The Appointed Times Of Yahuah And Their Messianic Fulfillments: Part 6 Of 7 Yom Kippur And The Great White Throne Judgment

  • May 2020
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Although I do not, in any way wish to cast any dispersions on Michael Rood's very excellent presentation on how he believes that the Messianic fulfillment of Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) will occur 10 days after Yahushua returns to set up the Millennial kingdom when He reveals the Ark of the Covenant and the "kippur" (covering or lid) where His blood had been shed; I do believe this will happen, but I do not believe it to be the ultimate fulfillment or the appointed time called Yom Kippur, but rather, the Great White Throne Judgement. I want to compare and contrast my view with that of Michael Rood where it is 10 days into the Millennium. I also want to compare and contrast my view with that of Zola Leavitt. Then I want to share how I came to view The Great White Throne Judgment as the ultimate Messianic fulfillment of Yom Kippur. This is the order in which I will discuss Yom Kippur and the Great White Throne Judgment: (1) Michael Rood's view; (2) Zola Leavitt's view; and (3) My view. (1) Whereas some are saying that Michael is just another paid false prophet, I feel that he is a human that can make human being mistakes, but is doing the best he can with the light he is given, which in my view is pretty bright. I like His view that Yahushua will reveal His blood on the Ark of the Covenant on Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) on the 10th day of the 7th month in the 1st year of the 7th Millennium, and I do not dispute that. in fact, I think that this view is cool, and awesome, and it makes a lot of sense. I believe Michael Rood should be commended for this. What I take exception with is the notion that this event is the ultimate Messianic fulfillment of Yom Kippur. That brings me to Zola Leavitt's view. (2) Although it was Zola that captured my interest in the whole subject of the 7 "Holidays" that the Messiah did fulfill as opposed to those He didn't (Christmas, Easter, etc.), I have come to veer off from just how the Messiah fulfilled those appointed times, and this is one of them. Whereas Zola taught, and I respect his view, that Yom Kippur is fulfilled by the event of the 2nd Coming when "they will look upon Him whom they have pierced and will mourn as for an only child". This verse, to my thinking, fits Michael Rood's view of an event that occurs 10 days into the 7th Millennium. You see, Zola taught that Yom Teruah (Day of the Sounding, literally) was fulfilled by the rapture of the church and that Yom Kippur was fulfilled 7 years later by the "Feast of Trumpets". Although I once held Zola's view entirely, I now hold with Michael Rood, Ralph Woodrow, and many others that there is no 2 stage rapture/second coming taught and Scripture and I know that Yom Teruah is not a feast, but rather an appointed time. That brings the discussion around to my view. (3) In my view, to find the "ultimate" or last fulfillment of Yom Kippur, you need to start at the back of the Scriptures and come forward from there to see that the last Messianic fulfillment of this set apart time is in Revelation 20:12 where we see that the books were opened, the book of life, and the other books (notice the plural, not singular form), and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. I searched this out, prayed, and did a lot of research and discovered that it is taught in the synagogue that at the 10th of the 10 days of Teshuvim (roughly translated, repentence) called Yom Kippur, the book of life and the other books (the intermediate book and the book of death) are opened and if your name is in the intermediate book, your 10 day window of opportunity to repent and get your name written in the book of life is closed. If your "repentence" wasn't sufficient, so it is taught in the synagogue, your name is written in the book of death. To me, the parallel here is unmistakeable, and I believe Yahuchanan the Emmisery was aware of this teaching when he wrote about the Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20, which leads me to believe that Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement and 6th of 7 appointed times of Yahuah, is fulfilled by the Great White Throne Judgment. So far as the Messianic pattern is concerned, I believe that the 6th appointed time continues

from the 3rd, as the work of the 6th day of creation continues from the work of the 3rd day of creation. This leads us to my conclusion. In conclusion, as much as I esteem Zola Leavitt and Michael Rood and respect their views concerning the Messianic fulfillment of Yom Kippur, my view of the view has come to veer from them as I tried to search out the Scripture and tried to fit the Messianic pattern. Zola Leavitt taught that Yom Kippur is to be fulfilled by the 2nd Coming of Mashiach. Michael Rood teaches that the ultimate fulfillment of Yom Kippur is an event of the revealing of the Ark of the Covenant 10 days after the beginning of the Millennium. I teach that Yom Kippur is fulfilled by the Great White Throne Judgment. And that is my topic: the appointed times of Yahuah and their Messianic fulfillments: part 6 of 7, Yom Kippur and the Great White Throne Judgment.

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