batin" located in "Zaheer"? W here is "Zaheer" located in "Batin"? W here is the line bet ween "Zaheer" and "Batin"? W e should know that, it is extremely erroneous to consider "Batin" as a location!.. "Batin" is not f ound as a location beyond or behind "Zaheer"; or in another dimension!.. "Batin" is the aspect that you cannot percei ve of w hat you see (unpercei ved aspect of w hat you see) !. That is, "Batin" is an aspect that is "not perceptible to you" although it is f ound within your f ield of view and although you see it! How come that you cannot perceive som ething while it is in your f ield of view and while you see it ? It is because your brain's database cannot evaluate and interpret the inf ormation that arr ives and cont inues to arrive f rom inside and f rom outside, due to the lack of enough inf ormation r equired to decipher t hat dat a arr iving in brain… W ell, we can under stand what comes f rom " outside", but what about that coming f rom "inside"? "From inside" ref ers to all types of inf ormation apart f rom those that arrive into brain thr ough f ive senses… Inf ormation can arrive into br ain by means of f our possible ways… 1. From the fi ve senses…



2. From diff erent intelligent beings noted in the context of " jinni" whet her on earth or in other planets… 3. From Astrological inf luences… 4. From the realit y of space, in connection with your dimension of consciousness… Last two of these are those noted to be " from inside". The beings noted as " jinni" are divided into t wo… 1. Such types of them that I have discussed in m y book entit led " SPIRI THUM AN-JINNI"… 2. Other types of conscious beings with wave- like structure and without physical structure, who live either on planets in Solar system including sun itself or in other stars in our galaxy!.. They can be communicated only by people who exper ience the spir itual states known as " fath" and "kashf"… All other people communicate with the f irst mentioned group -jinni- though they assume themselves to have meet with this second type, because of jinn's presentat ion of themselves. As f or those received f rom your space… They ar e known as "wahiy" if they take place in a Nabi or Rasul, and "inspirat ion" ( ilham) if in a wali (saint)… However, it is not considered impossible f or it t o take place in some other highly sensitive persons, though quite rarely. In point of f act, this is the most dif f icult dimension to understand… The consciousness of "Oneness" is in considerat ion in this dimension!. From the point of this dimension, the Universe -Ruh-u Azam is in a single body-built-individual state, and a single consciousness is in consideration f or him in view of its mentioned dimension. The universes within the universe is the worlds ( alam) within the wor lds at the sight of "Ruh-u Azam"!. Its "body" is what is known as t he " space"!.. W e and all ot her existing units (individual beings) spring out f rom within our Space in considerat ion of our being as a whole!.. Our f acult y of consciousness perf orms ref lection under the circumstances of level it manif ests… It is the primar y being created f rom [what is known as] the " PIN-POINT" (nokta) by what is denoted by the name " Al lah" and it is itself the " Pin-point"! Its limitat ion is attributional ( hukm i). There is no end f or the worlds ( alam)!.. This is known to the its f olk… From the aspect of its intellect ( aql), it is "aql-il awwal". From the aspect of it s " nafs", it is known as "Haqiqat-i Mohammedi " (Reality of Mohammed)… Considering its Spirit ( ruh), it is known as "Ruh-u Azam" (Supreme Spirit).. "Asma-ul Khusna" (Beaut if ul Names) is I ts "Spirit"!. One who attains "Mi raaj" (Ascension) att ains at It!.. Your "Sal aat" is Its goal!. "Wahidiyyat" (Singular it y) is Its spiritual level… Folk of "witriyyat" experiences It!. They who f ind them selves in Him -that t hey don't need to be f rom our wor ldis ment ioned as f olk of " Rafiq-i alaa"… "Maqam-i Mahmud" becomes appar ent ( zaheer) with Him"… "Malaqul Mukarrab" (Angels of closeness) are under His command!.. The sign that "You w ill come as a singl e soul " is a sign of His lif e… The universes is an i magination (khayal) at His sight!..



Hologram body is His body. That is the aspect of Space t hat w e cannot percei ve. It is He who is inf ormed symbolically t hat the people of Heaven will stare as their Lord (Rabb) "like seeing the full moon up in the sky "!. It is He that "neither a malakul mukarrab nor a nabiyyi mursal" can access bet ween Him and one who attains Him. People other than " Mukarrab" assume Him as the One who is inf ormed by the name " Allah"! Never assume that " Al lah" can come under a limitat ion with Him!. W hat is inf ormed by the name " Allah" is Independent (Ghani) of the universes!. "Laysaa kamislihi shaiya"! Excuse me, it went off our command while trying to explain what. Overstepping our limits, we have jumped into the ocean and dived to it s bottom wit hout knowing!.. Should we not come out to the surf ace right away, the state of certainty ( yaqiin) will triumph over ourselves!.. Let us immediately return to where we had lef t!.. As such, we can not arrive at those blessed (mubaraq) vicinities along wit h those condit ionings and sent imentalism (emotionalit y). Ref erring to where we had lef t… Named as " Batin", is what a person cannot perceive!.. "Batin" is essent ially none other than what becomes appar ent as "Zaheer" ! "Zaheer" is essent ially none other than what becomes "Batin"! "Batin" is to be "Zaheer" at the moment you are able to perceive… "Zaheer" remains as "Batin" as long as you are unable to perceive it!.. It means, it is not the "Zaheer" and "Batin" that alter s, it is but your percept ion!. A name that you give f or something, as well as your supposition- imaginat ion about something based on your conditioning, veil you f rom the truth about that thing, and causes it to remain as "batin" f or you while it is f ound in your brain's database and is in f act "zaheer"! All that you grasp is "zaheer", while others you could not, is " batin"!. If you are able to contemplate the reality ( haqiqat) of the other, of who you turn toward, its "batin" is "zaheer" to you f rom then on! "Zaheer" is " Batin" f or you as f ar as you f ail to contemplat e its r ealit y ( haqiqat)! Come on my f riend, allow yourself to f ormat your PC now, so that you may adjust your system processor and programs over again!.. Installing ever ything proper ly, wr ite your CD and DVD accordingly, af terwards! Because, you ar e not going to have another CD-DVD r ewr iter in where you will pass away. You will be eter nally in private wit h what is wr itten wit hin you, since your "Zaheer" will be " zaheer" and your " Batin" be "batin" there! And you will continue seeking what you sought in skies and places af ar-off, f or ever!. Allah knows the trut h!... Night of Miraaj 1998 New Jersey, US A

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"AFTER " Af t er we begin our prayer, we will attend to the presence of Allah!?. Af t er we die and aft er the wor lds of grave, we will see our Lord!.. Af t er this wor ld, we will see the Hereaf ter! W hat kind of a word is this " after" that it may take us all the way thr ough some other places?! And ther eupon we begin to seek so many signif icant points somewhere af aroff , in an imaginar y balloon, due to this concept " after"!.. W hat is going to befall on us because of this concept " AFTER"!? Likewise we interpret and understand the mentioned word " sema" (heaven) in the Koran as the "sky" above the wor ld and therewith appoint a place f or angels accordingl y somew here up there in the outer space !… Likewise we understand what is denoted by the name " AL L AH" as a God sitting on a star and watching us f rom above, and who int erferes with our lives f rom time to time by the agency of angels sitting next to him!!! W e have similar ly misinterpret and misunderst and the word " AFTER" b y attaching it to the time, even when we try to understand the system (the Deen)… It sounds similar to dr inking wat er after eating… Yet… If only we could understand the word " af ter" in religious conception as a subdimension after the one above… If onl y w e could percei ve, understand the dimension of bod y as thi s w orld (external-upper dimension) and the dimension of Hereaft er as t he dimension of consciousness (inw ard-subtler dimensi on)…? If only we could recognize seeing the Lord in consciousness as seeing the Lord in the Hereaf ter ( akhirat) and realize its meaning… If only we could understand t hat "only the Creator will remain " after" the creation is taken away"… If only we could realize where, when and " after" what is meant by the sign " Everything will per ish, but the wajh (face) of your Lord is Baki (Ever-abiding)" to come to being… If only we could understand t hat the sign that " Allah w ill do w hatever Hu w ill" does not mean that " God w ill do what he w ill "… If only we could see where the " Fatir" is, whether in space or elsewhere, and where in "fitrat"? If only we could realize what is meant by the habit that "after" "I" die, ever ything will die ( ?) and all Rasuls will go f ainted and even Hz. Mohammed aleyhessalaam himself will be f ound in a half -unconscious state holding on to the throne (arsh)"..? Brief ly saying, if only we could undertak e to re-evaluate the meaning of so many "after"s in a new perspective f ormed by this word's usage as a dimensionalit y..? W hat do you think would happen then?.. W hat kind of an understanding of the world ( dunya) and Hereaf ter (akhirat) would we be conf ronted wit h? W hat kind of an understanding of the world and grave world ( kabir) would open up to us? W hat kind of a Hell and Heaven concept would show up f or us? How would we understand "after" what, where and how we will see t he One denoted by the name " Allah" ? Excuse me my f riends, I have caught cold today!.. I have high body temperature, Cemile vaccinat es Lincosin since yesterday… I wrote down these



lines under the inf luence of that high body temperatur e so as not to leave t his column empt y today… If I have made mistakes, f orgive me f or my high temperature!.. Inshallah, I will wr ite more sensible things f or you when I get better… Call it a day's column… 09.08.1998 New Jersey, US A

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IS IT SO DIFFICULT? Is it so dif f icult f or us to understand som e f acts? Is it so dif f icult to see and r ecognize t he value of some f acts easily as they are, while we read, commit to memory and talk about them so many t imes? Is it so dif f icult to greet the wor ld and the act of gover ning by saying “ peace be upon all” and to turn toward t he hereaf ter where we will pass on our own, and to turn tow ard “Al lah”? Come on! Let us reconsider them now again… A government is an organization est ablished by people in order to serve and prot ect the rights of people. It is not a di vine est ablishment, but is rather an institution subject to people’s rearrangement in any term. There cannot be a religion of a government ! Neither can there be a government of a rel igion!. Being people’s administrati ve body of members f ramed b y the association of people, a government is an institution founded to serve its people, so that its dut y is to protect t he li ves and rights of people and to bring them equal service w ithout referring to any discrimination among t ypes of people’ s beliefs, languages, races and colors, as a rule. It is a betrayal with people and the treasur e entrust ed, to use t hat administrat ive power to carr y through some personal interest s ( whether material or spir itual) of those who take part in such an organization. A government is by no means an owner of a right or author it y to tr y to impose a religious belief upon people or to f orce them to practice so. A gover nment has to keep an equal distance with any kind of people’s belief s. A government is responsible for providi ng people w ith service to help them li ve freel y as they believe, besi de protecting them from exertion of pressure on each other’s belief. A gover nment is at all levels to respect people’s all conduct of manner result ing as a requir ement of their belief, provided that they do not violate the rights of others. To serve people is t he w isdom in the existence of a government ! It is an organization established to serve people and it cannot maintain acti vities aimed t o exert pressure on people or t o suppl y some groups w ith benefits. A government t hat goes astray from it s aim of serving the entire societ y w ill lose its legalit y of presence!. A government cannot demand from people w hat is against to their belief, no matter for w hat. * * *



Religion is the s yst em and order creat ed by what is denot ed by the name “ Allah”. That permanent syst em and order have been communicated to humankind by means of prophets and people have been f orewarned to prepare themselves as required f or an eter nal lif e in the dimension of “ hereafter” , if they believe its realit y. Respecting the statements given in t he Koran, people will enjoy themselves in peace in the lif e beyond death if they had faith and ful filled the heartfelt labor (salih amal) as its effect, but will suf f er torments as a consequence if they act other wise. Besides, with respect to the Religion communicated, human beings need to quit seeking for a god-out-there, but rather realize w hat is denoted b y the name “ All ah” i n their ow n origin and experience its effect (necessities and outcome) as they w ere creat ed as a “caliph” on earth. The religion does not require f rom a person to exert pressure on others!. Religion is a proposal and warning m ade by the prophets to ever y r ational person. They who wish will take it seriously, meditat e on it and put its requirements into pr actice; while t hey who do not, will ignor e it and suf f er the results of their conduct of manner in the lif e beyond death!. Religion does not speak to or hold responsi ble the governments but persons indi viduall y!. It is merely the lif e of persons that will continue in the hereaf ter. Theref ore it is the individuals only who need t o pr epare t hemselves personally f or a lif e beyond death as everybody will pass therein as individuals!. It is not governments that religion r ecognizes and speaks to! Yet, a government is required to ser ve people of belief also, wit hout any discr imination!. A government is b y no means pri vileged for an authorit y t o interfere w ith a citizen’s belief; nevertheless, it is responsible for adjusting its administration (actions) under the guidance of publi c desire w ithout viol ating indi vidual human rights. Peoples and gover nments must acknowledge the f act that ever y doing that is made to perf orm by f orce, will at the end turn reverse and hit against the one who abused the f orce!. People must be inf ormed of the realit y of original understanding of religion, yet they must be lef t free to make choice of practicing or neglecting the requirements of their belief s. W ith respect to the inf ormation given by the Religion of Islam, each person will taste death and will continue living until Doomsday in their worlds of grave till a new dimension of lif e will be accessed f ollowing the Doomsday. Af terwards, ever yone will pass t hrough the dimension known as hell, bef ore a number of people who have f aith will be released f rom that environment and will gain access into the lif e dimension of heaven!. People’s gaining access into heaven does not depend on their deeds but their f aith (iman) primarily beside their way of thinking and practice based on that f aith!. People’s lacking in pr actice does not make them f aithless. Nobody is charged with what he could not achieve because of condit ions that is out of one’s personal capacit y, but everybod y undergoes the result of their failure in performing them. Every practice perf ormed under a compelling [or an external authorit y] is hypocrisy (munafiqa). The Relig ion of Islam pr oposes people to f ulf ill act ions of



their f aith fiiSabiilAllah, with an inner honest accept ance. One’s faith is under danger if he uses f orce concerni ng religious matters and he w ill have t hen ventured the risk of passing aw ay w ithout faith!. There are t wo levels of f aith ( iman) f or Muslims ( who accept the Religion of Islam at a degree that their understandings allow them)… a) To avoid the upcoming torments of life beyond death w ith the least harm and to reach i nfinite peace afterli fe… b) To attain w hat is denoted by the name “ Allah” as one’ s ow n truth and to reach an eternal life by ”attaining Hu’s character traits ”!. They can only be actualized as a result of person’s pract ices achieved in this world only. Ther e is nothing to perf orm to make up f or them in the af terlif e. None of the anbiya, rasul or saints (wali) can give a reward f or a practice that was abandoned here in this world. There is no religious record inf orming that a person’s station can go higher in the Akhir at by means of intercession (shafaat)!. No sooner that a person passes into the lif e dimension beyond death than he realizes the f act that one’s lif etime in this wor ld not lasted more than a f ew minutes or even shorter in terms of that dimension. Ever yone there will see that it was in this wor ld alone t hat we had the chance to obtain whatever we could, and f urthermore people who f ailed to f ulf ill them during their lif etimes, will f all into extreme regret there, seeing that there is no possibilit y any more to practice something additional. They will wish to go back to the wor ld; whereas unf ortunately they will see its impossibilit y either. It is f or that reason that ever y person is in need of practicing in return for w hat he w ants to attain in the afterlife as required if he believes in it, while maintaining his sur vival wit hout indigence f or others. Ever yone will only receive the reward f or what he pract iced at corresponding measur es. If so, believers should avoid f rom pr actices perf ormed for the sake of satisf action f or their desire of a world sultanate, regime or having an authorit y or f inding a rank in people’s eyes as an outcome, but tr y to prepare themselves f or the f elicit y of an eternal lif e of af ter death and serve people ar ound themselves in that way to bring them peace and f elicit y. Peopl e of faith (mumin) need to know that they came t o this w orld to know “Allah” and to experience its effect, besides, t o prepare for the eternal life after death w hile sharing their know ledge w ith others. They have no time to spare for quarrel s or fightings. There is no r eligious personalit ies, aut horit ies or classes in the Relig ion!. People who shar e their knowledge about Religion wit h people fiiSabiilAllah (without expect ing any material or spir itual gain in r eturn) can be considered, however… All other assignment s [appraisal] and classif icat ions are people’s make ups… Saints (awliyah) ar e known by Allah alone and people may only produce assumpt ions about t hem!. It is therefore that nothing other than information and guidance matter for us!. Because of misunderstanding the f act that it is only one’s own labor that will save him, people have come to ruin t heir worldly and eternal lives f or centur ies with an expectat ion of a mahdi… Devoti ng oneself up to know ing and taking advantage of that know ing instead of w aiting for a savi or is the onl y w ay for rationalit y!.



A person’s knowledge can give benef it to him if it can be comprehended and applied as due… This should always be remembered. Let us f ree governments to achieve their f unctions only as due being as organizations for serving people … Let us f ree people t o live t he requir ements of their f aith wit hout restr iction and without violating the rights of others. 26.7.1998 New Jersey, US A

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THE UNIVERSE AND YOUR COCOON In a galaxy out of billions of others... On a satellite of a star out of hundreds of billions of other stars... Your “w orld” was created in a place recognized as the “World,” the earth! Do you live in the world, or in “ your w orld”? How much of your lif e do you spend in the W orld and how much in your w orld? From birth to death, you ar e plugged into your “ cocoon,” that you ident if y as your “w orld”! A wor ld that is your “ cocoon” spun by your f ive senses, by your conditionings, your judgments of value and your emotions t hat they produce, and in which you live their outcome! Are you awar e of the dif f erence bet ween the W orld and “ your w orld,” my dear f riend? You may choose not to read this chapter , and your dream m ay last f or some more time in “ your w orld”! It may last until your departure f rom the present dimension, at least! But if you take it, that’s your responsibility! I do not know how f ar your insight ( basirat) can see what is outside your cocoon! As known, eyes are dazzled and can hardly look when they suddenly get out of darkness into the daylight! You are someway or other happy in your “w orld” nowadays, which is your cocoon! You have an image of god sculpted in you mind, that you beautif y with your conditionings and that you look out f or bonbon [f avor] in hope f rom! You are f avored in your consideration! You spend your days with your house, your job, your hom e and your loved ones, usually in joy and occasionally in worries! Though backbiting and gossip have been a small ingredient of your lif e, what can be expected f rom someone to produce also? You do not steal, rip of f or hide! In all, you are only becoming (acting like) a cannibal sometimes through backbiting, which is qualif ied as the feeding on t he raw flesh of your deceased brother! It does not harm anybody! Your god is great and somehow or other will f orgive you at the end! You are happy in your cocoon! Someway or other you have lovers and you are respected. You are not with an empt y stomach in povert y; you have a mate to share your bed, and also your blanket to cover your body. You are maybe having grandchildr en and even more of them! Even if you are not so wealthy yourself , you are having at least a mind engaged with the wealth of the wealthy! It is more than enough to be happy in your world to have a job at hand, to have a meal ser ved in time and to have a mate in bed.... Eat, get f ull and make love... Expect however your heaven f rom god!



They call it a “cocoon” around here! It is a “ prison”! “ Cocoon” is a name given to the “w orld of” a tiny human, which is spun minutely by the data that inherits geneticall y since the time of someone’s conception and also accumulates all along his lif etime on earth, in which one is imprisoned as disconnected f rom the universal f acts. There is no ref lective consideration ( tafaqqur) in such a lif e of cocoon! There is no questioning, no inquir y! No investigation! It does not concern such a mind what is going on in t he wor ld and why and how, and if their consequences would encounter him one day, also! Just as though the Rasuls of Allah were never to come at all! Just as though the system created by Allah were never inf ormed! Just as though the dimension of life of the uni versal realities outside cocoons w ere never mentioned at all ! It is not reasoned out that feelings of pit y do not carry meaning in the nature ever! It is not mentioned at all that f or an earthq uake or a tor nado, neither a human cr y nor animal yells represent anyt hing as a meaning at all! The warning that “every person in that day w ill pursue his ow n benefit alone... Kinsmen w ill escape from each other w ithin a flurry about how to get released and no one takes care of the benefit of others!” is all and all nothing more than an empty talking circulat ing as a rumor. Neither are we aware of the universal dimensions nor the concepts of lim itlessness and inf init y even if in our perception, nor of the mechanism w ithin the operating system, w hich tolerates no concept of pit y ! Our lives are built on money and sex alone! Moreover, trying to imagine the dimension of beyond with r ef erence to this present dream, we turn the matter into a total conf usion! Your dreams are nothing more than the manif estation of your daily mental im ages! As implied in “so you think, as you speak” ( what is in minds, that is in words), we have a dream of the lif e and the qualities of our cocoons and of ten assume those dreams as real! So do we assume the lif e af ter death... W hat do you f eel when you see the f amine and povert y in this wor ld and ho w do you continue to live f rom then onward? W hat do you f eel when you see someone suff ering a torture and how do you keep living f rom that seeing? If you haven’t got money, you play the poor, and how do others cont inue living then af ter they hear about you or see you? There are so many people who have to live penniless despit e their talents of the degree and live in need of so many people of the sort of characters! My dear, believe m e that the beyond dimension is not like what you may assume or dream of ! It is t heref ore that the f acts haven’t been explained in a way that you could comprehend! You have been theref ore f orewarned with metaphors and par ables in rel ationship w ith your perception inside your cocoon; but know it with certaint y that t he realit ies outside cocoons are quite dif f erent! You ar e assuming the f ire in the f ollowing war ning as the f lames of a f ire in this world: “If all the fires of the w orld came together, they w ould fall short a thousand times beside the hell fire!” W hat if you could interpret the hell-f ire as circumstances and events that cause the burning of a person , ot her than that assumpt ion! I w onder if I am able t o make you think a little bit, at least ?



What could be the circumstances and conditions that burn a human being w ith a thousand times more pow erful efficacy than the entiret y of all fires of this w orld? Please tr y to consider it seriously! Try to consider what it is that burns you today? Why do they burn you? If you cannot get out of your wor ld and save yourself f orm the burning here... If you f ail to become a butterf ly and reach the chance of f lying, someones are out-there wait ing f or you to throw int o f ire! Some are out-there expect ing to get silk out of you and they do it wit h pleasure! They are same as those ot hers who throw the living worms int o scorching water wit hout f eeling the least of mercy! They act same as those others who throw the living lobsters int o scorching boilers without f eeling the least of mercy, in or der to eat them with pleasure!.. W hile you run out of your lif etime with daydreams of but your money, sex, f lattery, status here in this cocoon; w hile you li ve w ithout givi ng the priorit y and necessar y importance for providi ng the requirements of that f uture dimension; ther e are others rubbing their hands against each other there, watching and waiting f or you to grow f atter and f atter... Go on and believe not in m e! Go on and say that we are being envious of your lif e! Say we are urging on you! Go on and live to see our count less imperf ections, def icits, and f aults and enjoy your world! But remember; there will come a day when all that I have inf ormed, will come out proper ly, and you will have to bear the consequences. W e will see then how it ser ved you to spent your t ime here f or blaming me... W e will see then if the meals you have indulged on with pleasure and your bedmate who made you addict ed, will serve you good! As if I am hearing you say, what do you mean, shall we not eat, not sleep! I am not one to say you that relinquish them and rush to the mountai ns, yelling aloud “God, I am in hot w ater ”! But please, share some of your t ime f or a serious consideration in your days and tr y to perceive the truth of explanat ions inf ormed vi a parables and metaphors! My int eroper ation may f eel as unreliable, unbelievable, inaccurate or restricted in underst anding f or you! Yet you should surpass me and become a human by leaving imitativness behind. Think, invest igate, question and get out of your cocoon! Realize that neither sun nor the univer se revolves around the earth! In a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars, you are not the only one creature that lives in his w orld on a satellite known as the W orld. You are about to journey into an enormous group of others, beside w hom the entire human population of the w orld w ill not even compare to a small colony! If you f ail to acquire the necessar y resources of that place, you will be perished! You will burn there! None can be questioned t here about the sin of you or of others! It is only the f uel you have taken f rom the world that does not leave your body ther ein, and you are bur nt inside such a wor ld of yours! Believe me, I am writing those not in order to f righten you but in order to make you think on and t ake providence! I am not either mentioning something other than what was already said bef ore me! I am only tr ying to make you realize something in our current way of explanat ion as f ar as I understand. In a day when you are grabbed in the hands of others within a regretf ul state because of the days you have spent act ing against ( dealing with) me or others or so, neither your f unds, nor your dear ones nor t he worthies of this world will ser ve you benef it therein. If you are burning i n this w orld for a



reason somehow or other, know that your burning w ill be many times fiercer on the grill of others there. Come on my friend; get out of your cocoon! Realize the universal facts! Ref ine yourself f rom the conditionings, f rom the judgments of value generated by condit ionings, and f rom the sentimentalism that those j udgments generate that are the basis of your burning! They ar e somehow t he f uels suf f used int o your cells, which t ake f lame by any spark of any f lare and put you in f ire therein! If you do not f ree yourself f rom those f uels in this world, your body turns to coal by burning on the grill and then comes to another f orm later; and by the changing circumstances you go to burn over and over again on the grill of others . Conduct yourself and experience (actualize) your humanit y as a caliph , or w aste your lifetime same as those dull-w itted imitators. It is up to you to choose to delight in either what comes out of your mouth or of your mind ! Each one of us has a freedom of turning our lives into hell. This is the System and order of Allah, which never alters. 7.3.1999 NJ - US A

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VERY CROWDED! Do you know how crowded it is outside? And also how noisy it is? I do not know what the word “ outside” means to you, but my perception of “outside” is ver y crowded and ver y noisy! There is an animal looking like a rhinoceros, but its head is like an anteater! It has a back in layers! Only extremely powerf ul m icroscopes can detect them! Although we live under one atmospheric pressure normally, they can live in the highest known degree of pressure f or humans. They can sur vive in an atmospher ic pressure up to f our thousands (4,000) degrees; and they are only one drop of kinds in an ocean of live beings... There are similar creatures living under our eyelashes and even inside our eyes... Let us f orget about t he creatures that live in our ears, under our armpits or in ever y hole of our body as in their cit ies, towns wher ein they are born, are grown and die... Let us leave out all t hose that are known to us as bacter ia or viruses... In brief , let us f orget about all that we perceive through the f ive senses... And then consider ourselves in connection with those that we are never aware of ? Are we really living in space, on earth? Or do we live inside someone’s ear or an eye that we cannot perceive? If nothing else, let us consi der how many f orms of life may be there t hat w e cannot see nor percei ve, that w e do not know their size, w eight is or in w hatever measure i n their unit of measurement they may be, and also that we are not even aware of ourselves as to live among them !!! Our assessments wi th the physical body senses block us recklessly! If onl y w e could know w hat the Medical Sciences failed to know yet !..



Have you ever considered our place in a scale ranging from the point of consciousness at t he lowest level of the micro worlds to t he point of galact ic consciousness and lives at the highest level of macro worlds? And wher e are we stuck unseen and between whom? Who is looking at us and on w hat purpose, how do they consider us? W ho or what are not even aware of our existence? W ho are they that are not even aware of us, who are they that have ever been so? In which part of a cell, that is known as an ovum and that welcomes the sperm in a mother’s womb, is an inf ormation wr itten about the cast of my eyes, my ears and my hair? W here is it written about m y vocal cords as to how they are going to grow to take f orm and how will they give out a sound? W here have they ever been wr it ten in that cell as regards to how many of them and in connection wit h which programs and by perf orming what f unctions the neighboring cells of my brain cells will make use of my brain cells? A stupid cannot comprehend “the fate” (qadar)! A f oolish or an ignorant will however deny the “fate”! There is a phrase know n as “al jahlul juhala”. It means something like “the ignorant of t he ignorants”! I think this i s a w ord said to mean t hose who deny the “f ate”! Such a system of “predest inat ion” (f ate) has been br ought int o light as a discover y of the science of “Genetics” in our day that denial of ”f ate” has been nothing any more than the manif estation of a characteristic peculiar to those “ al jahlul juhala” only. The unprogressive people who cannot f ree themselves f rom the concept of a “god”, have an image of a document of “ predestination” written f or the lower class of people on earth with some ext raordinar y pens up t here, inlaid maybe even with the mother-of -pearl, through commandments sent by t he one who sits on a high qualit y royal seat! And what is more, they ar e so unaware of the parables and metaphors in t he explanations that they relat e the sign of the Rasul of Allah about “the cracking sound of the writing instrument ” to its being “a pen made of bamboo (?!)”. May The Nuur (light) of Allah, Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam be our ow n nuur ! May it be made easy f or us to understand the Rasul of Allah; may w e come to t he point of understanding his signs, parables and met aphorical explanations. May we comprehend if the universes within the universe ar e the “ Batin” of the ilm of All ah that unfolds as the physical from w ithin; or else, this know ledge can be percei ved by the presence of a percei ver. Let us consider what it means as a sign to be “ none other than Hu w ho contemplat es”. Let us think about what the genetic predestination as perceived through the f ive senses can mean in the physical realm as an extension of . Let us try to f eel of w hat and w hat kind of a predestinati on outside our perception through the physi cal senses is it that the genetic predestination of the physi cal real m results from ! W here are the dimensional depths? Where is the ilm-i azal, the know ing of the past eternit y? What is the w riting instrument? W hat is that which is being w ritten or has been w ritten?



W hat is the relat ion of the “spiritual” dimension beyond the physical to the “genetic” chain and t he rings of that chain? Where does this chain begin and w here it ends, and in w hich ring of it are w e found? If all m y pr esent characteristics are obvious ther e in an ovum cell at that time, then w here had all my fate been w ritten before the appearance of such a cell, that someone w ho has li ved many centuries ago (according to us) could know , say, my birth and my function on earth? W here did Nostradamus receive some inf ormation? W hat was their resources and how was it and how and f rom where and f or what they could be acquired? W ho are those “others” “out there” or outside oursel ves ? W here is that “outside”? W ith “w hom” will we be or among whom will we take part next when we pass away this present dimension of lif e tomorrow? W here will be the “ out” or “outside oursel ves” , then? Are those “others” only t he ones called as “jinni,” in the old days? Or else, that noun suggests a wide range of live and conscious beings, but we lim it that noun to a part icular group of beings because of the limit ations of our percept ion? If that is the case, who else is “ out there” in addition? W ho are those “ others” who live in hell, which will absorb millions of our worlds and make them wiped away, and how do they look like? W ho are the other “others” that live in and among us, currently in all sides? “Others” who live in hundreds of millions of hells in the ent ire Galaxy? And so many more of them… “ Others” beyond the heaven of men, f or whom such concepts mean nothing at all! M y dear friends! We are on a journey taken tow ard the depth of a w ay of life opening to eternit y that is impossible for a mind to comprehend from a life of the w orld, which w ill carry not even a w eight of a remembrance there tomorrow ! We are neither able to comprehend the begi nning of uni verse that w e came from, nor the end of the dimension to be entered next. You are going to depart from all that you have attached, lived dependent on and sacrificed your everyt hing all along your lifetime in f avor of, and take part in a completel y new w orld and among completel y new “others” and continue livi ng in association w ith your resources you have acquired in this w orld, Think about it seri ousl y under the enlightenment of these facts! How prepared are you for such a life? W hat was made easy f or you by your “ fate”? To prepare f or those condit ions or to act the opposite? If the preparat ion was made easy f or you and if you are able to get prepared, be happy, m y blessed (said) f riend! If you are not able to get prepared, then I have nothing to say in that case! 18.3.1999

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GOD OF PRISONERS OF COCOON It is one of my f avor ite episodes that I take great lesson f rom.. Famous with his just ice, Caliph Omar tells that:



“We used to w orship idols bef ore our RE ADING I slam! We made cookies of idols w henever w e w ere to set out for a journey! We placed those cookie gods in front of us and w orshipped them on the w ay!.. Aft erw ards, w hen w e get hungry, w e ate them!. Now I smile w hen I remember these da ys… ” I do not know how I w ill be able to explain that they w ho change their w orld w ithout at least shattering their cocoons and necki ng their heads out of it to see the true uni versalit y, w ill have passed aw ay w ithout changing their w orlds in fact ! They have been grown up in their cocoons with their gods and cookies in the village or district of those who m ake pregnant or give birth! You have also been raised in their hands!.. You were grown up wit h cookies! They have grown you with the lullabies of holiness and tales of godliness! Your basic values have been about how you could eat better, how you could have more and myr iad sex same as them. You worship because of your f ears, and expect f avor f rom a cookie, that is your god you’ve put in the pedestal! Then someday you may have come across with a W ise man and he may have made you realize that there is no god! But you have not been able to understand, comprehend and f eel “w hat Al lah is”, and hence you have been the god of your ow n cocoon, as you considered nothing other than eating and drinking and making sex! You have been saved f rom the concept of a “ God” but you have been a slave to thousands of different gods ranging f rom f ood-drink and sex to socially accepted idols! Humanoids in cocoon create gods and holiness in their envir onments! Imitator humans (muqallidun) f ollow them and acquire new-f ashioned gods and then they became the servants and slaves of those gods that they have created wit h their own hands! From the least dang erous, say f rom a singer, to the most dangerous, such as dictators, dictat ing foundations, religious leaders and count less gods, divines are sanctit ies, untouchables! But there will come a day when an era is gone and those cookies are also eaten! The w orld of a humanoid has been established on w orshipping hi s lord, his god; through eating-drinking and copulation. He cannot understand w hat is beyond them! Because of the scarcit y of wise men in sight , the imitator also joins t hem and rejoices assuming that imitating the humanoids is a gift [of awareness] and gi ves him superiorit y! On the other hand, a w ise man, who have at least had his neck out of his cocoon once and have RE AD the universal f acts-Islam (1) and have realized the realit y of lif e as well as of himself , is in neither in need of respect f rom nor the good opinion of humanoids or the im itators! The wise men ar e those who make best of their times in their cabins by contemplat ing the wor ld outside-cocoons and by trying to know “ Allah” a bit bett er in ever y breath. They rarely have a new guest; a neighbor just moved to the vicinit y, though seldom. But the inhabitants of that mountain is always very lim ited in numbers… The ones that dwell at the top of the mountain ar e extr emely limited in numbers. Because, t he number of those brains who could f ree themselves f rom the dependence on humanoids and pretenders ( muqallidun) and could turn away f rom their (of the Dajjal) ephemer al par adise, is ver y limit ed. Wise men have got freed of gods! They have been the SERV ANTS of ALL AH [alone]! People’s godly credits mean nothing to them! They do not seek respect f rom anybody and they do not tolerate people stand on rever ence at their door (in the posture of respect) bef ore them ! They do not care at all if people of society accept them or



not! They are like a journeyer in this wor ld who takes a rest under a tree f or a while and takes the road again... They repel ranks and privileges, and ref use any tit les of holiness created by imitators. W ise men watch those imitat ors who assume the concept of uni versalit y as a notion of their village as they were grown up on the conditionings of thosemaking-pregnant and those-giving-births, their brains are blocked with the local judgments of their villages, and say that: “ Many thanks to them! If it wer e not f or them, what would be the situation of those humanoids and imitator s? May God(!) save them in their place!..” Peopl es create holiness; create gods, create law s and rules!.. And then they make overture of the excellence of ser ving those gods! But the creator s of those gods amuse themselves with them as the gods of their communit ies when they ar e lef t alone. They then take advantage of their people in f avor of their own benef its as well as the benef its of their kinf olk and the ones who welcome and esteem t hem highly. Gods and the winds of movement in a com munit y ser ve as the dinner utensils f or the watchf ul and the powerf ul ones of that communit y. They w ho generate and pomp up the godliness and holi ness, deviate all the facts communi cated by the w ise men of their past and Rasuls, and make them an instrument for their ow n judgments of godliness and holiness!. Money is the greatest of gods! Its servants are those who have it all. Then f ollows the sex as he next of the greatest of gods! Needed in ever y house, the idols of those gods are available t o all cocoons. Inside cocoons always worshipped are they! A cocoon without them cannot be consider ed! They consume all the time and all the world of some people! Those people may eit her be on shopping or on computer, but they always aim at worshipping their gods!. It f eels diff icult and even impossible f or them to r ecognize the universalit y outside their cocoons and to shatter the cocoon to at least neck out their heads once and see the realities. To recognize That the sun never sets down or rises up… That the concepts of rising and setting have been generated necessarily because of the revolution of earth that one is bound to… That neither the tears of a crocodile shed while eating its victim nor that of a hunting lion are because of their feeling pity; and that there is no room for the concept of pity in nature... That an apple does not f all on the ground because of its love f or the ground... That sexual desires are nothing more than hormonal instincts… That love and adm ir ation are not the same; neither ar e the desire of giving your ent ire being f or your beloved and the desire of owning what you adm ire. That all godliness and holiness will mean nothing as a being or worth af ter the cocoon is lef t out. That social conditionings are nothing more than a guidance of those who desire to take advantages of the societ y in f avor of their private prof it (selfinterest) in general… That the true uni verse f or “human” beyond t he cocoon is the realm of consciousness and know ledge… That Wisdom cannot be acquired by being a slave (servant) to another slave…



That w ise men rather appreciate the conscious imit ators who aim f or being true “human” by understanding what is said and by realizing the f acts, than the masses of imitators standing in the posture of respect bef ore them… That those humanoids and imitators w ho live for their sel f-interests and physical gains w ill never be able to leave their cocoons even after t he change of dimension. That there is no intercession ( shaf aat) f rom the man of wisdom other than the evaluat ion of his knowledge, that nobody will be able to pull the other by an arm to make him sit in a chair; nor make him leave the hell, and t hat the only way to detach f rom them all and attain some places is to appreci ate and make best of the w isdom. That it is not making best of wisdom to commit the inf ormation into memor y. That a lif e spent on worshipping holy cookies and gods wit hout leaving the cocoons, is the irreparable loss of the greatest … That, only “true human beings” are cr eated f or “ All ah”, f or it is made easy f or them only to be able to turn away f rom cookies and lords-gods, and to turn toward “ Allah”… That, those non-“human beings” will remain as a sl ave of money and sex and will live their lives f orever in their cocoons even if they change dimension; and they will have nothing more than a waste of lif etime with the tales of wisdom... That the acts of those beyond-animals such as lies-tr icks, gossip, insults are seen in the im itators and though they can be matched with t he wisdom of computers, they have no relation to the lif e of a real man of wisdom... That the concepts of political or religious or cultural authorit y are created holinesses and cannot go beyond being cookies… That he who cannot “die bef ore death comes” and cannot be born into w isdom, will not be able to take part in t he universalit y!.. That w isdom (judiciousness) is a way of lif e and that it should not be conf used with the computer intelligence (w isdom) . That the explanations of the men of wisdom of the past, who are known as the Folk of Allah ( ahlullah), are also misused wit h an aim of godliness and holiness and theref ore are made cookies… And it will be so dif ficult to explain to the non-human beings or the im itators that so many more of social and individual cookies will be worth of nothing af ter they are eaten, as I have heard… If we have made a m istake, f orgive us please, it is a slip of tongue; and allow it of our spiritual neediness! 5.2.1999 NJ - US A

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IMPOSSIBLE It is impossible f or a "humanoid" to understand and to live t he ef f ect of traits that are peculiar to " human beings"! Humanoids live on their inst incts or by imitat ing “humans” all along their lif etimes… Never can they perceive the inner world of a “ human”! Assuming humans as themselves, they will judge the others just in that way…



The wor ld of a humanoid is based on his " ego" and his "physical body"! His entire goal is living better, eating and drinking more and better, having much more coupling with many diff erent people and possessing more and more. In order to get them, he considers all the possible ways as permissible. The only restr icting element f or a humanoid is his " fear"! If he does not f ear, he recognizes no limit! His principal characterist ic is to make im itation ( taqlid)! He is unable to r ef lect and underst and the One ref erred to as “ Allah” and the lif e beyond death! Theref ore, he will live f ocused on his body and the material w orld ! Money, desire of domineer ing and f inding esteem come as his leading values. Though eating and drinking are part icularly important f or him, no need to mention that having sex is above all!. The best of pleasures f or a humanoid is to get a woman and to have sex with her! Male humanoid will become the possessor of his wif e. Female humanoid will take her male under control, also. The concept ion of “unit y” is undeveloped in the humanoids! There is no “union”, no shar ing of lif e together f or them!.. Male humanoid has got nothing to share wit h his f emale in the r ealm of ideas!. He will carr y his f emale like an accessor y right beside. Using her in kitchen, in bed and even sometimes in his off ice!. Right beside her male, f emale will live f or the f eed of mouth only, or else, she will take her part beside the m ale's chair (status) or wallet!. Getting a “female” or a “male” in this way or other and having sexual intercourse! Ruling the other! Getting the other by means of using the f inances, physical properties and status!. Paying their pr ice, they will buy “ w ives” same as buying houses, cars or they will chase af ter a f emale! A humanoid has usually got a “w ife” or a “female” in his possession, her lif e spent bet ween a kitchen and a bed!.. Or a “male”, who r ushes bet ween an of f ice and a bed!.. W ithin the weakness of inabilit y to tie her male and hold under control, “female” one begs as f ollows: "Even if you are fed up with me and live together with other females, please do not leave me! Come back again!.. You may go to others, please yourself, yet come back to me lat er again!. ” This is a f emale's r unning out of her personalit y and t he peak point of her helplessness. This i s the beggi ng of a propert y from its possessor (master) ! This is the complete f ailure of human dignit y! Humanoids admire and do whatever is required in order to possess. They do not have anything that they should shar e with their males or f emales f rom their brains and spir its! Shared are organs only f or them. There are however partners - fellow companions f or ”humans” to share their lives, their wor ld, their hearts, spir it s and thoughts. “Humans” do love! The conception of shar ing equally what they have within reaches f or “humans” is not available in humanoids. Those poor cr eatur es lacking development consider nothing other than possessing, ruling and paying the pr ice r equired f or possessing! Because of their "human body", humanoids assume t hem as qualities of “humanit y” to rule like lions, to grab lik e hyena, t o collect like ants, to cheat like f oxes, to imitat e humans like monkeys and to take the pleasure of lif e like bears!



Humanoids are in the dare of possessing more and more! Humans how ever l ive to share all that they have w hether material or spiritual w ith their partners. Humanoids can be willing to donat e their organs, but they cannot share their money! W hat is the worth of an organ beside the worth of money at their sights? Humanoids bear up ownership by means of laws and violence. Humans however st ay together as long as t hey have something to share, and if their sharing discontinues they simply leave of f f or their own ways. . "Humanoids" live on “tribal” mentalit y and tribal rules! "Humanoids" are despotic and t yrannical! "Humans" however are civilized. "Humans" do not compel, nor t yrannize; they only offer (taqlif)… "PARROTING" (taqlid) is the main element in the lives of humanoids. Even if they take interest in the religion, it is an interest by w ay of parroting … Even if they take interest in Sufism, it is an interest by w ay of parroting (taqlid)… Their brain is under developed though they may be sharp in self -seeking! They cannot create any work connected wit h the subjects that require deep ref lect ion. They cannot make up their own minds; neither can t hey f ind what is true. They f ollow some one or the other f rom the past and imitate them. Humanoids ar e generally pretenders ( muqallidun). Muqallidun cannot understand and cannot evaluate the VERIFIERS (muhaqqiqun). They know t he ot hers as they know t hemselves. For them, those that are not muqallidun like themselves have “ gone off their heads” [misguided]. In their opinions, ever ybody lives f or money, for having sex with the opposit e sex, f or a status or some ot her material pur pose like themselves! The f ear of God f or the muqallidun is identical with t he hell-f ire, so they go f or worshipping! In the eyes of humanoids, the heaven is an envir onment of having sex with hour is and gilmans. This is why they dem and the heaven! If they underst and t hat there is no god and as they cannot comprehend w hat is denoted by the name " All ah" i n the Koran , they f all into a physical and f inancial lif e of the world t otally,. They only live f or their physical satisf action! They urge others toward a lif e f ocused on this world like themselves… As we have ment ioned, humanoids are m uqallidun. There can be seen many muqallidun am ong the "humans", as well! Their religion is parroting (taqlid), thei r belief is parroting, their remarks are parroting! If they ever leave aside the wor ds and wisdom they took f rom others, they cannot even f ind a word to speak! Reasoning and logic are not a part of mental act ivit y in people of simulat ion (muqallidun). Contr adictions are basic qualit y of their talking. Af ter a f ew sentences their wor ds come to contradict with their ear ly words! They deny today what they have said yesterday; as because, if they accept them, they know their contradict ions will be obvious… They live f or the day! The concept of “beyond death” is not developed in them! An imitat or (muqallid) cannot live without people around. They are always in need of money, respect and inter est of people… They spend their t ime wit h games and amusement!



On the other hand, a verif ier “ human” does not need any of them! He has already attained “ All ah” f rom within his essence and Hu is enough f or him. He lives continually to understand “Allah” better. There is only one cr iterion f or a verif ier: The KOR AN! He will either read f rom the apparent or f rom inward, or f rom the pages of a hardcover!. An im itator will live t o take… A ver if ier (actualizer) will live to give! An im itator wants to possess… A ver if ier loves to share! An imitator will spend his time wit h chitchats and gossips… A verif ier will make best of his time with science! An im itator is f ocused on the outside world; he knows nothing other than criticizing people… A verif ier, however, will only join people f or the purpose of lear ning and teaching ilm! An im itator will lack toler ance… A verif ier is tolerant! An im itator will live in his w orld… A verif ier will live in YOUR world! Let Peace be on Verifiers!… May God bring peace to the im itators! 30.1.1999 NJ - US A

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BITTER TRUTH I would like to discuss t wo points of f act today even thoug h they may f eel quite bitter f or us… These are what I know as true, regardless of whet her bef ore or af ter my death. These points of f act that I have written in 1986 in m y book t he M yst eries of Man and here I discuss in details, are universal realit ies of the System. Please keep them, and if you like, evaluate them as the most precious criter ia of your lif e. For those people whose main interests of lif e are money and sex, taking interest in Suf ism at a degree of somewhat a HOBBY and f inding ways, so to speak, to silence their conscience will never make them reach the goal that they seek to. They will only be deceiving themselves, maybe along wit h some others close to them as well, on account of the inf ormation they have accumulat ed; so they will be undergoing its total penalt y. My dear f riends… Mawlana Jalaluddin t ells the f ollowing story: W hen Moses aleyhessalaam walked on a way one day, he noticed a her d of sheep and a shepher d taking rest under a tree ahead. He got close to the tree… He heard that the shepherd was talking to himself … He lent an ear: "O my GRE AT LORD! You are so beautiful ! If onl y you could come to me now , you w ould lean on my knee and I w ould PICK THE LOUSE ON YOUR SKIN! I w ould cut your nails… I w ould rub your head and hair and gi ve you some milk from my sheep to drink. I w ould w ash you up and make you clean and pure… You are so beautiful, so good and so fair. How w ould that w orld ever stand if it w ere not for you! You are w atching us! You are seeing our deeds! We w ill come to your presence soon! Please, turn a blind eye on our mistakes then and forgi ve our sins!



MY GOD! Please do not throw me into your hell even if I make a mistake! Put me in your Paradise. I love you so much, but I cannot see you an yhow . When w ill I see you, I w onder? Great Lord! All I desire is to come beside you and be w ith you! I am ready to do anyt hing you w ant in order to gain your favor. If I am not able to keep some of your orders, pl ease forgive me!" To tell the truth, Musa ( Moses) aleyhessalaam was not only trying to make Pharaoh give up his f alse claim of being a god, but he was also in trouble with shepherds, as well. W hat do you think had happened to that shepherd? He is now… The sheikh effendi, in convents! The Hodja effendi, in mosques! The Sir, in universit ies! Now that we ment ion Musa aleyhessalaam, let us go on some more… Pharaoh used to believe the godly power of himself alone likewise the elders who underst ood that there is no GOD, based upon the true inf ormation coming down f rom antique r esources… Because of his insuff iciency to understand what the noun “ Allah” denotes… Pharaoh was in the mulhimah (INSPIRED) state of consciousness… He viewed himself as “Haqq” (Divine Truth) and others " nonexistent". All others around him were to be his ser vants! They always stood in t he posture of respect at his door… His ser vants deser ved no value at his pr esence. He insulted, cursed and denigrated them at ever y occasion! It was lawf ul f or him to talk lie to his ser vants. It was lawf ul f or him to gossip about his ser vants to t he others and to backbite them. He delivered spiritual grades ( martaba) to those who gave him a rank and showed esteem; while he accused others that showed him the slightest disrespect of being heretical and insulted them most severely. He would do what he wills. Because he w as the Pharaoh! He himself was the only greatest… Not even t he legendary Egyptian libraries w ould deserve a value to him, w here he ow ed all his know ledge ! He was the greatest! Al l the prayers of his servants w ere to be w orshipping and est eeming Him. Not to mention Salaat, he would not even let his ser vants practice zhikr! Only himself ! As he knew that he w ould not w orth or mean an yt hing in the absence of his servants, he never liked to sta y al one and he w ould never suffer it ! He recounted some of his knowledge to those that worshipped him and also let them f ind sat isf action by acting god in places of his absence! Some of his ser vants hanging around had almost become electronic calculators of inf ormation! Knowledge had been nothing other than mere dead inf ormation and lif e had been turned to a competition of making money and pretending super ior it y to the whereabouts with knowledge!



Lying was perm issible (mubah)! So was the gossip! So was backbiting! There was nothing like f orbidden-unlawf ul ( har aam) any longer. Life had been turned to a business of taking or grasping something f rom others! Knowledge had become the subject of talk of the rubble and been a vehicle of acquiring material or spir itual prof its. W hen Musa aleyhessalaam explained the realit ies and war ned people, Pharaoh started attacks on him with his men. W hile Musa passed through the sea of Inspirat ion ( mulhima) wit h his companions who lived the eff ect of knowing, Pharaoh also att empted to walk on the sea of inspirat ion with his ser vants. Moses passed… So did his believers… They w ho w ere subject to Pharaoh w ere drow n in the Sea of Inspiration sorry, it was the Red Sea- and vanished. * * * Neither will I be r eckoned of what you have not achieved… Nor w ill you be reckoned of the apple I have eaten ! What you are doi ng is none of my business and w hat I am doing is none of your business! You take your ow n w ay… I w ill take mine… So w ill everyb ody! I have already com municated the necessar y inf ormation to you by this day… If you f ind them usef ul, tr y to put them into practice and stay away f rom dealing with ot hers! You are here in thi s w orld to attain Al lah, if you have such a concern. It w ill bring you nothing other than disappointment t o w aste your time w ith the gossip and backbiting of others. I wrot e the book DUA and ZHIKR in or der to explain that Zhikr is the most important and most valuable pract ice in this world, as f ar as m y knowledge allowed me. If you still do not understand the importance and value of zhikr, then there is nothing I could tell you. I have discussed about the absolute necessit y of maintaining the PRO TECTI VE prayers (dua) that because of the recepti vity increasing in t he brains, people practicing zhikr may contact w ith jinni w ithout being aw are of or being aw are of, and the jinni w ill make them become PH AR AO H w ithin the comprehension of Inspirational level [of know ing the self]… But if you say you have a higher level of knowledg e and know what I do not know, then of course you may not need them at all! One of the dull-w itted says that: "I believe and trust in you, so I do not need that protecti ve dua! " He does not underst and that the medicine he takes will heal him, not his trust in the surgeon without taking any medicines! Did not the companions ( sahaba) trust in the Rasul of Allah that they had been practicing the dua and signs they w ere thought. The limited minds… The dull-w itted… The destitute of fortune [ill-fated]… Cannot be aware of the light ( nuur), the luminous energ y produced in the brain through the render ing of “ ritual prayers”, much as the Salaat may not be f ulf illed (iqama) as due; and theref ore they quit ritual prayers! As a result, they suffer the loss of their outcome eternall y! The blind-sighted do not understand the role of practicing the zhikr of names (asma) f or the advancement of a brain, much as one may not comprehend the refl ecti ve practice of zhikr with comprehensive thought, will



quit zhikr upon a view that one needs not to lear n ar ithmet ic at all if one is not going to attend higher educat ion! They w ho suffer the MAQR of KNOWLEDGE, w ill not understand how it makes them turn t o PH AR AO H to transform into a computer of Sufism, because of quitting (discontinui ng) the "protecti ve" dua! It will be too late f or themselves as well as their ser vants when they, who seek a show of f, an entertainment and a relief of conscience through tourist ic umra visits, will understand how they were disappoint ed. M y friends… No matter w ho he or she is, if: That sa ys salaat is unnecessary… That sa ys zhikr is not necessar y and it shouldn't be practi ced… That changes your mind about continuing "protecti ve dua"… That lies… That speaks ill behind peopl e, critici ze them maliciousl y, creat e a rift betw een them (break, spoil their friendship)… That backbites… That assumes a high spiritual state i n himself and threaten people w hen speaking to them… Keep aw ay from him w ithout doubt; even if he is a regular visitor to my dining t able... He w ho betrayed I sa ( Jesus) aleyhessalaam w as a frequenter at his meal, also; al w ays remember thi s! He w ho defenses someone in conflict w ith w hat I have w ritten (published), cannot be from us! In the hereaf ter, a pretender ( muqallid) will not be g iven a place to take part in the dining table of actualizers ( muhaqqiq) [of belief ]. They, who cannot r id themselves of f the image of "GOD" in t heir illusions and cannot hence compr ehend what is ref erred to as "ALLAH", may assume that people will not be requited by the return of their actions based upon their f ailure in understanding t he syst em. Therefore they hold the ONE OUT THERE responsible of event s without being aware. Yet, ever yone will suff er the result of his own act ions. My f riend… If you st ill become subject to your relational truth based on your assumptions and imaginings out of knowledge, af ter the arrival of knowledge at you, know that it will be too heavy f or you as a sin, and you will f ail to pay f or it and so turn the f uture into a hell f or yourself ! People may make mistakes. If you becom e subject to people, you will have t o undergo their mistakes as well… If you ask me, you shoul d onl y be subject to the Rasul of Allah Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam and the w isdom (ilm) He communicated, rather than follow ing a temporary mortal being like yourself ! You should draw your ow n path for yourself under the guidance of t hat know ledge and suffer its results for yourself, w ithout finding guilt in anybody! May All ah save us all from sheiks w ho have turned t o Pharaoh, and keep us in the w ay of Hazrat Mohammed! 25.1.1999 Manhattan- NY * * *



TO UNDERSTAND OR TO FAIL No doubt, it is because of their inborn nature ( fitrat), but it is still worrying to see some people you love, f ails to under stand some points of f act… I am not able to make a number of friends underst and that life in all dimensions is a complete magnificent mechanism in operation and the Deen-i ISL AM is a name gi ven to that operational SYSTEM of that mechani sm created by All ah.. “As you sow, so you reap…” “Seed rain and harvest storm…” Many more pr overbs like these have been said by those who have been aware of that SYSTEM! They who realized it were called as actualizers (muhaqqiqun)! .. They who could make best of that " system" they realized, have been recognized as Gods in the past, who dwell on the Mount Olympus! In our day, they are named as "wali", meaning, "whose wali (f riend) is Allah". They have known, f ound and become what is in their inner self ( batiin)! From then onward, they have but continued their lives among people as hum an beings, unt il the purpose of their creation in this wor ld wer e completed. The creator is Allah! Al l beings are Allah's servants! The unbelievers however, are t hose who spend their lives with f ighting with the ser vants of Allah. Those dull- witted interpret the Rasul All ah's warning that "I f a Muslims of the tw o pull out a sw ord for the other, both the killer and the killed are in hell", which explains a realit y operating in the system , to be about something such as if a sharp and pointed iron weapon! “ TOUNGE” as a weapon do not even once cross their m inds, at all! Fighting with the sword of tongue, they desire to kill the other and sing the songs of victor y while f eeding on dead corpses like vultures! They live the hell and their destiny also become hell, as they have pull out a sword f or a servant of Allah. While there is a master of even a dog in this w orld, w ouldn't there be a master and creator of a servant?.. Onl y the people of dissimulation (muqallidun) w ho lack a veritable beli ef cannot see that ! Because, they are like computers f ull of Suf i tales. The ignorant will see the inf ormation in those computers and presume them to be awliyah, looking at what f lows down f rom their tongues, which are their swords! There are some that murders each other f or the glory of their ego, f or their sense of revenge in this world yet they f ind f aults wit h others as an excuse! Some others however, only send peace to them and keep away f rom them, and they head f or heaven… Tongue may lead a man into hell. Heart leads a man into heaven! The folk of love know n as ahl-i diil see, speak to and think of the face ( wajh) of Allah in every face at all times, and the y never become unaw are of w hom they are talking about; therefore they join the people of heaven at the change of dimension of life w ith that belief. He w ho is w eak at struggling agai nst his ow n ego, strives to find satisfaction by w ay of struggling against others.



He w ho refines his self (nafs) by gi vi ng discipline to it, observes and surrenders to Allah at the level of his refinement; w hile he w astes his lifetime fighting against the creation at the level of his veiled state. Man will read the system and then only communicate what he read… He will take upon himself the battle against his own self rather than the creation. He w ill know that the creation is to implement the purpose for w hich they are created. The w orld is a place of attaining the states and results of achievements for t he dissimulator and the actualizer, t he believer and the unbeliever, the reasonable and unreasonable. Unfortunate is that person w ho has reached Rasul Allah, but he cannot recei ve enlightenment (fay z) from him and w astes his lifetime w ith struggles against the servants instead of his ow n ego, and most likel y change dimension w ith absence of bel ief (iman). The state of sahabe, who f ought with each other af ter the RasulAllah's change of dimension, is obvious! The f ollowing warning must be ver y well understood: "When I am by the side of the qawsar pool, some of you w ill desire to come close to me, but angels w ill remove them aw ay from me… When I ask the angels w hy t hey take them aw ay and t ell that they w ere from my compani ons, I w ill be replied that they w ere not to follow my path, they w ere destined to hell "!. The destinat ion f or those people who have ser ved RasulAllah f or so many years but then start ed f ighting with each other under the command of their selfishness due to the absence of self ( nafs) chastisement, is now here other than hellfire in this w orld as w ell as in the akhirat. They are so deepl y involved wit h f ighting and overthrowing each other that, at length they have such a gap of separation bet ween them and Allah that it never closes. That person will eat, dr ink and talk only to f ight. The other is a human for him, w hile the creator of himself and his actions is a GOD in sky! Nat urall y his akhirat w ill be hell as such a thought w ill create the unbelief ! Human being comes alone to this wor ld, lives alone f or most of his lif etime and lives alone in the wor ld of grave. Look and see that half of your lif e is spent asleep, you are alone… Most of your t ime is also spent lonesome in cr owds. Perhaps, you are alone even when your spouse and children are r ight beside you. Despite all that, you do not accept your lonesom eness and do not prepare yourself to a dimension you will pass on your ow n through realizing the laws of the system and organizing your lif e as required. How are you pleased of your nightmar es, so you are not prepar ing yourself f or the envir onment of lonesomeness? My dear f riends… None of the computers loaded with inf ormation will go to heaven! Let us recall her e the sign of the Koran that knowers ( alims) loaded wit h inf ormation is similar to donkeys loaded with books of inf ormation, in case they do not live the requir ements of knowing. If our know ledge does not bri ng a life appropriat e to know ing, then w e are doing nothing other than carrying i t on our backs. The door of repent ance ( tawba - for asking forgi veness) is open for a man as long as he lives. Quitting a mistake is a gain no matter w hen. If onl y w e do not become one of those ungrateful.



If a man's ruling pleasures are carnal, worldly, and connected with manyness (qasrat), he will cert ainly live the eff ect of them. He has been ser ved right, but at least you should avoid from being veiled from All ah because of him and from filling your hearts w ith oppression ( zulmat). Because, as long as you are concerned about w hat he does, you are veiled from Allah and this will cause and multiply a state of unbelief f or you. While the task of Rasul of Allah w as onl y communication and he w as never to force an yone, w ho are w e then to start fighting w ith people! We have not come to fi ght, I do not know about you! Abu Jahil ate and dr unk and grow beard and dressed up like RasulAllah, also, he sat and walked like him; but he did not share the beli ef of Rasul All ah . Neither are those who w ere driven aw ay from Rasul All ah by the river of qawsar. If you would not like your deeds waste away f or nothing, reconsider RasulAllah’s warning seriously, ask f or f orgiveness ( tawba) of your state immediately (bef ore lat e) and adjust your rout e in a way based upon the fundamentals of faith He brought . Other wise, you should not have a doubt that the calamit ies t hat bef ell on those unbelievers in the past will bef all on you, as well! "There is no alterat ion in the SYSTEM -the sunnat- of Allah." Ever y nat ion has been f orewarned about a trouble bef ore its occurrence! They who assume themselves as powerf ul as to challenge the system of Allah, have sooner or later gotten their deserts (suff ered the trouble they invited). As f ar as I remember, I have wr itten by the grace of All ah, in my book the “RE ASONING and BELI EF” about how Allah and ot her necessar y points of belief should be believed. They who do not treasure such a grace will no doubt live the ef f ect of their f ailure. It is not important to be in the knowing of these f acts when you are alone, but it is important to li ve in accordance w ith (as required by) those principals of belief while you are in personal relat ionship and communication with people. Lyi ng, decei ving, fooling, gossi ping, backbiting under the cover of gaining people's hearts, mismatch w ith belief and w ill cause a person’s death w ithout belief ! Even if such a person's life w ere to spent full of prayers, fastenings and pilgrimage!.. Act uall y such erroneous behaviors take root from the i dea of denying “ ALL AH” and result from unbelieving. Think t wice! Is it possible for a man w ho believes in " All ah" or has gone beyond the point of that st ate, to chit- chat (gossip) or t o backbite, w hich is w orse? If he does, his belief i n “ Allah” should be doubt ed! His w ords w ill appeal onl y to the dull-w itted people! They w ho listen to the gossips and backbiting are fools onl y! Human has been created for know ledge (ilm), he listens to and speaks know ledge! Abundant is gossi p in someone w ho lacks know ledge! An unbeliever’s backbiting w ill never finish. The fire of backbiti ng can onl y be put out by the w ater of belief ! Backbit ing is such a mischief -making that only they who seek trouble will f ollow those who provoke and cont inue it! May All ah bestow on us and make it easy for us all to fol low the path of Rasul Allah by means of taking the road of reasoning and li ving the requirements of bel ief.



19.2.1999 Wayne - New Jersey

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WERE YOU NOT FOREWARNED? It is of ten a painf ul experience f or a hum an being to f ace the realit y! W e call such a bitter experience as a f eeling of disappointment! A man can experience a disappointment either due to his parents, or his spouse, or a close f riend! It does not come from a distant someone, at all. Yet, all these days are lim ited world days counted in seconds! You will have to be wit h all those that disappoint you, all and all, f or a couple of days or seconds! A lif etime ends, and ever yone f ollows his own pat h! You will not go together with someone in the eternal lif e anymore, who does not share your system of thought and perspect ive! Such a companionship cannot go beyond a company of f lesh and blood. W hether it may be someone who r elates to you congenit ally ( by birt h), or someone as your bed-mate or a f ellow man or comrade! Hypocrisy, lying, deceitf ulness or pur suit of self -esteem f or oneself f rom others based upon one's self ish int erests born out of his acceptance of himself as a physical and separated being in this wor ld will invar iably come to an end with the change of dimension! His deceitf ulness and hypocr isy born out of living f or money and f or the satisf action of physical organs terminat e in disappointment at the time of changing dimension. Neither his money, nor his wealt h, nor relatives ser ve good to him at that day! Nor has he had a t ime to get a sound heart off the pursuit of money or of whatever (!) ! The gong rang up! His head remained bet ween t wo of his hands! W e are inf ormed that " All ah w ill not forgi ve someone of his committing adultery after t he year of fort y, unless he repents si ncerel y ( nasuh tawba)". In that case, w ill Hu forgi ve l yi ng, h ypocrisy, and creati ng an image of an awliyah in order to find personal-esteem from others, veneration, rank and position in the e yes of people around? My dear f riends… W e should not deceive ourselves! We are onl y sharing information! There is neither a Murshid (spiritually enlight ening guide) found among us; nor is t here a spiritual training! Each one of us is drawing a path f or himself upon his per sonal interpretat ions and trying to keep away f rom the evil! Rel ying on a Murshid is a task that requires someti mes a 40- year spiritual training, same as in the sample of the reliance of Yunus on Tabduk! Unless staying with a Murshid at all moments, unless training the soul under the training of him at all mom ents, unl ess assuming Mohammedi character traits for yourself, unless givi ng aw ay and sharing generousl y among people become your everyd ay behavior, the w ay to spiritual attainment (walayat ) cannot be opened! Acquiring some know ledge of Sufism does not make a man awliyah! A ra zor blade can be used for shaving as well as for suicidal purposes (for committing suicide)!



Internet can be used to acquire some inf ormation of Suf ism and to dive int o the path of attaining the myster ies of the Koran, and it can also be used f or sensualit y, f inding a lif e partner! Do not deceive your self ! Comprehend the f acts bef ore the time of changing dimension comes, as if you have already changed the dimension; so that you may not be conf ront ed by the irreversible disappointments. At that time neither your mone y, nor your relations w hich are born out of physical closeness, w ill serve a benefit to you. Neither w ill your friends w ho stand on reverence at your door ( in the posture of respect) upon their assumption that you are holding a spiritual grade! Pl ease understand it properl y! My f riends… Al t hough all the information gi ven about and based upon the Oneness (wahdat) are definit e realities, that inf ormation can also be an injection of dajjalization (becoming a dajjal - anti-Christ) for someone w ho has not undergone a spiritual training. It does not matter w hether he is at eighteen or fift y-eight ! Someone w ho has not undergone a spiritual training can easil y fall i nto the hands of sensual indulgence i n the state of pharaoh w ith his know ledge of getting rid of a belief of a god; and li ve at the summit of dajjalization because of his or her fai lure to comprehend ALL AH and Hu's SYSTEM, even though they may satisf y themsel ves w ith their know ledge of Sufism. One w ho lives for Allah, are not concerned about sensual selfish interests! But a pretender will never be able to understand that! Only "humans" are created f or Allah! Human being is wise (thoughtf ul); and lives f or Allah! A pretender is intelligent (sharp only), and lives f or the satisf action of his carnal desires and self ish interests. An intelligent pret ender cannot determ ine t he value of a wise [rational] person, because he can only know ever yone as wise as himself only. An unwise intelligent has considerat ions f or only short periods of time and lives f or whatever his wor ld pleasures and self ish interests require! He needs to be respected and f lattered; or money or sex. He assumes everyone as himself ! A wise person however, knows the eter nit y of /his own/ being and lives f or Allah. Those that are the goal of the first one, are maybe just tools for the latter one, perhaps not even that ! They who consider themselves wise (rational) should watch themselves on the mirror of RasulAllah once f or the sake of Allah. They should not look f or a beard or a cloth on the mirror, but their goal. How much do they share w ith Rasul Allah in common! W hat did He live f or and what do they live f or? How much does it match with the interest of RasulAllah to run af ter some f un or pastime as soon as they f ind an opportunit y? A young man can g o out of mind when he is taken by androgens and can search high and low! A young woman can go out of mind when he is taken by est rogens and can search high and low! They can enter the phase of androposa ; their personalit y g oing out of mind; they try to prove themselves as to show that they haven't f inished; they jump on the viagra and yohim be; they sear ch high and low...



Meantime, he seeks f or a solace in Suf ism to console his conscience! W hat to f ind? None other than disappointment! Soon or later! My f riends... Come on, let us see the facts... This w orld is temporal, let us understand that... Let us distinct the Friend from Dajjal ! Putting the cooki es aside, let us set up friendships for All ah! Putting the crit icism of each other that is an action of Satan, let us take the self -discipline, self -criticism and self -improvement as our goals. My f riends, Allah has created Hu's system and or der and have communicated that system and order to us by the agency of Hu's Rasuls... Those who have been able to do so, have READ; Because of that Syst em: The f ood that I eat will not relief your hunger!.. The medicine that I take will not heal you!.. My practice of dua and zhikr or other ibadat will not give any advancement t o you! Ever ybody needs to carr y out the necessar y tasks and acquire their return! Nobody is able to bestow on you the outcome of deeds that you have not practiced. If you do not practice zhikr, your brain will not attain any resulting unf oldment; no matt er whom you may know. If you do not recite the def ensive prayers given in the Koran a hundr ed times a day, you won' t be able to def end against the invisible beings; no matter whom you may know. If you do not recite the dua of Rasul All ah he recited on the w ay to his Ascension (Miraj) that I have recount ed in t he book DU A and ZHIKR, t went y-one times ever y morning and evening, it is m ost possible that you will go under some inf luences wit hout knowing... Because, if your brain do not construct a def ensive area around f or itself , you become more receptive to the inf luence of invisible beings as your brain will have then reached to a higher sensor ial capacit y and a wider receptivit y. Through their misguidance, you may go away f rom Allah and become dajjalized... M y dear friends! Please be assured that… I am w riting all these for the good of you, w ithout ever having any goal of condemning, cri ticizing of or looki ng dow n on anybody! These are the very facts that I know . Al lah is my w itness that... You w ill be confronted w ith the outcome of these w ritings tomorrow and you w ill be asked if YOU WERE NO T FOREW ARNED before? We should either live the effect of our know ledge realisticall y w alking on the path show ed by Rasul All ah… Or else we should be prepared to meet wit h disappointments in the days when we will be alone! May All ah grant on us the comprehension and t he di gestion of these lines! 12.02.1999 Manhattan - NY

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TO MY FRIENDS This is a letter to my friends i n the fut ure … If these lines reach out to them, I hope they will understand why I could not wr ite down what or why I could not wr ite clearer! I am destitute, lonely and poor… W hile I explain a subject, I need to handle it with a sensitivit y of handling a hatching egg!. How f ar could I wr ite out of what I know-obser ve as true, under an administrat ion which can put its people in prison because of their “INTENTIONS” in reading a poem claiming that they understood their INTENTIONS, let alone because of their t houghts? How f ar could I explain the RE ALI TIES of the SYSTEM that metaphors and parables in the Koran impl y, in a societ y where a religious understanding based on the accept ance of ancient Sky Turks that “there is a GOD UP I N THE SKY” is regarded as “Islam” and those who accept it called as MUSLI MS? W hile I wrote in 1970 that Human Spirit is cr eated f rom micro wave rays of light produced by brain and later I have heard f rom a religious communit y’s spokesman that micr o waves ar e produced in microwave ovens and spirits could not have microwave structure, how could then I tell that it is wr itten in a publication of TUBITAK (Turkish Scient if ic and Technical Research I nstitut ion) issued in 1997 with t he t itle of “ A Short History of the Uni verse ” that ther e are count less number rays of micro waves in the universe? How could I tell about the f act that hum an brain receives and spreads ar ound count less number of meaningf ul waves and that the af terlif e dimension is such a wavelike realm, to those well-educat ed who claim that waves are only those long-medium-short and FM radio waves? How could I tell that the religion should not be used for any worldly profit , to societies w hich are ruled w ith a mentalit y in w hich the tasks are imposed as performances for god- up-there and w ad (w orldly w ealth) is made on t hat religi ous understanding and no right of li ving is recognized for others because of close relations established on profits ? How could I tell to those who says “ Allah is up-ther e in the sky”, the f act that up-there could only be a “god” in question and such a god never exists, but there is only the One that is denoted by the name “ All ah” with all Hu’s esm a (names) at ever y point and that must be perceived in ever y point that you turn to? How could I tell that in the Koran al-Karim mentioned is not a concept of “PROPHET” which is based on a concept of deity, but the attributes of N ABI and R ASUL based on the being denoted by the name “ ALLAH” along with the outcome of understanding them? How could I tell that it is not accepted within the context of religion to f orce Muslims to pract ice its requirements under any circumstances, because not even the Rasul has an authorit y to f orce people in practice? How could I tell that it cannot go along (does not agree) wit h the uni versal human right s, the democracy to violate the rights of educat ion of young people wear ing headscarf because of their belief ? How could I tell that Religious acceptance wit h pretense is in vain, progression is impossible by means of imitating others no matter who the others may be, and that each person must deter mine his own way by his own mind?



How could I tell that no one other than the Rasul of Al lah should be SUBJECTED TO, and that ever yone must draw his own way by his own reasoning through taking benef it f rom others’ opinions and also that f ollow ing the inaccurate can never be considered as an effecti ve excuse ? How could I tell how heavy it will cost us in the af ter world to pass awa y without preparat ion, as we have been f amiliar with t he f act as a rule even now in this world that " the weak is subject to be food for the powerful, as the powerful and hungry is the one who is taken care of "? How could I tell that the onl y i ntercession ( shafaat) is know ledge (ilm)? To reach t he shafaat is to reach the know ledge! It is to attain the intercession to evaluate the know ledge! It is to push off (aw ay) the intercession to neglect the requirements of know ledge! That no one can give a help to a person beyond death who did not practice the requir ements of the Deen-i Islam as inf ormed by Rasul of Allah… That in the af terlif e there will never be a chance of practicing and receiving the f ruit of what one denied in t his wor ld, and ther efore it is a must to pr actice those works of preparation while living on earth? How could I tell that the SYSTEM and the ORDER created by the One ref erred to as Allah, is an alive organism or mechanism operating in micro and macro plans ( levels) and that the f orms of lif e known as jinni, angel, devil, hellhound are the live inhabit ants of various dimensional levels of that mechanism? How could I t ell that the symbols and m etaphors in the Koran are not only in concern with the world and the present lif e and percept ion of people in this world, but are the unf oldments of knowledge coming out f rom the source of RISALAT in concern with the dif f erent periods (processes) of the universal and the beyond death dimension of inf init y? How could I tell that having met with a saint in t his world will never bring benef it beyond death if the outcome of the knowledge ( shafaat) of SAINTHOOD (wali) f rom him has not been evaluated in daily lives of this world; and that we need to know that someone who loves honey, will never at tain the benef its of honey unless he eat s it? How could I tell that regardless of which centur y it came t o the wor ld, the Koran comes (na zil) in order to devel op that human tow ard the fut ure, and it does not come to block people into the past. On the contrar y, the Koran has a SPIRIT that places lim its to go backward and recommends advancements on these rights? How could I tell to such dull- witted people that living W ITH THAT "SPIRI T" of the Koran does not mean changing the Koran? How could I tell that those who do not have faith in what is ref erred to as Al lah ar e in f act denyi ng t hemsel ves and t he potencies w ithin themsel ves as a conclusion, and they will not be able to access into the dimension of heaven because of that denial!.. How can I make people realize that they who do not align themselves with the requirements of the Deen-i Islam are f ace to f ace with the problem of being in conflict w ith (run counter to) the system and the order that they li ve in , and this will cost them heavy beyond death? How can I explain that those who f ail to evaluat e the Koran through "RE ADING" it with Its "SPIRIT" will suff er grave regrets, and that mere lit eralism of the Koran will br ing great losses? How must I tell that being " HUM AN" and desiring to realize and live the eff ect of "khaliphness", requires an approach to the other person always objectivel y



without pr ejudice in all subjects wit h a comprehensive and deep thought system, and that one needs also to obser ve the circumstances (events) in connection with the character traits (ahlak) of Allah ? How could I tell it and make people understand that the most momentous problem that a human being should consider immediately, is to ref ine f rom the social conditionings of the communit y he lives in and to evaluate ever y event with a universal viewing and to live its ef fect? How could I make you realize that you m ust evaluat e lif e as an individual wit h a f ree thinking, instead of being a slave of your communit y by restricting yourself with the condit ions of your time and circumstances t hat you live in? How can I make people comprehend that it is our task with t he highest pr ior it y to communicate and share the true know ledge of rel igion w ith people unconditionall y in a communit y of Muslims of billions, in which the trademakers of religion appear at ever y street corner who assure their worldly wealt h as the commission of an artif icial understanding of religion that is sold in market accompanied wit h i maginary concepts and unknown imaginary ranks, and while innocent Muslim's capit als (f unds) are spent on buildings instead of communicating to them the inf ormation in the best way? How can I make the brutal agree that br utalism is not accepted in the Deen-i Islam, and nor in the w orld of humanit y? Please tr y to under stand me!.. 11.10.1998 Antal ya

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