The Balance Of Nature

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 627
  • Pages: 2
A study of atomic stability through valence electrons in relation to sychronization Valence electron From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search In science, valence electrons are the electrons contained in the outermost, or valence, electron shell of an atom. Valence electrons are important in determining how an element reacts chemically with other elements: The fewer valence electrons an atom holds, the less stable it becomes and the more likely it is to react. The reverse is also true, the more full/complete the valence shell is with valence electrons, the more inert an atom is and the less likely it is to chemically react with other chemical elements or with chemical elements of its own type. The reason is that it takes more transfer of energy (photons) to lose or gain an electron from or into a shell when that shell is more completely filled. Valence electrons are contained at the outermost part of an atom. Valence electrons have the ability, like electrons in inner shells, to absorb or release energy (photons). This gain or loss of energy can trigger an electron to move/jump to another shell or even break free from the atom and its valence shell. When an electron absorbs/gains more energy (photons), then it moves to a more outer shell depending on the amount of energy the electron contains and has gained due to the absorption of 1 or more photons. (See also : electrons in an excited state). Reference:

My study will examine the stability of atoms (valence) and attempt to relate it to electron motion in regards to the balance of nature. While studying the periodic tables of elements, there are various states of stability, in regards to chemical bonding. . The higher number of valence electrons, would suggest, that the interactions, of multiple electrons in an atom would tend to find a synchronization in regards to all of the electrons individual orbits. A geometrical shape may be defined to explain how this is possible. Further stating that the study of this synchronization would indicate a more predictable electron position. The lower number of valence electrons, would suggest, that the interactions, of multiple electrons in an atom would tend to be in a position of orbital action and re-action, as the orbital path of multiple electrons, being out of sync, interact and become deflected into a disordered state of orbital paths via negative electron charges to become relatively unstable. A geometrical nightmare.

My belief is, that the atoms with the lower the number of valence atoms have a tendency to want to achieve synchronicity through chemical bonding to other atoms. The balance of nature would seem to suggest this. Atomic nature 1) the stable atom- can exist more independently

Synchronized orbital paths 2) the unstable atom-chaotic electron paths tends to find synchronization from other atoms. Two interestingly defined natures of atoms. Of course the are many variations of the need to synchronize the electrons paths which are dependent on its actual number of valence electrons and shells. The more chaotic the electron path the greater the need to find sychronization through a more receptive state of chemical bonding. My study will be to try and define the geometrical connection between two atoms with chaotic natures, what is the shape of how these orbital path find synchronization. The stable atom’s electrons have achieved balance in regards to their triangulated orbital paths. Each triangle being positioned relative to the next triangle with a minimum of negative charge interaction. In the unstable atom, the triangulated electron paths through negative charge interactions tend to create a curvature of the triangulated path. Creating multiple curvatures and chaos. My study will try to examine the elongation of valence electron triangulated orbital paths to achieve synchronization and stability.

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