The Book Of Judges Part 1-14

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  • Pages: 108
The Era of the Judges (roughly 12th-11th centuries B.C.E.). The time of the Judges was after Israel left Egypt, travelled through the Wilderness under leadership of Moses, then entered the Promised Land under leadership of Joshua (Y’shua’s First Coming) before the Government of King David (Y’shua’s Second Coming) was established. In the time of King David, Israel experienced the most prosperous time ever.


This is a picture of what we can expect when the King of Kings, Y’shua, will reign after His Second Coming. Prophetically, Judges is pointing to the timeframe between Y’shua’s First and Second Coming, and that is where we find ourselves in and we can learn so much on how to live as Believers especially as we draw near to the end of this time period. Joshua brought Israel into Canaan, in the same way Y' shua brought us into the spiritual Promised Land of faith. We are not only awaiting His Second Coming and salvation, we are also awaiting His Government with which He will rule over the earth forever.

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Joshua' s last words and warning was not to forsake the Torah and His Commandments, but the people later fell back and forsook YHVH' s Word. During the history of the Judges we see that, even when they fell away from YHVH' s Ways, they were more than half of the time blessed, following YHVH' s Commandments. This gives us hope for this time and we know that we need to follow YHVH’s Ways in order to experience His peace. In the same way, man throughout history from Y’shua’s ascension, had fallen back into the hands of the enemy and are periodically serving the enemy and freed from the enemy throughout the centuries up till now. We as believers living now are also subject under the rulership of “Judges” who YHVH appointed so that they can lead the people back into following the Torah and YHVH’s ways till He comes again. %

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When they had no ruler over them, every man did what he thought was right and this is also true for today, people have the right to be different and do as they think is right. Throughout this Book we see the same Cycle of sin, Israel forgot YHVH, He send an Enemy to rule over them, they repent, He then sends a Judge to deliver them. They live in peace until they forget Him again. This Cycle repeated six times with a total of twelve Judges to rule over YHVH’s people.


In the First Chapter of the book of Judges we find the most peculiar story of Israel fighting against the Canaanites where they caught the king, Adonai-Bezek, and cut off his thumbs and great toes. What does this mean? Adonai-Bezek did the same thing to seventy kings and this was now done back unto him. We see that the evil that you do, will return to you and you must bear the consequences of what you have done. We can learn a lot from this king, Bezek because his life is like the "yetzer hara", or ‘evil inclination’ that is found in every one of us. We were born with this “evil inclination” and have to let your "yetzer tov", the ‘good inclination’ overshadow it and dictate our actions. The "yetzer hara" takes advantage of our fleshly needs and cause it to go out of balance and control and we later on end up in sin. The "yetzer tov" is part of your spiritual side you must learn to let your spiritual side lead and dictate your actions and allowing this, is a sign of maturity. Bezek

has two meanings, ‘spark’ and ‘lightning bolt’. As we have seen with

this king, you will face your consequences. Sometimes it can be as small as a spark but sometimes it can be devastating like a lighting bolt. The lesson to learn here is that you better not play with sin, allowing it in your life, because you might bear more serious consequences than you can handle. The first two letters of Bezek

is “baz”

that means- ‘spoil, booty, robbery,

to divide, to despise, hold in contempt’. The last letter is Qof

, and it means

‘repentance’. We need to repent (Qof) and subdue our evil desires by allowing our "yetzer tov" to take over so that we will not be despised and divided (baz) by the consequences of our sin. They did not kill Bezek, they only cut off his thumbs and great toes so that he could not hold a weapon to attack or hurt someone else. He still had a tongue. In the same way, when you came to faith, you have received a new nature that makes you less prone to sin but you need to watch you tongue, it can still be used to express your "yetzer hara" and bring you into serious trouble.

Enemies in the Valleys with Iron Chariots ' '* &+ !

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Israel defeated their enemies on the mountain but did not drive out the enemies in the lower parts. We learn that the men of the tribe of Judah could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain because they had iron chariots (Judges 1:19).



The iron chariot was most valuable in making rapid flanking movements where the land was fairly flat and open. The coastal area of Palestine was relatively level, while the hill-country inland featured steep slopes and deep valleys. However, in the coastal plain the Canaanite and Philistine iron chariots proved to be the tanks of their period, racing across the flat country. But chariots were ineffective on wooded hills. The High places and mountainous areas represent a place of set apart living. The Valleys and costal areas close to the sea represent the nations and people in the world. Satan has the ‘technology’ to deceive people with his worldly systems found in the media, entertainment, music, books est. If you are not well equipped with the Mountainous area of set-apart living, you will be pulled into the ways of the world and Satan’s deceptive tactics. Since Israel did not obtain chariots until the time of the monarchy, they simply could not dislodge the people of the coastal plain. But in one instance there was a strikingly different result. Jabin and Sisera, from the stronghold of Hazor, had a massive force of 900 iron chariots (Judges 4, 5). But Deborah and Barak, the Israelite leaders, were successful against this superior force because Elohim routed the enemy. There is also the implication that there was a late spring storm, which turned the river Kishon into a raging torrent and rendered the iron chariots useless in the battle. This shows us that the enemy with the iron chariots can only be conquered with the help of YHVH and with a flood of His Word (water). This shows us that His Word will make the chariots ineffective and you can have a victory at the costal area, bringing in and winning souls for the Kingdom out of the nations (sea). Judah’s tribe attacked Jerusalem and they burnt it. They did not live in it. Later, the Jebusites captured that city again. We can see this from verse 21. Israel’s people did not capture it completely until David was the king.

The Tale of Two Cities In the First Chapter we read about two Cities that were conquered; Hebron and Debir. These two Cities were found in the Promised Land and needs to be dealt with by you, as a believer. But what does these two Cities mean?

The City of Hebron – The Giants Hebron (also known as Kiryat Arba or Mamreh) is a city of a rich biblical history going back to the era of the Patriarchs. When Abraham arrived in Canaan, one of the places in which he settled was the Hebron area, which he sanctified by building an altar to YHWH: “And Abraham moved his tent and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre which is in Hebrom and there he built an altar to YHWH” (Genesis 13:18). Hebron is also where Abraham buried his wife, Sarah, in the cave of Machpela. Hebron comes from the word "cheber" – that means ‘to bind’. Old name was Keriath-arba or the City of four giants. There were four giants who dwelled there, but only three are mentioned here: • • •

Sheshai - my linen garments, six, mercy, flax Ahiman - who is my brother, to go to the right (second part of word) Talmai - bountiful water (sea) - relationship with the world (nations, sea)


These were Giants they had to face after they entered into the Promised Land. What does this mean, because all of them have good meanings? The Giants in your life is difficult to spot even though they are very big because of the ‘camouflage’ hiding them. They hide themselves behind masks of “white linen garments” and as “one of the brothers” and as “friendships”. We have all seen what peer pressure does to teen-agers and in the same way friendships with the wrong people can be the Giant in your life that keeps you from the fullness of YHVH, but you will find it difficult to realise it.. The First Giant represents religious friends that do not believe the same way you do and they confuse you by false doctrine, even though they appear to have white garments on. To test if this is the case with a particular friend, ask yourself the question after they have left: Do I feel builded up or am I confused? What is the fruit of this friendship? Do they draw me closer to YHVH or away from YHVH into the world? These people will say that YHVH’s Law is no longer valid and that you are legalistic if you try to obey it. They will say things that are contrary to the Word and contradict themselves often. This Giant can be slain by studying the Scripture to proof your faith so that these “friends” of yours will not lead you astray and away from the truth. Y’shua referred to these Giants as white washed graves because they appear to have the life but they are full of dead bones binging spiritual death by preaching man made laws. The Second Giant is “one of the brothers”, someone in the faith who cause you to stumble due to their actions or words. There will always be someone in an assembly of believers who will irritate you or offend you in some way or another. If this brother or sister says something about the Word, you feel something standing up in you and find it difficult to receive from him or her. Is there something wrong with him or with you? The answer is both. He may have a problem or weakness and this cause you to be irritated or offended. You have the problem of being irritable or offended and this is a weakness sin you. YHVH allows people like his in a group so that they can be your blessing. They bless you by bringing out the worst in you so that it might surface and that you can work on it. IA dead man would not be offended by anything and Paul said that we have to die in Messiah, this means to be dead to other people’s mistakes and irritations. If he or she offends you, ask YHVH to show you what it is in you that cause you to react in this way and ask Him to help you to overcome this weakness. In the same time pray for your brother or sister who cause you to stumble. When you are sorted out, then there will be love peace and unity and we must all die in Messiah to achieve this. The Third Giant is your relationship with the world or friends in the world outside the faith. The faith in Y’shua asks that you live a set-apart life and that you only allow believers inside your “inner circle of trust” and it is from these friends that you receive your support and council. Be careful of allowing friends outside the faith from your past life into this inner circle because they will lead you astray from YHVH’s ways if you consult them for advice. They have different lifestyle, morals and wisdom that is based on man’s wisdom and worldly ways.


The Forth Giant is not mentioned here and that implies that this Giant is YOU. This Giant is the self or better known as; me myself and I where everything revolves around you. This is the most dangerous Giant and the most difficult Giant to spot. You can be the Giant that stands between you and The Four Giants in YHVH. If you still upholds your ideals, dreams and plans from your Hebron: fleshly past above the things that YHVH dictates, then you will most definitely follow your dreams instead of His Plan. You will pursue your material needs instead of His spiritual treasures and you will be a plastic believer who uses YHVH to gain your needs. This is the wrong way round and the wrong order and you have to get of the throne in your life and give the authority to YHVH. When you sit on the throne, you will dictate to YHVH what you want Him to do for you and then He is serving you instead of you serving Him. You are the servant and He is the Master, He speaks and you listen. Submit ! !" under His Word and pursue His Will and be someone He can use for the benefit of His Kingdom. , .

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4 As seen in the meaning of the word Hebron; these Giants will bind you if you do not seek them out and destroy them in your life. You have to realiase the seriousness of this in order to improve and maintain a good relationship with YHVH without relationships getting in the way.

The City of Debir – The Scroll The second City is Debir and its old name is Kiriath-Sepher or “City of the Scroll”. Debir is the same as the word "dawbar" that means ‘to speak’. If you add a "yod" it is the same word used to name the Holy of Holies. The City of the Scroll (Word) and the Holy of Holies is from where YHVH speaks to His people. To conquer this City is to achieve the ability to “hear” YHVH’s Voice and to understand His words and to apply them skilfully in your life and teach others. This is the aim for all of us to be equipped so that we can help and teach others. In the book of Judges we read that Caleb offered His beautiful daughter as the bride to the one who was worthy of facing the challenge of conquering this City. His daughter’s name is Achsah and it means – ‘adornment’, ‘anger’ or ‘adder’. Othniel took on the challenge and got Achsah as wife. Othniel means ' force or Lion of Elohim’. The man that chooses to pursue this task; to embrace the Word in order to lead people, will be adorned and beautified by it, but will get a greater judgement (anger) if he teaches people the wrong things.


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Achsah asked her father a field and he also gave her the upper waters and the lower waters. A Field in Hebrew always means ‘nations’ and this is the inheritance and reward for pursuing this calling; there will be people coming out of the nations to serve YHVH and this is the fruit of your labour. He also gave her the upper and lower water meaning that YHVH will anoint and equip His Judge to reveal earthly wisdom as well as spiritual wisdom and revelation of the Word in order to help the people and lead them out of the world. In Chapter three we will see that Othniel was the first Judge and he had to conquer the City of the Scroll in order to be equipped to do the work of a Judge (spiritually). Conclusion: You must spend time on the mountainous area, which is the Way and Will of YHVH, living a set-apart life so that you will be equipped and ready when you deal with the Steel Chariot enemies in the world. You will need a fluid of the Word to overcome their tactics and with the help of YHVH you will overcome them and bring many people into the Kingdom. The City of Hebron deals with the Four Giants (Bad Relationships), which you must expel out of your life and the City of the Scroll is there to equip you to do the work YHVH planned for you in this life. You have to face both Cities to develop and grow up into Spiritual Maturity and to be effective in the Kingdom of YHVH. We will dig a bit deeper into the meaning of a judge before we look at the Judges YHVH gave to lead His people in the Promised Land.


The Kingdom is about taking back land from the enemy inside the Promised Land. There are enemies to conquer, if you do not conquer them, they will conquer you. The worst thing you can do is to make a deal with the enemies, compromising and allowing them to live with you in the Land. YHVH wants you to be active in the process of eliminating the enemies from your life and He wants you to take control over your life. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit and He wants you to steer and hit the breaks and the gas, He will guide you but it is up to you to obey. He does not want robots; He wants a spontaneous Bride who loves Him out of free will, doing spontaneously what He desires for your life. 2 &" ) !& 6 )

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In Chapter two we see that Israel made a deal with the enemy and YHVH said to them that their enemy will be a thorn in their side and their gods will be a trap to the people. This is an exact quote form Num 33:55 and they still have not learned. They realised what they have done and named the place Bochim, that means ‘weeping’.

From Gilgal to Bochiem The messenger of YHVH came from Gilgal and went to Bochiem. Why do we need to know that? Surely there must be something below the surface we can learn from.

Gilgal Bochiem -

The Aleph-Bet

… Aleph Bet Gimmel Dalet

- rolling, scull

Kaf Lamed Mem

- Weeping

Bet is before Gimmel and Kaf is before Lamed in the Aleph-Bet. This means that Bochiem is alphabetically before Gilgal and they were moving backwards, so to speak. They went from a place of rolling to a place of weeping because of their sin. Moving into sin is moving backwards, what would have happened if they were moving forward?


There is Strength in Worship Lets go to the next letter after Gimmel

, which is Dalet

and the letter after

Lamed , which is Mem . Then we get the word "damah" that means silence. Lets put the picture together; we either comes from a place of rolling backwards into sin which results into weeping, or we move forward into righteousness resulting in silence. You thought it would have been the opposite of weeping which is rejoicing and praise, but it is not, it is silence. We find this same truth in Psa_65:1. 9

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There must be silence (worship) first, before there can be praise. We always thought to make a joyful noise and to praise first, but we see in this Psalm, that we get silent before YHVH before we praise Him. If we do not know how to worship YHVH in silence, you will not be able to praise Him making a joyful noise. To worship in silence is spiritual and cannot be seen in the open but to rejoice is physical and can be seen by everybody. To praise should be as a result of your worship and intimacy with YHVH. The Church has the order wrong when they praise before they worship in their services. We must start from the inside out because YHVH works from the inside out and Satan twisted everything and works from the outside in. When you truly worship YHVH, it is silent, and out of that, you can move into true praise. The strength of your relationship is found in the time you spent in silence before YHVH, worshipping and adoring Him. Do you make time to worship YHVH in you inner room and how do you manage your time you spent with YHVH? In this lies the key to a good and strong relationship with Him. Worship is the word “shachah”

and means; ‘to depress, that is, prostrate

(fall flat on your face in homage to royalty or YHVH): - bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, to admire, to show respect, worship. We see in the Hebrew letters a “Shin” Spirit, as in purifying fire, we see a “Chet” “Hey”

that means

that means ‘Life’, and we see a

that means ‘Light’. To worship YHVH is to Worship Him in Spirit and in

Truth and then you will experience real Life.. 1

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There are two types of worship; a spiritual way and a physical way. The spiritual way of worship is what we just looked at now, and is to go in isolation and in silence, adoring Him and to telling Him how much you appreciate and love Him. Then there is the physical way to worship Him, and that is to worship Him in Truth. This kind of worship is the Hebrew word “avodah” that comes from he root word “Avad” that means; servant, to work, to create, to make and worshipers. To worship in truth is to live a life where you express His Truth, living out His Commandments while doing your every day work.


The name Gilgal means, “rolling away”, and on a personal level means that our sin is rolled away and that we can enter the Promised Land. The only question is, will you move forward into worship and praising YHVH, or will you go backwards into sin, weeping? The time you allocate to YHVH will determine how open you will be towards sin. YOU have to drive out and keep out the Enemies 4

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Verse two is a quote from Numbers 33:55 and they did not obey the principle from the past; to wipe out the enemies because they will give you trouble in the end. Note, YOU have to drive out the enemies from the land, not YHVH. These are the ‘internal’ enemies in your life you have to deal with. Spiritually it means that you have to get rid of sin, bad habits, past hurts and issues in your life so that they wouldn’t become splinters in your eyes and become a thorn in your side or cause you to become a thorn in someone else’s side. When you live with the enemies making deals with them, (sin or past hurts), you will be like a person with splinters in your eyes. People like this cannot “see” properly and are stumbling and bumping into things. They get into other people' s space, touching them inappropriately, trying to find their way. This is a person who acts out of his or her emotions; they stumble into people' s lives, say things that hurt others and cannot see the consequences of their deeds. They touch people in a way that hurt or offend them or make them uncomfortable. They stumble through life like a drunkard with a trail of broken relationships. You need to be a servant of righteousness; you must never give up the fight against those things in your life that causes you to act half blind and drunk and you need to have a clear vision to see the results of your actions. You need to do introspection to see your sin and/or hurts and deal with them so that you can change and live in peace with one another. YHVH gave you the ability to fight off the ‘old enemies’ in your life. Just don' t give up and never stop to rage war on those things that cause you to stumble and cause division and strive in the assembly and in your life. The most important thing you have to do is to realise that everybody have enemies (past hurts and sin in your life, and you must ‘want to’ get rid of them because they are blocking your vision and cause you to hurt others. Remember, you can only give out what you have received. If you get stuck in one place with your hurts, you will hand this out to others and transfer the pain. Face it and deal with it and fill yourself with the love of YHVH (worship) so that you may be able to hand that out to people around you.


Three Stages of slipping into Sin Do not settle into an agreement of compromise with these enemies, to live with them in the same land (your life). Do not accept any sin in your life thinking that it is not so bad and that it is part of your character and people have to accept you the way you are. Pursue them and wipe them out because they will cause you pain in the end and be a thorn in your side. You will have restricted vision and will always be in pain, feeling bad or facing bad consequences because of your actions. You will be miserable, alone and will not live a life of freedom and victory. '- '


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The three phases of slipping into serious sin: •

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Compromise: First they forgot YHVH, which is a small sin. This happens if you compromise only a little bit. You live a casual life and set the wrong example to your children, not taking YHVH’s Word serious enough and apply it in your daily activities. To compromise is to make a deal with the enemies (sin) in your life. Secret Sin: Secondly they prayed to Baal, this is when you do sin in secret, which only you and YHVH can see. This is your pet sin and it forms a habit, which is difficult to break. Backsliding: Lastly they followed other gods and physically bowed down to them, which is sin in its fullness and others can see as fruit in your life. This is when you have backslidden and do not even care about YHVH’s things any more.

Sin starts of by forgetting YHVH' s ways, compromising and slipping your standard by not putting Him first (worship). Then you secretly do things that are hidden that only you know about it. Then you will get accustom to doing that ‘pet sin’ and it wouldn’t be long before you show the physical evidence of sin in your life that everyone else can see. The word says that ‘you will be known by your fruit’ and your actions will show what is in your heart. Do not even allow the first step of compromise into your life because you as a believer in Messiah are not free from committing any grievous sin. It only takes a slip in the standard and in your commitment to follow YHVH, to let you slip and fall on your back into the world. The word says that you that stand, to watch out that you do not fall. It is a continual process of discipline, humility and commitment to maintain a healthy relationship with YHVH free from enemies in your life. The enemy, Satan, is especially interested in you as a believer, to draw you back into the world. Remember the Chariots of Iron, his tactics and worldly systems that will pull down anyone who lay slack in keeping the enemies and giants out of their lives.


The story opens with the following words: 2

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It may be hard for us to believe that Israel would substitute the worship of the great and all-mighty Elohim for worship of pagan idols of wood and stone. But before we condemn them, we should remind ourselves that we are guilty of the same sin when we put other activities and priorities before our relationship with YHVH. What are your idols? They may not be made of stone, but to Elohim they are just as sinful. Television, sport, hobbies, friends…..anything that keeps you from a relationship with YHVH that is done excessively and out of balance. YHVH allowed enemies in the Land of Canaan for two specific reasons: 2


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YHVH left the enemies in Canaan to teach Israel warfare and to test them whether they would follow the Torah received by Moses. Everything in our lives that happens is a test and a teaching, testing if you will do His Commandments and to teach you if you have any shortcomings so that you will overcome when you get the same test again. In the process you will also learn who the enemies are and how to make war against them. Israel faced six main enemies, which dwelled among them and they were their main enemies: 1. Canaanites – Flesh: Their name means ‘merchants’, and comes from a root that means – ‘to fold together’, ‘be low’ or ‘to depress’. . They are descendants from the son of Cham who was cursed. A merchant had to carry everything he was to sell and had to fold it together and squeeze it into his package, which he carried on a donkey, camel or wagon. They had a skill of packing and trafficking. Satan is also known as a trafficker, Eze 28:18.

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This is addressed to the wicked king of Tyre, who is a picture of Satan. Satan is the enemy that lived in the Garden and YHVH is giving everything back to us that we lost through Satan' s lies. We win the ground back by following YHVH and His Ways and Torah. Verse 17 - Satan' s wisdom was corrupted because of His brightness, splendor and pride. Why is Satan described as a merchant? He did his first sale in Eden when he offered Eve the opportunity to become like YHVH. She bought it and had to pay with everything YHVH gave them in the Garden of Eden. They fell from this higher ‘State of Life’ and were cast out of the Garden to live in a cursed world in a cursed body. Y' shua, by dying on the tree, came to buy back that was legitimately sold to Satan, the field, man (the Bride) and creation (the land). Creation groans with us to be finally redeemed at the end of time. [Rom 8:22] When Y' shua said, "it is finished", that Greek word for finished means; paid in full. We are already bought back and paid for and belong to Him. When He comes back with Him after the thousand years, we will finally take back the Land and Creation that Y' shua paid for after took back from Satan. Satan does have dominion over the world currently, but he does not control every individual, he is only YHVH' s sheepdog that snaps at the heels of YHVH' s people. Every believer has to face this enemy found in Canaan or the Promised Land (redeemed life) and we have to overcome this enemy known as merchants. We have to overcome them and take back dominion of the Land Y’shua bought back from Satan. You can only do this if you have the Blood of the Messiah on your life as the proof and the title deed for the ownership of this Land. This enemy is like squatters who are found around every corner, who bugs you to try to sell you fleshly lies in trade for your Land. They will lead you into fleshly things, away from the Torah and you will loose ground in your spiritual life (Garden of Eden life). Y' shua was tempted in the same way in the wilderness where Satan promised Him the world, in exchange for worshipping him. Satan wants to give you riches and possessions (fleshly stuff) in exchange of your worship. Everything that is more important than YHVH in your life is an idol bought form these merchants, the Canaanites. Satan uses the “Chariots of Iron” we saw in Chapter 1 to overcome YHVH’s people. These possessions will keep you BUSY (Being Under Stan’s Yoke) and consume your time so that your relationship with YHVH will die. 2. Hittites – Fear: Descendants of Het

and it means fear

or terror. Satan controls by fear and he will make you ineffective by overwhelming you by troubles and cares of this world. Do not fear so that you do not submit under this enemy. Fear YHVH so that He can control you rather than Satan and his bad reports. You will serve the one you fear and you will become a slave of the enemy if you fear them. Fear is the opposite of faith. You fear because you do not believe. What should I believe in order not to fear? The promises of YHVH and the fact the He will provide and look after you, guide you and protect you, as we have seen in the prophetic picture where Israel was led through the Wilderness by the means of a pillar of could and of fire. Het is spelled Chet - Tav, Chet means life and Tav means stake (cross) which represents death.


YHVH says in His Word that He puts life and death before us and that we should choose life [Deut 30:19] YHVH gave us the opportunity to choose between faith and fear, life and death, blessings or curses. Choose faith and live and be blessed by putting your trust in Him and the enemy will flee. 3. Amorites – Lies & Blabber: Amor means blabbers or talkers. This enemy is actively spreading lies, slander and bad reports spreading confusion, destruction and fear. When you believe the lies of the enemy, you will be bound by those lies and be enslaved by them. The Amorites is a picture of false doctrine that is based upon man' s traditions and/or pagan intermixing better known as the system of Babylon. They are also a picture of people slandering, breaking up relationships and unity. These messages are conveyed through lies and comes directly as a tactic invented by the ‘father of lies (Satan). To defeat this enemy, you need the truth because it is only the truth that will set you free. You also need to keep yourself out of the loop of slander so that you will not get caught up in the sticky web of Satan. You defeat this enemy by washing yourself with the water of the Word and guarding your tongue. 4. Perizzites – Anti-Torah Spirit: Perizzites means ‘without walls’. Think of a city without walls. Back in the day, a city without walls were very vulnerable and open for attack. The Torah is our safeguard and the Wall we live in to protect us from the enemy. The Perizzites represents the enemy that will teach you to be passive regarding the Word and to cling only to Grace. They also teach that the Wall is done away with and that you will be supernaturally protected from your enemies. These people have no walls of protection and in other words have no boundaries of protection of the Torah. They live a life of “freedom” but bear the painful consequences of being entrapped by Satan. They mix with the world and look like people in the world and have no light to shine except for one candle called ‘Grace’. This is the enemy operates in the spirit of the Anti-Messiah and teaches people against Torah and YHVH’s Wall of protection [Ps 91]. 5. Hivites – False Prophets or Teachers: Hivites comes from the root word “chavah”; that means – ‘to live’. It also means ‘wickedness’. People who are wicked are people without faith. Wicked is the word "ra-ah" that also means ‘to shepherd’. The Hivites are the bad shepherds who are supposed to bring life but bring only messages that will tickle their ears of the people, preaching what they want to hear. (prosperity, love, self esteem, grace). [Rom 11:8, 2 Ti 4:3-4] '( 6 4 !

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They are the false prophets that will deceive many. They are full of pride and arrogance and do not submit under the Commandments of YHVH. To overcome this enemy in your life you have to have a love for the truth and seek the will of YHVH and not to believe things that are not based on the fundamental truths found in Scripture. 6. Jebusites – Satan’s Plan of destruction: Jabus is the name for Jerusalem found in Jud 19:10. Jabus means trampled down and this is the result of Satan what Satan wants. A name also means a destiny and Satan wants to change Jerusalem' s name from “Yerushalom”, that means, ' the teaching of peace'or ' the Torah of peace’, to ' Trampled down' . “Yeru” or “yarah” is the root word found in “Yerushalom” that is also the root word for Torah or Instruction or to ‘learn how to shoot’. “Shalom” means peace as well as ‘completion of the building process’ and this shows us that YHVH will complete the building up process or restoration of His people resulting in the place called Yerushalom that fulfill His Plan. To defeat this enemy is to be aware of YHVH’s Plan and bigger picture so that you can be in line with the plan, purpose and vision of YHVH, so that He can use you to accomplish His Plan and defeat Satan. Satan wants to destroy you and others, and keep people ignorant of YHVH’s Plan so that his plan or renaming of the City to “Jabus” can be established. Even with the knowledge of these enemies, the people of Israel still mixed with them and learned their ways and brought a curse upon them selves. 2



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People in the world today do exactly the same thing, mixing with the enemies and learning their ways and they act and look just like them. YHVH gave them over to the king of Mesopotamia and they served Cushan-rishathaim (meaning double wickedness) eight years. This shows that if you as a believer in YHVH refuse to take action against these six major enemies, that He will let you bear the consequences of ‘double wickedness’ becoming just like these enemies. The sin that you embrace will become strong in your life and overpower you and you will become a slave and vehicle for that enemy to work through you and be an instrument in Satan’s hands, helping him to try to fulfil his plan to turn Yerushalom to Jabus – trampled down ruins.


In Chapter 3 we get introduced to the Judges and we meet the first Judge, Othniel who reigned 40 years. He overcame the Galil (City of the Scroll) in Chapter 1 and defeated the enemy from Mesopotamia who reigned over them for 8 years. Then we meet Ehud, the second Judge who’s reign lasted for 80 years after he defeated the Moabites who reigned over Israel for 18 years.

The First Judge – Othniel – Teachers & The Word Othniel means ' force or Lion of Elohim’ and he featured in chapter one where he conquered the "City of the Scroll" and and he received the “waters above” and the “waters below” that means; spiritual revelation regarding YHVH and the Kingdom and Plan, and he received physical revelation about how to apply YHVH’s word in your life. He also received a Bride and a Field. The Bride represents the People of YHVH, who he lead as a husband would lead his wife. The Field represents the Nations that will be added as ‘fruit’ of his labour. He became a judge because he conquered the Word of YHVH that made him competent because he set the standard of what a judge should be. Othniel' s father' s name is Kenaz that means ‘hunter’ and a hunter in the Hebrew culture is someone who hunts for the truth and this also supports the character of Othniel. The Spirit of YHVH came upon him and he delivered the people of Israel and they had rest for forty years. The number 40 is very prominent in Scripture and it means the “Work of the Messiah” Y’shua was also like Othniel who conquered the City of the Scroll, setting His Word right and He rebuked those who perverted it. Y’shua also received a Bride and a Field and He had revelation of all truth because He is the Word of YHVH. YHVH raises leaders like Othniel in this day to proclaim the Truth and to rectify misconceptions and confusion. They are like a lion of YHVH who do not bow to the pressures of man and will stand for the truth no mater what.

The Second Judge - Ehud – New Believers & The Enemy of the Flesh 2' ) "#$#&


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After the death of Othniel, the children of Israel did evil in the eyes of YHVH and He strengthened their enemy, Eglon, the king of Moab against them, and he ruled over them for eighteen years. Eglon means to be calf-like and this shows that they worshipped a calf-like god similar to the golden calf after the ways of Egypt. The children of Israel cried out to YHVH and He raised a Judge named Ehud, to rule over them.


Ehud = Unity & Thanksgiving

Ehud means, “United” and Unity is a strong theme that features right through the Book of Judges and I believe that this is the message YHVH has for His people approaching the End Times. “Thanksgiving” is part of Worship that is the strength of your spiritual Life.

His name means - ' united'or ' I will give thanks' . He was the son of Gerah, that means ‘grain’, (a weight of 16 barley grains). The Sages belief that Ehud had a withered right hand or that he was left-handed and he made himself a knife. The children of Israel made a gift for the king Eglon and send it with Ehud to present it to him. Eglon was an extremely fat man and Ehud took his knife, hidden on his right side, and with his left hand, killed the fat king so that his knife disappeared in the fat of his belly. He then blew the trumpet on Mount Ephraim and assembled the people to fight against the enemy. They killed all the lusty men of the enemy and had peace for eighty years. The Shophar also represents “Unity” and it was blown to assemble and gather the people. This story is about ‘killing’ the flesh and we see it in two places; the king was very fat and suffered from covetousness, as well as his followers, and the Judge, Ehud was left-handed and he lost his sword (Word) in the fat. !!'-




Isa 48:13 also teach us that left means physical depicting the flesh and right means spiritual. The king and the enemy were fat and this emphasize the problem with the flesh and the foundation of sin; namely covetousness. We saw this enemy in the previous section, namely the Canaanites or Merchants. The nature of fleshly sin is addiction; this is why it said that YHVH made the enemy STRONG against Israel because they did evil in His sight. The flesh is a strong enemy to overcome and if you allow only a thought to slip through, then the flesh will build up and take out the stops and overwhelm you to be a slave of addiction. This is so because fleshly sins are pleasurable and your body gets addicted to the pleasure. You can get addicted to different means and forms of pleasures ranging from drugs to sex to overeating. You need a lot of self discipline and help from YHVH to overcome this enemy because you start of being “left handed” (normally stupid hand) and you might even loose your knife/Sword (Standard of the Word) because you will reason your way around the Word to still be able to indulge in this sin for the sake of your enslaved body. We also see that YHVH will set the enemy up against His people if they turn against Him and their flesh will overcame them. Paul also had people in the assembly in Corinth that suffered from fleshliness, fornication and pride, and this was his advice to deal with the problem: '> ( '


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People who are fleshly or who are puffed up (fat ego) will influence everybody in the assembly and disrupt the unity. If they do not repent, YHVH will remove them from the Assembly and deliver them over to Satan (the enemy) so that their flesh might be destroyed and they might be saved. You will be overwhelmed by this sin and will eventually backslide where you will bear the consequences of your sin and repent.


How did YHVH destroy the enemy of the Flesh? After the people repented and cried out to Him, He used His Word (knife) to show you the truth and you must take the knife (truth) and kill this enemy in your life through disciplining your flesh, bringing it under submission of His Word. The key How do I destroy the Enemy of the Flesh? here is the Truth of what fleshly sins are and Discipline, applying that truth in your life, not allowing these things that your body used to crave and lust after. The key here is the Truth

of what fleshly sins are

At the end of this story we see that Shamgar struck down 600 and Discipline, applying Philistines with an ox goad. It is not mentioned that he was a that truth in your life, not Judge and it is believed that he served under Ehud. Perhaps allowing these things that he was ploughing with his oxen when the Philistines appeared your body used to crave over the hill. The ox goad was a farm implement, about two or and lust after. three metres (eight or ten feet) in length, with one end pointed, and sometimes metal-tipped, to prod the ox to plough. The other end was fashioned with a scraper to dislodge the clods that became entangled in the plough. Shamgar’s heroic feat fits the pattern in the book of Judges of gaining victory with inferior weapons (limited knowledge of the Word). Since we know that the sword represents the Word, we see here the example of someone fighting off the enemy with something different than the Word. 600 represents man and this story implies someone fighting the enemy with their own strength and knowledge and Shamgar represents believers who started on the path, who realised the enemies in their lives and want to fight them off. Shamgar’s name means ‘sword’ and this shows us that even using a weapon other than the Sword (word), that his attitude made him victorious without being fully skilled in the Word. YHVH will help a man who has a willing heart and who made a decision to follow Him. You will grow as you follow. This falls right in context of the Judge Ehud who was fleshly and who killed a fleshly enemy with a small knife. We learn through this story that if your heart is right and you have made the decision to follow YHVH, He will help you defeat the first enemy, the flesh, even if you are at the beginning of the road growing up into spiritual maturity. New believers have to face this enemy first to help them to grow up spiritually so that they can become right handed, strong, holding a full length Sword and be part of YHVH’s army defending His Kingdom.

The Third Judge – Deborah – Collective Judge & The Bride Deborah was a prophetess – and was filled with the Spirit of YHVH. She heard the Words of YHVH and acted accordingly or conveyed the message to His people. A prophet’s main function was to rebuke the people when they went astray and to bring the people back into the safety of the Torah. Deborah also acted as a judge when she sat under a sacred tree in the hill country of Ephraim, giving judgment on particular matters. People came to her when they needed wisdom, or a dispute settled, or when they needed advice about their plans. She listened, considered the problem, and then gave advice, which came from YHVH’s Ruach (Spirit) in her. In other words, she had some of the gifts of the Spirit.


Deborah was a prophetess and also a Judge, Her name comes from the root word “dawbar” that means ‘word’ and ‘bee’. It is interesting to see that every Judge has something that connects to YHVH’s Word. Bees and Words Othniel conquered the City of Bees play an important role in the Scroll (Word), Ehud made a pollinating flowering plants, and are the knife or sword (Word), and major type of pollinator in ecosystems Deborah’s name means Word. that contain flowering plants. In the This gives us the conformation that a Judge or leader same way we need to spread the Word needs the Word of YHVH to be a real Judge who will so that YHVH’s people can bear fruit lead His people out under the oppression of the enemy. It is also evident that the people needed the Bees have a long proboscis (a Word to overcome the enemies (sin) in their life. complex "tongue") that enables them ( ?

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to obtain the nectar from flowers. People have complex tongues that can drag a juicy story from other people – also known as gossip. This is a warning to woman to watch their tongues and think before they speak and the topics they talk about.

All the meanings of the words in this verse describe her character and the attributes of a good Judge. Palm tree: – “tamar”, was the mother of Zerah (brightness) and Perez (divided) who’s birth represents the First and Second Coming of Messiah. Zerah’s hand came out first and they bound a red string on His hand, he pulled it back and Perez was born. Y’shua came to the earth for a short while (First Coming), died for us (red/blood) and went back to the Father. His First coming brought “perez” or division where He divides the sheep and the goats by gathering His flock unto Him. After Parez, Zarah (rightness) was born and we will see the Messiah the Second time when He will be on the clouds in the brightness of His Coming. Palm tree or “tamar” has a homophone “tamar”

that means ‘she will say’ that also supports

the work of this Judge which is the Bride. Ramah, Bethel & Ephraim: We also see in this verse that she lived between Ramah (elevated, raised up place) and Bethel (the house of Elohim) in mount Ephraim (fruitfulness – 10 lost Tribes). All the meanings of these places give us further attributes of a Judge and why the Judge is needed. Y’shua was the Judge Who will be lifted up as the King of kings and He will come from His Father’s house after He has gathered the lost sheep of Ephraim through His Spirit in His people (Bride). We are supposed to be like Y’shua, following in His footsteps, because He has ‘elevated us’ by anointing us and empowering us through His Spirit. Y’shua and the Father now live in our bodies (House of Elohim) so that we can help with the gathering of Ephraim (lost sheep). In a sense we are like the Judge Deborah (the Bride of Messiah) who will help to gather and lead Ephraim out of paganism and oppression (sin) back into the Ways of YHVH and His Torah, following the Shepherd (Y’shua). She was the only judge who was also a Prophetess and YHVH said in His Word that we would be filled with His Spirit and prophecy. To be part of Deborah you have to have faith in Y’shua and have received His Spirit. We are His Body and when the world looks at us they must see Y’shua. He gave us the Gifts of the Spirit to be able to accomplish this task because we will not be able to do it out of our selves.


If you misrepresent Him with visible sin (deeds and words – fornication, anger, laying, swearing, filthy words) you are not “dawbar” or ‘saying and speaking His Words, and are portraying a different Messiah through your life. It is more important to live out what you believe than to preach because you will soon be labelled as a hypocrite if your actions do not align with your words. If you do not ‘walk the talk’ you are discrediting yourself and making yourself ineffective for the work of YHVH and you are doing more damage than good. You are also discrediting fellow believers because they will be seen as being of the same flock. It is better not to say you follow YHVH if your life does not reflect it because you might damage Y’shua’s Character through visible sin. To be part of Deborah or the Bride, you have to live by example so that your life will judge those in the world because Torah is written on your life. Deborah represents a collated Judge and is seen in the Body of Messiah. People who are looking for the truth, will be drawn to the Body of Messiah (Deborah) and she will represent Y’shua to them and counsel them and introduce them to their new Shepherd and teach them how to follow Him.

Deborah Summons Barak – Buildings instead of Body The Canaanites who lived in Ephraim were under the leadership of King Jabin of Hazor. He wanted to get rid of Israel, who was a problem, by simply wiping out the hill tribesmen. In this emergency, the Israelites turned to Deborah. She in turn summoned a military leader called Barak, and gave him orders. He should go to Mount Tabor with as many fighting men as he could muster, and draw King Jabin into battle. Jabin was the King and Sisera was his general. Jabin means “whom YHVH observes and Building”. This is the physical copy and counterfeit of Y’shua’s Body (assembly), which is a man made system that utilises buildings as holy gathering places. Sounds familiar? Constantine was the first “Christian” to introduce the church building to the believing community. Before then, they assembled in their homes. Barak was reluctant to obey her orders, perhaps thinking of the nine hundred iron-wheeled chariots and the well-disciplined army (church system) that Jabins' s general Sisera commanded. The Israelites had nothing like Sisera' s fire power, since they lacked the technology and know-how to develop comparable weapons (fleshly systems that attracts fleshly people – band, music, motivational teachings, beautiful buildings est.).

The Battle at Mount Tabor Sisera, on the other hand, assembled a terrifying force. He had 900 iron-trimmed chariots at his disposal, and they could do fearsome damage. Their weight and velocity as they charged into an opposing army could plough a dreadful furrow through the ranks of soldiers. The Canaanites ought to have won the battle easily, but they did not. There was a tremendous downpour and the 900 chariots, meant for quick manoeuvring on firm ground, became bogged down in the mud because of the rain. The flash flood swelled the nearby Wadi Kishon and turned the battleground into deep mud, giving the Israelite foot soldiers the advantage over the Canaanite chariots. Unhampered by heavy armour, they were more mobile than the Canaanites, who were easy prey for the Israelite swords and lances. The Israelites fought with swords while the enemy had chariots.


Satan uses the church system and all the bling, bells and whistles to eye blind the people from the truth and to attract them through worldly fleshly systems. The only way to overcome this enemy and to release YHVH’s people from this System is by the Word (flood or water) and the Truth. Barak is an example to us that we should face people in the System that will cause “thunder” (conflict), but the seed of the truth must be sowed, even if they do not agree with it. After you have presented the truth to them, confronting their “doctrine”, pray that Ruach will let it rain on the seed you have planted so that the Word will grow and overtake the thistles. If it rains on dry ground, nothing will spring up at grow unless there is seed in the ground. The most important thing to note is that you need to plant seeds in their minds. Pray that they will be uneasy and lay awake at night, thinking on these things and ask Ruach to let every lie be challenged. Pray that their spiritual eyes be opened, that the veil from their hearts will be removed and that the veil from the Torah be removed so that they will see the truth. Ask YHVH to make them hungry for the truth, and that the lies they belief will no longer nourish them and that they will not be fed unless it is the truth.

Jael killed Sisera There was a second woman mentioned in this chapter and her name was Jael and it means ‘mountain goat, to gain, to ascend (if you add a Hey)’. Jael was a tent-dweller. Her family were tinsmiths who made farming utensils, domestic items, and weapons. They travelled whenever they could find work. Her campsite must have been close to the battlefield because her family was making and supplying weapons for the army. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite (possession), and she killed Sisera (he that sees a horse). Sisera came to her seeking a hiding place, she hid him in her tent and while he was sleeping, she drove a peg through his temples into the ground. Sisera means ‘he that sees a horse’ is a symbol of Satan who hid in the tent (building or church system). Jael is a symbol of the people who are trapped in the Church today and who hid the enemy in her tent (Church) but she killed him when she realize who he was. She first covered him with a mantle and then used a tent pen and drove it through his temples. The word for mantle is “semeekah” symbol of being purified, Mem YHVH. Caf

. Shin

means fire and Spirit and is a

– the water or Word. Yod

means hand or actions. Hey

means hand or Spirit of

means light or Truth. We see here that

the Church has to be Purified by the Word and through the help of the Spirit, so that they will change their Actions and can reflect the character of YHVH and they will then live set apart lives, shining His Light and spreading His Word. This is the process called “coming out of Her My people” stated in Rev 8:4. In verse 19 he asked her water and she gave him milk. This shows us what is happening in the church system today, they need Water to live (Word) but only receive milk (basics) meant for babies.


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Barak descended from mount Tabor (purity) with ten thousand men and went after Sisera (he that sees a horse). (This sounds just like Moses descending from Mt Sinai with the Ten Commandments). This gives us a picture of the end times where Y’shua and His host of angels will battle against Satan and his System, the people enslaved by it, making up his army. Y’shua will come with the Double sided Sword (Word) in His mouth to destroy His enemies. Barak (thunder), the son of Abinoam (Grace) will come form mount Tabor (the high place of purity, holiness, set apartness) and He chased after Sisera (Satan and his System).

The system of Satan (Sisera), is better known as Babylon (mixing and confusion) and will be destroyed by Y’shua. He will reveil Himself as the real Messiah and the Antichrist or false Messiah will be exposed. / )'* ' : : ! : 8


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The end time events link perfectly through the meanings and symbolism with the life and story of Debora (Bride) and this is a message to us, YHVH’s people, to be setapart, and to be pure like our Master Y’shua, so that we can spread His “dawbar” (Word), and that Ephraim (people in Babylon) can put the mantle over the enemy and see who he really is and kill him in their lives by leaving the System. The most important lesson here is to have pure words and not to sound like the world and not to have visible sin that can misrepresent our Master and portrays another-Y’shua as Paul stated. > '' :

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!! The Church and the System called Babylon is not portraying the right Messiah, or the right Gospel message, or the right Spirit. Our mission should be to help these people entrapped in the System to come out of it and not to compromise and make them feel they have the truth only in another wrapping. There is only one mantle to wrap the truth in as we have seen in the meaning of the letters of “semeekah”. The Anti-Messiah portrays another Y’shua that is different to the real One, another Spirit, which is not the Spirit of YHVH and another Gospel or message, which is not based on repentance. If you have not truly repent from your old ways, you are proclaiming another Y’shua through your actions. If you have not searched and found the real truth, your words will be the message of another Y’shua and of Babylon. If you have not received YHVH’s Spirit, you will even do powerful works and miracles, but your words will tell which Spirit you have received an d which (anti) Messiah you follow.


Conclusion: These three Judges gives us the three steps in becoming a Judge for YHVH; Ehud is a picture of “a Judge in training” so that he can become like Othniel, the “mature Judge” and become part of the collective Judge Deborah, which is the Body of Messiah. We are all chosen to be leaders and everybody is on a different place in their lives. Some are spiritually more mature than others and are like Othniel, others have just started this walk and are more like Ehud, but in the end of the day, we are all part of the collective Judge as seen in Deborah, who will judge the world and lead them back into YHVH’s Ways.


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In Chapter 5 we read how Deborah sang a song and praised YHVH for the victory He gave Israel, saving His people and for giving them rest. There was 40 years of rest during Deborah’s ruling. We see that the victory came when the people offered themselves willingly. The phrase, “willingly offered themselves” is one Hebrew word “nadab” and was first used in Ex 25:2 where the people of Israel willingly brought offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle. A



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Back in the time of Moses they brought ‘offerings’ to build the House of YHVH, but here we see that the people were the ‘offerings’, who forms the House of YHVH. They willingly give themselves for His presence to indwell, making their bodies His Tabernacle. '> 2 ' 9 ! &3



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The Axe of Destruction The verse in 1 Cor 3:17 says that if anyone I think you are sinful destroys the Tabernacle/ Temple or and you cannot do the Dwelling Place of Elohim, that person will work of YHVH! be destroyed. What does this mean? He I love you. refers to the whole Body, not only to you as an individual who needs to take care and look after your body, not sinning; he also referred to the assembly. It means that; if the unity in the Assembly is destroyed by a person, that that person will be destroyed or will be taken away from the assembly and be dealt with on the outside. We as individuals are described as trees [Ps 1] and Y’shua will put and axe to the root of the tree that does not bear fruit.



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This is a warning to all of us, not to destroy the unity, so that we will not be removed from His Assembly. YHVH wants unity, with or without you. It said that YHVH would put an axe to the root of those trees that do not bear fruit (of the Spirit). What does the axe represent? The word axe is the word “garzen”

An Axe instead of a Sword

and it sprouts from the family word “gare”

The word axe has a Zayin

that means

stranger. You can see that “gare” or stranger is found within the word “garzen” or axe and YHVH will use ‘strangers’ to remove people from the assembly if they destroy the unity. These strangers are people in the world who will influence YHVH’s people negatively (remember the Four Giants in Part 1), and cause them to move away from YHVH if they allow this. These strangers are ‘people in the world’ or ‘people who believe different than you’ who are the ‘axes’. YHVH will use these Giants as ‘axes’ to cut down these people who are disturbing the Unity. We are supposed to be set-apart and not allow ‘Giants’ (unbelievers and religious people) inside our inner circle of trust and counsel. This is a very serious warning because these people can end up back in the world among the strangers ”gare” or unbelievers. The word ‘axe’ is first found in Scripture in Deut 19:5. D

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(Word) and a Nun (fruitfulness) combined with the ways of the “gare”

stranger. Axe = The “tool” that will separate people from the Unity in the Assembly due to their weaknesses and stubbornness. These people will end up in among the strangers. They will loose their Sword (Zayin) and fruitfulness (Nun).


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The person causing disunity is like the man chopping down trees (fellow believers) from the assembly (wood) through his actions and words. His intentions may be pure (the axe’s head slipped and it was an accident), but he was not supposed to use an axe in the first place. He may cause the death of a fellow believer, causing them to leave the assembly and go somewhere else, but he himself will also be removed by YHVH and send to one of the cities of refuge. What do these cities represent? It is a place where YHVH will deal with the proud so that the person can repent and live. Paul gave us a bit more insight into this in 1 Cor 5:2 '> (


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7 This is where the flesh and pride will be broken down in isolation of fellow believers but will be done among strangers. Their sin will become their enemy and will gain strength and make them to fall and bump their heads so that they will wake up and repent and live. This is dealt with in this manner so that that person can be sorted out without destroying the Dwelling Place of YHVH (UNITY) so that YHVH can still work in the midst of the assembly that are left. If the person still do not want to repent after this, 1 Cor 3:17 teaches us that this person may loose his salvation at the end.



The Body of Messiah This is what Paul teaches us in 1 Cor 12, that we are the Temple of YHVH and the Body of Messiah [Rom 12:5], the dwelling place of His presence. In 1 Cor 12 he describes this body with different members because of the different Gifts the Spirit given to each individual. We can only represent the Messiah in His full stature in the Assembly through His Gifts because the fullness of Him lies within the Gifts He gave to His people. YHVH takes the unity of His people very seriously because His effectiveness relies on the love and unity of the people who represent Him. Y’shua is the Head of the Body and if we do not have this unity and love amongst the brothers, He may not have hands or feet and only a head and we will represent a Paraplegic Y’shua to the world. YOU on your own is not the body of Messiah, His Body is his people Unified together in love, operating in His Gifts. How can the Messiah fully function and do His work with no fingers, hands, arms or legs? We have looked at the phrase “…the people gave themselves willingly…”, that is the word “nadab” and it has the following meanings: The word “nadab”

means to offer freely, to volunteer, to give freely, to be

generous and free will offering (“olah” - which is also pointing to the three free will offerings; elevation offering, peace offering and meal offering). “Nadab” has a very interesting meaning if we look at the meanings of each letter. “Bet”

means ‘house’ and is on the left hand side,

meaning physical house, The assemblies came together in houses. “Dalet”

means Door and represents Y’shua. They all

had Y’shua in common and that faith drew them together as one Body. “Nun”

means fruitfulness and is on the right or spiritual

side. They operated in the Gifts of the Spirit and represented the Messiah to the world and many came to faith, in other words; they were fruitful. To be spiritually fruitful (Nun), making an impact in this world, winning battles, you have to represent Y’shua (Dalet) in your midst through unity with fellow believers, which will make up the house (Bet) for His presence in this world.

Unity = Whole Body = Y’shua You cannot serve YHVH on your own in isolation, not wanting to fellowship with others. The people are the ‘medium’ of your faith, living out His Commandments. Just like you need water to swim in, you need people to live out His Commandments. Without a Body that is ONE, Y’shua will not be present in His fullness among you.

As we saw in Judges Chapter 5, the people gave themselves willingly as sacrifices to do battle for YHVH. This is also true in our lives where we have to be part of YHVH’s army who will stand up and fight against the enemies in our lives (internal enemies) and enemies in this world (external enemies). This understanding gives more meaning to the following passage: /

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You are to present your body as a living sacrifice, unto service, to serve the Body of Messiah. In other words, your should walk in holiness, renewing your mind, living humbly and in faith, because this is not for your self, but for the benefit of others in the assembly (in your area), to help to build them up into full maturity so that you as an Assembly can represent the Dwelling Place of YHVH, and the presence of Y’shua in your midst. Y’shua cannot be represented in His fullness unless there are unity operating in His Gifts. This takes commitment of each person to be willing to give them selves to help build Y’shua’s presence and full Body among them. Then you as a whole Body will be effective in doing the work of the Messiah and win souls for the Kingdom in your area. When Israel left Egypt, they brought gifts with them and gave it to Moses for the construction of the Tabernacle, in the same way you came out of Egypt (sin) and need to give your body for a vessel that will contain one or more Gifts, for the edification and build up of His Temple in you (Assembly). As we have seen in Judges, they have won the victory and destroyed the enemy when they GAVE themselves as offerings and to service and then YHVH manifested His Presence through unity, defeating the external enemy. When He showed up, the enemy had to flee. External enemies are strongholds and bondages on people in the world and the only way these enemies can be defeated is through the presence of YHVH in your midst. How do we overcome the external enemies? By being in unity allowing YHVH to show up in our midst, then these enemies will flee. As we have seen previously, we have enemies on the inside and on the outside. You have to deal with the enemies on the inside, and if these enemies are sorted, you will be able to give yourself willingly to be part of the ‘bigger picture’ and assist in fighting the enemies on the outside. You will be spiritually mature, filled with the Spirit and have received some of His Gifts so that you are can commit yourself to serve others and be One with your ‘brothers’ and then those enemies on the outside will flee from the presence of YHVH. We saw this time and again in the history of Israel where they rage battles against their enemies and YHVH gave them the victory. How do we overcome these two types of enemies? The Enemies Inside - We overcome these enemies by studying and learning the Word, washing ourselves clean and living set-apart lives. You are personally responsible for your own life regarding sin, and you have to overcome these enemies through discipline and dependence on YHVH through consultation of His Spirit. The Enemies Outside - We overcome these enemies by committing to serve one another in love and being in unity through commitment and humility. YHVH will then give you the victory and you will be able to function and mean something for His Kingdom. Remember, you are not the Body of Messiah; it is through Unity of His people and the collating of His Gifts that His Body is established in you all.


The Higher Calling If you are part of an assembly, you should pursue unity and the higher calling of YHVH; manifesting His Plan and Purpose through you in a collated Body. : ) 1




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Patience will put out the fire of arguments among you and humility will kill offence. Choose to do this and the Spirit will help you to achieve it. The Spirit is the “Glue” that keeps us together and we will have the Spirit in our midst if we pursue Unity. Without unity the Dwelling Place of YHVH will fall apart. It is like magnets attracting each other, if you bring it close, aligned in polarity (unity), it will attract with a great force and nothing will pull it apart. If you have disunity, the polarities will not be in the same direction and that same force will work in the opposite and force the people away from each other. '9


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The Gifts of the Sprit and the Twelve Tribes of Israel Why do we look at the Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit studying Judges? As you have noticed, every time a Judge was raised up to rule the people, YHVH’s Spirit came upon them and gave them the ability to do what they needed to do. YHVH’s Spirit is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. We are in a privileged time to have the detail of the Gifts and the Fruits recorded by Paul in Eph & 1 Cor, so that we can understand what it means when the Spirit comes upon you. There are a total of 23 Gifts listed with some duplication and if you group them, you will find a total of 12 Gifts of the Spirit through the combination of these passages: Rom 12:6-8, Eph 4:11-12 & 1Cor 12:8-12. As in everything YHVH does, the number 12 has a lot of significance and meaning. There were 12 Tribes, 12 Judges, 12 Disciples and now we see that there are 12 Gifts as well. The number 12 is made up of adding 2 to 10, 2 means; ‘Restoration of Relationships’ and 10 means; ‘Completion and fullness’. By giving these people the Anointing of Gifts, He equips them to complete the restoration process between man and YHVH and man and man, through the Body of the Messiah. Lets look at these 12 Gifts, putting them against the 12 Tribes and Moses’ blessing for each tribe to get some insights. YHVH gave the Gifts to His people to equip them as leaders to serve His people. One person would not have all the Gifts, He will give it to His people as He pleases and where it is needed to fill the gap in leadership.


As we have seen in the previous sections, we are all leaders or leaders in training, being in a process so that we will be equipped and able to disciple His people. Discipleship is the means of being trained and everybody has that responsibility as a spiritual mature believer, to help and train others so that they will know how to follow YHVH. YHVH chose Israel to be the light of the World and to lead the nations unto Restoration back to Him. In the same way are we equipped by the Gifts of the Spirit to be the light of the world and to lead the people into the Kingdom.


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12 Tribes of Israel ,

*2 0 1. Reuben – He who sees the vision 4 You are my first-born, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power. Unstable (reckless) as water, you shall not excel, because you went up to your father' s bed; then you defiled it. He went up to my couch. 2. Simeon – He that hears and obeys - Simeon and Levi are brothers; tools of violence are their weapons. Oh my soul, do not come into their secret. Let not my honor be united with their assembly. For in their anger they killed a man, and in their self-will they hamstrung a bull. Let their anger be cursed, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.

3. Levi – Interweave - Simeon and Levi are brothers; tools of violence are their weapons. Oh my soul, do not come into their secret. Let not my honor be united with their assembly. For in their


12 Gifts of the Spirit '' ' I' >

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1. Apostles – Sent one - They are the people

who have the vision and who break open new ground and who support and chain all the assemblies together with a higher overseeing function. They can be reckless with their words at times because of their knowledge of the Word, and should take heed not to cause confusion like Paul did. 2. Prophets – Hearing and speaking YHVH’s Words - Prophets are the people who hears the words of YHVH and obey by speaking it over the people. There is a lot of reproof to these people for they can kill people spiritually by their words if they speak their own words because the they are accused of being self-willed. This is one of the reasons why false prophets exits today, people taking the gift of YHVH and misuse it producing spiritual death in stead of spiritual edification. They will be divided against one another in the last days and will be scattered within the earth among the believers. The main function of a prophet is to establish the spiritual boundaries and to remind the people to repent if they have crossed the line to bring them back into safety of His Word. 3. Evangelists – Preachers of the Gospel These people are similar to the prophets and have the same impact on the people if they are not based on the foundation of the Word. They are in the public eye end can lead or mislead people

anger they killed a man, and in their self-will they hamstrung a bull. Let their anger be cursed, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. People that were Levites: Moses, Aaron, Eli, John the Baptist.

4. Judah – Praise of YHVH - may your brothers praise you. May your hand be in the neck of your enemies. May your father' s sons bow before s whelp. My son, you have you. Judah is a lion' gone up from the prey. He stooped, he crouched like a lion; and like a lioness, who shall rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come. And the obedience of the peoples to him. Binding his foal to the vine, and his ass' s colt to the choice vine, he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes shall be sparkling with wine, and his teeth white from milk. Descendants that came from Judah: Caleb, King David, Solomon and Y’shua the Messiah. 7. Dan – He that judges - He shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that bites the horse' s heels, so that its rider shall fall backward. I have waited for Your salvation, O YHVH.

very easily because of their gift. The Levites existed to serve the people and teach the people and evangelists are to interweave new believers, which they find in the world, bringing them into the kingdom and hand them over to the shepherds and teachers to establish them in the faith. Moses was an evangelist who led the people out of Egypt (sin & bondage)

4. Pastors & Shepherds – They will be

people who maintain the standard of the Torah and guard it so that the flock can be fed. They protect and guard the flock like a lion, the king of the animals, ruling over them. Pastors and Shepherds are needed inside the Promised Land to govern the people. David was a good King who established YHVH’s Government in the land of Israel and Y’shua will be the King who will rule over the earth forever.

5. Teachers – Teachers are to present the

word in order to govern the assembly in right ruling and truth. They are to judge certain situations and oversee the flock that there may be unity and peace. They support the Shepherds and does basically the same function.

People that descended from Dan: Samson

10. Naphtali – Struggles or fights -

Naphtali is a deer let loose. He gives goodly words.

8. Gad – Good Fortune - Gad, raiders shall attack him, and he shall attack their heel. 9. Asher – Blessed - Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.

6. Issachar – Reward - He is a strong ass crouching down between the sheepfolds. And he saw that rest


6. Helper, Encouragement & Show mercy – Words of encouragement for those who

are confused (let loose) and who struggles and fights in their life to get things right. Encouragement is their main Gift to uplift those who are weary and their words will bring strength. 7. Wisdom – Wisdom is like a weapon that can be used to confront your enemy from a place they would not expect it. Wisdom will give good fortune and great blessing, as you will find in the Book of Proverbs of Solomon. 8. Knowledge – Knowledge is the beginning of everything – the understanding of YHVH. To know His Word is Bread for our life and we shall be satisfied and blessed. People blessed with this Gift are usually Teachers who know the Word and who has the ability to teach. 9. Faith – Faith is like a strong Ass that can bear a lot without complaining. People of faith are an example to others when things get tough because

was good and that the land was pleasant. And he bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a tribute-slave.

5. Zebulon – Dwelling - You shall live at the sea shore. And he shall be a haven for ships, and his border beside Sidon.

11. Joseph -Ephraim & Manasseh – Increase - He is a

fruitful son, a fruitful son by a well, whose branches run over the wall. The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and an archer lurks for him. But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty Elohim of Jacob (from the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel); by the Elohim of your father, who shall help you. And may the Almighty bless you with blessings of Heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb. The blessings of your father are above the blessings of my ancestors, to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills. They shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him, the ruler, the leader of his brothers. People that descended from Joseph: Joshua, Gideon (Menasseh) 12. Benjamin – Son of my right hand - He is a wolf that tears in pieces. In the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil. People that descended from Benjamin: King Saul.


they trust in YHVH. This is a Gift everybody can have and must ask for – the ability to stand and to trust, no matter what.

10. Working of miracles & Healing –

Y’shua did miracles by the sea which represents the nation. People in the world needs signs to bring them in but people of faith needs the Word to be equipped to disciple them. If Believers pursue signs and wonders they will become ineffective and miss their calling and stagnate. People who are Apostles and Evangelists normally have this Gift as well to bring in people from the Nations into the Kingdom of YHVH. 11. Discerning of spirits – Which spirits are there to discern? Joseph is a picture of the “Lost Tribes” found in the Church following Christ who have received the Gifts of the Spirit and who are fruitful. Their branches run over the wall, into all nations. The archers (words spoken against) have shot these people who try to follow YHVH in Truth. YHVH gave them ‘ammo’ (truth) to shoot back and defend their faith. Among these followers, there will be deceiving spirits that will lead the people away from total restoration, away from the Torah. These spirits are: Balaam, Jezebel and the Spirit of the Antichrist/AntiMessiah. These people with this gift are aware of these things and can discern which spirit operated in an assembly and what to pray for.

12. Tongues & interpretation of tongues – Wolves are a sheep’s enemy and putting the

emphasis only on certain gifts can devourer chase the sheep away, especially the gift of tongues because people do not understand it. Those who have this gift must be careful how to apply it to edify the flock without chasing them away. People can use this Gift as “Wild Fire” that will cause confusion if it is not done orderly. Prophets normally have this Gift and it is of the same kind.

The Fruit of the Spirit Not all people have all the Gifts of the Spirit and we will look into this at a later stage, but all of us should pursue to have all the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives. /

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The biggest one of all these fruits is love. Without love your motive for following YHVH and His Torah will be wrong and you will end up destroying people with the Torah and not building people up. > 2 !) 1

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The fruits are designed by YHVH to help us to live out His Torah with the right attitude, without the Fruits, the Torah will only be a set of rules and a dead letter that kills. We will be made competent if we apply the Word (letter) with the Spirit (Fruits) and this will build people up and give life. This is why the Ark of the Covenant has a Mercy Seat, giving access to the Ten Commandments. You have to have mercy before you can apply the Commandments correctly and this “Mercy” is made up out of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Conclusion In context of this study, the Fruits of the Spirit are there to build up and maintain the Unity in YHVH’s Body here on the earth. With love, peace, joy, gentleness, selfcontrol, goodness and patience in an Assembly, who would not fit right in and enjoy being part of Y’shua’s Body? If these things are missing in an Assembly, there will be fighting, turmoil, division, sadness, selfishness and hate, and no Messiah. Pray and ask YHVH to give you the Gifts that He wants to give you so that you can give yourself as a living sacrifice willingly to serve His people. Then you will be part of the Collected Judge and Bride, Deborah that will manifest His Presence that will defeat your external enemies so that people will come into the Kingdom.


The Seven Deadly Sins The book of Judges is like a battlefield manual for the redeemed community. This book exposes the enemies and teaches us to deal with these enemies and conquer them as members of the Body of Messiah. Most of these enemies are squatters in your soul and they want to take back the land that YHVH conquered in your life. The enemy is very uncomfortable when we study Judges and we need to follow through and complete it as part of our spiritual preparation for the times to come. ' "#$#




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Midian means ‘discord’ and this word is also found in Prov 6:19 where Solomon listed six things that YHVH hates and a seventh sin that is an abomination: 9






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YHVH hates these six things: 1) Pride, thinking you are better than someone else, even sinners. Saying things to elevate yourself and putting others down. 2) Lies, hiding your shame behind a white lie to protect your dignity. 3) Killing innocent people, physically and spiritually by slandering and killing someone’s reputation and good name. 4) Wicked heart that plots evil plans to cause someone pain or loss. 5) People eager to do evil and attracted to evil things, thriving and entertained by sinful things – (movies, music, scoffing, est.). 6) Bearing a false witness to bring someone in trouble so that you can escape. The seventh is even worst than these six mentioned, and this is causing conflict and fighting inside the assembly (brothers). This is very interesting that the name of the enemy is Midian who reigned over Israel for seven years and link to the seventh thing that is an abomination unto YHVH. The seventh sin is not found without the other six and that is why the Midianites was such a powerful enemy. In our minds we would have thought that killing someone is the worst thing by far and not having unity is nothing. But this is different in YHVH’s perspective and He sees things from a bigger picture and knows all wisdom. We need to adjust to His way of looking at things and make the same things important and prioritise accordingly. We have seen in the previous section how important it is to gain and maintain unity so that YHVH’s presence can be established in the midst of His people.


We need His full presence to overcome the external enemies. This is the reason why YHVH hates the seventh sin more than the six because Satan will cripple YHVH’s people with little effort if the people allow him. Midian was not alone; if you read further in verse 3 you will see that Amalek was right by their side. Amalek means ‘people of licking up’ and they were Israel’s first enemy in the Wilderness. They represent the flesh and will never be destroyed till the end. When Moses’ hands were raised, Israel won, but when his hands got weak and was lowered, Amalek won. Aaron and Hur supported him during the battle, holding his hands, they represent YHVH’s Word and YHVH’s Spirit. If you compromise and go slack on His Word or in your relationship with Him, you will be overcome by the flesh (First Enemy). Stay disciplined and hold the standard of the Word in your life and you will come out victorious. Fleshliness will cause Midian to come into your life. The Midianites were like grasshoppers and their camels could not be numbered. They oppressed the people of Israel greatly and the people of Israel hid themselves in holes, mountains, caves and fortresses to get away from the enemy. This is an interesting observation if you look at it from the context of the seven sins listed in Proverbs. The people affected by the disunity, fighting, slandering, lies est. remove themselves from the assembly and hide away in their ‘caves’ and do not mix with the rest of the people. The result is disunity and the assembly is scattered and made ineffective and weak. To defeat this enemy is to stand together and realise what you are dealing with and to sort out the issues so that YHVH’s presence can be restored and the enemy will then flee from your midst. How can we protect our selves from this fierce enemy? We get the answer in verse 8 where YHVH sent a prophet to the people of Israel and told them they were in this mess because they have allowed the worship of the gods of the Amorites. Amorite comes from the word “amor” that means ‘talker’ or people who like to talk a lot. This links up perfectly with the seventh sin that is committed through words and the evil tongue. How do we protect our selves from the Midianites and their seven evil sins? By keeping your mouth shut, putting a guard before your mouth and to think seven times before you say a word. Everything you say that may cause disunity is the enemy (Midian) that is getting its foot in the door through one of the seven sins. 9


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We should only speak the Words of YHVH, and purify our words seven times before we say anything, so that we will not step into the trap of the tongue, causing division in the assembly of YHVH.

Stand up, stand together and fight back. When we are attacked by this enemy, we need to stick together and face the issues and sort out misconceptions so that the seventh sin is not committed and the damage is to great to fix. The only time you should isolate yourself (hide in a cave) is when you want to isolate yourself in YHVH’s presence to seek His face and grow in relationship with Him.


When things go bad, unify and stick together and do not go into hiding, hoping the problem will go away, on the contrary, it will only get worse.

The People Repented The Midianites oppressed Israel and they cried out to YHVH and He sent them a prophet. 0 '- "#$# 1

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The Voice of YHVH


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& "" " The prophet quoted the first of the Ten Commandments to remind them of the Voice of YHVH they heard of Mt Sinai. In ' verse 10 he reminded them that they did not listen to the Voice " " of YHVH (Commandments) but listen to other voices. We are %$% the same today, we rather listen to what other people e say %$% that to heed to the Voice and the Word of YHVH. The result of this sin was that Israel ended up under bondage to other nations serving them because they listened to them. They took their advice from the people and started to serve their gods, neglecting their own Elohim. Man is like this because it is easier to serve VISIBLE gods than to serve and listen to an INVISIBLE God. This is because we are physically and fleshly orientated and not spiritually minded.

The Forth Judge – Gideon – The Thresher and hater of sin – The one who Prunes. '' ; , .

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YHVH in Disguise The word Oak is the Hebrew word “elah”

and means ‘oak’, ‘strong tree’, and is

the singular form of ‘Elohim’. The Oak or Elohim was in Ophrah (ashes/ death). This means that Elohim was in the midst of the bad situation and even when things turns bad and people rebelled against Him, He was still there, in control, waiting for the right moment to fulfil His plan. One wise man once said that everything bad that happens is YHVH in disguise. This is a perfect picture of just how YHVH never leaves His people and uses the ‘bad situation’ they brought over them selves, to use that and turn it into something that will change the people for the good.



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YHVH’s Justice & Word Corrupted The word “elah” or oak is first found in Scripture in Gen 35:4 where the people of Jacob (Israel) brought all their strange gods and put it under the ‘oak’ tree in Shechem. ,





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The story goes back in Gen 34 where Shechem, the son of Hamor, the Hivite defiled Jacob’s daughter Dinah and wanted to marry her afterwards. Dinah means ‘Justice’ and Shechem means ‘part’ or ‘portion’, and this shows us that a portion of the Justice of Israel was defiled and ended up in all sorts of pagan interweaving between cultures. As we have seen, the Hivites represents false teachers and it is they that corrupt YHVH’s justice. It only takes a small portion of YHVH’s Word to be defiled to corrupt everything. '> ( &&& D 7



This is why it is so important to keep YHVH’s Word and His Justice pure so that the defiled portion would not become the foundation for false doctrine and misinterpretation of His Word, leading people away from Him instead of leading them closer to Him. This is the system called Babylon (mixing and confusion) that the enemy uses to corrupt a small portion of YHVH’s Word in order to enslave His people making them ineffective for the Kingdom. To fix this problem, YHVH looked for someone with certain qualities to restore His Justice in Israel again. That is why He raised up Judges, and is still rising up Judges today, to remove the leaven and false doctrines from His Word and from among His people. In Gen 35:4 we see that they brought their false gods and earrings and place it under the Oak tree. They ‘cleaned out their houses’ and denounced their pagan masters so that they could enter into Betel, the ‘House of Elohim’, and be safe. Once they did that they were protected and the surrounding enemies were terrified of them and their El and did not attempt to attack them. To repent is to denounce Satan and his powers and the ‘enemies’ that controlled your life, and you choose not to listen to them any more (put the earrings under the tree). You also have to ‘clean out your house’ and get rid of everything that comes from Satan and the pagan cultures that symbolise false gods If you do this, then you will enter the ‘House of El’ (Bet-El) and will dwell safely and in peace under His authority, doing the things that please Him and obeying His Voice.


Death - Because of Sin Ophrah comes from the root word “aphar”

that means ‘dust, ashes, mortar

– ‘eye’

and rubbish’. It consists of three letters and all three have warnings; “Ayin” – see and want or covet, “Pey”

– ‘mouth’ – speak words that are wrong and

– ‘human reasoning’ – reasoning your way around YHVH’s Word. These three things causes ‘spiritual death’ and we should stay away from being like ‘Oprah’. YHVH came to the dusty place and this shows us the humility of our Elohim that He will meet us where we are to save us. “Resh”



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This shows us YHVH’s grace and we can receive this grace through repentance, and He will meet you at the place where you are (spiritual deadness) and help you to come back into Life where He is.

YHVH Chooses His Leader The angel met Gideon there, busy threshing wheat at the winepress, hiding from the Midianites. This shows us that he was set apart and not part of the situation. In the same way we are in this world but not part of the world that is pagan. Wheat is the word

The Qualities YHVH looks for in potential Leaders.


that share the same root as the word “chattah”

which means ‘sin’. “Chet” means ‘Life’ and “Tet” represents the ‘Serpent’ and ‘death’. Looking at this verse now gives us the insight that Gideon was set apart threshing ‘sin’. This made him the perfect candidate for YHVH to be used to help Israel to come out under the bondage of the enemy. Are you like Gideon, living set apart and threshing sin out of your life, making decisions that will result in life rather than death? Do you love what YHVH loves and do you hate what YHVH hates?

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Gideon faced his fear – The Second Enemy


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Gideon was a man just like you and me and he had limited vision of what YHVH planned feared at the thought of being used by YHVH. The task looked so big and undoable. YHVH knew the end result and called Gideon a mighty warrior. Gideon is an example to us to show that you can overcome your fear by YHVH’s faith. You just have to start walking in the promises and in the anointing of YHVH.


YHVH will equip you and provide everything you need for what He has called you for. If you are in His will, He WILL look after you and empower you so fear not. We have learned earlier that fear is one of the enemies you need to conquer in your life. If not, then YHVH can’t use you. '

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We see how Gideon overcame his fear in the first verse of chapter 7. ‘Harod’ means ‘terror’ and this is the well of terror or fear in the valley. It sounds like the passage in Ps 23 where David wrote, “… )# ) $ % # $7 (7 Conquering Fear % ( ( 5We do not have to fear because YHVH is with us and He will guide us and protect us, even Fears are lies and to if we stare death in the face. conquer these fears (enemies) you have to Moreh means ‘teacher’ and you will always find yourself between learn the truth from the ‘fear’ and ‘the Teacher’. You can turn to fear or you can turn to the Teacher Who is in the Teacher. YHVH is the Teacher that is in every terrifying situation. midst f these He brings things across your path that you will fear but that is to situations. ‘stretch’ you and that you can learn from that situation so that you can be trained in becoming a ‘Mighty Warrior’. Your Teacher will always teach you in the midst of your fears so that you can grow out of fear and grow into your destiny. / #

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If you fear, you have no faith in Him whom you love. If you love Him perfectly, perusing His Word, doing his Commandments, He will protect you and guide you in and through all things and you do not have to fear anything. The one thing you will learn in your terrifying quests is the Character of YHVH, and the more you learn Who He is, the less you will fear the situation or the enemy. What you fear you will worship, that is why it is a form of idolatry if you fear other things other than YHVH. Fear only YHVH and worship Him alone because He is the One Who can destroy your soul in the Day of Judgement. We have looked at the Six Main Enemies in the Second Part of this study; the First Enemy was the Flesh and the Second Enemy was Fear. Gideon also depicts a “Judge in training” overcoming the Second Enemy.


The First Task Gideon had to do – Clean Out his House Gideon means ‘one who bruises’, ‘one who breaks or prunes’ and the ‘destroyer’ and this is exactly what he did. He went and destroyed the altar of Baal at his father’s house, cut down the pillar and used it as wood for a burnt offering unto YHVH. He feared his father and his household and the people of the town and did all of this during the night. The next morning they accused Gideon and wanted to kill him. Gideon’s father stood up for him and said that if Baal was alive and real, he should kill Gideon and not the people of the town. From that day they called Gideon Jerubbaal that means’ let Baal defend his cause’. YHVH asks us to do the same where we live, to stand up against the enemy and throw down their altars and remove their presence from our homes. A lot of people will resist you and even your family will stand up against you if you stand for YHVH. Y‘shua said that if they persecuted Him, they will also persecute you, because you are not greater than your Master. 2'

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Note verse 21, they persecuted Y’shua’s followers for His Name’s sake, quite ironic. In other words, it was religious people who wanted to defend the faith who will persecute you. They do this because they do not know YHVH. This is also true today because people who belief in Jesus do not read the OT and do not understand the Ways of YHVH and His Torah and persecute those who wants to follow YHVH. This means that your main persecution will come from followers of Christ who do not know the Scripture or the Father. If you really follow Y’shua, you will not be liked by these religious people and they will persecuted you for what you stand for.

Gathering the People 2 .

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The Spirit of YHVH came upon Gideon and he blew the Shophar to gather and assemble the people for war. The name Abiezrites means ‘help of the Father’ and the blowing of the Shophar is a call for the Father to help us. This is the reason we are supposed to blow the Shophar on every new moon, Sabbath (appointed time) and every Feast day. 9

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The word “shophar” (translated as ‘trumpet’) means ‘beauty’ and the shophar is blown to gather the people into Unity so that they can stand up against the enemy and be beautified as they come back into the “original things” of the Father. (Father means “Av” or origin). Blowing of the Shophar is to assemble and unify the people. The sin that is the worst of the seven sins is the one where the unity is broken amongst the brothers through conflict and fighting. This gives the Shophar great spiritual significance in binging the people together as ONE (echad), which is ‘beautiful’ (shophar) and pleasing to YHVH. 9

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Pleasant is the Hebrew word “nah-eem” that means: pleasant, delightful, and beautiful. ‘Together in Unity’ is the Hebrew phrase ”gam yachad” and it means ‘to assemble in one unit’. This is exactly what the Shophar represents; Beautiful Unified people functioning as One. The Ram’s horn was also used to carry the anointing oil that was used to anoint the Priests and Kings. This is a symbol of YHVH’s Spirit and the appointment of His people who will lead others into unity. Do not rebel against the leadership YHVH gave Shophar = Unity through the anointing and Gifts of His Spirit. If you do this, you will do the seventh and most grievous sin in the eyes of YHVH; The Shophar represents breaking the unity in the Assembly. unity by gathering the If we blow the Shophar on New Moon, it gathers the people that are still in the Darkness, who will start to enter into the Light. This is seen in the ‘Dark Moon’ showing the first sliver of light. Blowing the Shophar we gather these people in the spirit to gather and come into the Kingdom of YHVH.

people. It also means beauty. In YHVH’s eyes, Unity is beautiful and this is what makes His Bride beautiful, if ‘She’ function as One Body.

Gideon’s Fear and Doubt – Overcoming the Enemy of Fear 2


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Many people use this example of Gideon as a way to “hear” from YHVH. Looking at the surrounding evidence Gideon presents to us through his actions, it appears that he was a scared young man who found it hard to grasp that YHVH wanted to use him for something great. This is a ‘bad’ character trade Gideon and we should not ‘copy’ him in his weak state. Gideon first asked for the dew to fall only on the fleece and not on the ground. Then he asked for the dew to fall on the ground and not on the fleece. Even with Gideon’s faithless acts, YHVH still gave him the conformation he needed to be convinced and conquer his fears. If your faith is build upon fleeces, you are immature and need to grow up spiritually. #

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& If you use a fleece you would never again have to apply your will or wisdom to make a decision. People are lazy to study the Scripture to attain wisdom and want a ‘quick fix’ every time. We as believers in Messiah should know the Plan and Will of YHVH and be led by the Spirit and not by things we see. People who are physically orientated and who are drawn to physical things will easily be misled by these fleshly signs. We should listen to the Spirit of YHVH and know His Word to know what to do when we are in a situation. You should learn to pray and wait of YHVH for an answer. Do not make your own idols (fleeces) and ask YHVH to speak through them, learn to hear the Voice of YHVH so that He can lead you by His Spirit. /

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YHVH wants us to grow up spiritually and wants us to learn to listen to His Spirit when we isolate our selves in prayer and if we wait patiently on Him. There is so much noise in this world that cause us not to hear His voice and most of the times is it us that do not shut up and be quiet so that we can hear Him. You have to make time to get quiet and to listen to Him in your inner room. This is related to worship that will make your relationship strong with Him and that will help you to stand in this life with all its challenges.


YHVH Sifting His People One of the meanings of Gideon’s name is ‘pruner’ and this is what YHVH did with the men that He gathered for His army, He pruned away the ones that did not fit His criteria. We find the same in the NT where we see the Father as the Gardener Who prunes away or cut those off those who do not bear fruit. [John 15:2]. Which fruit? The fruit of the Commandments and of His Spirit. 2 ) .


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YHVH took away people from the army of Israel to make it impossible for them to win the battle on their own, they needed His help and the situation would force them to trust in Him. In the pervious portion we drew the parallel between Jacob fleeing from his uncle Laban and they went to Mt Gilead [Gen 31:21] and here we see the people who were afraid were taken away from Mt Gilead. Mt Gilead was East of the Jordan (the river of judgment). Gilead means ‘heap or mass of testimony’ and that is why YHVH took away the people who were afraid so that they would not be part of His Testimony, but only those who had courage and faith. Gideon lined 32 000 people up for the fight but YHVH reduced their number so that the victory would be a testimony unto Him that He is the One Who delivered them. "#$# + # ) E

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The people, who bowed down on their knees with their faces in the water and drank directly from the river, were not chosen. The water means the Word of YHVH and surely this is a good sign. What does YHVH want to tell us here? Knees are first used in Scripture is in Gen 30:3 where Bilhah, the maidservant of Jacob, had to bore her child on the knees of her mistress Rachel (to whisper) so that it would seem that she bore the child. Bilhah means ‘old or confused’.


This is a picture of believers who will not be chosen to fight because they ‘seem’ to have fruit (child) but it is the fruit of another. They are the ‘wanne-bees’ who act and imitate in their flesh but do not have intimacy with YHVH and His Word to receive the ‘seed’ that will impregnate their spirits that will produce fruit (actions) that will look like the Father. They are happy with second hand ‘revelations’ and rely on someone else’s relationship with YHVH and do not have a relationship with YHVH and do not search the Scripture themselves. They talk and sound as if they know YHVH’s Ways but they do not commit and make time to fellowship with YHVH in His Word. It seems as if they bear fruit but are actually the fruit of others they copy. They follow YHVH mechanically without their hearts being really rafter Him. They follow YHVH to be blessed and not to serve. YHVH will not choose people who act like this for His army of 300 who will conquer the Midianites. They are people who are fleshly trees with plastic fruits who grow among the other trees in the Garden of YHVH. They still commit the seven deadly sins represented by the Midianites and bring discord among the brothers through their tongues (whisper). To overcome this enemy in the Assembly is for everyone to follow YHVH with their hearts, to FOCUS ON THE REAL ENEMY and to keep their tongue from speaking against their brothers. If you have a solid and healthy relationship with YHVH and your life bear the fruit that show this, you will not cause others harm or be offended easily. Your focus will be on the things of YHVH and His Plan you will understand the importance of unity because you are part of the 300 who needs YHVH desperately because you cannot win this battle in your own efforts. 3, 30, 300 means Covenant and the chosen few understand His Covenant and Plan and live for YHVH and not for their own gain. If you are part of this 300 (spiritually), your life will bear fruit that testifies (Gilead) of YHVH’s victories in your life and He will always get the glory and not you. These fruits are the lights that shine in the dark world and you will bear His Testimony for all to see so that they will know that YHVH is active in your life. If they look at you they must praise YHVH and not praise you. Is your life a testimony unto Him? You not only represent YHVH’s Character in your life by walking (halachah) in the Torah, you also bear the testimony of His greatness and power through the fruit of your relationship with Him and the things He did for you. Be part of the 300 who have a personal testimony in their lives instead of talking about other people’s testimonies (31 700).

The Battle against Midian - Discord In this battle, they not only faced the Midianites, they also faced the Amalekites or the flesh. The enemies were far greater than Gideon’s army and they were as grasshoppers and their camels without number. Gideon’s faith was stretched and he had to overcome his fear by trusting YHVH. ' ! C !

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YHVH divided the 300 men into 3 camps, each having 3 items. This shows that YHVH honoured His Covenant He made with Abraham and deliver His people for His Name’s sake.


The Torch – Believe in the Covenant: Torch is first found in Scripture in Gen 15:17 where YHVH walked in between the pieces of meat prepared by Abraham for the cutting of His Covenant with Abraham and with his seed (Israel). The Covenant (of Abraham) is still standing today and if you want to take part of it, you have to become grafted into Israel through the Blood and work of the Messiah Y’shua. /

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The Ram’s horn – YHVH’s Voice & Unity: Ram’s horn is first used in Scripture in Ex 19:16 where Israel faced YHVH at the Mt Sinai and received the Ten Words of the Covenant, verbally, directly from YHVH’s Voice. The Ten Words or Ten Commandments represent the two sets of Instructions on how to have a relationship with YHVH and how to have a relationship with man. As we have seen in the previous sections, our relationship with YHVH is paramount and the unity with our brothers is that which makes us beautiful and manifest YHVH’s presence here on the Earth. The ram’s horn is also to assemble people into this unity, and we follow His Instructions to maintain this Unity. You need to see the importance of the Relationship with YHVH and the relationships with man. This is the next step in being part of YHVH’s Covenant; you have to embrace YHVH as your new Master through Y’shua, following and listening to His Voice (Word/Spirit). He gave us His Torah (Y’shua, the Word of YHVH), and everything we need to know in this life is written and captured in His Word. The broken Pitcher - Humility: Pitcher is first found in Scripture in Gen 24:14 and is the event where Abraham’s servant, went to find a Bride (us) for his Master Isaac (Y’shua). He gave an empty pitcher to her to test if she has the character to fulfil this purpose. She had to fetch water for him and his camels. The water is the Word and the Camels are your fellow servants of Y’shua. If you fill your vessel with His water, searching and studying the Scripture, you will have enough for your self as well as for others He will send across your path to disciple. The pitcher was broken and show us that this task can only be done effectively though humility and with a servants heart. Be willing and available to be used by YHVH and you will fulfil His higher calling of being His Bride and part of His Priesthood as seen in the Judge Deborah (Collative Judge & Bride) to serve His people in humility. Be ready to disciple His people with a servant’s heart. These were the three things YHVH gave us to fight the battle against discord (disunity and fighting amongst the brethren). •

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Everybody have to be grafted into the Covenant of Abraham through Messiah. As followers of Messiah we shine His Character through living out the Word/ Torah in this dark world. We must know the Covenant and the Plan of YHVH that associate with it so that we can have one goal which is to be available to be used by Him to fulfil His purpose. You must have a living personal relationship with the Father and be in unity in spirit and in Truth so that we can be beautiful in the sight of YHVH and useful to ‘fight the battle’ (containing His Presence in us, His Body). Commit yourself and be available to serve YHVH and His people and have a humble heart and pursue the fruit of the Spirit so that the people will be edified and not broken down through your obedience to His Commandments. Realise that you are part of Deborah/ Bride) and will “judge” the world thorough your lifestyle that reflects Y’shua’s Character and the Torah.


YHVH reduced the army from 32000 men down to 300 men, this gives us the insight that YHVH work through small things. How can I be small? Choose to be humble. Humble – “anah” -

- To answer, to respond, humble, to be broken, to

be low, to be afflicted, to oppress. We find this word first used in Scripture in Gen 15:13 where YHVH said to Abraham that He will ‘afflict’ (humble) Israel for 400 years in bondage. This shows us an important concept that we also see in the Book of Judges; every time the people did what was right in their own eyes, which resulted into chaos, He brought their enemies to rule over them in order to make them humble, so that they could ‘see’ that the only way to be ‘fruitful’

(Eye- Ayin)

(Nun) is through YHVH’s Ways and ‘Word’

(Light –

Truth - Hey). YHVH’s Word can only be accepted if you are ‘humble’ (broken vessels). If you are not humble, He will ‘afflict your soul’ as He did with Israel, to break your stubbornness so that you will become humble and able to receive His Word and be changed by it. Receiving the Word is like sowing seed and you have to have enough seed sown in your heart to outgrow the thistles and thorns that is sown previously by the world. YHVH allows ‘bad situations’ to prepare your heart to receive His seed: . 6

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So if you are currently experiencing affliction or bad circumstances, or things just go wrong in your life, you are being made humble. YHVH is either bringing you in from the wayside (Egypt), or He is breaking your stubborn heart (stony ground), or He is plucking out thorns (fear of rejection by the world), or He is pruning you to bear more fruit (good ground).

Look, See and Do accordingly ' (

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Under the inspiration of the Spirit of YHVH Gideon instructed his men to look at him and to do as he is did. Y’shua made a similar statement in John where he said the following:



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This implies that the Father lived what He said because Y’shua saw Him living out His Word, and He did accordingly. He did not say that He repeated everything He heard from His Father, but He spoke everything He saw His Father did. Our faith is an active faith and not just head knowledge, we do actively what we belief and this is the true definition of FATH. Y’shua is asking the same of His Bride (His leaders), to look upon Him and do as He is doing, following His example, and leading by example. He lived the Torah and we should live and speak what we see Y’shua is doing. How do we see Him? We see Him in His Word because He is the Word. Many people are spiritually blind and they cannot see Y’shua in the Word or that Y’shua is the Word (Torah).

The Bride, Israel and the Midianites YHVH chose only 300 men from all of Israel, why was that? These men were committed to follow YHVH’s Instructions under the leadership He appointed and they worked together in Unity to overcome the enemy and to set Israel free from bondage. As you can recall from the previous sections, YHVH destroyed the external enemies through the unity of His people. These 300 men followed Gideon but acted as “leaders” in Israel, setting the standard and leading by example they learned from Gideon. This is a perfect example of discipleship; YHVH shows His leaders (300 men – elders/ teachers/ shepherds/ judges) through Y’shua/Spirit (Gideon) and they live the example and standard of YHVH’s Word in the world (Israel) to draw them back into the Kingdom. Gideon’s men are the example of the “early rain”, the Bride or Collective Judge, who will follow in the footsteps of Her Master Y’shua (Gideon) and in the end, YHVH will pour out the ‘latter rain’ upon all His people and they will follow Him in His Kingdom. There are three groups among the Believers and followers of YHVH today; the Bride, the rest of Israel and the Midianites. The Bride (300) is a small group of people who are committed to follow their Master in battle, no matter what. YHVH will use them to set the pace and break open the stony ground, sowing seeds of repentance and truth among His people Israel (currently blind). Israel is believers (part of 31 700) who are partly in the world, not fully committed and struggle with sin and the flesh. The Midianites are believers (part of 31 700) who fight against YHVH’s people who are trying to YHVH’s work. They cause conflicts and make the 300 ineffective by all sorts of small issues and disputes, breaking down the unity. We will see the same pattern after the Second Coming of Messiah; where there will be people known as the Bride, inside the New Jerusalem, His Priesthood, serving Him in His presence, and on the outside, there will be many ‘saved’ people who still have to learn the Ways of YHVH. [Zec 14:16] They will be people who served Jesus in ignorance and with sincere hearts, together with people (I belief) who have never heard the Truth, but lived a good life convicted by their conscious. [Rom 2:14] These people will have to go through the same things we went through, learning His Ways and how to worship Him the way He wants to be worshipped. These people will be taught and led by the Bride (Deborah) who will rule over them and who will teach them YHVH’s Ways.


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Confusion is the Enemy’s Enemy C )



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When Gideon’s men blew their ram’s horns YHVH caused confusion in the camp of the enemy and each man drew his sword against his brother and killed each other. Looking at this from a spiritual point of view, then we see that the Midianites (people causing conflicts in YHVH’s House) drew their swords (Word / doctrine) against his brother and they killed each other. Those who listened to the ram’s horn in the first place and assembled under the authority, they were protected from the Enemy (confusion) who killed the Enemy (Midianites). Those in YHVH’s Assemblies who refuse to submit under authority of the Truth given to them through His appointed people (300 men), would be destroyed by the confusion and lack of commitment and unity in faith. If you are not one with the truth, you will be confused, and this confusion is the enemy that causes disputes and it is also the enemy that will destroy those who allow it in their lives. It is extremely important, especially as the time of the end draws closer, that we unite in the truth, under YHVH’s appointed people (through the Gifts the of Spirit), to prevent disputes, so that the people will be led in safety when the last day events start to happen. You will not survive on your own and you have to humble yourself and be part of YHVH’s 300 (covenant people / Bride), or you will be part of Israel who will have to follow or part of the Midianites who will be destroyed. Just as YHVH led Israel out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses (Judge and Prophet), so will He appoint leaders (144 000) to lead His people through the Wilderness (Tribulation). You must get use to follow so that you will not oppose His leadership and authority. He will choose His leaders and if you are not one of them, you will have to follow in order to be safe during this terrible time that is to come.

The House of Decline The rest of the enemy (Midian) fled to Beth-Shittah that means ‘House of turning aside’, or ‘House of decline’. Shittah is found in Prov 7:25 and gives us more detail of the ‘House of turning or House of decline’. 9



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If you decline YHVH’s wisdom and turn aside from His Ways and obstruct His Plan, you will be destroyed with all those who choose to do wicked. Who is the woman he spoke of? Can it be the same woman found in the Book of Revelation, the Whore of Babylon? Babylon means confusion and mixing and this qualifies her to be one and the same woman spoken of in Prov 7. The ‘House of decline’ is the System that fuels the enemy, the Midianites, by bringing confusion that causes conflicts and disunity.


They fled to the border of “Abel-meholah” to “Tabbath”. “Tabbath”


‘goodness’ and ‘celebration’ and shoes that those who were part of the Midianites, those who repents from their evil hearts obstructing YHVH’s Plan, they will be saved by the goodness of YHVH and by His Grace. This is in line with the passage we have looked at earlier which Paul wrote to the Assembly in Corinth. '> (


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The enemy of Confusion will chase those to the borders of death and destruction and this adversity will break them and make them humble so that they might repent and submit to YHVH’s authority and His Word. Those who are part of the Bride will rejoice when these rebellious sons will repent and in humility accept YHVH’s Ways in His Kingdom. This is the purpose of the Tribulation that will drive the “Midianites” (proud / rebels) to the borders of death so that the oppressions and plagues will destroy the flesh and humble them so that they will repent and submit to His Torah. Remember the Midianites are fellow believers (Third Giant) that allow Satan to work through them (because of unresolved issues and hurts) so that he can break up the unity in YHVH’s Assemblies and make YHVH’s people ineffective and useless. ( J ,


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At the end of the battle they caught the two main leaders of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb and killed them by cutting of their heads. Oreb means ‘mixing’ and ‘pledge’, and Zeeb means ‘wolf’. The wolves are the false prophets and ‘mixing’ and ‘pledge’ is the deal or treaty they have made with the enemies in Jud 2:2-3. It also refers to the System of Babylon and the City that will be destroyed at the end, together with the false prophet. / )'0

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Those who follow YHVH but mix and make deals with the enemy are seen as enemies of YHVH and they will receive the same punishment if they do not repent.



" We have seen through out this book that the Book of Judges is like a Manuel for Spiritual Warfare. 0'

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& Ephraim as you should know by now, represents the gentiles who came into Israel through faith in Y’shua the Messiah. They asked Gideon why they were excluded from the battle and why they were not chosen. This is a true representation of what is happening in the Body of Messiah today; people are envious of other people’s Anointing and they want to be in the limelight and be part of the action. Gideon and his men went through a lot of pruning and they were tested by YHVH and found worthy of the task because they had certain criteria and experience the others did not have. As you can remember; the first pruning took place where the people chose not to fight because of fear. 32 000 reduced to 10 000. Those who fear were not worthy of being part of YHVH’s army. The second round of pruning took place where YHVH asked them to drink and He chose 300 from the 10 000. YHVH qualified each man on how they drank water (consume the Word) and this disqualified another 9 700 because they did not bear their own fruit. As you can see, fear is the biggest problem in fighting for YHVH, and it is normally the fear of man; what will the people say and think of me? I belief that these men that accused Gideon in Chapter 8 fell out on the second round, those who ride on other’s relationship with YHVH. Only YHVH can see inside of man and only He knows who has the right relationship and the strength in His Word to stand for Him in battle. If your relationship is right with YHVH you will not have a problem with your brother’s anointing and be envious of the task YHVH gave him. People who have a ‘shallow’ relationship with YHVH will easily be envious of people who operate in the Gifts of the Spirit and will cause problems in the Assembly. They will speak against YHVH’s anointed people and cause disputes. This will classify them as being like the enemy (Midean) and they are moving on dangerous ground and will be removed by YHVH. Don not be envious of your brother or sister if they are being used by YHVH, look at your own life and focus on your relationship with YHVH and in due time, YHVH will elevate you and use you mightily. Hang on to the fruit of patience and do not covet the anointing of others. This is where you have to ask YHVH for the fruit of the Spirit so that you can be safe while you grow up spiritually. Your job now is to grow spiritually and focus on your relationship with YHVH and to learn His Word and to gain wisdom, not to lead! Humility is the key to a good intimate relationship with Him, not pride and envy.


Gideon answered them and said it is better to glean the grapes or gather them after the reapers than to have all of the Harvest at once. We see here that you will not be able to handle the whole of the harvest but only the few that is allocated to you as you grow and be trained up to handle more. This shows us that the ‘family’ of YHVH in the Assembly is just as important as the reapers. This is where you will help and love new believers as they come in, so that they will be accepted in a family environment and feel loved and at home. They need to be ‘gathered’ into the ‘House’ of YHVH and nurtured until they are mature and spiritually grown so that they might also be used by YHVH later in their lives. Do not envy those on the front line, the reapers, who bring in the souls. You are just as important to fill the gaps inside the Assembly, helping these people to follow YHVH and develop a relationship with Him.

The Sins of the Brothers - Envy, Fear and Pride. )






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This is a very strange passage and we see three main issues between Gideon and His people: 1. Envy: Sometimes your worst enemy is among you, within the Assembly. Look at the life of Joseph where his brothers wanted to kill him and later sold him as a slave. The same happened with Y’shua where His brothers and countrymen persecuted Him and handed Him over to the Romans in the end, where they killed Him. We see that envy and hatred was the motive why Joseph’s brothers did what they did and we saw the same in Judges Chapter 8 where people of Israel rebuked Gideon because they were not chosen. 2. Fear: The same thing happened with the people at Succoth, but this time their motive was not envy, but it was fear. The people of Succoth feared the enemy and did not want to help Gideon and his men in case it will be made known and the enemy will persecute them for doing that. We get people in the Body of Messiah today that have the same problem; they rather stay passive because they do not want to upset Satan and His followers because of fear of what he might do to them.


They have more trust in the power of Satan than they have in the power of YHVH and His people. This caused the men of Succoth’s refusal to help Gideon and his men and to stay out of the fight. 3. Pride: Gideon went from Succoth to Penuel to ask for water and food but these people gave him the same answer as the men of Succoth. Penuel means “face or vision of Elohim”. The people of Penuel had a tower that Gideon threatened to throw down. Tower is the Hebrew word “migdal” that means ‘elevated stage, tower’, and ‘raised bed’. It has the root that means ‘excellence’ and this shows us that the Tower was a symbol of their spiritual pride. They have elevated them selves because of their knowledge and of the gifts of YHVH. They are people who do not want to get their hand dirty and would rather sit on the side and criticize what you are doing because they know better. We all make mistakes and the only way to be flawless is to be passive, but this is wrong! Help the people of YHVH who are fighting the battle, those whom you can see are anointed and give them your support as far as it is in your power. Do not sit at the back and criticize their work, that is Satan’s work, the accuser of the brethren. [Rev 12:10]

YHVH will Judge these “Brothers” with the Curse of Thorns 0 '( '





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1. Fear: Fear is a weakness and is one of the first enemies to overcome in your life, especially the fear of Satan. Gideon came back and did what he went out to do without their help. YHVH deals the same with us, if we chicken out because of fear, He will still accomplish what He planned to do, with or without your help. This fear will not go unpunished, as we have seen here, because this fear is rooted in a lack of understanding and knowledge of YHVH’s Character and His Word. These men stayed in Succoth that means ‘tents’ and these people like to hide within their ‘tents’ (comforts) and do not want to offer themselves or their support for bigger cause. They have just enough faith for themselves and do not care about others to help to overcome the enemy. They fear man and Satan more than they fear YHVH and do not want to make a statement of faith because they do not want to ‘upset’ the enemy or make the people in the world uncomfortable. The elders of this city were punished (taught) with thorns and briers. Thorns are mentioned in Gen 3 where YHVH cursed the ground and it brought forth thorns and thistles. In agricultural terms, thistles are the enemy of the seed and can cause you a lot of problems during harvest time. Thorns are also mentioned earlier in the Book of Judges as the enemies you allow in the land, making deals with them, but they will become like thorns in your side and cause you pain. Briers are also a type of thorn and both these are found in Isa 5:6. % (' + ) ) !

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This is a prophecy of Isaiah describing the future House of Israel consisting of Judah and Ephraim. Israel is like a Vineyard, planted by YHVH, and they were to produce fruit or grapes, but they produced ‘wild grapes’ instead. Wild grapes are also translated as poisonous stinking berries that can kill people or drive people away by their odour. Gideon and His men experienced this ‘stinking’ attitude from their brothers in the midst of a very important battle; driving out division and disunity from the people of YHVH. % ((

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No more Blessings: A hedge is the wall around a garden that separates it from the field. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden (blessings) into the world that was cursed. This implies that YHVH will destroy the “garden” that brought forth blessings in these people’s lives and they will migrate into the field (world). In other words, these people will no longer experience YHVH’s blessings. No more Torah: YHVH will also break down the wall. A Wall is always associated with a City that gave protection against their enemies. The Wall we have around us is the Torah that protects us from the enemies (sin) on the outside. In other words, He will take away His Torah of protection from them and they will be exposed to the ‘elements’ and be ‘devoured’ by the wolves (false teachers / prophets who are without Torah). ?

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No more Pruning: He also said that He would no longer prune them. To be pruned is grace from the Father Who is the Gardener. He prunes us if He sees signs of spiritual death in our lives, so that it will not corrupt our whole life, and that we may bear good fruit and not stinking poisonous barriers that causes death. We see that these people will not be pruned and it seems like YHVH does not care about their fruit any more and left them unto their own destruction. It is not as if He does not care, He only delayed the consequences of sin and they will be cut off in the last days. We see this today where there seems to be no justice and people do whatever they want without real consequences and they ‘get away with it’ and this cause them to be even more wicked. YHVH allows that and is part of His plan for the wicked in the last days to separate His sheep from the goats, the gray areas will be removed. /) @ !

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2. Pride: The people of Succoth had fear and this is a weakness but the people of Penuel suffered from pride, which is a more serious sin and they had far greater consequences. Gideon came and cast down their Tower (pride) and killed them all. Pride is a more serious sin and this was the sin that caused Satan to fall and pride is also the basis for most other sins. Pride is the opposite of humility and springs forth from rebellion, which is the sin of witchcraft. That is why the consequences for pride, rebellion and witchcraft are death. '1 '( 2 3 @



People who rebelled back in the day, were stoned outside the City (even rebellious children – Deut 21:19-21.) Those who are proud and who elevate themselves above others and above the Commandments of YHVH, they will receive the same punishment as what Satan will get. As we have seen in verse 17, Gideon beat down the tower and slew all the men of Penuel. Does this relate to Matt 5:17-23 where Y’shua told the people who operated in His power and authority to go away from Him because of their rebellion against His Commandments and practiced lawlessness? I do belief so.

Don’t let the Vision Die Gideon and his men caught the leaders of the Mideanites and he commanded his oldest son to kill them, but he could not do it. YHVH is asking of us to kill the enemies in our lives, will you do it? 0 - ' K+ 3 G (

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Be Humble and Serve: Zebah means ‘victim or sacrifice’ and Zalmunna means ‘image, idol, and forbidden’. Sometimes you might feel you have to sacrifice so much by being the least to make Unity work in the Assembly. If you refuse to be the least every time, you are the opposite and are elevated, expecting others to ‘get their hands dirty’ to nourish unity. This is a form of selfishness; idolising one self, being more important than others, wanting them to do it. Kill the “leaders of Midian” (disputes and differences) in your midst, be humble and serve one another in love. Fear not and Follow: Gideon’s first job was to throw down the image at his father’s house and to sacrifice two bulls on the altar. By asking his son to kill the two leaders of Midean is the first step he had to take to get rid the enemy from his house. The boy refused because he was afraid, which was also his father’s greatest problem. Gideon had to overcome his fear and it is disappointing to see that his son did not follow in his footsteps. Y’shua defeated the enemy for us and we have to


follow in His footsteps to conquer the enemy in our own lives. Fear not because YHVH will provide all you need, even the strength to stand and eliminate all the enemies from your life. If the ‘young’ or ‘new’ people in the Assembly fail in these two things; not being humble and teachable, and not being fearless, the vision will die and the Assembly will decay and will not maintain to produce fruit (sustain momentum and growth). We see this in the life of Gideon’s son, and he did not become the new Judge over Israel.

People want to choose their Leaders To be a Leader is not like a family business or democracy, YHVH chooses whom He wants and you cannot inherit your father’s anointing as you would with possessions in the physical world. 0





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Gideon knew that it was not YHVH’s will to use his son to rule over Israel and YHVH will choose the next leader. This show us that people cannot vote leaders in, it is YHVH’s choice and He chooses the Leaders through the Gifts of His Spirit and His Anointing determines who will lead. You cannot lead His people even if you have the desire or ability. No, He will lead His people only through His Spirit and this is exactly what Gideon told them when He said; “…YHVH shall rule over you…” This is why YHVH did not want a king over Israel because the kingship will be inherited from the father to the son and YHVH will not have a say in the matter.

Not taking YHVH and His Commandments Seriously 0 22 2

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After Gideon died Israel turned again and went whoring after Baal called Baal-berith that means “Baal of the Covenant” or “Lord of the Covenant”. Sounds familiar? If you read Baal from left to right, it gives the word “law-ab” -

that means – ‘to joke, jest’.

People today do things that they think is right and they serve YHVH the way it fits them, but is it the way He prescribed? They hang on to grace and do not take His Commandments seriously and some even say that it is ‘ridiculous’ and ‘worth laughing about’. They break down His Commandments as if it is nothing, and make jokes about it and emphasize that a civilised modern person in his right mind will not do something as stupid as that. They believe in the Lord of the Covenant, Jesus Christ, who died for their sins and to abolish the Law, and they refuse to follow Him as the Hebrew Y’shua Who is the Torah. Are they serving another god? We should not mix with these people who scoff YHVH and His Word or His people:



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These are the people we have met in the First Section known as the First Giant – close relationships with religious people who differ from you and who can corrupt your mind and lead you away from the things of YHVH. If they are neutral and accept you and what you believe, you can still influence them by living out Torah, but if you have to compromise your life to make them more comfortable, you will be the one who will change. It is not bad to have friends that differ from your faith, but if they scoff the things of YHVH and do not have room for your way of serving YHVH, withdraw from them for their and your own benefit. They might bring a curse upon them selves and you may backslide. We also learn a second thing here, not to make jokes of YHVH’s Holy things and not to bring it in a conversation where His things are used to make fun of, even within the Assembly. His Word is Holy and should be treated with respect at all times. It is not wrong to laugh and to make a joke, as long as you keep it set apart from YHVH’s things. As we see in the Book of Judges, the people went astray after the death of their leader and this shows us that we all live in a time where people choose to follow their own ways, not following anyone. A coal cannot stay hot and keep on burning if it is out there on it’s own. It is better to be part of a fellowship or an Assembly so that you can stand together and support one another to keep the flame (passion and zeal) alive and burning inside of you. Allow yourself to be discipled and learn from others who have been on this Path for a long time. The ‘University’ of Spiritual Learning is called Discipleship and if you want to learn, you have to enrol. You can only lead if you have followed and you can only learn if you have been taught. Fear not and Follow, be Humble and be Teachable so that you can become a mighty man or woman for YHVH. 2'



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$ As we have seen in the previous section, YHVH does not approve of people voting in leaders or the inheritance of authority from one generation to another. YHVH’s will is to choose specific people with humble characters to become His leaders.

The Fifth Judge – Abimelech - Overthrowing of Authority Gideon had a total of seventy-two sons, one of them was from a concubine, and his name was Abimelech, and his youngest was Jotham. Abimelech went to his 70 brothers and told them it is better for one man to lead than 70. Where do we find 70 “leaders” elsewhere in Scripture? Moses appointed 70 elders to help him govern and judge the people. It seems these 70 sons governed the people and Abimelech was not one of them and he used force to gain authority to rule the people. Gideon is also a picture of Messiah Who anoints certain people to act on His behalf in certain areas through the gifts of the Spirit. These are the “elders” who have the anointing similar to Y’shua and they operate in most of the Gifts of the Spirit. They are the people chosen to purify the doctrine inside the Assembly and operate in the Gift of an Apostle. This is also the picture of the future leaders (144 000) that will lead the people through the Wilderness in the time of the Tribulation. They will act in the anointing of Moses and will be sealed by YHVH with a mark on their foreheads [Rev 7:4-8]. Abimelech’s name means ‘father of the king’ and if Y’shua is our King. We find people like Abimelech who come in the “authority of the Father”, who appoint themselves over YHVH’s people and he was not chosen by YHVH. This is a very arrogant act of someone to impose their will and agenda on YHVH’s people without the blessing or approval of our heavenly Father. In other words they do not respect YHVH or His appointed authority and take it over by force. *(



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The stone he killed his brothers on was the same stone Gideon sacrificed to YHVH after he destroyed the idols in his father’s house. Drawing this story into our perspective into today’s events, how do you kill the leaders YHVH appointed? It is said by the Sages (Teachers) that you kill a man, if you “kill” his reputation or character through slander. If you break down the reputation of one of YHVH’s anointed leaders, then the people will no longer trust them or listen to them and it is as good as if that leader has died in that community. Y’shua said the same about the people in his hometown who ‘broke down His reputation’ through slander and He could not do anything for them because they did not belief in Him.



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Do not speak against or slander those who do the work of YHVH because you will make them ineffective and YOU will be the reason that YHVH cannot work through them any more. If you have a problem with a leader, go, you and a witness, go tell him his fault in private, so that you will not break down his credibility before the others. '

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& I have heard numerous stories of Assemblies who have divided because people overthrew the authority of their leaders. This is wrong and if you do this, you are doing the work of Abimelech and you act in the authority of the Father and you bring a curse upon yourself and those who follow you.

The Curse of Jotham – The Curse of Thorns Jotham means ‘YHVH is perfect’ and Jotham spoke these curses when he stood on the ‘hill of blessing’, Mount Gerizim. This is the mountain in northern Israel in Ephraim near Shechem from which the blessings were read to the Israelites on entering Canaan, but this time a curse was uttered from this hill. This shows us YHVH’s displeasure with the actions of Abimelech and the people of Shechem (means back or shoulder), they turned their shoulders and their backs on YHVH. The curse starts with these words: * 0!



The curse is in the form of a parable where the people are compared to trees. They first asked the Olive tree to become king over them, but the Olive tree refused. Then they asked the Fig tree, but the fig tree refused as well. Then they asked the Vine but the vine refused. Lastly they asked the Bramble Bush and the Bramble bush accepted but under a condition; they should trust in his shadow other wise they would be consumed by fire. 1. Olive Tree - Othniel: The first tree did not accept because he had to give up his nature. The Olive tree said that it would have to give up its oil and its fatness which are used to honour YHVH and man. Olive oil is used to burn the Menorah in the Holy place in honour of YHVH and it is also used to anoint priests who serve in YHVH’s House. To become king would cause him to loose his function it was created for. The olive Tree is a picture of the First Judge, Othniel. He conquered the City of the Scroll and received the waters above (anointed to understand the mysteries of YHVH) and the waters below (anointed to understand the wisdom to live this life), the field (nations) and the Bride (people who served YHVH). He was not a king but a Judge appointed by YHVH. He was not chosen by man but chosen by YHVH, and in this story he refused to be appointed by man.


2. The Fig Tree - Ehud: The Fig Tree represents the Torah and its fruits are the Mitsvots (good works) and its leaves (offerings) are there to cover the nakedness (sin) of man. If he accepted to be made king he would have lost his sweetness. Sweetness = “mothek” –

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consists of a “Qof” (repentance) and “math” (man). In other words, he would have lost his teachable heart and his ability to stay humble, trusting in YHVH’s Word alone. If you live a lifestyle of repentance, you will have the ability to bear the sweet fruit of the Torah. This is a picture of Ehud, the Judge who had the heart of repentance although he was not skilled in the Word, understanding everything in the Torah. His main drive was to repent from sin and to overcome the flesh. He is a picture of a ‘Judge in training’. If he had accepted to be made king, he would have lost his willing humble repentive heart and his sin would not be covered. He would be diverted from learning the Torah and would not learn to express the sweetness of YHVH’s fruits (Mitsvots). YHVH chose him because of his willing heart to become a Judge, but not a king. 3. The Vine - Deborah: The Vine’s fruit is in the form of a cluster hanging from one stem and is different to that of the olive and the fig trees. This confirms that the Vine represents Deborah or the ‘Collected Judge’. The vine produced sweet freshly pressed wine and is a symbol of a constant relationship with YHVH. Wine is first found in Gen 27:28. ,



) & The wine is the produce of the fruit and dew waters it every morning. Dew comes in small quantities every morning on regular intervals and feeds the vine to grow big and strong. Water is a symbol of His Word and the dew is a little bit of water (word) every day, which are the building blocs for a strong relationship with YHVH. The Sabbath is the weekly rain that you need to get your roots to go down deeper into the ground so that you can stand firm, but dew is the daily cycle that nourishes you and help you not to wither by the end of the week. If the Vine had accepted to become king over the people, it would have lost it’s relationship of daily dedication with YHVH and would not be able to produce it’s wine that will make YHVH’s heart glad. YHVH chose us to be the collective Judge and Bride in this world and not to become a king appointed by man. Y’shua is our King and He alone will be King and He will not share His authority with anybody. We are subject to Him and He teaches us so that we can teach others. He makes the decisions and rules in the Kingdom, not us. We need to learn the rules and do them and teach them to others. Then you will produce ‘wine’ in your life that will make the people’s hearts glad because you have helped them to know the Truth and to serve the King.


4. The Bramble (Thorn) Bush - Abimelech: They have also approached the thorn tree to become king and to rule over them. The thorn tree accepted, but under one condition; if they do not come in under his shadow and trust him, he will devour them with fire. The irony of this is that if you seek shelder under a thorn bush, you will have to crawl in under it and you will be pricked by the thorns because there is not a lot of space or shade under it. If you choose the Thorn Bush to be your king, you will experience pain in it’s shadow (covering) and What is Bondage? you have to pay the price. It states in verse 20 that Abimelech is the thorn bush and the people appointed him as Bondage is if you have their king and they had to bear the consequinces of their choice. Note crawled in under the that YHVH did not appoint him but the people and that is why there will Thorn Bush to get be pain and not blessings as a result of his rulership. some shade and the Thorns hold you back and you are stuck and can’t get out.

A king makes the laws or rules for his Kingdom and if a man becomes king, he would have that authority to make or add laws as he sees fit. This is what Satan does, he wants to be like the Most High, he wants to have the authority and he wants to be the king. The reality is that the world has “killed” YHVH’s prophets and appointed Satan as their king and he took the authority and changed YHVH’s times (Sabbath/Feasts) and laws (Torah) [Dan 7:25]. This is the Catholic system where the Pope is seen as ‘God on the earth’ and he is the king that can make or take laws away. The Pharisees did the same, they have the same view admitting that they represent YHVH here on earth and they can change His Word as they please. This attetute fits Abimelech’s name perfectly; ‘ Father of the King (Y’shua)’ and they do not acnowledge Y’shua as our King, and stand in the authority of the Father.

The people asked Satan to be king over them and he accepted. Man chose to follow in the ‘man made’ Satan inspired ways in stead of YHVH’s Word. Your obedience reveils your king. All those who serve Satan through the religeous System, will bear the pain/curses (thorns) that comes with the package. The religeous System is a copy of YHVH’s authority but with a twist so that it will not be obveous to the untrained eye. Many people entrapped in this system thinks they serve YHVH but they are blined and bound by Satan’s ‘shadow’ and they follow him being ‘sincerely deceived’. If you rebel and overtake the authority YHVH had put in place through the Gifts of His Spirit, you will bring this Curse of Jotham upon your self because you are killing YHVH’s anointed people through slander, advertising your views of disagreement. 5. The Cedars – People of Shechem – People who turned their backs Shechem means – ‘back or shoulder’, ‘to rise or start early’, ‘son of the chief of the Hivites (false teachers/prophets) in the time of Jacob’, * '0




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These people made a commitment to Abimelech and he holds the power to destroy them if they do not submit under his ‘shadow’. What does shadow mean? 9

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Shadow in Hebrew is “tsale” and forms the root of the word “tselah” that means ‘to pray’. “Tsalah” also means ‘to roast’ and has to do with offerings or presenting gifts in worship. To sit in the shadow of someone is to give them gifts or offerings in worship and to pray to them. These are the attributes of worship that YHVH desires from us. The people had to sit in the shadow of Abimelech and worship him as a god and king. This is what Satan wants, he wants to bind people and to force them to submit to him and worship him, believing they are worshipping YHVH. This will make him as the Most High, the dream he had before he was kicked out of YHVH’s presence. The Curse of Jotham Jotham’s curse is linked to the symbol of thorns that is found in Isa 5:6 that we have discussed in the previous section. % (( . )

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This is the curse you will bring upon yourself if you rebel and talk against YHVH’s Anointed people (kill the 70 brothers / leaders). YHVH will cause these things to happen in your life: • •

No more Blessings: Take away the Hedge of the Garden – the Blessings are associated inside the Garden, on the outside there are only curses. No more Torah: Break down the wall of protection – He will take the Torah away from you and you will be exposed to the enemies. You will no longer have the Drive on the inside to do the Torah and will reason your way out of keeping certain Commandments until there is nothing left. YHVH’s Water will make you thirsty, if you stop to drink His Water, you will also loose your thirst. No more Pruning: He will no longer prune the vine – you will have ‘delayed consequences’ of your sin and your conscience will die without the ‘wake up prompts’ from YHVH. You will go into extremes until you are overwhelmed by sin as stated in Rev 22; “… $ ( ( $ …” This will cause a separation between YHVH’s people and these rebels. No more Rain: Rain is associated with the Spirit and He will no longer confirm His Word through His Spirit - no more signs and wonders (answered prayers), no more conformation of the Truth. (The Word will not work for you)





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Those who rebelled and those who followed rebellious leaders will be under this curse and YHVH will bring a division between His people and Satan’s rebellious people. This is the purpose of this curse, to separate the sheep from the goats and to take away the wolves from among his sheep.

Abimelech killed at the Tower of Thebez Abimelech went and fought against Thebez. In this City was a strong “Tower”. He burned the door of the Tower and got in and fought against the people. A woman took a piece of ‘milestone’ and threw it down on his head and it broke his scull. He did not die from the blow and called his young armsbearer to draw his sword and thrust him. This he did so that no one may say that a woman killed him. Thebez means ‘whiteness’ and is a sign of righteousness. Tower is the word “migdal” and consists of two parts “mighed” that means ‘excellence’, and “dal” that means ‘low or humble’. These are two qualities found in a follower of Y’shua; you should be humble in spirit and you should pursue excellence regarding holiness or set-apartness. The City of Thebez is a picture of YHVH’s people that are under attack by Satan and his followers. Abimelech burnt down the door (rebel and overthrow authority). Door is first found in Scripture in Gen 4:7: ,

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Y’shua is known as the ‘Door’, the ‘Way’ to the Father. He is also the One who shields away the Enemy and keep him out of your house. YHVH told Cain that Satan is at his door and wants to come in and take control over him. We see the same with the Tower of Thabez; Satan is at the door and will burn it down to try to take over your life. If you do not have Y’shua (Door/Word), the enemies will come into your life. Some people in Thebez allowed him in (did not apply the Word) and he overpowered them, but there was one woman in the city that stood up against him. * (2 !C


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The seed mentioned in Genesis is referring to Y’shua who came from the seed of the woman. The woman mentioned in Judges is the seed of Y’shua, those who are part of the Bride who stand up against Satan.


The Tower of Thebez depicts all the righteous people that belief in Y’shua (Jesus) but their door is burned down because of their “arrogance” and “mixing” with Babylon (Tower of Babel). There is only one woman among them, the Bride, who chose to follow YHVH the way He prescribed and she had the ability to crush Satan’s scull because she has a testimony of Y’shua and followed His Commandments [Rev 12:17]. This follows the pattern where YHVH formed man outside the Garden and took the woman out of ‘this body’ (man) inside of the garden. The Body of Y’shua is called “outside the Garden (in the world) and he brought the Body into the Garden and removed the Woman (Bride). This woman is the Bride that will rule with Y’shua (Head). Are you part of the Bride or do you just want to be part of the Body? Y’shua said: . :+

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If you do the least of the Commandments and teach others to do so, you are part of this woman, who is His Bride (Deborah), and you will teach and lead others. But if you disregard His commandments and hang on to Grace alone, then you will be least in the Kingdom and be part of the Body that will need guidance. Just food for thought, what is the least of the Commandments? Tzit-tzits, they are the blossoms that bloom in your life to proof that you bear the fruit of doing His Commandments and that you are a ‘watchman’ that guard His Commandments. (Read more about this is the study: Tzit-tzits, Tassels or Fringes). We read in Judges 9:53 that the woman (Bride) took a milestone and threw it on Abimelech’s head. Millstone in Hebrew is “rekeb” and it also means ‘vehicle, team and multitude’ and this shows us that the ‘team’ of Unified believes that form the Bride forms the ‘milestone’ that will crush Satan in your midst. We have seen this previously were the Full Stature of YHVH’s presence manifest when His people are in Unity and this will overcome our External enemies of which Satan is the greatest. I cannot stress the point of UNITY more and this is a common theme throughout the Book of Judges and YHVH wants us to know this in order to defeat Satan. It was not the milestone that killed Abimelech; we saw in the end that it was his armsbearer. He asked his armsbearer to draw his sword and thrust him so that no one will say that a woman killed him. Satan perverted YHVH’s Word and this is the System of Babylon (mixing and confusion). It is THIS System (his sword) that will destroy him in the end. We saw the same situation in Chapter 5 when Gideon’s men blew the Rams horns and it caused confusion and they killed each other. How do we overcome Satan? • • •

Being in Unity with our fellow Believers (Bride). (Blow shophar) Being a broken Vessel He can use (Being Humble and teachable) Living a set apart life shining His Light (Truths)

We see the same truths in a different event and this proofs and confirms that this is the way YHVH will fight and overcome Satan.







We think a judge is someone who confronts criminals and sentence them, if they are guilty or set them free, if they are innocent. A Judge in the time the Judges is not the same as what we know as it today. In this study we will look at what it means to be a Judge according to Scripture and if this function is still valid and needed for today. Judge: / '



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Judge is the Hebrew word "shaphat" -

- judgment,

act of judgment, to judge, to govern, vindicate, punish, to act as lawgiver or judge or governor.

We see the Scriptural meaning of a “Judge” is to Govern, to Lead, to teach the Law or Torah to YHVH’s people and to apply YHVH’ s Torah to judge and to confront those who are rebellious and out of line. Do we need leaders today? Do we need the Torah today? Do we need issues resolved and reprimand people who rebel and go astray? Yes, we need all these things to help the people to follow YHVH in one accord and to understand His Instructions so that they can represent the Messiah as one Body. We also saw this in the first section in the prophetic meaning of the Book of Judges that it applies to us as believers today. Without Judges / Leaders, the people will do whatever they think is right in their own eyes and there will be no unity and no Body of Messiah.

A Judge is anointed to do the following:

• Lead people • Lead the people in war • Teach the people the Torah • Use the Torah to sort out disputes among the people • Facilitate discussions regarding issues. • Enforce the Torah in seeing that the consequences of sin are dealt with fairly.

Background - Judges or Leaders found in Scripture After YHVH led Israel out of Egypt they were led by Moses, (a prophet), and then by Joshua who led the people into the Promised Land. After Joshua there were twelve Judges who led the people within the Promised Land. Israel then wanted a king like the pagan nations and YHVH gave them Saul. Saul was a wicked king and had a short reign and was replaced by David, a righteous king YHVH chose.


Israel always needed some form of leadership (judge) because of their ‘human nature’ and number, to keep them in line and to guide them into the Will and Plan of YHVH. Moses was the first leader and the first judged over the people of Israel.

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. ) Moses had to sort out all the issues and disputes in the camp and it were a tremendous task because there were about 7000 Israelites (with about 600 chiefs) and a mixed multitude of other slaves, which would properly make it in the order of 10 000 people in total. (See article on ‘How many people left Egypt’ for detail) This was not effective because Moses was doing this daily and it took up all of his time and he couldn’t even get to all the people who needed advice. Jethrow, Moses’ father-in-law, advised him to set up leaders over the people and to teach them YHVH’s Laws so that they would be able to judge the people as he did. A '0 -




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We see that Moses chose people with certain attributes to help him to govern the people and to sort out any issues they might have. If the matter was to great, they brought it to Moses to resolve. Moses appointed leaders over 1000, leader over 100, leaders over 50 and leaders over 10. The ratio is mostly 1:10, 1 leader for every 10 people. This is a guideline to us to when appoint leaders to guide YHVH’s people in His Assemblies and I believe that this will be very relevant in the last day events to lead the people through the Tribulation. (We will go into more detail later in this study). The lowest form of leadership is found within the family unit where the Husband is the leader of his family and his wife is his helper and his children must listen to his counsel and guidance. YHVH uses the smallest things to accomplish the greater things, and in the same way, uses the family as the foundational foundation of leadership. The governing of your family is the most important part of the Assembly of YHVH, which forms the foundation of His structure. If the family units are corrupted, the whole assembly will be corrupted and everything will turn into chaos and be destroyed. You cannot become a leader if your family is not in order that is why Satan attacks families in order to break down the body of Messiah. You as believer in Messiah are in a process of being ‘trained’ to become one of the leaders YHVH wants to appoint to help guide His flock and teach them His Torah and His ways. This is necessary because there will be a lot of people who will come into the Kingdom at the end of time and YHVH will rise up people to govern the masses.


How do I become a Leader? The fist step in attaining leadership is to get your family in line with the Word of YHVH and to govern them with YHVH’s wisdom, and to teach them YHVH’s truth by setting the right example. A true and effective leader will lead by example. The next step is to be discipled and you must find someone you can learn from. You can learn from people over the Internet but it is much more practical if you can learn from the people in your local fellowship. You can only disciple someone if you yourself have been discipled. To be humble and teachable is the key in learning everything you need to be equipped as a leader. The last step is patience and experience. You need to live what you have learned and learn wisdom from living as you apply His Torah. As you learn and live, you will grow into the full stature of what YHVH wants in a leader so that He can use you to serve His people. You will also be equipped by the Gifts of the Spirit and your life will start to bear the fruits needed in a leader.

Assembly vs Voice Both words; ‘Assembly’ and ‘Voice’, share the same root and work in a similar manner. What has Voice to do with Assembly? Voice – “qol” -

– ‘swift, one who is swift, light, words, ‘a

gathering of thoughts’. It also form the root of “qolah’ which is the assembly of people.

An assembly is a group of believers in the same area who share the same beliefs in Messiah. It is not a building or a Church structure, as we know it today, it is a group of families who assemble in their houses just like the first century Believers.

The basket of thoughts: Your voice is the expression of the thoughts you have gathered in your mind. You may have a specific person in mind; you have an opinion of that person in your mind. Then you might have a current event and you put all these together and ‘string’ these thoughts together to form words that you utter with your voice and you place thoughts in the person’s mind whom you are talking to. They might add some thoughts to your basket and together you ‘collect’ all the thoughts of events and emotions of that person until both of you have the same thoughts in each of your ‘baskets’.

The Assembly: An Assembly is a group of people who have the same thoughts in their ‘baskets’ regarding their faith and this cause them to group together to express their faith without opposition. If there is someone with a different thought on a specific topic and have a different belief or opinion, there will be ‘resistance’ between people with different thoughts or views. These differences will stimulate a natural re-grouping process within the bigger group and smaller groups will form that share similar views. This is the beginning of division within the group and will result in disputes. Satan sows thoughts that are slightly twisted or altered and this causes a difference in people’s faith and causes di-vision (more than one vision). To have unity in a group, you must have the same ‘thoughts’ in everybody’s ‘baskets’ regarding your faith.


Leadership: YHVH raised leaders or elders to re-establish the truth and to see that everybody have the same foundational believes. This is why people in a Assembly have to be open to receive from the people YHVH appointed so that there can be unity. This is why YHVH raised up Judges / Leaders to ‘iron out’ these differences with the truth and wisdom so that His Body can be established.

Seventy Elders – Anointed Leaders like Moses 4 '' "#$# ( ! )


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Moses could not bear the weight alone and pleaded with YHVH, YHVH told him to choose 70 Elders from the people and He anointed these people with His Spirit to be equipped so that they could fulfill the role as Prophets, to be just like Moses. These elders were chosen from the existing group of leaders (approx 600) to have a special anointing, similar to Moses, to help to do the work Moses did. This sounds just like the event when the people received the anointing of the Spirit when they were in the upper room. To be an Elder you have to be chosen, and anointed by YHVH to be able to guide and judge His people like Moses. They were the people who could hear directly from YHVH and gave the Vision and Plan of YHVH to the people so that they could be led through the Wilderness. These 70 leaders acted as Judges and as Prophets who taught the Torah to the other leaders, administered and facilitated and resolved difficult issues, and who had the vision to lead the people to where they needed to go. They were a higher level of leadership if you will. Elder: “zaqen” –

- means - beard, chin, old age, elder, experienced in life

and wisdom (of those having authority)

Interesting to see that it also means beard, similar to the instruction not to cut the edges of your beard found in Lev 19:27. The beard is a sign of authority and it is a physical reminder to that man that his mouth is covered and to only speak words of YHVH. This means that these Elders are very committed in their walk and relationship with YHVH. Elders are defined as people who are advanced in age and have a lot of life experience and wisdom. People who can be seen as ‘elders’ in Scripture: 1) Moses, he was called at age 40 and led Israel at age 80. 2) David, he started to reign as king at age 30. 3) Y’shua, He started His ministry at age 30 after His Mikvah. This gives us a rough estimate of when people can be seen as elders; between the ages of 30 and 80 and most probably closer to 80 than to 30 to fit the ‘old age’ and ‘experienced’ attributes. The word “zaqen” (elder) has the following deeper meanings if we look at the meanings of each letter: Zayin

– Sword, word


– back of the head or repentance


– fruitfulness or fruit of the Spirit.

Each one of these letters represents some of the more important qualities they need to be chosen as an Elder and leader like Moses:


– Sword – Word: They must know the Word and know how to apply it with wisdom and tact so that others may receive it with gladness. '0 +



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Discreet means to be ‘tactful’ and he must always communicate in such a way that his message will be received and that the people may change if they hear it. They will have the maturity to correct someone without causing offence in order to set a matter straight. 2






They are also skilled in using the Word against the enemy and defend the faith. They are equipped in the Word and understand the basis of the Word as well as the Plan of YHVH and have the ability to instruct and teach others. They are not confused and have a solid answer for most questions. > 2' F

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– Repentance: They are people who live a life of repentance (Qof). They are humble in spirit and are teachable and will change instantly when they realize they have made a mistake or believed a lie. They are always aware of their weaknesses and mistakes and rectify it immediately, seeking YHVH’s will. They live a life that is true to the faith and are blameless in the eyes of the assembly because they change whenever they have made a mistake. – Fruitfulness: They have fruitful lives and their faith and labour bears fruit and more people are added to the Kingdom. '

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They multiply themselves through discipling others and are willing and eager to teach new people coming into the Kingdom. They follow YHVH’s Word and are blessed as a result of this and are led by the Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit are evident in their lives. They have a servant’s hearts and serve the people in love for the benefit of the Kingdom.

Two Types of Leaders We saw two distinct types of Leaders; Leaders like Moses or Elders (70) and Leaders like Judges (600).


Elder or Leader – Vision & Plan: The leaders like Moses are the leaders that are specifically anointed by YHVH to do the front line work and to lead people out of the System. They will normally function in the Gifts of an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Teacher. They also have the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge & Discernment of spirits, faith healing, miracles, tongues and interpretation of tongues. These signs can also be seen in the life of Moses. This ‘type of leader’ may or may not have all the Gifts mentioned above, but will be given as the Spirit permits. There were 70 Leaders like this and the number 7 means Plan of YHVH. They have the Vision and Plan of YHVH for that specific time frame and they guide and lead the people to fulfill that plan that is part of YHVH’s greater Plan. Leader or Judge – Serve the People: The other type of leader is someone that will function as a Judge and will normally have these following Gifts; Pastors, Shepherds, Teachers, Administration, Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment of Spirits, Faith, and Hospitality. There were approx. 600 Leaders (chiefs) like this and the number 6 means Man. They have to look after the concerns and needs of the people and deal with everyday issues to ensure the unity in love and truth. They submit under the Elders and make the governing of the people practical and possible, especially in a very large group. These two types of leaders support one another in establishing Unity among YHVH’s people and to lead them in His Plan. The one is not greater than the other and they need each other and are servants of the people unto the Glory of Y’shua the Messiah and the Kingdom of YHVH. If you want to become a leader, you must first become a servant.

Attributes of an Elder / Leader & Leader / Judge '






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1. Have your own house in order – Fruit & Family. 2. Study the Scripture & equip yourself. 3. Be humble and learn from the Leader YHVH has given you. - Become a disciple first, and then you will learn to become a Leader. 4. Have patience and wait on YHVH to appoint (anoint) you.

Those who pursue to be leaders chooses a good thing because there are not many leaders today and there will be many people who will come into the Kingdom who will need guidance in following YHVH. You will only desire to lead when YHVH has called you to be a leader because He has put that desire in your heart. Each one of you who believe in Messiah is a ‘potential leader’ if you make yourself available to serve others. Search the Scripture and study the Word to be equipped and skilled therein so that you can give an answer to those who seek the truth. Sort out your life so that you bear the fruit of the Spirit and also these attributes listed in 1 Tim 3:1-7.


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Be a good husband of only one wife and run your household orderly in the guidelines of the Torah. Bring up your children in the ways of YHVH and do not allow rebellion in your house. Your wife needs to be your helper, be submissive and learn from you. You need to be the spiritual leader of your house and they must learn from you. This is the most important attribute. You should be temperate, slow to anger and have a lot of patience. You should approach others in love and kindness and not allow frustration and anger to make you ineffective and unapproachable. You should always be sensible and have knowledge and wisdom to help others in any situation. Draw from past experience and teach them the right way based on the wisdom found in the Torah. You should be well ordered and do not let disorder and confusion reign in your life. Plan your life and have your priorities right. Put YHVH first and arrange your life revolving around Him. If you put Him first everything will fall into place. Be prepared when you bring a word of knowledge or teaching and have an orderly planned structure in arraigning events and fellowship gatherings. When people assemble in your home, be hospitable and receive everyone with an open heart. Do not treat some different to others and let everybody feel accepted and welcome. Always be ready to teach and uplift someone in the Word. Study the Word so that you will be able to teach others and make sure that you are not confused in matters and lead others astray. Do not be a drunkard and set the right example when you assemble together as well as in your personal life. Do not be contentious, being touchy and arguable about everything. Learn to listen before you speak and make the other person feel worthy and accepted and value his opinion. Have room for smaller differences and search the truth together to maintain love and unity. Do not be materialistic and greedy, wanting to have material possessions and desiring worldly success. Be content in what you have and where you are at and ask YHVH’s will to be done in your life. Seek His Face and not His hand and do not serve Him to be blessed. Be gentle and humble in your approach so that others want to be with you and listen to you. Do not be arrogant and rood chasing people away. Do not be quarrelsome, hot-tempered in any difference of opinion. Do not confront people hitting them over the head with the Scripture. Be gentle in your approach; be tactful without causing offence or disputes. Do not be covetous, lusting after the needs of the flesh. Always maintain a balance in eating, drinking and any sort of pleasure so that you will not be controlled by your flesh and set a bad example of breaking the tenth Commandment. Do not be a novice wanting to rule other people in the beginning of your walk without life experience or wisdom in the Word. If you are a new believer, start by being a disciple and learn everything you need before you pursue leadership. Do not be puffed up or arrogant, especially if you know more than others. To be a leader is to be a humble servant and it is not a position to be in the “limelight” and in the public eye to be seen and honored by everyone. If you do not want to be humble and serve, do not become a leader. Have a good report with other people and a track record where you have helped people to change for the better. Live what you preach and do not be a hypocrite living out a different example to what Y’shua lived.


You have to be patient and wait upon YHVH so that He can call you into leadership and to serve and feed His flock. YHVH will anoint and equip you with the Gifts of His Spirit for the specific role He wants you to fulfill. Remember, all of you are potential leaders and YHVH wants to use everybody with a willing heart. Be patient because it may take years to experience following YHVH so that you can learn what He wants to teach you so that you can be an effective leader one day.

When to Appoint Leaders / Judges The first line of leadership is seen in Moses, when he led the people out of Egypt. 70 Elders were anointed with the same Gifts as Moses to equip them to deal with the large flock and difficult issues. Today, these people work as Apostles (send ones) or ‘missionaries’ if you will, to grow the group of people into a healthy Assembly after accepting the message of Messiah. This is the fulfilment of the Great Commission found in Mat 28, just before Y’shua left them. .

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7 8 8) ( ( * & %& IBis not in the original text and was inserted to support the doctrine of the Trinity and contradicts Acts 2:38. They had to go into the nations where people have not heard the true message of Messiah, and they had to teach the people so that His Flock could be assembled and gathered. These Flocks were established and governed by leaders chosen from among them, who were taught by the Disciples (Apostles). The leaders within these flocks acted as “Judges” who overlooked the people’s spiritual growth and ensured the health and unity of the Assembly. Today is almost the same; YHVH sends people to places where there are people who did not know the true Gospel of Y’shua and the Torah. YHVH uses certain people to spread the Word of Truth and to gather like-minded people. Before you know, there will be a few families gathering together and a natural process takes place where an Assembly is formed. All these people assemble together in their homes. This is the example given to us in Scripture of how the Assembly is formed and how the Assembly should operate. It is a stronger and more interactive way of fellowship where people can learn and be discipled, different to the mainstream church system of today. There are a lot of these small fellowship groups right across the world today where YHVH is calling His people back to His ways, out of the system called Babylon. These are informal assemblies that are guided and led by the Spirit through anointed leaders that serve the people.

The Pauline Model of Leadership If Moses is our archetypical TaNaK Prophet/Leader, then Paul is of the equivalent status in the category of Brit Chadasha Assembly Leaders. Paul planted Assemblies across Asia and Europe, seeing them multiply into many congregations and thousands of believers. He also presided over significant spiritual growth of those in his Assemblies.


Ephesians 4 is the closest he comes to a theology of leadership. In this passage, leaders are simply those with gifts of equipping. The leader equips the saints to do the work of the ministry. The body is healthy and matures when each member is equipped and fully functioning. Paul illustrated this in relation to the Corinthians when he describes himself and Apollos as servants to whom Elohim has simply assigned certain tasks in the building of his Assembly. So what was Paul’s model of leadership? He does not give us a systematic description but in his more pastoral letters (1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus) we see some of his approach. Paul was a servant who undergo all types of self-sacrifice for the sake of the gospel and Elohim’s people. '-


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Putting this together we can summarise the Pauline Model as follows. Paul acted as an overseeing Apostle/Leader that oversaw many Assemblies. He equipped and encouraged Elohim’s people (Elders & Deacons/Ministers) to exercise their Gifts and ministries and to grow in spirituality and fruitfulness. These Elders and Deacons/Ministers were equipped through the Gifts of the Spirit and can act in different areas to support the Body. They equipped the Body through teaching of the revealed Word of Elohim. The Elders were ready to correct and rebuke in those cases where individuals are not correctly hearing from YHVH and are moving off on tangents, false doctrines or backsliding. The Elder did not hear from YHVH on behalf of the people, nor did he set high-level vision for the Assembly. Rather, the Elders and Ministers served the Assembly through this equipping, encouraging, teaching and correctional ministry thus allowing each member to reach their full potential before YHVH. The members were encouraged through Discipleship to become the next line of leadership that will serve the newcomers in the Assembly.

(Jerusalem Counsel)

(Paul & Peter)



Looking from a bigger perspective; Y’shua is the head of the whole Body, right across the world. He appoints Leaders (Elders / Missionaries / Evangelists / Prophets / Teachers) to establish new smaller groups within areas where the Word needs to be proclaimed.


He then appointed Leaders (Judges / Shepherds / Prophets / Teachers) from among these people to act as shepherds in these smaller groups to administer and guide and feed His flock spiritually and to ensure sound doctrine and unity. Inside each of these flocks He appointed leaders through the Gifts of the Spirit to assist the shepherd or teacher to help if the group grows beyond ten families. Then you get the flock, the people who help disciple and the new people who are being discipled, the potential new leaders of tomorrow. All these people are appointed and equipped through the Gifts of the Spirit to edify and serve the people so that they can be in unity and represent His presence in that area. ' #


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We are privileged to live in this time because of technology, we can fellowship and be in contact with other believers in Messiah across the Globe. YHVH has also risen up leaders within the Global community to help with the work of equipping and leading His people and to unify them in the Faith. These people act as Apostles and fulfil the work similar to what Paul did. Here are some examples of our leaders in the Global community; Michael Rood, David Lancaster (FFOZ), Grant Luton, Eddy Chumney, Monte Judah, Brad Scott, Lew White, est. They equip the Elders/Leaders who “birth” the Assemblies in certain areas, and the Leaders/Judges who disciple people and who look after the Flocks, the smaller Bodies of Messiah. Y’shua is the head of us all, collating us all under Him into one big Body of Messiah. Bless His Holy Name and His wisdom and His orderly way of linking and gathering us all under him through all these anointed people.



, ( -Introduction We have looked at what it means to be a Judge or a leader and we will look at leadership from a different angle to see what it is to be without leaders. YHVH has designed everything to be governed in a structure. Even the secular legal and government systems are based upon what YHVH had put in place from the beginning. /

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It is YHVH’s Will that man is governed by a structure of authority, right from the family unit through to the Government of a land, people need guidance and YHVH new that and that is why He intend it to be this way. If you do not agree with any authority, you are rebelling against YHVH and needs to repent to avoid judgment. There are different characters in the Scripture that gives us a lot on insight into this topic and how rebellion can keep in on you, in your family and in the Assembly. Here are the examples of people that rebelled against YHVH: Cain, Nimrod, Korah, Balaam, Saul, Jezebel, Judas and the Whore of Babylon (rebellious system). We are going to look into four main characters to help us to understand what rebellion is all about. We will look at Korah, because his name means rebellion. We will also look at the King and Queen of rebellion, Saul and Jezebel, which are typical examples of male and female rebels and then we will look at Lucifer, the Father of Rebellion.

1. Qorach – No Covering “Qorach”

is the word that means; ‘something not covered’, or ‘no covering’,

and it comes from the root word

, “kore” that means ‘cold’. It is sometimes

translated as ‘bold’ implying someone with no hair or covering over them. “Kore” also means ‘to shave’ which is the verbal part of Korah’s name. This implies that someone who is not covered is someone who is ‘cold’ and is true of someone who refuses to stand under YHVH’s covering and they are people who normally do not have a warm personality that attracts people, and will give you a ’cold’ shoulder. They tend to drive people away from them and is not part of the warm family environment found in an Assembly that is in Unity.


The Rebellion of Korah The word Qorach is also the name of the person (Korah) who rebelled against Moses and Aaron and his name depicted his life and we can learn a lot from it. 4





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Korah was the leader who led 250 men against Moses and Aaron and actually against YHVH as we see here in Numbers 26:9. If you stand up against YHVH’s authority, you are standing up against YHVH; this is the principle. These men were famous or renowned in the Congregation and I think they were either popular in the eyes of the people or they were self appointed arrogant ‘leaders’ like Abimelech, as seen in the previous study. Moses and Aaron were chosen by YHVH to lead the people and He set them apart for that purpose. Korah complained and said that they are also Holy and so are the people and they argued why Moses and Aaron were the leaders. 4



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He accused Moses and Aaron of pride and that they exalted themselves above the congregation. This is a lie and a false perception from their side and they actually saw in Moses and Aaron is that what was wrong in them. A wise man once said: “…you do not see things as they are, you see them as you are…”. Korah was arrogant and he lifted himself up because of pride and this was what he saw when he looked at Moses and Aaron. YHVH chooses leaders from His people and separates them for leadership and administration, although we are all on equal status based upon our holiness, our righteousness, and our citizenship in the Kingdom. A Kingdom has leadership and there will be people who will lead and there will be people who will need to listen and follow. Korah is a picture of those who rebel against the leadership of YHVH, which He has ordained. YHVH has ordained people to be ‘coverings’ over other people and they reject this ‘covering’, they are not covered and move out under the shadow of YHVH’s protection and guidance. When Moses heard this he fell on his face and sought YHVH’s wisdom and direction. YHVH answered him and instructed them to bring fire pans with incense in it before YHVH as an offering. This will prove who were the chosen and who will lead YHVH’s people. The interesting thing is that Korah and his merry men were from the tribe of Levi but it was not good enough to serve as normal Levites, they wanted to do the work of the High Priest and the Prophet and be in a position of authority. YHVH told Moses to separate themselves from these men so that He could judge them. 4 1





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Moses and Aaron pleaded for the people who were deceived by Korah and his men and pleaded not to judge them as well. YHVH instructed them to tell the people to separate themselves from Korah and his men for them not to receive the same judgment. This is an important lesson to us not to allow rebellion in the Assembly and if there are rebellious people, to separate yourself from them so that you and your family will not get the same judgment as them. YHVH does not want to destroy the people, He wants to destroy the sin and if you do not separate yourself from the sin, you will be consumed with it. We see here that rebellious people are to be treated in the same way as sin and you need to separate yourself from them.

Korah mentioned in the Brit Chadasha (NT) ' '' 6 )




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People who went in the way of Cain are people who worship YHVH (bring an offering of Gift) they think YHVH will accept, but YHVH has definite instructions on how He wants to be worshipped. You should not do it the Frank Sentara way (I’ll do it MY WAY), no, you need to do it Yah-WAY. As we all know Cain’s offering was not accepted and that lead to him kill his brother. This is also evident in the family of faith today where people who do things THEIR WAY tend to “kill” (slander, reject) those who try to please YHVH and serve Him according to what He prescribed in His Word. Cain represents a SELFISH rebellion where you want to serve and worship YHVH your way. We also see Balaam mentioned here and that has to do with mixing paganism or man made traditions, in with YHVH’s things to corrupt them. The end result of this as seen from the story of Balak and Balaam was that Israel opened them up to receive curses because of this. A curse is the absence of a blessing and when you mix YHVH’s Word with other things, you move out under the ‘Covering’ of YHVH and you are exposed to the ‘void’ where curses will hit you. Balaam represents a CORPORATE rebellion where you submit under the doctrines of a rebellious group, sometimes unknowingly, there you will serve and worship YHVH man’s way (traditions of man – the truth intermingled with paganism). Lastly we see Korah’s name mentioned here where all of these are a result of rebellion. Rebellion is the basis from which false doctrines and mixing comes in and where you decide to worship YHVH the way YOU like it and you do not care about what YHVH wants. Woe to the people who rebel for they will get the same reward Korah and his followers received; namely death!


2. Saul – The King of Rebellion - Careless Saul was the first king of Israel whom they appointed and it was not the will of YHVH. The reason is that YHVH is our King and we live in His Kingdom and He then appoints Prophets and Priests and judges to govern His people. This err caused Saul to become one of the rebellious leaders of Israel. Saul means: sheol, underworld, grave, hell, pit and that is the destiny for rebellious leaders. Saul was hungry for success and this drove him to become a bloodthirsty king who did things to elevate himself and be seen by people. Saul also had a careless attitude regarding YHVH’s Commandments and took YHVH’s Instructions lightly. Saul’ first rebellious act was when he was inpatient and did not wait for Samuel the Priest to perform a burnt offering unto YHVH and he did it himself. '1 '2 '2 ' ) !

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Saul did what was good in his own eyes and thought that YHVH would not mind. His impatience caused him his kingdom. It might seem like a little mistake but YHVH ordained certain people as His leaders and they have to fear and respect YHVH and do exactly as He instructs. Saul just didn’t care. '1 '( '0 !




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This was the second rebellious sin Saul committed; he did not follow YHVH’s Instructions to its fullest and did not take YHVH’s Word seriously and he spared the king of Amalek and all the best of their flock. This means that he have not learned from his first mistake and had a habit of not taking YHVH’s Instructions serious. When he was caught out, he wanted to offer the animals as a gift unto YHVH to ‘fix’ the problem. You cannot bribe YHVH into accepting your offerings of disobedience; it is an Abomination unto YHVH.


People like this are very slippery in their ways and they have a mask on and the rest of the people would not see what they really do but YHVH sees everything. If you have a habit of not taking YHVH’s Word serious and you hide behind your scheming smokescreens, you are practicing witchcraft and YHVH’s wrath will be upon you. You may trick the people but you will not fool YHVH. The third great sin he committed was to consult a medium to call upon the dead soul of Samuel for guidance. YHVH left Saul and became his enemy and this last sin caused him his life. This type of rebellion is normally found in males who do not stand their ground being a humble obedient leader of YHVH in their families. They hide behind their ‘gifts’ they offer to YHVH and give Him lip service but they do not fear Him and compromise on doing YHVH’s Commandments as He instructed. They do it halfhearted and half way only to look as if they have done it so that men would not see their real fruits. If you follow YHVH, follow Him with everything and do all of His Commandments with a sincere heart and with respect and fear.

3. Jezebel – The Queen of Rebellion - Confronting Jezebel is the female example of the Queen who rebelled against YHVH and taught others to do so. Jezebel was married to king Ahab, the king of Israel. Jezebel killed a Naboth to acquire his land and she was even willing to kill for it (1 Kings 21). She also ‘kill’ the prophets because she hates the work of YHVH. Those controlled by this spirit, man or woman likewise, see the gifts and fruit of others and want it for themselves. This spirit is driven by Covetousness. To obtain these gifts of fruits, like Jezebel, they spread lies in order ‘kill’, or destroy the rightful owner of the gifts or fruit. Within an assembly of believers, some may be envious of how YHVH is using others and this sin will open them up for the spirit of Jezebel to work through them and this will bring division within the assembly. Do not allow this to happen and guard your hearts not to envy or covet other people’s gifts or fruit. Jezebel wanted the field of “Naboth the Jezreelite”. His name means “Fruitful Returning One”. Naboth is a plural for fruit and Jesreel refers to Ephraim’s scattering and return back to sonship [Hosea 1:4 – 5, 2:22]. The Father calls His re-gathering of all the tribes of Israel, “the great day of Jezreel” [Hosea 1:11] #




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Jezebel will try to destroy this prophecy to become true in any assembly where Jews and Gentiles will serve the Master Y’shua together in unity. People with the spirit of Jezebel will not accept this prophesy and will speak against the reuniting of the scattered nations of Israel and the Gentiles back into Israel. We are moving into a great day, but beware, because Jezebel sought to steal and control the fruit of the Jezreelite. And this same controlling, prophet hating, destructive spirit is remarkably active in these last days, especially over festive days. The spirit of Jezebel rebels against everything of YHVH and wants to make it perverse of water it down so that people would not fear YHVH and compromise. She taught her husband, the king, to worship Baal and she introduced acts of fornication and spiritual adultly into the Assembly so that people will follow watered down doctrines and mix in pagan traditions and do not take YHVH’s Commandments serious. People then say:”..Jesus does not mind about me eating anything, He looks at our herts…”, and “…it does not matter if I do Christmas because I celebrate it and Jesus is my focus…” As stated in Revelation, Jezebels reward is a bed of sickness, and plagues, and also them who commit adultery with her, those who encourage thievery of God-given gifting of others, trough slander, will experience great tribulation – unless they repent. [Rev. 2:20 – 22] /) ! ( +


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! In Hebrew such slander is called lashan harah – the evil tongue. Slander, which is to ruin (kill) the reputation of another trough falsehoods, is related to the sin of murder. Let us not be people who look for opportunity to steal the God-given fruit of others. Instead let us be a people who look for the fruit of repentance within ourselves. Let this also be a comfort to those who are persecuted and rejected because of the spirit of Elijah upon them. [Mat 5:10] This spirit also evident in normal everyday friendships; a person with a Jezebel Spirit wants to be the centre of everything and everybody, when there is competition, she will ‘kill’ them with slander to keep the control of her group of friends. Watch out for her, she is very dangerous and difficult to discern if she entraps you. Ladies under the Covering of their husbands. We have learned in the previous section where we learned about leadership, how important it is for the family unit to be in order because this is the building block and “training” ground for the leaders of tomorrow. Men should learn to be real men and lead their wives and children. Wives must support that by submitting under their husbands and help them to become great leaders. We also saw in the study in the Book of Ester that women must submit under their husbands, and in order to do that effectively, the men must sit in the Gates of the King. The gates of a City represent a place where the wise men gathered and learned and discussed Torah.


They assembled there and anybody with a problem could go there and receive counsel. You must mix with the ‘wise men’ and discuss the wisdom of YHVH and learn His Torah, because you become like the people you mix with. 9


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Wisdom is calling you to the gates of the City so that you may receive her counsel. If you gain wisdom you will be able to teach your wife and children. This is the right order of how things should be and you as the husband are preparing yourself to be chosen by YHVH as one of His next leaders. 9

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Women should be like the women described in Prov 31, she must submit under her husband (who sits in the gates) and stand her ground in fulfilling what YHVH made her to be. '> '' ( )


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There is an interesting link between this passage and the name Korah as we have already seen to be the picture of rebellion. Paul instructed the woman to wear head coverings because it is a symbol of submitting under authority. If she does not submit under authority, she opens herself up to be used by the spirit of Jezebel. '> '' 2 .


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It states in 1 Cor 11:6 that if she does not do this, she is dishonouring her head or husband. In the previous verse you will see if a man do wear a head covering, he dishonours his Head, which is Y’shua. If she is without a covering she is the same as one who’s hear is shorn and that causes shame. The word shorn has the same meaning as the word “corach” that means ‘to shave’ and it is the root word for Korah’s name who represents rebellion. Wearing a head covering while she prays or discuss YHVH’s Word, is a symbol of her submitting under her husband and she will not say anything that is in contrast with what he has taught her. In other words, she then speaks ‘in the name of’ her husband similar to husbands speaking ‘in the Name of’ Messiah Y’shua. If you are under authority of Y’shua, you will only say the things He said and teach the things He taught – then you are a true disciple of Him. The husband is a picture of Messiah and husbands should teach and disciple their wives and children so that they can speak the words he teach them. ( .


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To show that you are under authority and covering of your husband, the woman should wear head coverings during the discussions and fellowship meetings where YHVH’s Word is discussed. This is an outward sign of her submitting under YHVH’s authority. If a wife does not submit under her husband, she will open her self up for rebellion and cause strife in the Assembly. This is the task of the husbands; to see to it that they sit at the Gates and disciple their wives not to be rebellious and to support them in their walk with YHVH. In other words; he should be a Psalm 1 man and she should be a Prov 31 woman. If a woman does not submit under their husbands, she will be the ‘stronger’ personality and will rule the house with their ‘coldness’ (uncovered/shorn) and emotional blackmail and their constant moaning and groaning. She will wear the pants in the house and he must do as she says to make her happy – a happy wife is a happy life. The man will become ‘softer’ and the woman will become ‘stronger’ until the roles have completely changed over. This order is wrong and will end up in conflicts and disaster. A woman can make or break a man and bring out the best or worst in her husband. A man has the responsibility to rule his house and the woman has the ability to help him to achieve that if he teaches her the wisdom he learned at the Gates. This will either be an upward or downward cycle, depending on BOTH parties to fulfil their roles within the relationship. The man and the woman must know their responsibilities to bring out the best in the other. If the order is wrong, both parties must introspection to find out what needs to be done to fix their lives so that they can experience YHVH’s peace in their home. This is very important because the family unit is the fundamental building block of the Assemble and Body of Messiah.

Lucifer – The Father of Rebellion Pride and Rebellion is the sin that caused Lucifer to be cast out from YHVH’s Kingdom. % '

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Those who follow Lucifer, rebelling against the authority YHVH instituted, will get the same reward namely destruction in the day of judgement. YHVH told Moses and the Israelites to separate themselves from Korah and his followers because they will receive judgement and anybody in their midst will be devoured with them. This is the same thing that will happen at the end of time where YHVH instructs His people to separate themselves from the people in the System of Babylon (rooted in rebellion), so that they will not receive of the plagues prepared for Her (System).



. "The Sixth Judge - Tola - Y’shua Gathering His Bride. '- ' 9 1



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After Abimelech died YHVH raised Tola to rule over Israel for 23 years. Tola means ‘worm’ or ‘scarlet’. There is a specific worm, the “tola' at shani “ that is used to make scarlet dye. When the worm is killed, it gives of the scarlet color that can be used to color fabrics. Puah means ‘mouth’ or ‘radiant’ and Dodo means ‘his beloved’ and Issachar means ‘reward’. Defend is the word “yasha” that means ‘to set free, to save, salvation’. This is also the root word for the Name of the Son of YHVH, Y’shua. Shamir means ‘prison’ or thorn’ and Ephraim is the name that represents the scattered tribes of Israel that will be gathered back into the Kingdom again. All these things mentioned here has to do with Y’shua, His Blood and the redemption and salvation of His Beloved, the Bride who will also come from the lost Tribes and Gentiles that are in the nations. There is a negative meaning of the word Shamir that means thorn. This shows us that not all of Ephraim will enter in and they will be under the curse of Jotham at the time of Y’shua’s Second Coming.

The Seventh Judge – Jair - Broken Mirrors Reflecting Light After Tola died, he was buried in Shamir and YHVH raised Jair who judged Israel for 22 years. Jair means ‘my light’ or ‘he who diffuses light’. This let me think of the spiritual picture of YHVH being the light and we the mirrors who reflect the light that He shines on us. If you put all the scattered pieces of broken mirrors together, we will be able to reflect ALL of YHVH’s LIGHT and we will have the full revelation of Him. We should pursue Unity so that we can have all the Light (Truth) and reflect His full Image into this

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Israel served seven gods of other nations: 1. God of Canaan - Baal - sacrifice children, god who overcame death. 2. Ashtoreths – goddess of fertility, sexuality and war. Incarnation of Ishtar the moon goddess. 3. Gods of Syria – Atargatis, the mother of fertility goddesses of earth and water. Symbols: ‘doves’ and ‘fishes’. She is half human and half fish – mermaid. 4. Gods of Sidon - Eshmun – goddess of healing, her name means ‘oil’. 5. Gods of Moab – Chemosh – sacrifice of children [Num 21:29] 6. Gods of Ammon – Molech – sacrifice of children. 7. Gods of Philistines – Dagon, the father of Baal. Half man and half fish. They left the invisible God Who saved them numerous times and served other visible gods found in the surrounding nations. This shows us that if you are fleshly orientated, you will fall away from YHVH and it is very easy to backslide. Where is your focus, on physical things or spiritual invisible things of YHVH? YHVH was very angry with them and gave them over to the Philistines and the Ammonites who oppressed them for 18 years. They cried unto YHVH and pleaded with Him to free them from the oppression of their enemies. But YHVH was angry with them and refused to help them. '- '

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YHVH mocked them and said that their gods must deliver them from their tribulation. Why was He doing this? They repented with their lips and not their hearts and still haven’t removed the other gods from their midst. It is no good if you just add YHVH to your collection of gods. No, He must be the only God in your life and there should be no other. He is a jealous El and He shares Himself with no other god. A -( " 3 %"#$#

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Jealous is the word “qanna” that also means ‘purchase, jealousy as a husband has for his wife’. YHVH saw Israel as His Bride and they accepted to be His ‘wife’ when they accepted the Covenant at Mt Sinai. They committed idolatry when they served other gods and it is seen in the same light as adultery. They did not commit adultery with one other god, but they whore after seven other gods, which makes it very serious. This is also prominent today where we see al lot of Assemblies who worship YHVH in so many different ways and a lot of that has to do with mixing in different pagan traditions (gods). We also see a lot of believers who do not rid their houses from all the ‘visible gods’ or ornaments and material things, which are connected to paganism.


Why do you think that they followed after all these gods when they have so much evidence in their history of how great YHVH is in delivering them. Why do they not listen to Him in following His Commandments? The answer is obvious; they did not teach their children the Ways of YHVH and they grew up, playing with their pagan friends and adapted to their ‘culture’, feasts, beliefs and even their false gods. Does this sound familiar? Obedient parents and demanding children. Parents that are to ‘scared’ to confront their children because they honor the relationship with their child higher than to rectify them. As in this time of Israel, we face the same situations especially now with all the evil that is all around us as we draw closer to the end time events. D


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You have to stand up, take control over your families and teach them YHVH’s Ways and the dangers of the pagan ways. It is your responsibility to teach your children because they are an extension of your life. If you compromise, they will compromise even more. “Monkey see monkey do” If you love your children, you will teach them YHVH’s Ways and His Torah and you will lead them and teach them, living the right example.

Finding (needing) a Leader They have repented with their mouths but they have not yet removed the pagan gods from among them. That is why YHVH said that He would not forgive them or help them. Forgiveness is received form YHVH, which is a gift He presents to you AFTER you have repented. In their situation, they first had to remove the foreign gods and idols from their houses and then He ‘saved’ them. '- ' )


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The people repented and removed their false gods from their homes and went out to find them a leader who can help them to overcome the Ammonites. In the past we have seen that YHVH provided a Judge each time they cried out, this time YHVH refused to listen to them and they had to find themselves a Leader. They went to the land of Tob because they have heard of Jephthah, the Gilead, was a man of great valor. Gilead as we have seen earlier, means ‘testimony’. Jephthah’s brothers kicked him out of the land because he was the son of a harlot or strange woman or concubine. Maybe it was because of the history what happened with Abimelech who killed his brothers. Choosing to believe the worst; negative people. Does this sound like Ephraim to you? Ephraim represents the ten tribes that were scattered across the nations because of their idol worship and is indirectly “kicked out of the land” and do not live with their “brothers” (Judah / Jews) any more, not even to this day.


People need a leader and will seek one that they think will free them from their calamities. You should be cautious of who you choose because if your motives are wrong or if you are fleshly, you may choose the wrong leader: !



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& Was Japhtah a good choice? We will see in at the end of this study if Jephthah was a good leader or if he led the people astray.

Jephthah had good Qualities - Faith Jephthah had a lot of zeal for YHVH and this is found in Jud 11:9 '' 0 * ,


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Jephtah did two things right:


7 Jephthah said that if YHVH gave him the victory, then he would be their leader. Jephthah knew he was not chosen by YHVH and he expected YHVH to give him the victory as a sign so that he could lead the people. This was a sign of faith and took a lot of courage and because of his faith; YHVH helped him and gave them the victory.

o He had faith in YHVH o He called YHVH to be the Judge between Israel and their enemies.

Jephthah did another good thing; he called YHVH to be the Judge and judge between Ammon and Israel regarding the land, which was the reason for the Ammonites to make war with Israel in the first place. If you cannot solve a problem, call YHVH to be the Judge and He will resolve the issue between you and the people out who are against you.

Jephthah had some bad Qualities – Zeal without Torah Jephthah was the product of rejection and that might have been the scar on his life that caused him to have these bad qualities. Jephthah – ‘mouth’, “tav” 9

- means ‘he who opens’, Yod”

means ‘Spirit’, “pey”

means ‘cross / stake which implies death’, “chet”

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means ‘life’.

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& This was the case with Jephthah, he opened his mouth and death came out and he the fruit of his lips that had bad consequences.


The “life” he had was his faith and his zeal and the “death” he had was the oath he made without thinking (knowing Torah). This was an unintentional sin made in ignorance but still had real bad consequences. I personally believe that the majority of sin is committed through the mouth, speaking words that bind you to death. What did Y’shua say about the mouth and words? .

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Words are more powerful than we think and Y’shua confirmed the fact that it will save you or condemn you. Think about it. Proverbs say that you will live or die by your words and you will be fed or go hungry on account of your words. Y’shua said that you will give an account of every idle word that comes out from your mouth. What is an idle word? Idle is the Hebrew word “remiyah” that means: ‘laxness, slackness, slackening, deceit, treachery’. It comes from the root “ram”, that means:’exalted’, ‘high place’, ‘to cast’, ‘to throw’, ‘to shoot (arrows)’. This is why slander is described as arrows that are shot from behind a high place (pride) and you do not know where it comes from. Idle has three main meanings in relation to words; 1) Barren, empty and unproductive words – scoffing. Slander, shooting people from behind your evil hill of pride to break them down. Pride, words that elevate you where you make yourself to be seen by others '' 2- 2'




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Was this a wise thing to do, to make a vow to offer whatever comes out from his doors? What if an unclean animal came out, would YHVH accept that offering? As we read in verse 34, we see that his daughter came out and he realize that he had made a mistake because YHVH is not into human sacrifice either. This shows us that Jephthah made a vow without knowing the Torah and without thinking. He could have vowed to give one of his clean animals, the best from his house, to honor YHVH, but instead made an open ended commitment with open possibilities. '' 2


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Jephthah made a vow he could not back out form and he realized that his greatest enemy was not the Ammonites, but his own mouth. She was dancing and celebrating because of her father’s victory but his foolish tongue humbled him.


People may interpret this that Jephthah was under the inspiration of YHVH’s Spirit when he made the vow to imply that YHVH wanted a human sacrifice because He allowed her walk out of the house. This is not the case and shows us that YHVH allows us to have a free will and He does not interfere with the consequences of our bad decisions. YHVH can use your bad decision’s consequences and turn it into something good, and that good is normally a change in you. This bad situation turned into good because Jephthah was humbled. There are a lot of believers like Jephthah who have a lot of zeal for YHVH but do not know His Ways and His Torah and they are passionate but do not have the training in His Word. We see in Jephthah’s name, that these people also have a ‘claim to fame’ that they can hear from Ruach (Spirit - Yod”

). They think they hear from

YHVH but do not have the foundation of the Word / Torah that will help them discern whether it was actually His Spirit speaking to them or only their thoughts. The Spirit speaks with a small voice inside of us and can be mistaken for one of your own thoughts. The Spirit does not take over your body and all your thoughts and leave you to be an obedient puppet. No, YHVH’s Spirit prompts you to do something and it is more like an “I have to do this now” feeling than physical words. The Spirit will also make you feel bad if you have done something wrong and needs to repent, leading you in set-apartness, away from sin, in line with His Word. If you think that all your thoughts are from YHVH’s Spirit you are mistaken and will proclaim things Ruach told you when Ruach did not say anything. People should be very careful when they say things like this because you can end up being a wolf and not one of the sheep. ?

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& The Spirit of YHVH is known by two titles, ‘the Spirit of Truth’ and ‘the Set-Apart Spirit’ or ‘Holy Spirit’. YHVH’s Spirit, in the first place, helps us to discern the Truth in the Word and to reveal the Word to you. His Spirit will not say anything contrary to His Word because His Spirit and His Son are “Echad” or One. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Messiah. /





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YHVH’s Spirit is also known as the ‘Set-Apart Spirit’ that helps His people to live set apart or holy lives. In this case, people like Jephthah, do not have the Truth of the Word and assume what they do is inspired by YHVH’s Spirit. If it is contrary to His Word, then it is not His Spirit! How do you know His Spirit from a false spirit? His Spirit will speak in line with His Word and promote Holy set apart living. People who are like Jephthah speak without thinking as seen in the vow he made to YHVH. This reveals to us the third enemy from Chapter one, the Amorites meaning ‘blabbers’ or ‘talkers’. This is the enemy that ruled over Jephthah and caused him to do something as stupid as that. He had the zeal and the faith to work and fight for YHVH, but he did not have the training and the foundation of the Torah and his life represents an immature believer who is has a lot of passion to do YHVH’s work but needs more training in the Word.


Did Jephtah sacrifice his daughter in the end? Several contextual indicators support this conclusion. First, the two-month period of mourning that Jephthah granted to his daughter was not for the purpose of grieving over her impending loss of life, but over the fact that she would never be able to marry. She bewailed her virginity (bethulim)—not her death (11:37). Second, the text goes out of its way to state that Jephthah had no other children: “[S]he was his only child. Besides her he had neither son nor daughter” (11:34). For his daughter to be consigned to perpetual celibacy meant the extinction of Jephthah’s family line—an extremely serious and tragic matter to an Israelite (cf. Numbers 27:1-11; 36:1ff.). Third, the sacrifice is treated as unfortunate—again, not because of any concern over her death, but because she would not become a mother. After stating that Jephthah “did with her according to his vow which he had vowed,” the inspired writer immediately adds, “and knew no man” (11:39). This statement would be a completely superfluous and callous remark if she had been put to death. Fourth, the declaration of Jephthah’s own sorrow (11:35) follows immediately after we are informed that he had no other children (11:34). Jephthah was not upset because his daughter would die a virgin. He was upset because she would live and remain a virgin.



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Israel Repented '- '( ' ) &D " 7 ) ) %



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This is what YHVH has been waiting for; Israel broken before Him, calling out in desperation for Him to save them. Bad situations come upon you as a result of sin and the consequences are tailor made to bring you back to the point you have fallen from. YHVH is in full control of our lives and He even send your enemies against you to break your pride and to change you so that your soul can be save at the end of the day. Have you ever came to the point in your life where you were broken before YHVH and pleaded with Him and asked Him to DO WHATEVER IS GOOD IN HIS EYES? This is the prayer of true repentance and people reach this point when they accept Y’shua in their lives. You must reach this point in your life and pray this prayer to allow YHVH to take full control of your life. To be 100% committed to YHVH you have to give yourself 100% to Him and trust Him that He knows best and that He will do with you what is needed to change you into His Image. YHVH needs to hear this from every one of us. Sit down and count the cost and make this commitment. Sit down and ask YHVH to do whatever He wants to do with you; in your body, in your finances, in your relationships, in your belongings. Give everything to Him so that He can use it for His Glory. If you have done this, then you have truly repented and gave your life fully unto Him. If not, make the time and pray this prayer so that He can control your life and that He can change you. This is the test; if you have accepted Y’shua in your life and your life has not changed DRAMATICALLY, then you HAVE NOT truly repented. If you have done this before, make a recommitment and rededicate your life to Him, and your life will never be the same. They removed the foreign gods from their midst and served YHVH. As you can see, true repentance is based upon three actions: 1. COMMIT to YHVH and make a conscious decision to follow Him and to give yourself and all you have totally to Him, 2. REMOVE things that came between you and YHVH that will occupy your time and keep you from focusing on your relationship with Him. 3. Follow Him actively, finding out what pleases Him and DO IT.


We see the phrase “…His soul was grieved by the misery (wickedness) of Israel…”, “His soul was grieved” is the word “qatar” that actually means, “His soul grew short”. What does it mean if YHVH’s soul grew short? The word “qatar” is first found in Scripture in Lev 19:9 where they “reap” the harvest. ‘Reap’ is the word “qatar” that means to ‘cut short’. When you have fully repented, you are ready to be ‘reaped’ by YHVH and this reaping process will happen at the end of time. For us to be ready for the Reaping or Judgement of YHVH, we have to come to this point of commitment and true repentance to be found favourable in the eyes of YHVH.

Jephthah Killed His Brothers '

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& & Ephraim wanted to burn Jephthah and his house for not allowing them to fight with him. We saw the same issue when we looked at Gideon overcoming the Midianites, the people rebuked him for not allowing hem to fight and it was driven by envy. We see the same thing here; they envied Jephthah and wanted part of the fame. There are a lot of parallels between Gideon and Jephthah that we can learn from: Gideon YHVH Chose and anoint Gideon Israel repented and YHVH helped them by raising a good leader. YHVH sifted and chose Gideon’s army The 300 men had Godly attributes YHVH won the battle for them The people envied and rebuked Gideon Gideon had the Word, humility and wanted Unity (shophar). Gideon loved and Judged his people Gideon ruled with peace for 40 years

Jephthah The people chose Jephthah Israel struggle to part from their gods and YHVH didn’t want to help them. Jephthah choose his army Jephthah’s army was ‘empty’ men They fought and won the battle The people envied and wanted to burn Jephthah Jephthah had faith and no Torah and his men was Torah-less and killed his brothers. Jephthah had disputes and killed his people. Jephthah ruled for only 3 years.

Jephthah fought against Ephraim and killed them over trivial issues. We see in verse six that some of the Ephraimites wanted to join Gilead, they were caught out on the way they “pronounce a word”, and were killed. The word they had to pronounce was “Shibboleth” that means; ‘a flowing stream, a branch (tribe) and an ear of grain’. This shows us that these people representing the Body of Messiah will kill (attack and slander and rebuke) each other if they have a slightly different take on the Word (stream of water), and on the ‘branch’ (tribe), or their background.


These are very heated discussions and arguments amongst the Messianics and Christians today. They also fought over the ‘ear of grain’. Grain is found in the following passage: %

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& ) & This is a prophecy that spans over the timeframe of the Tribulation and the coming down of the New Jerusalem (rebuilding the Booth of David), and is very relevant to us today. We have seen all the attributes in Jephthah and his men and the people of Israel, it all points to our time, the time before the end. YHVH says is Amos 9:9 that He will SHAKE the house of Israel (Body + Bride) that is in the nations and will SIFT them to gather all the GRAIN and so that not one is lost. All the sinners will die, those who did not adhere to the Word and cleansed themselves and who lived like pigs rolling in grace, but no evil shall come near His true people. This is referring to the Tribulation that is coming, the BIG SIFTING process where the calamities and oppression and terrible circumstances will sift His grain (people) out of the nations and its System so that they will not receive the plagues and be saved. This topic of the Tribulation and the Rapture are also serious points of discussion and many people ‘kill’ others with different opinion, slandering them and calling them false prophets. These are the things believers fight amongst one another and this cause division and these ‘small’ issues causes ‘death’ and disunity in the Body of Messiah. We should not be like Jephtah and allow small differences in interpretation of the Scripture to maintain unity. People need the Word to rid them from ignorance and fighting.

Jephthah and his Army of “empty” men . Jephthah had an army made up of “empty” or ‘vain’ men. [Jud 11:3]. Vain is first used in Scripture in Gen 37:24 where Joseph’s brothers cast him into a pit that was “vain” or “empty” and there was no water in it. One would expect water in a pit and in the same sense we would expect that the people fighting for Israel would be men of character, people who have a lot of Word (water) in them, who bear the fruit of the Spirit, but this was not the case here. These men were fruitless and their leader was an outcast, yet YHVH used them to win the battle against the Ammonites because of Jephthah’s faith. Who are they a picture of? I see a lot of fighting amongst the “Brothers”, leaders not knowing the Torah but only have faith. The people in rebellion against their leaders. People fighting in the battle that are ‘empty’ and who have no Word (water/Torah). Leaders killing the ‘Brothers” over trivia. (will look into that next). This sounds like the Church today where leaders are chosen by the people because they ‘tickle their ears’, they are not skilled in the Word and they do not teach them Torah.


The leaders feed off the flock (prosperity teachings) and the people ‘crucify’ their leaders if they do not comply to their standards and either leave or start another denomination. They have a lot of ‘gods’ or pagan symbols in their homes and follow feasts that have pagan intermixing or pagan roots. This is a true representation of the Body of Messiah today where Ephraim (believers in Jesus & Y’shua) are doing whatever they think is right and follow the Teachers and Shepherds that THEY like and you can’t blame them because a good shepherd is hard to find. This is the Church described in Revelation and it is called Babylon. People think they will be raptured before the Tribulation, because the Church is not mentioned during the Tribulation, but they do not release that they are described as a confused Church part of called Babylon. YHVH commandment to His people who are trapped in this System is to come out of it by returning to Torah. Because of YHVH’s grace and because of the people’s faith, they occasionally have victories over the enemy. Ammon was their greatest enemy and Ammon means ‘tribal’ and ‘inbred’. People today are very ‘tribal’ and click together on the grounds of their interpretation of the Word. We saw this when we looked at the word “Shiboleth” and confirm the disputes regarding the Word and ‘tribal’ issues. There are over 38000 tribes or Denominations in the Body of Messiah today that say that they believe in Jesus as the Messiah. They inbreed with the cultures among which they live and casually adapt to their ways to make their ‘exile’ pleasurable. They do not release that they are Ephraim who is part of Israel and that they are grafted into Israel through the blood of Jesus (Y’shua). This is a picture of the Seventh Church mentioned in Revelation, the Church called Laodicea. / )2 '( - %

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This Church was: o o o o o o

Luke warm – mixed YHVH’s things (hot) with pagan things (cold) and this confuses them and cause them to loose their passion. YHVH will spit you out if you do not repent. They are rich – Prosperity doctrine, but they are naked (fruits of sin). They need white clothes and need to wash it in the Word (Torah). Buy purified gold (Godliness, Holiness, set-Apartness) Anoint your eyes with salve, remove the spiritual blindness and SEE the Truth. YHVH will chasten you (Tribulation and oppression) in order to be humbled and to repent. YHVH stands at the door and knock, asking you to come out of this System and to repent and follow Him.


There are a lot of conflicts among those who go back to their Hebrew Roots and those from the 38000 and they kill (slander) each other in the process and many die spiritually and go in isolation. The only way this can be resolved is by making everybody humble and we have seen how YHVH does this, by bringing a time of Tribulation and then a time of restoration, uniting everybody through His Judges under submission of the Torah. Jephthah ruled for three years and died and was buried in one of the Cities of Gilead. He had a short reign because of his evil doings and this shows us that a righteous Judge like Gideon ruled for 40 years. YHVH will not let the unjust get away and the consequences of their sin will shorten their trip to glory.

The Ninth Judge – Ibzan – They were Bad but became Good again. ' 0 '-




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Izban means ‘father of a target; father of coldness or father of the thorn’ and ’ their whiteness’ He ruled seven years and looking at the meaning of his name, it implies that he was not a good Judge and had a short reign like Jephthah. His name also refer to thorns and this give us the impression that he might also have been like Abimelech (Gideon’s son who overthrew the Leadership). Looking at the duration of his reign and the positive meaning of his name, ‘their whiteness’, gives us the idea that he was more righteous than Jephthah.

The Tenth Judge – Elon – Regaining Strength 5

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Elon means ‘oak; grove; strong’. Elon’s name shows us that he was a strong leader and he reigned for ten years. There is a slight progression in the number of years they reigned and this shows us that they were slowly moving back to YHVH’s Ways, growing strong following His Torah. They are not quite there yet because the longest reign was 40 years under the leadership of Othniel, Deborah and Gideon. Israel had peace for 80 years after Ehud ruled, but it does not state that he reigned for 80 years.

The Eleventh Judge – Abdon – The Final Judgement ' '2 '( 9

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Abdon means: ‘servant; cloud of judgment’. Hillel means: ‘he that praises’. They were Pirathonites that means: ‘his dissipation (scatter) or deprivation (take away); his rupture (split)’. All of these meanings point to one thing, the Judgment of YHVH.


People will be divided, the sheep from the goats, people will be scattered and will move out of the Cities to be led by YHVH through the Tribulation. There will be people who will praise Him, those are His Flock and His Servants who will listen to His Voice and follow Him through this terrible time. They will be gathered and taken away before that last Plagues hit the earth in its final judgment. There will also be people who curse Him and they are His enemies who will be destroyed with the System of Satan. The story of Jephthah and the other three judges reveals to us the timeframe form before the Tribulation, right through till the end of the Tribulation and YHVH’s Judgment. We will start of with chaos (Jephthah) and will slowly be led by anointed people who will are more righteous and the people they lead will also learn YHVH’s ways as they go through the terrible time of the Tribulation. The last Judge, Abdon, shows us the end of the Tribulation and the beginning of something new (he reigned for 8 years – new beginnings). This will be the beginning of the 1000-year reign of Messiah and His Bride where they will start of with the Marriage Festival. After the 1000-year period, those who are still on the earth and who rebel against YHVH will be devoured by fire from heaven and Satan and his followers will be cast into the lake of fire.

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. Summery - What have learned so far? We have started with the first three Judges, Othniel – the Ideal Judge, Ehud – the Judge in training and Deborah – the Collective Judge or Bride. We also dealt with the Four Giants or Relationships and the First enemy - the Flesh. Gideon and his 300 men represent the Bride that will fight the enemy and Israel that will rebuke them. Then we met Abimelech, the rebel who overthrew authority, he was a bad judge who elected himself as Ruler. After Abimelech Tola and Jair ruled over Israel and things did not improve much. YHVH gathered His people back together and work to heal their brokenness. Then we met Jephthah, a man chosen by the people who had zeal and faith, but knew no Torah. We also saw the Third and Forth Enemies – the tongue (speaking without thinking) and the Anti-Torah spirit that caused a lot of problems. Ibzam, Elon and Abdon succeeded him. They represent the time prior to the Tribulation, until the day of Judgement. Where does Samson fit in, can it possibly be the time period during the Seventh Millennium? Throughout this study you will see conformation after conformation that this is actually the 1000-year period after the Tribulation. During the 1000-years, YHVH will rise up people to help them to learn His Ways. The Timeline would then look as follows: '

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Now here’s a brief summary of Rev 20 of each verse to give us an overview of the end time events and where the 1000-years fit in to relation to the judgment of YHVH. o o o o o o o o

vs. 1 - An angel descends from heaven with a key and a chain. vs. 2 - He binds Satan for 1000 years. vs. 3 - During the 1000 years Satan cannot deceive the nations any more. vs. 4 - Martyrs are resurrected to reign with Y’shua The Messiah for 1000 years. vs. 5a - The rest of the dead will be raised at the end of the 1000 years. vs. 6 - Those in the first resurrection will reign as Priests with Y’shua for 1000 years over those who were still alive during the 1000 years. vs. 7 - Satan will be loosed at the end of the 1000 years for a short time. vs. 8 – After this the rest of the dead will be raised with the people who lived and multiplied through the 1000 years and Satan will try to deceive them all.


There will be billions of people - like the sand of the sea. They are called Gog and Magog. Satan gathers them for a final battle. vs. 9 - Satan and this host surround YHVH' s City. Fire will come down and devour them. vs. 10 - Satan, the Beast, and the False Prophet end up in this lake of fire. vs. 11 - Before this fire falls, a final judgment occurs. vs. 12 - All the resurrected lost are judged. vs. 13 - Another description of the resurrected lost being judged. vs. 14 - Death and Hell [Hades-Grave] are cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. vs. 15 - All the resurrected lost are cast into the lake of fire.

o o o o o o o

1000 Years of Peace – Will there be people on the Earth? Bible Scholars tend to confuse the 1000-year Millennium of peace with the time after the New Jerusalem that will came down. The 1000-year peace is the Sabbatical Millennium or the Seventh Day and this period will end after the destruction of YHVH’s enemies by fire and the coming down of the New Jerusalem to earth. This is the starting of the Eighth Millennium or the Eighth Day – 8 means new beginnings. We will look at all the supporting verses to proof this and bring some clarity regarding this subject.

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The judgment described here is where YHVH will smite His enemies with the Sword of His mouth; this is the Battle of Armageddon, the battle that takes place at the end of the Great Tribulation, just before the 1000-year period.



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This period is also known as the Winepress where His enemies will be oppressed to make them humble so that some of them might repent and accept Him as their Master. In Isa verse 11 we read that YHVH will recover the remnant of His people for a SECOND TIME. When was the first time? This was the time up to and during the Great Tribulation, where He gathered the Righteous people, the living and the dead (First Resurrection), who are known as the Bride, to be with Him and reign during this 1000-years. The Second gathering will happen at the end of the 1000-years where the people will be Judged, the living and the dead (Second Resurrection). Satan will be absent during the 1000-year period and that is why it is referred to as the Millennium of Peace. %

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We see again the ‘lion and the lamb’ dwelling in peace together and this confirms what we saw in Isaiah 11 describing the 1000-year peace period. Isaiah 65:17-25 clearly mentions Jerusalem and its people. There’s no justification for thinking of this as anything other than a passage pertaining to Israel in the Millennium. Remember, for Israel the Millennium is the promised Kingdom Age, so it doesn’t make any sense to have a Millennium without them in their land. Jewish believers who survive the Great Tribulation will live in Israel during the Millennium while believing Gentile survivors will populate the nations. They and their children will live on Earth during the Millennium. Look closely at Isaiah 65:20-25. We are told that during this era a person who is a hundred years old when they die will still be regarded as a child, people will be able to live for a 1000 years.


The era is known as the Millennium of Peace which is also the Seventh Millennium or Rest according the Seven Day pattern of Creation. It must mean that the human lifespan is restored to what it was before the Flood. This time is a mirror image of the Pattern that started in the Garden of Eden and will end in the Garden of Eden state; ie the New Jerusalem. There was a time where people lived a thousand years after being expelled from the Garden, and there will be a time the people live a thousand years before they are restored back into the “Garden” called the New Jerusalem. First Judgment Adam & Eve removed from the Garden

Restoration of Creation Second Judgment Flood of Noah Abraham to Y’shua

Adam to Noah

Garden of Eden

Third Judgment Tribulation Armageddon

People live up to 1000 years


Final Judgment With Fire Gog & Magog

With Fire

Y’shua to Now

1000-Year Peace

New Jerusalem

People live up to 1000 years


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Isaiah 66:16 does say that the slain of YHVH will be many, but it does not say that there will be no survivors. Reading all of the last three chapters of Isaiah shows that the opposite is true. Please take another look at chap. 66, verses 18 to 23. It tells us again that physical Israelites will be brought to Israel by the Gentiles after this destruction. This destruction is the final battle after the 1000-year period where YHVH will consume the earth with fire when they who are deceived by Satan try to attack Jerusalem. [Zac 14]. Then they will go to His Holy Mountain in Jerusalem and sacrifice to YHVH and celebrate His days of worship.


Note that the people sanctified themselves in the Gardens before the final Judgement by Fire (Gog & Magog). We have seen in Isaiah 11 and 65 that there will be peace and people will live in harmony and all the animals will be living together without hostility. This proofs that YHVH will first restore Nature and then Man. When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, YHVH cursed the ground (nature) and cursed man. His restoration process is the reversing of these bad consequinces and as in His Creation, He will first restore the Land before He will restore Man. Man is fully restored after the battle of Gog and Magog and after that YHVH will come down with His Glory and live with us in the New Jerusalem forever. His Kingdom will then be fully restored. %


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This verse confirms the destruction of the earth and it’s people with the Sword of His mouth (His Word), and after this judgement and separation, there will be mourning and languishing AND there will be people left on the earth who will be sick, weak and will mourn. With all this evidence we clearly see that there will be survivors after the Tribulation and who will survive it and who will be living on the earth during the Millennium of peace (Winepress). They will go through this time to learn YHVH’s Ways and follow His Torah as well as the restoration of the Temple of Ezekiel.

Who are the people who will be on the earth during the 1000-year Period? Samson was a Nazarite from birth and ‘nazarite’ comes from the root word “nazir” that one of the meanings is ‘not to prune the vine’. We have come across this phrase in Judges 8 where the men of Sukkoth did not assist Gideon and his men when they went after the enemy’s leaders, and also in judges 9 where Abimelech took over the authority by force. In those two events these people depicted believers or “brothers in the Faith” who had not believe in unity or to follow the lead of YHVH’s chosen. In the second case, they overthrew the leadership and “killed” the appointed leaders. These are the rebellious, arrogant and selfish followers of Jesus or Y’shua who will not make it as the Bride but are part of the Body of Christ or the Messiah. These are also the followers of the false teachers who disregarded the Torah and who had no real blessing (hedge around the Garden), no wall (Torah) and who lived on the edge of backsliding and destruction. It mentions the men of Sukkot (meaning tents) and I believe these people will dwell in tents because the System will be completely destroyed and there will not be much left other than ruins after the earthquakes at the end of Tribulation. They will be people who with a religious background; Christians and people who did not know and did not follow YHVH’s Ways. This clears up the confusion around the two verses that states that not many will go in through the ‘narrow gate’ and the verse that says that there will be a great multitude that cannot be numbered before


the Throne of YHVH that will be saved. After this 1000-year period, there will be people who will learn the Ways of YHVH and they will become a great multitude (multiplying to become billions), especially if they all live a 1000 years and have children and multiply as well. This is only my opinion on this and is not necessarily a fact.

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& Among these people will be secular leaders and spiritual leaders and the majority will be followers of these people. Samson depicts a Spiritual Leader that will lead the people as a Judge during this time and he will fight against the Philistines (unbelievers). Who are the Philistines and who will they represent? Philistine means: ‘those who dwell in villages’. It comes from the root word “palash” that means: ’land of sojourners, mourning and ashes’, “palash” is first found in Scripture in Jer 6:26.






This sets the mood of the people who will on the earth during this time and many people might be ill, in a state of mourning and full of bitterness. Some of them might feel remorse and others might be angry with YHVH for judging them in this way. The Philistines were the inhabitants of Pelesheth and are known as Pelishtites that means ‘Judges or Destroyers’. As we have seen in this series of studies, Judges are leaders but some of these leaders were destroyers. Samson represents the Spiritual Judge or Leader, and this means that the Philistines represent the secular Rulers or Leaders and their followers will fight against the establishment of YHVH’s Ways during this time on the earth. The people that will be on the earth during the 1000-year period will be: o

o o o

The people of Succoth – Believers in Jesus & Y’shua, Brothers in faith, who did not support the Bride and did not submit under the leaders YHVH raised to govern His people prior to the Tribulation. They suffered form Pride, Fear and Envy and were brought to the ‘edge of destruction’ (Tribulation). They feared Satan and his powers more (man made, Satan invented System) than they feared YHVH. They envied the dedicated people of YHVH and were too proud to submit under His Leaders. (Typically the majority of Christians) People who were ignorant and did not know. They are ignorant of YHVH and his Ways but did not follow the main stream System and will not be destroyed with it. The Philistines – people form across the board that come in protest against YHVH and His people because of what has happened during the Tribulation. Mostly unbelievers and rebels. Judges like Samson – People YHVH will use to govern man and to lead them against the ‘battle of the flesh’ and against ‘pressures of man’. Satan will be bound and his System will be destroyed and this leaves these people with their enemies, ‘fleshly desires’ and ‘influence by negative people’.

We are now going to look into the life of Samson to give us more insight into this period and find out what YHVH wants us to learn. Hopefully we are all part of the Bride and would not have to go through the 1000-years on the earth, but rather be with YHVH and Y’shua, ruling and reigning with Him.


The Twelve Judge – Samson - The 1000-Year of Rest or Sabbath We have seen that Samson, in the timeline of the Book of Judges, follows after the Judgment (Abdon) and he will be the type of Judge that YHVH will use during the 1000-year period. Samson is one of the Judges that does not fit the criteria of a godly Judge as we have seen in the previous sections. He is more of a fleshy guy like Arnold Schwarzenegger who was not very spiritual and people admire him for his physical fleshly strength. Physical people would find him as an attractive leader because of his physical strength and abilities. He was not portrayed as someone who is a spiritual leader. There is only one place recorded where he prayed a prayer and that is to get more physical strength to kill the enemy. Samson’s father’s name was Manoah, it is like Noah with a “Mem” added in front of it. Noah means rest and this is what the 1000-year period is called; the Sabbatical Millennium. “Mem” means ‘water’ and represents the Word and this implies that Israel who is on the earth during the 1000-year period, must learn YHVH’s ways because they have not learned it prior to the Tribulation and they were not part of the Bride who was gathered and taken by YHVH to celebrate the Marriage Feast with Him. Samson means: ‘his sun; his service; there the second time’, and this is the “second time” YHVH allows for the people who did not learn His ways and people who were ignorant, to follow Him in the absence of Satan’s deception. Samson comes from the Tribe of Dan that means ‘Judge or Judgment’. We have learned in the previous sections that the Body of Messiah consists of two parts, the Bride and the Body. The Bride is like Gideon and his men and the rest of the believers are part of the greater Israel. Their test will come when Satan will be released at the end of the 1000 years to see if they will rebel against YHVH and fight against Jerusalem, or if they will separate themselves form Satan and his men, and live.

Samson was engaged in a Nazarene vow from his mother’s womb. '2 ( 3 ! 9

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A razor shall not come near his head. The word for razor used here is a different word that was normally used for a razor, it is the word “morah” “Morah” also means ‘Teacher’ and this shows that Samson was not teachable and a teacher did not come near his head or a Teacher had no authority over him. The word for Nazarite is the Hebrew word “nazir” and it means: to dedicate, consecrate, separate, to be set apart, that is, consecrated (as prince, a Nazirite). It also means a crown (woman’s hair), hence (figuratively from the latter) an unpruned vine. It is used in Leviticus to give instruction regarding the Seventh Year Shabbat for the land and is a picture of the Sabbatical Millennium as well. (We will look into this in more detail later)

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& This is another verse that proves that Samson is a picture of the Rulers that will reign in the 1000-year Sabbath; Samson was an “unpruned vine”, “set apart” the for the Seventh Millennium where he will rule the people and lead them to follow Him.



. In the last study we saw that there will be people on the earth during the 1000-year period and that there will be Judges like Samson who will rule over them so that they might learn the ways of YHVH. In this Section we will look at where the Bride fits in and how these Judges relates to the bride who will reign as YHVH’s Priesthood.

The Bride will Reign over these Rulers (Samson) for a 1000 Years If you read the word “nazir” from Left to Right, it gives the word “razan” that means: be judicious, be commanding, honorable, prince, ruler and is found in these passages: ( 2 !# ; "#$#H % " G L

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The first verse is where Barak and Deborah sang a song unto YHVH for the victory He gave them. The second verse gives us the idea that these princes and rulers are not for YHVH but against YHVH. Looking at these two verses together, Deborah, the Collative Bride address these Rulers and urge them to acknowledge YHVH and to praise Him. In context of the 1000-year period, these Rulers have to learn YHVH’s ways and start to follow and praise Him and listen to the Bride’s guidance. The Bride will be as Priests who will reign over these Rulers and the people: /)

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The Life of Samson and the Strong Woman Fore every strong man you will find a strong woman. Samson’s strength was not spiritual but physical and the woman he pursued was also physical and caused him a lot of trouble in the end. She had a strong character and brought Samson to his knees in the end. '2


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Zorah means ‘leprosy’ and if you read it from left to right, it gives the word “arats” that means; ‘to tremble, dread, fear, oppress, prevail, break, be terrified’. This gives us a backdrop of the circumstances and moral of the people; they had diseases and was fearful and had petitions and wanted help. YHVH anointed the Judges like Samson to help the people from time to time in the camp of Dan (Judgment). Eshtaol means ‘a strong woman’, ‘earnest prayer or petition’. Who can this ‘strong woman’ be? Let’s read on: '


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The woman found in the meaning of the place called Eshtaol is the Philistine woman he wanted to marry. We see clearly that Samson has not yet gained experience and wisdom and wants to use his abilities to pursue his ‘dreams’. But the question is, are those dreams in line with the Plan of YHVH. His parents were concerned but YHVH is in control, even if we do something that is wrong. ' "#$# 3

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This verse can be understood in two ways, you might read that YHVH planned it to be this way, but that will be against everything He has taught Israel previously; not to mix with the Enemy and to drive them out of the land. This actually means that YHVH used Samson’s weakness for His benefit because He is in control. YHVH only cleaned up after Samson and used the chaos he created to fulfill His Plan. YHVH is always in control, even if you fail or make mistakes. Samson was weakened by the lust of his eyes, and our eyes normally attract us away from YHVH and this is the “strong woman” in our lives. Like in verse 25 we see that YHVH only moved occasionally on Samson, could this be because of him being drawn away from YHVH because of the ‘strong woman’? People might say that this is not an issue because YHVH used Samson even when he fell for the Strong Woman. This is true, but what was the end result of his lust?


His eyes were burned out and he became a slave of the Philistines and it later on cost him his life. Not a rosy future if you follow the ‘Strong Woman’ in your life. What are Strong Women in people’s lives? Strong Women are things that take your focus away from YHVH and that takes up all your time so that you do not spend quality time with YHVH in a daily basis. It is everything that attracts the flesh (eye) and they are things like: shopping and gathering, hobbies, work, ambition, social status, entertainment, your belongings, your house, your car, your image, est. These things will pull you away from YHVH and cause Him to only use you occasionally as seen in Samson’s life.

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This is one of the most known events in Samson’s life but what does this story mean? Vineyard is first found in Scripture in Gen 9:20 where Noah planted a Vineyard after the first Judgment on the earth. , )

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The people of Timnath also planted a vineyard after the Judgment of the earth. Noah made wine and became drunk and this cause him to be uncovered. Nakedness in the symbol for sin and this implies that the people of Timnath (sick and terrified people, Philistines) were sinful. As we have seen earlier, the Philistines represent secular people who came out of the Tribulation and who protest against YHVH and His people because of what has happened during the Tribulation. On his way to Timnath, a lion confronted Samson and he killed it by ripping it apart like it would do with a kid. The word ‘kid’ is first found in Scripture in Gen 27:9 in the story where Jacob’s mother told him to prepare a kid to present to his father to receive the blessing. This blessing was the first blessing given to Abraham and is the picture of the Complete Covenant of YHVH where Y’shua fulfilled it with His death and resurrection. Lion is first used in Scripture in Gen 49:9 where Jacob blessed his son Judah. ,



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Judah was exalted as a young lion and will be cast down as an old lion. The scepter or Tribe shall not depart from him until Siloh (place of rest). Judah was lifted up in authority to be the Lawgiver and protector of the Torah until the time of the Rest (1000-year peace). Then his authority will be stripped from him and he has to learn about the Messiah and wash his clothes in Y’shua’s Blood. He will also be like an infant who will need to learn the ways of YHVH from the perspective of Y’shua being the Messiah. Blood will be washed from his teeth (wars and conflict will be no more) and will be as white as milk. The Judges like Samson will take away his authority (kill the lion) and will be the leaders who will instruct them regarding the Messiah and they will learn the Torah all over again with new clean garments and with the right knowledge and faith in the Messiah. Judah represent the Jews who had not embraced the Messiah and have to learn about Him and the fulfillment of the Covenant made to Abraham before the Coming Kingdom of YHVH after the 1000year rest and peace.

The Strong Woman Pleased Samson – Samson did not Please YHVH ' H



The word ‘pleased’ is the word “yashar” and is first found in Scripture in Num 23:27. 4 >

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This is the story of Barak and Balaam; Balak was an evil man who asked the Prophet Balaam to curse YHVH’s people. He made a statement that YHVH would be pleased if he cursed Israel and that was a lie. This shows us that this form of pleasure is false pleasure that will please the enemy and not YHVH. In the context of Samson’s life where the woman pleased him well, shows us that this false pleasure was in contrary with YHVH’s will and it actually caused YHVH displeasure. Balak said that it would please YHVH if he cursed Israel but Samson actually cursed himself displeasing YHVH. What was the reason for Israel being cursed at the end of the day? Israel’s men mixed and married the daughters of the pagan nations and they learned their ways and that caused YHVH’s blessings to be removed from Israel’s Camp. Samson went to help the people in Timnath but got distracted by the lust of the eyes and brought a curse upon himself. This principle is also true today; if you follow false pleasure, you will bring a curse upon yourself and displease YHVH. Samson mixed with the daughters of the Philistines and brought a curse upon himself.

The Honey in the dead Lion – The Bride teaching the Judges '

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As we have seen previously; the Lion represents the Jews or Judah and they have guarded the Torah for many years up to the Tribulation. Their authority has been taken away and they are now the ones that must learn. Samson found honey inside the “humbled or dead” lion and this honey is a symbol for YHVH’s Torah or Word. 9

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“Bee” is the word “Deborah” and it comes from the root word that means ‘Word’. Deborah as we know, is the Bride, and this shows us that Deborah gain the authority from Judah (dead lion) to teach and guard the Torah. The Judges like Samson will eat of the Word (Torah) and they will be taught by the Bride which is based upon the “structure” or “body” of the Loin (Judaism) that is the Hebrew roots. This will enlighten them of what is the acceptable Ways of YHVH. The lion was on the top of the food chain (authority), now the ‘bees’ (Bride) are on top symbolized by the nest made in the lion’s dead body (Jew’s dead structure). YHVH’s Word is sweet in the mouth for those who teach it and it enlightens the eyes and restores spiritual sight to the ‘blind’ and gives life. Honey is also found in the Book of Ezekiel where Ezekiel ate scrolls that tasted like honey but contained a dreadful message of repentance for Israel. In this event the message the Bride will give to the people will also be a bittersweet message of repentance and life. ?

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What was written in the scroll? Weepings, a mourning and a woe. The weepings are for the anointed of YHVH that were slain [2 Sam 1:17], the mourning is the thunder of YHVH’s Voice that speaks things that man cannot comprehend [Job 73:2-5], and the woe is those for those things that are to come. He had to go to the house of Israel and speak these words to them. In parallel to this, Samson went to the house of Timnath to speak a riddle to them during the seven-day marriage feast. '


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‘Eater’ and ‘food’ are first found in Scripture in Gen 2: 9-16 where YHVH Commanded man to eat from every tree, they are good as food, but they must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The one that was the ’eater’ (lion) is now ‘dead’ and provide ‘food’ and ‘sweetness’ for others. Adam ate from the wrong tree and died because of it and is now the one who gives food (second Adam/Y’shua and those following Him as the ‘sweetness’ of His death). ‘Strong’ is first found in Scripture in Gen 49:3 where Jacob spoke a blessing over his first-born Ruben. ,


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He gave him a positive blessing of strength and dignity and power, but he also added a curse; unstable as water and he will not excel because he defiled his fathers bed. What does ‘the father’s bed’ represent? ‘Bed’ is the Hebrew word “mittah” and means; ‘bed, litter, branch, tribe, to spread out, very low’. In this context, to defile your father’s bed is to defile his offspring and the tribe that came from him. Reuben defiled the tribe of Reuben who is a tribe from Jacob or Israel. What was the consequence of this defilement? To turn it to litter and to rubbish, and to make it very low – not to excel. The Loin had strength and were defiled and were brought low and turned to being useless ands will not excel. Adam defiled humanity and turned it into litter and to be useless. The Second Adam (Y’shua and those in Him) came and reversed the consequence of these two curses upon man; firstly the curse of death were turned back into life (when Y’shua died) so that they who believe will excel, and the second curse will be turned by Y’shua giving stability in the Water (Word) to those who following Him. Y’shua is the message that is a sweet as honey and this is the message that will come from those who are in Y’shua and follow Him and His Word. They will teach the message of repentance and following Him and His Word (Torah) without the added doctrines of man. This is the new message that will replace the message of the Loin (Jews). This is a message of cleansing and it is not a welcomed message because their authority to teach and guard Torah has been removed and they (lion/Judah) are now the people who must listen and learn. Ezekiel further states: ?2 !

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The ‘Jews’ who rejected Y’shua are hard hearted and stubborn but YHVH will, those to teach the message of sweetness, He will give them the ability to stand against these stubborn people and proclaim the truth as it is, stripping away mans traditions and lies as well as revealing the Messiah and the King. One thing to note is that Ezekiel is a Prophecy Book that covers the period after the Second Coming and before the final judgment after the 1000 years.


All of this will happen during the 1000 years where the people will undergo a terrible time so that this stubbornness can be broken and so that they can receive the ‘Word of sweetness’.


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