The Asset And Opportunity Value Of Poverty 170709

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  • Words: 1,577
  • Pages: 5
The asset and opportunity value of poverty It sounds cruel to eulogize the value of poverty. Poverty, in a broad sense reflects material shortage, falling short of needs / expectations, inability to meet stated / unstated aspirations, on a variety of physical, social, emotional dimensions. Therefore, it might appear that if poverty has a value, it should be developed / nurtured. This is precisely done surreptitiously by businesses and politicians, but wouldn’t concur to have done so / want to be seen as doing so, as it is considered to reflect a regressive personality. It is also not appreciated in formal social circles, to hear that one would promote poverty / preserve status quo, engineer ways to keep the poor as they are with ingenuity, to cosmetically top its manifested form. Though it is socially, emotionally and politically unacceptable to look for value / benefit for oneself, from someone else‘s suffering or handicap (poverty), it is an undisputed reality that businesses and political organizations look for opportunity from wherever there is a latent demand (an opportunity to do so). I say latent, as, for demand to materialize, there has to be adequate purchasing power. And poverty reflects shortage of purchasing power. Poverty surfaces with certain accompaniments, arrives as a bundled package. One cannot unbundle the same and treat its components as individuals in isolation. The traits accompanying poverty are higher negotiating power for the privileged with the victim of poverty, the victim selling himself/herself much below their true value due to economic / material compulsions in distress, poor knowledge / ability to see through designs that are apparently altruistic (intrigue), the inferior feeling masking / overshadowing all other competencies (timidity for expression, persuasion leading to acceptance) and lack of tenacity to stay through (commitment to objective/need for achievement) adversities/ negative public opinion, inability to influence their own clan as influence depends on perceived (high) status, extreme need for goods/services/emotional support from outside (emotional morbidity) and the resulting loss of bargaining power. This package of factors work to the advantage of the exploiter, due to muted analytical power and determination


to succeed on the part of the victims. These contextual factors of the poor (victims of poverty) are great boons to those who can see the opportunity. Poverty is not an asset legitimately owned by anyone, but is a public good. The fight is for control over this public good, leading to freedom to exploit the opportunity and ability to derive value through manipulation. Businesses call this analytical processes (vicious designs) for deriving value, as strategic planning for leveraging an opportunity. This action is even couched as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), to derive double benefit through tangible profits from sales of goods and services at disproportionate costs, the derived brand image of philanthropy and being able to exercise influence over opinion leaders, to one’s advantage. Politicians call it upliftment, equitable distribution, equal opportunity, propoor,…. Politicians and businesses do not work to eradiate poverty but to gain control over this strategic asset (called poverty) and to enjoy exclusive right of exploitation over the victims Victims of poverty are often emotionally weak and lack ability to logically think, be incisive in their approach and situation analysis, mobilise, organize, challenge, reason out, reach out, break out from what they have been told (indoctrinated through persistent campaigns) to believe, and due to certain material dependencies, lose ability to challenge on a one to one basis. It always ends up as a superior vs subordinate relationship, between the designers and their targets. The nature of this relationship where the victim is always subdued, perpetuates poverty. How do we break out of this vicious cycle? The victims of poverty have to first be lifted out of their emotional dependency, and emotionally liberated. Liberation is not physical, but emotional. Emotional liberation generates perceived need for material liberation. Emotional bondage is more dangerous if it has sunk into one’s psyche, than if it is just visible. Emotional bondage driven by loss of self esteem is the primary cause for giving opportunity for gain to the businesses and politicians, and succumb to articulate designs.


Why are we debating poverty, politics and business. It has become a hot topic of debate, when we try to introspect the underlying reasons for the poor state of our society / economy, the unprofessional practices still haunting our social / economic sphere, slow pace of development of our country, the wide gap between the affordable and those who are not, the huge gaps in the quality and state of our physical and social infrastructure, the soft target character of our society at large, our status / image in the global context,. Does it mean that poor quality and low levels of supply are results of poverty or help retain affluence levels where they are, so that the (great) asset called poverty can be preserved for deriving economic value from it by politicians and businesses? We have a huge gap in our education system whether it is primary, secondary, or higher education. The political parties that come to power have not taken credible steps to radically recreate the aging, irrelevant and inappropriate systems through a paradigm shift, that is the need of the day. Though this need is debated and the existence of these issues are accepted in academic fora, when it comes to simple decisions to implement the needed changes, our policy makers develop cold feet or allow their decisions to be guided by closed door kitchen cabinet analysis of ‘is it in their (the political body’s) long term private interest, to allow the poor systems to be developed to current world standards or is it prudent to preserve them as they are, with cosmetic window dressing to create rent seeking opportunities for themselves. They possibly see a business value deriving from slow motion interventions, engineered to create business opportunities for themselves (at the private individual / groups level and not at the collective national level) directly. To generate mass support, politically appropriate noises are made, to nurse hopes among those who are purported to benefit and thereby politically benefit in a transient sense. The dividing line between politics and business is very thin. Politicians create opportunities for businesses through their political acumen. Politicians create market opportunities through their veiled policies and interventions, with unstated intentions guiding the same. The policies are couched in mental images / statements of prosperity


for the poor / disadvantaged / deprived section on various dimensions, be it economic / opportunities through improved social and physical infrastructure. Poverty of self esteem and the resulting lack of bargaining ability, inability to see through designs due to poor exposure / education, social backwardness resulting in a sense of inadequacy / incompetent/ inferiority and the resulting inability to challenge those (strategic thinkers) who direct them on what to do, how and when aid them in the pursuit of their unstated objectives In business language, any strategic planning is preceded by what is called as SWOT. The poor access to adequate and good educational opportunities to a segment of the target population, for instance, is recognized as an ideal business opportunity to set up educational institutions, not of high standard but of just adequate quality to derive commercial value from it. Such instances can be seen in several other areas of society’s needs such as health care (setting up facilities just adequate to meet incremental aspirations, but definitely not best in class standards), transport (manufacture crude automobiles that will work in the most inhospitable roads that will generate business for auto service centres, resulting in higher consumption of spare parts, service income as well as income from sale of adulterated fuel to feed the highly fuel inefficient transport system). Why is it that we have this syndrome in this country, where we don’t look at business opportunities and political advantages positively, where we can also make a positive difference to, how we as a society live and prosper. I am differentiating the positive approach to identifying opportunities and the negative approach. The positive approach will look at an opportunity dispassionately by providing goods and services, meeting the best in class and enhancing aspiration levels of the target populations to want to possess / experience the best goods / services. The negative approach will be to manipulate access to open information, feeding orchestrated messages thereby restricting / containing those voicing discontent. The negative approach designs barriers to access information, open expression of discontent, collaborating among the discontented, create artificial barriers


to competition / entry, …. to preserve the captive opportunity that has been identified and exploited. In a closed economy, such opportunities could be easily identified and exploited as the system itself did not legitimately promote competition, and the society lived in its own state of ignorance and the euphoria generated. In a liberalized economy (post 1991, in India), still there are several pockets where free market environment does not exist. This is because the business enterprises are interested in quick value derived from their investments, operating in low risk, high value market environment and sell services that are an easy copy cat of what is practiced in economies elsewhere. This helps them to extend the life cycle of their product / service that would have exhausted its productive life in another country of origin. This is just skimming the fertile market with an outdated or outlived product that has no economic life in its own origin.


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