The Aquabats! The Movie!

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  • Words: 20,255
  • Pages: 94
The Aquabats! The Movie! by Luke Johnson

Luke Johnson 734 Silver Lake Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90026 323-313-9707

FADE IN INT. GARAGE - DAY Somewhere in Southern California, five men in their thirties sit in a garage surrounded by endless piles of junk, boxes, knick knacks, and musical instruments. Their real names and band positions are as follows: THE MC BAT COMMANDER - vocals CRASH MCLARSON - bass JIMMY THE ROBOT - keyboards CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE - guitar RICKY FITNESS - drums Together, they are known as THE AQUABATS. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, they are full time super heroes, and part time musicians. The band is practicing a song called “Pool Party”. It’s apparent that the only one really digging the practice is The Bat Commander. He is singing wildly into the microphone and dancing around. Once he notices the boredom of the other bandmates he THROWS the mic on the ground. THE MC BAT COMMANDER What’s the matter with you guys?! The band stops playing, but no one responds. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Is it just me, or am I the only one giving 110% here? CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Come on MC, when are we going to land a real gig? The others show the feeling is unanimous with a nod. THE MC BAT COMMANDER What do you mean a real gig? RICKY FITNESS Who’s ever heard of a show where the band only plays one song? THE MC BAT COMMANDER That’s all the time this venue could slot us for, all right? You guys are lucky I even got us a gig! It’s like I’m the only one who cares about this band.


Jimmy the Robot, who is a robot that looks just like a man, stands up very mechanically from his keyboard chair. JIMMY THE ROBOT (robotically) Please don’t speak this way MC Bat Commander. It saddens my half heart, half gear shaft. In fact, I do believe all this arguing is going to make me...that it is going to make me... emit steam! As Jimmy becomes more and more upset, steam begins to SHOOT from his eye sockets. He starts to malfunction and spark as a result, finally shutting down completely. The other Aquabats rush to his side. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Quick, Chainsaw, grab the oil! Ricky, grab an extension cord! Crash, close your eyes and try not to... As the Bat Commander says this, the enormous bass player faints and falls backwards into a pile of rubbish, causing things to fly all directions. ...faint.


The Bat Commander opens a plate on Jimmy’s chest exposing his gears and what looks like some human organs and dives in with a large wrench. Ricky plugs an extension cord leading to a generator into Jimmy’s slot in his mid-back. Chainsaw proceeds to oil all of Jimmy’s moving parts. Jimmy slowly starts to re-start, re-boot, and come to. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) There you go little buddy. I’m real sorry about what I said. It wasn’t fair of me to... The Bat Commander is interrupted by a siren that goes off in the garage. Crash McLarson wakes up to the alarm and flashing lights. A piece of ceiling opens to allow a large screen to drop down. Projected on the screen is a large live feed of THE PROFESSOR from his lab. He wears a pair of black rimmed glasses and a white lab coat with an Aquabat symbol on the breast.

3. His brown hair is medium in length and tousled as a result of all of his zany, and often faulty experiments. Aquabats!


THE MC BAT COMMANDER What is it Professor? THE PROFESSOR My evil doer locator is picking up some strange signals! My hunch tells me that Zeeborg the gangster alien is transporting some of his goons to earth. CRASH MCLARSON (jumps to his feet) Where are the space ships going to land, Professor? I’ll shoot them out of the sky. THE PROFESSOR That’s why this is so puzzling Crash. I’m not picking up any space ship activity on the radar. I don’t know how they’re getting to earth, but we need to find out! THE MC BAT COMMANDER We’re on it Professor! Hit it Crash! Crash SMASHES his fist into a red button on the wall. 5 pods ERUPT out of the garage floor where the junk used to be. Each Aquabat JUMPS into a pod. Tiny robotic arms and hands move SWIFTLY to convert the Aquabats into their superhero uniforms. Scissors attached to the end of one robotic arm cuts all of their clothes off, but have no fear...each pod is blacked out at the mid section to avoid any embarrassment. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Hey, I just bought that shirt! The Aquabat uniform is made up of: SILVER ANTI-NEGATIVITY HELMET BLACK SUPER GOGGLES BLUE RADIOACTIVE RASH GUARDS (LETTER “A” CENTER CHEST) SILVER AND BLACK POWER BELTS WITH AQUABAT LOGO IN CENTER BAGGY BLACK SHORTS BLACK SKATE SHOES


Four of the Aquabats step out of the pods, ready to kick some space alien/monster butt. The Bat Commander remains in his pod for the final touches. An even smaller, metal three clawed hand emerges holding a sharpie marker. It proceeds to draw a fake mustache on MC. For the final touch, it blacks out one of his front teeth. The Bat Commander BURSTS through the door of his pod. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Let’s ride! EXT. CALIFORNIA DESERT - DAY The Bat Commander and Chainsaw are burning rubber through the dirt in an old El Camino with the Aquabat symbol spray painted on the hood. Crash and Jimmy are riding classic vespa scooters through the dirt. They both SLAP an Aquabat sticker to the front of their scooters. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (yelling over the engine) Do you think we’ll ever get real super hero vehicles MC? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Totally bro! We just need our music or superhero status to take off. We’ll be celebrities then... MC gives Chainsaw a scolding look. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) It’s not about the money though, Chainsaw. Elsewhere in the desert, we find Ricky Fitness at a medium paced jog. Back to the vehicles, Bat Commander and the others roll up on an evil monstrosity known as CYCLOPSIS. He is a 12 foot tall red monster with dangerously sharp horns, and one eye. He is slowly making his way to the city with one thought in his tiny brain: destruction. The 4 Aquabats exit the vehicles and get into battle stance. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Hey, big red!


Cyclopsis slowly turns around and let’s out a hideous sound that somewhat resembles a growl or a moan. Chainsaw and Jimmy charge and jump onto the monster, grabbing onto each of his horns. Cyclopsis begins to spin to free himself, faster and faster until both aquabats loose their grip. They fly through the air and slam into the dirt. CRASH MCLARSON I’ve got an idea! Crash McLarson pulls out a rocket launcher and situates it on his shoulder. The MC Bat Commander loads it with a rocket, and pats Crash on the head to let him know. Crash launches the rocket towards the beast while only yards away from him. Cyclopsis catches the rocket mid-air, bites it in half, and swallows it. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Uh...scratch that idea. I’ve got a better one! Crash charges Cyclopsis. He winds up his giant fist the whole way. Just as he reaches the big red giant he slams him in the gut with a super punch. The hit is so hard that it sends Cyclopsis flying into the wall of the mountain behind him. The monster stands up and shakes more angry than before and let’s The windows, lights, and mirrors shatter and crack. The Aquabats the ground in pain. Aaah!

off the blow. He is now out an ear piercing shriek. on the aquabat vehicles grab their ears and fall to

THE MC BAT COMMANDER Somebody shut that guy up!

While on the ground, Cyclopsis begins to beat them and throw them around. They are completely defenseless due to the ear piercing sound the monster is creating. Just as it seems that all hope is lost, a cat flies through the air and lands on the monsters only eye. The shrieking stops and Cyclopsis goes crazy as the cat viciously claws his wide open eye. The aquabats roll away from danger and regroup at the vehicles. Ricky fitness is standing there with a cannon in his hands. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (out of breath) Ricky! Where have you been? We’re getting stomped on here.


Ricky doesn’t answer the commander, or even acknowledge him. Instead he fires the cannon again. Another cat flies through the air and lands on the monster already struggling with an angry cat. CRASH MCLARSON The kitty cannon! Why didn’t I think of that. The Bat Commander waves his hands in front of Ricky’s face. Ricky!


Ricky pulls ear plugs from his ears. RICKY FITNESS Sorry I’m late, guys. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Where have you been? RICKY FITNESS I’m Ricky Fitness. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Yeah, so what? RICKY FITNESS Well I’m supposed to be in great shape, so I figured I would just run here. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Ricky, you have a high endurance level, but not outrageous speed. That’s why we call you Ricky Fitness. Don’t get me wrong...I think you’re totally awesome, and I’m really glad you got here when you did, but you need to know your super power man! Sorry MC.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Forget about it homey. Now let’s kick some monster butt! Just remember to aim for his eye. It seems to be his only weakness. Ricky pulls earplugs out of his pockets for all the Aquabats.


RICKY FITNESS Don’t forget about these, dudes. The Aquabats plug their ears. Cyclopsis pulls the kitty’s from his eye and throw them across the desert, just as the aquabats charge him together. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Everybody grab him. Chainsaw, you know what to do! Four of the aquabats grab his four limbs. Cyclopsis violently thrashes. It seems like the world stands still, as Chainsaw runs up the body of the monster muay thai style and karate chops him right in the center of his only eye. HIYAH!


The instant Chainsaw’s hand connects with the eye, Cyclopsis evaporates into tiny particles. The particles swirl together and very swiftly shoot upward. A hole in the sky opens and immediately closes once the particles travel through it. The Aquabats stand, confused. JIMMY THE ROBOT I can’t quite calculate what just took place. THE MC BAT COMMANDER I’ll tell you what took place, chop suey courtesy of Chainsaw! Chainsaw dusts his hands CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Well, they don’t call me the prince of karate for nothing. CRASH MCLARSON Was it just me, or was he giving you the stink eye? The aquabats all laugh. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE He was definitely LOOKING for a fight. More laughter.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER If he was a teacher, he wouldn’t have many pupils! Still laughing. RICKY FITNESS His contact lens probably costs a fortune! Buzz kill. vehicles.

The joke ends and the aquabats head to the RICKY FITNESS (CONT'D) Get it guys? His contact. CRASH MCLARSON Sorry Ricky.

EXT. CHILD’S BIRTHDAY PARTY - DAY Still in uniform, the aquabats are playing “pool party”, the only song they were slated for in this gig. They are playing pool side for a bunch of six year olds. Some of the kids are getting into the song and spinning circles, while the others float and splash in the pool. One little brat throws birthday cake, and it hits the Bat Commander right in the face and slowly slides off. He then takes aim at Crash, who growls and shows his teeth. The youngster screams and jumps into the pool. Crash smiles. A few Cougars sit on the pool’s edge, feet dipped, sipping wine coolers. They eye the Bat Commander and whisper/giggle to each other. This makes MC visibly uncomfortable. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Zeeborg the gangster alien is just that. He is an alien who wears baggy/sagging pants, a wife beater, a gold chain around his neck, and a bandana on his head. Oh yes...and a gold/diamond grill on his teeth. He throws alien gang signs every time he speaks. He is standing in front of a giant complex machine. It comes alive as the particles of Cyclopsis swirl together, forming his body. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You big dumb moron! I oughta bust a cap in you!


CYCLOPSIS (In big doofus voice) Gee Boss...I real sorry. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You’re an idiot, but that doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that this here portal is working, yo. On a crystal ball type device, Zeeborg shows the replay of the fight. He rewinds the part where Cyclopsis struggles with the cats over and over. You too the big

ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) see that? What is that? It’s bad you didn’t get vaporized by portal, so I can be rid of your sorry eye.

CYCLOPSIS Aw boss. Don’t say that. my feelings.

U hurty

Cyclopsis runs off crying like a big sad animal. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN He be straight up trippin’ yo! Just then, a large hologram of Monster M appears right behind Zeeborg. Monster M is by far the most righteously evil monster in all the universe, and the Aquabats biggest foe. Monsters, robots, aliens, clones, gnomes, and all things evil bow to his command. Zeeborg!


Zeeborg freezes, gulps, and slowly turns to face the hologram of Monster M. Through the hologram, Monster M is only shown from the mid section down. He is sitting behind a desk and methodically stroking a giant furless alien cat type thing. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (groveling) Yes Monster M? MONSTER M Was the test successful? Zeeborg removes his bandana from his head.


ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Yo...uh...the test MONSTER M Well spit it out! ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Yeah, yeah, the test was a success. I was able to straight up transport Cyclopsis to earth without a spaceship, yo. MONSTER M Zeeborg, what did I tell you about saying the word “yo” to me? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Yo, you said don’t use it. ZEEBORG! Sorry sir!


MONSTER M Would you like to be squashed like a bug? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN No way, yo... Zeeborg catches himself almost saying “yo” again. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) YOU! I mean, YOU know I don’t want be all squashed. MONSTER M And the Aquabats? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN They showed up just, like you said they would dawg. Trying to be all rollin’ hard and all this. MONSTER M Excellent. Everything is going according to plan so far. And how close are we to getting the missing link?


ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN We’re close homes. Some real close ish up in here. MONSTER M Well then, let’s make sure that we do. The portal won’t work at it’s full potential until then. Is there anything else to report? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Yeah, your hologram transmitter is wack bro. I can only see like half of you. Monster M groans and stand up in the image and cleans the transmitter with a rag. MONSTER M I told the cleaning lady to do this...but does anyone ever listen to me? No. Monster M, the foul and nasty guy that he is, comes into full focus and we can now see his face. And boy, is it foul and nasty. MONSTER M (CONT'D) Now we move into phase II of the plan. Just make sure you don’t mess this up. INT. MONSTER M’S LAIR Monster M’s daughter, Venus, runs into the room as Monster M finishes the transmission to Zeeborg. Venus is easier on the eyes then her father. She must get her looks from her mom. Daddy.


MONSTER M Venus sweetie, haven’t I asked you to knock before you come in my office? VENUS Yeah, but I heard you talking to that Z-loser, so I didn’t think it would be a big deal.


MONSTER M Zeeborg is one of Daddy’s most trusted employees, dear. I can’t run the universe by myself you know. VENUS I went to space school with him, and he was so ghetto. MONSTER M Ghetto or not, he’s an ambitious young martian trying to get his feet wet in the business of intergalactic domination. What was it you came to see me for sweetheart? Venus walks to the alien cat and gives it a good scratch on the back. VENUS Can I borrow the space racer tomorrow night? There’s a really big galaxy dance, and anybody who’s anybody will be there. MONSTER M Ask your mother. VENUS She told me to ask you. Monster M gives Venus the fatherly stare. cute pouty face.

She makes a very

MONSTER M How can I resist that face? Just make sure to fill up the tank before you go out. VENUS Thank you Daddy! Venus gives Monster M a kiss on the cheek and runs out. INT. HARD CORE CONCERT VENUE - NIGHT In search of a real costume. An overly into the microphone face. The Aquabats that reads.

gig, the Aquabats show up in full aggressive band is screaming nonsense and kids are punching each other in the hand the club promoter a business card


Insert: The Aquabats Superheroes/Totally Awesome Band The promoter shakes his head. INT. GOTH CONERT VENUE - NIGHT Goth kids are zoned out everywhere like walking zombies. The Aquabats hand a business card to a Marilyn Manson clone, who shakes his head. INT. POP CONCERT VENUE - NIGHT Some Hannah Montana knock off is wowing 11 year old girls. Each of the Aquabats are covering their ears to block out the constant screams. The promoter, who is also plugging his ears, shakes his head. INT. EMO CONCERNT VENUE - NIGHT A very emotional band is performing on stage. In fear of more rejection, the reluctant Aquabats hand a business card to the club promoter, who has black hair pasted onto his forehead. The club promoter takes a long hard look at the business card. EMO CLUB PROMOTER Look, you’re usually not what we’re looking for...but I can tell that you guys are outsiders too. Struggling to fit into a society that would otherwise reject you. THE MC BAT COMMANDER You have no idea. EMO CLUB PROMOTER Come back in a week. I’ll put you on stage for a half hour. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - DAY The Aquabats enter the Lab. There are experiments EVERYWHERE. It’s impossible to tell where one experiment ends and another one begins. Viles, ooze, beakers, liquid, flashing lights, tubes...this lab has it all.




The Professor stands up right in front of them, in the midst of the experiments. He hits his head on gadgets directly above him and some glass breaks. Aquabats!

THE PROFESSOR Welcome back!

RICKY FITNESS All I can say Professor...Kitty Cannon...Awesome! THE PROFESSOR I’m glad you like it Ricky. It was definitely an improvement upon the gerbil cannon. Chainsaw opens a refrigerator door and pulls out a bunch of sandwich stuff. JIMMY THE ROBOT Excuse me Professor. THE PROFESSOR What is it my little Robot? JIMMY THE ROBOT Something struck me as odd in the desert today. Go on.


JIMMY THE ROBOT We weren’t able to locate any kind of space craft that the monster would use to travel to earth... Yes?


JIMMY THE ROBOT And as we defeated him, he dissolved into a million pieces and was sucked into a hole in the sky. THE PROFESSOR That is very odd Jimmy. Very odd indeed.


Chainsaw has finished making sandwiches and is now karate chopping them in half, one by one. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE What’s so odd about it Professor? I used my karate on him...and he exploded! THE PROFESSOR Indeed Chainsaw. Many foes have ended up in pieces as a result of your mighty karate chop, but it’s the way Jimmy describes the hole in the sky that puzzles me most. All of the Aquabats, except for the Bat Commander, are eating their sandwiches. Crash crushes his sandwich into a ball in his fist, and swallows it whole. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) Something troubling you Bat Commander? THE MC BAT COMMANDER I’m not hungry. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE But it’s egg salad MC, your favorite. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Yeah I know, it’s not that. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Did you want wheat bread? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Enough about the sandwich, Chainsaw! CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (whispering to Crash) He wanted wheat bread. THE MC BAT COMMANDER It’s just that...well...Professor, when will anyone care about the Aquabats? THE PROFESSOR Ah, yes my son. I sense a lack of self worth.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER No one knows that we’re super heros, no one cares that we’re a’s like we just can’t win! THE PROFESSOR So your want to be recognized? want fame?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER It’s not that I need fame. A thank you would be nice from time to time for all the human lives we’ve saved though. THE PROFESSOR MC, those lives were saved because you’ve stopped all evil-doers before they’ve had a chance to attack the human race. It’s because of you that humans don’t know what kind of danger lurks about in the galaxy, and they can rest easy in their homes. The Professor pauses, long and thoughtful. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) Sit down my boys. I’ve been waiting for the right time to share this with you, but I think the time has come. Very attentive Aquabats sit for story time. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) Many years before you washed up on the shores of California,I was foretold of your coming. I received “The Prophecy” THE MC BAT COMMANDER “The Prophecy”? THE PROFESSOR Yes...”The Prophecy” THE MC BAT COMMANDER What’s “The Prophecy”? THE PROFESSOR I’m about to tell you. Can I finish my story?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Sorry...go on. We swirl into a flashback. BEGIN FLASHBACK EXT. CARNIVAL - NIGHT The year is 1982, and a young Professor walks through all the attractions holding a corndog. He rides a ferris wheel. Laughs at the bearded lady. THE PROFESSOR (V.O.) The year was 1982, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I was eating a corndog, and desperately needed some was a little dry. The young Professor passes a tent and sign that reads as follows. INSERT: Fortune teller + free ketchup Professor, excited, enters the tent. A mysterious woman in fortune teller garb sits in a trance like state, with eyes rolled to the back of her head. On the table in front her is a crystal ball with a ketchup pump next to it. The Professor sits in a chair opposite her at the table and pumps ketchup onto his corndog. This act brings the fortune teller to life. FORTUNE TELLER Mankind is doomed! Planet Earth will perish! THE PROFESSOR I actually just needed some ketchup. FORTUNE TELLER The earth will be destroyed... The Professor uncomfortably shifts in his seat. ...unless!


THE PROFESSOR Unless what?


FORTUNE TELLER Unless we are saved from evil, by those meant to save us. THE PROFESSOR Who’s meant to save us?! The fortune teller begins to violently shake and twist as she delivers “The Prophecy”. FORTUNE TELLER They come from the save you and me...with radioactive powers and music, you see. The professor is hanging on every word. FORTUNE TELLER (CONT'D) But they will need to train...their strength will strain...and receive guidance from your over-sized brain. Corndog drops on the table. FORTUNE TELLER (CONT'D) Lead, guide, and show them the your house, you must let them stay...for from a great evil, they will save the world one day. The fortune teller finishes “The Prophecy”. FORTUNE TELLER (CONT'D) That will be 40 bucks. THE PROFESSOR But I just wanted ketchup... END FLASHBACK INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - DAY CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE So we’re supposed to save the world?


THE PROFESSOR According to “The Prophecy”, yes. Once you floated over from Aquabania, I knew that the fortune teller must have really seen the future of planet earth. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE And how exactly are we supposed to do that? THE PROFESSOR I guess we will find out one day, Chainsaw. CRASH MCLARSON Did you hear that MC? “The Prophecy” says that we’re going to save the world, AND have a rockin’ band! THE MC BAT COMMANDER (straight faced) So you don’t like playing at birthday parties anymore, is that what you’re trying to say Crash? Crash looks uncomfortable. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Well good, because I don’t either! MC and Crash give each other a chest bounce. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) And that prophecy is totally tubular Professor! Can I get a high five? THE PROFESSOR I’m not sure I know how... THE MC BAT COMMANDER Sure you do! It’s easy. Just put your hand in the air. The Professor lifts his hand in the air. Like this?




MC gets a running start and gives The Professor a huge “high five” mid-air. He then crashes into a table far beyond where The Professor is standing. MC stands up and cartoon birds swirl around his head and chirp. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) This makes me want to celebrate dudes! RICKY FITNESS Are you thinking what I’m thinking? The Aquabats all yell in unison. THE AQUABATS RIGHTEOUS ROLLERBLADE SESSION!!! BEGIN MONTAGE All 5 Aquabats jump over us on rollerblades and do various grabs. When they land we see that they are all wearing neon one piece spandex, and match their neon rollerblade wheels. There are some serious tricks going down. A stair ride here. A 180 there. One Aquabat even dares to ride backwards. After all these mad-crazy tricks, they set up tiny cones and do various maneuvers through the cone obstacles. Crash and Ricky are ready to race, and they get into position on a starting line. MC is holding a stopwatch and a starting gun. He fires the gun in the air and clicks the stop watch. Crash and Ricky tear away from the starting line in slow motion. Because of the sheer size of Crash, Ricky gains a clear lead on him. In one swift move, crash pulls two small rockets out of his spandex top. He SLAPS them onto his rollerblades and BLASTS ahead of Ricky, and right past the finish line. He can’t stop the rockets and begins to wobble out of control. Crash SPLATS right into the trunk of a huge tree and falls over backwards. The other Aquabats roll on the grass laughing. Crash looks up angry, pulls a still active rocket from his rollerblade, and releases it in their direction. The other Aquabats scramble and run from the rollerblade rocket. As it is about to hit Ricky, he holds up the lid of a metal Oscar the Grouch style trash can. The rocket bounces off and re-directs towards the sky. It explodes and rains down like a beautiful fireworks show. END MONTAGE


INT. SPACE RACER - NIGHT Venus is cruising through the galaxy on her way to the big dance. She is wearing a hot pink, 80’s retro dress, according to earth standards. She is blasting the stereo, and rocking out to some awesome space rock. Her vehicle begins to sputter. Oh no!


She checks the fuel gage.

It is teetering on empty.

VENUS (CONT'D) I can’t believe I forgot!

Why me?

Her vehicle continues to jump along until it comes to a complete stop. She checks her watch. VENUS (CONT'D) Now I’m never going to make it on time. As Venus checks her surroundings, she notices that Zeeborg’s ship is just a little way off from where her racer stopped. His ship has neon lights along the bottom, rocket boosters in the shape of chrome rims, and a enormous license plate on the back that reads “Thug 4 eva” VENUS (CONT'D) Oh, not him. INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - NIGHT All but one of the Aquabats sleep peacefully in their beds. Jimmy the Robot is wide awake, and stares at the ceiling from his bed. He sits up and looks around the room at the other Aquabats. Crash is snoring louder than humanly possible. Chainsaw is slowly karate chopping the air in his sleep. The Bat Commander is talking in his sleep. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (sleep talking) I’d like to introduce the greatest band in the world...THE AQUABATS!


The MC then makes a cheering noise representing the sold out crowd. Jimmy gets up and dressed. sleeping Aquabats.

He quietly sneaks past the other

EXT. CALIFORNIA - NIGHT Jimmy is walking the empty streets of Southern California alone. The sky is full of stars, and the night is quiet. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - NIGHT A KNOCK comes at the door. The Professor is sleeping on a cot in the corner of his lab. He wears a night cap and is sleeping soundly under his “Masters of the Universe” blanket. Another KNOCK. This stirs the Professor out of his sleep. THE PROFESSOR Who’s there? No answer. The Professor puts on his slippers, lights a candle stick, and carries it to the door. He opens the door to reveal Jimmy the Robot. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) Jimmy, what are you doing here at this hour? JIMMY THE ROBOT Forgive me Professor. I couldn’t sleep...I mean, shut my systems off. THE PROFESSOR Well come in, come in. Let’s get some of your batteries recharged while you’re here. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - NIGHT (LATER) Jimmy is sitting hooked up to a bunch of plugs and wires. The Professor brings out a mug.


THE PROFESSOR There you are Jimmy. A hot cup of antifreeze, with one scoop of sugar...just the way you like it. JIMMY THE ROBOT Thank you Professor. Jimmy’s index finger mechanically folds back and a small spoon protrudes. He stirs the anti freeze with it. THE PROFESSOR So are all of your systems running correctly? JIMMY THE ROBOT Maybe they are running a little too well. THE PROFESSOR You’re wondering about the emotion emulator, aren’t you my son? Jimmy nods his head. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) I know you desire to feel emotion just like your brothers, but when I built you, that wasn’t something I considered. JIMMY THE ROBOT Have you had any progress with the emotion emulator? THE PROFESSOR It’s not quite so simple, Jimmy. I can build a solar powered toaster oven that doubles as a telephone with my eyes closed. Jimmy sips on his antifreeze. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) But dealing with human emotions would require some of the biggest breakthroughs in scientific history. (beat) I still can’t understand why you want to feel true emotions Jimmy. If I had the choice, I might give up feeling guilt, pain, and sorrow.


JIMMY THE ROBOT But what about happiness? What about love? What about pure joy? These are things that I’ll never feel. I would be willing to feel the pain and frustration of human life, if I knew that I could also feel the other side of those emotions. THE PROFESSOR You’re right Jimmy. It’s not my place to say you shouldn’t be able to feel authentic happiness. I tell you what...I’ll work extra hard to finish the emotion emulator. JIMMY THE ROBOT Thank you Professor. THE PROFESSOR I am a walking genius after all. If I can’t build one, no one can! INT. SPACE RACER - NIGHT Out of fuel, Venus sits and contemplates her options. VENUS I guess I have no choice. She turns the vehicle engine over, and the racer begins to sputter and jump along towards Zeeborg’s ship. As she draws near, the hatch door opens and she pulls into the larger ship. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Venus turns the space racer engine off. Her space racer top opens up like a convertible and she climbs out. VENUS (calling out) Hello? Zeeborg? I’m out of fuel. Can I refuel here? No answer. Venus begins to explore the ship, trying to find someone to help her.


EXT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - NIGHT The night is still quiet and the streets are still empty as Jimmy walks home from the Professors lab. A twig SNAPS. Jimmy stops in his tracks. Hello? He proceeds to walk.

JIMMY THE ROBOT The wind begins to RUSTLE.

JIMMY THE ROBOT (CONT'D) Is anyone out there? The night is quiet again. A few more cautious steps. Footsteps creep up behind him. Jimmy spins around. JIMMY THE ROBOT (CONT'D) Who’s there? Before he can finish that sentence, a bag is thrown over his head. Everything goes dark. INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - NIGHT The Bat Commander lurches up in bed and lets out a SCREAM. Crash is immediately at his side with fists ready to punch some lights out. CRASH MCLARSON What is it Commander?! THE MC BAT COMMANDER It was nothing. I mean it was a nightmare. I dreamed that Jimmy was... As they turn to Jimmy’s bed, they find it empty. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) trouble! Crash runs to the light switch and FLIPS it on. groggy Aquabats start to sit up in their beds. CRASH MCLARSON Where is he? THE MC BAT COMMANDER (searching) Jimmy? Jimmy?

The other


MC opens the closet door. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Everyone up now! Operation find Jimmy the Robot! The Aquabats jump out of bed. luck.

They search every room.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Crash...backpacks! Chainsaw...flashlights! Ricky...juice boxes! I’ll grab the skateboards...let’s hit the streets! EXT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - NIGHT The Aquabats are TEARING up the asphalt on their skateboards. Flashlights frantically cut through the darkness, searching for the robot. Jimmy?

THE MC BAT COMMANDER Can you hear me?


CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Follow my beam of light!


CRASH MCLARSON Was it my snoring?

RICKY FITNESS Jimmy? I stole 5 bucks out of your top drawer! The Aquabats all stop riding and shine their flashlights on Ricky. RICKY FITNESS (CONT'D) I’m just kidding guys. I thought it might convince him to come out. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Nice try Ricky. You owe Jimmy 5 bucks when we find him. CRASH MCLARSON Bad taste Ricky. Chainsaw nods.


CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Poor judgement Ricky. Ricky can’t catch a break. The Aquabats continue down the street on their skateboards in search of Jimmy. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Venus searches the spacecraft for somebody...anybody. VENUS Zeeborg? (to self) Where is everyone? She stumbles upon the main control deck and notices the portal device. VENUS (CONT'D) this? EXT. CALIFORNIA DESERT - NIGHT Zeeborg sits, waiting. Flashlights make their way up towards him. The flashlight holders appear. They are the SANDFLEAS, dangerous goons that work for Zeeborg. They wear green and red stripped sweaters and black pants. They have black heads, no hair, sharp teeth, and large googly eyes. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Yo, it’s about time sucka’s! The snarling sandfleas are hauling a large bag holding Jimmy the Robot. His voice is muffled and he is unsuccessfully trying to get out of the sack. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) You sure you grabbed the robot? The sandfleas growl to suggest that they don’t make mistakes. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) Easy...I just gots to make sho. Monster M won’t allow any mess ups. Let get back before the Aquabrats come looking for this one. Zeeborg reaches into his baggy pockets. He pulls out a handheld device that resembles a garage door opener. A large portal opens next to them.


INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT The portal device comes alive and Venus is standing right in the middle of it. She lets out a SCREAM as it swirls around her. The noise and light show build and build until all of a sudden...POOF EXT. CALIFORNIA DESERT - NIGHT With a FLASH of light and a loud thunderous CRASH, Venus is now standing in the exact spot Zeeborg and the Sandfleas left behind. She’s totally confused. These surroundings are completely foreign to her. VENUS Where am I? A reflection bounces off something on the ground, and the shimmer of light catches her eye. She bends down to explore, and picks up a 24k gold chain. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - NIGHT KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK comes at the door. Professor is once again in bed, this time with a sleep mask that has the Aquabats symbol in the center. THE PROFESSOR Oh, why won’t anyone let me sleep tonight?! He once again gets out of bed and makes his way to the door. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) (calling out) Who is it? THE MC BAT COMMANDER It’s MC, Professor. We need to see you! The Professor opens the door. THE PROFESSOR Are all my Aquabats having trouble sleeping tonight? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Wait, is Jimmy here?


THE PROFESSOR He was but an hour ago. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Do you know where he is now? THE PROFESSOR Didn’t he go back home? The Professor can tell by the look on every Aquabat face that Jimmy never made it. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) Oh, no! What could have happened to him? My evil doer locator alarm never... As he says this he notices a spark in one corner of his lab. The Professor runs to it, finding some of the wires cut and sparking. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) My evil doer locator! This must mean...oh dear. EXT. LOS ANGELES - DAY Venus is a stranger in a very big place. She sneaks, undetected from spot to spot taking in this new world. She makes her way down an alley and at the end, finds she is next to a fresh market. She is stealth, and able to grab an orange without being noticed. Sitting in the empty alley, Venus takes a bite out of the orange with the peel still intact. She immediately spits it out, and frustrated, throws the orange. The orange rolls out to the main street which she stole it from, just as a mother and son walk past. The orange strikes the young boy in foot. He stops and notices Venus in the alley as the mother continues on without him. He takes a few cautious steps towards Venus. SMALL BOY Are you an alien? VENUS Are YOU an alien? The boy pulls out his cell phone and snaps a picture of Venus. Not knowing what he is pointing at her, she puts her arms up in front of her face in defense.


VENUS (CONT'D) What was that? The boy runs out of the alley and catches his mom. He holds the somewhat blurry cell phone picture up to show his her. Venus can be seen, with her face partially blocked by her arms. SMALL BOY Mom, I saw an alien in the alley! The mom looks at the picture. MOM What is this a picture of? SMALL BOY I just told you. There was an alien girl in the alley. The mom grabs him by the hand, and heads back to the alley. She peers down the alley, but Venus is nowhere to be seen. They wait for a few moments, and then head back on their path. A few moments later, the lid to a dumpster slowly opens. Venus peers out, and after seeing that the coast is clear, climbs out of the dumpster. She pulls a banana peel off her head and drops it on the ground. INT. EMO CONCERNT VENUE - NIGHT Back in the land of emo, the Aquabats are setting up their gear. Kids in tight pants stare at them, passing judgement. This is going to be a very tough crowd. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Do you really think we should play without Jimmy? THE MC BAT COMMANDER He would want it this way. Crash wipes a tear from his eye. microphone.

MC approaches the

THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (to the crowd) Hi, we’re the Aquabats. The Bat Commander begins to sniff. He pulls out a tissue and blows his nose right into the microphone.

31. Everyone in the crowd covers their ears, as the nose blow sends screeching feedback through the amp. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (holding back tears) Sorry about that. This one is dedicated to our best friend and brother Jimmy. He’s a robot. The kids in the crowd are slightly confused. The Aquabats begin their first song. One by one they all look over to the empty keyboard where Jimmy once sat. It starts to become very emotional for the Aquabats, as they struggle through the song. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - NIGHT Professor is doing what he does best...experimenting. television is on in the background.


NEWSCASTER And in the news later tonight, do aliens actually exist? Reporter Hannah Lillywhite sits down with a young boy who says he has evidence that we’re not alone here on earth. The Professor stops dead in his tracks, as he catches a glimpse of the cell phone photo displayed on the television screen. INT. EMO CONCERNT VENUE - NIGHT (LATER) The Aquabats are a complete mess. They are sobbing through a song. The Bat Commander is in complete agony, and his lyrics are unintelligible. A chin of an emo kid in the crowd starts to tremble. Another one wipes his eyes. Soon every emo kid is truly “feeling” the song the Aquabats are playing. One by one they all begin to cry. They put their arms around each other and begin to sway to the music. MC falls to his knees, and waives his fists at the sky. Jimmy!


All of the emo kids follow suit and drop to their knees, shouting at the sky.


EMO KID #1 I love you mom and dad! EMO KID #2 I just want to fit in! EMO KID #3 Strangers can’t tell if I’m a boy or girl! Everyone on stage and off, wail together. INT - MINIVAN - NIGHT The Aquabats are driving home from their show. No one says a word. A DVD display opens with a live feed of the Professor. THE PROFESSOR Aquabats, where are you? your house.

I’m at

CRASH MCLARSON We’re on our way there now Professor. THE PROFESSOR Well, you must hurry! I have something very urgent to speak to you about. INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - NIGHT The Aquabats walk into the front door of their house. The Professor is pacing back and forth and talking to himself. Finally!

THE PROFESSOR You’ve arrived!

RICKY FITNESS We had a very moving show tonight Professor. THE PROFESSOR No time for that Ricky, no time. The Professor walks to the television and picks up the remote control. He switches it on. Hannah Lillywhite, the reporter is speaking with the young boy.


HANNAH LILLYWHITE So you’re saying you actually saw an alien? SMALL BOY That’s right, I saw it in the alley. HANNAH LILLYWHITE Did you try to communicate with it? SMALL BOY It just threw an orange at me. then I took it’s picture on my phone.


The cell phone picture of Venus is shown full size on the television screen. HANNAH LILLYWHITE (O.S.) This is the picture taken on the cell phone. Professionals have still not determined the authenticity of the picture. The Professor changes the channel repeatedly. program is showing the picture of Venus.

Every news

THE PROFESSOR This could be a catastrophe! You must find this alien immediately and bring her in. I must know what she is doing on earth. THE MC BAT COMMANDER What does this alien have to do with us? Shouldn’t we be spending our time trying to locate Jimmy? THE PROFESSOR I can’t help but think that this alien might have some information that can help us locate Jimmy. She could very possible be a piece of this puzzle. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE The Professor is right MC. Maybe this girl knows where Jimmy is. CRASH MCLARSON If she does, then we’re going to find out!


Crash punches his fist into his hand. THE PROFESSOR But proceed with caution Aquabats. We don’t know the intentions of this Extraterrestrial. INT. MINIVAN - NIGHT The Aquabats are cruising the town looking for Venus. The DVD display is now being used as an alien radar. The radar line is sweeping, but not picking anything up at the moment. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Here’s the plan dudes: As soon as we find this alien, we surround her. Don’t let her get away, she might be the only link we have to Jimmy. Suddenly a blip appears on the radar. Got her!


He steps on the gas. EXT. TOY STORE - NIGHT The Aquabats have followed the radar blip to a toy store. The blinking light is showing that Venus is inside. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Ricky, Crash, you take the back door. Chainsaw and I will take the front door. At the front door, MC lifts a chain with a padlock on it. With a quick, silent karate chop, Chainsaw has busted the lock. They proceed in. A chain and padlock prevent Ricky and Crash from entering at the back door as well. Crash grabs the chain and bites onto it. The chain breaks and Crash spits the broken piece out of his mouth. RICKY FITNESS (whispering) Show off. Crash grins from ear to ear.


INT. TOY STORE - NIGHT The Aquabats tip toe through the dimly lit toy store. They search high and low. No sign of alien life form. The Aquabats meet in the middle of the store. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (whispering) Anything? RICKY FITNESS (whispering) Nothing. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (whispering) She’s got to be in here somewhere. Follow me. The four Aquabats start walking down each isle in a single file line. As they walk through the stuffed animal isle, animals of all kinds are piled up high. In the midst of these stuffed animals is the face of Venus. The Aquabats walk right past her as her eyes follow them. After they pass, she jumps out of the pile and accidentaly tips one of the toy bins over. There is a loud CRASH as toys hit the floor. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Ricky, hit the lights! Everyone scrambles, and moments later the lights come on. Venus stands directly across from the Aquabats. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Just stay right where you are. Crash breaks through to the front of the pack, cracking his knuckles. I got her!


The moment Crash lays his eyes on her, he is paralyzed. He is immediately taken by her beauty and remains motionless. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Do you got her or not? Crash is in a daze.


RICKY FITNESS All right you big coward, then I got her! Venus takes off in a run. All of the Aquabats chase after her, except for Crash. They tear all over the toy store, up and down each isle. Venus is pulling toys down behind her to prevent the Aquabats from catching up. Ricky slips on a roller skate. Chainsaw runs crotch first into a large Tyrannosaurus rex model. He winces in pain. The Bat Commander is able to dodge most everything she throws his way, until they make it into the sports isle. Just as the Bat Commander rounds the corner, she turns on the tennis ball machine. Rapid fire tennis balls fly at MC every few seconds. They overcome him and cause him to fall over backwards onto an isle of bicycles. The row of bikes fall over like dominos. Once she finds herself in the clear, Venus again takes off running. As she reaches the end of the isle, she turns back to see the Bat Commander struggling to get out of the bike mess, while still blocking tennis balls. She smiles. Just as Venus turns her head forward again, she runs directly into Crash’s chest. They look into each others eyes, and then she begins to struggle. Crash holds her arms, not forcefully, but enough to prevent her from escaping. VENUS What do you want from me? go!

Let me

INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - NIGHT Venus is sitting tied to a kitchen chair. The Aquabats and the Professor are sitting and standing throughout the room. THE PROFESSOR What is your name? Where are you from my dear? VENUS Don’t call me dear. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Look baby, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.


Chainsaw makes a chopping motion with his hand. uneasy.

Crash looks

CRASH MCLARSON Leave her alone Chainsaw. VENUS I’m not your BABY, stud...and I’m not telling you anything as long as you have me tied up like a prisoner. RICKY FITNESS Oh yeah, why don’t we just untie you so you can throw some more toys our way! THE PROFESSOR She’s right Ricky. (to Venus) Do you promise to stay and talk with us if we untie you? Venus thinks over the proposition. VENUS Yeah, fine. Just untie me already. Crash jumps up ready and willing. He pulls on the rope and it SNAPS apart. He kindly unravels it from around her body. RICKY FITNESS So, we kept our part of the bargain. VENUS Jeez, all right...what do you want to know already? THE PROFESSOR Let’s start with your name. VENUS My name is Venus. The Professor extends his hand. THE PROFESSOR It’s very nice to meet you Venus. I’m the Professor. They shake hands.


VENUS The Professor? How corny is that? Do you have a real name? Oh...yes.


The Professor turns red from embarrassment. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) It’s Monty. Venus points at the Aquabats. VENUS Who are your henchmen here? CRASH MCLARSON We’re the Aquabats! VENUS Is that some sort of joke? This comment takes the wind out of Crash’s sails. THE PROFESSOR I can assure you Venus, that it is not a joke at all. Now, why exactly are you here? Here?

VENUS Where exactly am I anyway?

THE PROFESSOR This is planet earth. VENUS Ah yes, I’ve studied planet earth. That’s why everyone is acting so freaked out about me being here. Earthlings aren’t really up to speed on the rest of the Galaxy yet, are they? THE PROFESSOR I’m afraid not. But you have certainly caused quite a scare around town. That is why we felt it necessary to find you as soon as possible. VENUS Well congratulations, you found me.


THE PROFESSOR How is it that you got here? VENUS I was hoping you could answer that same question for me. All I know is that I was on the way to a dance... CRASH MCLARSON (interrupting) A dance? Everyone gives Crash an odd look. VENUS (continuing) ...Yes, a dance. I was on my way. I ran out of fuel. I stopped to fill up, and the next thing I I am...on planet earth, apparently. THE PROFESSOR How very bizarre. VENUS Tell me about it. THE MC BAT COMMANDER So that’s it? What about Jimmy? VENUS Who’s Jimmy? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Uh, he’s only our brother. He’s missing, and we thought you might know where he is. VENUS Yeah, really wish I could help you out with that, but I’ve never heard of a Jimmy. The Aquabats heads drop from this devastating blow. VENUS (CONT'D) I did find this, right when I got here though. Venus holds up a shining 24k gold chain.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Wait a minute! The Bat Commander snatches the gold chain from her hand and examines it. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) I’d recognize this gold chain anywhere. It belongs to Zeeborg the gangster alien! Venus looks puzzled. VENUS You know that loser? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Know him? He’s only one of our biggest intergalactic foes! VENUS Biggest foes? He was like Nerd Alert in school. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Professor, this must mean that Zeeborg kidnapped Jimmy the same night Venus arrived on earth. THE PROFESSOR Yes, yes, of course! Venus, where did you stop to refuel your vehicle? VENUS Uh, it was on Zeeborgs ship. THE PROFESSOR If he left planet earth with Jimmy, at the very same time you arrived here...that’s it! VENUS You’ve lost me. THE PROFESSOR Zeeborg must have built an interdimensional portal. He activated it right when you were standing in the midst of the portal device. Zeeborg traveled back to his ship, and you were sent here to earth.


VENUS OK great, so how do I get home? THE PROFESSOR You don’t understand how grave this situation is Venus. If Zeeborg has access to a portal, he has the ability to send a great destruction our way. Nothing will get in the way of his evil plan to transport as many goons to earth as he pleases. (beat) I just don’t understand why he would want to kidnap Jimmy. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Jimmy is securely fastened to some type of electrical robot torture device. He has wires and cables connected all over his head and body. His head is down and he appears to be non functioning. He JOLTS to life as volts of electricity stream through his body. Zeeborg pulls a lever down and the voltage stops. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Well, well, well. Yo, them Aquabats ain’t lookin’ so tuff no more. He flips the lever up again and Jimmy is electrocuted. A few moments later he throws the switch off. There is smoke coming off of Jimmy, but he is hanging in there. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) Where your bros at now homes? Zeeborg walks over to Jimmy, and lifts his chin with his hand. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) You best be answerin’ me homey. I gots about 100,000 more volts with your name on them dawg. JIMMY THE ROBOT I don’t know where they are. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You don’t know where they is. That’s just sad bro.


JIMMY THE ROBOT They will come for me. I am certain of it. Zeeborg walks around behind Jimmy. He reaches out and Jimmy winces expecting another shock. Zeeborg removes one of the cables. He then proceeds to remove each cable and wire from Jimmy's face. Zeeborg walks in front of Jimmy once again. level with Jimmy.

He gets down eye

ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN I’ll tell you one thing fo sho...If one of my boyz was in trouble I’d be all up in dat grill. He let’s Jimmy ponder this. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) So where they at homes? Where they at? INT. MINIVAN - DAY Crash is driving and Venus is sitting shot gun. Venus is wearing a hat and sunglasses to conceal her identity. Crash is nervous to be alone with her. CRASH MCLARSON Thanks for coming with me. VENUS Well you asked me to, so what was I supposed to say? CRASH MCLARSON It’s just...I didn’t think I could carry all the food by myself. VENUS Don’t worry about big guy. She pats Crash on the shoulder. Crash looks at his shoulder and then up at Venus. She removes her hand. Awkward silence. CRASH MCLARSON So, what’s outer space like?


VENUS (sarcastic) Uh,’s always dark.... CRASH MCLARSON (interrupting) Sounds cool. Venus looks at Crash for a moment and then breaks into a smile. VENUS So what, you’re like the muscle guy out of all your brothers? Crash turns beet red in the face. CRASH MCLARSON Well, I guess you could say that. You know, I just like to eat a lot of protein. I’ll say.


Crash and Venus sit in happy silence for a few moments until they pull into a hole in the wall Mexican food place drive through. DRIVE THROUGH GUY (through intercom) Can I take your order? CRASH MCLARSON Yeah, I think I’ll take 14 burrito gigante’s, 11 fish taco’s, and 5 large horchata’s. (to Venus) Do you want an horchata? Sure.


CRASH MCLARSON (to intercom) Make that 6 large horchata’s. DRIVE THROUGH GUY That will be $32.50 at the next window. Crash pulls up to the next window.


VENUS Hungry much? CRASH MCLARSON Got to stay in peak physical condition, you know. The drive through guy opens the window. Crash pays and he one by one hands him a slew of bags, followed by the drinks. DRIVE THROUGH GUY Buenos dias senior. CRASH MCLARSON Buenos dias to you too. Crash pulls the van out of the fast food drive through. VENUS What does that mean? Crash is caught off guard. CRASH MCLARSON I think it”thanks for being such a special friend”...but in Spanish. VENUS (skeptical) “Thanks for being such a special friend”? Come on. Seriously.


Venus takes a sip of her horchata. VENUS Wow, this stuff is really good. EXT. PUBLIC PARK - DAY The Aquabats, the Professor, and Venus sit around a picnic table. The Aquabats are inhaling their mexican food. Venus watches the boys, slightly disgusted by what she is witnessing. VENUS It’s like watching a pack of wild animals.


CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (with mouth full of food) Want a fish taco? He holds out the taco. VENUS No, I had one. Thanks though, Chainsaw. Chainsaw shrugs. Your loss.


Before he’s finished chewing the food in his mouth, Chainsaw throws in he fish taco he just offered Venus. VENUS So seriously guys, why the nicknames? RICKY FITNESS What nicknames? Venus points at each Aquabat as she names them off. VENUS Ricky Fitness, Chainsaw the Prince of Karate, Crash McLarson, and The MC Bat Commander? CRASH MCLARSON Those aren’t nicknames. VENUS They’re not? THE PROFESSOR Not at all my dear, those are the names they were given on Aquabania. Aqua what?


THE AQUABATS (in unison) Aquabania. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE It’s the island we came from.


VENUS (to the Professor) So you’re from Aquabania too? THE PROFESSOR Oh no, no. I’m from California. Aquabania was an undiscovered island right in the middle of the Bermuda triangle. THE MC BAT COMMANDER That’s why no one ever found our island. THE PROFESSOR Many explorers had tried to prove it’s existence, but all were unsuccessful. Aquabania produces a very rich abundance of radiation. RICKY FITNESS Planes drop out of the sky, and ships sink due to their inability to handle the radiation levels. VENUS So how could you survive? CRASH MCLARSON Our people have adapted to it over the centuries. VENUS OK, I get it. So you have weird names on your little radioactive island. But why do you wear these costumes? THE PROFESSOR Those are hardly costumes Venus. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Yeah, they’re uniforms! THE PROFESSOR When the Aquabats are fighting evil, they need to be protected. Every single item they wear was tailored for combat. VENUS So you guys are essentially universe crime fighters?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER More like...we protect earth from the evil in the galaxy when it dares show it’s face here. It’s our destiny, and what brought us here. THE PROFESSOR Yes exactly. I remember it like it was yesterday. BEGIN FLASHBACK EXT. BEACH - DAY The Professor is on the golden sandy beaches of California. He is wearing his lab coat and thick rimmed glasses...even on the beach. He combs over the sand with a metal detector. THE PROFESSOR (V.O.) (slightly embarrassed) I was on the beach, searching for...well, I guess it was treasure that time. A giant log is in the breaks. It catches the Professors eye, and he watches it catch the surf to the shore. He approaches, and as he gets closer he notices that it is hollowed out. THE PROFESSOR (CONT’D) I found these four in the log. They weren’t quite this size at the time. They were only teenagers. The four Aquabats are completely passed out. The professor nervously takes his metal detector and pokes at them with it. As he does, the meter begins to malfunction. The metal detector completely dies. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) I knew right away that these four were far from being “just human”. INT. PROFESSOR’S BEDROOM - DAY The Professor’s bedroom is an early indicator of what his lab would eventually become. Experiment clutter everywhere. There is an unfinished human sized robot in the corner of the room.


THE PROFESSOR (V.O.) I performed tests on the Aquabats and quickly learned that they had very unique abilities. In the bedroom while the Professor is working on the robot, Crash picks up a test tube and drinks the glowing liquid. He then eats the glass test tube and swallows. Crash let’s out a big BURP. The Bat Commander is doing backflips on the bed. Chainsaw chops the bed in half and MC falls to the ground. He gets up and does a backflip kick, sending Chainsaw crashing through the wall. Under the rubble, Chainsaw gets up in the next room and finds Ricky sitting on the toilet, reading a comic book. INT. PROFESSOR’S GARAGE - DAY Guitars, drums, and microphone’s sit in the dusty garage. The Aquabats pick up instruments and begin to toy with them. THE PROFESSOR (V.O.) It was only a matter of time before I learned that my Aquabats possessed other skills as well. I was in a band at the time called “Monty and the Corndog’s”. We weren’t very good, but held practice in my garage so the instruments were always there. The Aquabats have now unlocked the full potential of their musical talent. They are in full force, rocking out, and looking like a real band. INT. PROFESSOR’S BEDROOM - DAY The Professor and the Aquabats stand around the now complete robot. The Professor is putting the final touches on his face. His look resembles the Aquabats. THE PROFESSOR (V.O.) And then Jimmy came into our lives. The robot slowly opens his eyes. The Aquabats are fascinated. Curiously, Jimmy reaches out and touches MC’s face. The Bat Commander smiles. Crash grabs Jimmy and puts him in a headlock and then gives Jimmy a noogie.

49. Jimmy’s chest opens and a third robotic arm comes from inside him. He proceeds to give Crash a noogie at the same time. Everyone laughs. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) They were instantly brothers and inseparable from that moment on. It was as if he had washed up on shore with them.

END FLASHBACK Everyone has moist eyes. group.

A cloud of sorrow has rained on the

THE MC BAT COMMANDER How can we just sit here, while Jimmy’s out there somewhere? THE PROFESSOR We have no way of traveling to space, MC. Our only hope is that someone will come looking for Venus. That just might provide a way for us. All heads turn to Venus. VENUS I’m sure my dad is freaking out, but I don’t know how he’d figure out that I ended up on earth. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Well we have to think of something. We can’t just leave Jimmy with Zeeborg. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Jimmy is now strapped to what looks like an operating table. He is completely immobile. Zeeborg walks into the room with the sandfleas close behind him. The sandfleas snarl and snap at Jimmy. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You ready homes? JIMMY THE ROBOT Am I ready for what?


ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN For your makeover, yo. He pulls out a space power drill and pulls the trigger. drill spins. They close in on Jimmy. Wait.

JIMMY THE ROBOT Wait, what are you doing?

INT. AQUABATS GARAGE - DAY Crash sits playing a little ditty for Venus on the bass. They are alone and she is impressed by his skill. Not bad.

VENUS Not bad at all.

CRASH MCLARSON It’s just a hobby, really. VENUS A hobby? What are you talking about? I thought you guys were going all the way to superstardom. Maybe.


VENUS Well, I think you’ve got mad skills. Crash smiles. VENUS (CONT'D) So why did you guys ever leave Aquabania in the first place? Did you not like living there? CRASH MCLARSON I loved Aquabania. It was an absolute paradise. All we did was surf all day, and how can you do better than that? Not a care in the world. VENUS So why leave? Crash hesitates.



We had to.

CRASH MCLARSON It was destroyed.

VENUS By a volcano or something? CRASH MCLARSON No, it was destroyed by the most evil alien in the entire galaxy. VENUS That’s so sad. CRASH MCLARSON His name is Monster M, and when he... Venus interjects. VENUS Wait, what did you say his name was? Monster M.

CRASH MCLARSON Have you heard of him?

Venus laughs uncomfortably and bites her lip. VENUS Um, I may have. CRASH MCLARSON He is pure evil. When he discovered how much radiation the island possessed, he invaded our planet, and pulled the radiation up from the soil to create his own evil weapons. In doing so, the island was destroyed along with our people. We were the only survivors, and the rest is history. Venus gets a little choked up. VENUS I’m so sorry. CRASH MCLARSON Well it’s not your fault. Venus contemplates her next move.


VENUS Actually Crash, I’m not completely innocent. CRASH MCLARSON Why would you even say something like that? That’s not a funny joke, Venus. VENUS I wish it were a joke. (beat) Crash, Monster M is my dad. What?

CRASH MCLARSON But...but he’s a monster!

VENUS Yeah, well it’s not just a nickname. CRASH MCLARSON How could you be his daughter? How could you just go along with all the evil things he’s done? VENUS I don’t agree with the things he’s done Crash, but I AM his daughter. I promise, I’m nothing like him. CRASH MCLARSON I have to tell the guys. VENUS You can’t do that Crash! They wouldn’t understand. I can’t change the way my father is, but if you tell MC...well, who knows what he would do. Crash is torn with this decision. VENUS (CONT'D) Promise me Crash. Crash begins to soften. VENUS (CONT'D) Please Crash. Promise me. Crash let’s out a big sigh.


CRASH MCLARSON Well, I guess I don’t have to tell. After all, you ARE nothing like him. And it’s not like you were a part of all the evil things he’s done. Venus throws her arms around Crash. Thank you!

He blushes.

VENUS Thank you so much.

She pulls back from the hug, but still has her arms on his shoulders. She looks Crash right in the eyes. VENUS (CONT'D) Buenos dias. Crash grins. BEGIN MONTAGE The Aquabats song “Lovers of Loving Love” plays over the following montage INT. MINIVAN - NIGHT Crash and Venus are at the drive in theatre. They eat popcorn and drink soda. An old Japanese monster movie is playing on the screen. People in other cars are screaming at the intense moments of the film, while Crash and Venus laugh hysterically. EXT. AQUABATS BACKYARD - DAY In a very cute space bikini, Venus lays in a tiny kiddie pool filled with water soaking up the sun. Crash drops in from above with a massive cannonball. The water is now completely drained and the blow up pool is popped, and deflating. INT. MINIVAN - DAY Crash and Venus are at an old 50’s drive up diner. A waitress on roller skates rolls out to the minivan and brings them food. Venus jumps over the seat and hides in the back while Crash is taking their food. She peeks over the back seat to see that the waitress has left. Just as she is looking Crash comes flying over the back seat.


They hide in the back of the van and eat their food together. They have one chocolate milk shake with two straws and each sip from it. EXT. PARK - DAY No one is around as Crash and Venus swing on the swings. Crash jumps off his swing and attempts to give Venus an underdog. He pulls her back, and then runs to push her with all his might. When the swing comes back down, Venus is no longer sitting in it. Crash looks up confused, but then can see that Venus has landed in a tree. She is laughing and he shrugs his shoulders. INT. DANCE HALL - NIGHT Crash and Venus are attending a costume party. For the first time ever, Venus doesn’t have to worry about hiding from humans. Crash wears his Aquabat outfit, and Venus wears her “Alien costume”.They are dancing the night away. Many people come up to compliment Venus on her costume. After one song has ended, they stop Crash a kiss on the cheek. He puts his eyes light up. He grabs Venus, and gives her an enormous smooch on cheers for them.

dancing and Venus gives his hand to his cheek and bends her over backwards, the lips. The crowd

END MONTAGE INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Jimmy is still strapped to the operating table, but now his chest is open and his moving parts are exposed. Zeeborg is now wearing operating clothes, and a doctors mask. The sandfleas have tools and are operating on Jimmy. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN I knew you’d start to come around d-o-double g. Jimmy is barely there. He looks like he’s been through the ringer with this “procedure”. JIMMY THE ROBOT MC, is that you?


ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN MC...I’m the only MC scratchin’ this record bro. You ever heard of MC O.G.? That’s me, home slice. Jimmy is still holding on. JIMMY THE ROBOT Where are my brothers? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN I told you. Your brothers ain’t here. They never showed up Jimbo. They ABANDONED you. JIMMY THE ROBOT No, they wouldn’t do that. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You want to know why your bros aren’t here, dawg? Because you’re not one of them. You’re different, and they don’t respect you for that. JIMMY THE ROBOT Different from them? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN True dat. They don’t even know you’re gone homey. They don’t even care. They DESERTED you. The message is starting to sink into his database. JIMMY THE ROBOT They deserted me. Zeeborg smiles, so very proud of what he’s done. He looks to the sandfleas who wait his approval. He nods, and they finish the job. One final tweak on his insides and then they shut his systems down. All life leaves Jimmy. The sandfleas reboot Jimmy and fire him back up. His eyelids immediately open, but the kindness in his eyes is gone. His pupils have been replaced by piercing solid white eyes. He yells and snaps the bands that have been restricting him to the table. He sits up, and all but one of the sandfleas know to scatter. The dumb one sits, and stares at the new Jimmy. Jimmy lunges and picks the sandflea up by the neck with one hand.

56. The sandflea, choking, holds his neck. Jimmy throws him through the wall. Any trace of the old Jimmy is gone. Zeeborg is very pleased with his newly converted invention. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Welcome to the team dawg. EXT. BEACH - DAY The Aquabats and the Professor are playing an intense game of sand volleyball. They are all decked out in cool beach volleyball gear. Pointy oakley’s, hats with the short brim, and sweet ass tank tops. The only ones not in attendance are Crash and Venus. Commander prepares to serve the ball.

The Bat

THE MC BAT COMMANDER You guys ready for this? The teams are The Bat Commander and the Professor against Chainsaw and Ricky Fitness. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Serve it already! THE MC BAT COMMANDER Just let me know when you’re ready. I would hate to serve this ball if you’re not ready for what’s coming your way. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Will you serve the ball please? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Promise me that you’re ready and I’ll serve you the ball. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE I promise you that we’re ready. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Cause there’s no going back. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Yeah, I know. The Bat Commander throws the ball over his head, and does a smashing overhand serve. It heads straight for Chainsaw, who pops it up and back over the net.


The Professor has spring loaded shoes which shoot out of the soles. He launches up to hit the ball. He soars over it, and punches it down over the net with all his might. The ball goes flat when it hits the sand. Did I win?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Way to go, Pro-fess-o! THE PROFESSOR I did good? CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Nice try guys. You can’t wear spring loaded shoes, that you invented in a volleyball game, Professor. You shouldn’t even be wearing shoes at all. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Nope, we win. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE No you don’t, that was cheating. MC mockingly lifts his hand. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Talk to the hand, cause the ears ain’t listening. RICKY FITNESS Why would he talk to your hand MC? That makes no sense. The Professor’s new evil detector watch goes wild. are spinning out of control.

The dials

THE PROFESSOR Hurry Aquabats. There is an evil presence making it’s way to the city! The Aquabats sprint to the ocean. They each dive in and when they emerge they are in full Aquabat gear. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Let’s rock!


Some roided up dudes are loading their jet skis into the ocean. These guys have spent too much time in the sun, and the tan proves it. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (to the muscle men) Look! There’s a free jug of protein powder in the sand! MUSCLE MAN #1 Free protein! Where?! They turn to look, and the Aquabats take their jet skis. When thy turn back around, the Aquabats are riding the waves in the distance towards their destination. MUSCLE MAN #1 (CONT'D) What happened to our jet skis bro? Oh well, lets go pump some iron. MUSCLE MAN #2 Righteous idea, dude! They slap a high five. EXT. OCEAN - DAY The Aquabats are soaring on the jet skis. The Bat Commander is in the lead and the water spray from his jet ski is hitting Ricky right in the face. They ride in style and jump some tubular waves. They reach a spot where the waves are crashing into a rocky cliff. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Ready dudes? Ready. Ready.


They ride further out into the ocean and turn around to face the cliff wall. They pull the throttle hard, and rev up the gas. Together, they BURST into a jet ski sprint, taking them into top speed. They get closer and closer to the rock wall. Just as it looks like they are going to crash, they JUMP a big wave on the jet skis. This sends them flying in the air, and they jump from the seat of the jet skis.


They catch onto the rocks as the jet skis SMASH into the wall below them. They begin to climb with agility. They reach the top of the wall in no time, and jump the railing. EXT. BEACH - DAY The professor is speaking into his watch. THE PROFESSOR Aquabats, I’ve just traced their exact location. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The Bat Commander is listening to the professor with his watch up to his ear. THE PROFESSOR (O.S.) The evil alert indicator is showing multiple foes. They have just breached the city limits on the North West side. MC responds into his watch. THE MC BAT COMMANDER We’re almost there, Professor. EXT. LOS ANGELES - DAY Jimmy the Robot and the sandfleas are wreaking havoc on the city. The sandfleas are terrorizing people, who scatter and try to escape. A car slams on it’s breaks and screeches to a stop just inches away from Jimmy. DRIVER (out window) Get out of the street, pal! Jimmy turns, and the driver can see that he means business. The driver quickly rolls up his window as Jimmy is heading towards him. Jimmy punches through the glass, shattering the window. DRIVER (CONT'D) Please don’t hurt me!


Jimmy crouches down and lifts the side of the car. He flips it over on its top and then kicks the back, sending it into a spin. The sand fleas are thrilled by this. The Bat Commander, Chainsaw, and Ricky run up from behind, and can only see the sandfleas. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Not so fast, you ugly ticks! The sandfleas turn to the Aquabats and begin to salivate. As they’re facing off, Jimmy steps out from behind the car and heads towards the Aquabats. Jimmy?


Jimmy is steadily pacing towards them, without saying a word. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) We’ve been worried sick about you pal. But you’re here!...Just in time to help us exterminate a little pest problem. Still silent, Jimmy continues towards the Bat Commander. MC opens his arms to embrace Jimmy, but at the last minute can tell that something is different. Jimmy reaches the Bat Commander and instead of hugging him, picks him up by the front if his wetsuit and hold him in the air. Jimmy?


Jimmy hurls the Bat Commander. He sails through the air, and SMASHES though a store front window. Whoa pal!

RICKY FITNESS What was that for?

Jimmy focuses on his next target, Ricky. He punches him in the face and knocks him unconscious with this single blow. He ties his shoelaces together and picks him up. His robotic arms extend exposing his metal core. They lift Ricky up to the light post, and hang him upside down by his shoelaces. Chainsaw can’t believe what he is seeing.


CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE I don’t know what’s gotten into you man, but don’t make me take you out with my chop! A devious smile creeps across Jimmy’s face. He walks towards Chainsaw who is in position, and ready to strike. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (CONT'D) I’m warning you, Jimmy! Jimmy is undeterred. Chainsaw let’s loose a ferocious karate chop, and Jimmy flawlessly catches his hand mid-chop. Chainsaw is stunned, and Jimmy begins to squeeze his hand. The Prince of Karate falls to his knees in pain. Jimmy squeezes tighter and tighter, and Chainsaw can’t bear it. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (CONT'D) Ricky...please... Just as Jimmy is about to crush every bone in Chainsaw’s hand, a portal opens up behind the sandfleas. The sandfleas motion for Jimmy to follow them back through the portal. He hesitates, because he is truly enjoying watching Chainsaw suffer. He finally releases, and Chainsaw falls to the ground, holding his hand in pain. Jimmy and the sandfleas walk through the portal, and it closes behind them. The Bat Commander comes staggering out of the store he was thrown into. He helps Chainsaw to his feet, and they both look up at Ricky who is still hanging from the light poll. RICKY FITNESS Can I get a hand here guys? INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY The Bat Commander, Chainsaw, and Ricky are battered and beaten. The Professor is helping them nurse their wounds. THE MC BAT COMMANDER I just don’t get it! Why would Jimmy be helping the enemy? THE PROFESSOR My hunches tell me that this isn’t the Jimmy you and I know. You must remember that he is still a robot. (MORE)

62. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) It is very possible that Zeeborg has reprogrammed Jimmy to fulfill his evil plans. RICKY FITNESS That really chaps my hide! CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE That means we will have to fight against our own brother. How can we possibly do that? THE PROFESSOR I sincerely hope this day will never come, but if we can’t think of any other option, you might have to destroy Jimmy. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Out of the question. THE PROFESSOR Think about it MC. Look at the destruction Jimmy was able to cause within just minutes of being let loose on the city. Imagine the lives that will be at stake if we can’t stop him. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE But he’s our brother, Professor. We can’t destroy our brother. THE PROFESSOR I love Jimmy, just as you do Chainsaw...but it might be the only possibility. Crash and Venus walk through the door carrying shopping bags. They are like two giddy lovebirds, but by the looks of the scene, can tell something is wrong. VENUS What happened? THE MC BAT COMMANDER We got our butts handed to us on a platter, that’s what happened. And where might I ask have you been? CRASH MCLARSON We ran some errands.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Oh, well guess what errand boy...while you were running around playing the love connection, Jimmy was destroying downtown Los Angeles. Jimmy?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Did you not hear me? Your brother Jimmy is now working for the dark side. And when we could have used a little muscle, you were no where to be found. I’m sorry.

CRASH MCLARSON I didn’t know.

THE MC BAT COMMANDER Yeah, well maybe next time you should make it your business to know. As Aquabats we have responsibilities, Crash. VENUS It’s not his fault. THE MC BAT COMMANDER What was that martian girl? Are you an Aquabat? I didn’t think so. I’m speaking to Aquabats only right now. Venus storms out of the house. CRASH MCLARSON (disappointed) That wasn’t very nice, MC. Crash also leaves the house, to catch Venus. EXT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY Venus is furious and pacing. VENUS Who does that guy think he is? CRASH MCLARSON He means well.


VENUS Means well? He just called me martian girl! I’m sorry.


VENUS You don’t need to apologize for him, Crash. I’ve got to get out of here. She begins to leave, while Crash remains still. back to him.

She turns

VENUS (CONT'D) You coming? INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Zeeborg is speaking with Monster M through the hologram. Jimmy stands right by his side. MONSTER M What news do you have for me Zeeborg? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN This robot is off the hook, yo! We sent him back to earth and he got all up in the Aquabats grill. MONSTER M Did he recognize the Aquabats? Did he know that he was one of them? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Hells no! It was like he was swatting fly’s. MONSTER M Good. I had to make sure we had completely erased his memory bank of his former life, before we take the next step in the plan. We can’t risk him remembering once we proceed. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN He’s ready dawg, I’m tellin’ you.


MONSTER M (to Jimmy) Evil Robot, I am proud of the progress you have made. Are you ready to take on a new role in my evil empire? Jimmy is cold and lifeless. JIMMY THE ROBOT Yes Monster M. I am ready for any task you have for me. MONSTER M Good Robot. That is what I wanted to hear. Right now, my portal is only strong enough to transport a few goons at a time. With the technology the Professor put into your artificial heart, you have the ability to super charge my portal with power, thus making it a super portal. I will be able to send an army of robots, monsters, and aliens of any size, from any where in the galaxy. There will be no stopping me! JIMMY THE ROBOT I am ready Monster M. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT (LATER) Jimmy stands next to the portal. He allows Zeeborg to open his chest plate and hook him up to the portal. As soon as the connection is made, the portal begins to pulsate as it charges. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Now we talkin’. Then energy drains from Jimmy’s body to the portal. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) You should be fine. Just tough it out homey. Jimmy nods and accepts the challenge.


EXT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY Ricky Fitness goes to the mailbox and retrieves the mail. starts looking through the letters. RICKY FITNESS Bill, bill, bill,...what’s this? Ricky opens the letter and begins to read. CRASH MCLARSON (V.O.) Dear Aquabats, I regret to inform you that I have retired from fighting evil, and the band. I am no longer part of the team. Venus and I got a little place together, and I got a job working full time in telemarketing. The pay is decent. I hope you understand. Love, Crash McLarson. INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY MC and Chainsaw are playing a rousing game of the timeless classic, “Guess who” at the kitchen table. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Does your character have a beard? Nope.


Chainsaw flips a couple of his people down. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Is your character bald? Negative. Oh man!


MC flips a few of his down. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Is your person old? Ricky charges in the house with the letter.



RICKY FITNESS Crash is out! CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE What do you mean, Crash is out? Ricky angrily throws the letter down on the table. Read this.


Chainsaw and the Bat Commander read the letter. RICKY FITNESS (CONT'D) This is your fault MC. THE MC BAT COMMANDER How is this my fault? RICKY FITNESS You were too hard on him. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Yeah maybe I was, but I say let him go! He’s just dragging us down with his new girlfriend anyway. We’re better off without him. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE How are we going to protect earth with just the three of us? It was hard enough just losing Jimmy. MC stands up from the table. THE MC BAT COMMANDER You guys can cry about Crash all you want, but remember that it was his choice to leave. I didn’t force him. With everyone frustrated, the Bat Commander walks out of the room. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (calling back) His choice! INT. TELEMARKETING CENTER - DAY Crash is being shown around the office by the manager. looks slightly silly in a tie that’s too short.


68. His button up shirt is bursting at the seams, because it’s a little too tight. The other telemarketers were born for this job. They are pacing, and jumping out of their seats. They use hand motions for every word they say. The manager shows Crash to his seat. TELMARKETING MANAGER Just read off this and you’ll do great. The manager hands Crash a laminated piece of paper with the whole pitch printed on it. CRASH MCLARSON OK, thank you. Crash sits and begins to look around his desk. He wastes some time straightening pencils and papers on the desk. He taps his fingers for a few moments prepping, for the first call. Crash boots up the computer, and a spreadsheet of names and numbers appear on the screen. He pulls his chair in close, and squints to see the first name. He picks up the phone, and dials the number. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Hello, may I please speak with...Nathan Jifferson please? Crash pauses for an answer. receiver. Hello?

He hears a click in the

CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Hello, are you still there?

His coworkers start to give him the stink eye. Reluctantly, Crash starts dialing the next number on the list. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Hello, my name is Crash McLarson...Crash McLarson. Yes that’s my real name. Crash begins reading off the laminated piece of paper. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) I’m calling you and you only today, because I just received a shipment of sheer panty hose. These are the most sheer panty hose you’ll ever get your hands on. (MORE)

69. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) It’s basically like looking at real legs. Anyway, like I said, I have one shipment today only, and wanted to make sure you could take advantage of this offer. Crash waits as the person on the other line responds. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Oh you’re a man. What would you possibly use them for? Um, maybe you could rob a bank or something. Crash again listens. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Yes sir, I realize I said they’re so sheer it’s basically like looking at legs. What’s that? Oh, so you’re worried the bank tellers will see your face because they’re so sheer? That makes sense. OK, thank you for your time sir. Crash hangs up the phone. unbeknownst to Crash.

A coworker was standing behind him

COWORKER What happened? You had that one! Why did you let him go? CRASH MCLARSON He actually said he could use them to rob a bank. COWORKER It’s not your business what they do with them, baby! Maybe he’s a little freaky and likes to wear them himself. You just sell panty hose and let the customer choose what to do with them. CRASH MCLARSON OK, thank you for the tip. remember that.


COWORKER Anytime. I’m here for you baby. I sit right behind you so T.O. if you start loosing the sale. T.O. stands for take over. Just yell it out. T.O.! (MORE)

70. COWORKER (CONT'D) I will jump on your phone and not let them off until they buy. T.O.


INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY Ricky Fitness is watching an old episode of “The Snorks” on the television. He is very much into the show. The telephone rings and gets up to answer. Hello?


CRASH MCLARSON (O.S.) Hello, is Ricky Fitness available please? RICKY FITNESS Yeah, this is him. CRASH MCLARSON (O.S.) Hello Ricky, I’m calling because I hear you need some panty hose? Crash?


INT. TELEMARKETING CENTER - DAY CRASH MCLARSON Yeah buddy it’s me. How have you been? RICKY FITNESS (O.S.) I’ve been good pal. Really good. We miss you around here though. CRASH MCLARSON Yeah, I miss you guys too. MC?



INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY RICKY FITNESS You know MC. Acting stubborn, but I can tell that he misses you. It’s really not the same without you here. Are you happy though? CRASH MCLARSON (O.S.) I think so. RICKY FITNESS Did you say panty hose when you called? Is that what you’re selling? Yeah.

CRASH MCLARSON (O.S.) Kind of funny, huh?

I’ll say.


INT. TELEMARKETING CENTER - DAY Crash leans back in his chair, and can see that his manager is heading his way. CRASH MCLARSON Well, I got to get back to selling pal. Tell everyone hello for me. RICKY FITNESS (O.S.) I will Crash. You take care of yourself. Bye.


Crash hangs up the phone and sits in solemn a stare for a few moments. EXT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - DAY The Bat Commander is riding a skateboard through his neighborhood. He is breathing the cool ocean air into his lungs, and enjoying his ride.


He rides up to find two boys fighting on the ground. They are rolling in the grass next to a bicylce, and are very angry. The Bat Commander stops on his board. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Whoa boys, whoa! MC picks up both kids by the back of the shirt, and separates them. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) What seems to be the problem little dudes? KID #1 It’s my turn to ride the bike, and he won’t let me! KID #2 That’s because I found it! They try to lunge at each other, but MC is still holding them by the back of the shirt, so it prevents them from making contact. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Why don’t you little dudes just share the bike? KID #1 Because he’s my stupid brother and he won’t share. And I hate him. KID #2 I hate you more. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Yikes! Guys, you can’t just throw around words like hate. Those kinds of words can hurt feelings, and you’ll regret saying it later. The Bat Commander looks at the bike and the light bulb turns on in his head. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) I think I have an idea, bros. Check this out. MC picks up the bike and sets it straight.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (to Kid #2) You, come get on the bike. He sits down on the bike. KID #1 But what about me? THE MC BAT COMMANDER I’m getting to you little man, don’t worry. OK, now you come sit on the handle bars. He helps Kid #1 up onto the handlebars. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) I’ll help you get started. Just pedal. (to Kid #1) Little man, you’ve got to be his lookout. Make sure you guys don’t run into a car. The Bat Commander runs along side the bike for a few steps until the kids get the hang of it. They immediately begin to smile and have a good time. KID #1 This is fun! Right?!


The kids pull up to MC and stop in front of him. KID #1 Thanks mister. KID #2 Yeah, thanks. THE MC BAT COMMANDER No problemo, little humans. Just promise me one thing. The kids nod their heads. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Be kind to each other. You guys are brothers, so you have to take care of each other. Sometimes your brothers are all you have.


The kids agree, and ride off on the bike. The Bat Commander just taught himself an important lesson as his own words sink in. He JETS off on his skateboard. INT. APARTMENT - DAY Crash is inside running the Vacuum over the carpet. He is wearing an apron, and is rather pleased with his work. The doorbell RINGS. Crash turns the vacuum off to open the door. He finds the three remaining Aquabats standing there with MC in the front. He doesn’t invite them in, but doesn’t close the door either. Crash turns the vacuum on and goes back to work. Aquabats walk into his house.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER (yelling over vacuum) Nice place you got here! Crash can’t hear him. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) (still yelling) Crash! I need to speak with you! Ricky and Chainsaw sit down on the couch. The Bat Commander walks to the wall, and pulls the plug. The vacuum motor comes to a stop. Excuse me. here.

CRASH MCLARSON I’m trying to work

THE MC BAT COMMANDER Can we talk? Crash thinks it over. Fine.


MC sits in between Ricky and Chainsaw on the couch. sits in on a chair. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Look Crash. I’m sorry, OK. No response.



THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) I said some mean things that I didn’t mean. (beat) That sounds kind of funny, “mean things I didn’t mean”. Crash rolls his eyes. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Sorry. Anyway, like I was saying...we can’t do it without you man. The front door opens and Venus walks through. She is wearing a large hat, sunglasses, and a wrap around the lower half of her face. She removes her elaborate disguise. VENUS What is HE doing here? CRASH MCLARSON He came to apologize. VENUS (snubbing MC) Hi Ricky. Hi Chainsaw. you been?

How have

RICKY FITNESS Fine thanks. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE I’m good too. VENUS That’s good. THE MC BAT COMMANDER I’m sorry for the things I said, Venus. VENUS For calling me martian girl? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Well technically you are a martian... and you are a girl, so it was an accurate statement. VENUS Are you kidding me?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER OK, you’re right. I was trying to be insulting, and it was rude. Venus sits next to Crash. VENUS You know what, fine. you. You sure?

I forgive


VENUS Do you want me to change my mind? I said I forgive you. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Thank you. (to Crash) Crash? Still no response. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) I was just so frustrated that we lost Jimmy, and I took it out on you. But I can’t loose you too, Crash. I learned an important lesson today, and it involved a bike, and I’m not going to get into the whole story right now...but it was important! Everyone looks confused. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) And there is nothing more important than family. And you’re my family, Crash. You’re my brother. There is a long silence. CRASH MCLARSON I’m sorry MC, I can’t do it. I have a new life now, and...and I’m just done. The Bat Commander drops his head. THE MC BAT COMMANDER I understand. Come on guys.


MC stands up, and Ricky and Chainsaw follow him out the door. Chainsaw waves goodbye. INT. MINIVAN - DAY It’s a sad and solemn ride home from Crash’s apartment. Not a word is spoken. MC is at the wheel, and they are driving a winding highway along a cliff side. A squirrel runs across the road in the path of the vehicle. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (points) Squirrel! The Bat Commander YANKS the wheel. The minivan swerves, and runs right through the railing. The vehicle is now teetering on the edge of a cliff. There is a very dangerous and rocky drop below them. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Nobody move. The minivan begins to fall forward. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Just kidding! Move! Ricky, jump in the back seat! Ricky hops in the back, and they tilt backward. is balanced once again.

The weight

CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE What do we do? RICKY FITNESS How about if I open the back hatch and jump out? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Bad idea, Ricky. RICKY FITNESS Well, what then? THE MC BAT COMMANDER Just let me think. I just need to think here. The van begins to move forward and the Aquabats scream. It then jolts upward, and seems to be floating. The Aquabats are perplexed.


Crash is holding the minivan high above his head. gently down on the side of the road. Crash!

He sets it


CRASH MCLARSON Of course I did! I am your brother, after all. MC, Chainsaw, and Ricky jump out of the minivan and embrace Crash. THE MC BAT COMMANDER We really missed you, dude. And your timing couldn’t be any better! CRASH MCLARSON I missed you guys. And I’ll take action and adventure to selling panty hose any day! The Aquabats all laugh together. INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT The portal has reached it’s full potential. It it now almost a living, breathing thing. Bolts of electricity SHOOT from it at random. It is glowing, and streams of color swirl around it’s parts. Jimmy is almost finished. him, and he collapses.

Zeeborg removes the wires from

ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You’ll get your strength back. Take a pain killer, and you’ll be back to normal, yo. A hologram of Monster M appears. MONSTER M Is it ready? ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You bet your fat sack of presents, Santa. Perfect.



EXT. DISTANT PLANET - NIGHT This planet wreaks of death. It is cold, dark rock. CRACKLE in the sky and the wind blows harsh.


Monster M’s voice echo’s through the galaxy. MONSTER M (O.S.) Floating Eye of Death, come forth. An enormous eyeball floats forward out of a dark cave. has long pink tentacles and looks horrific.


MONSTER M (O.S.) (CONT'D) The time has come. A giant portal swirls open before the Floating Eye. slowly passes through.


INT. AQUABATS HOUSE - DAY The four jolly Aquabats walk into their house. Crash sits down, happy to be home. He picks up the remote control and turns the television on. There is a live breaking newscast being broadcast. HANNAH LILLYWHITE We urge you to stay indoors until further notice. The city is under attack by what appears to be some kind of alien life form. We go now to live footage. The Floating Eye of Death is causing ultimate destruction in downtown Los Angeles. It is as tall as the tallest buildings, and as wide as a zeppelin. It fires a laser from the center of it’s eye and blows up building, cars, and anything else in it’s way. It’s tentacles are crashing through buildings, and pulling trees and light polls up out of the ground. People flee for their lives. The Aquabats, motionless, are in complete shock. The phone rings. MC picks up the phone and the Professor is yelling through it before he can even say “hello”. THE PROFESSOR (O.S.) Aquabats! You must get to my lab, immediately!


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Are you seeing this? THE PROFESSOR Yes MC, this one is off the charts! THE MC BAT COMMANDER We have to get downtown. THE PROFESSOR No, you mustn’t. You can’t fight this on your own. You will surely be destroyed! Meet me at the lab, I can help. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Be right there. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - DAY Professor and the Aquabats are running through the lab. THE PROFESSOR I’ve been saving the rent checks my parents have been sending me for the last 10 years for this very moment. The Professor pushes a button on the wall, and a hole opens in the floor. Follow me!


He jumps in the hole. The Aquabats follow. They all travel through a tube and fall through the ceiling of a secret underground lair. In awe, the Aquabats stare at vehicles before them. A super cool car. A sleek and polished motorcycle. A futuristic fighter jet. A speed boat that sits in the water. The glossy vehicles sparkle with brilliance, each one painted carefully with the Aquabat symbol. Wow.




THE PROFESSOR Yes I have, and they are finally finished. If you’re to have any chance against that Eye, you will need these. Hurry Aquabats. The world depends on you. The Aquabats run to the vehicles and climb aboard. MC to the car. Crash to the jet. Chainsaw to the motorcycle. Ricky to the boat. The Professor pushes a button on a remote. The side of the cave opens, showing the water leading to the ocean outside. The vehicles BLAST into the distance. EXT. LOS ANGELES - DAY The Aquabats race to the city with fury. eye in the distance.

They can see the

INT. AQUABAT SUPER CAR - DAY MC is tearing through the streets. his radar. Got him!

A huge blip appears on


CRASH MCLARSON (O.S.) (through the intercom) I see him too. Ditto.


CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE (O.S.) Let’s get him. EXT. LOS ANGELES - DAY The Aquabat super car turns onto the street where the Floating Eye of Death is causing so much destruction. The military is trying to fight back, and hold their ground. They hit him with everything they’ve got. Tank ammunition and machine gun rounds are hardly making a dent. It just irritates the Eye even more. THE MC BAT COMMANDER We’ve got to get him away from all of these people!


I’m on it!


The jet soars towards the eye. Crash hits a button and fires a missile towards it. Direct hit. The blast throws the eye back a little, and now it is VERY angry. It fires a laser from it’s eye towards Crash, but he is able to dodge it. CRASH MCLARSON (CONT'D) Time to jet! The Floating Eye is now chasing the Aquabat jet. The Bat Commander and Chainsaw catch up to the back of it. Chainsaw hits the chain gun attached to the motorcycle. Bullets whiz into the back of the Eye. This distracts the Eye from Crash, but now has drawn it’s attention towards the car and motorcycle on the street below. Uh oh!


Tentacles reach for the vehicles, but just miss. The laser begins to shoot up the ground on each side of them. They swerve to avoid being zapped. A laser beam creates a giant pot hole in front of the motorcycle. Chainsaw YANKS the throttle. This sends a fiery blast from the exhaust, and shoots the motorcycle into the sky, safely sailing over the pothole. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Ricky, meet us just outside the city! RICKY FITNESS (O.S.) You got it, MC. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Let’s step on it dudes! The Aquabats speed up, but the Floating Eye of Death is right on their tails. They reach the city limits, and push right past to the ocean in the distance. Ricky’s speed boat is shooting fire out the back, jumping each wave as he gets closer. MC and Chainsaw skid to a stop in the dirt. The eye approaches. Crash does circles around the Eye in his jet, but it is undeterred, ready to consume it’s prey on the ground.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Wait for it. The Eye draws nearer. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Wait for it. The Eye reaches slowly with it’s tentacles. the car and motorcycle in it’s reach... NOW!

Just as it has


Each Aquabat slams on a vehicle button. The boat, car, and motorcycle blast into the air. The vehicles forms begin to alter in the air and come into formation. The motorcycle encases Chainsaw, as it wraps around him. Each vehicle transforms, and pieces fold. They attach to each other as it continues to grow. In it’s finished form, the vehicles have combined to form a giant robot. It is just as tall as the Eye, and has a robotic head that resembles the head of a bald eagle. The Aquabats are now sitting at the control panel inside of Giant Robot-Birdhead. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Let’s give this eye guy a taste of his own medicine! Giant Robot-Birdhead fires a missile from it’s arm. It explodes on the Floating Eye, and does some damage. The Eye charges Giant Robot-Birdhead. Giant Robot-Birdhead charges right back. The towering foes collide in the middle. The Eye wraps up the limbs of Giant Robot-Birdhead with it’s tentacles and begins to send an electric shock through it. The Aquabats fall inside, as they feel this shock. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE Get this thing off of us! I can’t!


From the floor, Crash reaches with all his might. His finger is so close to a button, and finally pushes it. The chest of Giant Robot-Birdhead opens and a fire thrower protrudes from it.

84. It’s flames fire into the Eye, causing it to release it’s grip as it lets out a screech. The Aquabats are able to stand. Giant Robot-Birdhead grabs the fire thrower with it’s hand, and continues sending fire towards the Eye, burning the tentacles off. This keeps the Eye at bay, until it fires a laser at the flame thrower, knocking it from Giant RobotBirdheads hand. The Floating Eye fires lasers repeatedly at Giant RobotBirdhead. The Aquabats are violently thrown with each hit. Giant Robot-Birdhead falls down against a hill. What now?!


They spot a huge boulder on the hill directly in front of them. Giant Robot-Birdhead picks of the boulder and hurls it toward the Eye. The boulder crumbles against they Eye, causing some critical damage. Both giants are tattered and torn. ready for one last stand.

They face each other

THE MC BAT COMMANDER It’s time to finish this mano-amano. Giant Robot-Birdhead takes off into a sprint towards the Floating Eye of Death. It fires a laser towards Giant RobotBirdhead. Just a slight lean to the left causes the laser to miss. Giant Robot-Birdhead reaches the Eye and grabs it by the eye lid. Giant Robot-Birdhead begins to spin...faster and faster. The nervous Eye looks frantically in all directions. On the final rotation, Giant Robot-Birdhead releases the Floating Eye of Death, sending it rocketing into outer space. Earth is calm again. The Aquabats breath a sigh of relief. Giant Robot-Birdhead begins to deconstruct. On the ground, the Aquabats step out of their vehicles. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Nice work dudes. The earth is safe again. The Aquabats congratulate each other. watch.

MC speaks into his

THE MC BAT COMMANDER (CONT'D) Professor, it’s finished.


THE PROFESSOR (O.S.) (through watch) Good work Aquabats! I knew you could do it! Now hurry home, and we’ll celebrate. THE MC BAT COMMANDER You making the sandwiches? THE PROFESSOR (O.S.) You got it, dude. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (laughing) He said dude. Shall we bros? The Aquabats head to their vehicles. Ricky stops when he realizes that his boat is now on land. RICKY FITNESS Can I ride with you, MC? THE MC BAT COMMANDER I’ll even let you drive, Ricky. Really?


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Maybe next time. The wind begins to pick up. The dust swirls as a portal flashes open behind them. Zeeborg, the sandfleas, and Jimmy the Robot step through. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN You thought you was off the hizzle, but you was wrong mo fo! The Aquabats turn to face their enemy, who are standing in front of a still open portal. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (angry) Zeeborg, you wannabee. You’re gonna pay for what you did to my brother! Each of the Aquabats back this up with a look that could kill.


ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN He ain’t your brother no more Bat Commander. He’s my homey now. Take ‘em out sandfleas! The sandfleas attack. CRASH MCLARSON I’ll handle this. Crash grabs two sandfleas and knocks their heads together. He picks one up over his head and throws it a mile away. There is one left, and it charges Crash with a nasty snarl. Just as the sandflea reaches him, Crash uppercuts it, sending the sandflea straight up, and then straight down. KO. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Everyone knows the sandfleas are weak, yo. Good thing I gotz me a robot! Break some bones for me robot, starting with that big fat one. Jimmy follows the orders and marches towards Crash. CRASH MCLARSON I can’t fight you Jimmy. Crash pays for this, as Jimmy’s robot leg extends, kicking him in the stomach. Crash barrels over, and Jimmy back hands him. Still standing, but very phased, Crash puts his hand on Jimmy’s shoulder for balance. Jimmy grabs Crash by the front of his wetsuit, and SLAMS his head into Crash’s. This blow sends Crash crumbling to the ground. Jimmy sets his sights on Ricky. RICKY FITNESS (nervous) I can’t fight you either, Jimmy. Jimmy runs toward Ricky, hitting him in the chest with his shoulder. He delivers a sonic blast when they connect and this sends Ricky through the air. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE I can’t do it. Giving Chainsaw a taste of his own medicine, Jimmy delivers a powerful karate chop right into the neck of Chainsaw. This crippling move drops him immediately. That Bat Commander is the only one left standing.


ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Well, well, well. Isn’t that sweet? It’s like a family reunion up in here. THE MC BAT COMMANDER You’re slime Zeeborg! ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Looks like we’ve saved the best for last, right robot? Stomp this fool! Effortlessly, Jimmy sweeps the Bat Commanders feet out from below him. MC hits the ground with a hard THUD. Jimmy steps on the Bat Commanders, neck and begins to choke him. THE MC BAT COMMANDER You’re my brother, Jimmy. And I’ll always love you because of that. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Shut your mouth fool! Jimmy applies more pressure. THE MC BAT COMMANDER You don’t have to do this Jimmy. Yes I do.


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Look at what he’s done to you, Jimmy. Don’t you remember who you are? Don’t you know me? JIMMY THE ROBOT I don’t know you. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Yes you do Jimmy. You do! I’m your brother, MC. Try to remember. I’m your big brother, Jimmy. And these are your brothers too. And we’ve always looked after you. Jimmy begins to slightly malfunction, as he lightens the foot pressure he is applying. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN Crush him already Robot! What are you waiting for.


Jimmy tries to focus on the task at hand, once again. He steps down harder than before. The Bat Commander can barely breath. THE MC BAT COMMANDER (gasping) I’m your big brother, Jimmy. Please don’t forget about your big brother. Jimmy begins to spark and pop. CLOSE UP on Jimmy’s eyes. His memory bank is retrieving data and it reads across his eyes. BEGIN FLASHBACK INT. PROFESSOR’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Jimmy and his young brothers are watching a scary monster movie. All of them are frightened by the scene except for Jimmy. He puts his arm around Ricky, who takes comfort in this. EXT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - DAY Jimmy and his young brothers have built a very cool skateboard ramp. They each take turns launching off it. Jimmy pumps on his board and hits the ramp. He falls over backward on the ground. His brother help him up, and hoist him up on their shoulders and carry him around. INT. PROFESSOR’S BEDROOM - DAY Young Crash is working on some math homework, but is totally stumped. Jimmy sits down next to him, and starts computing the problems. In seconds, he has answered all of the questions. Crash gives him a big bear hug. INT. PROFESSOR’S GARAGE - DAY The young band is writing their first song and it’s a mess. They all collaborate and throw out suggestions. MC, is trying to get control of the group. He is counting off time, and trying to get everyone to play together.


EXT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - DAY A young MC is riding his bike, while Jimmy watches from the sidewalk. MC pulls up to him and motions for him to sit on the handlebars. He helps Jimmy up and then takes him for a ride. The brother have the time of their lives. END FLASHBACK Still CLOSE UP on Jimmy’s eyes. They are no longer white and lifeless, but have returned to their normal color. A single tear falls from Jimmy’s eye and onto his cheek. Jimmy takes his foot off of MC’s neck. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN What do you think you’re doing dawg? Jimmy extends his hand to help The Bat Commander up. MC takes his hand and stands up. Zeeborg runs and pushes Jimmy out of the way, who falls to the ground. He grabs The Bat Commander from behind, with his arm around his neck. He pulls a ray gun out of his waist band, putting it to MC’s head. Zeeborg takes a few steps back with MC, towards the open portal. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) You one stupid robot, man! I gave you the chance, but it looks like I’m gonna just have to just take care of this myself. The other Aquabats are now becoming conscious. ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) Whachoo lookin’ at fools?! Yeah, I got a gat! And I ain’t afraid to use it, neither! Jimmy is on the ground stomach down. contact.

He and MC make eye

ZEEBORG THE GANGSTER ALIEN (CONT'D) I’m about to pop this fool off, and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it! NOW MC!



The Bat Commander does a back flip right out of Zeeborg’s grasp. While MC is mid flip in the air, Jimmy’s arm detaches and fires a rocket punch directly into Zeeborgs chest. This catapults him back through the portal. CUT TO: INT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Zeeborg is hurled through the portal by the rocket punch and SMASHES directly into the portal device, which explodes upon impact. EXT. ZEEBORG’S SPACESHIP - NIGHT Zeeborgs ship explodes into a million pieces. CUT TO: EXT. CALIFORNIA DESERT - DAY The portal collapses on itself and evaporates into thin air. The Bat Commander walks to Jimmy, and extends his hand. Jimmy reaches up with his one arm, and pulls himself up. The Aquabats are tired and beaten, but stand together. They embrace Jimmy, and begin to walk into the setting sun. INT. PROFESSOR’S LAB - DAY The Professor is attaching Jimmy’s new prosthetic arm. Aquabats and Venus are all in attendance. VENUS (to Jimmy) We’ve never really met. I mean we’ve crossed paths...very literally...but yeah. I’m Venus. JIMMY THE ROBOT Very nice to meet you Venus. name is Jimmy.


VENUS Yeah, I know. I’ve heard all about you.



THE PROFESSOR There you are Jimmy, I’m just putting on the final touches. Jimmy’s hand on the new arm is wearing a black glove. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) You’ll only need to wear the glove until I finish the artificial skin for your hand. CHAINSAW THE PRINCE OF KARATE A black glove? Is that supposed to be cool or something? JIMMY THE ROBOT You think that’s cool? Watch this! The prosthetic arm sucks the black glove off the robotic hand, and replaces it with a sparkling one. Jimmy does a few Michael Jackson dance moves, spot on. Everyone laughs. THE PROFESSOR Oh yes, I almost forgot! The Professor digs through some of his inventions, and pulls out a small microchip. THE PROFESSOR (CONT'D) I finished the emotion emulator while you were missing, Jimmy! I couldn’t hardly sleep at night with you gone, so I put my time to good use. Jimmy smiles. JIMMY THE ROBOT Thank you Professor...but I don’t think I’ll be needing that anymore. The Professor puts the microchip in his lab coat pocket. puts his hands on Jimmy’s shoulders. THE PROFESSOR I am truly happy for you my son. JIMMY THE ROBOT I am too, Professor. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Quiet you guys! Here it is!



MC turns up the volume on the television. HANNAH LILLYWHITE They are called “The Aquabats” and they have saved planet earth. We owe them a debt of gratitude, that can never be fully paid. Unfortunately, they declined an interview, but as it turns out...these super heros also happen to be a pretty rockin’ band. They have a brand new album they just released on Gabba records, and have a show scheduled this Friday in downtown Los Angeles. MC clicks the TV off. THE MC BAT COMMANDER Did you hear that guys? She called us a rockin’ band! That means she bought the album! Let’s turn this place into High Five City! All arms go up together and slap a righteous group high five. INT. AWESOME VENUE - NIGHT The stage is black and the crowd is cheering, “AQUABATS!...AQUABATS!...AQUABATS!” The bass and drums launch into the Aquabats “Theme Song” The lights go up and the crowd goes WILD. The kids are wearing signature Aquabat goggles, helmet’s, and rash guards. Beach balls are bouncing, kids are singing along. Venus watches happily from backstage, as the Aquabats give the performance of a lifetime. This is their shining moment. The Professor jumps off the stage and crowd surf’s around the venue. They finish the song and the kids go NUTS. JUST THEN, the entire roof of the venue starts to peel back. Ruble is falling, and kids are screaming. Monster M is ENORMOUS, and actually ripping the roof off with his bare hands. He is VERY ANGRY. MONSTER M You’ll pay for this Aquabats!


The Aquabats aren’t scared. moment.

They’ve been waiting for this

THE MC BAT COMMANDER Ready guys? Ready!


THE MC BAT COMMANDER Let’s rock! The song “Meltdown!” BLASTS in. During the first few beats of the song, the camera passes each Aquabat one by one as they get into fighting stance. On the very first intense “Whoa”, the screen cuts to black and the credits EXPLODE onto the screen. FADE OUT Midway through credits, “Meltdown!” fades out. “Awesome Forces!” plays for the remainder of credits.

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